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The Lady Editor •will I>e pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items should be folly authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the .signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Their Excellencies Sir jCharles and Lady Alice Fergusson, who arc arriving in Chriatchurch from the south on Fridav, June 12th, the guests of Mrs Boyle (Riccarton) during their stay in Christchurch. Miss Fergusson and Miss Orr-Ewing, who arc accompanying- 'their Excellencies, will stay with Mrs Algar "Williams (Fendalton). Mrs 11. Cracroft "Wilson (King Country) is arriving in Christchurch on Friday to visit her sister, Miss Harley. Miss Etta Nolan (Gisborne) is the guest of Mrs Eudell Wanklyn (Merivale). Mrs Algar "Williams returns to-night from a brief visit to Kangitata. .Miss Jean Mcßao (Waikari) is staying with Miss Betty Overton (Fendalton). Mrs Kennaway.. Henderson, formerly of Christchurch, leaves Auckland shortly to join her husband, who has accepted an appointment in Sydney. Miss Marie Burke, Miss Floie Allan, Mrs and Miss Rolin, Misses Harcburt, Mr Cass Downing, Mr Allen, Mr John Farrcll, all of the J. C. Williamson Company, are staying at St." Elmo. The engagement is announced of Miss Sadie Sutherland (Tuppy), youngest daughter of Mrs S. Sutherland and the late Charles Sutherland (Timaru), to Lionel Stanhope Dawson (Dunedin), only son of Mr B. D. Dawson (Island Bay, Wellington).

The death occurred at Kaikoura last night of Mrs David Boyd, wife of Councillor Boyd. She was the daughter of the late Mr Walter Gibson.

• Miss Kirby (Croydon) is at the Clarendon Hotel.

Mrs C. Murray (Wharanui) and Dr. Mary E. Erwin (Cheviot) are -at Warner's Hotel.

' Mr and Mrs J. A'. Brown (Whiterock) are at the United Service Hotel. • Mr and Mrs J. W. Baty and Mr and Mrs T. S. Wilson have returned •to Christchurch after a holiday, spent visiting the Franz Josef Glacier, Nelson and the Picton Sounds.

Mr and Mrs Avent (Timaru), Miss B. Baldock (Greymouth), and Mr and Mrs W. A. Morgan (Mount Somers) are amongst recent arrivals at the lloyal Hotel.

A special carnival darfce will be held to-morrow (Saturday) night at the Caledonian Hall. An orchestra of six instrumentalists will supply the music.

A whist drive will be licld to-morrow (Saturday) night in the Card Room, Caledonian Hall. All whist players are invited. The ball held by the Lancashire Society on Wednesday night in the Art Gallery was a great success, about five hundred being present, most of whom were in fancy dress. The prizes were nwarded as follows: —Miss Cheetham, Tambourine Girl; Mrs Pickering, 'Arriet; Mr Johnston, The Sea Hawk; Mr Clark, Policeman. A whist snatch was also played, the prizes being won by Miss Salt, Miss Greatorex, Mr Green and Mr C. Hanson. The music was supplied by the Rosina Orchestra. At a meeting of the Ricearton Fellowship Guild, Mr Lovell-Smith introduced the subject of music, defining it as "a combination of tone and rhythm which aroused some emotion." After an interesting address, illustrations of English vocal music wire given: Ballads, "Barbara Allen," "The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington"; song or solo. "Where'er You Walk," "Cavatina," "Cherry Ripe"; duet, "Albion, on Thv Fertile Plain"; trio. "Ye Shepherds Tell Me"; quartet, "Since First I Saw Your Face." Tho programme concluded with a round iu which the audience took part.

Mrs Burnes-Loughnan is organising a concert, to be held on Sunday night, to augment the fund for destitute patients at the Public Hospital. By kind permission of Mr John Farrell, who is always ready to assist deserving charities, the programme will be given largely by members of the J. C. Williamson Company, at present appearing at the Theatre Royal, and this fact alone is more than sufficient to ensure a full house. Recent visitors to the Glacier Hotel, Franz Josef Glacier, include the following:—Mesdamcs Lawrence, Jay, and Carter, Mr and Mrs Ryder, Mr and Mrs Andrews, Mr and Mrs Good, Misses Carter, Mead, and Pace, Mr and Mrs Wilson, Mr and Mrs Baty, Messrs Aitken and Bowler, Mr and Mrs Jenks, Mr and Mrs Dunkley, Misses Edna Thomas, Lawrence, and Piper, Drs. Telford and McKibbin, Mr and Mrs Polk, Mr and Mrs Davie, Misses Vaughan and Welsh, Messrs Sims, Marshall, and Grimes.

A delightful bridge party, at which Mesdames Jones and Zohrab were joint hostesses, was held at the residence of Mr A. L. Jones (Papanui road). Some very keen games were played. Amongst those present were: Mr and Mrs Jones, Mr and Mrs Zohrab, Mr and Mrs Beer, Mr and Mrs Du Feu, Mr and Mrs Lohrey, Mr and Mrs Mulcoek, Mr and Mrs J. Raymond, Mrs Tingey, Mrs Whatman, Mr and Mrs Uren, Mr and Mrs Wright, Miss Searell, Misses Brown (2), Miss Zohrab, and many others. Prizes were won by Mrs Mulcoek and Mr Du Feu.

. During the infantile paralysis' epidemic the teachers and" students of the Creche and Kindergarten Association met together, and arranged to work for a kindergarten fair, to be held to-day in the Navy League Hall; to help the funds of the Association. The fancy stall has some beautiful work done by the teachers, while the bag and apron stall will be well filled with aprons large and small, and bags of various shapes and- sizes. The toy stall has hand-made toys of all descriptions, from tiny chicken to large, elephant, and dolls to suit all tastes. , The raffia stall will be of great interest to Intending purchasers of baskets, trays, hats, etc., and the sweet stall will be well filled with home-rnade sweets. A cookery competition is creating much interest, ancl will be judged early in the day. The parents of the students have kindly undertaken the arrangements for afternoon tea. A special feature will be the afternoon concert, when several well-known loc*al artists have promised their assistance. The teache'rs have worked hard and Hope their efforts will be rewarded by a large gathering in the Navy League Rooms this afternoon. ■ •

' A very enjoyable evening party was given by Mr and Mrs Evans at their residence, Victoria street, Rangiora, recently, the guest of honour being Mrs W. Hamilton, who is shortly leaving for the West Coast. Games, musical- items and progressive euchre were enjoyed, the winners of the progressive euchre being Mrs Fleming and Mr W. Wilson, and the consolation.prizes going to Mrs Cook and Mrs Wilson. Those contributing songs were Mrs Misses Smith, , Ramby. and Hamilton. Mr Tyler made reference to the many good qualities of the departing guest and wished Mr Hamilton, who has preceded her, and herself and family, every happiness in their new home. Three hearty cheers were given for Mr and Mrs Evans, and the party terminated with the singing of ,"Aul Lang Syne." Among those present were:—Mr and Mrs .Evans, Master's Jack and Les. Evans," Mr and Mrs W. Horrell, Mr and Mrs Cook, Mr and Mrs Wilson, Mr and Mrs Jordan, Mr and Mrs Lussetti, Mr and Mrs Tyler, Mesdames Hamilton, Cambridge and Fleming, Misses Smith, Gracey, Ramby and Hamilton, 'THREE GREAT PURIFIERS. .... Three great purifiers are fresh air, sunshine, and Verbena Soap. Verbena Soap does all house cleaning and laundry work more quickly, safely, and thoroughly because of the high grade oils and other ingredients it contains. There is no other soap to equal Verbena for household purposes. Ask your grocer for it. -'■ Mc 7012-2. Dainty Evening Frocks in Chiffon Velvet (Bgns), Crepe de Chine (from 4gns), and a • charming embossed Chennille Georgette arc now being displayed by Miss "Kathleen Fuller (late John Court, Auckland), at "Minerva" Salon, over Jones, McCrostie, Cashel street. 'Phone 3485. —6 h

For unbeaten value—Doctor Flannel in white and natural, 2s 6d yard, Colonial Flannel in white and grey, Is lid a yard, and 36in'cream flannelette Is lid yard. See them to-day at Manchester House, direct importers, Colombo street (next E. Reece, ltd.). 6

Real Crocodile, Lizard, • and Python

Jjeathers in brown and grey have just been landed by Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street, and they will make shoes to your measure in latest styles. 6

At the Shirley golf links yesterday afternoon, Miss Kathleen Bristed played and won the sixth and last match in connexion with the Wilkin Cup competition. As Miss Bristed is the'only one of the seven competitors who has won six matches and lost none, she becomes the holder of the Wilkin Cup for the next twelve months.

Amongst recent arrivals at "St. Elmo" are: Miss E. Bates (Wellington). Mr and Mrs Lemon (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Moreton Mrs Hervey (Sydney), Mr and Mrs Yeoman (Wellington), iMrs Symes (Christchurch), Mr John Caughley (Director of Education, Wellington), Mr Jack (Dunedin), Mr McNathy (Invercargill), Mr Wallace (Balclutha), Mr Valentine (Dunedin), and Mr Martin (Wellington). "Do you mean to tell me that you never come to town and visit drapers' shops or go to picture shows?" said Mr F. K. Hunt, S.M.. to a woman who was giving evidence in the Magistrate's Court at Auckland. The woman assented. "Well, you deserve a medal," was the Magistrate's comment. At the residence of Miss Maud Tabart, Cashmere Hills, yesterday afternoon, Madame Gower-Burns and Mr Svduey Francis Hoben gave the first of - a musical recitals before an appreciative audience. The subject chosen for the afternoon was "Le Jongleur de Notre Dame," the well-known work of the clever French composer Jules Massenet. A verv enjoyable evening was spent at "Woodbank,"the residence of Mr and Mrs W. F. Turner, - Halkett, the occasion being the coming of age of their daughter, Mabel. The grain shed was gaily decorated with greenery and coloured streamers, and the music, for dancing was supplied by Mesdamo's Stewart, Kelham, Henderson, and Miss J. Thompson, Miss Langdale-Hunt, and Miss M. Turner. Songs were contributed by Mrs Kelham and Miss Rickerby (duet), Miss Cullen, and Mr J. Grieve. A sumptuous supper was served in tho dining-room, where the tables were gay with' chrysanthemums. The Rev. Mr Kelham, in an appropriate speech, congratulated Miss Turner, the toast of whose health was drunk with musical honours, and asked her to cut tho birthday cake, on which wero twentyone candles. Miss Turner suitably responded. Those present were:—Mr and Mrs W. F. Turner, Rev. and Mrs Kelham, Mrs Page, Mr and Mrs "W. A. Turner, Mr and Mrs Stewart, Mr and Mrs G. Hayes, Mr and Mrs R. Henderson, Mr and Mrs R.' Watson, Mr and Mrs R. S. Roper, Mr and Mrs Hawke. 'Mr and Mrs Ford, Misses M. and T. Turner, P., M.. and. H. Holes, H. and D. Cullen, F.'Smith, A. and K. Millar, A. Langdale-Hunt, D. Hendy, A. Jowers, >A. Summe'rficld, G. Clough, T. and G. Whyte, L. Seaton, L*. Rickerby, J. Thompson, I. Lyons, V. and P. Roper, J., E., and A. Thomson, 0. Thomas, P. McNae, M. Hunter, M. and E. Watson, K. Calder, Messrs C. and-J. Turner, V., L., and W; Davis, B. Hayes, G. Dudley, W. and. A. McKay, W. L. Stewart,. P. and B. R. Langdale-Hunt, G., Watson, N. Carter, G. arid J. Jowers, H. and C. Watson, G. and J. Cullen, A. Manson, H. and F. Foster, E. and J. Thompson, F. Mc.Nae, .T, Taylor, W. and J. Grieve, G. and J. Seaton, A. Calder, A. Summerfield, _R. Watson, and M. and W.'Wilson. SOCIAL AT BELFAST. . Despite the unfavourable weather, the Belfast Foresters' annual social, held en Tuesday, was a pronounced success, tha/.ks to a hard-working committee, assisted by the wives of the members. Bro. A. E. Clarke, secretary of the committee, is deserving of special mention, as on 'him the burden of all the organising work fell. The v Towu Hall, in which the social was held, was decorated with purple' and " green streamers, evergreens, and flowers,, together with members' certificates and bannerettes. The trellis erected round, the stage was a mass of flowers and butterflies, with a background of ferns. The grand march, in which about eighty couples took part, was led by C.R. Bro. W. Hibberd and Mrs Hibberd. There was a large attendance of visitors from other courts and from kindred societies, among them being Bros. J. Hollinger and E. Wilson, L.0.L., No. 4, Belfast; J. J. Beagley, Papanui Oddfellows; Rathgen, Canterbury District Court of Foresters; and Eldridge, Star of Canterbury. The duties of M.C. were carried out by Bros. D. Miller and J. Hey, and the music for dancing was supplied by Mr Johnston's Band. Cards were provided for those not interested in dancing. Mrs.Poore and Mr (2. Brown won the first prizes, and Mrs F. Smaill and Mr D. Smith the booby prizes. The ''following were amongßt the ladies present:— Misies Moore, who wore electric blue chiffo.o. velvet; L. Davison, pink satin marocain, with gold laco trimming; G. 'Bden, sky blue figured crepe cie chine-; M. Wilson, pink taffeta; M. .flalligan, lemon crepe de chine; L. Bloor.'shot taffeta; C. Miaer, green crepe de chine; Beryl Wright, apricot siik and silver lace; Una Johnston, cream hand crochet frock; R. Howard, figured marocain; Ca'rter, heliotrope .figured marocain; N. ' Maddams, black satin; R. Thurlow, pink satin and radium lace; M. Rr.beits, almord crepe de chine; E. Smith, pink satin: E. Williams, brocaded silk; L. Neaie, mole marccam; D. Starkey, rcse velvet; G. Starkey, mauve brocaded velvet; I. ,Nimweek, black velvet with cerise trimmings; Barnes, green georgette, N. Hillicr, apricot' satin'; Roberts, apricot silk; D. Henderson, lemon de chihe; M. Willoughby, shot' taffeta and silver tissue; Thiele, mauve brooaded marocain; Abbot, black satin and bead trimming; 'Rudkin, sunset taffeta and radium lace; R. Wo'tton, black velvet With flanie radium lace sleeves; Martin, pale blue' taffeta; E. Englefield, fawn jersey eilk; T. Rudkin, salmon pink satm; Beason, cerise taffeta; Mesdames C. Bell, blue marocain; P. Moore, brown crepe de chine; S. Ashby, black velvet, with lace sleeves; P. Thomas, pink marocain, G. Clausen, champagne, jersey silk; C Henderson, green satin, and radium lace; C. Clarke, black velvet and radium lace; H. Stevens, mauvet georgette; "TOaghorn, black georgette; Martin, black satin; Hibberd, blue velvet; Murfitt, black crepe de chine;' Campbell, navy sat.n; Moore, fawn frock; Thompson'j i black satin; Butler, shell rink marocain; W. Sellers, cinnamon jersey, silk: S. Wilaon, cream satin; J.. Beag'ey, gold marocain.; F. Smaill, black velvet and fur trimmings; A. E. Clarke, rose satin and Bilk radium tunic; R. Clarke, black marocain: R, S. Halligan, saje blue satin; E. Erickson, lemon satin; E. Miller, navy crepe de chine; Hayes, champagne crepe de chine with blue, trimmings; H. Howard, black net and lace; R,udkin. beaded georgette; I Nunweek, black' crepe de chine, relieved with pink; AT Cameron, navy crepe de chine with bead trimmings; 1. H. Neale, tangerine marocain: A. Johnson, mauve silk; Rathgen, ivory charmante; Misses D. JZeagley, black vel\tet with, cerise trimmings: Wood, e.bct tnffeta: C. Wood, cinnamon marocain; M. Romcrell, shot satin.

In changeable weather take "NAZOL" on sugar or "by inhalation. Best safeguard against chills. One dose a dav keeps colds away. Is 6d.—2

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18400, 5 June 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18400, 5 June 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18400, 5 June 1925, Page 2