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SECOND DATS RESULTS. Though voutg in years, the' St. Patric.-is Sports "Association has certainly little, to loarn in tho way of conducting a meeting, and it can safely he said that it 3 two days' meeting, which was concluded at Lancaster Park on Saturday, proved ono of the most successful that has ever been held, not in Christchurch alone, hut in New Zealand. Tho programme was an excellent and vaiied one, tho entries were exceptionally large, and tho organisation and management vrera almost flawlfsa. On Friday night it looked aa if the m-cthcr god was going to decido against tho sports, but conditions altered, and on Saturday there wa3 a cloud'ess elry, and -a bright sun which quickly dried tho track, leaving it firm, if just a triflo slow. A fairly strong easterly wind affected both cyclists and runners, but, nevertheless, tha eport3 were an ontiro success. The competition was keen, the finishes were close, and tho actual performance.? good, and athletics iu - Christchurch wil 1 benefit generally us a result of tho meeting. Tho attendance was large. The members and donors' tickets ran into well over a thousand, but, nevertheless, tho cash taken at the gates for the two days was about £320, of which £7l was taken on Friday. Onco again tho events wer o run punctually to time, and tho greatest credit is duo to tho hard-working 6ccrotary, Mr J. M. Coffey, and his oommittee, for the very thorough arrangements thoy mado, and tho smoothness with which they conducted tho whole meeting. Mr Coffey's result board waa in proper working order on Saturday, zti-:l tho clear and comprehensive data which ■ contained was much appreciated by iv\ pub'ic. The big event of tho day was the 133 yds St. Patrick's Shoffiold, which attracted 65 entries. "With, heats, semi-finals, and extra semi-finals, those who ran in tho finsja had to run no fewer than four times over tho distance, and eventually the winner turned 1 up in E. Cook, & Southland man, who ran consistently right through tho meeting. Ho won fairly comfortably from tho veteran T. J. O'C&l'aghan. W. F. Trembath, who has been very successful in his effort to "com© back," annexed the 860yda New Zealand Championship for tho fourth time in hia career his first success dating back to 1910, but he was beaten in tho 220 yds by inches by Steele, tho speedy "All Block" threequarter. Steele also annexed tho 100 yds title by a srnal 1 margin from O'Callaghan. Symistor, of Christchurch, ran very consistently and was placed in every event. in which; he' competed. Various other promising men were brought to light at tho meeting, amongst them W. S. Sutherland who won both the mile and tho half-mile handicaps. Of tho amateurs, C. H. Taylor again showed what a sterling runner ho ia by winning tho. 220 yds handicap, a distance almost foreign to him. For tho second timo Taylor took tho Shamrock Challenge Cup. C. H. Goodmq.n, who has been runnng well all through tho season, won tho 440 yds cleverly, and ran Taylor very closo in the 220yd3. By winning tho Football Clubs' relay raco for tho third timo in succession, the Canterbury Collego Club succeeded in permanently annexing tho Mayoress's Challenge Cup. Amongst tho cyclists, P. O'Shea easily accounted- for the inilo championship, which carries with it tho blue riband of New Zealand, and he wasi heartily cheered when the emblem was being hung round hia neck. W. L. Henry put up a sterling performance in winning tho halfmile championship. H. W. Birch was tho most consistent rider of tho day, perhaps of tho meeting, and ho thoroughly deserved tho success h$ achieved. But for an unfortunate accident ho would havo gono very closo to winning tho big St. Patrick'*} Handicap, but four men falling just in front of him spoiled his chance. Aa & Tosult of th© "spill," L. T. Hazeixliiw entered a protect on tho grounds of interference, but it t>w dismissed. Tho race, which was won by G. W. Pjobble, carried with it tho He-rolot Challenge Cup, 'valued at 20 guinea, and at tho presentation o! prizes on Saturday S'B* l4 Mr J. Hamlet, donor of tho cup, bail that ho wished it to bo pTcaonted' outright to Prebblo, and ho would guarantee to xeplaca it next year. The events brought some very promising material to tho fora. During' tho afternoon tho Caledonian Pipe Band and Dcrry's Private Band provided an onjoyablo musical programme. The following woro the various results:—

CASH EVENTS. 880 Yards N.Z. Championship, W. P. Trembath (Invorcargill) ..

L. Coulter (Geraldino) 3 C. B. Butchor (Waimate) .. •• 3 S. Rudd (Christchurch) afeo started. . Coulter took tho pace, and made it fairly warm. Tho order throughout the first lap v.'tta Coulter, Trembatlj, Butcher, well _ together, with Rudd about 15 yards behind. Coulter put on tho pace going down tho ba-clc tho 'ast time, and Wuteher commonood to fall back, while Rudd was a lons way behind. Entering the straight Trombath put in Ilia effort and eooft had Coulter's measure, the latter easing up when ho aaw ho waa beaten, and allowing Trembath to win by eight yards. Butcher waa 80 or 40 yards away third. Time, ?.min 1 4-Gseo.

220 Tarda N.S. Championship. First heat: *S. R. Symistor 1, L. G, Collins 2. Tho only starters. Time, 25 2-Gmso. Socond heat: J. Steol 1, W. H. Nahr 2, W. P. McKay 3. Tho only starters. Time, 24 l-ssec. Third heat: J. N. Fiddes J, W. P. Trembath 2, M. B. Wilson 3. Tho only starters. Time, Sfiseo. 9 Pinal. J. Steele (Greyniouth) .. .. i- 1 W. F. Trembath (Invercargill) .. ..2 S. Symister (Christchurch) .. .. D It was a fine raco between Stool and Trembath. Steolo wa3 quickcat out ■of the holes, and wa3 a yard in j front on entering tho straight. Trembath made Btrenuous efforts to reduce^tho gap, but Steelo lasted long enough to win on the tape. Time, 24aec. One Mile Handicnp--W. S. Sutherland, 70yds, 1; W, C. Hiller, 85ydo, 2; A. E. Reese, 100 yds, S. Ten started. Won easily. Tiino, 4mm 33se.c,

100 Yards JT.ISS. Championship. First heat: T. J. O'Callaghan 1, S. IJ. Symister 2, W. Merrin 3. Six started. Time, 11 l-sscc. Second heat: A. S. Flint 1, J. Steele 2, W. P. Mackay 8. Five started. Time, 10 3-sseo. Final. J. Steels (Grevmouth) .. ... ... 1 T. J. O'Callagnan (Greymouth) .1 ..2 A. S. Flint (CnriotcMirch) .. 3 Steole broke twica at the start, and eventually got a flier. O'Callaghau was about a yard'ahead at the 50, but Steelo finished very fast and won on the tape. Flint was n» yard away third. Time, 10 4-ssec. High Jump—T. Darby, 4in, 1; J. L. Dalaoll, oin, 8; T. Y. Dalzall, 4in, 3. Five competed. Height, sft Bin. Hop, Step, and Jump—W. Parker, SGin, 1; C. H. Becks, 36in, 2; R. F. McKay, 42in, 3. Eight competed. Distance, 43ft loin.

135 Yards St. Patrick's Sheffield Handicap. heat: T, .7. O'Callaghan, Iyd, I; \V. Parker, 41yds, 2. Five started. Time, Usee. Second heat: E. Cook, fiSyds, 1; T. M. Wheeler, syds, 2. Six started. Time, 14goc. Third. Iteat: A. Gilbert, syds, 1; S. Skjellerop, ilyin, 2. Six started. Time, Usee. Fourth heat: It. S. Thompson, 4Jyds, 1; J. Steele, lyd, 2. Six started. Time 14 l-ssec. Fifth heat: A. S. MacPlierson, ijyda, 1; L. W. Barwell, 3yds, 2. Four started. ' Time, 14 l-ssec. Sixth heat: L. J. Colling, 4Jyds, _1; S. K. Synristor, l?,yds, 2. Six started. Time, 14 2-ssec. Seventh heat: A. S. Flint 3£yds, 1; G. Cummins, 72yds, 2. Five started. Time, 13 o-Ssec. Kighth heat: F. A. Kerr, liiyiis, 1; J. Sanders, GJyds 2 Six atajted. Time, U l-Sseo. Ninth heat- E C. Dudley, 7Jyds, 1; W. B. Gracie, 4iyds, 21 A. D. Macartney, Syda, 2. Four started, lime, 14 2-Saec. First Bemi-finala—First heat • Cook 1, O'Ca.loghan 2, Gilbert 3. Time 13 4-53e=. Second neat: SymLster 1, Collinß 2 Ihompson 3. Time, Usee. Third heat' * lint 1, Kerr 2, Dudley 3. Time, U l-ssec. Second scmi-hnals—First heat; Cook l, OUllaghan 2, Kerr 3. Time, 13 3 -6seo. Second heat: i hat 1, Symister 2, Thompson 3. Time, 13 3-saec.

Final. E. Cook (Invercargill), oiyds .. i T. J. O'Ca.laghan (Greymouth), Iyd .. 3 A. S. Flint (Cbristckurch), Siyds ' "3 S. It. Symister (Chriatehurch), IJycia " ,j At tho fifty yards it looked as tboudi CooLwas going to havo an easy win. with Flint second. However, O'Callaghan' wont very last over tho last few yards, and wa& lesa than h yard behind Cook at the tape. ■ Flint did not run so well as in th© hoatij and wa 3 a lew inches away in third place, Tima, 13 l-ocec.

SSUyda Handicap-AY. S. Sutherland, «oyda, 1; 0, Vv. Sinith, 35yds, and W. L. Whittington, 45yds (dead heat), Q, Fourteen started. A good finjih saw Sutherland win by threa yasds. Trerabath. from scratch, if.ll wall, but was giving too much away. Time, 2min 0 2-Ssce. '

Putting tho Shot—"W. Alexander, eoTi 1; G. Kerslake, 18in behind scr, 2; T. Y. ecr, 3. Fiv® ooinneted. Djjtoaco, 33ft lOiru

CYCLING EVENTS. One Mile and h=st: T Groin. 180y<k, l j S. G. Smith, -a&yas. Ji F GoodaJl 150 yds, S. Seven starts. Time Bmin 52sec. Second heat: H. \v Birch, X<»yd3, 1; J. Bearmsn, 215 yds, le t 170 yds, 3. Eight started. Time, ?' •, «N-Ssec. Third hoat: W. Young, "70vdo 1; "• Templeton, Sloyds, 0; J.Eodda, ~>l3vd*' 3. Soven started. Time, 3nun 50 1 Fourth heat: E. Mario., 290 yds, 1; b.' L. Burnand, 3C<£d S , 2; W. Marsh, 2i ? yds, 3 Niae started. Time, Smin 40„ c c. F! " ' Wreh 1 Marsh 2, Grcig 3. A great race. Won V * l en S th - a * hcel I>Eh7eS!l £BCOn and third. Time, 3mm. 37seo.

Half-mile KZ. Championship. First heat: F. Wells 1, D. Welsh 2 P. O'c'nea 3. Seven started.. e ' Tr l ,® l ' l I<Heo Second heat: A. Bonis I.P- Sill t" Welsh 3. Five started. Time, lrmti Third heat: W. L. Henry 1, H. W. Birch 2, G. W. Prebblo 3. Sis started. Time, lain llaeo-

rinai. '• • W Tj. Hearv (Christchurch) <.* 1 F," Wells (Blenheim) .. •- •• - P. O'Shea (Christchurch) _ ... ■ Bonis led over tho fi'-? j ip, wu i Hoxuy nevt. O'Shea third, and ,Vt. .a tourui. Going Mv the back Henr}' went, to the front, closely followed by O'Shea, with Wells handy. Enterin" tho straight O'Shea lost ground by endeavouring to get tho inside running. Welh suddenly Shot out and looked hko a winner, but Henry put on jv fin« burst aurl won by a length. Well* best O Shea by half a wheel for second place. Time, lmiu 11 3-s«,ec.

Three Miles St. Patrick's Wheel Race,

First heat: S. G. Smith, 860 yds, 1; G. F. Goodoll, 010 yds, 2; J. Templeton, 320 yds, 3. Six started. Time, Smin 9 2-sseo Second heat' T Greif, 260 yds, 1; G. W. Prebble, 3°ov<is 2: J. Welsh, 3Goyds, 8. Eight etartcrs. Kmc, 2miu 54 2-osec. Third heat: H. W Birch, 220 yds-, 1; L. T. Ilasoldino, .'llOj'dn, 2;' A. Bonis, iliOyds, 3. Fourteen otarted. Time, 7min 55sec.

Filial. G. W, Prebble, Clirist<-'.i%«oii .* 1 A." Bonis (Christchurch) ' .. •• •• J. Welsh (Christchurcii) .- •• d Chief interest at first centred in tho propto3s of Birch and Bonis at tho back. Witn six lapa to go they caught the field, and they wont to tho front and made their own pace. 'As they entered on tho last lap tho field whs bunched, and Birch lost his place, going back to last. Tho change \ras disastrous for hun, as four men immediately in front of him cama down in front of the northern stand, and in pulling up to evado them ho lost an chance in tho raco. A fine finish saw I. rabble beat Bonis homo by a wheel. lnne, Bmin 15 2-ssec.

One Mile N.Z. Olnmpionship. First hoat: P. O'Shea 1, P. Hill 2, A. George 3. Nine started Time, 2min, 25 3-Ssee. Second heat: W. L. Henry 1, F. Wells 2, T. Grieg 3. Eight started. Time, 2min 28sco. Tuial. p. O'Shea (Christchuroh) .. J F. Wells (Blenheim) - P. Hill (Christchurch) .. , O'Shea mado no error of judgment in this event, eaw to it that iho liad tao leaid riffbt from tho start. H. W. Birch, as official pacemaker, made tho pace very hot. Going round tho last time, O'Shea clung closely to Birch, and although Wells mado a great effort over tho last 220 yards, O'Shea had more in resorve, and won as hj« liked by ton lengths. Hills came very fast over th« final stage, and Wells, who had almost ridden himself out, just secured second place by about half a y/hcel. Time, 2min 25 2-Esec.

AMATEUR EVENTS. 220 Yards Handicap—First heat: S. H. Truman, 11yds. 1; D. H. Black, syd«, 2. Seven started. Time, 23sec. Second heat: J. H. Stewart, 13yds, 1; "W. H. B. Bueklnirat. 2yds, '2. Sever, started. Tirao, 23 4-sjco. Third heat,: C. H. Goodman, 3yds, 1; J. 0. Dobbs, Byda, 2. Six started. Time, 23 l-saco. Fourth hoat: G. Barker, 17yds, 1; A. L. Lewis, Byda, 2. Seven started. Time, 23 2-Bscc. Fifth heat: C. H. Taylor, 7yds, 1; C. G. Penlington, <4yds, 2. Seven started. Tirao, 22 3-Bsec. Sixth heat: R. W. Ohriatemoi, llyds, 1; T. E. Tunnington, 12yds 2. Four stalled. Time, 23 2-sseo. Somi-'final—First heat: Truman 1, Goodman 2, StowaTt 3. Time, 23sec. £second heat: Taylor 1, Barker 2, Christofisott 3. TinnS, 23seo. Final: Taylor l. Goodmau 2, Barker 3. A magnificent i finish, the three placed men being practically together. Time, 22 4 Ono Milo Handicap—<A. E. Lainff, 120 yds, 1; G. P. Booth, lOOyds, 2; E. McEuchon, 120 yds, 3. Soventoon started. Tho backmarkcrs found tho ttaak too great. Laing, who was on tho limit, led right through, and 'iastf.d lotis enough" to win by ihch«fo Booth leaving his xuu ft littlo too l : ato. Timo, Imm 42sco. Bfio Yards Football Clubs' Relay RaceCanterbury Coilego (J. W. Calcify*", C. G. Penlington, .D. H. Black, and J. M. Stewart) 1, Bolfust 2, Marist Bros. 3. Chriskihurch also started. Woa by 150 yards. Timo, lmin 440 Yards Handicap—C. H. Goodman, 10yds, 1; D. H. Black, 15yd6, 2; J. M. P. Carrick, 11yds, 3. Twcnty-tvyo otarted. Taylor, off scratch, commenced to cut, down iis fiel'l ait tho 220, but could get no closer than fifth. Goodman Wua in ft handy position on entering the straight, und, shooting out of tho bunch,'ho won by a yard. Time, Clseo.

SCHOOL EVENTS, 100 yds Prumtry Schools—P. Burn» (Marist Bros.) 1, W. Morrett (Sumner) 2, J. Barbarol (Sumner) 3. Seven started. Won easily. Time, 12a eo- » • 220 yds Primary Schools' Relay—Marist Bros. (P. Burns, R.. O'Loughlin, J. Mottisey, R' Noonan) 1, Sumner 2, Sydenham 3. Wou very easily. Time, lmin 55sec. 120 yds Secondary Sehoola —J. Payne (St. Bcde's) 1, G. H. If a weil (Technical College) 2, H. Loo (St. Bcde's) 3. Six started. Won easily. Time, 13 l-sseo. Bosket Ball—Semi-final: Sacred Heart B defeated SaCred Heart C. FinaJ: Sacred Heart B defeated St. Mavy'fl.

CHALLENGE OUP. Special CUillcngo Cups woro won as follows: — Shamrock Cup, presented by Mr D. Kellcher, valued at 25 guineas, for most points in lOOyda and 220 yds, and BSoyds, amateur events—C. H. Taylor. Darfteld Hibernian; Cup, presented by lbs Daifield Branch oft tile 11.A.C.8.5,. valued at 15 guineas, for winner of Sheffield Hand.'chp E. Cook. Now Headford C"P, presented by tho Now Headford Brinoh H.A.C.8.5., rained at 15 guineas, for most points in professional events—Not yet decided..

. Mayoress Challenge Cup, presented by the Mayoress, lin Thnckcr, valued at 20 guineas, for fostbail clubs' relay race—Canterbury College F.C. Sheedy Cup, presented by Mr E. Sheedy, valued at 10 guineas, for secondary echooV relay race—Boys' High School. Bryan Cup, presented by Mr J. Bryan, valued at. 10 gineafl, for primary schools' relay race —Marist Bvo3. ' H? Jllet Cup, presented by Mr Joseph Hamlet valued at 20 guineas,,for winner of three milo bicycle race—G. W. Prebble. SMOKE CONCERT. Tho Hibernian Hall was all ton email to hold all who wished to gain admittance to the smo'un ixmcert which va3 held in the evening. The gathering was a very successful one, and ft fitting conclusion to the highly successful meeting. Mr B. J. McKenna. presided, and in a brief speech wid that tne St. Patrick's Sports Association's one aim <vaa to lielp on athletics as far as possible,. He ■hoped t-j see Cliristchurch in the forefront of athletics in the near future, and he trusted that next reason would see thorough co-operation amongst tho whole of the sports bodies, not only in Christchiirch tut all ovor the Dominion.

The toasts honoured during the evening included: —"Athletio Bodies," . proposed by the chairman and roaporded to by Messra C. S. Thomas and J. Kennedy (Geraldine), both the latter emphasising tho value ot conducting tho dintrict'e spoils on the circuit system; "The Donor?,' proposed by Mi' George Hayward and responded to by Messrs D. J. Keilcher and J. Hamlet; "Tho Competitors," proposed by Mr C. Nash and responded to by Messrs C. 11. Taylor and T. C. O'CaJlaghan (Greymouth); "The N.Z Athletio and Cycling Umor.,'' proposed by !&■ J. It. Kayv.ard and responded to by Mr I). F. McKay (president of the N.A. and C.U.); "St. Patrick's Sports Association," proposed by Mr W. C. Kiewpllyn, and responded to by Mr J. M. Coffey; "The Visitors," proposed by Mr T. Mer-k (president Oamaru Caledonian Society), W. Hall (president of the Timaru Caledonian Society), and Wylie (president Port Molyneux Sports Club); "Tha iiocretjry," proposed by the chairman and responded to by Mr J.M. Coffiv; and "Tho Press," proposed bv Mr M. Giiir.fs. Mr D. G. Sullivan, M.P., presented the prizes won bv the amateurs, at the meeting, and Mr J. MoCombs, M.P., (hose won by the ca.»h nmneii. Musical mid other itsm* were g'i™a dmmg the evening by Messrs A. McDonsJd, A. Dey, L. Joy.oll, A. Young-, S. McDonald, F. and H. Foe, eud C. Thomtus.

WELLINGTON. (press association telegram.) WELLINGTON, March 18. 'I ho St. Patrick's Div enorta and si»-

cession w» held i» fin » watlwr to^nTTT,)>#> Yifincio&l ©Tonto n® nucwrj**^ Ono Mila Handicap-F. Paul, 95yds, 1; D. Bruco, 170 yds, 2. 100 yds Handicap—J- c '' Johnston, dyde, 1; H. Hayviee, 3yds, 3. Time, lOseo. 120jxte Hurdles—'Whito 1; H. E. Wilson, sot, 2; A. Jackson, 6yda one-hurdle, 8Time, lfeeo. Wrestling*—Gaidar, w. Milk Walk—ll. Gardner, 230yda, 1. 440 yds Handicap—W. W. Kyle, set, 2; F. Malmancha, lOyda, 3Time, 52 4-sscc. Inter-club Belay—WHilton A.A. Club.

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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17408, 20 March 1922, Page 4

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ST. PATRICK'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17408, 20 March 1922, Page 4

ST. PATRICK'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17408, 20 March 1922, Page 4