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The tady Editor trill be pleased to receive for publication in tho "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news Such items should be fully authenticated, and engagement no'.ices must bear the sipiafcres of both parties. Correspondence is Invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Mr 3 Keith Ollivier (Waimate) is staying with Mrs Ollivier (Webb street). Mrs W. J. Craeroft Wilson has returned from a visit to Wellington.

Mr and Mrs , Leslie McDonald (Levin) are staying at the Royal Hotel.

Miss Beatrice Loughnan (Palmerston North) is the guest of Mrs W. O. Campbell (Fendalton). Mr and Mrs W. F. Hamilton (Fairlie) and Mrs and Miss Montgomery (Little River) are staying at the United Service Hotel.

Mr and Mrs T. C. Robinson (North Canterbury) and Miss .Robinson, and Mr and Mrs J. D. McCracken (Rangiora) are staying at Warner's Hotel. Miss Mildr.ed Lance and Mr Pre Lance, motored to town yesterday from Horsley Downs, and are staying with Mrs Loughnan (Avonside). . A surprise party of between thirty and forty people, organised by Mrs V. V. B.iilcy, and taking the form of a "novelty evening," in aid of the coming bazaar visited the home of Messrs Smith Bros. (Sprir.gston) recently, where they were heartily welcomed. A very pleasant evening was spent in progressive euchre competition-, games and danc:ng. The vr»nners of the euchre tournament were Miss Pearson and Mr Leigh Crump.; and the winners of the various, competitions were Miss Cushla Ryan, Miss. "Freda Mcßean .in Mr Jack Baxter. A dainty supper wa.s served and Mr Bailey, on behalf of the visitors, thanked the Smith family for the enjoyable evening. The singing of "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" brought the evening to a close. The work stall at the approaching bazaar will benefit considerably as many beautiful gifts were received.

On Friday, August Sth, at their residence, "Oakburn," Mr and Mi-s W. Oakley, of Ashburton, entertained alargo number of young people in honour of their daughter, Muriel. Dancing took place in" the drawing-room, which had-been prettily decorated with varicoloured streamers, while the spacious halls and verajndahs were converted into lounges. Interesting and exciting, games of ping-pong and table bowls were played in the dining-room, and card tables were arranged in an adjoining room. A'dsunty supper was served "in the breakfast room. Among those present-were Mr and Mrs W. Oakley, Mesdames W. B. W. Bell and Stephenson, Misses R. Anderson, F. Boddington.E. Pettey, E. Hunter, M. Morrison, Oakley (4), J. Dunlop. M. Sparrow, J. Service, E. Boys, E. Stonier, J>. Bramloy, E. Bolton. B. Rutledge, C. Taylor,'Oakley (3) (Overdale); Dt. Ryburn, Messrs C. Bonnington, Wilson, R. Pellew, J. Nicoll, Christie (2), "G. Nicoll, .Taylor (2), J. Oakley, .E. Easterbrook G. C. Bonnington, G. Todd F. Curtis jun., C. Anderson, V. Scales, S. J. Gudsell, L. R. Clnrko, K. Shrimpton, and A. and L. Oakley (Overdale). On Thursday evening the Women's Progressive Club held their monthly meeting, at which there' was a good attendance. Mrs Pairman, president, occupied the chair. Mrs Compton addressed the members on "Invalid- Cookery," and gave some remarkably useful, and practical hints. A number of recipes we're put into a hat, and each member drew two, , the dishes to be prepared and brought to the next meet-' ing, to be proved by the eating of them. Mrs Compton was heartily thanked for her address. On Saturday evening the club- held a social and dance in Allandale Hall, at which there •was an excellent attendance of mem bers and the public." Miss Eastwood kindly presided at the piano. The prize-winners of the novelty dances we're: —Snowball dance, Miss Einda Harris; lucky-spot waltz, Mr A. Harris and Miss N. Hollands; card dance, Mr Paton and Miss Tau. - The Wentworth Jazz Club's carnival dance, held in the Winter Garden on Tuesday night, was v a great success. Among3t the dancers were:—Mr an<l Mrs H. Beauvais, Mr and Mrs H. Mansfield, Mr and Mrs H. J. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs G. Bullock, Mr and Mrs Stubberfield, Mr and Mrs K. A. Bagshaw, Mr and Mrs G. H. RobinsOn, Mr and Mrs T. Hammond, Mr and Mrs C. ; V. Lceming, Mr and Mrs -G. H. Lewis, Mrs Glover, Mrs Cohen (Sydney), Misses G. Stringer, I. Trethcway, Painter, M. Cameron, H. Murie, H. Gordon, V. Anderson, I. Johnston, G. Walsh, P. Duthie, G. Drury, G. Merfield, K. Armstrong, D. Orchard, D. Wilkie, A. Noonan, R. Campbell, D. Clarkson, C. Hill, L. Graham, V. Griffiths, E. Noonan, 1.. Mali on, B, Fraser, E. Lindsay, L. Lindsay, Middlcton, Hullett, Messrs Erasrausscn, Edmoiid, Banfield, D. Roche, J. Clarkson, E. Loekwood, Corcoran, C. Guy, F. Lanyon, G. J. Wilkins, J. A. Wilson, V. Main, A. T. O'Eielly, J. Ewing, V. Houghey, D. W. Clark, McClelland, Machin, B. A. Lucas, Smith,' Young, Ivor H. Owen, H. Bush, Tom Anderson, Matt Parrell, J.. E. Prendcrgast, D. Clarkson, L. Dufey, J. Willis, C. Simes, McKenzie, A. McDonald, H. Hoskins, J. T. Toomey, Burnside, D. Brown, Johnston, Holdgate, L. J. Pickering, C. J. Robinson (lion., secretary), A. W. Soanes, N. Cohen, F. Drewitt.

DBESSES AT THE RACES. Among those present at the races was a well-known Christchurch lady wearing a handsome full length flank Musquash coat obtainable, by her. for only 22 guineas from Madame Menere, corner Cashel* and Coiombo streets, (upstairs). - Another- well-known lady was wearing a full length Electric Seal Coat with real Beaver collar bought bv her from Madame Menere for •£> guineas. M 6512 Pannell's Stocktaking: Bargains.— Boys' Black, also Brown School Boots, 7 to 8, 9s M; 9 to 10, ,10s 6d; 11 to 13, lis 6d; 1 to 2, 12s 6d. Girls' Strong Patent 1-Bar and Lace Shoes, 7 to 9, 7s 9d; 10 to 13, 9s 9d.. Great Value. H. Pannell and Co.; 105 Manchester street.. 'Pjume 694. P6548-6318 "Patricia," ,ever-in.creasing as. a popular shopping centre for ladies, has a very- choice range of Knitted Frocks and Jumpers; also Smart Millinery and Dainty Baby Things., Her High-elass Dressmaking will ever satisfy. Your, early, inspection* (corner^Montreal and Victoria streets) Will be appreciated, or ring 'phone 2343 M, L 6273

The Lewisham Bazaar is to be opened in the Caledonian Hall to-night, and will he continued to-morrow night. Well-stocked stalls, amusing sideshows, and a splendid programme of dancing, arranged by Mrs J. Hulme. will be amongst the many attractions. There was a good attendance at the Cashmere Girls' Guild on Monday, when Mrs E. Broadway presided. The subject for trie evening was millinery, and Miss Nancy Wass gave a practical demonstration, making a silk-straw hat and showing varied stvles of trimming it. A hearty vote of thanks to Miss Wass, and a dainty supper, served by ihe members, brotisht a very interesting evening to a close. A remarkable instance of infant precocity, in this case with entirely commendable motives, was noted in Karori yesterday afternoon (says Tuesday's "Dominion"). A boy of 13 months of age crawled into the room where his mother was, and made a great noise, unfortunately untranslatable. The mother took no notice of the child, and he crawled away again. But when he came again and tried to attract her attention, she went into the other room, and found that a quantity of clothing hanging on a chair in front of the fire had caught alight, and the chair itself had caught alight. So far advanced was the blaze that she had some difficulty in suppressing it, and got burnt in putting it out.

The annual football match, Christ'.s Col.cge Country Old Boys versus Town Boys, played at Christ's College ground yesterday, drew n. large crowd of interested spectators, amongst whom were Mrs Crosse, Mr and Mrs Flower, 'Mr and Mrs E. G. Hogg, Mr and Mrs Bi.iaev, Mr and Mrs G. Merton, Mr and Mrs G. Denniston, Mr and Mrs H. S. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs E. R. Webb, Mrs George Rhodes. Mr and Mrs J. ..-. L. Vernon, Mr and Mrs Grigg, Mrs Jack Anderson, Mrs J. Loughnan (Faiiiic). Mrs Eric Harper, Mrs T. FGibson, Mr and Mrs Neil Rattrav, Mrs McKae (Wr.iknri), Mr.s Writ, Mr and Mrs Herbert Elworthy, Mr and Mrs M. O'Rorke, Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Rich, Mr and Mrs Roger Gould, Mrs i£'. J. Cordner, Mr and Mrs J. M. Tripp, Mrs W. Clirysta.ll, Mrs Guy Pa.scoe, Mr and Mrs R. Wreaks. Mrs Gerald Gerard, Mrs John Barker, Mr <ind Mrs B. L- Blunden, Mrs Harrison, Mr.s iioys, Sir Charles and Lady Campbell, .Mrs Vesey Robinson, Mr and Mrs H. ii. Johnson. (Otaio), Mr and Mrs R ii. Johnson, Mr and Mrs Maxwell "Dears, Mr ::nd Mrs W. Deans, Captain and Mrs R. Burdon, Mr and Mrs C. <5. Dalgety, Mr and Mrs Leslie Orliell, Colonel and Mrs Shettle, Mr and Mrs 1 Bentley Davison, Misses K. Hehnore, F. and J. Gibson Jocelyn Pvne, Helen Rich, R. 'Wynn'Williams, M. Cooke, M. and B. Black, Leila Danby, Nancy Wilson (Bulls), Ursula Gorton (Feeding), Kathleen Wilson, Msiigot Hall, Molly Norton, Joy Andrews, Alice Pascoe, Doris Barker, Peters (Mt S mors), L. Tapper, Sylvia Fox, K.Polhill, M. Mcßae, Lettice Williams (Dunedin), Blanche Hennah, Whyte (Wellington), E. Harris, Meg Loughnan (Fairlie), Le Cren, Margaret Harper.


Very charming and simple are the dresses worn in "Fair and Warmer" which is meeting with such cordial approval nightly at the Theatre Royal. Miss Nellie Bramley, whose winsome personality has made her such a universal favourite, makes her first appearance as an almost incredibly docile but blissfully happy wife, wearing a pretty frock of knife pleated white georgette, with square yoke, back and front, of exquisite Maltese lace and girdled with a narrow plait of georgette fastened with coloured plastron. In the second act she appears in a dainty negligee of lilac georgette and blonde lace, triinmed with bandsof fur, which becomes her admirably,' albeit it is the rightful possession of her more worldly friend who lives in a neighbouring flat. Miss Sylvia McNair, who plays the part of Laura Bartlett, wears in the first act a daffodil georgette frock with long-waisted bodice and graduated bands on the skirt of daffodil satin and rosettes of mauve ribbon at the waist. When preparing to attend the opera she dons a beautiful dress of apricot georgette, embroidered in straight line with crystal beads and finished most effectively with a ceinture of bead embroidery in Egyptian colouring. Later she wears a rose-pink taffeta dress uncommonly trimmed with wheels of iivory" lace, forming" the hem of the skirt.


A very large and enjoyable dance, whicrli was attended by many country visitors in town for the races, was given at the Art Gal.ery last night by Mr and Mrs G. L. Rutherford, of Macdonald Downs, in honour of their daughter, Miss Betty Rutherford. Amongst the many guests were Hon. Lucy Jellicoe, Sir Charles and Lady Camj>bell, Captain and Hon. Mrs Tahu Rhodes, Mr and Mrs Walter Macfnrlane, Mi- and Mrs Sholto Douglas, Mrs Harper, Mr ind Mrs Leslie Macfarlfjie, Mr and Mrs Blunden, Major and Mrs Hutton, Mr and Mrs Latter, Mr and Mrs Wyntt, Mr and Mrs Gordon Pulton, Mr and Mrs G. Gerard, Mr and Mrs Roger Gould, Mr and Mrs Beckett, Mr L i>nd V. Robinson, Mrs Lmighnan, Mr and Mrs Eeetham, Mr nnd Mrs Bernard Wood, Mr and Mrs Laidlaw, Mr and J. Cbrdner, Mr and Mrs ,D. Westenra, Mr and Mrs O'Rorke, Mrs Newton, Mr and Mrs Douglas Deans. Mr and Mis G. Rutherford, Mr and Mrs W. Deans. Mr and Mrs Maurice Fell, Mr and Mrs J. G. L Vernon, Mrs K. Macdonald, Captain and Mrs Burdon, Mr and Mrs L. Laurence, Mr and Mrs Laurenson, Mrs Fulton, Mr :uid Mrs Ensor, Mrs C. Dalgety, Mr and Mrs J. H. Williams; Dr. and Mrs Stevenson, Mr and Mrs J. McCraeken, Mr and Mrs J. F. Buchanan, Mr and -Mrs S. Herd, Mrs Carney, Mr .nrd Mrs Frank Wilding, Misses Margot Bloomfield, Phyllis Bloomiield, Nancv Wilson, M. Statfcun, Botty Cbtterill, Shonii, Rhodes, Kathleen Bristed, Halmai Loughnan, Lettice Williams, McLean, M. Tripp, Archer, Acton Adams. Pinckney, P. Kitto, M. Kitto, Peegy Norton. Molly Norton, Kathleen Hotmore, P. Boyle. M. Tesehemaker, D. Chrystall, K. Polhill, Hazlett, Molly Black, Betty Black, Barbara Cowlii shaw, Mary Cowlishaw, Audrey Craeroft Wilson, Madeline Vyner, Loila Danby, Agnes Tiurell, Theo Berwick Webster, Lowry (2), Iris Montgomery, Helen Rich. Rachel Bottv Elworthy, Dorothy Bowdenj Jocelvn Pyne, L. Wells, Anderson Alys Duncan, [ M. Loughnan, Lettice Tanner, Fulton, j Messrs Tripp, Dalgety, Wilding, Hope, McDonald, Bristed, Harper, Hutchinson Aoton Adams, Stevenson, Buckley, Robinson, Thomson. Scott, Ronalds, Derrick Gould,Captain Chrystal, Captain Hencssy, Messrs Horton, Heathcote Helmoro, Louglinan, P. Boyle, Oiaffey, Hall, Johnston, Harrison, Thomas, Commander Boyle (retired), Norman Campbell, Denis Cotterill, Guv Cotterill, F. Oracroft Wilson Trolove, Gibson. Cooke, Deans, Johnstone, Blun-dell-Hawkes Sinclair-Thomson, Reid, John Moore, Buchanan, Robinson, Wilson Northcote, Brand, Grigg and P. Hall. '


As on Monday, the f-oeking at the Metropolitan Trotting Club's meeting at Addington yesterday was decidedly sombre. The weather was ideal, and wraps were not necessary until the late afternoon. The serviceable woollen costume, often in effective colouring, was the popular choice, and brightness was added to the scene by the appearance of cheery coloured hats, or ga\ trimmings on dark hair.. Mrs J. H. Williams wore a mole costume, mole velour cloche hat with varicoloured plastron in front; Mrs C. M. Ollivier, black seal coat with skunk collar and cuffs over a navy coat frock with narrow bands of Oriental braid, wide hat of hatter's plush with navy and green feather mount; Mrs Fenwick (Wellington), blue dress, musquash coat, bronze satin lint; Mrs W. 11. Norton, black gaberdine wrap, black Tagol straw hat with outstanding ospreys in front; Mrs Vcsey Robinson, navy blue braided frock, mole chenille hat with large osprey at the back; Mrs Parkin son, navy frock, fur coat, navy and white hat with wheels of van-coloured ribbons; Miss Nancy Kobison (Nelson>. fawn costume, seal wrap, white felt cloche hat; Mrs le Clerc Latter, navy costume, braided in black, grey fur stole, small navy toque; Mrs A. M. Ollivier, navy braided frock, fur coat, black plush liat with shaded ostrich plume; Mrs Keith Ollivier (Waimate). black and white plain tailored costume, mastic hat with quills; Miss Overton, nigger brown costume trimmed with brown fur, wide brown hatter's plush hat; Miss Helen Hey wood, navy costume, trimmed with fine braid in jade, fuchsia and gold shades, black velvet hat with feather mount; Miss Betty El worthy, cinnamon brown knitted suit, multi-coloured marocain hat; Mrs York (Sumner), brown costume, brown velvet hat with Egyptian feather bandeau; Mrs G. L. Donaldson, smart navy and grey knitted costume, navy cire hat, with shaded feather across the crown; Mrs Drummond Bailey, grey knitted costume, navy hat with gold band and navy wings; Mrs Euan Macfarlane, fawn costume, small black velour hat with ribbon chou; Mrs E. G. Huie, mole velour cloth costume trimmed with mole fur, mole hat trimmed with narrow velvet ribbon; Miss D. Garrick, fawn striped frock, brown velour coat, wide brown hat, smartly trimmed with wings; Mrs Stuart Sampson, navy costume with narrow bands of lilac, hat of Oriental tissue edged with mole fur; Miss Narewa Parkinson, raspberry knitted costume, variegated chenille hat; Mrs J. S. Guthrie, tan and brown woollen costume, tan hat with variegated swathe; Mrs J. C. Lord, navy braided coat banded with black fur, raven's wing blue hat with red osprey; Mrs E. W. Cuddon, henna and grey knitted costume, brown and gold hat; Mrs J. B. Norris, black costume with coat braided all over in gray, small black straw hat; Mrs Harry Harley, navy gaberdine and black satin frock, seal coat, red straw hat with mastic ribbon; Mrs McClatehie, navy braided coat frock, black velvet hat with ostrich feather mount; Mrs H. S. Batchelor, grey costume trimmed with astrakhan, cornflower blue and silver hat; Mrs J. C. Newton, mole velour cloth costume with fur collar, navycrepe de chine cloche hat;-Mrs L. H. Mirams, navy costume, navy and grey patterned hat with navy wings; Mrs David Friedlander, navy costume, brown cloche hat of shirred 3ilk; Mrs A. E. Smith, cornflower blue woollen costume, navy hat wreathed with autumn leaves; Mrs Tb.ornh.ill Cooper, navy costume, fur stole, navy hat; Mrs Davidson (Timaru), mole frock with pleated side panels, pretty mole hat with jade and gold brocade brim; Mrs A, S. Legh, navy braided costume, mole hat with royal blue feathers; Mrs M. Armstrong, mole costume with touches of Egyptian embroidery, mole panne velvet hat; Mrs Arthur Heaps, navy knitted frock banded with grey, navy hat with navy and grey swathe; Mrs F. J. Murray, grey tailored costume, skunk stole, black hatter's,plush with sweeping heron's plume; Mrs Erasmussen, navy garbircord frock with touches of Oriental embroidery, skunk stole, black plush hat with ospreys; Mrs A. Paterson, navy costume, fur coat, black hat smartly trimmed in front with wings.


The Christchurch Football Club, with which is incorporated the Bed and Black Association, held its annual cabaret dance in the Winter Garden last night, and a great success it proved to be, thanks to the splendid preliminary arrangements of the members of the committee —Messrs J. W. Dalton, J. A. Fyfe, E. J. Jackson, A. K. Johnson, R. P. Jones, G. Lawson, W. J. Kelvin, S. C. Orchard, M. F. Pengelly, and F. J. Stewart.

Eeid's Peerless Orchestra supplied the music, and the ballroom was decorated with festoons of red and black, and the Christchurch ."Football Club's banner occupied a position of honour on the wall. Cabaret supper was served in the lounge. Amongst the dancers were: Mesdames McPhail, dull green crepe de chine beaded in red and black; A. Low, royal blue satin with black radium lace overdress; B. Chamberlain, g.een georgette, beaded in green and silver; W. A. Caldwell, black velvet; E. T. Caldwell, black satin; J. B. Neale, jade green taffeta with overdress of gold lace; B. Spencer, white lace with jade satin ribbon at waist; R. Adams, yellow crepe de chine; Misses Louise Stewart, copper georgette, beaded in. crystal beads; Dorothy Talbot, green shot taffeta with silver ribbon at waist; Florence Cotter, bottle-green crepe de chine; Annie Moir, apricot satin; E. Jerman, gold brocaded marocain; L. Megget, primrose satin with gold lace berthe; Nancy Marshall, black velvet, with gold and green trimming at waist; Ada Bean, jade green velvet; M. D. Einaldi, black velvet; Eita Greig, geranium-red velvet; Peggy Alexander, rose taffeta; Muriel Goodsir, pink georgette, beaded in silver- Peggy Saunders, apricot velvet; Ngaire Partridge, black satin with silver lace berthe; Vera Stewart, black georgette patterned with white beads; B. Seed, apple-green and silver brocaded marocain, with side panel of georgette caught with brilliants; Hessie Gordon, black crepe de chine with coloured ribbons at waist; G. Doell, mauve and silver shot tissue with mauve net overdress; Euth Woodfield, cerise velvet; E. Hunnibell, pink crepe de chine -with flounced skirt; Margaret Peate, primrose brocaded crepe de chine; Zena Drake, pink satin with radium lace overdress; Eita Edmonds, black velvet; Ina Jones rose pink marocain beaded in silver'; Louie Stevens, deep rose brocaded marocain; J. Bethune (Dunedin) black radium lace with-beaded skirt; F. Bethune (Dunedin), pale blue silk crepe de chine with silver braid at waist; I. Tilzey, crocus-mauve chiffon velvet with draped skirt; Hazel Murie (Dunedin), copper georgette patterned with copper sequins; M. Emerson, black chiffon velvet; Eileen Jarman, irismauve taffeta trimmed with silver and caught at waist with bunch of mauve and silver flowers; Kathleen Armstrong, mauve brocaded marocain with bands 0 f japonica-pink satin round skirt; Bona Jackson, palest . pink taffeta; Thelma Kibblewhite, black satin with skirt of black radium laee caught at waist with red rose; Emme Moore, Mack satin with front panel ot net.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18151, 14 August 1924, Page 2