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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in tho "Women's Corner" iteijis of social or personal news. Suca items should bo fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the Blffnaturcs of both parties. Correspondence is invited on a matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Mrs Frank Mills is arriving from the north this week, to visit her parents, Mr and Mrs Walter Moore (Fendaltoii). Mr and Mis* Wilkins (Akaroa), who haive been in town for a week, return home to-morrow. Mrs J. L. Jopp and Miss Blackham have returned to Cliristchurch after a lengthy stay in Invercnrgill. Mr and Mrs E. E. Nutt and Misses Rita and Eileen Nutt, have left for Auckland, where they will spend the winter. Miss Olive Raymond (St. Albans), who has spent a month's holiday in Timaru anil W-ainiate, returned home on Sunday by motor. Mr.and Mrs Jos. Lee (late 192 Papanui road) are sailing shortly by the Niagara en route for Honololu ana America. Miss Keva Nicholson, who has been staying in Cliristchurch, went north last night on her way back to Suva. . Mr and Mrs Harper (Timaru) are staying at the Clarendon Hotel. The engagement is announced of Mr C H. Dickinson, of Auckland, elder son of Mr and } lrs Charles Dickinson Dunedin, and Olive, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Isaac S. Hardley, ''Bingham." King George avenue, Epsom, Auckland. To-morrow (St. Barnabas' Day) being the festival of the Melanesian Mission, there will' be a special celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral at 10.30, with intercession for the Mission. A short business meeting will bo hold immediately afterwards in the board room, Church Honsc, when tho annual report will be presented and officers elected for tho ensuing year. W.E.A. students held an enjoyable social evening on Saturday, when there was an attendance of between 50 and 60 in the Association's new rooms at the Trades Hall. The programme, which was in chnrge of Mr G. H. Thompson, consisted of Old English folk dances and folk songs. Slipper was provided by the social committee. The evening: was so successful that a similar gathering will bp held on the evening of the 21st inst. Mrs W. H. Clark has the distinction of being the first woman member of the Board of Governors of Canterbury Colleg£. She topped the poll in the election of graduates' representatives on the Board. Her name was Miss E. Cull. She gained the degree of M.A. at Canterbury College, and was for a time on the staff of the Girls' High. School. A Wy enjoyablfe surprise party, .arranged by Ivtiss Gwenda Townsend, and given by friends of Miss Nancy Hume, visited her home at Dublin - street, •on Thursday evening. A happy time was spent in music, games and dancing, all present expressing their, appreciation of kind hospitality received. Amongst the guests were: Mrs Hume, Misses G. Townsend, Piektes, D. Lewie, Ensor, Hume (2), B. Brown; Messrs Townsend, Bate (2), G. Pickles, Morrish, E. Lewis, D. Young, Farr, Ensor, and Leete. > The increasing: popularity of the Saturday afternoon teas was evidenced on Saturday, when a large number of patrons attended Dixieland and danced to the music supplied by Sutherland's Band. Amongst those present were Mr and Mrs L. E. Thomas, Mr and Mrs Ernest Boulton, Misses Eosa Atkinson, W. Blackie, Doris Baron, G. Clarke, C. O'Malley, P. Mahar, Bryer, Murphy, Halliday, M. Heard, Mesdames Richardson, C. Toon, Bryer, Messrs N. McD. Vincent, L. Coxon, Middleton, E. Ball, G-. Trevelyn, Woodford, E. Eden, Cass-Downing (J. C. Williamson Company),.. H. Johns, A. Burnett, and B. Mackenzie and J. Commons (joint secretaries)^ Tho Woolston Methodist Ladies' Guild held its monthly meeting at the parsonage, Eadley,' on WednesdayThere was a very good attendance, of members. The meeting was addressed by Mrs Virtue, of the Methodist Women's Auxiliary of Home and Foreign Missions. She made a very earnest appeal for .the women of the Solomon islands. Mrs Virtue was heartily thanked for her inspiring address, and the meeting promised to help towards a box in December. Delicious afternoon tea was served by the, president, Mrs Wallis, after which the Benediction was pronounced, and the meeting dispersed. . - , Prior to her marriage Miss Mabel Peryman, who has been a very active member of the Tai lapu Methodist Church, and aiao organist for, some time, was entertained at a farewell social by the members of the congregation. Miss Peryman will make her future homo in Taranaki. Musical items were given by Mesdames H. S. PeryjnJn, J. Christian, and Mr Morgan. On behalf, of the congregation the Rev; W. Laycock spoke of tho good work Miss Peryman had always done in a cheerful'way, and conveyed to her their best wishes for her future happiness and welfare. He then presented her with a silver hot-water kettle suitably inscribed. Messrs Gilmour and Morgan also spoke in an apppreeiative manner of Miss Peryman's work, and expressed their sorrow at losing her from their midst. Mr Peryman responded on behalf of his daughter. Supper and games concluded a very pleasant evening.

Since the modern woman spends so much of her time in furs, is it any wonder that she has come to demand as much novelty and style in them as durability? By importing direct from the leading Fashion Furriers of London, Paris and New York, Madame Menere, corner Cashel and Colombo streets, always keeps abreast of the latest fur styles. —M6512-3041 H. PANNELL and CO., 105, Manchester street —Cold and damp feet banished by wearing a pair of our Patented Damp-resisting Boots, stout and reliable for solid winter wear. Wo stock all kinds of reliable leathers and make to any desired styles. Telephone 694. 6 "Patricia" is now booking orders for the High-Class Knitted Goods for which tlus shop-is famous. Nowhere does one see Nobbier Knitted Costumes, Jumpers, Frocks, or Daintier Baby Things-High-Class Dressmaking and Millinery. Corner Montreal and Victoria streets. ■Phone 2M3M. L6273-39A0

I At the monthly meeting of the Avon- , side branch of the Mothers' Union, i "The Religious Exercises in Schools j Bill," to be introduced by Mr Isitt : next session, was explained, and a reso- ! lution supporting it was passed unanimously. A copy of the resolution has been sent to tho member for Avon, requesting his support when the Bill is introduced in the House. The following additional amounts received from Canterbury and West Coast schools in pennv Ruuscrintions from each child by Mrs j. C. Holmes, on behalf of the Fresh Air Fund in connexion with the Children's Fresh Air Home at tho Cashmere Hills, have been lodged at "The Press" Office:—Fairview 13s, Oniihi 4« f>d. Girls' TTish £1 10s, Somerfiehl £1 16s, St. Albans £1 9s, Ofiro Bs, Bruce Bay Is 2d; total £6 Is lid. Mrs IT. T. J. Thncker, president of the Christchurch Kindergarten Association, pnid her first oflicinl visit to the Phillipstown Kindergarten on Fridav morning. Mrs Thaeker was accompanied bv Mrs T. E. Taylor, president of the Phillipstown Committee, and, after partaking of morning ten, dispensed by Miss Scott. Mrs Thncker. accompanied by Miss Hull, inspected the school and expressed delight at tho building, the discipline of tho children, and uni*'" existing between teachers and children. Several members of the committee were present, and also Mrs and Miss Cookson, visitors from England.

BALL AT SPRINGSTON. On Tuesday evening, in the Springston Hall, a hard-up and fancy dress ball was hold under the auspices of the lady supporters of the United Football Club. There was a large gathering from the surrounding districts. Among the fanc-v dresses were Misses ,I'\ Petrio, Cliristclniroh (Nurse}. Ryan (Folly), N. Ryan (Jockey). N. Smith (Ruination), S. Smith (Indian Girl;. Freda. Meßean (Ku Kliix Klan), S. Marshall (Highland Lassie). M. Sniilhers (Queen of Spi'dos), M. 'niompson (Good Luck), F. McKay (Marly Victorian). M. Wilson (Weidoit's Patterns),. A.' Wilson (Cowgirl), A. Jvime (Japanese), M. Hughes (Autumn Leaves). M. Button (Jockey). Heirizman (Early I>a\vn), O. i>ouglas (GhoSst), V. Matthews (Christchurch) (Harem Lady), Mrs A. :>i cßcan (Lady of the 18th Century). Among others present were Mesdames P. Bailey, J. Simpson, W. Wright, -A. Smithers, H. Rest-ill, \V. Templeton J. Bonnie, sen.. J. Bennie. jun.. E. Chambers C. Stace, L. Stace, A. Thompson, J. Bla.kemore, G. Commons. T. Medlin, J. Marshall, Misses A. Marshall, T. McKay. Tn the harcfup section for ladies onlv three paraded: Miss I M. Hill and Mrs L. Stace (Tattered and Torn) and Miss Jessie Wright (Sandwich Man). The parade for men in fancy dress brought forth only three competitors: Messrs W. Wright . (Egyptian), A. .Mcßear. and Col)den.- There was a. large parade of hard-up gentlemen. The dresses in tho four classes were judged bv Mesdames Simpson. Restall and Templeton, who the following awards:— Ladies' fancy dress. Miss N. Smith. (Ruination).; hard-uj>s. Mrs L. Stacf and Miss Jessie Wright (special). 1; gentlemen's fancy, Mr W. Wright (Egyptian) and Mr A. Mcßean (special). The hard-up prize was won by Master Sinclair Benny. Among others present were Messrs J. S. Simpson, A. Thompson, P. Bnilev. Bonnv (4), Hill '3). Pasone, D. Marshall, Wall (2), J. Baxter, Rvan (2). H. Sail, A. Pearee, G. Common, W. McDonald, Kent, 'Blakemore, Riordnn, Stace (2), Jordan (2), H. Restall, and many others. A spot waltz competition was won by Mrs J. Benny, jun., and Mr Pascoe. The music was supplied by Mr H. Terry.

PLUNKET DANCE AT MOUNT SOMERS. A successful dance in aid of the local Plunket Society was held in the Memorial Hall, Mt. Somers, on Friday night. Despite the very cold night and the fact that there were functions in the halls surrounding the district, the attendance was very good. Exceptionally good jnusic was supplied by a -willing band of helpers who, generously gave their services free. Those playing were Mesdames Wood, Wise, and Heseltine, Misses Wood, Morgan, Robinson, and Mr Wellman. A lucky spot waltz Was held in which a large number took part, the prize for which was given by Mrs P. H. Jones, and the winners were Miss McDonald and Mr F. Patton. Mr Moodie carried out the duties of M.C. in a very efficient manner, and kept things going with swing from start to finish. Apologies for. absence were received from Mesdames JR. B. Neill 'the president) who forwarded £l, nnd-R. Nosworthy, who gave 10s to the proceeds. A dainty supper was laid in the library adjoining the hall, and the Plunket Committee worked hard for the success of the function. .

WEDDINGS. j t TOBECK—PERYMAN. One of the prettiest weddings yet seen in Tai Tiipu was that of Miss Mabel Peryman, only daughter of Mr H. E. and Mrs Pcryman, of "Lavingtcn," Tai Ta'pu, to Mr Howard Tobeck, eldest son of Mr W. Tobeck, of Taranaki. The Rev. W. Laycoek was the officiating clergyman, and the Methodist Church was packed with friends from all parts of Canterbury. Both the bride and bridegroom were mc-mbers of the third generation of pioneer families, their grandparents having been highly-esteemed early residents of the Tai Tnpu district. TII6 bride, wjjo entered the church with her fr.ther, wore a beautiful dress of ivory satin, of simple design, the sleeves being of accordion-pleated georgette. The low waist-line was defined by a wreath of hand-made silver flowers. She wore an exquisite veil of lace over her wreath of orange blossoms. A train of silver lace and dainty georgette frills with shell-pink i lining foil from her shoulder, and her little niece and nephew (Miss Lorna I and Master Will Pcryman) ncted as ! train-bearers. The' former wore dainty frock of pink georgette with tiny frills and rosebuds. The latter wore a cream silk-braided suit. Tho bride carried a bouquet of lovely orchids and cream roses. Miss , Doris Barnott, as bridesmaid, wore a blue satin frock, the skirt of which whs veiled in silver tissue, and fastened nt the side with a largo rosette, from which hung blue and silver streamers. Ilnr hat was of blue satin and silvergrey, with large bow at side. Her I bru'nuet was of pink roses and ferns. [ Mr Reg Tobeck acted as best man The church had been very prettily decorated for the occasion with red Toses, chrysanthemums, and ferns. 'Upon the altar were bowls of pink and white cyclamen and roses. A large bell of "white chrysanthemums and daphne was suspended over the heads of the bridal couple. Mrs Reg Carter played appropriate nuptial music. After the wedding ceremony Mr and Mrs 11. E. Pcryman received their ghosts in the Town Hall, where they entertained about 250 people at afternoon tea. Mrs. Peryman received guests wearing a smart black costume 'with black hat and black fur coat. The Rev. "VV. Laycock presided, and the following toasts were received with musical honours: —"The. King," "The Bride and Bridegroom," proposed by Mr T.Morgan; "The Parents of Bride and Bridegroom," proposed by Mr R. Macartney; "The Officiating Clergyman,'' proposed by Jlr Gilmour. A large number of congratulatory telegrams was received from many parts of New Zealand. Mrs 11. S. Peryman and Mrs Mackenzie contributed solos. When leaving on her wedding trip amid showers of confetti, the bride wore a smart three-piece costume of nigger brown with chic hat of aamo shade. , In the evening Mr and Mrs Peryman entertained a large number of young friends in tho Town Hall, with music and games, and ' "Auld Lang Syne" concluded a very happy gathering.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18095, 10 June 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18095, 10 June 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18095, 10 June 1924, Page 2