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CUST. Tho annual meeting of the Cust Cricket Club was held on Saturday. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £2 3s 6d. The election of officers resulted as follows-.-Patron, Hon. D. Buddo, M.P.; president, Mr E. A\. Cooper; vice-presidents, Messrs J. Cowens, H. Tallott, 0. Sail, C. Cryseh, A. 'full, S. Sniit... B. Croft R. Gardner, and G. Webb: secretary ana treasurer, Mr AY. Sail; auditor. Air J. McKenzie; committee. Messrs fc. .Smith. W. Sail, and the Aev • A«ieson; delegates to North Canterbury Cricket Association, -Messrs Smith, Coweus, and the Rev. Acheson. It was decided to instruct the club delegatts to vote against registration of player find support the Ease and Vest system The election of e;v tains was detexod til! the opcnins day. It was decided to enter a iunior and probably a senior warn in the North Canterbury Cricket Association's competitions. Subscriptions for the ensuing year were fixed as follows:—Seniors £l. J>l avers under 18 10s. Expressions of sympathy were extended to Mrs A. h. Cook and familv in their bereavement. Ihe opening day was fixed for August 23rd.

LE BON'S BAY. A verv s.niritcd came of football was plaved between Akarna, and the local tour,, res' ltinir in a win for the latter bv J) points to G. For Akaroa W ■ Hu-ihe. and It. Narby, and for Le lIWs E. O'Connor, L. Crottv and K. Gilbert eah scored a try. Mr J- Mcintosh was referee. The ladies preset provided re remanents. In the. evening 5 dance was he'd in the ball. '1 here v-ere "resent Mesdanies C. Crottv, ri. Mc-Phail, AY. Crottv and J. Truman, Misses M. Gilbert, G. Leonardo, A. Crottv. A. McKav. Phyllis McKay, Vera'McKav, M. Grotty, P. Leonardo, Elsie McKav, M. Anderson, W. Leonardo, VS. Harris (Okain's Lav), Ida. Barker Messrs J. Truman, C. Barnett. A. Ciuininjflnm, AY. -McKay, C. Anderson, F .Trfonnn'o. C. Barker, H. Ander.on. *!. Danish, J. Gilbert, R. Gil be it A Gibb,"T. McEwen, C. Mould, G. EHI, AY. YVilkins. T. Mora, C. Mora R. Narbv, C. Glennon, F. Tebay \V. Hughs, F. Fife, J. Barker, I. Barker, H. Barker, L. Crottv, C. Crotty. A beneficial rain set in yesterdav week and continued throughout "Wednesday and Thursday, with a result that the hilltoos received another coating of snow. "So far this winter weather conditions have been fairly mild and dry, and several farmers are already concerned about the scarcity ot food for the forthcoming reason. The early app arance rf leaf bud' nud rpring flowers prove the mildness of the season. The dairy herds in lhe district will be coming into profit next n <mth. At the monthly meeting of the Le Bon's Bay School Committee therovere present Messrs P. Barnett (chairman), C. Cr:tty, A. AVilliams and J. I>alglis!i. The master's report showed the attendance to be 30.2 out of a roll number of 32 pupils.

ELLESMERE. There was a lame gathering in the Pnbli? School to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs T. Blay and family, who are leaving for Springston The Rev. J. AV. Parker presided. The evening was spent in games and competitions. A duet was given by Misses P. and M. Mford, glees by the choir, and a recitation by Mr Greenaway. Mr J. AV. Williams', on behalf of the church and residents of the distinct, presented Mr Blay with an oak Morris chair and .Mrs Blay with a silver vase. Master Norman MeCelland also presented Mr B ay with a well-bound book on behalf of the Sunday school children. Mr Parker also presented Mr Blay with a book as a personal appreciation of iiis good work". Mr Blay suitably replied. SPRINGSTON.

On Friday evening, under the auspices of the Spfingston Wesley Guild, a Band of Hope was held in the Public Hall. The attendance was fairly good. The prpgramine was given by the following friends: Mrs J. W. Marshall, Misses F. McKay, A. Kime, K Wilson, M. AVilson, M. Kime, Ivy Mutton, Ina Mounce, M. "McKars, M. Quayle, A.

Quayle, E. Parker, Joan Chambers, Vera Wall, and Mr L. Blakemore. A very interesting address was given by tho Rev. S,. J. Werren, of Christchurch. Misses A. AVilson and A. Kime are to be congratulated on the programme, for which they were responsible. The chair was occupied by the Rev. J. W. Parker. Tho weekly euchre party and dance was held in the hall on Saturday evening, there being a good crowd present. The prizes for the cards went to Miss A. Marshall and Mr Bob Elford. After supper dancing was kept up until near midnight, Mr Rob. Wall supplying the music. Mr H. Sail was M.C.

Much interest is being centred on the return match with Springston South, which takes place in about a week's time. The United junior football team won on Saturday by default from Southbridge. DARFIELD.

At the annual meeting of the I>arfcold Horticultural Society the lnelemencv of the weather interfered witn the attendance. Mr T. Cough was •appointed to the chair m tho unavoidable absence of the president Apolo L.ds for a!.S3iice wore received from Mrs R. G. Ro.-inson, Messrs W. TV. Mmnclland, and 11. G. Robinson. The hon. secretary (Mr G. C. Warren) submitted a comprehensive reportand statement of accounts together with the balance-sheet. 'J'ho annual show resulted in a credit balance ot 425 lis Bd, which amount, together with the balance from previous years, was used to pay for the vases which tie society nurcha-sed in Febi\:;iiy. ine total expenditure amounted to if 7d. while the incrme was £lly lis lc leaving a debit balance of 2s t>d. 11k. assets increased' during the year from t-2-3 to £7-2 8s Gel. At the annual show \S» exhibitors competed with 836 entries. In addition to many splc-ncliU trophies nresonted. the sum ot £6l iw> Id was allotted in prize-money amongst 103 exhibitors. The membership ot the society had increased to 96. Mr \\. Polo moved that the annual report and balanr.e-sheet be adopted as read. iie also congratulated the secretary on the splendid in which lie had earned out bis duties, especially during the recent show. Mr T>. Johns seconded the motioi., which was corned, me election of officers for the ensuing yeai resulted as f.:!l;,ws:—Patron, Mr H. A. l\night; president, Mr T. Gough; vu-e----pres:donts, Messrs F. J. Narbey anIt. J. Robinson: honorary secretary and treasurer. Mr G. C. Wi.rren; honorary auditor, Miss A. E. Coltlmit: general committee. Mesdames J held, J. vitedfern, W. Syme, T. )\ estwood K. t>. Gunn, AV. Pole, T. <*ough R. G. Robinson, D. McMillan, H Mc-Clel-land,' S. W. Hayes. B Norton, TCook. Misses Mulhohand Jarman and L. Rin.kli, Messrs D Gil hmders \V; j Svme, W. P. Nolan, R. Reid, \***f wood D. Johns, B. U<*, n l >-,IMulls- 1 Mull s- - C. G. Jarman, P. Bradley, \.- Patterson, H. Otteiv S W. Hayes, *■ Pole W W. Mu'holland. and T. Cooki Mr W Polo moved that the society hold a sprina flower show on Saturday, I September 27th. Mr T. A\ estwood ■ seconded, r.rid the motion was carried i with one dissentient after a short dis- : cussion A small committee was ap- ! pinted to compile a schedule and deal | with matters in connexion with tho ' sprinc show. _, ,- ! Mesdames P,. Anderson T..Cook, Js. > G. MacCormack. Messrs T. Cook and It. Anderson were elected members. ! M>- D Johns moved «, hearty vote 1 of'thanks to the retiring officers and . supporters for the splendid sen-ices they, had rendered the society during the i past year. . j

HORORATA. At the monthly mooting of the School Committee Messrs D. Bruce (chairman), R. Gray, W. Broughton, and A. McKenzie were present. The headmaster's report showed that the roll number had dropped from 72 to (\5 owing to tlio removal of two families from the district, and that the average attendance for the past month had boon 60.5. The chairman reported that tlie trees in the shelter break had been topped, and the wire fence erocted in the horse-paddock for the protection of the young trees. It was decided to thank the spinsters of the district for their generous donation of £5 from their surplus funds to the Bath Fund. An offer was received from Mrs W. (■ritchlev to organise a children's fancy dress ball, and the committee decided to give her their support. The chairman waa authorised" to call for tenders for the erection of an iron, fence around the bath as soon as the specifications are received from Mr S. P. .Wright, who has the matter in hand. Mr R. Felton presided over a meeting of the Hall Committee held on Monday nk'ht, at which Messrs P. Phillips. H.'Bovlc, T. Hi;ht. and W. I ratt were present. It was decided to increase the caretaker's remuneration •or attendance at lone night functions. Certain repairs to the furniture and fittings are to bo put in hand immediately. On Saturday the Hororata football team'met Dai-field combined schools' tennt in the knock-out round "f the Malvern Sub-Union's school football competition, and after a hard nnd exciting same won bv 13 points to 12. For Hororata L. Mooar scored £wn tries, and James McKensie one. E. Patters m converted two For Darfield. Cridge and Redmond scored two tries each. Tin; final mntch between Ar.tint and Hororata, will be played on Saturday next.

SOUTHBRIDGE. Last Saturday the Sou'thbridge District High School girls' basketball team defeated the Normal School team by 16 goals to 7. The boys' football team defeated the Normal'team by 6 points to nil. LEESTON.

A meeting of the Leeston Tennis Club was held recently to consider proposals for securing additional court accommodation. The Rev. AV. 11. P. McKenzie presided. At present there (ire only two courts, and these are not in good condition, and arc inadequate to meet the present needs of the club. Mr _W. A. Sawyer presented the following three proposals for overcoming the difficulty: (1) That the club should buy an acre of ground in Selwyu not far from the present courts, for which an offer had already been made; (2) that the club should endeavour to procure part of the ground immediately adjoining the present courts; or (3) that new courts should be put down on the A. and P. Association's Showground. Mr Sawyer said he had been in communication with members of the A. and P. Association, who said that the Association had a project in mind for turning tho Showground into a general recreation ground. The speaker thought that if proper facilities were provided, Leeston could be made the centre of play for the whole of the county. If good courts were provided there were a number of prospective players who would join the club. It was the unanimous opinion of the meeting that further action should be taken to procure new courts, and a committee was elected to investigate Mr Sawyer's three proposals, and to report to a special ■ meeting as soon as something definite was arranged. The members of the committee are:—-Rev. Mr McKenzie, Messrs Sawyer, S. Jackman, and Wagner. -A well-attended and successful euchre tournament and dance was held in. the Leeston Catholic Hall on Monday evening, by some of tho ladies in charge of the stalls at the coming bazaar. Prizes were won by Misses D. Bohan and N.-O'Rourke, and Messrs E. Slattery, E. Stapieton, and F. Owens. Mrs R. Lambie supplied the music for dancing, Miss Thian playing extras. The next social will be held' next Monday evening.

BROOKSIDE. Tho second billiards tournament was concluded recently, when H. Grimwooi (40 behind) defeated S. Candy (35 behind), 100-84. DOYLESTON. On a recent evening the Doylcston Miniature Rifle Club held the shoot-oft' of a four nights' competition for a trophy presented by the vice-president, Mr H. Gardiner, the second, third, and fourth prizes being given by the club. After keen competition, Geo. Bray proved the winner. Following are tho scores, the handicaps being given in_ parentheses: —First round —Geo. Bray' (6) 35, J. M. (1) 33, B. Maw (1) 34, J. Higgins <6) 32, W. Hood (1) 34, J. E. Godsell (scr) 35, C. S. Quigley (5) 33, M. McLachlan (6) 35, Geo. Robb (5) 28. Second Round —Geo. Bray (6) 35, J. R. Godsell (scr). 35, B. McLachlan (C) 35. Third round— Geo. Bray (C) 35, J. R. Godsell (scr) 33; B. McLachlan (6) 23. Mr W. O. Rennie returned to Doyleston recently after a trip to the North Island, where he visited his brother, Mr G. Rennie, of Taupiri. MOUNT SOMERS.

The local schoolboys journeyed to May field on Saturday to play the return football match with May field School. The result was a win for Mount Somers by 26 points to nil. Itonald Beckley scored three tries and kicked a, Halsey Hood one try, Bernard Hood three, and G. Smith one. Refreshments and cocoa were dispensed by the Mayfield ladies. Mr E. Wood. Mount Somers, was referee. The ladies' hockey club sent two &r.-a-side teams to the junior tournament in Ashburton. but they were defeated in the first round by two goals to r.i! each. Mr F. Gifkins, who recently met with an rccident at the wool-scouring works, is home again from the hospital.

HINDS. The annual meeting of the members of the Hinds Presbyterian Church wa* held on Bth inst., when the Rev. K. McCullv resided over a satisfactory attendance. Reference was made t-> the loss the church had sustained through the death of Mrs Henderson, and a motion of sympathy was extended to the bereaved family. Votes of thanks were passed to the officers and the crganists at Hinds and various centres, after which routine business was proceeded with. After a dainty suppe'- provided by the ladies the meeting <idjourned. GREENPARK.

. The ladies of the Tai Tapn Guild in connexion with the Methodist Church intend visiting the Greenpark members of the Guild to-morrow afternoon. The meeting will be held in the Greenpark Church at 2 o'clock, and an enjoyabb afternoon is anticipated. The Evangelical Mission which commenced on Sunday, August 10th, la being continued e3-;h evening this week (Saturday excepted), and concluded on Sunday. The Rev. J. W. .Parker, of Springston, is conducting the services, which are. a fitting forerunner of the. jubilee celebrations which {will be held eaxr/ in September

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18150, 13 August 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18150, 13 August 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18150, 13 August 1924, Page 3