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1 CHEVIOT. The new fibrolit-e roof to St. John s Church has now been completed, nnd in order to raise funds to meet the cost the Church Committee have arranged to hold a series of monthly socials during the winter the first of which will be held on Friday, and wili take the form of a dance. Arrangements are well in hand for the U.S.A. annual hall, which takes pljj ce in the Cheviot Town Hall on the 27th mst., and which promises to be quite as successful as in former years. The weather continues bitterly cold, with occasional showers of rain. j LKITHFIELD. i On Friday evening a j-llv little dance was held in the Oddfellows' Hall to raise funds for establi liing a 'first aid el as in connexion with Si. Paul's Anglican Bible Class. Though the attendance was not so largo as might have be n e-pectod owinz to seve a! counterattractions and dmbt'ul we: ther cordi j lions, the sum of £2 15s <3d was raised, j The 11-ov G. L>. Harold thanked all j those who had helped with the effort, ! and extended a cordial invitation to all young people from the surrounding districts to join the class when started. SEF TON. Matters in connexion with the Sefton Pubuc iiaive been consiuera-iy advanced Uuiiiijj the past fortnight, ino late James iouiigs trustees nave paid into the committee's bank account the sum of £oUJ for the building audi the accrued interest amounting to £4! S. The local trustees have invested the £IOOO endowment in electricity debentures, bearing interest at tho rate of 5£ per cent, per annum, ilie site of the building is a three-corn-ered section at the junction of Pembertpn road and High street. The committee has had the land surveyed and the position of the building pegged out. By the generous help of Messrs G. F. Davis and D. J. Henderson, the fences were aJI cleared, and the gorse grubbed. The committee received seven tenders for the erection of the building, and the successful contractors are Messrs Woden and Efford, of Rangiora. One of the specifications was that all carting was to be done free, and as the building is of reinforced concrete, the contractors asked for 40 yards of shingle, six loads of bouldiers, and six loads of sand. Last Friday was selected as the day for the carting of the shingle, and a dozen teams took part in the work. These belonged to Messrs Aslnvorth Bros. (2), James Ashworth, jun. (2), W. J. Boyoe, F. Croft, Thomas Hannan, James Bros., G. MciNally, H. Orchard. S. Thomas, and P. Topp. Before four o'clock in the afternoon the last load had) been filled, and all the teams were at home again before dusk. This splendid result was achieved because of the enthusiastic fillers in the river-bed. The "gentlemen of tho shovel" were Messrs J. Armstrong, H. Ashby, F. McGowan, S. Pain, J. Quick, S. Quick, and F. Scott Morning and afternoon tea were provided for the workers by Mesdameii Boyce, Clarke, Topp, and Thorne. ASHLEY BANK. At the annual meeting of subscribers rf the Ashley Public Library, Mr H. Collie occupied the chair. The balancesheet showed the finances to be in a .ound condition. It was decided to hold a social on Friday, August 10th, to raise funds for the purchase of new books. Miss V. E. Steel was re-elected ecretary and treasurer, and was acorded a hearty vote of thanks for her services during the past year. The selection of new books and magazines was left in the hands of the secretary. Last Thursday afternoon, d sp to the stormy weather conditions, a football and a basket-ball team repr senting the Loburn &. h iol braved the elements, end, played matches at Ash!..y ag.iinst tcamt from the local school. The football resulted in a win for the visitors by 1J points to nil, the Loburn boys having the advantage in weight, and showing superiority in play over their opp nents. For the winners, tries were scored by S. Horn, J-. Rosewarne, and J. Mair, the latter converting one. Mr P J. Lindsay referoed the game. The girls' game was keenly contested, and resulted in a win for the heme team by 7 points to 4. Miss V. E. Steel was referee. Afternoon tea, dispensed in the schoolroom by tho Ashley ladies, ooncluded a pleasant afternoon's sport. To-morrow afternoon a team of gjrlp from Ashley will play a match at Leithfield against the school there. RANGIORA. The fortnightly social In connexion with the Oddfellows' Lodge, held on Monday evening, was well attended, and, as usual, all present spent a very pleasant time in dancing and playing cards. Progressive euchre prizes were won by Mrs O. Nelmes and Mr F, W. Mehrtens. The monthly meeting of the Rangiora Bowling, Tennis, and Croquet Club was held on Monday, Mr W. A. Bowie presiding. Two resignations of lady members were received and accepted. Correspondence was received from the Beckenham Bowling Club in reference to a movement to obtain a daylight saving measure. It was decided to support the effort. The Billiards Committee reported that a billiards tournament was in progress. An offer from Clark McConachy to play an exhibition game of billiards was declined. The draft of a schedule of duties for the grounds-keeper was approved, and it was decided to call for applications for the position of caretaker. BELFAST. At the monthlv meeting of the Belfast School Committee there were present: Mr W. P. Spencer (chairman), Mrs E. Harris, Messrs E. Harris, A. .Johnston, W. Price, R. Graham, T. Morton, and the Rev. Roberts. An apology was received for the absence of Mr A. E. Lawn. The headmaster re- i ported a roll number of 221, with an I average attendance of 198. The teacher ,of Spencemlle school reported a roll number of 18. A letter of thanks was received from the Rev. Braddock, who has just finished a week's mission work at the school. Permission was granted to ministers of religion tp give religious instruction in school hours for 30 minutes one day per week. The balance-sheet of the recent euchre partv and dance held in the schoolroom, showing a credit balance of £1 19* 3d wns ndonted. It was decided to hold a similar entertainment on July 21st in St. David's Schoolroom. A vote of thanks was passed to the churchwardens for their kind offer of the use of the schoolroom. The Rev. Roberts and Mr A. Johnston were appointed a visiting committee. MOUNT GREY DOWNS. The fortnightly progressive evchre tournament, or Tin fed bv the Mount Grey Downs School Committee, took plnoe on Tlnr-d y evening. The pr'Vs were won by M'-s F7Vin v Lilley and Master Lillov. the consolation prizes goine to Miss Vallance and Mr Vallance. At the conclusion ofi the games supper was dispensed by the ladies. KOWAI BUSH. "Very severe frosts are being ex perienced. .Yesterday there were a'l the indications of a snowstorm. After much delay, the local chaffcutter has paid this district a visit, but owing to loss of time through wet weather the saw-bench was not brought, so that residents will be compelled to saw their own firewood this winter. At last week's euchre party tlr prizes were won by Mts Templeton and Mr Joines, while Miss Jacobs and Mr Whelan received consolation prizes.

DUNSANDEL. The fortnightly library social was held in the hall. The night was cold, and there was not so large an attend ance as usual. The prizes for the euchre were won by Miss M. Stainger and Mr John Walker, the consolation prizes going to Mrs John Walker and Mr C. lies. After the floor was cleared a dance was held to music supplied by Misses Owers and Stainger (violin), Clarke and McGeorge (piano), and Messrs Lill (piano), Tweedy, and Oliver (accordion). SOUTHBRIDGE. At a meeting of the Ellesmere Technical Association there were present Messrs A. Tong, T. G. Stephens, A. McPherson, A. Webster, and J. H. McMillan. Mr Stephens was elected to the chair. The secretary (Miss G M. Glanville) reported that only four dressmaking classes were running at present, and as these were the only ones earning the Government subsidy, it was not expedient to run any classes that required outside finance. It was decided to rent a hall in Leeston for the winter term. Balance-sheets of the recent Scotch concert and garden party were presented. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to all who had helped. Mr Jamieson offered a prize of £5 5s for the best translation of "Two Dogs," the result to be announced at a Scotch concert on January 25th. The Southbridge woodwork class was being run without help from the Government, but the Southbridge competitions could be trusted to pay their expensed. LEESTON. After the ordinary meeting of the Loyal Leeston Lodge, a euchre party was held by members and their lady friends, at which the opportunity was taken to recognise the services to the Lodge of two of the oldest members, who are leaving the district—G.G. Bro. G. H. Jones and P.G. Bro. Jas. Mc Vinnie. ' The winners of the prizes were Miss R. Donald and Mr H. Austin Supper was provided by the ladies P.G. Bro. Woodard referred to the good work Bro. Joneß had done as treasurer, and asked his acceptance of a gold medal, suitably inscribed. To Bro. McVinnio also the good wishes of the members were conveyed, and he was handed a set of table silver as a token of the esteem in which he was held. Bros. Jones and McVinnie suitably acknowledged the gifts and expressed a wish that the Lodge would progress and that members would assist to that end by attending the meetings. HORORATA. Owing to (the prevalence of influenza, the Golf Club's ball has been postponed till a date to be announced. LEESTON. The second community sing of the season held under the direction of the St. John's Social Club, was well patronised. A good variety of songs and solos was given, and an enjoyable time was spent. The Rev. Dr. Halloway acted as conductor. Supper was provided by the ladies. SPRINGSTON. At the fortnightly euchre party there was a fair attendance. The prizes were won by Miss M. Thompson and Mr R. Wright. In spite of the weather there was a splendid gathering on Friday night at the B.;nd of Hope meeting in connexion with the Wesley Guild. The Rev. J. W. Parker presided. The children contributed two choruses, and Mr Parker gave an address. Those contributing to the programme were:Mesdames Sills and Quinn, Misses Wilson, McKay, and Kime, Messrs MarI shall, Kime, Willie Sills, and Jack Parker. Misses Kime and Dent were the accompanistes. The annual meeting of the Springi ston Public Library subscribers was held in the library on Saturday evening. Mr J. W. Kime presided over a largo attendance. The annual report and balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £2 19s 4d. The chairman referred to the electric light, which had been installed in the library during the year, and which was a great improvement. The old committee wa3 re-elected with the addition of Messrs Tl. S. Chambers, E. Lochhead, and T. Thompson. A? there would be no Government subsidy this year, it was decided to hold a concert on August 2nd for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of new books. SEAFIELD. On Friday evening the residents of SeaSeld turned out in good numbers to bay farewell to Mr Willie Bruce, who is leaving for Christchurch to pursue his studies in electrical engineering. The Seafield schoolroom was tastefully decorated for the occasion, and the evening was spent with cards and dancing. The music was supplied by Mr A. Bennison, assisted by Airs Bain, Misses Gregory and Bruee, Messrs Halliday, ifurst, and W. Bruce. A much-appreciated orchestral selection was given by Misses Hallidav (2), and Messrs W. Halliday and W. Bruce. During the evening Mr Willie Bruce was the recipient of a very handsome present from the Seafield Rifle Club, a leather suit-case suitably inscribed. Mr Gregory, the president, who made the presentation, referred to the fact that Mr Bruce had taken an active I part in all social affairs in the district, j md had greatly helped the Seafield I Rifle Club. They were not only losing an untiring heloer of this club, but one of their best shots, and his departure would weaken the club. He hoped the memento would show him how his efforts had appreciated. Mx Par-

kin referred to the fact that Mr Bruce had lived all his life at Seafield, and gained the respect of all. He wished him success in his new sphere. Mr A. Bennison expressed the hope that it would not be long before their guest returned to the district. Mr Bruce, i .replv-ing, thanked his friends for , their gift and very kind remarks. Danc- , was kept up till the early hours, and the gathering broke up with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." LAKE COLERIDGE The district is at present having its share of winter weather, 20 degrees of frost having been recorded on several mornings, A considerable amount of snow has fallen within the last few weeks, ana the surrounding mountains are well coated. Mr S. Osborn, who has been connected with the power house for six years, has recently been appointed first engineer at Hora-hora. Prior to hi 3 departure the residents of the district entertained Mr and Mrs Osborn and family at a series of social functions. Mrs Osborn was entertained by tha ladies at a pleasant gathering, during which she was presented by the Sunday School teachers and scholars with :i book of Longfellow's poems. The following evening a smoke concert was tendered to Mr Osborn, and later a combined social was held in the schoolroom. During the evening the guests were presented with a handsome set of stainless cutlery and a fountain pen. Mr Hart, the superintendent, who made the presentation, spoke in high terms of the departing guests, and wished them success in their new sphere. SPRINGFIELD. The weather continues cold and dreary. Heavy frosts, little sunshine, and occasional slight snowfalls constitute the general weather conditions. As a consequence much sickness is rife among children and adults. In spite of the cold night, quita a large attendance was present at the fortnightlv euchre tournament held in the scnool on Friday last. The two cheery fires in the card room were much appreciated. The lady's prize was won by Miss Evans (Kowai Bush), andi the gentleman's prize by Mr H. Atkinson (Kowai Bush). The consolation prizes were awarded to Miss M. Vaughan and Mr Bloxer. At the preceding tournament Miu, E.> Vaughan won Mr J. Taylor's special prize of a quarter of a ton of coal. Mr Wil 7 liamson won the gentlemen' 1 * prize. The consolation awards went to Miss Nimmo and Mr W. Taylor respectively. After supper on Friday evening the room was cleared for dancing, which was enthusiastically maintained till the early hours. Spirited music was contributed bv Mr R. Geddes and Mr C. Smith. Mr Newman acted as M.C. It has been decided to have dancing after each tournament in future. A meeting is to be held in the hall-to-morrow evening, with the idea of forming a committee to proceed with the arrangements for a citizens' ball. DORIE. A dance was held in the Ardamine Hall, at Dorie, on Friday evening, in aid of the hall funds. It was very apparent that the influenza is affecting many families in the district, as there was not the large attendance usually seen at these gatherings. A large party from Rakaia helped to swell tne numbers considerably. Excellent music was provided by Mr W. Rankin, extras being played by Miss Smith, of Rakaia, and Air A. Banks, of Dorie. The ladies of the district provided a splendid supper. Mr M. Kingaburv acted as M.C., and in thanking all those who had helped to make the gathering a success, intimated that arrangements had been made for a fancy dress ball in the hall on August Ist. RAKAIA. A matter which is very much exercising the members" of friendly societies in Rakaia at the present time is whether the Ashburton Friendly Societies' Association Hospital scheme . applies to the Rakaia Cottage Hospital or not. Under this scheme, by the payment of certain dues per quarter, friendly society members are entitled to free hospital treatment, the hospital being defined as "The Cbunty Hospital.'* The question is whether the term can be applied to that branch of the hospital situated at Rakaia. It has been stated from authoritative sources that the scheme does not apply there, and as a consequence the three friendly societies in Rakaia have combined to enter an emphatic protest against this ruling. They point out that the Cottage Hospital, at Rakaia is merely a detail Of the County Hospital, not an institution under some oher control. One point which appeals strongly to the Rakaia brethren is that the exclusion rule is already at work in another thr.t is, no patients are admitted at Rakaia unless they are cases too ill to travel to Ashburton. This rule is not objected to at all, but it is maintained that with this safeguard against the overuse of the Rakaia building, their lodge patients, who are seriously ill, and so have to be admitted at Rakaia without delay, should be entitled to the benefit of the scheme just as much as their more fortune brethren who are able to travel, or who already reside in Ashourton township. The Rakaia Ladies' Hockey Club haa decided to mark the close of the lirst round of the competition, and the important fact that the club has an unbeaten record this season, by a social in St. Mark's Schoolroom to-morrow evening. The members of tile team have every reason to be proud of their success. Miss R. Clark, inf'nt mistress at the j Rakaia School, is at present laid aside with illness. Her place is being filled 1 by Miss Wiggins. Mr Corbett is also absent through illness, and about a third of the children have been absent, but many are now recovered. MOUNT SOMBRS. The Men's Club held an "impromptu debate" on Monday night, but, on account of the cold weather, there was I a poor attendance. Some good games were played at tho ping-pong evening, when about twentv were present. The names of Mrs Whelam and Rev. Mr Paddison have been added to the committee. The highest scores at the Rifle Club's shoot last week were:—A. McNeill 32, McLimont 32, L. Hood 31, J. Sim 31, H. Gifkins 31, N. Hood 31, H. Morgaj 30, Mclver 30. Brunton 30. Shooting for the County Shield will commence soon. Most of tlje members are gradually improving their scores. Two football matches were played here on Saturday. The MayfieldSpringburn juniors beat Ashburton Old Boys by 20 points to nil, and the local fourth grade team defeated Springburn by 21 points to 10. Some very keen frosts have been experienced lately, and the thermometer has been as low as 17 this last week. There has been very little rain of late, and some tanks are getting low. The influenza has not taken a serious turn in this district as yet, although there is a number down with slight colds. ASHBURTON. The Ashburton Borough Council has granted the usual subsidy of £6O to the Fire Brigade, and Mr J. W. Hepbarn has been approved as a member , of the brigade.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17812, 11 July 1923, Page 3