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The Lady Editor will be pleasad • to receive for publication "Women's Corner" items of aodai cr p«.sonal news Such ite ™' should bs fully authenticated, and engagement notices must boat * nß signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on W matters affecting, 01 of interest to, women. Her Excellency Viscountess Jellicoe, Warden of the Canterbury omen s Club, will be entertained at the club 011 Friday, August loth at 11 a.m. Miss Bromley Cocks and her sister, Miss Monica Cocks, returned to Christchurch yesterday.

A surprise packet stall is to be held in conjunction with Violet Day early in September. The stall will be in charge of Mesdames A. H. Bristed, John Stevenson, J; G. Collins, Erio Harper, and Bernard Wood.

Miss Alys Duncan (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs Henry Loughnan (Avonside). . Dr. and Mrs Philip Woodhouse (Bluecliffs), who have been visiting Mrs Bidwell {Wairarapa) will be the guests of Mr and Mrs Godby for Grand Jsational Week. ■ Miss Mary Wigley (North Auckland) has returned from The Hermitage, ana is staying with Mrs Wall ("Lismore Lodge,'' Fendalton). The many friends of Mrs J. Hallicran (formerly of Sumner) who is now in London, v ill be pleased to hear that she has recovered from a severe illness which she recently suffered. Mr and Mrs Richard Steele are arriving from Mendip Hills to-day and will be the guests of Mrs Steele (Kilmore street) for the races. Miss Carew (Dunedin) is the guest of Mrs J. P. Andrews (Knowles street). Major and Mrs Bond, Mr and Mrs Herbert Elworthy, Mr and Mrs J. M. Triop and Mr and Mrs Leslie OrbeU will be at Warwick House for Grand National Week. Mr and Mrs Joseph McLean (Greymouth) arrived from Wellington on Saturday, and are staying at Warn- ; er's. They intend leaving for their j home to-morrow. j Mr and Mis E. A. Pigeon, of Gore, | are staying at the Hotel Federal. j The engagement is announced of Nancy, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Horace Wilson (Bulls), to John H. A., youn<rer son of Mr and Mrs Walter Moore (Christchurch). The engagement is announced of Ida, second daughter of Mr and Mrs E. P. Mareh, of Iticcarton, to John, younger son of the late Mr and Mrs R. J. Pottinger, of Christchurch. Guests at the Clarendon Hotel include: Mr and Mrs H. J. G. Harper (Timaru), Mr and Mrs W. T. Hazlett and Miss Hazlett (Invercargill), Mr and Mrs D. Kilkelly (Invercargill), Dr. and Mrs TJnwin (Timaru), Mr and Mrs ,G. Simson (Auckland), Mr and Mrs •T. F. Jeune (Gisborne), Mr and Mrs Dawkins (Picton), Mr and Mrs Armstrong and Miss Armstrong (Akitio), Mr and Mrs Duncan Murchison (Blenheim), Mrs H. Tripp and Miss Margaret Tripp (Timaru) and Miss Vera Hope (Timaru). At the United Service are Miss Harrourfc (Wellington), Mr and Mrs .T. Freater (Auckland), Mr and Mrs CWood CTTS.A.), Mr and Mrs T. H. Lowry CHawke's Bay). Mr and Mrs H--0. Tificholls (Auckland), Mr and Mrs Harper and Miss Bettv Harper (Lake Heron), and Mr and Mrs D. McDonald (Wellington).

Guests <>t Warner's Hotpl iiolntfe Mr nnd Mrs W. H. Ballinger <Wellin<rton), Mr nnd Mrs Joseph McT-ean ("Oreymquth), Mr and Mrs MeCnKe (Wpllitk*tcrn), Mr and Mrs Bull fPunterviHe"\ and Mr and Mrs J. J. McGrath (Wellington). A very successful "gift afternoon" was held on Wednesday in the Woolston Method'st schoolroom, in aid of Mrs Radcliffe's crockery stall at the forthcoming spring sale. " A pianoforte solo was given by Miss Thorn, and a vocal duet by Mrs H. Newton and Miss Grose. Miss Thorn was the accompaniste. Afternoon tea was kindly provided by Mrs Eadcliffe and Mrs Parks. Great excitement is being caused by the Lewisham Bazaar, to be held in the Caledonian ITall on Thursday and Friday evenings. Each night an attractive programme of dances will be given by Mrs J. Hulme's pupils, and on Friday night, following a street collection and sale of tickets, the monster art union for, a nugget valued at £3OO will be drawn. The sell ar of the winning ticket will receive £IOO.

A large number of parents an 3. scholars assembled in the Amberley schoolroom to bid farewell to Miss .E. B. Laurenson, who has been appointed teacher of another school. The headmaster, in the absence of the chairman, spoke in eulogistic terms of Miss Laurenson, who was presented with a purse and ebonybacked .brush and mirror. Besides these she was also the recipient of several tokens of esteem from her pupils. Miss Laurenson suitably responded. Musical items were given by Misses Stanton, Munro (2), Jackson, Chamberlain, and Mr Shier. After the singing of "For She's'a Jolly Good Fellow," a dainty supper was handed round.

On Thursday evening the Eose Social Club held one of their fortnightly dances in the St. Michael's Hall. De spite the inclemency of the weather, there was a large number present, wliieh fact testified to the growing popularity of the club's dances. The hall was decorated with shaded lights and evergreens, nnd the supper-room with coloured streamers and spring flowers. Willvams's Orchestra supplied the music, extras being played by Mr A. H. Paul. Amongst the many present were Mr and Mrs Schmidt,, Mr and Mrs Wright, Mr and Mrs Matheson, Mr and Mrs Hean, Mr and Mrs Paul, Mesdames Blac-kmore, Buchanan, Turgis, Fewings, Sanderson, and McCracken, Misses Tyler, Holloway (2), Matheson, Elaine, Buchanan, Lila Warner, Irene O'Connell, Jordan (2), Swanston, E. 'Henderson, Patten (2), Aldridge, Wilkinson, and Barbaia Smith, Messrs Hean, Matheson, Tapper (2), Turgis, Bridgeman, Higgins, Kenwood, Cocks, Fox, Foote, and many others.

Recently the Southland Hospital j Board discussed the question of the i training of probationer nurses, and it was decided to communicate with several other Boards to ascertain their •views on the matter, and also their comments as to the suitability of trainees of she ages of 18 to 20 years standing: up to their work and carrying through their neriod of training. At Thursday's meeting of the Board (says t.he "Southland Times") several replies were received from some of the larger Hospital Boards in northern centres, the views expressed in the majority of cases being in the direction of stating definitely that it was not desirable for probationers to be taken oil for training until they hail reaehed the age of 21, owing to the tendency which existed of their breaking down in health. The Wanganui, North Canterbury, Taranaki. and Palmerston North Boards replied that unless in exceptional cases they did not admit probationers to their respective training schools under 20 vears of age, while the Hawfce's Bay, Auckland, and Otago Boards stated that they had admitted applicants when they had reached 18 and 19 years of age, and that no greater incidence of illness occurred amongst them than under the old system when nurses were appointed at the age of 21.

The following members of a first-aid class who have received instruction ur.der the auspices of the St. John Ambulance Association, have been successful in passing the examination and have aualined for the certificate of the Association: —Mesdames Oato, S.; Dunn. Fowler. Rowse; Misses Andrews, E. M.: Anderson, E. H.; Bates, I. L.; Bowlker, L. M.; Billeliffe, N. D.; Charles, G. T.; Coade, G. It. P.; Collier, R. H.; Collins, E. A. M.: Cookson. F. M.: Dixon, V. McG.; Duncan, E. M.: Eaton, E. I.; Ellis, E. N.; Freeman, A.; Fryer, Gibb. G.: Graham, N. M.; Green, L. E.; Hill, R. M.; Havward, E. G.; Hoddinott, M. D.: Holmes, N. P.; Hassall, 0.. H.; Jackson. E.; Jorgensen, A. M.; Labatt, K. M.; Lewis, G.; McKechTiie. N. : McKinley, L. W.; Mills, A. H.; Morrison, O. A.; Muhleisen, S.; C.; Musgrave, J. G.: Oppenheim, M.; Page. j3. B.; Parker. E.; Prattlev, R.; Riekard, D.; Rutledpe, F. C.; Rowe, G, M.; Smart, I.; Staples, G. E.; Simpson. B.; Steuhouse, K. M. j Snen n e, L. V.; Truman. W. E.; Worthington, E.; Sneesby, M. The Aranui Lodge of the Young Helpers' League (in connexion with Dr. Barnardo's Homes) was resuscitated at the end of last year, and the first box opening of the newly-revived branch was held in July, when Mr" Patchett, the honorary secretary, kindly entertained the members to afternoon tea. To increase interest in the work, the secretary arranged for a lantern lecture, to be given on August sth in the Aranui Church Hall, kindly lent for the evening. Mr Blakeway was chairman, and Miss Ashford (warden of the League) told stories of the Barnardo children, and explained the pictures thrown upon the serpen by Messrs Garland and Parr. The financial result of the box opening was Cs, and of the lantern lecture fii 9s. It is hoped that the Lodge will increase during the year. A very enjoyable "cup and saucer evening" was given by Mr and Mrs A, D. Moore, at their residence Lyttel ton street, Spreydon, in honour of Miss Lizzie Fraser, who is to be married shortly to Mr Walter Stockdale. Games, musical items, competitions, and dancing were, indulged in until a late hour, and a dainty supper was served in the flining-room Musical items were given by Mrs Moore, Misses D. Moore, M. Moore, V. Bloor, and F. Harrison, Messrs Bay Harrison, P. Sturgess, B. Freear, R. Akins, and D. Ransley. Competitions we're won by Mrs Harrison and Mr Ray Akins. Amongst those present wer- Mes-dr-incs Moore, Bloor, Harrison, Pierce, Fraser, • and Davidson, Misses Dorothy Moore, Lizzie Fraser, Vera Bloor, Betty Glover, Rene Shaw, Linda Bloor, Rita Hp.irison, Mary Aitken, Winnie Barker, L. Eitto, Lucy Harrison, May Fraser, Doris Cornelius, Doris Nankivcll, Freda Pierce, Ina Davidson, Gladys Cornelius, S. McGlinchey, Enid Moore, Frances Harrison, and Margaret Moore, and ■ Messrs Walter Stockdale, Ray Harrison, Ray Moore, Ray Akins, Harold Moore, B. Cox, B. Freear, R. Smart, W. Harrison, J. Fraser, R. Fraser, D. Me Glinchey, F. Sturgess, A. Pierce, T. Bloor, A. Moore, L. Davies, D. Ransley, J. Fraser, sen., and J. Harrison.

Amongst the guests at Dixieland on Saturday night, when Sutherland's Jazz Band supplied the music, were Dr. and Mrs Gerald Russell, Mr and Mrs Hawkins, Mr and Mrs Jamieson, Mr and Mrs Gordon Dickie, .Mr and Mrs« Ernest Boulton, Mr and Mrs Wright, Mr and Mrs Revington, Mr and Mrs J. B. Neale. , Misses Joy Andrews, McEae, Audrey VISITORS FOR THE RACES. Cracroft Wilson, Rita Woolridge, MarAmong the visitors to Christchurdh. | - orv Ta i t) Doris Walsh, Phyllis Ower, for the races are many who have heard ' Gunn, Rata Phipp, White-Parsons, of the wonderful collection of furs of D p ris p r i es tnall, Bene Mnhan, Lilv EawMadame Menere, corner Cashel and Edna Pedder) d. Wilkie," Mav Colombo streets (upstairs), and every ' christian Lowry (2), Clemens, day sees many such ladies visiting McCread i e May Cocney, Murray, Madame's Salon to inspect the beau- < . j Cameron y. Kirk, Edna Cametiful furs which she has imported g(Jott M ; nroj Grey> Eut i e dge, direct from London, Pans and New Gre ' gory> SteW art, E. Yarr, H. Gordon, York. Mbol-a Qj ad y a Carter, McCrae, Ruby Harris, ' Ballantyne, Fanny Middleton, Vera Ashmann, Elizabeth Harris. Lettie Williams (Dunedin), L. E. Campbell, Lorn;, Saunders, Elsie Church, Acheson, Steere, and Mannix, Messrs Dalgety, R. S. Blunt, R. Thompson, E. Smith, W. R. Beatty, S. Bennett, R. Spanjer, Brett. Courtney, P. Harris, Donnelly, F. Amodeo J. Wilson, Page, Richardson, Hobbs, L. 'P. Halcrow, Shrimpton, Scott, W. Machin, J. Wilson, V. Main, F. Wilson, Penny, Scott, T. Donald, Chanclie, R. Robilliard, R. English, W. Leslie, W. Jamieson, Bede Loughnan, H. Goggin, Macbean Stewart, le Cren, J. Lawlor, Harrison. A. Loughnan, Blaek, Thomas, James, Woodham, Young, A. Ferrier, Sullivan, Bjatty. G. Binney, Booth, Lattimer, J. Commins, R. McKenzie, Dr Young, Dr. Ward, Dr. Davidson, Mx Roland Smitji (secretary).

P.innell's Stocktaking Bargains.— Boys' Black, also Brown School Boots, 7 to 8, 9s 6d; 9 to 10, 10s 6d; 11 to 13, lis 6d; 1 to 2, 12s 6d. Girls' Strong Patent 1-Bar and Lace Shoes, 7 to 9, 7s 9d; 10 to 13, 9s 9d. Great Value. H. Pannnll and Co., 105 Manchester street. 'Phone 694. P6548-631&

Genuine fire sale bargains can be "had for the next few days at "Minerva Balon," over Jones, MoCrostie, coiner Cashel and Manchester streets. This is a rare opportunity to secure reason;tbly priced frocks for Race Week; also dainty evening frocks, oont-frooks and costumes, all of which were speoi- | ally designed and made on premises l>y Miss Kathleen Fuller (late John Court, Auckland). Open Fnday night i uatfl 9 pan- 'Eh«ne 3485. F428&670S

Amongst the many attractions at the 'n"nish Cabaret, in the Art Gallery on KS.V W,t «ill JC tl,« . Saake prince" by Miss I. Mul\an\-Gray. The Canterbury Kowing Club's ball, ..1,5 is to be held in the Art Gallery ■o'-nio-ht, promises to be a great success Fhc "decorations are m the hands o Messrs A. J. White, Ltd., and the S*ew Zealand Farmers' Co-op., the lat- ; er doing the floral display in the sup-per-room Bailey's Band will supp.y he music. Tickets can be' ° b <£™ d from Mr J. H. A. Moore, A.M.P. Buildiutrs As the committee desires to give Visitors to the city an opportunity of attending the ball, a few tickets have been left at the leading hotels. The monthly meeting of Ladies Guild of the British and Foreign men's Society was held m the on Wednesday, August 6th. Mrs Clark presided. Three new members were elected. It was proposed to no Id a jumble sale early in December. The monthly concert wis held on Thursday, those contributing being: Mo^ la! ' ILS Jowett, Gilrav, Oates, Misses Foster, Ed-ar, Pitcaithly (2), Messrs Jowett Perfect, Chadwick, Anthony, and Master Gilrav, all the items being mac., appreciated by the seamen Supper was provided by the Ladies' Guild. Following a motor drive through the principal parts of Christchureh yesterday afternoon to enable M. Boris Kostich the distinguished chess master, to view the beauties of the city, the party proceeded to Mr H. L. Andersen s residence at New Brighton, where a mos. interesting afternoon was spent. Mrs Andersen received her guests, and among tiio«e present were Mr and Mrs E. El "P" son Mr and Mrs Boy Lovell-Smith, Mr and Mrs H. J. Quarrell, Mr and Mrs A J. Stephens, Mr and Mrs F. H. E Neville, Mrs McD. Vincent, Misses K. Buekhurst, E. Webster Colleen and Olga King N. and K. Joyce, Phyllis Archie, Messrs J. O. onap man, Hans Kennedy, W. H. Joyce, , . S. King, C. L. King, F. Woodford, E Pascoe, Oscar and Harry Andersen, and Eric Brown. An enjoyable musical programme was contributed to by M J S Empson, Mrs Quarrell, Miss K. Buckhurst, Miss Olga King, Mr Empson, and Mr C. L. King. Mr Empson, besides playing the accompaniments, contributed, a very fine pianoforte solo. The following attended the Wentworth Cabaret Club's dance at the Winter Garden on Saturday, when Bailey s i Jazz Band and Margaret Middleton s Orchestra supplied the music:—Mr and Mrs J. S. Day, Mr and Mrs H. T. Stub- i berfield, Mr and Mrs H. Beauvais, Mr and Mrs W. A. Erasmussen Mr and Mrs G. Bullock, Mr and Mrs E. A. | Bagshaw, Mr and Mrs E. Clark, Mr and Mrs T. Newburgh, Mr and Mrs Selby Lucas, Mr and Mrs E. Hammond, Mr and Mrs G. L. Lewis, Mr and Mrs H. J Armstrong, Mrs McMillan (Wellington 1 Mrs W. Sneidemann, M. Hooker (Hawera), Doreen McNish B. Frazer, K. Kane, Eose Telford (Gisborne), Olive Taylor, P. Sedman, R. van der Molen, Elsie Ives, P Maker, Clive Hill, Peggy Duffy, Lena Graham, Mavis McGill, E. Jerman Mollie Cassia, Bessie Bell, Alma .Fmnerty, A. Noonan, F. Nicolls, G. Pritchard, Gladys Walsh E. Moore, Doreen Archnxd, Stella'Hayward, Mayze Clancy, Lillian Green, Kathleen Armstrong, N. Miller, I) Mid diet on, Edna Chapman, Addio Turner, Irene Sutherland, Norma Middleton Marjorie Chapman, G. Stringer, Grr.ce Mullett, Jean Donnelly, Messrs A. Brassington, J. McGibbon, F. Smith, J. Mortlock, D. Gunn, J. Donnel y, Hooker, E. N. Thomas,!F. H. SorreH, Blogg, P. Wilson (Ashburton), E. A. Lucas, W. Schneidemann F. W. MeCaldon, A. H. Spratt, A. . O'Eeilly, Fogarty, C. J. Ben, A Vizer. G. G. Lockwood, J. A* Gilman, B. Erasmuson, D. Cox, C'E. Schofield (Auckland), J. A. Jackson, L. Hill, E. Gregory, E. Britton, J. Bathgate (Ashburton), Maurice Gold, T. LI. Moffat, C. L. Robinson, J. Ewmg, W H. Thomas, J. Cohen, G. A. G. Connal. E, Brightling, G. P. Parkinson L. C. Penlington, and C. J. Eobinson (ho 3. secretary).


Dr. P- Clenndl Femvick, O.ZVI.G-., consulting surgeon to the Christchurch Hospital, in his just issued "History of Christ church Hospital," has many appreciative references to the services! rendered by women in the conduct, of the institution, <uid in a portion of the "Historv," entitled "Things. I Would Like to "See." he writes:— As one who has been connected witi. trur Hospital for many years and has watched it grow from a cottage hospital to a splendid institution, I would like to express a few ambitions: I would like to see each ward bearing a snecial name. The Sister in charge of that ward to be known by the name of the ward. This wa-s the custom in mv own hospital in London. 1 think tha.t everyone will agree with me that it is nicer to be known as "Sister Ilolleston" or 'Sister Maunsell" than as "Sister Four" or "Sister Five." I would like to see in each ward a board bearing the names of the sisters who have been in charge cf the wardI obtained this concession Borne years ago for Ward 10, but I notice that the board has been allowed to fall into disuse. Surely a sister who has conducted a ward deserves a permanent record of her services. I would like to see a brass pLi.te at the entrance door of the Hospital bearing the name of all donors of £3O. I would like to see the Board invite the public to endow a bed, the name of the donor to bo on a brass plate above the head of the bed. I would like to see as many brass plates in the wards as there are in H'arlov street. I want to see wards named after the Christ/church Hospital sisters uno died so bravely in the "Marquette" disaster (Nurse Nora Hildyard, Nurse Lorna Rattray, and Nurse Margaret Rogers). j I want to see the public take an j active interest in their own Hospital. I When I was in charge of the wounded soldiers in Chalmers Wards, numbers of citizens volunteered to take my patients rides in their motor-cars. Civilian patients would value an outing just as much as returned soldiers. I would like to see a roster of motor-car owners who would take patients out for a run.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18148, 11 August 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18148, 11 August 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18148, 11 August 1924, Page 2