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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of serial or personal new 6. Suqu items should be fully authenticated, and engage, ment notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited, on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women. Mr and Mrs C. H. Ensor arrived in town yesterday, and will stay for a few days. Miss Vera Keith (Masterton), is staying with Mrs R: N. McNeight, Heaton street. Mr and Mrs P. Galligan and son (Rakaia), are amongst the guests at the United Service. ... There passed away on August the sth, at Holly Lea, Miss Jessie Forbes, the oldest resident, aged 81. She was greatly admired for her bright and original personality, and will be much missed by all her relations and friends. Mrs I. W. Gregg, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs G. R. Stratford, Bealey Avenue, will leave for "Wellington to-morrow to catch the Ulimaroa, which leaves for Sydney on August 19th- Mrs Gregg intends visiting the East, and later will go to England and the Continent. x After the formal opening of the Soldiers' Club yesterday forenoon, the Governor and Lady Jellicoe were entertained at morning tea in the buffet at t lie club. Her Excellency wore a smartly braided black coat and skirt, handsome furs,. and a nigger brown tqque, with wings and floAvmg veil. Those present at tea included the Mayor and Mrs fhacker, Mr and Mrs H. Holland. Mr :\nd Mrs Alpters, Mrs H. R. Smith. Mr and Mrs Orchard, Mrs J. S. Kelly, and Mr Leadley. A very. enjoyable dance was given in the Hastings Street Hall by Mr and Mrs Hatchard, on Monday evening, m honour of their daughter Myra's.coming of age. The music was supplied by Miss .viacdonald, and items.were contributed i>v Misses M. Rowntree, M. Harcourt, 'R Detma, M. Hatchard. and L. Hanliam. Amofigst those present were:— Misses Rowntree (2), Perry, Irlam, Burke, Merrett (2), Hatchard (2). Muirson, Atkinson, and Gidley, Shaw $), Tolputt, Messrs Hoffman, Wardell, Calvert, Atkinson, Brown (Kaiapoi), ;Chrißtensen. Hatchard,. Lvnskey (Kaiapoi), Williams, King, Oaldey (Masterton), Fox; Rowntree, Moody and Cox.

Mrs Joseph Doick, Duvauchelle, is in town for a few days.

On Sunday night a concert will he, given at the Liberty The.tre by the Harbour Lights Glee Club, .1 aid of a fund to relieve the distress caused by unemployment amongst returned soldiers in Christchufch: The Liberty ordhestra has kindly consented to play , selections, and it is. hoped that a very large; attendance, will help to, swell the funds for such a worthy, object. The Glse Club organised by Madame,GoWer Burns, will make its initial "Brain storms" are peculiar afflictions. During a case that oame before 1 Mr K. W. Bundle, S.M., at the Auckland Magistrate's Court a medical witness stated that the lady was suffering from acute mania in the form of 'brain storms. The peculiar point was that tin© lady, when in the witness-box later, ■answered questions from both her own counsel ana the opposing one in a most lucid manner, and stood the- test for half an hour.. .To the onlooker she seemed a really good witness. His Worship finally said: "This is certainly a case for private arrangement." Counsel then conferred in another rcom, and the- Court was not further troubled ""witlh. the matter.

Concerning "little ills" and the weak link in public health, « writer in the Auckland "Star" mentions the fact that of the minor ills the common "cold" or "cold ir/the head" is one of the most- unp!e*asant and the most infectious. Yet children with tlhis unpleasant ailment are permitted to visit others, or invite others to come'in when they are suffering. The Eame applies to grown-up folk who have no conscience about carrying Tound catarrh germs and distributing them broadcast. The same writer emphasises the importance of tlhe antiseptic dressings of small cuts, bruises, and burns, which often would " .'■ "/-s

avoid much further trouble. Neglected sore throats are.dangerous, and a mild antiseptic gargle again would be a sensible and easy precaution. Bad smells should be carefully investigated with promptitude, and such should net I>2 allowed near any house. These are all "little things." hut if even-body regarded till em in the same light as the writer, there would be considerably less sickness in the world.

TAKE HER HOME A PRESENT. Ifyou've come from the races "holding well," call and have a look over Glanville's window, for here you'll find everything dear to the heart of a woman —Caskets of Scents, Manicure Sets, Toilet Soaps, Powder and Puffs; all kinds of Gifts she'll appreciate, at pri 63 you'll appreciate. D. Ferguson Glanville,' chemist, High street. G535G-39W3 SMARTLY DRESSED LADIES. The s tartly dressed up-to-date ladies before proceeding to the races are cordially invited to inspect the new modes m *'urs displayed in the showroom of T„ Best and Co., Ltd., manufacturing furriers, 140 Lichfield street, a few doors east of the Clo-k Tower. They comprise a verv wide selection, and are well worthy of inspection, even if you do not wish to buy. 83135-4014-1 WHAT TALE DOES YOUR MIRROIi TELL ? The mirror tells a pleasing tale to the woman who uses Elsinore Preparations for her toilette. The value of every Elsinore Preparation lies in its absolute purity. "It cannot irritate the tenderest skin. All Elsinore Preparations are stocked by Madam Sands. She also specialises in Buster Haircutting. Madam Sands' Toilet Salon is in Stewart Dawson's Buildings. Call or 'phone 8191. 58948-2510 An increasingly valuable department of Ballantyne's is the Toilet Salon, located on the first floor. The removal of surplus hair by electrolysis, hairtinting, shampooing, face massage and manicuring, are all undertaken by experts, whose services are ever available. 9

ASSEMBLY BALL. A BRILLIANT FUNCTION. It is seldom that realisation exceeds anticipation, but all who attended the Assembly Ball held in the Art Gallery last evening, unanimously decided that it exceeded expectations, and was even I more successful than its predecessors, which is no faint praise. Excellent music was supplied by Miss Macdonald's orchestra, and the members of .the committee were zealous for the comfort of ' their guests. The interior of t the ballroom was lined with black, brightened by- bands of tangerine placed at regular intervals' round the walls. .From the ceiling hung streamers of varying shades of yellow, from palest lemon to deep tangerine, while the electroliers wer» with cascades of yellow silk. Part of the permanent gallery was used I as a drawing room,'and was furnished with couches and easy chairs, and decorated with palms and flowering cinerarias, whi> the supper room was gay 'with sprint, flowers. The vice-regai party arrived shortly after 9 o'clock* and were escorted to the ball-room by. Mr Ted Norman, the band meanwhile playing "God Save the King." Lai" Jeliicoe wore a trained gown of raven o win<? blue panne velvet, with georgette of the same shade on the corsage, am diamond ornaments; Mrs Cotterill worr . black souple satin, with beaded corsage, the narrow train being lined with ivory satin; Mrs Helmore, black satin veiled iu jet encrusted net; Mrs Walter Fox,r Mack souple satin with beaded net, /draped on the corsage; Mrs'AJgar WU-. liams, beautiful trained ,gown of go\d and black tissue, over black satm.: Others present included: Mrs El worthy. who wore a gorgeous frock of gold and ivory brocaded velvet, the waist being, defined by a, deep band of pearl embossed embroidery and gold net side drap-; ings; Mrs W. Bond (Timaru), cerise net. 'over royal blue satin, giving a charming, fuchsia effect, panels back.and front of nandsome passementerie trimming, in' royal blue cream and cerise \ Lady Campbell, handsome sheath of jet with fish-tail train, band of gold in her hair; Miss Russell (Hawke's Bay), electrio > blue georgette, diamond ornaments; Lady Boys, beautiful .brocaded frock, patterned in gold, bodice pomitosed of honiton lace and georgette; Mrs Egerton Reid, mauve and gold brocaded satin,, with trained skirt, and touches of, georgette on corsage; Miss Nancy Johnson (Takapau), beautiful gown of rose pink panne velvet, terned in gold, the tiny sleeves being of rose georgette, handsome fan-shaped hair-ornament; Mrs Eric Harper, draped gown of souple satin, with handsi me bead-doverdress; AirsTr pp, black satin, with trained skirt, and gold brocade forming the bodice, hangingsleeves of silk net; Mrs J. B. Reid>. beautiful' silver and gold brocaded gown, gracefully draped and trained, the bodice-being trimmed with pearls; Mrs Roger Gould, uncommon frock, with panne velvet bodice and lace skirt over palest camep r pink satin, ail effective note being the large black velvet roe on, each shoulder; Miss Gould, rose pink charmeuse, the; skirt veiled in gold patterned net, and hemmed with black, sash of B black and gold ribbon; Mis Bethel, royal blue silk net. over satin, the bodice composed of gold tissue; Mrs" Bernard Wood, handsome .gown of, gold tissue, veiled in black silk net; Mrs Endell Wanklyn. dainty, frock of silk tulle over silver tissue, finished; with heavily tasselled silver girdle; Miss Barbara Gouldj ivory souple satin, the skirt trimmed with narrow bands of rose ribbon, overdress of -silver lace and swathed sash of rose-pink satin; Miss Shona Rhodes; graceful frock of pale blue taffetas, with overdress of silver lace; M : ss Lbrna Gardiner, cameo pinu georgette, with touches of silver and blue; Mite Anderson (Inyercargill), ac-cordion-pleated . souple ;. satin, with green satin bodice; MisS Peggy Palmer, dainty little frock ; of blue net, .with tiny clusters of forget-me-nots, and apiMe green waistband; Mrs D. V. Donafdspn, black. georgette over white satin, swathed belt of" gold tissue, blue wreath in hair; Miss Valerie Reid, black taffetas with bodice of silk 'net over gold lace and touches of sapphire blue velvet; Miss Margot Nicoll, black chatmeuse, the skirt draped with fine Spanish face, embroidered in blue, green, and tangerine chenille, handsome flowers on. corsage; Miss Bloomfield (Auckland), jade green chiffon taffetas, with, gold scroll-work; Miss Innes Gould (Melbourne), pretty blue taffetas, draped over a skirt of silver lace; Miss Joan Reid (debutante), soft souple satin frock, with side panels of very fine Spanish lace, wired to give -a slightly crinoline effect, wreath of silver leaves in her hair, and lovely bouquet of white flowers and maidenhair; Miss Mary Macdonald, rose pink taffetas, embroidered in black and gold, swathed waistband of vari-coloured ribbon: Miss,. Rita Moss, (Wellington), henna satin, the skirt- veiled in patterned golfl net;-Miss Boyle, beautiful frock of mauve and gold brocaded satin, with filmy lace sleeves; Mrs E. Y. Palmer, black panne' velvet, with sleeves and draperies of Spanish lace; Miss" Olive Mcllfaith, grey satin, lavishly trimmed with bands of silver; Miss Neroli Knight, cerise' georgette, the skirt made with tiny flounces, panel back and front of cense silk, patterned in gold and jade; Miss Betty Cotterill, vieux rose taffetas, with bouffant skirt and narrow gold, ribbon encircling the waist; Miss Sybil Johnston, ivory satin, with gold- spotted, georgette; Miss Rittson Thomas (Marlborough), cerise georgette over satin; Mrs R> Young, black net with blue and silver corsage; Mrs F reo "- Freeman, emerald | green aatin, veiled in gold lace; Mrs Cyril Ward, black souple satin, with

draperies of silk net and panels of jet; Miss Macdonald (Edendale), shrimp pink satin, with draperies of georgette )h a deeper shade; Miss Jessie Hill, black georgette over satin embroidered m gold, with narrow cherry velvet ribbon at waist; Miss Cicely Pratt, faintest pink souple satin, embroidered with gold thread; Mrs Frank Graham, striking frock with bodice and side panels of black taffetas looped over skirt of silver lace; Mrs Kenneth Murchison. blaok georgette over satin, handsome floral ribbon sash; Mrs Cuthbert Harper, blue a';d gold brocade frock; Mrs Dan Riddiford, noticeable gown of green and silver brocade; Mrs Sinclair Murchison, maizecoloured soft satin; Miss Herdmaii, pale blue satin veiled in ivory lace; Mrs Gage "Williams (Wellington), black satin, and lace. _ with waist-band of "hand-made roses; Miss Mary Ross, rose-pink georgette over white lace; Mrs HendersonBegg, black tnffetns with lara;e scrolls of gold and jade; Mis Bentlev Davison, jade-green gecrgotte, 'veiled* in hennacoloured We, henna, ostrich feather fan; Mrs Brotlie (Wellington), unique brown bco frock with touches of gold; Miss Marion Watson (Palmerston North), green frilled georgette, slightly wired to give bouffant effect, over cameo-pink satin; Miss Peggy Norton, blue georgette with waistbrfnd; Mrs Scott, rose-nink taffetas; Miss Kathleen Brisfed, soft white satin veiled in silk tulle; Mrs Redmond Neill, black _. souple satin veiled in lace, and beautiful ivory lace arranged, cape-like, on shoulders; Miss Teschemaker, jadegroen shot taffetas, with georgette, frills; Mrs McMaster, gold tissue shot wit'h. rose-pink, side panels on skirt of rose-pink, draped with gold lace; MrsWauchop, rose-pink and gold tissue, with overdress of lace; Miss Rita Gibson, mauve souple satin and silver lace; Miss Agnc3 Turrcll, jade-grcen taffetas, with van dyked skirt arranged over skirt of silver laoe.

DRESSES AT ADDINGTON. e' A very large and well-dressed gathering of women, glad to be able to discard their warm coats, assembled at Addington yesterday for the Metropolitan Trotting Club's Sleeting. As at Rlccarton the previous day, the coatf.ock was gre. tly in evidence, and there was more than a liint of spring, both in the weather and in the ladies' hats. Amongst those present were: Mrs J. H. William's, navy costume, trimmed with self buttons, nigger brown hat; Mrs J. Buchanan, navy costume, broadbrimmed hat, wreathed with ostrich feathers; Mrs Thacker, navy costume, handsome furs, sapphire blue velvet hat, wreathed with velvet flowers 5 Mrs ... Norton, smart navy • coat-irock, navy Vogue hat, with silver tracery and lace veil; Mrs Burbury, navy cos- ! tume, trimmed with fawn, very smart fawn hat. with navy wings; Miss Isobel Rutherford (Kekerangu), navy costume, fur stole blue velvet hat, with apricot ribbon band; Miss Armstrong (Akitio), violet • and fawn tweed costume,. fawn velour hat; Miss E. Armstrong (Akitio), dark grey tweed costume, black velvet tam; Miss Peggy Norton, mastic costume, fur stole, coloured straw hat with wings; Mis* Syme (Auckland); dark costume, very smart small navy hat, with lanre lemon ' wings; Mrs Cecil Ollivier, bottle-green coat-frock, _ embroidered with puttycoloured silk, black straw hat with putty-coloured ribbon, and mixed flowers; Mrs M. S. Brown, handsome navy costume trimmed with fur. black panne velvet hat; Mrs Selig, navy costume,!, small black velvet hat, with' smart wings; Miss Selig, navy costume, trimmed with braid, feather necklet, small black hat, with short lace veil; Mrs R. Young, navy costume, black fox stole, black velour hat with royal'blue, wing; Miss Mbir, grey oostjume, black hat,' With ospreys; Mrs Jameson, black'' ccstume. seal stole and muff, black velvet hat; Miss Nora Campbell, violet' costume, American opossum furs, black* and white hat; Mrs Gordon Dennistorij: lime costume, navy and lime hat; Mrs J. Hamlet, navy costume, trimmed with buttons, long fur stole, very effective toque of Oriental colouring; Mrs W. Anderson, fawn costume, jazz tam, finished with .coloured fruit; Mrs Cyril White, navy and white striped costume, black hat, with lace veiland small coloured flowers; Mrs .. Cyril String*, dark blue coat frock, worked with cerise silk, fur stole, ■ navy and cerise hat; Mr 6 J. S. Guthrie, claretcoloured, trimmed with .mole fur„ brown velvet hat; Miss Blanche .•Atkinson-, dark costume, fur coat, small violet hat; Mrs Prendergast, beautiful navy costume, heavily embroidered fi'tch furs, navy hat, smartly trimmed■'. with, red glycerine flowers; Mrs Wyvern Wilson, navy coat-frock, squirrel coat, small black straw hat, with white .ospreys;. ,Mrs Noble (Wanganui), very smart blue •''■'■' costume, with lemon • stripe,' black hat with touches of lemon and royal blue; Mrs Giblin (Wanganui), navy costume with fine white stripe, wide-leaved black lisere straw hat with white ospreys; Mrs Stronacb, Paterson, lime* green knitted costume and crocheted hat of same shade; Mrs .Charlesworth (England), fawn costume, grey ,- race cape, white hat; Mrs Stewart Sampson,'black and white" shepherd's plaid costume, mulberry hat; Mrß Thomhill j Cooper, navy costume* , with military braid, black velvet ha't, with touches ' of gold; Mrs F. J. Murray, dark grey ancl white-striped costume, small black toque with cire,ribbon, handsome marabout stolen Mrs Era6mussen, navy cos- ' tume, very pretty tam of royal blue and sulphur,'with rbyal blue osprey at I the side, royal blue bag; Mrs H. D. Macdonald, violet, costume and small hat of the same shade; Miss Atkinson, check costume, vieux rose velour hat; Miss Macfarlane (Hawkwood), black and white check costume, jade greon hat. banded with a jade- and henna plait; Miss T. Jones (Auckland), navy blue costume,-skunk stole, large hat of varnished straw finished with an os-, prey; Miss Finnerty (Auckland), navy braided costume, small lisere straw' hat, marabout fur,; Mrs Guy Haskins, violet velour cloth costume, violet and mole hat; Miss Cameron Smith, fawn gabardine costume, fawn velour hat; Mrs MeClatchie; tweed costume, violet coat with fur collar and cuffs, oriental toque; Mrs Reiinie, black and white striped costume, small black velvet hat; Mrs Kyle, mulberry costume, smart blacks hat with shiny black ribbon; Miss Frankjsh, mastic costume, fur coat, smart little straw, hat with floral ribbon trimming; Miss Wallis, navy costume embroidered ,in red, navy toque with red wings; Mrs J. C. Lord, blue costume, blue hat trimmed with blue and silver brocade; Miss Davis, dark grey costume, fur stole, henna; hat with French flowers;, Miss Dickie, 1 blue costume, navy and blue hat-: Mrs J. S. Hawkes, black costume with red stripe, black hat trimmed with old gold; Mrs Friedlander, navy braided costume, squirrel stole, nigger brown hat of hatter's plush; Mrs Dwyer, black costume, - fur coat, black, feather hat; Miss Irene Inkson, girlish frock of tabac brown with accordion-pleated skirt, wide-leaved-, brown hat; Miss T. Davis, tweed costume, fur coat, rosepink velour hat; Mrs B. B. Grange, navy costume braided in black, black hat with navy wings; Mrs Harris, dark green costume, fur coat, feather toaue; Mrs McOwen, black' costume, black furs, and small black hat; Miss McOwen, 'gabardine costume, violet hat with wings. DARFIELD BENEDICTS' BALL. As a , complimentary ball to the spinsters ' and bachelors, the .benedicts of Darfield tendered a most successful ball in. the Memorial Hall. The decorations, of mauve and lemon streamers, interspersed with pink cydonia japonica, were conspicuously attractive, original and seasonable, and the general arrangements evinced careful and skilfuT mastery over detail. . A large

marquee adjacent to the Bide entrance of the hall was furnished as a men s lounge, and the stage was comfortably arranged as a drawing-room, commanding a fine view of the ball-room. "In the centre of the floor was a raised dias accommodating the orchestra, provided by Mr C. Wells and company, of Christchurch. A dainty supper "was dispensed in the supperroom. Mr Geo." Cridge' was master of ceremonies, and the grand - rrinrch was led off by tho secretary, Mr R. G. Robinson, and Mrs James Reid. Amongst those present were: —

Mesdnnics .Tas. Reid, black . nvrv satin, overdress of blnck jet; Jnrroan, black crepe de chine: D. Oilhnders. Mnck silk, embroidered with pold; 11. W. McClelland. while crr,pe de chine, trimmed -with pearls and silver: block velvet. ed<red with' gold tinsel; L- Campbell (Wellln<, black satin and reivir'tte; Mulholland, blnvkamtpfe 'satin, with ninon over gold lace: Withers, skv-blus creno de chine, with opalescent sequins; W. ilrdford, floral rhamangno t:-ftV.a nnd rnli'tt; ('• Jarmatl, black crepe de chine, Ori-ntnl s"tin turtle: Otirtwv, «i!v->r trey crepe de chine, fide panels cf smill fluted Mils: Bulmer, bbwk crene d;» ehino, fniched with gold law: Hennessy, rt»nx to««? crepe *le chine, with touches' of ftlnck velvet; Oridg*, draped lemon wtin; J. Clinton, white satin, trimmed with p*or,ictt« and pearls: Chrutopherson, black pjlk. with,, black <si!k net overdress: Dunn*, Mask satin, Ftiiped tnffcta; Copland, _ rnwnswmg blue shantung silk, vieux ro«e silk famnji; Johns, white and black silk; Poison (ChristshnHi), black panne velvet, side panels of bunched net; Tnrton, eax* blue velvet, embroid«r*d with vieux rose; Syme, black crepe de chine nnd lace:, prey silk; Greavefi, coral pink crepe de chine skirt, accordionpleated; Nolan, black crepe '.le rhine, overdreFs of gold tißsne: Magcc, black cr*p» de chine and ninon; Narbey, raw bine frnclt, embroidered _ with bl?ck silk:_ Taylor, black crepe 'le- chine; S. Dunne, vieux rose cwjo <le chine; Weatwood, navy velvet, with black lnoe over cold fanVta; Riordan, steel grey taffeta, with black kce; Green, black satin, trimmed with georgette and silver sequins; Sim black crepe de- chine, finUh.'d with white crepe de chine: Triolrett, black ciik, embroidorcl with white: Ellis, black crepe irisson, with pold and silver trimmings; K. Anderson, black crop? do chine, with net over bndicp; J. Kdc, brbcaded white patin, with silver and pearl trimmings; Williams (Chrjstclmrch), black merv silk, xioiix r>so facings; McHugh. dark grey and hjnuk silk; Qolond, black velvet, corsage of light blve floral brocade; Higg.% black crepe de chine and georgette, Oriental lace bodice; •Beamen, floral green voile and georgette; Dempwy, vieux rose silk.

Misses Mulhollnml, foret-me-not cham-ieuse, pearl and sequin trimming; Tankard (Christchtlrcli), primro3e satin, overdress of gtorgette. and silver; Cogan, jade preen satin, gold corsage; Stott, navy marquisette; Sim, vieux rose taffeta, trimmed with tiny trills;" ChrJstophorson, saxe blue eatin and gold ocods; O'Donncll (Christchurch),, salmon pink creipe, de chine, trimmed with georgetto and silver seotiins; Jarnwn, lemon georgette; W. Jarmnn, vieux rose, crepe de cliine; Johnstone (Christchurch), pal« lavender crcpo da chine, veiled in gporgetto awd silver; Buhner, navy crepe de chine, trimmed with gilt scquina; Kincaid (Chnstchttrth), nenna crepe do cliine, Oriental jumper; War-' ren (Christchurch), cream crepe ue ohine; Gillanders, vieux row* crepe de chine and -.clt jet; Westwood, pink silk overdress, cream lace bodice, veiled in georgette; Oronin, black' souple satin, trimmsd with gold tissue; Meikle (Christchurch),- wggor jrovvn crepe de chine, bodice veiled in georgette and emerald green; G., Morrison, pink satin and lace, with rosebud trimming; A'elson, shell-pink satin; Welsh, btactc crvpe de chine and ninon over gold tfcsutv, C Welsh, blaok crene- do chine; S. Rcvelley, henna crepe de chine; Duncan, black georgette edged with emerald green; iSfuley, wine-coloured crepe de chine; O'Connor (Christchurch), apricot net over satin; Botilton, aaxe blue taffeta, with' email fhitt'l frills; Stevenson, white silk; McGoverin, apricot crepe de chine; Wateon, black satin and gold Irice; Brien,/moonlight blue crepe do chane and georgette, vieux rose satin corsage; Brougham, black crepe de chine and ninon; Dalziel (Christchurch), old gold eatin trimmed with silver; Gunn, black crepe de chine; M. Gunn, powder blue crepe de cliine, with gold and silver lace; Redfern. emerald green crepe de chine, edged with narrow gold bands; McCauslafid, black velvet, trimmed with black satin ribbon; Kewsomo, coral pink crepe d 4, chine, goffered frills; H. Eevolley, black crepe do chine; M. B«vel!>>y, rose pink crepe de cliine and georgette; McHugh, ehell-pink ;creps de chine, trimmed with silver lace; Murphy (Lincoln), white crepe' do chine; Chapman, navy georgette; Mee, block crepe de chine, trimmed with jet; Slnitcry,. vieux rose charmeuse. gold -tissue corsage; Beamen, saxe blue crepe de chin); Redmond, pale blue ninon, face overdress; Gill, dnrk blue crepe de chine;_ Vaugh in, pa-lo lavender crepe de chine,' trimmed with silver; A. Vnughan, pale pink crepe de chine,trimmed with blue eatin ribbons,; . Otten, white crepe de chine, embroidered with: pink; Dunne, shell-pink draped crepe do chine, emerald green eilk belt; B. AVilliarhs (Christchurch),. canary silk, with-accordion-pleated skirt; Dj. Williams (Christchurch), sky blue l eilk, with accdrdion-p'leated ekirt; Sumcon, pale blue siik; Humra, Bhell-i>inl; crepe tie chine; Clinton, coral pink crepe de chin© and georgette; Tucker (Christctrureh), floral frock, with small, pink .frills; McCJelland, vieux rose silk, ! pleated girdle; M. McCauslnnd, white eilk; I. Bull, coral pihk poplin; L. Taylor, hailstone voile. Messis'Jas. Reid, Mulholland, .Gillandern (3), Robinson, Nolan, Withers, G. Thompson, Jarman, , C. , Bedffcrn, 'Turton TrickMt, Pole, McClelland (2), Johnstone, Ellis, bsl«iel, Stott; (2) u Morrison (8), McLnusjhlah, Gunn (2), Mcllugh '.-: v2), ..Green, Sellers, Welsh, Syme (4), Bradley, Johns. Sanson, Cronin (2), ptten (2), Ede (2), Higos.-Bul-mer, R. Anderson, Stewart, Shipley, S;ra, Westwood, Copland, Dunne,. Warren, Plattery (2), Gartvoy, Cridgo. (8); Jenkins, XTacMiilan, Wellbourne, Brougham,.) Redmond, Patterson,' MoCdulay, ami many others. '" . "' t | DAVIS-BULL. The wedding .was solemnised at St. Michael's Church, Christchurch, by the Rev. C. Perry, of Miss Bertha Cecelia Bull, second daughter of Sir and Mis G. Bull, Hamilton, and ! Mr Leonard William DaviSLsecond son of Mr and Mrs William Davis, Amberley. The bride, who wis given away by her brother-in-law. was daintly attired in a cream radianta and crepe-de-chipe frock, hand-embroidered an<L. finished with fringe. She wore 'the. übuol veil arid orange blossom, and carried- a shower bouquet. Miss Lucy Davis, sister; of the bridegroom, attended as bridesmaid wearing' n mauve dress relieved with black, and black hat. with touches jjf mauve. She also carried a shower b<Juquet. Mr Victor Marsden acted as best man. After the cerem6ny', afternoon tea was served at the Beresford. Later Mr and Mrs, Davis left for the south, the bride wearing a fawn gabardine costume, with a rose hat. ~-■■'. .

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17221, 11 August 1921, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17221, 11 August 1921, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 17221, 11 August 1921, Page 2