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KAIKOURA. The effects of tho long spell of dry weather are now beginning to show,, anj dairy farmers are anxious as to u supply of feed for their stock. The liars have not yet shown signs of dryness, but oat beyond tho grass has a parched appearance. The Elms shearing has boon completed. .Mr W. 11. Bullen securing upwards of 160 bales of the Lest, wool scon on the estate for many years, mostly halfbred. 'Wool is also coming in steadily from other stations. A very pleasant function took place at Messrs Dalgety'and' Co.'s office on Thursday night, the occasion being a farewell social to Mr W. A. Fleming and Mr Cyril O'Mallev (representatives of Pyne. Gould, Guinness, Ltd.), the former having been transferred to Ashburton, and tho latter to Culvcrden. Ah" C. J. Agar presided. Mr 11. E. Foster presented Mr Fleming with a silver rase bowl, nnd Dr. R. L". Withers handed to Mr O'Mallcy. a clock. Appreciative reference was made to the worth oT the iccipieuts and best wishes expressed lor their future success.

CULVERDEN. Very dry conditions are being experienced in this district, the rainfall for the past month being less than half an inch. A succession of nor'westers has prevailed for many weeks, with the result that spring crops are ruined, the majority being only a few inches high and in ear, and ior want ol rain have completely dried off. This also applies to all feed. On Saturday the Culvcrden A team played Waiau Hush at "Waiau, and were defeated bv 16 runs. "Waiau made SO and Culverdcn 73. The B team [■/laved Rothorham . at Culverden, and were beaten by 88 runs to 38. A concert is to be given on Saturday next by the Bristol Concert Party, Christchureh, iu aid of the hall furnishings. CHEVIOT. On Tuesday evening the School Committee met in the Mackenzie School. Present:—Messrs W. H. Murgatroyd (chairman), S. B. Clifford (.secretary), W. Walls, and the llev. J. P.. Dyer. The headmaster also attended by invitation. The usual routine business having been disposed of, correspondence was read from the Board asking for a report on the present system of conveying the children from Mina and Leamington to and from school. r lhe Board also requested that a meeting of householders in. theso districts be convened to meet Mr W. A. Banks and discuss Ihe matter with him. The chairman advised that this had been done and that the meeting would follow at the close of the committee meeting. The headmaster's report showed an average attendance for the quarter of 1)9.5, from a roll of 120 pupils. He explained that the prevalence of whooping cough in the district had materially affected the attendance. Steady progress, however,, had been made, and he anticipated, n favourable report from the inspector, who was at the time conducting an examination.

The householders' meeting which followed was fairly well attended. Mr Banks addressed tho meeting, explaining that it was the Board's desire to assist, to tho utmost of its power, in giving equal education facilities . to those in the back-blocks, as to those in towns and cities. Centralisation was considered to be the most effective way to obtain this, the only difficulty being the. question of expense. After hearing tho various speakers and answering their questions, Air Banks suggested that tenders for the conveyance of the children from Leamington, Mina, and Ts'onoti be called for and-submitted to the Board, .who would- pass them on to the Department, with a recoriimenda-: tion for. immediate action. This was agreed to, and the meeting closed with a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Banks for his attendance and advice. LEITHFIELD. At a public meeting held on Tuesday evening, the committee of the Leithfieid Swimming Club reported on the progress of the work done at the bath. It was stated that by direction of the chairman of the Kowai County Council, temporary arrangements for providing electric power for the motor for the pump had been made. Dr. Thompson stressed the necessity of having plenty of clean water, and offered to defray tho expenses of sinking a second well so that sufficient water will be available Lor re-filling the bath frequently, it was decided that the well be known as "Thompson's Well." On the motion of Mr J. Fitzpatrick, seconded by Mr H. May. it was decided that a pump of 1000 gallons flowing capacity be installed. Air Haigh moved and Mr J. Fit/.patrick seconded that, on the recommendation of Dr. Thompson, the bath be emptied' monthly, providing that an approved quantity of calcium hypo-chlorite be used weekly. On the motion of Dr. Thompson, it was decided that applications be invited- for a paid caretaker to attend to the cleansing and general care of the bath, tho appointment to be left in tho hands of a committee, consisting of Messrs Ashby, J. Fitzgerald, H.. May, and J. W. Sarich. At the conclusion of the.meeting, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Dr. Thompson for his advico and assistance. A concert Mid. dance in aid of the Swimming Baths Funds is to bo held on December 11th, when the conceit programme will be provided by Aniberlcy talent. Haymaking proceeds apace, and some earlier sown oats have been reaped. The dry weather of the past month.and the oppressive heat of the last few days have had their effect on crops and green feed, and a good steady rain will do incalculable good. The heavy traffic of motor lorries laden with the wool clip from the stations continues to increase. . ROLLESTON. A very enjoyable social and dance was held in the Memorial Hall for the purpose of bidding farewell to Mr and Mrs Gill, wdio are leaving the district. A large and representative gathering of visitors and residents attended, making tne function a huge success. Mr P. F. Ryan, on behalf of the residents, presented Mr and Mrs Gill with a handsome oak secretaire, a silver teapot, and an antique drawing-room clock. He expressed deep regret at losing so obliging and courteous a stationmaster. Ilolleston was not onlylosing a good friend and adviser to all who had dealings with him at the station, but also two strong and efficient social workers, Mr and Airs Gill having always taken a leading part in all local functions. He complimented the Railway Department on possessing the services of so capable an officer. Alessrs Pearce, Dallard. Smith, Common, and Glen also spoke, eulogising the many good qualities of the departing guests. Mr Gill said he had always tried to do his duty to his employers and the public, and found his task an easy one, because the public were always reasonable. He was sorry he w-as leaving the many good friend's he had made in Rolleston, but a man was not always master of his own destiny. "For They are Jolly Good Fellows" -was sung by all with much enthusiasm, and the evening's enjoyment was continued with dancing, interspersed \rrth musical items, which were "greatly appreciated. Those who contributed were Miss Ada llawson (costume dance), Miss Gwen Eyde Csong), Mr G. Common (song). Miss Vera MeGillivray was the accompaniste. Great credit is due to the local ladies for the able manner in which the supper arrangements were carried out-

RAXGIORA. Tho remains of tho late Mr W. HWatkins were interred in tne Ang-i----can Church Cemetery on Tuesday morning. There v.aj a very attendance at the funeral. -the Loral Oranee Lodge and Oddlellovs Society, of which deceased was a member, were well represented, and the funeral ritual of the latter Order » read by P.D.G.M. Bro. C. U . Bell. 1 * church burial service was conducted oy the Rev. J. F. Feron. .. At a meeting of the local Ho.atika Exhilition Committee, the secreuu.<, Mr R. Newell. reported that the number of exhibits received was more tnan anticipated. Tho hull: of the good* were leaving to-morrow, and the Daiancc would "l>e sent away m charge or Mr W. Smith on Tuesday. A large sign had been painted to place over tne entrance to the bay. with the words. 'Tlangiora Greets Westland. ; - r.nd undcrr.eatli two hands clasped. _ . ASHLEY BANK. The monthlv meeting of the Ashley School Committee was held in J-- - schoolroom on Tuesday evening. Absent: Messrs 11. Collie (chairman), JCeiglington, F. W. RobertsonG. y Smith, and the headmaster. Ihe tor's report showed that the school run baa increased to 55, the average ii"ter.dauce for the pan four v.ccks bem.u 51.1. The inspector's examination wa. held during October, and the report ieceived was considered highly satisfactory -V balance-sheet m connexion with the recent children's concert m aid or the prize fund showed a credit of nearlv ill alter all expenses iuu. been paid. Alter a lengthy discussion, it w.:s decided to hold the annual schoi excursion at Pearson Park, Oxiord on Wednesday, December PJtii. and u> make arrangements for the free conveyance of the children and to provide a free meal for them at Oxiord, charges for the adults to be announced later The arrangements were left with tie headmaster". The party will make ticoutward journey via llangmra an Cust, returning via Ashley. Gorge ana Loburn. The annmd brcaking-up ceicliiotiv and prize distribution will tahthe 'form of a dance on the night <>t December 20th, on which date it was decided to close the school in acconmice with instructions received troni tho Education Board, and to re-open on January 21>tli. The chairman reported that a cheque for £us Us lid had been paid to the Education Department for Government subsidy in regard to extension of the school site. A new pump had been installed and a new pipe sunk in the school well, which should ensure a better supply of water lor drinking purposes during the summer months. M" J MeXallv. secretary of tho committee, returned from the Chnsteliureu Hospital on Sunday, and is well on the road to recovery. Weather conditions have continued hot and dry until yesterday alternoon, when the wind veered to the sou -west, and indications at present point to nun. which it is hoped will..materialise ana relievo the situation, which is rapidly becominef serious. ■.' Friends of Mr Andrew Miller, who recently went under an operation for appendicitis at the Christchureh Hospital, will be pleased to hear that he returned home on Monday and is progressing favourably. A social will lie licit! in tho Ashley schoolroom next Tuesday night in aid of the picnic and prize fund of St. Simon and St. Judo's Anglican Sunday School.

OKAIN'S BAY. The fortnightly meeting of the Hand of Friendship Lodge was held on Saturday night. Sister K. Hartley presided over a good attendance. Ihe. District Trustees wrote that they had registered a mortgage on. behalf of tho Lodge for £4OO at 7 per cent. ■The meeting wa.s favoured with a visit from two Past Grand Masters of the District— P.P.G.M's. W. Carson and H. French, who happened, to be in the Bay on business,, In responding to the fourth sentiment the- visiting brothers; expressed their pleasure at being prer sent and 'congratulated the Lodge' on its progress as a mixed Lodge.. P.P. G.M. Carson presented P.G's. E. Hall and E. Moore with a framed certificate. The was then closed and a musical evening held. P.P.G.M. Carson coniibuted several items. The Tlev. W. Stych, of Little Eiver and formerly of Okain's, visited the Bay again on Sunday and held a service in 'the° afternoon. At present this district it without a vicar. PREBbiJLTON. The dry weather has e.-.uscd u severe check to the crops and glass, and unless raui comes soon iceu wni be very scarce. J/otatoes are also battering for the want or . iL. pubiio meeting was held in the Library on Saturday nignt, Mr A. Gallagher' presiding, wan the object ot lorming a spoi'ts club, it was decided to iorm a cml-, to be cabed tne i'rebbletou Sports Club, and the following othcers were elected: Patron, Sir Heaton, Rhodes, president, Air F. Carpenter ; vice-presidents, Mrs feinitri, Messrs S. Harris, McCarthy, M. Fleming, John Cooke, \v . Mcliiii,_J. Hartnen, sen., it. Ligham, L. Gallagher, \V\ 0. Gallagher, J. Lingham, A. Maxey, J. Hill, J. Prebble, W. ivoltman, J. Fairburn, J. Poyr.l, O. JHowe. Pryke, G. Tobcck, i. Harding, J. Smith. W. Downey, sen., J. Campion, F. Campion, Ti' Foster, W. Carpenter, W. Ash, J. Huston, and L. McGfll; committee, Messrs A. Gallagher, S. Bigham, S. AkCvally, A. Wood, J. O'iNeil, P. Barr, and H. A. Wheeler (secretary and treasurer). It was decided to leave tho opening date in the hands of the committee. A rather painful accident happened to the only son of the llev. A. L. Canter, who fell on a broken bottle or glass and cut his knee open.' He was motored to Dr. Cooke, of Lincoln, who had to stitch the wound. After service last Sunday . morning the parishioners of All Saints made a presentation to Miss Hartnell, on the occasion of her approaching marriage, of a leather travelling bag, pair of ebony-backed brushes, and a pair of leather rug straps- The llev. A. L. Canter referred to the good work done bv Miss Hartnell, who had carried out the duties of Sunday school teacher and organist for the past six years. Miss Hartnell returned thanks. The llev. and Mrs A. L. Canter gave a kitchen evening in the Library on Monday for Miss Hartnell. A largo collection of kiteihenware was .presented with the good wishes of those present. Mr P. Usher responded on behalf of .Miss Hr.rtnell. Dancing and games filled in a pleasant RAKAIA. There was a largo gathering of tho first public installation of officers of-the newly-formed Edith Cavell (Rebekah) Lodge of the Independent; Order of Oddlcllows, N.Z., in llakaia. _ The Lodge was instituted at eight o'clock and' the installation began half an hour later, conducted by Bro. F. Wilkinson, Grand Master; Sister Hartigan, LadyDistrict Deputy Grand Master, and Iko. G. F. FoVke, D.D.G.M. The Grand Officers present were: Bro. I". Wilkinson, Grand Master; Bro. G. F. tfowke, Deputy Grand Master; Bro. C. Shannon, Acting Grand Marshal; and Bro. D. Newman, Acting Grand Secretary. The installing master was Sister Hartigan, of Christchureh, assisted by the following Past Grand Of-" fieers:—Grand Warden, Sis. Roberts; Grand Marshal, Sis. Colville; Grand Chaplain, Sis. Evans; Grand Secretary, Sis. Oliver: Grand Treasurer, Sis. Jessiman; Grand Guardian, Sis. Bryden; Wand Bearers, Sisters Sandford, Parker, McSpeddon, Dahlberg, Champan, Shirreffs, Hussey and Green. Bro. J. AY. Hartigan acted as musician. Tho following were the first officers of the Lodge:—X.G., Sis. Field; V.G., Sis. Newman; Recording Secretary, Sis. Kane; Financial Secretary, Sis. Rule; Treasurer. Sis. Cox; Warden, Sis. Mc-

iNamara; Conductor, Sis: Shannon; RS.N.G., Sis. It. Breach; L.S.N.G., Sis. Pve; K:S.V.G., Sis. Clark; LSV.G., Sis/ Morey; Inside Guardian, Sis. Shannon; Outside Guardian, Sis. Smith; Chaplain, Sis. Hunt. The Charter Members are Sis-. ters J. Field, M. Newman,. M. McNamara, S: J. Shannon, B. Breach, and M. Hunt. Tho installing officers presented the new lodge with a. Bible and cushion. . . Previous to the ceremony the visiting officers were entertained at. high tea. After the public installation a social evening was spent. A good supper was provided and then most of the time was devoted to dancing. Songs were su»g by Mrs Hutton, Miss M. Kane, and Miss M: Morey. A flute solo was contributed by Mrs Hutton. Messrs E. Fox and L. Cox.acted as M.C.'s for the dance. MOUNT GREY DOWNSTho residents of Mount Grey Downs, as well as. the pupils and mistress of the school, have long been handicapped at social functions by the. want of a piano in the which, although not a pretention,! edifice, also does'dutv as a public hall on such o> easions. 'The fact that the long-await-ed instrument has at length materialised speaks well for the initiative of both the School Committee and residents. No small measure of credit is due to Mr Tom Pohio, who, though not a member of the committee, helped during the winter months in .organising euchre tournaments by which a nucleus for the piano fund was created. On Friday evening a social was held in the schoolroom to celebrate the arrival of the instrument, there being a representative gathering. Several action songs by the "school children reflected, credit oil. Mrs M. Bailey, who trained^ thorn. Music for the dances was supplied by Miss Bow byes (Ashley), Mrs Bailey, Mrs J. Howe,, and Messrs T. Hanna and Sid. Lillev. Mr Pohio "carried out the duties of' M.C. A dainty supper was handed round.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17939, 6 December 1923, Page 3