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TURF GOSSIP. Nominations for the Amberlcy B.C. Annual Meeting, and the Egmont and Auckland K.C.'s Winter Meetings (principal events at the last named) close tomorrow. Acceptances for the South Canterbury Jockey Club's Autumn Meeting > close tomorrow nt 8 p.m. Charlatan is at present looking in splendid condition for jumping events ahead, and is tho most likely candidate for steeplechase honours at liiecarton. Tho two hard races she had at Trentham last week proved too much for Gold Light, and she will not race again for some time, if nt all. A team of horses from the "West Coast, in charge of J. W. Jennings, arrived at Kiccorton yesterday, and will bo put through their final preparations there prior to being taken ' to fulfil engagements at the South Canterbury Meeting next week. The team comprised Princo Ferouz, Tenterfield, All Gold, Cashmnn, North Inch, and Rapid Rose. The last-named is to be handed over to J. B. Pearson to be prepared for hurdle racing. It now transpires that the reason why Mask was not entered for this year's' New Zealand St. Leger Stakes, run at Trentham on Thursday last, and won by Star Stranger, whom lie defeated at Auckland at Easter, was due to tho fact that tjjo entries for the Trentham raco closed in September, 1923. At that time Mask was under a cloud owing to a slight injury, and on that account was not nominated. Los Ambus was accepted for in two events on the first day's enrd of the Mnnawatu Meeting, but the trainer decided on Monday to cancel tho trip. Log Ambus and Receipt are now at Biccarton under tho care at F. Voight, and both will bo taken to Timaru on Tuesday next. At Trentham Receipt showed signs of hor recent hard racing, but tho nominations for tho South Canterbury Meeting reveal tho fact thnt out of tho 12 flat ovents on the programme, tho name of Paper Money's three-year-old daughter figures in no fewer than six of them, 'H. McSweenoy, who rode Dubious, tho winner of the Karere Hurdles at Awapuni yesterday, was afterwards suspended for the rest of tho fleeting for crossing Comedy Prince in the straight. That veteran jumper First Line, who has such a good record over tho Riccarton Steeplechase country, was a starter in the Karere Hurdles at the Mnnawatu Meeting yesterday, but hurdle racing is not his forte, and in any case the, distance was too short for him. He was the outsider of the field, and was always last, but later on, over country; he-is certain to do better. Dubious, the winner of the KaTere Hurdles at the Manawatu Meeting, as by Demosthenes or Formative from that famous maro La Motte, dam of Nightfall and -Noctutform. Dubious, who has more pace than the average jumper, has to his credit a victory in the Century Hurdles at Wangamii last season. R Recti was in good form at the Munawatu Autumn Meeting yesterday, as ho won' the two chief handicaps, the iPrlnee' of Wales Handicap and the • Telegraph Handicap, as well as the Awapuni. Gold Cup. M. McCarten.rode the winner of the Sires Produco Stakes and tho.Linton Hack Handicap, and the other. aiocossfuV/fiAers W*e &■ Goldfinch, ty.McSwoon«y, and "S.. Wilbou. Before tho decision of tie Manawatu Sires Stakes , yesterday, tho tumoral opinion was that tho. two-year-*ld supromacv-.lay between V. a " d « r . *»tl Commendation, though in tho betting Cominondation was a strong favourite, 8 with Limerick just a-little, bettor backed than Lysander. The result proved that as far as staying MM* aro concerned Limerick is the best .of that trio, for after being slow to begin, and giving tho leaders a start of several wths- 6ver the last half mile, he Sed on?n great stylo to beat .Lysander in a stirring finish. Limerick is a ha f-irothe? by UI to that good horso Ballymena, and his, form in the Challenge Stakes at Bl*« M £V an * *J the race under notice shows that ie has inherited from his dam, Medleyl genuine stamina. Lysander •tack to his task well after making £ pace for most of the journey but was d».ppoM*. he was only 'about a &h away from the winner. His dam, ffirv has proluced some brilliant SSrs but tfiev have not. been noted £ s&, and Commendation has yet to po?e himself the exception Ho W not vet been properly cured of uis Waywardness at the post. *** he h ™? bit at the turn for horn? jester-. ;ißat)ine'a performance in the'AwapuKotlicSp yesterday could have been accomplished only by a high-daw £. With%.2 on his back, he made tmv running for over a mile, and his time of 2 4 4-6 for the distance has -.& bcajen■oriy once in the htotajtf the race; That was in 1919, when SarXwitfc 8.12, ran the ton furlongs in one-fifth of a .second I less. After the race the president of the ■> club, Mr Charles Lomsson, congratuBMr A..8. Williams on the success if* Hap ne and also the trainer and Tockev forthb part they had played flu.handsome gold cup was then presented by Mrs I*™ n to Mr Williams. With such a proved stayer as Rapine, H. R&O* certainly adopted the right course in-setting a solid pace as he did. • •• Small dividends were the order of " the day at' Awapuni yesterday Three -first favourites were successful, three .second favourites, and two third favourites. r The acceptances .for the .second, day of the Manawatu Racing Clubs lAutumn Meeting' are quite satisfac;tor.Vi and there should be another 'cood day's racing. Grand Knight has v beeri soh a hard task in tho Tamnteto Cup with 10 1 to carry, and Tresham jrnd Hipo rend more attractively. Limerick has been left in the Manawatu Stakes, but over six furlongs.ho may finch some of the others too brilliant for 'Him in the earlv stages, and Seatown and Kiosk will probably prove his hardest opponents. In the other races, Sottaho, Quillfire, Star Area, Euphonium, Eloquent. Merry Jest, Kilmiss, and Bon March should run well. TROTTING NOTES. Acceptances for the Forbury Park T.C.'jj Winter Meeting close to-morrow »t s*p.m. dominations for the Kowai Trot Handicap of. 100 sovs, 3.54 class, one mile and a half, and the Tevjotdal© Trot Handicap of 100 sovs, 2.24 class, one mile, to be'decided at the Amberley R.C.'s Annual Meeting, close tomorrow with the seoretary at the- Canterbury Jockey Club's room, Chnst.v * ehurch. ', A special horse, train leave ■jDhristchurch for Dunediu on WcdneskAAj at 7 a.m., stopping at Sockburn, •I/Mkaia, Ashburton, and Timaru, nrriv'<f#f>s -fionedin at 3.27. p.m. Tho rewill be made on May Ist l, mK*'jfci,'f anaVthe train is due to . <Jww<Mfo<Christehurch at 6 a.m. on ' May 2nd.

Daphne "Wildwood, Some Jazz and Why Worn - , arrived from the north yesterday, to fullil their engagements nt AshburtMi.

Excellent acceptances have been received by tho Ashburton T.C. for its Autumn '.Meeting. Amongst the horses engaged are Countryman, Talent, Succession, Event. Cardinal Logan, Becky Logan, fcjea Fenrl, Fight Ever, Judge Hancock, Silk Thread, Trenand, Ayr, Lntona, Shine Soon, Nantwicb, (jleamiug. Prince Lyons, Daphne Wildwood, Koraki. Kelman, Jtaudoplh.. Some Jazz, Fnirlight, Notirmahal, and l'roud Ata. The Canterbury Park Trotting Club has i.s.»necl the programme for its Winter -Meeting, which will Ihj held on Thursday and Saturday, June 3rd and oth. The hit of events and the stakes attached thereto arc up to what is expected from this progressive body,- ami there is certain to be keen competition for the prizes offered. In pride of placo on tho first day is the King (jcorge Handicap (in harness), of 600 sovs, for horses that have done 4.32 or better for two miles, while on tho becond day tho I'aparua Handicap (in harness) for horses thnt can do 4.84 or better for two miles, is worth .TOO sovs. The sprint events arc worth 900 and 3-% sws respectively, while the races for unhopplcd trotters range from 17-5 to 2-jO sovs.

While, the Forbury Park Trotting Club is to be commended upon its progressive policy in offering a purse of 100 sovs for the horse does the best time inside '2.7 »'-3, the announcement bus been made rather late, for tho reason that tho majority of the good horses aro out of commission, namely Sheik. Onvx, Acron, Logan Chief, Waitaki Ciifl, Don Wild, Pedro Pronto, and Great Hojkj. However, thoro is every possibility that Minton Derby will attempt to lower the record, and should his owner-trainer, W. J Tomkinson, decide* favourably, there is little doubt that the presenco of_ Minton Derby at the Meeting will prove air attraction, and add considerable interest to the days' racing. T. G. Fox is devoting a lot of time to Queen Ida and Nelson Boy, and both horses are striding along satisfactorily in their work. Kcccntly tho Poverty Bnj- Trotting Club offered to loan to the Hawko's Bay Trotting Club their one-day racing permit for the current season, and application was at onco mado by the latter body to tho A'ew Zealand Trotting Association for the necessary authority to tako over the permit and hold a race meeting in Hastings on June 3rd. The Association has now notified tho Hawke's Bay Club that permission will bo granted, subject to tho approval of tho Minister for Internal Affairs. The clul, has only held two one-day totalisator meetings in 1925 and 1926, since its formation a few years ago, but both have been eminently successful, and it must be gratifying to the energetic committee in Hastings to realise that this fulfilment of their ambition to establish tho sport in tho Hawke's Bay district will receive a decided fillip by the extra day's gathering on tho King's.Birthday. MANAWATU R.C RAPINE AND LIMERICK WIN. (PBE33 ASBOCUWON TELEGBAM.) PALMERSTON NORTH, April 21. .The Manawatu Raoing Club'» Autumn ■Meeting w»s opened to-day in fine weather. There was a good attendance. Tho track was very hard. Great interest wbb shown on account cl the quality of the horaea engaged in tho classic- events, and the raoing throughout was of a high order. Tho totalisator investments were £33,929 ns compared with £27,856 on the corresponding day fast year. Results:—

WOODL3Y HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; 6f-3 DOBBIX 8 H. Goldfinch .1; ■6 Vivo 7'2 2; 8 Bonideer 83, 1 Benzora. 91; 2 Quillflro 89; 4 Minstrel Boy 7 9; 9 Salamis 7D; 7 Rapiata 7; 11 Grand "National 7; 6 Mountain Jean 7; 10 Mister (jamp 7; 12 Eurella 7 also started. Won by a short heck; same second and third. Time, 1.14 3-5.

KARERE HURDLES HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; l|m-2 DUBIOUS 10 11 H. McSweeney 1; 1 Comedy Princo 10 9 2; 5 Slump 9 3. 9 Nukumai 12 11; 10 Sir Fanciful 11 3; 7 Puwhero 10 12; 6 Askari 10, 8; 11 First Line 9; 3 Matu 9; 4 Wilmoreana 9; 8 Moutba Lady 9 also started. Won by one and a half lengths; a length between second and third. Time, 3.13 2-5.

PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP, of 400 sovs; second 80, third 40. 9f. 1. E. Simpson's b f DEGAGE by Kilbroney—Mios De Vsl 4yrs 8 9 R. Reed 1 4. T. H. Lowry's b g Phoenix Park 4yrs 7 9 .. ..J. Barry 5s 5. G. M. Cnrrie's br g The Thorn 3yrs 88 L. G. Morris 3

3 Ngata 9 8 B. H. Morri3; 2 Glenross 9 5 M. McCarten; 7 Imperial Spark 8 3 R. J. Mackio; 10 Novar 7 18 H. E. Goldfinch; 11 Gaze 7 9 E. A. Keesing; 12 Kilfaire 7 7 S. Wilson; 6 Vaward 7 T.' Green; -7 Zaragoza 7 C. Eastwood »nd Crossfire 7 T. Tito bracketed; 8 Royal Diadem 7 F. Dunn also started. Won by a length and a half; a neck between second and third. Time, 1.52 1-5.

TE MATAI HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; 1m 110yds—3 PHANTASY 7 S. Wilson 1 1 Kilmiss 7 9 2; 4 Perle d« Leon 95 3. 2 Rangisarto 85; 7 Koauatt 7 7; 6 Closefire 7 4; 5 Asleep 7 3; 8 Panart 7; 9 Capitulation 7 also started. Won b>a short neck; a head between second and third. Time, 1.491-5. MANAWATU SIRES' PRODUCE STAKES, of 600 sovs; second 100, third 50, tho nominator of the sire of tho winner 75, and of the eiro of the second horso 25; for two-year-olda; special weights with penalties and allowances.' 7f. 2. H. A. Knight's br or blk g LIMERICK by Limond—Medley 8 10 M. McCarten 1 3. G. M. Currie's b c Lysandcr by Absurd —Pennon 9 .. L. G. Morris 2 5. J. Frederick's ch g Seatown by Archiestown—Seasprite 8 5 H. Reod 3 1 Commendation 9 H. Goldfinch 7 Hynanna 8 R. J. Mackie; 6 Magna Charta 8 J. Barry; 4 Alyson 711 T. Green also started. Won by » neck; a head between second and third. Time, 1.261-5. AWAPUNI GOLD CUP, of 520 sovs; second 80, third 40; weight-for-age; l{m. 1. A. B. Williams's b g RAPINE by Martian—Pineta 6yrs 9 2 R. Reed 1 3. G. F. Moore's ch g Reremoana syrs 9 2 .. ... L. G. Morris 3 2. V. Riddiford's br h Grand Knight syrs 9 2 .. .. B. H. Morris 3 4 Mask 8 6 M. McCarten also started. Won by two lengths; half a length between second and third. Time, 2.4 4-5. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of 300 ?ovs; 6f-l CIVILITY 8 12 R. Reed 1; 8 Kaiti 7 9 2; 6 Peneus 9 5 3. 4 Inferno 95; 7 Rational 92; 3 Oration 83; 5 Archeen 7 13; 2 Killocra.' 79; 11 Misgovern 7; 0 Miss Hupana 7 also started. Won by half a length; a length bctweon second and third. Time, 1.13 2-5. LINTON HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; 7f—2 EDEN HALL 8 3 M. McCarten 1; 1 Great Day 8 2 2; 5 Lin Arlington 7 113. 9 Brigadier Bill 8 13; 4 Anklet 8 13; 3 Serenade 8 8; 8 Red Fuchsia 8 4; 10 Lady Isinglass 7 13; 7 Superb King 7 11; 6 Windy Night 7 11; 11 Imperial Purso 7 11 also started. Won by a- bare length; three-quarters of a length between second and third. Time, 1.28. NOTES ON THE RACING. (SFECIAL TO "THE JpnEBS.") PALMERSTON NORTH, April 21. Windy Night and Otaura Eclipso wero scratched for tho Woodhcy Hack Handicap, in which Benzora and Quillfire monopolised the betting. Bonideer and Benzora wero prominent when tho field settled down after an excellent start, but when tho straight was reached Vivo and Dobbin put in their claims, and Dobbin, finishing well, beat Vivo by a head, with Bonideer close up third. Quillfire was fourth and Benzora fifth, ij Dobbin, who is owned in tho Auckland province, and is trained at Matamata, raced at Wellington last week, and, though unsuccessful there, showed very fair form. He is by that successful sire Quin Abbey, who has so many winning representatives in the Auckland district.

Eonniark, Sottana, and Blood Red were withdrawn from the Karere Hurdles Handicap. Comedy Prince was just a littlo better fancied than Dubious, with Matu and Wilraoroana- very evenly backed just behind them. Matu and Moutoa Lady wero tho early leaders, but passing the stand Wilmoreona and Moutoa Lady were in front, with Slump close behind them. Six furlongs from home Comedy Prince and Slump were in the lead, with Puwhero next. In the straight Puwhero dropped back, and Dubious camo

with a great nin, which landed him a comfortable winner from Comedy Prince, who was just in front of Slump. Puwhero was placed fourth, though Sir fanciful appeared to fim«h in that position.

There was a big list of scratching* in the Princo of Wales Handicap, Royal Divorce, Hipo. Piuthair, Good Sport, Ticga, Kiiceit, Los Ambus, Archeen, Modern, Diogenes, De Luxe, Allmarimba and Star Area all bein? witlxiraTTn. Zaratjoza was quickest to begin from a good start, with The Thorn, Dcgase, and Phcenix Park just behind her aa they turned out of the straight. Running alongthe back The Thorn and Phcenix Park headed Zaragona until Gaze improved hia position. The field was bunched as they came into the straight, but Degage, who had always been wcii placed, finished, with a good run and wen decisively from Phoenix Park. The Thorn had no difficulty in beating Zarago7.a. for third place, and the latter was well tier cf Gaze, Imperial Spark, and (ilcuro.'S. Ns-nta was prominent in the early stage", but was well beaten a good •xty from home. Oth"ii, Dubious, Serenade, Ucnnaucr, and Singer Boy were, withdrawn from the Tc Mate.i Hack Handicap. Kilmias, who bad phown good form at Trentham last Saturday, was made a better favourite than Kangisaito, who was just in front of Phantasy in the betting. Phantasy waa one of the' quickest to begin, • and though she was steadied along tho back, where Capitulation ran into the lend, she put in a fine run in tho straight and won in good stylo from Kilmiss, who had beaten her last Saturday. Of the soven starters for tho Eighteenth Manawatu Sires Produce Stakes, Commendation was made a strong favourite, while Limerick was hist a little better backed than Lvsander." Alyson was also fatrly well supported, but she was never in tho 1 ii-Uire when it rama to the race and was last all the way. There was porno delay nt the post, chiefly caused by Comnicn'lation, who was eventually led into tho barrier and got away well. " LvFnndcr displayed his customary brilliancy at the start and he showed out from Commendation, with Magna. Chaita awl Sea,town next, while Limerick waa slow to begin. At the four furlong post, Commendation moved up alongside Lysandcr, while Seatown and Magna. Cbartft were about a length and a half beck wi*b Limerick next. Commendation and Lysandcr wero together entering tho straight, but Commendation ran out a bit wide and Seatown put in a. good run, while Limerick was making up bis ground in a determined fatyle. Seatown headea Lvsander about fifty yards from the post, but Lysandcr quickly regained tho lead only to bo challenged by Limerick, who had come through on tlu> rails, and in a great finish won by a short neck; Seatown was a. head away third, with Commendation half a. length back fourth. Hynanna was fifth and Masna Chsirta. next.

Ar was only to he- expected, Rapine was made favourito for the Awapuni Gold Cup, though Grand Knight was less than 100 tickets behind him. Reremoana jumped away smartly and led Rapino for a furlong or bo, but Reed took tho favourito to tho front going cut of tho straight, and from that stage Rapine had the result safe. Reremoana was doing his best in the straight, but could make little impression on Rapine, who won by nearly two lengths, while Grand Knight was a length away third. Mask was outclassed in this company and finished two or threo lengths further back. Ra.pine has given ample proof of his staying abilities, and to run out the mile and a quarter in 2.4 4-j showed that he is brilliant as well. The field for the Telegraph Handicap was considerably reduced, Merry Jest, Fool's Paradise, Beaumont, Los Ambus, Father O'Flynn, Santonio, Quillfire, Standard, and Gold Box being scratched. Civility was sent out a strong favourite and sho gave her backers Httlo cau3e for anxiety, for she and Kail: were the first away, and they raced together in front all tho journey till tho run home. In a good finish, Civility stayed on to win by half a length. Peneus was a length away third and then in order came Rational, Killoora, and Archeen. Penens ran a good race under hia weight, but Inferno was alow to begin and was never sighted near tho firing line. Tho public had been pretty well on the mark nil tho day in their selections and they finished up by picking the first two in tho Linton Hack Handicap, though they ran home in the opposite order to that in which they wicre backed. Great Day and Lady Isinglass cut out the early running, but the latter faded out, and in the straight Eden Hall came away to win by three parts of a length from Great Day, who was well clear of Lin Arlington. Anklet looked to have a chance when tho straight was reached, but failed in the final stages and was beaten for fourth placo by Red Fuchsia.

SECOND DAY'S ACCEPTANCES. (press association 1 telegram.) •PAIjMEBSTON NORTH, April 21. The following are the acceptance* for the second day:—

KAIRANGA HURDLES HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; 1 Jm—Comedy Prince 10 13; Eonmark 10 II; Koauau 10 11; Sottana-8 12; Slump 9 2; Matu 9; Master Peter 9. LOCKWOOD HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; 6f—Dobbin 8 12; Quillfire 8 11; Eden Hall 8 11; Great Day 84; Bonideer 82; Vivo 7 9; Minstrel Boy 7 9; Salamis 7 6; Lin Arlington 7 1; Rapiata 7; Windy Night 7; Calorina 7; Eurella 7; Mister Gamp 7. TAMATETE CUP HANDICAP, of 600 sovs; ljm—Grand Knight 10 1; Ngata 9 7; Degage 9 1; Glenross 9; Mask 8 13; Tresham 8 3; Hipo 8 2; Phcenix Park 7 10; Imperial Spark 7 10; Novar 7 9; Piuthair 7 9; Gaze 7 6; Zaragoza 7; Ds Luxe 7. MANAWATU STAKES, of 500 sovs; wcight-for-age; 6f—Motley 9 5; Tukia 9 3; Peneus 9 3; Deluge 9; Rational 9; Inferno 9; Aropeta 8 2; Limited 8; Limerick 8; Seatown 7 9; Kiosk 7 9.

STONYHURST HANDICAP, of 250 eovs; 7f—Tiega 3 9; Beaumont 9 8; Kilceit 9 5; Polyphemus 0; Kilfaire 9; Star Area. 8 13; Euphonium 8 13; Clandhu 8 11; Willow Wai 8 10; Crossfire 8 3; Misgovern 8 8; Hoyal Diadem 7 12; Patuki 7 9; Tongatotoa 7 7; Road Hog 7 7; Red Fuchsia 77. CLOVERLEA NURSERY HANDICAP, of 250 eovs; for two-year-olds; t> IS; Magna Charts. 8 5; Hynifnna 8 2; Resinous 7 2; Eloquont 7 2; Beth 7; Hymgreat 7; Wilful Lady 7; Faye 7. BOROUGH HANDICAP, of 300 eovs; 6t —Civility 9 7; Rational 8 13; Inferno 8 12; Oration 8 1; Merry Jest 7 13; Kaiti 7 12; Archeen 7 8; Killocra 7 7; .Standard 7; Birthmark 7; Quillfire 7. ADDERSTONE HACK HANDICAP, of 200 eovs; lm and 100yds—Rangisarto 8 12; Brigadier Bill 8 10; Kilmiss 8 9; Anklet 8 8; Phantasy 8 8; Serenade 8 4; Sanctuary 8 i; Bon March 7 13; Koauau 7 13; Closefire 7 S; Asleep 7 8; Strongholt 7 7; Singer Boy 7 7; Superb King 7 7; Crown Reel 7 7; Panarfc 7 7. ENGLISH RACING. EPSOM SPRING MEETING. (BY CABLE—PRESS tSSOCUTlOH—copyright.) (AUSTRALU.Y AHD JT.Z. CA3LH A6SOCTATIOJT.) LONDON, April 20. Following is the result of the GREAT METROPOLITAN STAKES HANDICAP, of 3 eovs each, with 600 sovs added; second SO, third 25. About 2Jm. Captain R. F. K. Gooch's br m KYRA by Beau Bill—Maid of the Vale syrs 1 Lord Derby's ch g Spithead by John o' Gaunt—Scapa Flow aged .. ..2 M. E. Henriquet's ch h Onyx 111. by Chulo—Orbcrose aged .. ..3 Kyra started nine times last season, being second on four occasions, unplaced on as many, and first once. Her success was gained in the Oadby Handicap Plate, of 500 sovs, one mile and a half, at the Leicester First Autumn Meeting. Spithead was saddled up seven times in 1923, his record being two wins, one second, and four times unplaced. His victories were in the Chester Cup Stakes Handicap, of 2650 sovs, about two miles and a quarter, at the Chester Spring Meeting, and the Lancashire Handicap, of 500 sovs; one mile and three-quar-ters, at the Liverpool Autumn Meeting. Onyx 111. was bred in France, and his four outings in England last season resulted in only one second placing, that being in the Lancashiro Handicap, which, ne mentioned above, was won by Spithead.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18672, 22 April 1926, Page 12

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18672, 22 April 1926, Page 12

SPORTING. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18672, 22 April 1926, Page 12