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| PRIMARY SCHOOLSFOOTBALL. ; THE EXCLUSION OF | MARISTS. j NEW COMPETITION PROPOSED. i i "i have every reason to hopo ttiat out 01 j ail the trouble whioh wo havo experienced j with Primary Schools football, a great good ; v.'ili result." This remark was in ado by | ilr S. 1\ 'Wilson, president of tie Contor- '• miry Kugby Union on I'uesday night wnen j ho wus outlining proposals for a, new pnm- | ury schools' iootbail competition. Mr Wilson said that the sub-committc© which hud been sot up had gone into the matter thoroughly and though the position was a difficult one, it had oome to what it thought to be a satisfactory solution of the troublo. The first proposal was to (start a lightweight competition anion# secondary and private sehoola, to bo played mid-week, i'o further thi3 end it was proposed to se<ik 1 Ik> co-operation oT secondary and .preparatory schools, a coniorenco had been arranged mi& he could say the position was very hopeful. The other proposed competition was one for primary scliool player's up to Sst 71b. At present the limit was Sst, and mount that many well-developed, boys were not getting a game. The Union was loojtir.g lor the support of the school headmasters in the matter and a conference had been arranged with representatives lrom tho various clubs. Tho proposal was that each club should bo allotted certain number of schools and these suould form a team which would really bo patronised .by the club to which they belonged. It was probable that if these young players wore treated well by their oltib they would continue in it after their school days. However, the success of the scheme depended upon tho energy with which the different clubs took uie matter up. It wns thought that the . Union or the clubs could provide tho jerseys. The aohemie had been outlined by Mr .North and it would no doubt prove attractive to teacher 3. It would not interfere in any way with t.ho present primary schools' competition, and it seemed a good idea from the Union'B point of view, even though its inauguration would spell tho ruin of the sixth grade football. In every way the scheme soemed a good one, and it looked as if it would; overcome all difficulties. There was no doubt that the .School Spoi/te Associartion had dona >a lot of Barm to school football, but their actions had not that objeot in view. The Association really haa the interests of school football at heart, and it had its own reason for wishing to exclude private schools from its competitions. He said that the competition would not bo started until after the term holidays and a shield would be offered for it, but there would be no shield in the lightweight competition'. In moving the adoption of the proposals, Mr Wilson said that if the organising was done properly the competition would certainly be a success. However, the proposals were liable to be altered by the conference of olubs, but the proposals in their present form required the Union's confirmation. The motion adopting the proposals was carried unanimously. Mr "Wilson said that Otago was in ffio same position that the Canterbury Union had beea in—only in Otago it Beemod a little more -aggravated. He suggested that Otßgo should bo told of the Canterbury proposals, and if they too adopted them a representative fixture between the provinces oould be arranged. 'lt was not intended by this to interfere In any way ■ i

! with thr> m&tcli between the Canterbury ana Otasro Public Schools' Association. It was decided to adopt Mr "Wilson's suggestion and communicate with Otivgo. CANTERBURY RUGBY UNION. Tho Management Committee of the Canterbury Kiig-bv Union met on Xuocday evening. Present—Messrs S. 3 r . "Wilson (chairman), C. S. MeCuiiy, G. Payne, A. Bey, C. W. Ailard, K. Beat tie, Tv. VT Brit-ton, H. j North. A., H. Davis., E. V. Phil--1 Hps, W. Maxwell, W. Dugyan and Dr. W. | S. Seed. j It was decided to reply to the King Country Union in reference to its request that j the Canterbury team should play a match I against them on the Auckland tour, that j ibo matter would be discussed when tho . Canterbury delegates met in Wellington and arrangements were being made for the tournament. The West Coast Union wrote asking that a Canterbury team eliouid be sent to play on the Coast during the celebrations at the j opening of the Otira tunnel. The chairman said that ho had -been present at the meeting of the West Ccast Union when it was decided to make the request. He told them that ha thought the idea wae a good one, and furtiier that no celebration of the mines was complete without a, football match. On the motion of Mr Dey it was decided to approve of the proposal and leply that if possible, arrangements would be made for the game. Tho boys of St. Joseph's Home, MidJleton, wrote thanking; the Union for its gifts of footballs _ The matter of tho Canterbury Lawn Tennis Association's request for a contribution towards the Association's courts was referred to in.- Financial Committee. Tlie chairman said that trouble had arisen over the North Canterbury team playing two Cust players, and thereby infringing the rules of the North Canterbury Sub-union. They had been written to by the Canterbury committee, but so far they had taken no notice of the matter. Mr J. Bourke, a member of the committee of tho sub-union, eaid that the position, was that the sub-union controlled the football in the districts, and there was a. rule that any one player could play only for the club in his own district. Under the old subunion boundaries Rangiora was included 1 , but now it was considered as a town club. If conditions were allowed to continue fts they were, the sub-union wouldi collapse, Rangiora being a. town club, and if it deBired to play men from the sub-union district it would have to get the consent both, of the sub-union and the management committee. Mr Burke stressed' the fact that the sub-union was not trying to do an injury to the Rangiora Club, but in the interests of sub-union football something haa to be done. Tho chairman said that tho management committee oould do nothing until it heard from the Rangiora Club, but_ 'still, the position seemed to be fairly simple. There were rules and these could not ba overridden. The matter was deferred pending the receipt of the Rangiora Club'fl reply. The chairman reported that complaints were being made concerning footballers who were taking motor-cycles into North Park, and he asked delegates to bring the matter before their respective clubs. The Competitions Committee reported that the Y.M.C.A. and Albion Clubs had withdrawn from the third grade B competition, and that Sydenham-Lyttelton and Linwood had entered) teams in the siath. grade competition. The report was adopted. On the motion of the chairman, it was decided to send a letter of thanks _ to the Linwood arid MaTists Clubs for turning out to play at the A. and) P. Association Carnival. DRAW FOR SATURDAY. The Canterbury Rugby Football Union's competition draw for Satuiflay is as follows : Senior: North Canterbury v. Albion, Show Ground, No. 1, W. Duggan; Old Boya v. Linwood, Lancaster Park oval, W. B. Fuller ; Christchurch v. Mariat, Lancaster Park south, T. Bain; Meriv&le v. 'Varsity, Lancaster Park west, G. Gray; Sydenham-Lyttel- j ton, a bye. Second Grade: Prebbleton-Halewell v. Albion, Albion ground, Sovrth.. Park, L. ] Guiney; Riccarton v. Belfast, Belfast, Rev. j W. B. Scott; Kaiapoi v, 'Varsity A., Show Ground No. 2, G. A. K. Simmors; Ohristchuroli v. Linwood, Linwoott Park, M. Campbell; Marist v. Merivale, Merivale ground, North Park, J. Mercer; SydenhamLyttelton v. Old Boys, Sydenham, G. Weston. Third Grade (A Section): Sydenham-Lyt-telton v. Y.M.C.A., Polo No. 1, G. S. A Bilcliff; Spraydon v. North Canterbury, Rangiora No. 1, L. H. Buchanan: Old Hoys v. Marist, Old Boys. North Park, O. D. Fraser; Linwood v. Al'bion, Polo No. 2, L. Clarkeon; Christchurch A v. Wharenui A, Wharenui, North Park, A. J. Mason; 'Varsity A v. Merivale, Polo No. 8, A. if. Guiney. Third Grade A (B. Section): Belfast v. New Brighton, Polo Ground No. 4, C. Guiney; Ricartcon v. Wesley, Riccarton, L. Hardie; Kaiapoi v. Sumner, Kaiapoi No. 1, W. C. Templeton; 'Varsity B v. Wharenui B, Hc-atiicoto bridge ground. K. H. Pelrin ; Sy<lcnhanj - ILy t f c-j ton J3 v. St- Andrmv'fl, St. Andrew's, W. Harman; Christchurch & v. 'Varsity C, Wesley ground, No. 14 North. Park, E. E. Luttrell. Third Grade B: Chrietchuroh v. Technical A, Ensor's road, Jas. Gray; Mariste v. 'Varsity, Marist ground, No. 23 North Park, E. J. Ea thorn a; Merivale v, Linwood, Polo

f ground No. 5, W. J. Healehurst; Technical I B FouS'Grade; Mwists v. Albion Polo No. 1 oiL Sinclair; Riccarton v Canteri • No. *2, H. Kollmson; Lmjuury f ia f™ y ;i [ .c.A., North Park, I a°°'-R Wilson; Old Boys v. Sydenham-Lyt-teiton", Poio No. 7, A. C. Fuller: Kaiapoi . v Mori rale, Kaiapoi No. Dr. Ramsay '■Fifth Grade: Belfast v. byuenhiim-Lyttel- ; -on iVo No. ?, A. E. Clarke; Lmwood v. j North Canterbury, Bangioiu No 3, J. it. ! Miirpliv: Ai-aiuu v. lochnical, Ainnni .'rourd* 'Page's road, J. McUiutog; Muvists j v Sorovdu'-, Spreydon Domain Terrace A. I> Vloo're' Mcrivftio A v. Merivale B, MeriNor'h Park (1-30). G. ireeman; Abion v. Y M.C.A., Christ-church, North Park, K G. Perrin: Ka'.ipoi, ft b't 1 - Sixt-n Grade: Mansts v. Lancaster Park Oval <l.Bo}, A. R. Hendcreon; rjje A B v. McrivaTo, Po,o No. 1. U.3o\ e'.-G. Kcais; Spreydon v. Technical Lan- ! caMer Pwk W«t <1.30 P-m.), C. \\'. Ai ord. S Technical A t. Sydenham-Lykei.on, Uo-n----caster Park south (1.30), W. B. Ca-vclnll, Linwood, a bye. SYDENHAM-LYTTELTON CLUB. Th<> icliowing- ieiiius w;-! represent Syden-ham-Lyttelion P.C. on Saturday, April *2Btb: Seniors, a bva. . Juniors v. Old Boys, ,at Sydenham ParxIkader. L. Gerard, L IVvlor, V.V\ 3elmson, G. Clcnientson, H. Cam, J. A. Kennedy, G. Hill, E. Coliins, T. Lawn, A. Smith, F. Lord, K. Shirley.' Emergency —Woodsford. Third A v-. Y.M.C.A. A, a.t Polo Ground No. I—T. Forteous, C. G ; ii)soi!r, A. Henderson', J. G roil foil. J. Scott, \A'. Higsrinson, J. Forman. D. Poison, S. Smiti, S. Porteous, F. Fowlds, S. Bumford, J. Noyce, F. Barbour, J. Grcnfell. Third B v. Wesley—K. Dorid, T. Smith. H. Pouiton, W. McAllister, 0. Davis, C. Fearon, E. Raborta, G. Bone, L. Biaman, H. Hnnpon, C. Blyth, B. Soman. C. Jessiman, .1. B. Haywnid, B. Jones. Emergencies—Reader, Kerr. Fourth Grndo v. Old Boys, at Polo Ground —A. Woolcock. G. Huston, G. Chaston, A. Browne, J. Murchisoc, B. Gasaon, E. Sheehan, J. Thatr, C. Bmnt, J. Biehards, L. Terre-11, R. Debars, J. Gibbs, H. Brown, . E. Brown. A. Clarke. O. B. McGaHum. Firth Grade v, Belfast, at Po)/o Ground— S. French, F. Bemie, G. Lapslie, D. Paacoe, J. Wat'-on. B. Forman. D. Bull, AV. Mu'ray, —. Scott, J. Torrance, E. Hawkini, J. Forbes, G. A. Hayward, —. Brown, —. Peg-ley, Staokliou=e. Chalmers. Sixth Gr*da v. Technical A, at Lancaster Park South—Anderson, G. Brown, H. Chasten, S. Dey, Gibbs, Gibbs, Le Comte, Pluflipson, Rimmer, Thin, Walker, Piper, Forward, MoFall, Scott. Any member or Soy wlio is not picked to play -pleas© notify secretary, or be at olub rooms to-night (Thursday). . LINWOOD CLUB. Tho following players will represent Linwood on Saturday:— Seniors v. Old Boys, Lancaster Park Oval —H. Wriglit, A. Brown, W. Fleming", W. Henry, H. Harloy, J. Young, R. Gregory, D. McGUI, S. Hooper, D. Brough, G. Christie, W. Fraser, J. Turpin, O. Tin-pin, T. Jackson, A. Morrow. Juniors v. Clxristolmicli, Linwood Pork— N. Young-, A. L. Choate, W. King, C. N. Wolls, A. Heslip, H. Coe, L. Elvv, A. Barnea, J. Purvis, D. Cox, O. Blythe, R. Paraons, N. McNedy, C. Tait, B. Stowart. Third A v. Alb-ion, Polo Ground No. 2~ A. E. Alexandor, J. Nellaon, M. Walker, D. PaJmer, J. Baxwick, T. Browne, E. Barkle.. T>. Vogt, 0. Purvis. A. Geo, M. Skinner, E. Hutton, —. Dean, W. Walls, L. Smith, W. Rogers, F. Logie, W. Thomas, J. Himona. Tliird Grade, under 2fl, Polo Ground No. 5 —J. Edmonds, —. Seed, B. Coupknd, A. Cunningham, H. Mcintosh, L. Humphries, C. Porteous, L. Onnandy, L. Davies, J. Nutall, W. Wella, L. Adams. S. Hall, S. . Courtney, B. Alabaster, J. Hall, Scales. Fourth Grade v. Y.M.C.A., Y.M.C.A. Ground, North Park—T. Stanley, S. Hawker, J. Harley, E. Barnard, J. Soalea, (j. Lishman, W. Redsrard, 11. Stokes. H. Lorrett, —. Bennett, H. Setter, L. J. Webb, B, J. Davies, 15. Benzie, F. Coimnhar, A. Frith, W. Bvrnes, A. Mull ins, A. Choate. Fifth Grade v. Bangiora, at R&ngiora— j C. Talbot, P. Richards, P. Smith, C. Rb-odee, | A. Harl«y, H. McKoaizie, R. Cou]R,. Carson, E. Robinson. A. Mansfeld, C. Austin, IT. Brixton, A. Rappin, M. Wbiftingion, L. Webb, L. Patterson, C. Palmer, Brixton, K. Lopfe, D. Upton, L. Clark. The tatter team is requested to assemble at club rooms at 1 p.m. ELLESMERE RUGBT SUB-UNION. | A meeting of the Ellesmere Rugby SubUnion, lie id on Monday, was presided over by Mr R T. McMillan. The following players of. the Southbridgo Club were reinstated at juniors:—B. Harvey, D. Marsh and D. Bobb. The president and Mr Delargey were chosen to represent the Union at a conference of eub-Union representatives with the C.R.U., on ,May 9th. An application from the newly formed ! Greenpark Club for affiliation, w<as granted, j The Greenpark colours, red and black, were approved. ■ j In, regard to the junior competition, it was agreed that the juniors should play j the same clubt as the seniors, but on oppo- j site grounds. j Mr L. Jack reported on a meeting of school teiachers held to make arrangements for the sohool competition, which would open on June 2nd. The arrangement was that Dunsandel and Killinohy should oombine with Sedgemere and Brookside, Irwell and Doyl«ston to join forces. Southbridge would enter one team and Xieestozk oob, A dray? had been prepared. It wea decided to give 10s fid towards the purchase of a football for each sohool team. The resignation of Mr P. J. Kccleton as treasurer of the Union, was accepted with regTet.

Tho Ellesmcro Itugbv <s,u' ' Dienca its competition, -hem W&ilior* \\ inborn, Domain. jii 2.15. Tlio Waihom frem the following B l.„ Vlweler, C. O'lteilh- K . SucklUf' 1). \Ufolsr, W. Thonfw ji rV.lT^,' ri'hiv. Si;,"'" 1 * «*• | league. Aldington clm'" Tho following AildiiioJ. been selected for S«3° a fWI pernors v. Syd-rOiam »( »*., * «* Svrni,,.,, Juniors v. Kaupoi at A^ip* I r' dWek %• MWaSSSft^ , l-oirmie, E.3WM A pyee, V.. Mitchell, si V.w'yl*!? ' Third* v. Wain£k l Rm . O Conned Sykes, Ct»lm»%\W*& j Ihcwa, Ptiwin, J. j Ilnaso. Hetlieriiigton, • l'ciufhs v. Woolston ittwajWv !B. U'Conneil, W. M I Morris, Clnistenseu, R o |L^,®W?(ft saft-j™'* Fifths v. Heathcote *t dell. May, Hamor, Turner, 7-isle, Cooper, Cook, Maynp, Collio, Kennedy, J A&H 'Bus leaves Addington | sharp. , \#;l I Any pmyer not picked wwlii ; soon as possible. 5? 1 *) ASSOCIATIoi: DRAW FOR SATflug The matches for as follows: — : '••^/ySR Seniors—Villa v. Nom*dt Lvttelton v. Western, at LijtfSS Al!>ans v. Ashburton, v. Snnnyside, nt Sunnyiifoi'j£B£ Juniors—Villa v. Liowooi s?® No. 1 ground; Ashburt<m v.wisßs burton Pork; Y.M.O.A. t. ley Park No. 2 ground, ' Third Grade—x.M.O.A, ley Pa.ijk No. ? ground; Spjft®B cal, at Hagley Park, No, 4 ?Ssj[| Fourth Gvtde—Sprejtkn V-flfi liiL'loy Park, No. 1 mmri'lrflj Y.M.C.A. v. Old Boyi No. -2 ground, at 3.30 ]j.u!i wjSS Boys B, at Hagley Park,,^§2 Fifth Grade—Spreydon English Park, at 1.80 e,u..«<SBH Y.M.C.A., at Hagley Piut.'J^^gHj Sixth Grade—M&ri«l Bra Hagley Park, «t 10 a.m.; 'IWyaM Michael's, at Hagley Park,

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Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17747, 26 April 1923, Page 8

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17747, 26 April 1923, Page 8

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LIX, Issue 17747, 26 April 1923, Page 8