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Lady Boys, who lias been visiting her son in Hawkc's Bay, returns to Christchurch this morning. Mrs E. Douglas Pullon and her children are spending a holiday in Waimatc.

Mr and Mrs J. Wyn Irwin arrived in Christchurch yesterday from Wellington to see their son, Brian, who has undergone an operation for appendicitis. Mrs G. D. Greenwood had a slight accident to a foot at Teviotdale recently, and has come to town for treatment. She will be staying for some days at Cranmer square. N Mrs M. Birch (Hamilton) is at Warnor's Hotel.

Guests at Warner's Hotel include: Messrs M. M. Carpenter, R. T. Humphries (Wellington), F. O. Hamilton (Nelson), E. Price (Dunedin), and J. Hutchinson (Timaru). Messrs R. Dawkins (Picton) and C. Finn (Auckland) are at the Clarendon Hotel. Recent arrivals at the United Service Hotel include: Messrs G. G. Roulston (Toronto, Canada), R. Sprague (Te Aroha), M. Kronfeld, G. D. Rutter(Auckland), D. Stowell (Timaru), R. Macaulay (Temuka), W. Newton (Akaroa), C. J. Spier (Colombo), and J. K. Johnston (Sydney). A sale of home-made cakes, cream, poultry, and lamb will be held in the vestibule of Everybody's Theatre on Saturday morning. The proceeds are in aid of St. John's Church Fund, Little River.

On Tuesday, June 9th, the members of the Hagley Ladies' Golf Club will play the bogey match which was postponed this week on account, of bad weather. To-morrow'a match will be played as previously arranged. • Aitiongst the ladies who attended the •Canterbury Park Trotting Club's Meeting at Aldington yesterday were Mrs H. S. Batchelor, Mrs H. Wauchop, Mrs J.' E. Donald, Mrs Cyril Stringer, Miss Peggy Norton, Mrs J. J. Dougall, Mrs A. E. Smith, Mrs G. S. Cowper, Mrs J. S. Hawkes, Mrs George Haywa-rd, Misses Davis (2), Mrs Crosse, Mrs HReay, Mrs J. Greig, Miss Pengelly, Mrs Claude Piper, Mrs David Crozier, Miss Lux ton, Mrs W. E. Simes, Mrs Meikle, Miss Leech, and Misses Shaw (3). ' At the Amberley golf links yesterday, a match was played between a party ,of players .from the Christchurch Ladies' Golf Club and a team'of local players. The somewhat chilly drive from town to Amberley was more than compensated for by the warmth of the welcome, accorded the visitors by the Amberley ladies, who entortained the players most ■ hospitably ■■ at morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea. The weather in the morning was dreary and threatening, but by the time play .began the sky had cleared and the conditions for golfing were ide/tl. A match, on handicaps, over 18 holes was played in the morning, and a foursome over nine holes in the afternoon. The members of'the Christchurch Ladies' Golf Club, who won by the narrow margin of one game, were: Miss Beadcl, Mrs Lawrence, Mrs Mills,. Mrs 1 Bristed, Mrs -Louisson, Miss M. Enright,,Miss lb Cren, and Mrs Langford. Amberley was represented by Miss Parsons, Miss Bhodes, Mrs Frew, Mrs Brown, Miss Wormall, Miss Buchanan, Miss Feathery, and Mrs .Oxley. ' j

REMODELLING OF FURS. Owners' of fur coats, wraps, etc., who wish to have them remodelled in the v<ery latest French and London styles should send them without delay to Madame Menere, the Furrier, 127 Cashel street, opposite Beaths'. Madame is receiving orders from all over New Zealand just now for remodel work. If you cannot call send your coat for advice.' M 6631 MRS'VERB PLANT AjGENET. Mrs Vere Plantagenet is back here once more, keeping splendid Kofgo ever to the fore. "Nothing like it Jor colds," she. says. , "It keeps one jtifit right these miserable wet days." ■Kofgo, the great cough cure, is obtainable from chemists and stores and from E Cameron Smith, Cathedral squaref 58707 Shoes made from real Crocodile, Lizard, or Python Leathers in brown and grey can be made to your order by Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street, or procured from their stock. 6 THE FASHIONABLE SHINGLE. "Enhances the beauty of every woman." Ycsl But the hair and scalp must be perfectly healthy. Our treatment will restore to grey or faded hair, ail its original hue, lustre and beauty in Nature's way. Con stilt Egyptus. Hair Specialists, Fletcher's Buildings, Colombo street, near Armagh street. 'Phone 5158. t K4311 CARE FOR YOUR SKIN. Puro soap and "warm water arc the best friends your complexion has. Cleanliness is fundamental. A skin that is not clean cannot be beautiful. The use., of soap is necessary for perfect cleanliness. And pure soap is harmless to your skin. Ivory Soap is 99.44 per cent. pure. Chemists sell it at 9d a cake. —6

To-morrow evening a progressive euchre tournament will be lie Id at the Grand Tea Rooms. To-nieht will mark the commencement of Messrs Norman Donovan's r.nd W. Digney's School of Dancing at the Grand. Tea Rooms. The second term of Mr Arthur Lilly's Y.W.C.A. singing class commences tonight at 7.30 in the Club Rooms, Latimer square. Mr Lilly Trill be pleased to welcome any new members to tho class, which is looking forward to {he study of "Cavalleria Rusticana" for the next Christmas medley. A very successful bridge party was held on Monday evening at tho liouse of Mrs Grny (Colenso street, Sumner) lor the funds of the Sumner Guild of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society. The plavers were: Mr and MrS Setli Smith. Mr and Mrs Carey, Dr. and Mrs Gosset. Mr and Mrs Menlove, Mr and Mrs McKenzie. Mr and Mrs Aitkin, Mrs Shand, Mrs T. P. Shand, Mrs'Crawford. Mrs Cassidv, Mrs Hudson Brown, Mrs I. Wilson. Mrs Leithead, Mrs Wiggins. Mrs Teppet. Mrs Lee, Mrs G. O. Z. Harris, Mrs jYorke, Mrs Slater. Misses Ewart, Kiver. Jonn Wiggins, Helen Wiggins. Janiieson, Richards. Ollivier. Pender, Martin, Jones, Reese, MrR Smith, Messrs Booth, Poulton, S. Barber, Tripe, Mrs Marriner, Mrs Merrie, Mrs lloswell, Mrs Trerise and Mrs Nicholson were also present; and Mrs Ooe, Mrs U. Hamilton and Mrs Marine (Fendalton) organised overflow parties at their homes.

An interesting reunion of old folk connected witli the congregation of St. James's Presbyterian Church, Auckland, was held on Saturday. Unfortunately the grand old man of St. James's Church, Mr Thomas Richardson, was not able to be present, but he sent a message of greeting. Mr Richardson is now. 96 years of age, and the meeting charged the minister to convey its greetings to the veteran worker in the church. A lady present, Mrs Watson, is within a few months of the 100 th anniversary of her birth, and it wad stated that she has never been ill during her whole life. Mrs Ness is 93 years old, and fourteen of those present had passed the fourscore mark. Mrs James Goldie . dates her membership back 60 years, and had the distinction of being the oldest member connected with St. .James's Sunday school. That sturdy Presbyterian, Mr Duncan Macpherson, for many years a city missioner, and for 56 years an energetic worker for the church, was also present.

An enjoyable (and well-attended carnival dance was held at the Grand Tea Rooms oa Tuesday evening, .to mark the opening of Mr Norman Donovan's School of Dancing. The hall was decorated with palms, flowers, and ferns. Spirited music was supplied by the Kosina Orchestra.' A waltzing competition attracted fourteen couples, and resulted as follows: —Miss E. Aitkcn and Mr C. Walloon, 1; Miss A. Aitken and Mr J. McCracken, 2; Miss F. Smith and Mr A. Hoolcer 3. Amongst tlio3e present, were:-—Mr and Mrs M. Reeves, Mr and Mrs Baxandale, Mr and Mrs 11. O'Connor, Mr and Mrs J. Gillespie, Mr and Mrs W. Digney, Mr and Mrs ,W, Gribben, Mr and Mrs J. Bpikcr, Misses E. and -A. Aitken, ■'—*Sr6saer; H. R. Mcßdth \Wellington),-It Richards,.P. Deans, F. Smith, N. Mattchess, M. Ford; B.- Barclay, .-jjnd R. N'esbit(Dunedin), ■' — Bosewane; E. Baker (Wellington), L. Amos, A. Bateinan, E. Jackinan, N.' Gibbons, R. Eichards, V. Fitzsimmons, E. Barrett, and F. Giant, Messrs N'."-Donovan, J. O'Connor, W. Digney, W. Busby, C. Falloon, W. Bean', J. McCracken, C. Marshall, Kelly,, D? Flanagan, E. Tupe, C. Thackwelj, •W. Eandle, G. War.doll, V. Main, J. Weadell, P. P. Harvey, A. Mitchell,,A; McMurraiy, W. Manson, P. Goldie, and B. Kennedy, A. Honker, and J. Dobson (Radley). The Wembley Club held another very successful .dance-in St. Mary's Memorial Ilail/on Monday night. All arrangements .were of a high standard, j arid the music supplied by Marston ! s Orchestra was much appreciated by the-dancers, amongst.- whom were:—Mr and Mrs M. Prendergast, . Mr and Mrs E. B. CapeWilliamson, Mr aud Mrs P. Wilks, Mr and Mrs Cyril Ward, Mr and Mrs H. Bcaiuvais, Mesdames F. Holmes, Langie, Misses E. 0 'Connell, Tui Barnctt, E. Perkins, Elsie Ives, Patsie Maher, M.O'Connell, Gemmell, Daphne Holmes, „F. Olliver, F. McDonald, L. Holmes, Agnes Darby, Julie Lancaster, M. Darby, C. Hill, I. McLennan, Ida Bradford, F. Cotter, E. MfeLennan, F. Hunt, Elsie Ruck, E. Neate, C. (jueenan, o 'Carroll, E. James, A. Wass, R. redder, ,B. .Wildermo.tli, Nancy and Bobby Taylor, E. Wright, Herriott, Eew'a Murphy, (Wellington), C. O'Malley, Riordan, C. Ryder, Bascand, J. Boyce, McLean, Batstone, M. Wheeler, Townsend, Messrs _F. Keadc, Wauchop, lan Jamieson, A." P. Taylor, W. E. Knowlcs, A. S. Nicholls, Bernard Eennel], F. Niven, F. Amodc-J, J. Woolcock, A. E. O'Malley, F. A. Kolley, P. McGinty, W. Duder, H. A. Hiil, 11. Fletcher, D. Neil, E. F. Ward, E. Jennings,' J. Commons, B. Darby, C. V. Leeming, V. Smith. C. Sutherland, Queenan, W. Sutherland, J. Murray, Morgan O'Brien, B. Sparrow, A. T. O'Eeilly, Eric Brightiing, V. Courtney, B. Mclieefry, C. J. O'Malley B. Riordan, A. Brown, L. Toomer, A.' Eoche, G. Ollivicr, and J. Prendergast (secretary).

SNOWY WHITE CLOTHES. Swiftly, easily and beautifully, are clothes washed with Verbena Soap. It makes them sweet and clean and snowy w:bite, just as if they had been "sudsed" for hours in softest rain-water, and hung for a day in the sun and bjeeze. . Ask your grocer for a bar of Verbena today. Mc 7012-1

Official correspondence at times rereals current phrases which are often quaint and puzzling. Explaining his inability to" reduce the charges for sweeping chimneys of Government buildings in-an outlying fort, the local contractor (says an English exchange), concluded his letter with: "I am only a bearneed chimney sweep." Thanks to a clerk, a Devon man, it was discovered that the words the writer intended were not, as at first assumed, "bare kneed," but "bare need" —a West Country expression for "poor and needy!"

WOMEN'S CLUB. True to their reputation for hospitality to visitors, the members of the Canterbury Women's Club yesterday afternoou held a reception in honour of Miss Edna Thomas, the talented singer of spirituals and Creole folk songs. The comfortable drawing-room was decorated with yellow and bronze chrysanthemums and autumn foliage, which toned beautifully with the deep cream curtains and orange canopies of the many windows. Miss Edna Thomas, who was accompanied by Miss Constance Piper and Miss Lucille Lawrence, was welcomed by the president, Mrs H. Holland, who wore a frock of nigger brown marocain with multi-coloured bead embroidery, seal coat, and black hat with upturned lace brim and bunch of osprevs at one side. Miss Thomas's becoming frock of chocolate brown chiffon velvet had a front skirt panel of biscuit-cdloured velvet bordered with handsome Paisley embroidery. Her small brown velourfelt hat was trimmed with self-coloured ribbon, and she wore a short- fur wrap. In acknowledging the cordial welcome accorded her at the club, Miss Thoqias spoke with enthusiastic appreciation of the scenic, beauties of New Zealand, mentioning especially the grandeur of Mt. Cook, the Franz Josef Glacier, and the Buller Gorge. She gave a short account of the powers and activities of women's clubs in America, and concluded a charming speech with renewed thanks to Mrs Holland and the members of the club.

Musical items were given by Miss Dulcie Mitchell (vocalist) and Mrs W. R. Carey (pianist), and Mrs J. E. Russell ncted as accompanist. Amongst, the ladies present were Mrs H. Holland, Mrs J. E. Russell, Mrs A. S. Adams, Mrs Owen, Miss Orchard, Miss M. 0. Stoddart, Miss Spence, Mrs Tiiit, Miss Todd, Miss Grand, Misses Caygill (3), Mrs Dickenson, Miss Buddon, Miss Baker, Mrs J. Gore-Newell, Miss Mabel Smith, Mrs Arthur Meade, Miss Morgan, Miss M. Beattie, Mrs Richards, Mrs Townsend, Mrs Nelson Wright, Mrs P. J. Dunne, Mrs Aschman, Miss Isherwood, Mrs Andrews, Mrs Otley, Mrs Twentyman, Mrs E. J. Purchas, Mrs Pollock, Mrs Greene, Mrs Allen Fisher, Mrs Clifton Bingham, Miss Spen-ce, Miss A. Spence, Mrs Cowper, Mrs Webster, Miss Stevens, Miss Mary Duncan, Mrs B. H. Gilniour, Mrs Dixon, Mrs Fuldseth, Mrs McCredie, Miss Macdonald, Miss. Harvey, Miss Garton, Mrs Thomson, Mrs W. Brock, Miss Brock, Mrs MurreyJackson, Mrs S. Sims, Mrs T. Dent, Miss Perkins, Miss Hooper, Mrs Hunnibell, Mrs H. J.""Raphael, Mrs Claude Ring, Mrs W. Wilson, Mrs Aitken, Mrs D. Ogilvie, Mrs McKillop, Mrs Grey, Mrs Bowron,' Mrs A. Lorimer, Mrs J. H. Stringer, Mrs 0. Harley, Mrs Lund, Mrs Howard James, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lawlor, Mrs McDowell, Mrs George Cooper.

,Tlie collection of autograph letters of George Sand, just acquired by the British Museum, was obtained at a cheaper rate than was once paid for a single note from her hand. The famous novelist was assisting at a charity bazaar, and Baron James Rpthscliild, lookrpg round vainly for something ibe cared, to buy, said to her; "Sell me your autograph." - She promptly scrawled- on a slip of paper, "Received of Baron Rothschild, one thousand francs, George Sand." The. Baron read, and handed over tbo money.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18399, 4 June 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18399, 4 June 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18399, 4 June 1925, Page 2