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Sir William Praaer Seri onßly jjffSß The Hon. Sir William FW. . Jjjjl to return to the private he was recently receiving The latest report is that ho The Hon. D. H. Guthrie. '"XIS The Hon. D. K. Guthrie, Lauds, paid a visit to WelHaßtoPsSli day. He continues to iqmS health, and is looking forward fulfill trip to the South Sea Islands. fjM Noxious Weeds. :yal|g The problem of noxious wee&i*jijffl| Zealand is becoming a very and eventually it will be bring before Parliament a compil!! sive scheme involving penditure in order to cope satisfactorily. Meantime some imllll ment is proposed in the ptestoSi in a Bill introduced in the Bgniijtffjl Representatives to-day by the Hotofsll In regard to the spreading ofjJij by seeding or otherwise, it ia prielll to take power to compel get rid of weeds by pulling bing, in addition to cutting? ■ In the second- schedule bl«cki9| Canadian thistle, sweet briar, nriffffiP wort are declared to be throughout the Dominion. x-ajjls The new Bill empowers local Stagl to declare any of them, exceptligSi berry, not noxious. There is vision to enable a local body to~tfltij«B a declaration rogarding -within the noxious category. -^slb In the present law thar* that certain weeds must be a quarter of a chain along This has been found to -be ciently olastic. The ne# v to give inspectors power to the extent to, which this «fraV»«|B done. The owner of the land wiUimffl the right to appeal to a 'pstßiSfflffl pointed by the Minister. SajSßp Barberry and Bweet briar added to the hedge plants the original Act. There is aUosQgff| vision that hedges must be 1 trim£»|aa! the proper season of the year.'-lajra A Companies BILL \ljaßl The Companies Special. Emjij||j|®| Bill is meant to confer on panies power to afford relief to'lijjj|l9 guarantors of the New Packing and Biacon j|i9 operative concern (with htaflqufflM in Wellington) in process wound up. The directors of'.tMgfßl pany became responsible for aftimHl made by a bank, and are noff ramn ible to the bank for certain &£fm| not mentioned in the Bill. OihtinH operative companies were, it >AmHj interested in the business of tfc&lna ing company, and it is uuderatoffiaaß some of these companies wifihramM lieve some of the directors --{gramgi liability. The Bill proposes power the companies to do tiijjnMH the consent of their shareholjld|flrai League of Nations. -Jjl|h|| In the Legislative Council lfr||fi|j| Hon. W. H. TriggH asked theism of the Council if the lay before Parliament might have, from the sioner and the Hon. Sir regarding the meetings of Nations in which,they tt>d£|||H The following was Sir reply:—lt is not probable ports can be laid on thd they contain a great deal matter which it would not %-||§9N to have recorded, but. I>vrUl{||ran| to place on the table of such parts of the report* ae ara'jggraß to the real object 'of the'yf|ingH Protection for New S>ealaa^'^^^H South Island members tive Council were to afternoon in an advoca<ty : protection for New Zoalast^BEHn Sir Thomas second reading of the tion and Game. Act AmentigKHj the principal of that, instead of the' deciding what birds - ed, the Legislature Thomas said' it had bead. fcf|||«S the permits issued fot. posea were being abused. that more careful enquiries made before permits wereißffHgggg had heard that the, BlaughtelMK|MH art Island would bleed. New Zealand bircunßßH well worth protecting. beautiful and unique. delightful .and .with a remote antiquity. were fast disappearing. tiie islands off the New should be set aside as particularly islands which the vermin that had been to the mainland. One 01 iasts in charge of had told him that the bird were increasing, that they were not the peaches were times partook too and became intoxicated, that the disappearance .of native birds provided; the W§jsjSgHH some of the.pests of tO'd&y To preserve our birds should be enlisted",' and whose help might be Boy Scouts and the bushlef?||MMH The Hon. G. M. ThofflSo»|fflfflH| the Bill. He said tbat :: species of birds had exterminated in Ney^ only New Zealand b?rd been taken for its plumaS^SjftaßjHß Huia. The last Huia, been killed on the oceaflion Wfflnm to New Zealand of tflfl York, now King George. . at that time made a great aWMBW Huia feathers, and: sincejn^MsSm had not been seen. io ;^%llgW native birds wero more The Bili was supported D. T. Fleming, J. Topi James Carroll, and the <e y^9BßJ| In the House to-day Bills were introduced and time:—Lqcal Lcgislatiofi Downie Stewart), tion Act Amendment .(the Downie Stewart), Native Adjustment (the Hon. Noxious Weeds Act Hon. W. Nosworthy), cial Empowering , (the, UOPr&nH worthy), Justices of the Amendment (No. 2) ( Parr), Industrial and' cities A<rt Amendment North Island Tronic 'j|Ml In the Legislative Hon. W. J. Geddis gave whether the Government''jjagMH utilise the imemploydd overhanging banks North Island Main

gggjjggggOß Restriction Bill. jj mentioned in a recent telegram, fbe long-awaited removal of the law ftquirisg people .of British birth to tha oath of allegiance before entering *' ev? Zealand is embodied in the Tmniieration Restriction Act ArnendBill (the Hon. W. Downie Stowfrt) which was rend a first time in the tUoM oi Kcpresej.t.itivc-s this afterPe"on« who are British sublv natural^.'ion wi:i, however. £il'j be required ro i :.!;<? the oath of lileciacce. A declaration form will to be presented to all pasirretre. • ive of whether they p'ri'i-'i * sub'-eta bv birth or Xhe clau>e on the matter reads as '"Save with the authority of 2,1 Minister, no i.-r«-on shall land in v., r 7.-.:"r place bevond fbc " U,A " ne haa In:Ule dfciiverv-i to an otfu-er of the Cus.#B' a in tho prescribed *vra " This r!:ni".c does not apply to Ve roaster >,r crew of a vessel, but l-rt-v may, hcl'f re or after landing, be " 3 ",jt-.-.i' bv a Cur:onis officer or the so'V t" wake th-,' declaration. Chil?r *a'under 1.", years of age are also ntS.vV> fr-Jii th*'* ei.'i't.-e. Every per-*-r*"wiiO hiii'is in the Dominion without taking thf di.flar.'!! ion or refuses to ' -tke the d<?i-!s ration, or makes one !v'-t it wilfully or misleading in refpect, commits an offence against tic- Act.'' , . . Action 3 of tae Undesirable Immi„,.,Dts Exclusion Act, 2019, and the fjic-dule ot that Act, are accordingly »o be repealed. Joyces of the Peace BUI. The powers of tho Supreme Court ca £3 appeal from the decision of 'offices are further defined by an fading Bill introduced in tho House. The Bill declares that the Court shall hiw power to increase or reduce the or term of sentence of imprisongga*. An amendment in the procure of taking evidence at criminal trials is contained in the repeal of cjjtion 10 of the principal Act. The •Mr tlnuifl makes special reference to whose depositions have been Sea before Justices, but who refuse jflrive evidence in respect to matters Zjgp>& to in them, and provides that depositions may be read aa eviAssee of the prosecution. Tho powers aro extended in cases 4 offences against property, to enable Am to hear cases in which the subii*t matter of the offence does not The limit is £2O Under lL'f««ting law. Other amending "L,,, i B tho Bill deal with electricity u & thing capable of being stolen, exof witnesses, service of notice, of commitment, recognisances for bail) and an extension tin ? e «ithis which complaints may be made tr a Kimraary prosecution commenced. ffc* "Washlng-^P" For many years the New Zealand parliament haa dealt with a good deal cf local legislation in & Bill which came to be known aa the «'Washing-Up" Bill, txesure, usually introduced m the hours of the session, seldom, if ever! receded the consideration it was tUued W. Ihe Government propose to aiier this objectionable metliod. With that object a bill will be P a^ a tiii)! session, liniwr the present Bui, « local authority desiring specifac empywenng legislation on its behalf is recusred to submit ita proposals in a thereto form to tha Jlmister of InUrnal Afiairs for consideration by the Government, and no feuch proposal may bo submitted after the expiration ot two months from the commencement\ of ji t>e&sion. If the Minister is satisfied thai the proposal is one which should psoperlv bo submitted to Parliament, publishes in the Gazette a notice that effect, together with a copy of the clause, thus enabling all persons locally interested in the proposad legisto become acquainted with the proposals for a sufficient time before Parliament deals with the subject, and tiso enabling objectors to present any objections for consideration by a committee of Perliainent. A further obI'ccti is to enable the members of Paruaieut, and any special committee appointed by either House of Parliament to deal with local legislation, to have the exact details of the proposed legislation in their hands. Due provision U tims made for foil consideration by tha Departments of the Government ted for fall notice to the public before Parliament is called upon to considw the advisability or otherwise of ptmag tim legislation. SUtt Advances tot Housing. - Mr F. J. Bolleston, during a speech ei the State Advances Act AmendBtat BUI thb afternoon, seemed to tsk# it for granted that the provisions la the Bill ia regard to housing are to capene&e the provisions of the Act steady on the Statute Book, which taablsd towns such aa Timaru to obIsis money os loan and build workbooses, which, he said, they could to better advantage than a Gov- ; jsaoeat Department. It should bo, | towerer, clearly understood that there I « 88 intention to repeal the law which » st present in operation.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 8

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POLITICAL NOTES. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 8

POLITICAL NOTES. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 8