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THE FINAL GAME. ! AUSTRALIA v. THORNTON'S ELEVEN. I (By Cable—Fran Atsocittionr-Copjrig&l.) (United Semoe.) LONDO2T, September 6. O. I. Thornton's eleven, in its first Innings against Australia, made 260. Australia had made 30 for the loss of no vrickete when stumps wore drawn for the day. The weather wu glorious, an (J The wiokeft good and fast. The was large. Gregory, who is suffering from a bad knee, and Carter and Mayne did not play for Australia. fellow was twelfth man. The play was interesting, and generally marked by a. freshness suggesting rather the beginning than the end of the tour. The crowd waa enthnsiastio over the orisp Uattingi and attractive fielding. Sandham and Rhodes opened to' McDonald and Armstrong. Both batsmen were in good form, and hit several boundaries. l&iley relieved McDonald with fhe score at 23, -sjod. at 28 Rhodes stopped one from Armstrong with his leg. He»rne was next in. Before 60 had beaiu leicaod, itendry HoDo&ald put on. Bum came freely till Hearae gave Oldfleldi a chance. 84—2—26. * McDonald'* second over proved fatal to Mead. Woolley joined Sandham at 99. The century appeared in HO minutes. The pain provided an attractive, lively partnership, adding 47. Then McDonald found Sandham's wicket. Hendren was oontent with ai couple. _ 143—5—2. At this sta(ge there were aome quicb bowling changes. Woolley waa dismissed by «mart catch off Oilfield's pads. Fender lost his wicket in trying a big hit. 166—7—6. ' Douglas and Jupp were confident ancl brisk, and by the variations ini the attack. Jupp escaped stumping off Mailey when ho was }7. Three runs later « second similar chance was accepted. 195—. B—2o. Hitch was going l well, including three consecutive fours off McDonaTd, when he mad® a nito-hit, and was caught at mid-on. 222 —9—l7. Douglas's stand was interesting. The nartnership added 64 in half an hour. Douglas went out in making a bi? hit. He was slow in starting, but when he wanned up was good and sound. The crowd greeted him witfi old Johnnv!" flirdslev and Collins opened for Australia with 40 minut-M to eo. The»- lceot the wickets iiWt i>®aii«t the bowlii? of Fender anfl till wore drawn. FolloTTiri<» opot-": THORNTON'S ELEVEN. First Innings. Sandham, b McDonald ... ..56 Rhodes, lbw, b Armstrong ... ..12 Hearne, o Oldfleld, b Mailey ... .. 26 Mead, b McDonald .. w. 5 Woolley, o Mailey, b Hendry .. ~.41 Hendren, b Hendry .. ~.i ... 2 Fender, b Hendry .. «■, ■ • ° Douglas, c Oldfield, b Mailey ... .. 61 Jupp, Bt Oldtield, b Mailey .. ~.20 Hitch, o Taylor, b MoDonald .. i.. 17 Wood, not out .. .. ..• 16 Extras .. •• •• 1® „ Total .. .. .. ..280 Bowling.—McDonald three for 99, Armstrong one for 29, Mailey three for 91, Hendry three for 45. AUSTRALIA. First Innings. Bardsley, not out <• .. ... ..13 Colline, not out- .. .. ..12 Extras .. ... i.. 5 Total for J3* wickete ««i ..SO WEST CHRISTCHt?RiCH CLTJB. ■The annual general meeting of the West Christchurch Cricket Club was held on 'lhursday, Mr H. Uuttera presiding- over a large attendance. 'lno report and balance-sheet ware Mopted. The report stated that the outlook for tho coming season was meet promising. The financial position was very fair, fee balancesheet showing a satisfactory credit balance. The senior team waa congratulated on its position as "runners up," being equal in points with Sydenham, but the Sydenham team won the competition owing to having lost a lesser number..df. match?®.... • JV>. Blunt' and P. l)wyer were first and second respectively in the batting averages in the senior competition, while D. E. Parton came second in the bowling averages. Both it. C. Blunt and P. Dwyer scored centuries during the season. R. C. Blunt, R. D. Worker, D. Reese, W. Hayes, and D. McLachian represented Canterbury, and R. C. Blunt also represented New Zealand. The report referred to the dqatli of Mr C. L. Young, aad it was dcided to place on record hia valuable services, rendered to the club. On the motion of Mr D. E. Parton, seconded by Mr' It. D. Worker, it was decided to pla4® on record in the minutes the members' appreciation of the valuable, services rendered to the club during the past seven years by Mr A. Dey, as treasurer. The opening day was fixed for October Ist 1921. The following officer# were elected:— Patron, Mr H. F. Wigram; president, Mr G. T. Weston; vice-presidentß, Hon. C. Lou. isson, M.L.C., Jfassrs A. E. G. Rhodes, O. E. Reeves, H. Reeves, D. Reese, D. Redpath, A. Dey, and A. T. Donnelly; club captain, Mr R. C. Blunt; hon. secretary. Mr A. G. Cameron; hon. treasurer, Mr W. J. Hamilton; senior selector, Mr P. lawyer; junior selector, Mr A. G. Cameron; committee, Messrs R. D. Worker, P. " Dwyer, W. Hayes, and C. L. Crowley _; delegates to the Canterbury Crioket Association, Messrs A. T. Donnelly, T>. Redpafh, D. E. Parton, and J. D. Godfrey. v

EAST CHBISTOHTJHCH CLUB. The fitteenth annual meeting' oi the East Christcniuch Cricket. Ciub was • held last night. vz. Orchard president oyer an attendance of aeventeeh members. The annual report stated that the past do®* ion saw tne rernaugoration 01 diub cricket, and so fax as the iwwt Uhristchurch oiub was concerned it wus not ft gre»t auco\.sa ( but there were Dig hopes for the luture. Fuuwr cially the ciub was in * strong petition, being one of the few olubs to-show » credit balance. This was largely due to the generosity of the president, Dr. Orchard. On the field they did not meet with much success, one of I lie big drawbacks being the practice wickets, but was the first season since Ihe reopening of Lancaster some allowanoe must be ma*ie for the roujfil sta-te of the ground. The praotice wickets had been rolled all through the winter months, and they could look forward to a big improvement in, them this season. In the .Petersen Shield competition the oiub lost its place, dropping from first place to last, arid scoring oni.y iOa point*, it was to be looped the members would get busy this seaaon, and put the club at the top of the list again. The first grade team put up some very fine performances, but were not consistent and finished with * points. The toam had the makings of a good side, and with consistent practice should do much better in the coming season. The best batting average was secured A. itBlank (35.27), and bowling by . J. Kane (16.50). Representative honours were gained by F. Woods and E. Brosnahan. The second g."ad« A team, 16 points, put up the best performance in the club, being runners-up in the competition. The best batting average waa secured by G. Conmaii, and: bowling by H. Haughey. The second, grade B teem was handicapped all through the season by having to play short in nearly every match. Th« best batting average was secured by J. Mayo, and the -best bowling average by L. Guiney. Messrs Ward and Co. provided the third grade C team, 11 points, and while they did not d<? so well as last season, they strengthened the club's position considerably. The best batting average was secured by L. Hutchings (25.33), and bowling by A. Harry (63 wiokets, 9.41). The third grade team,. 3 points, only managed to secure one win, but they were young players, and if the senior members would Uifce a little interest in the younger players at the nets, this season ishould show a big improvement. The thanks of the club were due to Dr. Orchard (president), and Mr B. B. Wood, for donations received, and to Messrs F.. Woods, H. S. Feast, T. P. Neale, and E. D. Haughey for good work done during the season. Keferenoe was made to the fact that the East Christchurch Club was the only one to defeat the Rangitikei Nomads in their southern tour last year. The balance-sheet, showed a cash credit of £33 8s 3d, and an excess of assets over liabilities of £44 17s 9d. , The report and balance-sheet were adopted. TBn new members were elected and ten resignations received. Officers were elected as follows:—President Dr. A. J. Orchard; vice-president* Dr. Duncan, Dr. Wlietter, and Mr B. U. Wood: club captain, E. Brosnaian; hon. secretary, R. Gregory; hon. treasurer, 8. O Joiwg; hon.auditor, A. K. Blank; committee, W. "H. Howell, W. Barwick, A. R. Pliric, H. L. Elvy, J. P- Flood, T. P. Neale, and D. H. Crooka; selectors, Messrs W. Howell, S. O. Jones, and H. L»- Elvy; delegates to Canterbury Cricket Association, J. P; Flood. It. B Ward, A. R. Blank, and W. Howell. There was some discussion on the matter of Ward end Co.'e team being connected with the East Christchurch Club for competition matches. The general opinion was

thai the club would be ™ry fooiish 'f. with theci. The president said that li a-y of Ward's team proved good enough for . seniors Ward'e would have no letting them transfer to tho jv \J »„ oburch Club. It was agreed to adhere last year's arrangement. An opening practice will b® 0 ~ Hareirood School grounds cm Saturday. tember 24th. The formal op e " !rl o_ WI «■ week later at Lancaster Park. TfiMP ' for the game at Hare'.rood will arra °V ' and the players are to assemble at Square at 2 p.m. . v ' A vote of thanks -was -passed to M- * ■ Newson for his services as official scorer last season. . , Mr Flood moved that the selectors commended to give preferenoe lo who regularly attended practice. Tue :uoi»c. was adopted. , „ . Mesars Bio6nahaa, Jones, and; Ivoaio w . appointed the material committee. RICCARTON CI/tTB. There weie 20 members present at the sixteenth annual meeting o! the Cricket Club held lut night. Mr A. u. Ford presided. . , The annual report stated that honora y members had again assisted to a large e - tent, and tlxie, together with the active nienvbero' subscriptions, had helped tbs piUJ finance* considerably. The club's five tl '? in the ABSooiation's competitions had gii. . & good account of themselves, and in irPetersen Slield competition, managed secure third plaoe with a total of 183 P*''J 1 ?' The senior team finished up fif-h 111 ' . gTade. H. B. Whitta, for the eightn time einoe the 1908-09 season gained the top in the bottng averages. C. E. Bvan9,Ji. . o»ygiU. «tnd R. P. j. Powell alsobatted consistently during th® season. T°« ""'"f honouns rested mainly wth C. E. Evans an B. F. J. Powell, both of v.-hom »oWied W well throuarhcn'.t the season. The club ha some fine material in hand! among the 3 nm °F players. The junior A team £ot eleventh plaoe (equal), and the junior B tenm fc t place in the junior competition. The third grade team, wlhddh gained fifth place (equal;, wns composed of «. number of promising colts. The fourth grade team won the Kiccarton Ou» for the firat time since the 131416 season." Mr A. 0. Fold's bet for the uinat improved colt in the club's teams had bt.en awarded to B. P. J. Powell, of the senior team. A. Dickson won M>r J. C. Clarauon« I bat for the most runs floored in grade matches. H. Graham, of the fourln grade team, was awarded a bat in connexion witn tie Bicoarton Cup. The matoli vitn tne Rangitikea Nomads had proved very « n J°7" able, end stress waa laid on tho fact that tours by teams from other parts of lb© Dominion acted as a much-needed stimulus to cricket generally. Mr O. Caygill was thanked in the report for his services ea scorer, lne members oi the club who gained representative honours were A. C. Fuller and U •&. Evttus. The balance-sheet alhowed a debit oi .£25 10s Bd. _ ti i The following officers were elected'. »> ron, Mr A. D. Ford; president, A. Boyle: vioe-presidente, Messrs J. 0. Clarkeon, 0. Caygill, R. Maxwell, F. «• Warren, olub oaptain, M. O. Sinclair; treasurer, U. E. Evans: secretary, A. Dickson, committee. Metam E. E. Liuttrell, C. C. Holland-, E. R. Caygill, H. B. Whitta, A. C FulW, A. G-. Jamieson, and O. T. Gorrie; (lategsues to Canterbury Cricket Association, Messrs j Caygill, Luttrell, Sinclair, and Taylor Ten new member® were elected. I The opening day wae fixed for September I 24th. provided tho, ground is available Hagley Baik« , , ~ , Votes of thanks were accorded the ladies who BUpplied afternoon t«fta laet season, the I auditors, retiring eeoretary (Mr Gome), ana thb chairman.

NEW BRIGHTON CLUB. At the annual meeting of the New Brighton Cricket Club the\iu>v. W. I. JloLaverty presided. The annual report and balanco-sbcot •were adopted. , ... A motion of condolence was passed wiu* Mrs Hay in the death of her husband. The report stated that during lust s»ason 14 matcheß had been played, 10 of which had been wot*, 8 lost, and one drawn, placing tno club third in the compe.ivion. It wa# agreed to raise the jneanrorflaip tea to 16a for seniors, and 10s for juniors. On the motion of Mr Powell it was deeided to ask Mr Bishop to Delect three, boys from the school to bo admitted to club membership free. The election of officials resulted ae followi. >Patron, Mr D. U. Sullivan, M.P.; president, Mr J. Gamble; vice-presidents. Dr. Glasgow, Dr. Mickle, Dr. Stevens, Messrs F. Kibblewhite, G. W. Bishop, F. Ward, H. James, A. P. Hopkins, E. A. Langford, J. O. Jameßon, W. Bellamy, R. Bargrove, W. Taylor, and A. M. Chivers; club captain, Rev. W. I. McLaverty; delegate to Association, Mr W. Powell; secretary and treasurer, Mr J. McCree. It was decided to hold the opening day on September 21th, a friendly match to be played with the D.I.C. team. WAjRD AND CO.'S CLUB. The annual general meeting of Ward and Co. s Cricket Club was held on Wednesday, the club captain CMi L. Comerford) presiding. The balance-sheet showed a small credit balance in hand, which waa considered satisfactory. On the field the team had hot been .so' successful as in former years, but in Spite of this it was a matter for congratulation that the team had not taken the field short-handed during the season. The thanks of the club were due to Messrs L. Comerford, R. Shand, Frank Smith, A. Dawson, L. Hutchings (captain), D. H. Crooks (hon. secretary), and to the committee for their servioes during the year; also to Messrs S. Ward,, R. Shand, J. Childs, I. Fitzgerald, W. Blood, and the hon. secretary for donations .to -ihe prize fund. Officers for the season wore elected as follows Patron, Mi H. F. Wigraan; president, Mr A. S, Duncan; vice-presidents, Miessrs R. Allen, K. Neave, H. H. Pitman, L. Comerford, and R. Shand; selectors, Mr R. Shand and the team captain; committee, Messrs E. Weston, C. Harker, C. B. Hardingham, J. Holmes, L. E, Ward, and D. H. Crooks; club captain, Mr Id. V. Comerfoid. x


The annual general meeting of the Hawwden A. and P. Association was held in the Hawarden Hsll on Thursday. Motions of sympathy with the relatives of the following were carried in silence, members standing:—Messrs P. Burke, R. Evans, W. Eail, and W. B. Clarkson. An apology for .absence was received from Mt C. O. T. Rutherford. Votes of thanks to Mr J. Skurr for the offer of a challenge cup for competition at the next show, and the Canterbury Jockey Club for a special prize of were carried by acclamation. The balance-sheet, which showed a credit balance of £774 18s 4d, was adopted. Mr STas. Bentley was elected president for the ensuing year, and Mcssi» W. Eari and A. Oowie vice-presidents. The 'former committee were re-elected, with the addition of Messrs Relph Bros. (2), K. STataon, and W. Cunningham. Mr W. T. Lindsay was reelected auditor. The following new members were elected: —Messrs C. Netting, W. CJ. L. Blake, and R. McKeegan. A discussion took place as to the advisability of holding a show next year considering the state ot affairs at present. _ It was finally decided to ho.d a show the last week in March if possible, the exact date to be arranged later. Mr O. T. Evans suggested that an extra class "for two Corriedale ram lambs" be included in the next schedule. A very hearty vote of thanks to-the retiring president for the able manner ihirhich he had carried out his duties during histerm of office brought the meeting to a close.

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17247, 10 September 1921, Page 15

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CRICKET. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17247, 10 September 1921, Page 15

CRICKET. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17247, 10 September 1921, Page 15