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WORLD'S J ( " "™;S.."JSSSJ"™™*' •»—I In the worlds preliminary heat • Spears was beaten iu of 1000 metres.

LEAGUE, ■ NEW ZEALAND (19) V. NEW ; SOUTH WALES (IS). ; SPARKLING FOOTBALL. (ST CAtILF—rRtSS ASSOCIATION—COPYRIGHT.) | (AUSTRALIAN Axn Jf.s. CABLE ASSOCIATION.) . I (Received August 16th, 5.5 p.m.) a ' SYDXEY, August 16, I The New Zealanders scored a notable victory over New South Wales on time in a . contest which scintillated wiih sparkling ' rushes whenever tho Blacks handled the t ball. The weather was fine and rool, and the ' atteudanre was IS.oOO. While the crowd unprudgiugly admired the visitors' courageous fighting, it. was disappointed with tho dis--1 piriting play of the home team. Mouatt and Heury, for New Zealand, re- j peatedly endeavoured to engineer combined rushes among the forwards in the first half, ami not. without suecoss. Faulty handling at critical period*;, however, spoilt, several seemingly irrirainent scores. McMalion, the Blues' live-eighths, played off colour, to the dismay of his colleagues, the simplest transfers mesmerising him on occasions. Onco ho made no mistake, and Stcttler finished the movement with a try—possibly New South Wales's brightest play of the match. At the interval tho scores were: Now South Wales .. ..10 New Zealand .. .. 2 The leeway merely galvanised Now Jseamnd to renewed activity in the second session. Throwing the ball about in short, snappy passing among forwards and backs, the visitors went into action with more than their earlier confidence. Mouatt notched n penalty in the first, term, and added another after a respite. Wetherall (New Zealand) immediately attacked, and sent Parkes across near the corner. Mouatt landed a splendid goal, and soon after Kirwan dashed through to tho Blues' full-back and font Parkes over for another try, which Mouatt converted. ' New Zealand .. ..14 Now South Wales v .. ..10 The spectators then witnessed fast, attractive football, tho New Zealanders working with clockwork precision in a continued invasion of the Blues' goal, while tho latter were desperately striving to regain the load. After Rule and McMshon had failed to accept passes, Robinson sent Stettler across, but the latter failed to convert the try he scored. New Zealand ~ ..14 New South Wales .. .. 13 After Weathetall had dropped the ball on the goal-line, Mouatt sent Webb across and again converted. The Blues now retaliated like enraged tigers, and Robinson crossed, Stettler converting. Full time then sounded, with the scores; New Zealand .. .. 19 New South Wales .. .. 18 This leaves New South Wales in possession of the wooden spoon, they having been beaten by England, Queensland, and New Zealand. Tho New Zealand League team was comprised as follows:—Full-back, Gregory; threequarters, Parkes, Webb, Delgrosso; fiveeighths, Sanders. Kirwan; half-back Weatlierall; forwards,. Henry,Carroll, O'Brien', Mouatt, Thomas, Avery. Three members of tho team, Laing, Dixon, and Lowry, and tho coach, Pearce, left for Now Zealand bv tho Jlaheno. MATCHES POSTPONED. All fixtures under the jurisdiction of tlie Canterbury Rugby League wore postponod 011 ■ Saturday 'afternoon owing to tho various playing areas being in a sodden condition through the heavy rain. Canterbury v. West Coast. Tha following are the teams to represent the local Centre against the West Coast representative senior and junior teams at Monica Park on Saturday next:— Senior—Full-back: E. Brosnahan; threequarters: Tl. L. Desmond, E. Fitzgerald, E. O'Mallcy; five-eighths, C. Robins, F. Warr; half-back: A. Mackie; forwards: L. Vivian, 0. Sisson, A. Collie, P. Burns, E. Cox, L. Peterson ((captain). Reserves: P. O'Connor, C. Batchelor, R. Lynskey, G. Dawkins. Every player selectod must attond training oil Thursday evening. Any member unable to play is to advise tho selectors by noon on Tuesday. Junior- I —Full-back: B. Morris: thrie-quar-teTs: D. Hearn, R. Mackie, L. Spcncor; fiveeighths: L. Young, T, McCausland: halfback: B. O'Connoll; forwards: D. McKenzie, J. Harris, J. Emerson, B. Gahagan, L. Adams, L. Ceoke. Roserves: D. Crowe, H. JlcKeown, The team will train at the Addington Club's ground on Thursday at 7.30 p.m., and every player selected must attend. Tho schoolboys\trial gamo which was postponed on Saturday will be played this afternoon on tho Addington Club ground, and the schools' team to play tho West Coast school representatives wil( be selected after the gamo. The local team will»leave for (ireymouth on Thursday morning and return on the following Tuesday. WEST COAST CENTRE. (special to "the press.") GKEYMOUTJT, August 16. Condi lions were ideal to-day, aud the crowd witnessing tho third play-off for the Junior Cup was easily a record, exceeding that at tho last match between these two teams by several hundred. Thore was also a very largo crowd at Dunollie to see tho senior final between Runangn and Marist. The former won after u great struggle by 5 points to 4. Mandevson scored a tty for the winners and Harrison kicked a ponalty goal, while for Marists Jackson landed two penalty goals. Mr C. Dewer was referee. In the junior play-off Marist won by 9 points to 6. Clarke scored a try which Qiiinu converted, and tl|e latter also kicked Iwo ponalty goals, Tvhile William's and Kids-dla scored tries for Blackball. The latter threw away their chauces by poor attempts at goalkicking. Greymouth defeated Mavist in the Third Grade final by 17 points to a.. The former will visit Christchurch on August 23th. Runanga Fourth Grade defeated Greymouth. by 14 points to 8. Marist Fourth Grade defeated Brunncr. Brunner School defeated Ngatiere-Nelsou Creek by 9 points to 8. Wilson Hall, tho New Zealand representative, will probably come 10 OrcymoutVi no reside. An application from tho Addington y.mior team for matches on. the West Coast has -jcdu lield over until tho next Centre meeting. Tlife following havo heen selected to represent the West Coast Fourth Grade isuir,st Hornby next Saturday: Matthew's, Perfect, Bond, Gage, Nesbitt, Wallace, Carrie, 71cGuire, Burke, Atkinson, Schafor, Barbar, and Ryan. Emergencies: Garbutt and Bobiiu. The West Coast League has appointed Sir H. W. Lawrence referee of the CanterburyWest Coast senior match, and Mr A. B. Shadbolt referee of tho junior representative match. IN OTHER CENTRES. (FRSSS ASSOCIATION TILtQEAKS.) AUCKLAND, August 16. City 22 v. Devonport 11; Northcot.e 3 v. EUerslie 0. ASSOCIATION. | ENGLISH CUP TIE. Owing to tho condition of some of tho grounds on Saturday, several matches wero postponed. At English Park Stadium an English cup-tie between Sunnysido and Kaiapoi was played. Tbe contesting teams are the leaders "of tho A and B divisions respectively, and good football was witnessed. Scoring k goal in each half Sunnyside finally won by two clear goals. At Ilogley Park Vomads increased their championship prospects by defeating- Lyttelton by four clear goals. The venuo for this match should have been at Lyttelton, but the ground there was reported to bo unplayable. ! Added interest was lent to the senior B ' division in tho defeat of Linwood by St. ! \lbans. Tho odd goal in five was the margm I nf the winners' superiority. Three teams ; ire now in tbe running for promotion. At ! 1 tic Mental Hospital ground Rangers did well '• to share the points with Thistle after being i two goals down at the interval. The Scots | failed to score in the second halt. I Sunnyside (2) v. Kaiapoi (0). ! vnMish Park was heavy for the cup-tie 1 / >tv,-p"'-n Sunnyside and Kaiapoi, but weather ' i„A<l!tlons were good. There was a fair »t----findant-c Of spectators. Kaiapoi kicked off and attacked through HowartH and Isles , n the left. Batten repulsed for Sunnyside, and Purdie sent on to Sutherland, who shot A. Hirst, in goal, gathered smartly nnd "cleared, but Sunnyßide came again. ■ Browning placed to Trotter, who shot over the bar from long range. Dnrie then put Kaiapoi attacking with Isles, llowarth, and Bruce prominent. Jackson blocked the movement and Sunnyside countered through jtobson, and from his centre Browning speculated with a shot which went wide. Play swung to the other end, and from a cross by Taylor, South »hot wildly when well 'daced. The exchanges were fast and livelv, both sides opening up the game well.' Simpson and Bond were prominent for Sunnyside, and from a cross by Robson, Sutherland banged in u hot shot which A. Hirst gathered smartly. The Kaiapoi custodian was playing clever defensive football. A. moment later Sunnyside conceded a corner but this vas cleared. In following play Kaiapoi were hard pressed, and only splendid goal-keeping prevented a score. Finally , Simpson drove in a long shot which struck the upright, and from the rebound Browsi

in? goaled. Half-time wm called with th« -score: Sunuyside 1, Kaiapoi 0. From Iho roeppnin- kick. Sunnyside attacked hotly. McLachlan made ground on the right and finished with a treat shot • from the wing. A. Hirst saved smartly. 0. Ilirst and Boyne were prominent in deicnco for Ktiiapoi. Taylor broke away on the right. Tho winger heat Simpson and, closing on goal, ho drovo in, but Batten intercepts! in tho nick of time. Sunnyside retaliated through Browning and McLachlan, and for a period Kaiapoi were on the defensive. Trotter missed A short-range opening. and frum a corner-kick Sunnyside were nearly through, but t». Hirst, drove the ball Hear. Kaiapoi then took a hand and made ground on the left. Isles sent on to Rrncc. who * squared to coal, but Jackson nipped in and g» cleared just in time. Play was in midfield when Trotter snapped up from Purdie. Makinc grouud Trotter drovo in a hot .shot which gave Ilirst no chance. Sunnrside continued to be aggressive, and A. Him saved brilliantly a high shot from Trotter. A further hombardiuent oi the Kaiapoi put followed, Sutherland, Browning, «nd Trotter narrowly missing. Time was called with Sunnyside attacking, and the score: Sonnyside Kaiapoi 0. Referee, Jlr J, Stout. Thistle (2) v. Saucers (3). For their match on the Mental Hospital ground Rangers had five juniors playing, and Thistle one. The ground was in snrprixinglv (rood order. Katijers kicked off, and Gihaon mado ground down the centre, but Aitkin repulsed. lively exrhauge* followed, and thou Sweeney put Thistle attacking on the left. Patterson drovo across and ElUs shot for goal, but Forsytha listed out. Bishop cleared and Barnes pave Foster .possession. The winger centred smartly and Gibson narrowly missed with a cross shot. Thiulo retaliated down the oentro with Ellis, Thomas, and R. Dick prominent. Pattersoa swuns tha ball iu, but Morley cleared from K. Dick smartly. From half-way the Scots again attacked strongly. Morley and Bishop both miskicked, and Thomas opened the score with a close-in shot. A moment later W. Dick had a splendid opportunity to increase Thistle's score, but he dallied with the ball and finally, under pressure, he shot raßt. Rangors retaliated with Aspinall and Makinson prominent. With tho Thistle custodian out of peal, Norman drove in. but Sweeney fisted out a certain score. A goal should havo been awarded, but the refer*® ordered a penalty kick. From the spot Gibson drovo straight at Falconer, and th* ball rebounded for Aitkin to clear. Thistle thon worked tho ball dowu the left, anil Patterson placed inside. Thomas sent on to W. Diok, who registered at c.tose range. Hangers applied pressure in following play, but the Thistle defence held, and half-time was called with tho score: Thistlo 2. Rangers 0. On resuming, Rangers attacked down the centre, llowarth placed nieoly to Gibson, who cut out Bowley and went on. llitsett accepted a transfer and lie scored with a spinning shot which piuzled Falconer. Bowley_ relieved a further Rangers' raid, and Thistle retaliated on tho right. Patterson accepted from Kllia and sent in a hot shot which Forsytho booted out of goal. Barnes and Howarth relieved, aud Hangers made ground through Makinson. A centre fonnd Bissett well placed, and ho drove in a powerful shot which Falconer • listed clear in great style. Play quickly swung to the other end, and Thistlo forced two corners ! in quick succession, llowarth levelled the scores with a dropping- shot. From the centre kick Thistle attacked desperately to regain the lead, but Morley and Bishop were safe. Then Barnes put Hangers attacking. Gibson gathered and drovo in a fast shot which struck the cross-bar and rebounded for Falconer to clear. Then Thistle attacked determinedly and Aspinall, Morley, and Bishop were fully extended. Fornytho saved well from a concerted Thistle attack, and immediately afterwards Morley cleared from a gerous position. Rangers worked the ball down, aud with a clear field Gibson and Bissott made for goal. Gibson's shot leb&mded from Falconer and Bissett drove in again. Falconer turned tho shot past lor a corner, and time was called before the kick was taken, with the final score: Bangers 2, Thistle i.'. Referee, Mr W. Campbell. SCHOOLS' GRADE. A practice will be held to day at 3 p.m. at North Hagley Park, to pick the representative team to play against the West Coast in ChrUtohurch. The following players air* requostod to bo present:—W. Bourne, Glasyon, Davies, McMillan, Strong, Boyce, Brnorton, Armiger (St. Michael's), Smith. KeaU (St. Albans), Eden, Galbraith, M. Alhby (Spreydon), Nolligan, Twiss, • Harland, if. Harrison, Albertson, Galvin, Mannix, Doherty. Pullan, Bowen (Marist Brothers), Weir, Smith (East Christchurch), P&unelt, Bisset* (Richmond), Harker, Robinson, I;. Fleet (St. Mary's), P. Considine, Garlick, and Schraeder (Addington Convent). PETER DAWSON CUP. DUNEDIK, August 15. A big crowd saw Otago successfully deal with South Canterbury's effort to snatch tho Peter Dawson Cup, retained by the horaa side in virtue of its recent draw with Southland at Invcrcargill. It waa an interesting game, and developed in ttas second spell into a stern struggle on a greasy ground. Tha final score, Otago 5, South Canterbury 3, is a pretty fair index to tbe trend of th« play. IN OTHER CENTRES. ' (pims ißsocuTiov mwiimj AUCKLAND, August 15. Thistle 2 v. Royal Navy 1; North' Shore 3 v. Y.M.C.A. 0; Hellaby's 2 v. Water*idera 1; Ponsonby 4 v. lluntly 0. WELLINGTON', August IS. Championship—Y.M.C.A. 3, Scottish Wanderers 0; Hospital 1, Institute 1. Victory Cup—Final: Brooklyn S, Y.M.CJL 4. Charity Cup—Watersiders 1, Marist 0.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18462, 17 August 1925, Page 13

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CYCLING. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18462, 17 August 1925, Page 13

CYCLING. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18462, 17 August 1925, Page 13