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The Normal School Committee re ported to the Education Board yester day that Miss Paster, tie newly-ap pointed kindergarten mistress, lia< taken up her duties as from the Ist o the iiresent month. Mrs Owen Blacklcr has returned it Hazelburn. The annual hall of the Canterbury Rowing Club will be held in the Nov Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Clubtea Ho-=k, at Addington, en Thursday July 20th'. Lady Rhodes is visiting "Wellington Mrs Godfrey Hall (Hororata) is- ii town. Mrs C. H. Ensor (Whiterock) is stay ing at the United Service. Mrs Brodriek (Invercargill) has gon< to* Wellington, after a "brief stay ii Christchurch. Miss Curtis, daughter of a forme] well-known New Zealand postal official lias been appointed to the chair o: Agricultural Chemistry at the Caw tliTon Instittite, Nelson, at a salary oj £400. She had recently returned iron ■ England, and the College at which sh< graduated cabled an offer of £-500 pei annum if she would return, but th< ties of the land of her birth wero toe strong, and New Zealand will retiir her services. I>i\ Thomson, of "\Vesterneld, underwent an operation at Lcwisham Private Hospital, on Tuesday, and is now pro grossing favourably. Mrs Thomson i; staying with her sister, Mrs Geo. Daw nan, Poynder avenue, Fendalton. Passengers by the lonic, which sailec from Wellington for London, on Wed- ! Hcsdfl-v, included Dr. W. and Mrs In--1 Ino- and family, of Christchurch; Mi unci Mrs A. Grabham, 'of "Wellington I)r, A. R. Andrew, of Wellington; Mi H. G. Helmore, of Christchurch (a former A.D.C to the oral); Mrs A. Riddiford, of Wellington; Mr and Mrs C. S. Rawson and Miss Rawson, of Wellington; Lieut.i Colonel A. D. Still, Mrs E. J. and ; Misses (2) R-eid, of Auckland, and Mi ond Mrs A. M. White, of Townsvillc ( (Queensland). I On Thursday afternoon Mrs W. E. I Barton and Mrs 11. Barton, of Rangi- | ora, were hostesses at a kitchen tea I given in honour of Miss Isabel Scott, who is to be married shortly. Progressive euchre was played, the winners . being Miss Isabel Scott and Miss C. . Ambrose. The guest of the afternoon received a large collection of useful articles. Those present Included Mesdames T. A. Will, F. Glasgow, R. Mulligan (Ashburton), T. Shankland, W. Smith, W. Allison, D. Chapman, D. Buddo, L. Bu-nett, G. Gihbs Jordan, J. Guthrie (Christchurch), A. P. Strang, A. Fear, M. Scott, R. Kinley, A. Pearce, W. C. Prosser, C. E. Bell, A. Hughes, C. Paulin, and G. Springer, Misses A. Rollo, P. Fuller, M. Parsons, A. Turner, E. and I>. Leech, G. Wilson, C. Ambrose, F. Jennings, C. Tutton, F. White (Christchurch), E. Cunningham, W. Jordan, N. and R. Horrell, G. Cook, E. Pearce, R. Good, E. Youngman, IX Cunningham, M. J. Jordan, M. Fear, and L. Mehrtens. BIJOU TOILET ARTICLES AT GLANVILLES. Lovers of pretty toilet ware should inspect our display of dainty brushes, combs, and mirrors, both ivory and silver-hacked. In beautiful modern styles, and quite unique designs. Prices marked in window. I>. Ferguson Glanville.' High street (opp. the Rendezvous). 5 RE-MODELLED FURS. If you wish to have your Furs remodelled or otherwise altered, take them to T. Best and Co., Ltd., 140 Lichfield street, east of the Clock Tower. T. Best and Co. make a specialty of this class of work, and the infinite care that they devote to it will assure you the utmost satisfaction. > ■ .- • i) FRL-IS FROM PAIN. Women all over the world are beginning to realise the. invaluable aid of .benzyl Benzoate, which, by controlling the involuntary muscle, eliminates the "blood pressure, and so frees from pain. Benzyl Benzoate is absolutely harmless in its action; it is not a drug. Ask your chemist for it. 8 WEDDINGS. HAYWARD—BENNETT. A pretty wedding was solemnised in the Timaru Baptist Church on Wednesday afternoon, June 30th, the contracting parties being Miss Ethel Honor Hayward, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Hayward, Royal street, Timaru, and Mr Colet Stanley Bennett, of Arundel, eldest son.of Mr and Mrs T. Bennett, Ruapuna. The ceremony was performed by Pastor Ernest Nicholls, and the church was tastefully decorated for the occasion by friends of the bride. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, looked well in a charming dress of China silk —the sk'. t being draped, and having deep tucks, and a sleeveless b-dice, with a dainty underblouse of georgette! The veil was arranged in mob-cap style, with clusters of orange blossom, and she carried a beautiful shower bouquet of white fiowersj and maidenhair fern. Two bridesmaids wero in attendance; Miss Winnio Bennett, sister of the \ bridegroom, who wore a dainty dress •of cream silk, with a black crepe de chine hat relieved with saxe blue, and a touch of pink; and Miss Freda Hayward, sister of the bride, in a prettj frock of white voile, trimmed wit! lace, and a black hat, with saxe blut ribbon. Both bridesmaids carried bouquets. Mr Len. Bennett carried oui t the duties of best man, and- Mr George Hayward acted as groomsman. Aftei ! the ceremony, the guests were received i by Mr and Mrs Hayward, at their resiI dence, where a dainty wedding break- ' fas£ was served, the usual toasts being honoured. Later in the day Mr and .Mrs C. S. Bennett left by "motor foi the North, the bride wearing a smart navy costume, and fawn velour hat. WOMEN STUDENTS. TRAINING COLLEGE BOND. At yesterday's meeting of the Education Board the Normal School Committee reported that the Department had written at some length expressing its disagreement with the Board in the view taken regarding the Training College bond given in respect of women students. Briefly, the Department pointed out: (1) That though the liability may be regarded as a heavy one, yet that if the parent is not prtrpared to face the conditions of the bond, the

FUKS. Will the Ladies who have boon waiting for my New Stock to arrive kindly call at their earliest convenience? Just landed Large Stock. Great variety. W. A. COLWILL, 205 High etreet. C2727-I3 SLECTEOLYSTS Por the Removal of Superfluous flair, Mol*o, Birthmarks, cr any Facial Blemishes. Twenty yearn the largest practice in the Dominion, Ail work guaranteed perfect. If you hav« fay blemish, if your liair or complexion it cot satisfactory, sret a freo consultation.MB, H." \V. HAMMOND, SPECIALIST, H5142 273 Cashei street. City, Chris tchurch. ITS SHDTE IS ITS FORTUNE. "3ly face is my fortune, sir," sang- the girl in the song. Its shine is the lortuno. of Pc-ach xslooui Shcx> and Boot Pol.eii. t giv€3 a moro brilliant shine than that oi aay other polish, and the shine will last ail c&y. See tho window display at Messrs J. X. Du Feu and Co., Colombo s'.rtet, irom whom you may purchase a lin. Wholesale distributors, 'phone iSii, a

I student should not enter the Training College at all. (2) That pupil-teachers and probationers do not return to tho State" in teaching sen-ice, even in a small degree, the .equivalent of moneys expended on their training by tho Government. (3) That in the ease of Training College students who have been punil-teacners or probationers, the Government pays for four years the whole cost of "maintenance, and that they only begin to give any real return when they leave the Training College. The committee disagreed with the Department's views in regard to the value of the service rendered by pupilten ehcrs. and was still of opinion that in the case of ex-women students, marriage should be regarded as a sufficient reason for absolving the narents from the liability in regard to the bond. Thy committee reported that it had decided to "receive" ■ the Department's letter. Mr C. H. Opie moved the adoption of the report, and also that the committee's representations should be forvarded to the Department. Mr J. Maze said he did not think •ny individual should be allowed to break his or her bond: women students L-;:uld get married and go on teaching. Mr W. A. Banks: It's the parents that havo to keep the bond. Mr Maze: "Why should the Department lose two vears' service? Mr H. J. Bicnell: Well, they get it back in another way. (Laughter.) Mr C. S. Howard said that the cry was for population: the more lady teachers they could get and could get married the better! The report,' with the addition, was adopted. PLUNKET SOCIETY. At the monthly meeting of the committee of tho Plunket Society there were present: Mesdames F. H. Pyne (presiding), H. T. J. Thacker, A C Sandston, R. W. Anderson, H. A. Knight, H. Holland, J. Fuldsell, A. R. Bloxani, R. E. Alexander, H. R. Smith, J. Cracroft-Wilson, A. H. BrisMisses Maud and Rose Tabart. Sister Chapman, matron of tho Christchurch Karitano B_ihy Hospital, reported for the month: Six babies baa been admitted, 5 discharged, 10 in hospital, and one mother has also been in residence there. All cases were making satisfactory progress-. For the office. Nurse Hansard reported 529 babies had been brought to the Toom, 80 of them being new cases. Nurse Mackie had visited all the country branches, and had 21 new cases on her books. Tho matron ashed for old linen and blankets for the Christchurch Karitano Baby Hospital, at Cashmere. The Home Economics' Association wrote thanking the committee for their display at the thrift exhibition. Remits to the conference were discussed, and the t . following delegates chosen to represent the branch at if conference this month: Mrs F. H. Pyne, Mrs 11. T. J. Thacker, Mrs H. A. Knight, Mrs A. H. Bristed, and Miss Rose Tabart. TECHNICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS' DANCE IN ART GALLERY, The first annual dance of the Technical College Past and Senior Students' Association took place in the Art Gallery last night. There was a large number of dancers, chiefly young people, present, and tho affair was a complete success. The committee who arranged the dance comprised Mr C. Vowoll (president), Mr Fletcher, Mr T>on Smith, Miss Anderson, Miss Forster, Miss Howarth, and Miss Clark. Mrs Hansen and Mrs Gardner chaperoned the gathering. The gallery was very artistically decorated with green and gold, the colours of the Association. The walls were screened with muslin, and a large green banner at one end or the room had the words "The useful is the noble," the Technical School motto, embossed upon it in go.d. Big baskets of greenery hanging from the ceiling added to the artistic effect. Miss McDonald's orchestra supplied bright music for the dancing. Among those present were:—Misses Gibbs, Skelton (2), F. and H. Nicholls, B. Bosworth, T>. Harding, P. Gordon, L. Dendy, Boswell, Forster, Howarth, E. Batchelor, L. Caldwell, Yemm, Tillyshort (2), N. Patterson, V. Stevens, and Clark, and Messrs A'cxander, Jones, Calvert, Bowman, de Roo, H. Johnston, Buchanan, D. Smith, Fletcher, and many others. CHRISTCHURCH JAZZ CLUB. Another of the cheery evenings of the Christchurch Jazz Club took place in the Caledonian Hall last night. This hall is splendidly adapted for small dances, and it looked very charming with its decorations of white and gold muslin and baskets of greenery. Willyams's Jazz Band supplied bright music, the "banjo" fox trots being particularly enjoyable. Those present included Mr and Mrs Freeman, Mrs A. Nicholls, Mr and Mrs Tattle, Mr and Mrs Invin, Mr and Mrs Wauchop, Mrs R. Burdon, Misses Eileen Lascelles, Eileen McDavitt, Alice Scott, Marjorio Kirk, Clare Bridges, Lulu Hannay, Beatrice Wood, Cracroft Wilson, Doris Russell, Freda Jennings', and Hal, and Messrs L. Gee, J. Bruges, Angus R. Wreakes, Sullivan, Lascelles, Cookson,, Bruce, Hall, L. B. Scott, Angus, Hadfield, and Dr. Chapman. GARDENING TO REDUCE THE FIGURE. NEW YORK, April 26. Chicago women of excessive avoirdupois are availing themselves of advantages offered in a reducing course conducted by John Dill Robertson, a Health Commissioner. Dr. Robertson, a health and longevity specialist, recently called for 50 volunteers—half men and half women —to undertake a course of weight-reducing exercises. Twenty fat women and one fat man responded, but the fat man fled when -he made a mental calculation of the handicap he would be under in case the women turned against him. The women scaled an average weight of 15 stone 101b. Tho devotees of more sylph-like figures are compelled to wear overalls and follow prescribed diets and exercises for six weeks. The exercises consist-, besides long walks, of an hour's work in backyard gardens every morning. Spade-work, hoeing, and weedpulling are included in the curriculum. Twelve of the women are housewives, two are typists, one is a shorthand writer, two are clerks, one a mercantile buyer, one an office manager, and one a nurse. . They report daily by telephone for advice on exercise and diet, and the clas.3 assembles once a week for combined exercise and to be weighed.

Ladies who •want the best values in corsets will find B. and C. Corsets the most satisfactory purchase. They are British made, and, consequently, aro not affected by exchange rates, whHi make foreign goods so dear to-day. The utmost comfort, combined with the best stvle and wearing quality, make B. and C. Corsets favourites everywhere. Bv wearing B. and C. Corsets von help British industry and economise, too. Ask for B. and C. Corset?. All leading drapers stock them. 6 At Fowlers. —Linings, Is 6d, 7d; Buttons, Gd card; Cottons. 3d; Petersham. 9d. Black Net Evening Gowns, now 3 guineas, at Fowler's Sale, Cashel street. Black C. do C, Georaette, Silk fin all shades) Blouses, ". 295, Fowler's. Cashed street. Silk Gowns, 5 guineas ; Georpette, 7 guineas ; C. de C, 4 guineas, Fowler's, Cashel street. 5

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Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16883, 10 July 1920, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16883, 10 July 1920, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16883, 10 July 1920, Page 2