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were not over pleasant v and although during too actuacjWrfay. anc t dea l 0 f rain. lell, «£ S militate* <> P"* J5« Jootball. There wa« ;. -epttfUW'y «° o !d B oy*-'Va-»Uy match £. where the o.d »/ , d B Si> "i C a«r£ of the Car.cton f-f Without tho ' eT d T £-varsity deservedly ';.,»»'.» ?; y » game v:hich, ail moment^ iyg JftriSlTweated Christchurch by fijd margin of points. ' -varsity (8) v. Old Boys (3).

,j _ .tnf/» of the ground and the »^ fl «r a decided handicap to Old **3 L rwU were somewhat hgntcr "*'. .oe'hwero decided on. -\ arsuv tot Md Old Boys kicked off agt,.n,t *„St wind. The ' £ot " JP a dtte I " , ;'? cd *' ~nd sept «'ings Moving tnwiuds A arbut Jto'oertson saved with a «T/fi. k 'Varsity made in 1 two ct the '&i Tl ha'd ounting nrought tnem int.; TW twenty-five. Tho Whites secured o,d dficrum, but Guiney, who wai p ay was caught. Again the ball is! 1 *", an d this time a great attemp. <?J% was made. A forward passing ri imded J n Thompson getting possession, ?f-"had hard luck in knocking on right .f&ont of the goal posta just when he was !"? act of scoring. Wa-won relieved with ""uk 0n changing over for ihe second Boys set off in hot pursuit. g'' -Jay along tho touch-lin-: and a great , JWaren compelled 'Varsity to force. 2° Whites were not to be kept off, and %m oicking up, conveyed to Bowes, 'i made f. great sprint along tho line and Led to Porker, who dashed over. Hari missed with the kick. Old Boys coni,.3ed to attack until half-time, which ar"■ikJ nith the score: Old Bo3'S 3, 'Varsity 0. "iften play was resumed a heavy downpour ujjj and'Oid Boys had to face it for most jV third quarter. Tile ground was in a bod state, and the players were slip'h and sliding everywhere. Attempts to the hftll up were fruitless. From a 01 near Old Boys' goal-line Brodie got pt bat the 'referee ordered a eorum five ,J out. Brodie' tried again, but was isjit down. Bryden, following behind, st& up and scored near the posts. Craven jjiid » good goal. The weight of tho Tartity forwards told on Old Boys. A rsii forward scramble hovered round the M Boys' twenty-five, and from a scrum Brodio could not he shut out, and he scored i food try near the posts. Craven just sined the easy kick. In the J&st quarter ijU Boys' made dogged attempts to retrieve imjelves. On one occasion the backs got jiiag, but Bowos was shut out. Another iltonpt at scoring by Thompson saw him afettjr again, and desperate attacks by the M» forwards were stared off. The final ihMs went with the scores: 'Varsity 8 DM Boys 3. Mr C. W. Allard was referee!

Merivalfl (10) v. Christchurch (0). Heri7»le kicked off, tie ball being returnid into tho Monvale twenty-five. Hard piay fund, and Doreen made » good solo run, bit tos graesed near 'the line. Hardia i!ated a good movement, and passed on M Doreen, who transferred out to Blazey, fbl litter aooring. Penberthy's kick at goal 'M. A charge by Christchuroh paw Penlafbj pick up on the line and save with a kick. A free kick against Msrivale "&ve As&iwn a ehot, but tho •ball was stopped k tie opposing forwards jumping high. Ms Bhowed up in some hard play near u Christchurch lino, 'but the ball went nt'-Carnogie made a good kick, which till down, on the line, resulting in a finable, but Christchurch got out of Salty, and had a royal show of scoring, sißullecl. Penberthy took the free kioS, Ak was awarded for an infringement, tha IS-landing near the Christchurch line. 6a a line out Doreen made a good run, Si jnany Christchurch , men were handy, ftd'prevented him from scoing. Then ttrisMratoa pressed, and Doreen, again ticking np imartly, punted high, tire ball foing over tin Christchurch line, resulting i a force down. The kick went out well awn, and from a scrum, Christchurch obtarf, but instes.d' of passing out the half Htl iroriod the blind side, end ran into walfe. Prom a good kiok by Anderson, mtutthy returned with a lino kick, ami Mm the line-out Chriatchurch got possesMJj 4ut wore bustled by the Merivale forysdJ. They still had a good chance of scorH i but bad passing spoiled their opporaaly. Brown, eventually getting the ball, *U'» good effort'to score, just missing. telle forced their way into the Christ- *"» twnty-five in the second quarter, P Orchard saved. Prom a scrum the ball Wont to Doreen, who was well tackled, «, iilthongh Merivale were on the ChristOntk line, the latter saved well. Christtech kept up the pace; and had a good ™ of once again failing to take o mintage, llerivale, following up fast, 'BinrJiicky ja not getting up in timj "Ctastchuroh just forced. A scrum saw «HTate obtain, and what looked like a cer- *» try was saved by Orchard. Brosnan ■* got possession, and sent his bcks away, 1w bid luck preventing tie Blues from • "UK. At this stage Merivale lost DugBi who went off with a bad ankle, just "BM.was called, the half-time scores besj: Merivale 8, Christchurch 0. Wttiuming, Merivale pressed hard, but V Ctaiatchuroh defence waa solid. Christ«wh came down, but Blazey saved well, * tall being eventually kicked over the «• m Penberthy forced. Christchurch, .'Miwiided a fr«% kick, which was followerwell, Penberthy again saving. McOabe . followed up fast, and the ball s®»si Penberthy had a pot at goal ,]»uiled right over the bjr, making the I .-•* Uarivale 7, Christchurch 0. In the ! Cochrane and Meikle were '' ««*, tho latter being very unlucky not "W». Near the Christchurch line, MeriJ.nn awarded a free kick, Penberthy's ,2 * l 80? 1 filing. Christchurch made .' fJJV'ffirt, but it was unsuccessful, Pen- '; u^PP 1 ™ 11 ? with a good line kick. Just : JWi.hiM w»s called Sergison and Masson ft prominent in a rush, which ended, in !J»a scoring, Penberthy's kiok missed. *-ra»l score was. Merivale 10, Christgi 0. Mr E. E. Luttrell was re-

f Ifawood (8) v. Albion (0). JjlJMn aad Albion met on the south S* V Laaca*ier .farK. .following tn,e -laowaud set -up an attacn, out a by Werren reversed me posi|t was noticeable in a loose £> «4«i gave Albion the advantage. A a»iK» to liinwood lai.ed to remove 2|?°'' tWi Greens' territory, but the Lin'■Tim*"' 8 CTcntusll y went l 0 tll e centre, %SJr IQCKUIs b y assisted in pUvcSiS° a .» a tae defensive. Kutheriord •8 to?!? ior good Volk > and ho cleare" 4T n «i on to lanwood twenty-five, but Play Bpoiicd a likely chance. An ■£:"!*»■*" w«U stopped by Brown. *»*WM k Dg brok ° awa >'> out tne efiort .y holding on, and Albion came «fcY • * tne Linwood half. At this T» retired, J. Turpia going back j AJbion se t "P an attack, but «Wwlo Wn resulted. The Blacks cousin J""?' aQd a g°° d elfort h V Bayliss Nti« , on tna Linwood line. Lin- , W l ™' il »t Rutherford followed up ift. t ID *"• Linwood twenty-five. LinWtod again, and a force was re;Mt Albion. Half-time was IV*"* no ecore. 9 P e " opened in heavy rain, J£y °« wer« the first to claim an ad.Ki^fT 0086 . rushes were responsible lor : ?^Sr s *" Albion territory, but the 3 <3t♦ ?? ved e l ual t0 t' lo occasion, i*** *» Albio " lin2 . w "ere Christie 25*-n "r^ I *' which Wright failed to ' tV J. backs made repeated IISft2S..1 P . the B»™, but faulty K*! riiAv . eir efiolts > u ntil one good "bStt W yto advantage, and Young '2!*4»ift *" ? sy tr y» which "Wright toSf* -t£ rl gocd kick - A n Albion rush uarte ". and from a KL 4fbii»r f d atl unsuccessful shot at i^eSort^ 04 at eoal from a penalty, JN n, V* ni wide, and the game ended sco "> leaving Linwood "V "pomU to 0. Mr E. Iteans was

5% Ci Caaterbur y (o). fo^ Ury , kioke d off, and the op*te2*«Uaii- playni S with the wind, ■ «« *L P yto their Several ksf./'V S Were iost . aud ait ' ex a

couple of force-downs and a touch in goal bad been registered, Giimcur '.vent over for a. try, -.vhich Sargsntina failed to convert. Ragged play in favoy cf the combined side

■■vas followed by a passing bout between .Serpentina and Greatbatch a:;d a try resulted. Smythe converted. Sydeiiham-Lytte!-'•on returned to the attnek ant'" Gil.os touched df-'.vn, but Smyths failed to arid to the wore, and the first quarter ended" with the score 11—0. "With the wind in thpir favour North Canterbury confined play to neutral territory for a ape]], I-nt faiird to cct in an attacking position. C. Icy broke a-way, but TJunlop spoiled tvith a feeble effort to pet. Faulty work by North Canterbury allowed Toy to score a try, which .Smyihe converted. Sydenham-Lytlcltcn rcr.tinurd to press, and Sargontina "addrd unothri- try, "rvt faib-d" '■> convert, nnr! j>;.l;'-iime -.-.-as crd'cd with the score: Sydcnham-Lytteiton 13, Nort >. Canterbury (J.

The, second'spell war. a repetition of the opening half, play for the pai't being confined to North Canicrh'iry's twenty-five. The di.-play was far from brilliant, and the piayers were evidently handicapped by the greasy nature of (he ball. Gilmour was the '■rst to score for Kvdenharr.-Lvttei'.on, and Smythe had no difficult'.- in' cnrvcriin-. Greathatch led an attack, and good work bv him gave Jeffries a. nice tr,-.' ?my<h<= again added the minor joints" Sheiton started a Sydenham attack, and Tov finished the movement with a try, which Smvtho con-crted. This proved the final srere. and the game ended in favour of .Svdenbam-Lvt-telton by ?,i points to 0. Mr J. It. 11cGiiffog was referee. SECOND GRADE. Playing at the Show Grounds, defeated Prebbleton-Hulswell by 7 points to u. .Mr L. lliggins was referee. At tho 'Varsity ground Christchurch defeated 'Vanity Bby & points to a. Mr E. J. Lathorne was referee. Merivale and Linwood played a drawn game, 0 jxiints each, on the Morivulc ground. White and Ritchie scored tor the home-sido, and Choate and Blyth for Linwood. Mr J. Gray was referee. Only one spell of the Sydenham-Lyttelton-Jk'ifast name was played on the Polo Ground, tho country team winning by 11 points to U. -Mr L. Cade was relerce. Playing at Old Boys' ground, Marists defeated Old Boys by 11 points to 3. Strode and Batcheloi- scored tries for tho winners, and Batcheior kicked a penalty goal and converted a try. Graham scored for Old Boys. -Mr L. Ilardie was referee. At tho Kiccarlon ground 'Varsity A defeated Kiccarton by 11 points to 3. Cooper (->) and Dickson scored tries for the winners, one try bein? converted by BenI'ctt.. Ttaxworthy kicked a penalty goal for Kiccarton. Mr Rudkin was referee. Playing at the Ensor's road ground, Technical defeated Albion by 7 points to 3. Mr T. Crawshaw was referee.

THIRD GRADE. Playing at Sydenham Park,. Sydenhaai-Lyt-telton A defeated 'Varsity A by 16 points to 6. Mr W." Harman was referee. At the Wharenui ground, .North Park, Wharenui A defeated Old Boys by G points to 3. Mr T. Bain was referee. Playing at the Hpreydon ground, Spreydon and Aibion drew with 3 points each. Mr K. H. Perrin was roferee. Moriva'le A defeated Linwood by 14 points to oat Linwood Park. Mr G. Weston was referee. At the Christchurch ground Christchurch. A defeated Y.M.C.A. A by 9 points to 0. Mr C. McLaohlan was referee. At the Polo Ground Sydenham-Lyttelton defeated Eiccarton by 16 points to 11. Mr S. C. Murray was referee. Christchurch. B won from Wharenui B by default. Christchurch C and Merivale B played a drawn gams at tho Polo Ground, each side scoring 3 points. Mr 0. D. Fraser waa referee. 5

' Varsity C defeated Technical B by 30 points to oat the Polo Ground. Mr G. S. Billcliff was referee.

Playing at tho MarisTs' ground, Marists and Technical played a drawn game, each side scoring 3 points. Mr E. G. Keats was referee.


Playing at Kaiapoi, the home team defeated Marists by 15 points to 8. Bev. J. Jrlicldlestono was referee.

Playing on their own ground, Merivale defeated Y.M.C.A. by 14 points to 5. Mr W. Lang was referee.

At the Polo Ground Sydenhnm-LytteTton defeated Riccarton by 18 points to 3. Mr W. Dnggan wa3 referee. Playing at Rangiora, North Canterbury defeated Linwood by 40 points to P. Mr H. M. Hawkins was referee.

At tho Albion ground, Albion defeated Old Boys by 19 points to 3. Mr T. M. Hazlett was referee.


Playing on the Polo Ground, Belfast defeated Albion by 9 points to 0. Mr A. King was referee.

At the Polo Ground Sprevdon defeated Linwood by 8 points to 6. Mr A. J. Mason was referee.

Marists defeated Y.M.C.A. by 2G points to 0 on the Marist ground. Both teams played short. Mr M. Campbell was referee. At Sydenham Park Merivale A were defeated by Sydenham-Lyttelton by 5 points to 0. Mr A. H. Guiney was referee.

PENINSULA SUB-UNION. The following clubs have entered teams for the Peninsula Sub-Union's banner competitions:—Port Levy, Little Rive; Te Kjtaihanga, Little Akaloa, Okain's Bay, United Bays, and Akaroa. As the result of a recommendation from tho last-named club, the Sub-Union has decided to institute ''home and home" matches, with two rounds, in place of ths method of deciding" the competition that has been in vogue for some years past, namely, arranging the clubs in two divisions, and then playing off the final between the two leading teams. As it was necessary to grvo a ireek's nntice of motion to have the old rule rescinded, the date of opening the competitions has been postponed till Saturday next.

MATCHES IN OTHER PLACES. (press association teleghams.) AUCKLAND, May 5. Grafton G beat Ponsonby 3, North Shoro G beat College Rifles 3, Grammar Old Boys 38 beat Eden 0, University 17 b-it Newton 0 Marist Old'Bovs 35 beat Suburbs 0. WELLINGTON, May 5. Marists 5 beat Oriental 3, Old Boys !) brat Sclwyn 8, Poneke 14 lwat 'Vardty 3, Athletic 6 beat Wellington 0, Berhampore 17 beat Hxitt 3.

DUNEDIN, May 5. All football matches have been postponed on account of the weather.


A GREAT REVIVAL. Mr E. E. ("General") Booth, the wellknown ex-Rugby player, who has been in Sydney for some considerable time, returned to Wellington by the Ulimaroa last week. Speaking to a 'New Zealand Times" reporter, he stated that tii3 Rugby Union game 'in Sydney is experiencing a great revival. The prospects are much blighter in every way, and a very goid sign is th? increased membership of ths cubs. Ths people of Sydney are keenly looking forward to the visit to the Maori team. Tie Maoris are extremely popular with the Sydney public, and Mr Booth predicts that thousands will turn out to sea them play. The New South' }Yales Ru;by Union is taking a greater interest than ever in the selection of the team to visit New Zealand, •which is likely to be a very strong and ■well balanced side. The team will be stronger arid heavier than that wl.ich toured the Dominion with such success two years The present executive of the Ne.v South "Wales Rugby- Union is one of the most representative 'and_ ir.fiuentiil that has held office practically since the palmy day 3 of the union. The new rules ar« increasingly popular amongst both players and officials, and not the smallest murmur of a return to the old order of play has been heard.


COMPETITIONS POSTPONED. The competitions under the auspices of the Canterbury Rugby Football League were postponed on Saturday owing to tho adverso weather conditions. MATCHES IN OTHER CENTRES. (PitSSS ASSOCIATION TILIQEAHO AUCKLAND, May 5. Ponsonby 15 beat .Newton 10; Marist 23 beat Richmond 15; Athletics 12 beat Devon, port 0. D WELLINGTON, May 5. Patone 5 beat Hutt 3; City 9 beat Central 0. CANTERBURY RUGBY LEAGUE. A .general meeting of delegates to tho Canterbury Rugby League was held on Saturday evening, mose present being Messrs ■p. Healey (chairman), T. Kirton, G. Stan■cy, A. A. Davis, L. Cos, J. Lyness, u. Rar.daii, G. L. loung, P. Kirton, J. bynskey, A. Hutchinson, a. Johnson, W. Smith, J. Kettle, B. P. Duniop and C. Johnson. It was reported that it had been decided to hold a meeting of aii members and supporters on Saturday next to farewell Jjr. liincKer pnor to his deoarture- for America and Lng.and. In reply t3 a letter from the Addington C.uo feu- n. ruling on thj iixturo of the Club piayc-a on the opening day, it was stated tiiai the Ciub delegate was present aC the mieting when the ruling was given. It was deuued to request the delegate's attendance nfc the next meeting, when the rule wnl be discussed.

Correspondence- from the secretary of the Auo;;and League with the annual report and hjLiiince-3heet disclosed that the Northern wa.3 in a very strong position, there Ijc.r.s six grade competitions, senior cadets, schools f imd mercantile mid-week competitions. That the code had the support of the general public was in evidence by the jhrgo attendances at Carkvw Park each week. The secretary of the "Wellington Centre wrote stating that tho clubs there had increased, and asking for a date to bo arranged for the annual inter-provincial iixture. The West Coast Centre forwarded copies of its annual report and balance-sheet, which disclosed that the League was in a sound condition from the playing and the financial point of view, and that new clubs had afnluited. The code now possessed a good playing ground, which the'publio had supported. Thu secretary of tho New South "Wales League forwarded a reply in reference to the resolution at the local Centre's annual, which was the outcomo of a cable published by the newspapers in the Dominion, that the New South Wales League had expended over £IOOO in New Zealand on propaganda work. Tho report had. been taken from the balance-sheet of the tour of the Australian ueiegatea' expenses through the- Dominion last April, amounting to £348 2s, tho expenses of the Sydney University team to Auckland, £157 4s 9s, and the cost of the visit of the New South Wales' team to Auckland and Hawke's Bay in September, £OS7 lis lOd. The chairman stated that the report had been, applied for on account of the prominence given to the message by die newspapers.

Tho New South "Wales secretary described the proceduro adopted by his Association when referees reported players for field offences, and the letter was referred to the Rules Committee.

A letter waa received from the Kaiapoi Club regarding- tho transfer of a player to tho Hornby Club. The letter was referred to tho club delegates, and it was decided to notify the Kaiapoi Club that the suspension imposed on a player last 6eason would terminate on May 13th. A notice of motion was received from Mir G. L. Young to reopen the ruling" regarding lower grades losing their fixtures if a higher grade team defaulted.

The Woolston Club's delegates applied for a ruling on the question a3 to which team Bupplicd the footballs when two club teams met on a neutral ground. The chairman stated that the ruling was that the first cluo drawn and published by the Match Committee was responsible. Seven nominations were received from the clubs for the Selection Committee, and Or! a ballot taken, Messrs E. Healey, W. S. £.. Movie, and W. King were elected. An invitation for toams to visit a country district and play on the rung's Birthday was referred to the club delegates to obtain a reply and report at the next meeting.

An application from the Central CM) to visit "Wellinorton and plav the City Club on Birthday was "granted. Registrations were approved for the Addington Club, four members, Hornby two, Woolston, Central, Ouruhia, Waimairi, and Kainpoi Clubs. A transfer was granted to D. Lennox, and reinstatement to A. Bench. Tho secretary reported concerning the deputation that had been received by the Schools' Headmasters' Association.


MATCHES POSTPONED. On account of the bad state of the weather all matches under the auspices of the Canterbury Football Association were postponed on Saturda}-. MATCHES IN OTHER CENTRES. (PBZ33 ASSOCIATION TSLBGBAM.) WELLINGTON, May 5. "Watc'raidera 1 beat Marist 0, Diamonds' 1 Heat Karoii 0, Hospital 5 beat Y.JVTX'.A. 2, Thistle 1 drew with Gas Company 1. AUCKLAND, May 6. Philomel 2 beat Harbour Board 0, Norihccte 5 beat Y.M.C.A. 0.


(BY CABLE—PRESS ASSOCIATION— COPYRIGHT.) (austbalian and k.z. cable ASSOCIATIOV.) _,, LONDON, May 4. uho Football Association has issued statement regretting the incidents and the inconveniences caused to the public at the Cup final, and offering to return the money to producers of seat tickets who were unable to take their scats.

The. Umpire Exhibition Committee announce that 90,520 persons paid 2s for admittance and 35,527 out of 55,000 tickethoklprs were admitted, making a total of )2G,017, apart from those who rushed the barriers without paying.

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17756, 7 May 1923, Page 13

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17756, 7 May 1923, Page 13

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17756, 7 May 1923, Page 13