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♦ The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" Items of social or personal news. Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices mist bear the signatures of both parties. Oortespondence Is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women. Mrs George Gould, who has been spending a week with Mr and Mrs Roger Gould. I'otherhani, has returned to Fcudalton.

Mrs Vernon is returning from Craigie'mrn to-morrow. and leaves early next week fur Dunedin.

Mrs J. 0. Amyes -(Bishop street) is spending a week with Mrs C. Amyes (Fcmside, -North Canterbury). Mrs F. M. Hobbs and her daughter (Lower Riccarton) are spending a holiday in

News has been received that Mrs ,Bain-Dickie (nee Maud Wearn.). wellknown in Christehurch, arrived by the s.s. Montcalm at Quebec, to meet her brother, Mr J. S. Wearn, and Mrs Wearn, of Christehurch, who arc touring the Unit.-d Stales and Canada. Mrs Bain-Dickie will travel with her relatives till their departure for New Zealand, afterwards she will remain in Canada as the guest of Mr and Mrs A. P. Campbell till the first week in March, when she will return to her home in Scotland. Miss X. Bell and Mrs E. W. Bell (New South Wales) arc at the Clarendon Hotel.

Professor and Mrs P. C. H. Florancc (Wellington), Mr and Mrs C. J. Bryart (Wellington), Airs ¥. M. Dennehy (Greymouth), and Miss Morrison (Darfield) are at the United Service Hotel.

Mr and Mrs Robert Burns and Miss Burns (Auckland), Mr and Mrs R. B. Bcals (Auckland), Mr and Mrs W. Stewart and Missos Stewart, (Auckland), and Mr and Mrs W. L. Shiel (Dunedin) arc at W'arncr's Hotel. The collectors for the Sydenham branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society met. at the residence of Miss Campbell, Woorlbridge road. As a result of their efforts the .sum of £22 15s 4d was realised, which was considered very satisfactory. Miss MacFio (Scotland) is amongst recent arrivals at tho Royal Hotel. Mrs It. C. Bishop and Miss M. Bishop arc staying at "The Grosvenor," Timaru. Owing to the inclemency of the weather yesterday, the officers of tho GirL Guides found it necessary to strike camp at Cashmere Should tho weather permit, tho rally, arranged for to-morrow afternoon, will bo lield and all interested in the Girl Guide movement will have an opportunity of meeting Lady Marjorie Dalrymple. Amongst the many attractive items to Iks staged to-night and to-morrow night at Aliss Bessie Macdqpald's dance recital at tho Choral Hall will bo the Powder Puff Ballet, danced by seven tiny children, a rosebud ballet, in which. the dainty participants will he dressed to represent rosebuds, and an -Egyptian 'ballet in which fifty of Miss Macdonald's pupils will tatso part. By kind permission of tho manager of Everybody's Theatre, tho ladies of St. Chad's Church, North Linwood, are holding a cake and produce stall in tho vestibulo of Everybody's Theatre on Saturday morning in connexion with the Church Fete, which is to ho held tho second week in December.

The financial result of the French Cabaret, held in the Caledonian Hall on Tuesday, November 10th. is eloquent testimony to the organising abil-! itv of the promoters. Captain and the : Tion. Mrs Tahu Rhodes, who. actuated ; i)y a splendid spirit of service for others, I devote much of their time and talent • to charitable works?. The net proceeds | of the cabaret havelwen divided equally j between S. Savio'.i"'s Orphanage. Mt. j Magdala Orphanage, and S. George's | Hospital, to each of which Captain j and 'Mrs Rhodes have handed the sum ] of £7l 13s 4d. j At her home in Bealey avenue. Miss | Mary Pyne, Principal of the Richmond j Kindergarten, gave a delightful party, at which fifty tiny children, all under j the age of live years, spent one of the happiest afternoons of their short lives, j All kinds of games were played with the greatest enthusiasm, and the little one*, resplendent in gaily coloured paivT hats, ran excitine races, at the end of which each child received a. nris'c. After a delicious "party tea'', had been enjoyed, the little guests were borne homeward bytheir parents, n number of whom also enjoyed Miss Pyne's hospitality. Among those staying at the White Star Hotel, Queentown recently were: Dr. and Mrs Levis (Sydney), Miss Dorothy C. Wat!-ins (Sydnev), Mrs A. Cr;. g Davidson (Sydney). Miss A. M. Davidson (Sydney ). Mrs A. {i. Seelev (Sydney). Mr and Mrs McCreatli Mr <*. Gudsell (Ashhurton), Mrs R. H. Rhodes (Timaru). Mrs A. B. Martin i.Martinborough). Mr Stnbberfield (Wellington). Mr 8. A. Kcw fDunedin). Mr J. Greenfield (Dunedin). Mr R. Watson (Dunedin). Mr H.'Don (Dunedin). Miss C. K. Tait (Christchurch), Miss V. B. Worsdell (Christchurch). Mr and Mrs T. H. Pardington (Onehunga), Mr T. F. Pardinqton (Onehunga), Mr and Mrs 7-. Bray (Onehunga), Mr Hill (Timaru). On "Wednesday evening Mrs P. Murm (.Devon street)'was the-hostess at an enjoyable "china party." given in honour of Miss Dorothy Wicks, whoso marriage takes place shortly. Mrs Munn wore a pretty frock of pink and white figured crepe do chine. Miss Wicks wore, black velvet, with Oriental sash. During the evening Mr It. Glubb proposed the health of the guest of honour, and on behalf of those present wished her luck and happiness in thefuture. Items were given by Misses .Shave, Ritchie, Ryde. and Wicks. Those present included Mesdames Munn, Ritchie, Hill, Misses T>orothy Wicks. Mabel Munn, Vera Shr-,vo, Gwen. Ryde, Grace Stothers. Mavis Ritchie, Florence Hill, Mavis McLean, Messrs Ritchie, H. Shaw, V. Munn, A. McLean, R. Glubb. E. Peake, R. Ritchie, and J. Wicks. Miss Wicks was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. On Wednesday an enjoyable- surprise "kitchen evening" was given at the homo of Mr and' Mrs J. T. Sutton, ("Cloudesley," Cashmere Hills) in honour of 'Miss Muriel Hardingham, a. hride of the near future. Much amuse.tnent was caused, on opening the gifts, in the drawing-room, which was decorated with vases of beautiful pink and yellow roses. Games, musical items, and dancing were enjoyed, and' after supper cheers were given for Mr and Mrs Sutton. The guests included) Mesdames Sutton, Hardingliam., Weston, and Jennings, the Misses Page, M. and H. Hardinghani, D. Codling, K. Skinner, R. Plimsoll, E. Grenfell, M. Crawford, P. Hammett, E. Hooley, and N. Kelly, Messrs Sutton, Hardingham, Jennings, C. Hardingliam, L. "Williams, M. Skinner, A. Henshaw. W. Hammett,. R. Bradley, and B. Fleming.

OBITUARY. MRS AGNES KATE BLAKE. Mrs Agnes Kate Blake, widow or Walter Blake, who parsed away at her residence. Bristol street, St. Albans, on October 3lst, in her eightieth year, was a sister of the late Mr R. G. Bishop, and with the Bishop family arrived by the- Charlotte Jane. Mrs Blake was an earnest church woman and the Merivale Parish Magazine for the present; month contains the folio wing reference:—• "Mrs Blake, who passed away last month, was a worthy representative of those women pioneers of Canterbury to whom we owe so much. At the back of her sterling character and kindly disposition was a strong, loyal faith, in the living Christ. VVe thank God for her character and life and confidently leave her in the safe keeping of Him when she tried to serve faithfully, and who sustained and comforted her through her long life. We offer our sympathy to Miss Blake."

BALL AT HAWARDEN. The Hawarden Golf Club held their annual ball in the Hawarden Hall, artistically decorated by Mrs H. T. Little in green and: gold. The walls were draped with green interspersed with large golden flowers, and at intervals around the walls were hung large appropriate gold etchings. Green and gold streamers from a circular floral centrepiece were arranged to form a canopy. The stage was converted into a luxurious lounge for non-dancers and card players. The supper room adjoining tlie hall was decorated in multicoloured dirapings, black lattice and pink roses. Before Mrs Rutherford presented the trophies. Mr G. L. Rutherford, president of the club, thanked Mrs Little and Mrs Lowe and all those who assisted to make the ball a Enocess.

The trophies which had been w6n during the past season were as follows: Rutherford cups: Ladies, Miss Lanoe; Men, A. Reese, E. Fahey, J. Lowe, D. Sidey's cup, Miss E. D. Willis; closing day competitions, Mrs CracroftWilson and G. L. Rutherford; ladies' approaching and putting, Miss B. Rutherford; ladies' driving, Miss Rutherford; men's approaching and putting, Leslie Reese; driving, J. F. Ct arex>ffc-Wilson. Medal competitions: Ladies, Miss Ethel Willis (2), Mrs Fahey, Mrs Cracroft-Wilson, Mrs Reese, one each. Medal competitions: Men A. Reese. E. Faliev, J. Lowe. J>: R. Rollo, J. Bennett, D. H. Fisher, ono each. Among those present were:—Mesdames G. L. Rutherford, who wore black lace; H. T. Little, mauve beaded georgette; D. Sidey, black crepe de chine; Lance, black marocain; J. F. Cracroft Wilson, grey satin; C. N. Willis, black georgette beaded in bronze; H. Reese, delphinium blue georgette; P. Ballantyne, royal bluo brocade; Blunden, black ninon with pleated panels; A. Blakely, black brocade; Miller, pink satin and silver; A. Cowie, cerise marocain; J. Stratton (Amberley), red embossed chiffon; D. McDonald, pink satin; C. McKeegan, sea green net; P. Lance, pink figured crepe de chine; P. Mouat, blue crepe de chine; H. Fisher, apricot figured satin; B. Smith, pink taffeta. H. Gorrie, red satin; Clark, yellow taffeta; Misses B. Rutherford, black satin; Palmer (Christchurch), black ninon; M. Sidey, burnt orange satin; M. Lance, pink ninon and silver lace; E. Willis, cream lace; V. Dalzell, rose satin with feather trimming; McLean' red marocain; A. Blakely, floral ninon; Wright, pink marocain with feather trimming; M. White, green crepe de chine; Horam, raspberry georgette with touches of green; Raymond, almond green georgette; George, tangerine velvet; A. Anderson, pink satin; R. Boon, green crepe de chine; Riley, black satin and lace; W. Anderson, blue satin; D. Manning, yellow silk; H. NicoUs, rose crepe de chine; E. NicoUs, pink georgetto with diamente trimming; Galletly, green crepe do chine; A. Plaisted, pink radium lace; Sanderson, white crepe de chine; Rainey, cream georgette; N. Anderson (Christchurch), green crepe de chine: Mouat, pink silk: Lucy, blue silk; Ealm, blue silk; Innis, apricot voile; A. (.'rean, blue silk; S. Galletly, pink crepe de chine; Bivcn, pink brocade; Kcnnard, apricot lilk. Something quite new in floral ninon is now showing at "Minerva Salon." See these first—they are sure to please. Outsiws a sp«Miialty. 174 Oashel street (over Jones, MoOroetie).. "Phone 3355.

WEDDINGS. RINGER-HEARD. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Mary's, Manchester street, yesterday afternoon, when Molly Donaldson, second daughter of the late Mr and Mrs H. Heard was married to Arthur Benjamin Patrick, only son of Mr and Mrs B. T. Ringer (Fcndalton). Ihe Itcv. Father Roche officiated. The bride wore a simple frock of cream georgette, the apron panel being, trimmed with siher. Her hand-embroi-dered veil was held in place with a wreath of orange blossom, and sh© carried ii bouquet of cream roses and maidenhair iern. Miss Ida Heard, who attended her sister as bridesmaid, wore a frock of shell pink georgette and black Doily Yarder. hat, trimmed with pink posies, and carried a bouquet of pink sweet peas and maidenhair fern. Mr W. Finnegan, cousin of the bridegroom, acted as best man. After the ceremonv a reception was held at "Uawa," Carlton Mill road, where Mrs Ringer received her guests, wearing a frock of black silk marocain v ith hat to match. When Mr and Mrs Kinger left on their wedding tour the bride travelled in a smart model frock of brown silk ninrocatn trimmed with scarlet, with hat to match, and a handsome musquash coat, the ft of the bridegroom. ODOWD—FELKIXS. A quiet hut pretty wedding was solemnised at the Catholic Cathedral, Barbados street, recently, the Rev. Father Hanrahan officiating, when .lohn Patrick O'Dowd, younger son of the late John O'Dowd and Mrs O'Dowd (Fairlic) was married to Elaine, only child of the late Captain A. J. Felkins (Passage West, Co. Cork, Ireland) and Mrs Felkius (Ellesmere). The bride wore a becoming white frock, and bridal veil lent by Mrs Douglas White (Mangamaliu). Her I>eautiful bouquet was of red and white :oscs. Her attendants were her cousin, Miss D. M.'Dingwall. Mis* G. ArchIxild, and Master Doric Williams. Mr T. Harper gavo away the bride. Mr Alan O'Dowd was best man. After the ceremony the guests were entertained at the D.I.C. by Mrs A. J. Fcllkins and Mrs K. Dingwall.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18550, 27 November 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18550, 27 November 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18550, 27 November 1925, Page 2