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r&o Editor trill be pleased to receive for publication la the " Women'n Corner" itema of social or personal news. Sueh itaras should ho tally authenticated, «ad engagerr/at notices mtist bear the signature* of both parties. Correspondence Is invited on any matters affecting, or of iatarwrt to, xroaiea.

Mrs T. E. Y. Seddon (Greymouth) is visiting Christchurch.

Dr. and Mrs H. S. BillclifT arrived from Dunedin by Saturday's express and are spending a few weeks' with relations.

Mr and Mrs Stanley Howarth are arriving from England this morning, and will stay with Mrs Howarth s mother, Mrs H. A. Bruce, Clifton.

Miss Ethel Crichton returned to Christchurch on Saturday after a trip to Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. Recent arrivals at the Clarendon Hotel are Mr and Mrs R. Hugonin (Parnassus).

Amongst those staying nt Warner's are Mr and Mrs Gilbert Tomlinson (Sydney).

In the Russell's Flat schoolroom a ray throng assembled to bid farewell to Miss Butcher, who is leaving to tnke up duties in the Belfast School.- Mr Martin, after eulogising the guest of the evening, presented her with a handsome toilet set and' leather suit-case. Dancing was indulged in .till the early hours of the morning, nnisic being provided by Mr and Miss Millar.

Members of the Lawn Teni:is team which recently won the ladies A Grade intcr-c.lub competition were entertained on Saturday by Avonside members and presented each with a memento to mark the occasion. Th's is the third year in succession in which the club has proved successful. The members of the team are: Misses Spiers and Whitta, Mrs Warsaw, Mrs Fleming, and Miss Thompson.

Yesterday afternoon, at the United tennis courts, a most enjoyable friendly match, which should be the predecessor of other matches, w&s played between the old girls of Rangi-Ruru and those of St. Margaret's College. The final scores were: St. Margaret's, 94 Rangi-Ruru, 81; the former thus winning by 13 games. Rangi-Ruru was represented by Misses Bloxam, Yolande Ferner, Greta Wrieht, Dorothy Diamond, Connie Holdsworth, Jean and Marjorie MacDougall, and Daphne Beadel, while those playine for St. Margarget's College w r ere Misses Roma Saunders, Barbara Gould, Claire Buchanan, Mavis Saunders, Dorothy Quill, Gwen Jones, Gwen Dunnage, and Mary Ross. There was a fair attendance last evening at a meeting of ladies held in connexion with the Sumner Gala. Mr H. C. Jones presided, and briefly explained the object of the Gala, and invited those present to' Hake up the various stalls, tea-tent, etJ. Mrs W. H. Nicholson was elected chairwoman, and Miss Lawrence secretary. Convenors of the various stalls were appointed as follows:—Tea-tent: Mrs McDonald and Mrs Voller. Cake Stall: Mrs Foster and Mrs Tapson. S->ft Drinks and Ice Creamf Mrs Dawe. Sweets: Mrs Pyc and Mrs Glaekin. Bran Tub: Miss Nicholson. Stall: JJrs Millard and Mrs Koswell. • The convenors are to call their committees together, and are to report at the nexf. meeting to be held next Monday evening in the Council room. Soros time ago the collectors of t'h© Linwood branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society met at Buccletigh street, where they wer© entertained by the president, Mrs Brunt, and had an opportunity of comparing note, and relating experienoe of the collecting . campaign. Prayers ofthanksgiving were offered by the Rev. Mr Murray and the president respectively at the opening and closing of the meeting. It was tound that several collectors had been unable to finish their districts so the time for giving in their books, w p ß extended. The 'branch has now landed in to Mr Hilson the sum of £4B 2s 9d.

Last Friday the lady of the Lower Riccarton Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society were entertained at afternoon tea by tl:e president, Mrs Deans, at her home, Riccarton Hou-e. The annual collecting campaign had just been completed, the result being £32 5s 9d. Sister Agnes, the organising secretary for Canterbury, gave a most interesting talk about the growth of the work in Canterbury, and its importance in all foreign mission fieds. An enjoyable time was then spent in the beautiful old garden, where afternoon tea was oorvted. There were present: 'Sister Agnes, Mesdames Campion, Askew, Newth, Barrell, Beveridge. Price, Virtue, Bates, and Brondhead (secretary), M'sses Hadfield and Duncan.

A most enjoyable concert wcr, held n the Linwood School on Saturday night before a very large audience. The proceeds frill be devoted to the side shows and ice cream stalls at the. bazaar to be held shortly. Songs were contributed by Miss A. King, Mra Cawper, Miss Ewart, Mr W. Joll, Mr Heed, Mr- Greg. Bussell, and .Mrs Piearce, and Mr Baty; recitations by Mrs Malzard and M. Abbott. A ventriloquial act and conjuring display was given by Mr Parson; a fancy dance by Miss Margaret Jones, and a piano solo by M r Rodwell. After the concert a dance was held. Mr Herbert thanked the performers on behalf of the committee and expressed his appreciation of the sup-.? port that had been accorded to the bazaar.

There is every indication that Labrador Musquash will be extremely fashionable in the coming season's furs, and a shipment of this, which has just arrived from New York . for . Madams Menere, corner Cashel and Colombo streets (upstairs), will therefore be well worthy of inspection. It also includes squirrel furs. This is an exceptional opportunity for Christum presents. i M 7050-2 Patricia, the House for Nobby Knitted Goods. should order early from our new stocks of silk and wool. High-class dressmaking and millinery. Corner Victoria and Montreal streets.' 'Phone 4491. L 6273-6 Miss E. Gieseking, Toilet Specialist, has commenced business at Boom 5, Arcade, Cashel street. Shampooing, Manicuring,. Scalp Massage, and treatment for dandruff, etc. Consultation free. For appointments ring 'Phone 4424. 6 By Special Appointment to Excellency the. Governor-General. CLAUDE RING, Portrait Photographer, Stewart Dawson 'a Buildings. Take elevator. 'Phone 3053 6


The drawing-room at the Canterbury "Women's Club was filled to overflowing yesterday morning, when a reception of welcome was given in honour o Madame Lydia Lipkovska, the celebrated Russian soprano. The floral decorations of antirrhinums, delphiniums, and roses Vfere the subject ot many complimentary remarks. Mrs H. Holland, who acted as hostess, wore a chocolate-brown crepe de chine frock, embroidered in henna silk and bronze beads, and a black cire hat with touches of gold and a coque feather mount. Madame Lipko% ska wore a becoming frock of beaver brocaded crepe de chine, outlined with brown velvet. A short alier cap© was shirred on the shoulders and finished with a quaint hood, bound with brown velvet. Her wide capehne straw hat liad the brim softened with a tinj frill of Valenciennes laco, and was trimmed with a chou of tiny van-col-oured flat flowers edged with two frills of the narrow lace. Mrs Gravestock wore black marocain, inset with insertion, and a black satin hat with cluster of ospreys. Mr Gravestock, -Mr JItichard, and Mr Sverjensky were also present. Mrs Holland welcomed the eu?sts on behalf of members of the club, and the guest of honour briefly and charmingly replied. After a piano solo by Miss Agnes Lawlor, tea was served, and many beautiful bouquets were presented to Madame Limko\ska. Amongst those present were Mrs K. X. Tosswill, Miss Stoddart, Miss Orchard, Mesdanies Wlietter, Fairclough H. JN. Wri'iht, K. C. Owen, Tosswill. Hastings Bridge, J. Clark (Dunedin), Dickenson, Aitken. Tavlor, W. Brock. Tattle, H. Andrews, Otlcy. Wilde. Stonyer, J. Forrester, A. Bunz, Meiklc, * jUn Jiy Kendall. Schneider, J. Lawrence. 1. Bottle. Claude Sawtell. McKay, Shand, J. E. Russell, E. Clark, A. K- Anderson. Scott, 0. C. Cox, McNamara, A. M. Burns, C. C. Davis, Ogilvie, \yatt, A. Smith Greene, Brock, "ioung, \Vcjd, D. Loo, M. Cooper, Harris, O', Harley W« thins, Young, Champion (Svdnev). Edward Turner, Sims, A. S. Adams* Fred Cowper. Eibv, Misses N. Grand, G Thomson. Morkane (2). May Foster, Maud Johnston. R. Jones, T dd, Eileen Orchard. Morrison, Garden, Apne3 Lawlor. Fryer, Madge Raine, Ix?c, Stephens, Hooper, Cameron-Wimth, Olga Wacked, Lucy Cowan, and Gill.

FANCY DRESS BALL AT OXFORD. What proved to be the most successful social function that has been lieUl in West Oxford for some time past j took place last Friday evening, when the West Oxford School Committee, assisted by a willing hand of Ifldy helpers, organised a fancy dress ball in aid of the school excursion fund. The young people occupied the floor until 9 p.m., after which the adults danced until the small hours of the morning. Sincerest congratulations are due to the promoters, who spared no pains in adding to the comfort and pleasure of their many guests, both young and old. ] The hall presented a joyous scene of revelry, there being numerous novel and pretty fancy costumes in evidence. An fl.rtit.tic scheme of decorations was carried out, a huge canopy of varicoloured streamers being suspended from tjie centre, while masses of greenery adorned the wills. Unmixed joy prevailed amongst the little ones on the arrival i of "Father Christinas," who dispensed ! innumerable dainties. _ Tho "Maypole Danco" presented a delightful spectacle, i and reflected credit on Mesdames Doody and Elliot and Miss, under whoso capable direction it was carried out. Miss N. Knowles ployed for tho children's dance, wliile the adults danced to music provided by Hunnibell's Jazz Band, from Hangiorci. Extras were played by Mr Mehrtens. Close on a hundred couples participated in th 3 Grand Marches, and Mr T.. Dnody capably carried out the duties of M.C. During the evening Mr Elliot thanked all thoso who had contributed towards the success of the function, by which the school funds will bo considerably augmented. The many excellent costumes among the children provided an arduous task for the judges, who awarded the prizes as follows: —Under seven: Olive McLeod (Rambler Rose), Alex. Mackrell (Ken-pie); under 11: Doreen Doody (Christmas Tree), <ind Colin Moor© (Father Christmas); over 11: Nola Collins ,(Topsy) and _ Laurence Doody (Uncle Sam). The prices for the .adults were won by Miss Dora We Have No Bananas) and Mr HarryHughes (The Sheik). Tho following were amongst the many present:—Rowena • Youngman, Queen of Hearts; Daphne Red Riding Hood; .Dolly EJcy, Jockey; Marjory Russell, Roae; Olive Mclieod, Rambler Hose; Doris Russell, Sunflower;Shidaßussell, House ta Let; Marie Doody. Folly; Doreen Doody, Christmas Tree; Patty Pocle, Girl Kewpie; Nancy Rlain, Boy Kewpie; Jure Blain, Cupid; Nola Collins, Topsy; Betty Poole, Rose; Gracie McCormack, Daffodil: Jean Youngman, Baby 'Doll; Roma Elliot, Early Victorian; Jean Dalley, Daffodil; Madge Nixon, Mixed Chocolates; Daphne Wright, Folly; Nancy Doody, Butterfly; Dorothy Elliot, Night Fairy: Winnie Doody, Christmas Tree; Thelma Youngman. Roses;. Edna Martin, Snowdrop; Nancy Harris,< Christmas Tree; Mabel, Chick, Pompadour; Eileen Harris, Christmas Cards; Neville Knowles, Tennis; Jack Doody, Jackie Coogan; Colift Moore, Father Christmas; Kelvin Doody, Chin&man; Jack Collins, Clown: Max Harris, Mr Baggy Breeches; Laurence Doody, Uncle Sam; Erks. Moore, Clown: Willie Mackrell. Golliwog; Ernio Rtissall, Robin Hood; Marie Doody, Folly; Edgar Doody, Darkie; Ivan Wright, Jockey; Alex. Mackrell, Kewpie; Iris Lilley, Buttercup; Len. Woods, Half and Half. During the dance many novelties were -introduced, such as "Confetti," '"Cinderella, "Excuse Me," and "Lucky Spot," tho last being won by Kathleen Doody and N. Stevenson. The following were also present among tho adults:—Mesdames Elliot, Queen of Spades; Doody. Queen of Hearts; Mackrell, Confetti; Poole," Pierrette; Misses Eifiot, Green and Gold Cigarette: G. Russell, Night; F. Frampton, Jumporitis; M. Doody; Clever Mary; Stella Davis, Cowboy; E. Stevenson, Harem Ledy; I. Youngman. Twink Dye; G. Youngman, Japanese Lady; E. Doody, Spanish Dancer; C. Profiitt. /Sipey; K. Dorn, Yes, We Have no Bananas; M. Proffitt, Nieht; R. Munn, Wait-, ress; J. McLeman" Pierrot; M. Brown, .Belgium ; Knowles,' flame satin, lightly beaded; Lawley, white organdi; Lilly, ivory satin; M. Power, emerald satin, beaded in gold; If. Ivory, palest pink crepe de chine; A. Garlick, champagne crcpo d© chine, embroidered with silver lace; N. Hoghmd, mole velvet; J. James, green organdi; O. Frampton, coral pink crepe de chine; Mesdames Stevenson, black eatin, with head trimmings; Blain, black satin; J. Brown, mauve charmcuse; Miss P. .Wilson, jade crepe de chine; Messrs Hughes, The Sheik; Blafc. Sambo; N. Stevenson. Pierrot; Poole, Waiter; Childs, Uncle Sam; H. Fort, Pieirot; A. Moore. Tennis; D. McGrath, Buffalo Bill; D. Garlick, P. McGrath, D. Coates, Young, Knowles, McKee, Gilchrist, J. Alford, H. G oldie, Hvland, 'Elliot. T. Doody, R Myers, C. .Smith, Beere.j,Coulter, Powell, T. Jordan, Jamieson. Foster, Grimwood, Pachneta, A. 'Moore, G. Ellis, Profi fitt, Munn,, Howell, Dalley. Siret, Mehrtens,' • Maieh, Beebe, Forte, Herman, and Ivory.

ST. MARY'S CARNIVAL. St. Mary's Carnival, which opened in the Caledonian Hall on November Ist, reached the final stage last night, when St. Mary's parishioners assembled at the Memorial Hall, Manchester street, to enjoy a social evening and to hear the financial result of the carnival, and to witness the drawing of the Art Union held in connexion with the carnival. On behalf of the stall-holders, Mr Delanev tendered sincere thanks to the Rev. Father Seymour, S.M., who had carried out the secretarial duties of the carnival, and to whose energy, tact, jmd real business ability the success of the carnival was largely due. A short musical programme was piven by Master A. Handisides, Misses M. and E. Irwin, I. Mahon. Rings, B Behan. Mrs F. O'Brien, Messrs B. Rennell, Cocks, and A. McDonald. The balance-sheet showed a net balance of £1461 Os 7d, made up as follows: —Zealandia stall, in charge of Mesdames Barrett and Clifford. £50o: surprise-packet stall. Lady Clifford and Miss Enright, £320; Hibernian stall, Mesdames Henphv, Gerard, and Miss O'Connor, £275 6s; sports stall. Mesdames Garritran and Holly. £235 8s 6d; sweets stall. Mesdames Vincent and Mason. £216 13s 6d; sundry receipts, £l4B 10s; expenditure, £214 7s sd. 'Jlie winner of the art union was Constable Butler, Christchurch.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17937, 4 December 1923, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17937, 4 December 1923, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17937, 4 December 1923, Page 2