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RANGIORA. J There was. a good attendance at the regular meeting of the Loyal Eangiora Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F., "on Monday j night, when X.G. Bro. W. Feion presided. Bro. S. Rountree, of the Loyal ( Amberley Lodge was present as a visi- 1 tor and received a welcome. An application from a member resident in the i Anieerley district for a letter of rccom-1 mendation was granted. P.G. Bro. RA. fcicott preseuted a report on the pro- j ccedings of the District Conference, for which he was thanked. A letter was I received from the secretary of the Loyal Mangatainoka Lodge relative to the admission of ladies as benefit I members, and it was decided to again i interview the medical officers to aseer- j tain whether they wero still adverse to, placing lady members on their lists. Two honorary members and one benefit'; member were initiated. Intimation] was received of tho visit of the Grantl Master of New Zealand on Thursday night, and practically all present signified their intention of attending the reception. Accounts and sick pay totalling £3B 14s Sd were passed 'for payment. I The- annual meeting of. the Ladies j Physical Culture Hockey Club was held in tho A. and P. Association's rooms on Monday evening. Mr C. I. Jennings (president) was in the chair. In the annual report, read by tho secretary. (Miss I. Bevington), it was stated that the club had had a successful season, the senior team being, run-ners-tip, and the junior team coming fourth in the Hockey Association's competitions. The club also won tbe Mcintosh shield match against Kniapoi, and a match against the Star Hockey Club from Waimate. The annual dance was again a, great success, but two dances held in conjunction with tho men's club were not well supported. The report concluded by stating that the committee would be grateful to have the . services of an instructor to j carry on the . Physical Culture class, j The balance-sheet showed receipts £SO_ 5s lid, and expenditure £sl 7s 3d, leav- i ing'a credit balance of £2B 18s'2d. Officers for-the season were elected as follows-.—Patron, Dr. I. M Allen, Patronesses,- Mesdames C. I. Jennings, W. R. Pilse, R. Mcintosh, and T. Mcintosh (Fernside); president, Mr C. I. Jennings; vice-presidents. Drs. T. A. i Will and L. M. King, Misses R. Mcintosh, C. W r . Tyler, W. Johnson, A. B. Johnson. G. J. Bevington" H, J.'! Benjis, R. Giles, T, Mcintosh, W. R. Pike, H. Hency, and K. Kippenberger;: secretary and treasurer, Miss E. Wilson; assistant secretary. Miss D. Tyler; committee, Misses'M. Payne, G. Giles, F.: Pulley, I. Bevington, R. Jeffery, and T. Hawkins; delegate to the Association, Mr W. Johnson; selection Committee, the captains of the senior and junior teams, together with the secretary. It was decided to again enter teams in the Eenior and junior competitions. Hie opening day was fixed for. April 17th. A hearty vote of. thanks was accorded to Miss Bevington for her services as secretary and treasurer. Tlie i meeting _ adjourned from last week in connexion with carrying out a request from the executive of tho Y.M.C.A.. Christchurch, for assistance in their effort to raise £SOOO, was held in the Borough Council Chambers on Monday evening. The Mayor, Mr R. Mcintosh, < was in the chair, and there was a fair attendance. .It was de-r cided to support the resolution carried at the previous meeting to assist the Y.M.C.A. in their campaign. It was, also agreed that a house-to-house canvass he made for subscriptions, and that.a sale of cakes and sweets and produce be held in the street on Tuesday. March 23rd.' The Mayoress (Mrs Mcintosh) with Mesdames M. A. Lane, W. E. Horrell, J. McKenzie. A. Yates, and Misses Rogers and McKenzie were appointed a Ladies' .Committee, to canvass the borough for subscriptions and donations, tho effort to close on the 25th mst.

WAIKARI. Harvesting and threshing is finished, and crops generally. have yielded considerably better than was expected, the wheat being of exceptionally splendid quality. There was very little rust or other disease in the crops this season. The recent rains have had ~ a marked effect upon .pastures and green feed, and a considerable, area is being cultivated and/sown for sheep feed. I The extensions and alterations to the hospital, are now complete. They include a new office, matron and nurses sitting rooms, and patients balconies m the maternity and men's wards. The balconies now arc a special feature of the institution. Theso alterations and additions will add to the privacy and comfort- of ■■ patients. •An enlarged phffto of the late Dr. Little has been hung in the main corridor of the hospital by the Old Waipara District Doctor's Subsidy committee, and the committee still has a balance in hand of about £20." OXFORD.

The efforts of the Oxford people to raise the nucleus of a fund for a new town hall culminated in a successful gala on the Show Grounds on Saturday. Three district committees were appointed, each nominating a queen, the Eastern Committee nominating Betty Vincent, the Central Committee Betty Knowles, and'the Western, Betty Bowman. ' Throughout- the. year various means were adopted to raise money, and at times a good deal of excitement was aroused, and interest evinced in the position of the several flags indicating the state of the funds. Every preparation was made to secure a successful carnival, and the summer day made the . occasion most enjoyable. Nearly £3OO was taken during the day, and when the final returns were in it showed the Central candidate (Betty Knowles) had been cleeted "queen with £429 to her "credit, the Western candidate second with £358, and the Eastern third with £199. About £3O was raised for the general fund, and the-net total raised is a little over £IOOO. Cheers wero given for the several candidates. Mr A. Baxter, chairman of the Gala Committee, expressed gratification at the successful venture, and thanked all who had brought that success about, Mr W. H. Knowles"returned thanks, and Mr D. Hawkc, chairman of the Central Committee, also spoke. About two years ago, when the Oxford Town Hall Company was going into liquidation, there was" a danger that the hall would be lost to the public. The Oxford Benevolent and Improvement League purchased the hall to hold for the district until such time as the district was in" a position to take it over. In its purchase it made the" proviso that it would sell to the County Council at cost ' price, which proviso the County Council endorsed. If was immediately seen that considerable repairs were necessary, and when the cost was investigated, it was thought the wiser course to make, provision for a new Town Hall, hence the public effort.

FERNSIDE. On Sunday a Harvest Thanksgiving service was held "in St. Matthew's Church, Fernside. The preacher was the ReV G. A. Fraer, an ex-vicar of the church. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers, and the large quantities of fruit and vegetables were afterwards taken to the Maori Girls' College Christchurch. Solos wero -iven bV Mrs Xcheson, "O Best iir the T,nrd "and Jlaster Arthur Coombs, "We Thank Thee." Mrs H. Erowii was organist..


The monthly meeting of the Amberley School Committee was held on Monday night. The headmaster reported that during the month, three boys' and two girls were admitted; bringing the roll number to 92, with an average attendance of 85. He also reported that several children were going to the Dunedin Exhibition, and that the probable date of departuro would be -March 22nd. Correspondence from' the Education Board stated that tho painting of the school would have to be held in abeyance. The caretaker of the school tendered her resignation as from .March 3rd. This was accepted with regret. Satisfactory reports wero given of progress being' made in connexion with tho farewell to be.tendered M £f E \ F - Stan ton on March 31st. The Amberley Tennis Club have recently had some improvements mado at the courts; and at a committee meeting it was decided to hold a danco in th f " ear future to help recuperate the club's finances. Mr J D. Boyce. of' Amberlcv. has been elected Deputy District "Grand Master of the Ashley District Oddfellows Lodges. CUST. A very representative meeting was held on Saturday night to discuss tho organising of a public send-off to Mr J. McKenzie and family on his appointment as headmaster of Brunnerton School. It was unanimously decidod that m the sports clubs and other bodies with which he was identified should amalgamate with the School Committee and offer him a combined farewell on March 27th, in the Institute Hall. Three sub-committees were sot up, one to nvassthe district, one to arrange the programme, and another to arrange the supper.' The annual harvest festival services were held in St. James's Church on Sunday last. The church was tastefully decorated by the following ladies:— Mesdames G. Crysell, R. Lang, G. Pawsey; C. Early, and A. H. Acheson. There was a fair supply of fruit and vegetables, which afterwards went to St. Saviour's Orphanage. In the morning the vicar preached from the text, "I am the Light of the World." In the evening tho special preacher was the Rev. C. A. Fraer (Phillipstown), who. gave a most appropriate address on the harvest hymns. Before tho evening service, Mr and Mrs D. Maindonald gave an organ and violin recital. The offertories went to the New Zealand Anglican Board of Missions. On Monday night, the recently-form- , ed Boys', and Girls'. Guild organised a social, to meet, the Rev. C. A. Fraer, who is the Dominion president of the New Zealand Boys' Bible Clasß Union. The young people brought, along their parents and some of their friends, and in all there were oyer 60 present. Mr Fraer pave an address and the rest of. the evening was spent in music and games. SOUTHBRIDGE. At a meeting of the committee formed in connexion with .the forthcoming Southfaridge recreation ground bazaar, Mr A. Tong presided, and there was an attendance of aoout 25 ladies and gentlemen. A statement in connexion with the recent moonlight fete showed tbe gross receipts to be £39 3s, the chief item being £12.0s 7d, taken at the gate. It was decided to award £3 10s for first and £1 10s for second for - the tug of war held at the moonlight fete.' The canvassers met subsequently and arranged for a thorough canvass of the district. ! SPRINGSTON SOUTH. 1 " Mr G. <W. Tyson received" a remarkable yield'for a crop' of Ascot oats. They returned over 90 bushels to the acre.

GREENPARK. The annual prize-giving of the Greenpark School was held in the hall on Friday evening, before a a very large audience. A most enjoyable concert; ojicned the proceedings. Items were given by Mesdames J. McKenzie. H. Mcßean, Misses Suckling, C. Ryan, L. Dowker, and Messrs E. J. Harris. D. Suckling, F. Chapman, Dowker, and Nalder, Mrs M. Orchard, Miss Suckling, and Miss Sfceinmetz acted as accompanists. , After supper dancing was indulged .instill an early hour. Mr J. Stalker (chairman of the School Committee) presented the prises to the children as follows:—Special prize'for most popular girl and boy (presented by Mr F. Hubbard): Girl. Rene Dulieu, boy, Trevor Everest. Standard' VI.: Hilda Matthews, Mona Garter Gladys Bennett, Clem Harris, Trevor Everest. Standard V.: Rene Dulieu, Isabella Kimber, Leonia Dennehy, Charles Wat--kins. Standard IV.: Ellen Hamilton, Thelma Erickson, Mary .Breen. Catharine Henderson, • Grace Lewis, Gertrude Brown, Gwendoline Dulieu, Geoff ' Kimber, Agustus 1 Wat-

, kins, Roy Ladbrook, Fred Everest. Standard III.: Rita Schroeder, .Ethel ' Rickerby, Kathleen Everest, Christina ' Bennett. Ward Gardner, Reginald Mat- . thews. Thomas Breen, -Thomas Senior, Vernon Watson, John .Bennett. Stand- , ard II.: Olive Ladbrook Doris Bray, '. Sylvia Bennett, Lloyd Hubbard. Ray . Gowland, Ernest Matthews, Charles Moodie; Standard I.: Margaret Carrip- ' bell, Harriett Gardner, Douglas Hubbard, Alfred Bennett, Fred Bartley. P. III.: Mary Rickerby, Rose Rickerby, George Bartley, Leslie Brown. Bertram F>erest. P. II.: Kathleen Breen. Hilda Rickerby, Joan Hubbard, Dorothy Kimber, Jack Bartley. David Bray, Herbert Bennett. P. I.: Phyllis Bennett, Kathleen Campbell, Joyce Gardner, Marjorie Everest, Elsie Clark, Jean Everest, Jean Schaflrer. Rita Bennett. James Senior. Euan Clark, Robert Hamilton. Maurice Moody. LE BON'S BAY. Mrs Dawber and Mrs Cooper, both of Christchurch. are the guests of Mr and '. Mrs J. Gurney, of Le Bon's Bay. Mrs.T. McKay has returned to her ; home in Le Bon's Bay after spending - a week ab the Dunedin Exhibition. Miss G. Leonardo, of Lo Bon's Bay. ' i-i on a holiday at Cheviot: from there ' she. intends going to the Dunedin Ex- : kihition. Mrs Guard WaghorJi a«d her little J daughter and Mrs T. Pawson and her j •laughter have returned to their homes t in Little Akalon, after spending a short J holiday with Mr and Mrs ArthurWWi- t hams, Lo Bon's Bay. .Mr T. McKay has returned to his t home in Le Bon's Bay after spending ' a few days' holiday in Christ-church. j Miss P. McKay, * of Le Bon's Bay, is r spending a few weeks' holiday at the t Dunedin Exhibition. Mr W. Franklin and Mr V. Gunther {j were the guests of Mr and Mrs Percy a Barnett for the week-end. Miss Comissiong is spending a fevr t: days in Christchurch: from there she ° ' intends going to the Dunedin Exhibition. _ p ■- _____ « HORORATA. ] A-meeting of the Hororata School *> Committee was held in the school on t] Monday evening, Mr Bruce being in *! the chair. The headmaster reported si that the school had opened on February j J> Ist with 63 children on the roll, which c had now increased to 66, with an at- t< tendance of 90 per cent. It was de- I cided to hold a social evening in - the ? school in the near future to raise funds " for. the school library. y

HORNBY-ISLINGTON. The annual picnic in connexion with the Islington Sunday School was held in the Templeton Domain on Saturday. Tliero was a good attendance ■of parents and scholars, and a very pleasant time was spent,in running races, playing gamos, etc. The following were the results of the races included in the sports programme: —Primary girls: L Lloyd 1, 1). McTeiguo 2. X". Pooley 3. Junior girls: M. McTeigue 1, C. Fuller 2, B. Piper 3. Senior girls: P. Robinson 1, 51. Mackio 2. I. De Lacy 3. Primary boys: W. Sinclair 1, R. McDonald 2,' R. Robinson 3. Junior boys: E. Greonslade 1, P. Blakeley 2, R. Sinclair 3. Senior boys: H, Pe.mberton 1. J. Dann 2. Lady teachers and Young "Women's Bible Class: Miss G. Rowlands 1, Miss~ F. Mackie 2, Mis* E. Musgrove 3. Gentleman teachers and Young Men's Bible Class: J. Wilson 1. S. Ma«kie 2, A. Mackio 3. Marvied ladies: Mrs Stewart 1 Mrs Ibbetson 2. Mrs Pembcrton 3. Married men. Mr Kingdon 1, Mr C Hansen 2. Mr G Blakeley 3. Three-legged race: M Mackie and I>. Musgrov© 1, P. and R. Robinson 2. V. McDonald and J. Dann 3. Motor tyre race: Girls, M. Mackie; boys, E. Greenslade. Visitors' races: Miss A. Voice and R. Martin. After t&a had been served, the (scholars' prizes for li)2o were distributed by Messrs '."!. Hansen and G. Ellis. The following ' were the prize-winners:— Infant girls: D. Sirett 1. R.Sirett-2, P. Dickey 3. Primary girls: R. Blnkeley 1, N. Pooley and 1,. Lloyd (equal) 2. Junior girls: J. Lloyd 1, A. Ajrcy 2. J. Pooley 3. Senior cirls: I. McDonald 1, V. McDonald 2, M. Mackie 3. Infant bovs: J. Watkins 1 A. Musgrove 2, W. Fuller 3. Junior boys: P. Blakeley 1. J. Lloyd 2, Joe Dann 3. Senior bevs: John Dann 1, H. Tavlor and C. Taylor (equal) 2, H. Pemberton 3. At the conclusion, cheers were given for Mr G. Ellis for his kindness in carting material to the picnic ground. WEST MELTON.

On Friday evening a very successful danco was held ' in. the' Social Hall imder the auspices of the "\Vest Melton District Horticultural Society. There was a largo attendance au-1 a very pleasant evening was spent. it was the lirst occasion upon which the electric r light had been used in tho hall, and there was a marked contrast in the lighting. The floor was in good order and excellent music for the dance -was supplied by .Sir L. Stace (Springston). Etras wero contributed by Misses Iris Chambers and Thelina Why to. The M.C.'s duties were ■ carried out by Messrs G. powers and N. Carter. During the evening the president of. .tho society, Mr W. G. Hille, presented the social prizes won at the recont Bhow. Ho also commented upon the work of the society and the splendid support that had been received from the public. The following is a list of the special prizes that were awarded: —Most points ' in Sections 1. 2, 4, and 5, West Melton I Branch of the Mothers' Union Cup, Mrs W. Oakley; most points in cut flowers, Mrs W. Oakley, 30 points; ■■ most points in grain and seeds, 8.. S.' Roper, 13 points; most points in needlework section, Miss M. Turner, 15 points. 1 j Mrs J. Matthews, 13 points, '2; exhibitor with largest number of entries, Mrs W. Oakley and F. Carter, equal, Ist (50 entries); most points in decorative section, Mrs W. G. Hille, 10 points; boy gaining most points in children's section, Norman Hille, 22 points; girl gaining most points in children's section, Muriel .Donaldson, 13 points: most points in pot plants section, Mrs Wv Oakley; most points in vegetable section, *. Garter, 45 points; most points in fruit section, H. Roper, 20 points; most points in show, Mrs W. Oakley, Jo points; most, points in photography W. Oakley, 14 points; most points in home industries, Mrs Hutton 18 -points, 1; Mrs D. Finlny, 16 points 2- most points in bread, Miss Dons Langdale, 10 points; best homemade white yeast loaf made with comprised yeast. Miss D. Phillips; best collection of outdoor grown flowers, Mrs \\. Ellen; best geranium-'bloom m show, Mrs W. Oakley; best decorated table Mrs W. Oakley; best three photographs of homesteads .in -the West Mel ton.district, O. E. Wajker; best model farm in. plasticine, Ron Archie. • RQLLESTON. One of the most successful socials ever held in the Memorial Hall, took place on Wednesday evening, when a concert' and dance, organised by the! Hall committee, was held. The object of this social,was to v raise money'to pay off tho mortgage which exi-its on the hall, and it was a financial success. Tho chair was occupied by Mr Johnston, and all the pei formers received an . enthusiastic hearing. •' Tho programme consisted of—Pianoforte duet, Misses Elford; songs, Misses . McCaw, O'Connell, and Carpenter, and Mr Woodward; recitation, Miss o 'Connell; pianoforte, solo, Miss Elford; and instrumental duits by Messrs Elwood and Woo'dward. - Music was supplied by Mr and Mrs S. Quaife, and extras were supplied by Messrs Elwood and Woodward, and Mr E. Wall. Mr P; Finnegan was M.C.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18636, 10 March 1926, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18636, 10 March 1926, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18636, 10 March 1926, Page 3