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METALS. (By Cab'.«.—Press Association.—Copyright.) {Australian and N.Z. Cable Association.) (Received May 13th, 9 p.m.) LONDON, May 9. Conper—Spot £7G 13s, forward £77. Lead— Spot £35 cs. coelter— Spot £31 15s, forward £33 3s. Tub— Spot £223. LAND SALE. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) TIMARU. May 13. At auction at Temiika to-day four parcels 1 the Trovonna Estate were Bold—3l acres t ucr acre, 36 at £53, ua with lomo hni'din"s at £62, and 50 at £60. There were J?'" purchasers. At tho previous subdivide' similar land, cine out of ten lots Vcre secured by one buyer. HIGH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. The Department of Agriculture, Industrjea, ,„j Commerco has received tne following cablegram, dated 30th May from the High Commissioner for Zealand:\£«t—The wholesale prices havo been tc<?nced in England to: Beef side*, Is OJd; md lanib Is lid; veal, JO.Jd; pork, 4d. America and Canada: BJd and la OJd; Africa and Brazil. Bjjd.and HJd; other coanHeg 9Jd and Is Ojd-fores and hind# resMctivelv. Imported mutton and lamb lltd; veal, BJd; pork Is All prices have t*en reduced by 2d per ponna from the sth May. Homp-Tho market is quiet and there w small doing. Current spot quotaJSm for New Zealand hemp are:-High wtat fair. fair, £« ss; for shipment Tune to August. Current spoi quotation J Se Manila, £43 10s. for shipment May to Jul". The output for Januarj, February, March, and April was £358,000. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Tuesday Evening. " The grain and produoe markota huve opened ?cry quiet this week The offers for oats for forward delivery indicate, if an>ttoz, a rather better tone, but there is 110 business paseing with growers. Thers is no change to noto in regard to oataheaf cna-ff. • The Auckland market is now well -UP" ■nliod with potatoes and orders from there h£o fallen off. On the other hand, there, is a food speculative demand from Wellington. The local market is a little easier, and. -o 5s to £5 10i at country stations, according to distance, is now being quoted. Crops flie reported to be turning out lighter than exacted from their appearance. The following are prices paid to farmer# at country* stations, fro© of commission, sacks extra, except where otherwise etatcd:— New Milling Wheat—According to Government prioe! South Island, May, Gs 6>d; Tune 6s 7d; July, 6» <Jd; August and after' Gs Bd, f.0.h.; North Island, 4d per bushel additional; fowl wheat, 5s 6d to 5s (nomihalHA Gaxtona 3e 8d to 3s 9d; B Oartons, 3s 6d to 3a 7d; Danish, 2s 3d to 2j 6d; Algerians, 2s to 3s 3d; Dun# S3 5d to 3s fid. Barley—Prime malting, 5s 6d to 6e; Cape barley, 4b 3d to 4s 6d. Flour—£l3 per ton; 1001b bags, £15 15s; COlb bags, £16; 251b bags, £16 ss. Bran—Shipping, £5 10s; local, £5 13a per ton. Pollard—£7 10s per ton. Oatmeal—2slb bag#, £28 per "ton; 71b bags, £33 per ton. Oatsboaf Chaff—£s to £5 ss. Italian Ryegrass (nominal) —4s Gd to 4« 3d. Perennial Ryegrass (nominal)—4s 6d to to. Cocksfoot (nominal)—6jd to 7Jd. . Red Clover—lid to la. White Clover—3d to lOd. ..Linseed —£17 per., ton. Peas—Partridge, ss; White Ivories, 5s to S> 6d; Prussian Blue#, to 6s. Onions—£6 5s for April dolivery. Potatoes—£s 5s to £5 109 May delivery. RANGIORA MAKKET. There was a yarding of SHI fat lambs, 317 ewes. 96 jrethers, and 615 store sheep. at Ihe Rangjora market yesterday. There were co freezing buyer* operating, nevertheless Ihe sale of fats was a good one, eome of the lines being bought by. graziers fortunate in having feed. The fsale. of storea was a dragging one, and very poor -business was done. Best fat lambs eold at 25s 4d to S6s 3d,' light weights 19s 6d to 23s 6d, prime fat ewes 25s 8d to 27# lid, medium 23a lOd to 34a, light weights 15s to 22b 4d, wether# 27s 3d to 31s 6d. The principal sales were Lambs—For R. Watkins, 24 at 260; M. Hanna, 22 at 23s 6d; J. Kennedy, 80 at 25s 3d, 38 at 21s 6d; R. Bailey, 29 at 21s; clients, 68 at 21s Bd, M at 24s lid, -l» at fi6s. Ewes—R. Bailey, 28 at 33s 4d; I'. MoIntoah, 12 at 27e lOd; W. Booker 10 at 23s lOd; R. Boyd, 19 at 27s lid, 20 at 2 "« 6d, 14 at 245, 47 at 2Ss Bd. and 47 at 25s 8d; H. Wataon, 22 at 04a Id. Storee—Two-tooth ewes -26s lOd, two and four-tooth 15s, -eound-mouth 14a 9d. aged '<• to 11a 6d. two-tooth wethers 00s lcl. Cattle—There was an entry, of 26 head. Fat cow® sold at £10 to £13, store oowa £5 10s 10-montha steers dC2 Ids to £1. 13-montha Jieifers 30s lo £4 10s, springero £S to £14 Jos. 1

Pigs—About 100 were penned. Bftconezs iraado £5 to£S 15a, stores 60s to OSs, small Boris 6a to 260, and sows in pig- £i Sa to £3. In lbs poultry department roostere sold ait «# Qd a coupte. hens te W • pullets 8s 3d, Bucks 6s, geceo 6s 6d. .I" l 1"? y* rAs ohickwheat as to 7s A OU&nei OfttA rTftfKT'XOcl <W fid f* =?» won, fust M lid lb PP 8» fid to 7s * case, onions

ASHBURTON" stock market. - viiSlf f ** ?. l,e «P at tlio Ashburton •2? r£ ?L krtal,<rf J «3, including 637 mg, 115 weiW and 681 liunba. Ther* «u? ' considerable improvement, both in i\? fal ? t yardad aad ia «w »m!SLi i J?- aa compared, ,vith •** »»«tm showed in «yanoc ot fully 2s <3d per head. TJ,„ ranC6 Tr^f: r ' tt pnnw etraS 10 $ 9R2^K.S 8 28 * 6d > medium 28a M to ' a-° * rtr * t ' ri ' ne "ethers M 2! l_ 9d U ™«dia«n S3« ' „ £s®* »" 27« lod, wimo 26s '® J7s 3a, medium 2is Sd to 25a. H lW» Tbs | principal sales ,-were:— ° 89 •T^r^ij at »? 4s ' 20 Xi 20 ** 7d, In. 54 at 2<a 7d, 32 dfc 383 3d 33 "w i 2 '69 at 18s M > 14 *t 28® Cd '1* at w *£ 36 at 21s, 161 at 288 3d. Wethers—2l at 23a 3d, 9at 27a 3d IS nt ®% sat 3Ss 3d, 15 at 31s 2d. ' Bt nr. a L 24s 6d ' 68 at 239 1( H. 3- at :s?' 5 . 4 *' 2 7« 2d. <0 at 26s 4d, 89 at 27s 3-J, at 27« lOd. , Stow sheep—The yarding totalled 1879, wjuah consisted principally of young ewes. iT2? very and of the yawing, H52 were passed at auction. The •ales ,wore;~-2o .full and failing-mouth ewes in lamb at 5a Gd, 173 at 4s 7d. 46 at 7s, 37 lambs at 16a Sd, 1« two-tooth cniMbred ewes at 24s Bd. i ??* a yarding of 742 head, Mostly stores. Fat cows brought £8 to £15 « mi t I<s *° springers £5 10a to £11, heifers £3 17s 6d to £4, cowe in profit £3 to £8 las, and steers £3 17s Oil to £4.

CLEARING- SALE. , Dalgcty and Co., Ltd., in conjunction with «*e National Mortgage and Agency Co.. Ltd., "®*ra clearing eale nt Valetta on Monday, on account of Mr George McFarlane. Tho following were tho principal sales: —Sheep : 1»7 fat lambs «t 25s 7d, 30 fat ewes at 22s »d, 84 fat lambs at 18s 4d, 76 fat ewes at -®*i 241 two-tot<h ewes at 275, 15 rape ewes at lis, 27 etore lambs at lis, 182 four, six, "aod eight-tooth ewes at 2os, 327 at 27s Id. Cattle—-One Holstein cow £14, cows in profit £13 10s and £5 10s, stOTe steer £4. small atores £1 15s. Horses—£Bo, £16 10s. £33 10a, £35 10s, £35, £9, and £5.

NEW ZEALAND WOOLLEN MILLS. (special to "thb kiiss.'\) WELLINGTON, May 13. All woollen shares are in excellent demand at present at full market rates, and the - tendency is -upwards. The woollen mills are ■ doing splendidly, ar.-l have thn Jocal mt<.r>«iba practically to themselves. It is believed that woollen goods are being mors cbeanly produced in New Zealand than in Bradford, but whether that state of things will continue remain* to bo. «een. The mills ehotiM endeavour to obtain recognition for their products with the buying public, and a campaign to that end should be inaugurated. This is more a matter for joint effort than individual dealing-. A campaign for pub-, licity is not beyond the financial resources of the woollen milk of New Zealand, who are earning big money just now. Hitherto there n*a been a stoat deal of prejudice against the local product, and now is the time to endeavour to overcome that. EGG MARKET. The weekly egg sal© of the Canterbury Egg Farmers' Association was bsld yesterday after- , noon at th* rooms of Meesr* Harm Bro*.. auctioneers, Hereford street. Thero waa a larga entry, and every lot was sold at the following prices: —First gra-le hen eggs (2oz and over) 3a, seconds 2a 9d to 2s- lOd, duck eggs 52a 9d. pullets 2a 7d, competition 2s Dd. 1 CHRISTCHURCH STOCK EXCHANGE. ■ YESTERDAY'S TRANSACTIONS. . \ Sales reported:—Wnihi Muring, £2 6a. LATEST QUOTATIONS. Buyers. Sellers. £ s. d. £ s. d. BANKS— ' . National of N.Z. .. — 610 0 Union of Australia ... SG 7 6 —

INSURANCE— Farmers' Co-op. Asan. (pref. £3 paid) 7 10 6 Fanners' Co-op. At sr. (pref. EOfl paid) .. 315 0 — New Zealand .. 12 12 6 LOAN AND AGENCY— Dalgety and Co. .. 10 G 0 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile (ord. stock) .. 107 0 0 — N.Z. and River Plate .. — 2 8 0 SHIPPING— Huddart-Parker .. 119 6 — FROZEN MEAT— Canterbury .. — 1- ® Gear (£1 -paid) .. — 7 0 0 N.Z.I Refrigcratine l ... 216 0 218 0 Nortn Canterbury Freezing .. .. 3 0 0 — COALTaupiri. cum dir. .. 019 G 10 0 \VOOLLENS Kaiapoi .. .. 711 6 — GAS Chrisichurch .. — 6 15 0 Wellington .. .. 11 10 0 11 17 6 .BREWERIES— Crown .. - 1 12 G Ward .. .. 413 0 — UrSCELLA NEOUS— Mason, Siruthers (£1 paid) .. — 1 3 G N.Z. I'uper Mills (cum div.) .. 17 0 10 0 MINING— Tal;=man .. .. 0 8 0 — Wailii .. 2 4 0 2 3 3 YESTERDAY'S BUSINESS ON OTHER EXCHANGES. (PRESS ASSOCIATION* AUCKLAND. Sales on 'Change:—New Zee'and "War Loan (1030), £8C 10s; New Zealand Po3t Ofiics (5 per cent.) £97. Sals reported: — U-aiapoi Woollen, £7 ISs Gd. Wellington. Reported sale:—Kaiapoi "Woollen, £7 133 Gd. ~ , DUNEDIN. . sale on 'Change:—Wc3tport CO2J, 31s 9d. WELLINGTON SHARE MARKET. (SPECIAL TO * 'THE PRESS.") WELLINGTON. Mar 13. In the investment share market there has a little enquiry {or Bank of New South shares, which charged hands a.t £39. «jil;or,al insurance shares are steady at £3 lis 6d. There has been aa improvement in -New Zealand insurance share?, probably bccnuse of the approach of the end of the half year, and eales have been znado at £V 2 16a. P. and O. deferred stock 13 slightly weaker, with aaica at £396. There is a very substantial improvement in the quotation for paper mills shares, buyers now offering 2Gs, while sellers aro demanding about 28s. About a fortnight ago these shares were ut 23a.

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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16522, 14 May 1919, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16522, 14 May 1919, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16522, 14 May 1919, Page 9