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1 FOOTBALL. CANTERBURY RUGBY UNION. The third round of matches in the Canterbury Rugby Union's competitions was ' played on Saturday iu fino weather. Thero was A largo crowd at the Show Grounds, where the principal attraction was tho meeting of Old Boys and Marist Bros. Marist Bros, created a surprise by winning comlorUbly in a rather disappointing game. On the adjoining ground Merivalo proved much .00 good for Christchurch, while at Sydcn- . iam Park Linwood easily defeated Albjonddington in a gam© which lasted but one Results:— « JIARIST BROS. (19) v. OLD BOYS (3). iiUrist Bros, attacked fom tho. kick off, I good work by Wright and Boag seni . , y into Jlaiistß' half, whero 'xench marked j '.Id'■took a shot at goal, which narrowly iafcd, A second attempt irom a tree ."sartre also failed. Looso forward rushes eaw again on the attack, and irom a oaaltjr Anderson larded a good goal, Jrnssf,iK bv the Old Boys' backs placed tho U am Ma good attaoiunff position, and for a breach in tho scrum Maristt were penalised, I'ench kicking a. goad. A st r °rig iQovemont in the loosa by Knoun, Intzgeruld, and AUConnick penetrated the opposing- defcnce, the last-named scoring. Anderson missed ihe •hot at goal. Almost immediately Smith got over, following ft loos® rush, Fitzgerald converting. Weak tackling by the Uld Bo>s backs let Anderson over near the posts, tlio scorer failing to imptoye upon his try. A fine rush, in .which Fitzgerald and McCormick played the leading: parts, enabled the latter to get across, ana running round behind the posts, he made the shot easy for Mullins. The »«con4 spell was not nearly so interesting as the first, play for tho. most part- being, confined to the forwards, the Sacks on either side showing poor combing tion. Tier® was no score-in', the second "spell, the giino ending in Matistß' favour by 19 pointo to 3. Mr SL C, Watson was xefoiee. MEBTVALE (26) v. (0). ' Christchurch kicked off and fro,a » punt by 'Williams were forced. From a mark Member thy failed at goal. Hesitation on tho •jart of the Christchurch backs enabled TToodfield to score. Williams easily con- . verted. Merivale returned to the attack, and Donaldson scored a rather doubtful- try. Pemberthy failed to convert. a thtistchurch passing rush Cooko hsd on -excellent chance, Dnt he preferred to pass, and a moaent later Matson forced Merivale from a fiuitlesa pot at goal. Merivale cdnio. back, »nd Grant, roceiving a pass off-side, was awarded a try. Pemberthy failed at goal. Merivale kept up tho aUack and . Dxuke •cored. Pemberthy failed with the kick. The end of tho epell saw Christchurch •trongly attacking, and upon resuming they again attacked, and from a free kick Malison forced Morivale. Passing rushes by Ghrist- , church gained ground, but an intercepted v jaas let Merivalo away, and Drako scored by '. the posts. The kick at goal failed. Mentals added nine more points to their score, (Henry, Marks, and Pembirthy crossing the line, the game ending: Merivale 2G. Christthurch. nil. Mr L. Selwood was referee. . LINWOOD (17) v. ALBION (0). - Ljnwood defeated a scratch Albion team at • 'Sydenham Park by 17 poinls to nil. Linf wood . attacked from the kick-off and a 10turn by Sheridan being smothered, tho ball - w»s kicked across to Hirst, who scored a • Beat try near tho corner, Watson failing to convert. The nest score came from a sweeping rush by the Linwood forwards, the ball coning out to Watson, who touched down, Donaldson failing to convert. Linwood continned to attack. Donaldson securcd irom a scrum and dodged over behind the posts. Ho "converted with an easy kick. HcCormick scored next from a . cross kick by Watson, :''ind ehortly afterwards D. Cos scored aftor » good run. Neither try. was converted, the "koto at half-time being: Linwood 17, Albion < 0. During the interval, an several of tho Albion players declined to play further, it was decided, with tho Linwood captain's • consent, to discontinue the match. Mr W. Eannan was referee. t SECOND GRADE. \On tho Polo Ground, Lincoln College defeated Merivale by 17 points to nil. Wild (2)i Cpatee, and Scott wero the scorers, while - Coates kicked .a penalty goal, and converted one try. Mr A. Martin was referee. Playing on Old Boys' ground. Old Boys defeated by 48 points to 0. The •corns wero Zimmerman (6), Triggs, Corbett, and Thompson (2 each), and Burns and Askew (one" each). Triggs converted three bits. <<Mr H. C.-Wihon was referee. THIRD GRADE. «■ At Linwood Park Linwood defeated Sydentamby 21 points to nil. Braugh (3), Round, . ■ Gillies, Fraaer, ■ and Vallance were " the . scorers. Mr J. Mercer was referee. • Playint- on the Polo Ground. Albion-Ad-rnngton defeated Belfast by 21 points to nil. , for: the winners Galey (2), McClure (2), Bel"Herron, and Johnson scored. Mr E. •CjWatkins was referee. >0n the Polo Ground, Christchurch romped 'J'Or Old Boys to tho tune of 57 points to 3. "J Christchurch, McCTeadie (4), Jones (3), JUitland (8), Marshall, Perkins, Lyons, Law•On, Hanha m (one each) scored. Maitland ' :'|?® T *rled' three tries, Marshall two. and i gfooner one. Smith kicked a penalty goal j . Jpr-Old Boys. Mr A. R. Blank was referee, j \ FOURTH GRADE. 1 B sWing ?? the Boys' High. School Ground . «!>V "High School, defeated; Marists -by 14 , ■ Points,-to 3. For School Petre (2), and Cros- I »» were the scorers, while Walker kicked a ' v 'penalty', goal and converted on* try.' Smith ; v JWrtd a try for Marists. Mr H.. Macintosh ■** referee. . Merivale Ground. Rangiora defeated > "cnnieal Coll eg t, by 9 points to 5. For the: i ■ Flemh* scored a try, which Leach : 1 S®7*v®d. and Brown potted a goal. For • Mcbnicai College Skelton scored a try, -which converted by Richards. Mr El Luttrell ■ referee. I i /FIFTH GRADE. ' ' on their own ground, de- . JWea Sydenliam\by 64 points to nil. The - ~jwetr were:—Gorman (8), O'Brien (2), ®otterland, O'Shaughnessy, Egan, Handi- ; ' rrn? each )- Sutherland -and Goodman : "averted two each, and O'Brien and Smith esch. Mr H. T. Fuller was referee. j , NOTES ON THE PLAY. : ■ ar B® 6 ' crowd of spectators of ■ ' J fUfgathered at the Show Grounds on • expectation of seeing a »me between Old Boys and Mariat ""». By reason of the fact that they had ««Me«l Linwood the urevious week. Old ..rj l *«e favourites. The backs, however, < r/S * ? Poor display, and it was by taking i their mistakes that Marists ]

■were ablo to scorc so frequently in tho first half. Thoro was nothing to enthuso over in connexion with the Christchurch-Merivale game, Christchurch being beaten both back and forward. The forwards, with one or two exceptions, would not got into the scrum, and the backs would not go down to tho strong forward rushes. Merivale practically _ did what they liked, and slackened up considerably in the concluding stages of the game. Tho rcfereoing ' in this match was weak.^ Alb ion-Add ingt or had for tho third Saturday to take the field with a scratch team, v.-hich cried enough at half-time, when Linwood had put up 17 points. AU the scoring in the Old Boys-Marist Bros, match was done in the first spell. Old Boys certainly had bad luck in not having moro points to their credit, at halftime, as everything seemed to go right against them. For instance, a good piece of Work by Boag, who charged the Marist full- ■ back's kick on one would nine times out of ten havo resulted in a try, but on. this occasion the leather went over the deadball lino. , Linwood had the services on Saturday of H. Watson, who made his first appearance of tho season. His presence at five-eighth made a marked improvement in the play of tho back division. The Cummings brothers wero absentees. . Flood (Marist Bros.) injured his knee shortly before half-time, and had to to carried off the field. Ho resumed after tho m-te-rval, however. In the. second .half (Oid Boys) also had to bo assisted off the ground, having received a Tather severe knock. He, too, was ablo to go on again after a tow minutes' respite. ( CANTERBURY RUGBY LEAGUE. The competitions of the Canterbury Rugby League wore continued on Saturday, under favourable conditions, and resulted as UndCl: " SENIORS. SYDENHAM (11) v. HORNBY (0). Sydenham (Reds) had tho advantage at tho start, but neither side was ablo to 6coro till just on half time, when a clever dash by W King enabled him to score at the corner flag. Smytho failed to improve, last passin by iho Sydenham backs and a dodgy run by Young after the interval had Hornby on the defensive, and ;v misundeis.anduig between Smith and Cox gave ificnch a good try for Sydenham, which Smylhe failed to convert. The lleds turned delenco into attack and Rowe scored, Smythe converting. • liornby lost a scoring chance by overrunning the nil A. fine spectacular game ended i without furthei --ore. Mr A. E. Hooper was I referee. , , LINWOOD (S) v. FEUiiKAii <6). Linwood won the toss and played with ; tho sun in their favour. Even play marked ' the early stages of the gamo until a mis- " tako by tho Federal full-back let C. Gallop 1 over near tho posts. Underwood failed to convert. Linwood kept up the pressure and 1 from a scrum Leitch cut in and scorcd, Underwood converting: There was no fur--1 ther score before half-lime. Federal attacked on resuming, but Linwood neutralised. In the concluding stagos .federal attacked stroiig.y, and from a good passing rush got over and euccecded iu converting. lhou»«i Federal tried hard they ,wer© unablo to get across again. SECOND GRADE. Wootston defeated Hornby at Hornby by 8 points to 3. Mr Tilleyshort was referee. Sydenham forfeited to Addington. THIRD GRADE. Linwood A. beat Linwood B. by 27 points to 2. Mr Ormandy was referee. Avon defeated Sydenham by 14 points to 3. Mr Madden was referee. Wools ton beat Hornby by 22 points to 5. Mr Campbell was referee. FOURTH GRADE. Woolston B. defeated Federal by 22 points to nil. Mr Dann was referee. Woolston A. beat Linwood by 37 points to nil. * „ , Addington defaulted to Sydenham. NOTES. The Sydenham-Hornby match was spectacular. One of the chief features was tho expositions given by the full-backs, E. GassoD (Sydenham) and Cos (Hornby). Though kept busy they played very fino football right through. The Sydonham success was princiI paily °due to making every movement an attacking one. Tho passing rushes were very fast and the fielding sure. French and Coombcr showed a lot oi dash, and with Smythe, W. King, and Young, going strongly in the contrc, tiie Rod and Biues delighted their supporters. Of the forwards, T. Jvu.g, McLey, Kiddey, and Merriman followed up and collared effectively. " Tho Hornby thiee-quorters lacked the pace and dash of the opposition, ar.d generally the back movemonts of tho country team m attack were disappointing. Sanders, Smith, Pitt, and Sales were prominent for sure collaring. Morgan, Griffin, and B. Smith worked very hard among tho forwards. Neither Linwood nor Federal wore at their full strength on Saturday, Federal being badly handicapped in this respect. Piripi, playing for Federal, twisted his knee during the first spell, and had to retire. This mishap was unfortunate for his side, as he wa3 playing really well at the time. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. A meeting of the Management Committee was held on Saturday evening, Mr Hooper presiding over a full attendance of delegates. A communication was xeoeived from the Auckland Centre, applying for the transfer of A. Brierley to the Northern League. The secretary reported that he had forwarded a i permit, and hiß action was endorsed. Tho secretary of the Referees* Association wrote, asking that referees be appointed for matches from those member® who attended tho referees' meetings. The letter was received. . . It was decided to ask the referee appointed to control the Addington-Sjdcnham second grade fixture on Saturday lor the reason of the match being forfeited by the Sydenham team. . ■ , The following are the fixtures, grounds, and referees for next Saturday— , First Grade—Sydenham v. Linwood, at , Linwood Park, Mr H. Garrard; Federal v. , Hornby, at St. Albans Park, Mr A. Moms. , Second Grade—Sydenham v. Hornby, at Sydenham Park, Mr J. Stevens; Avon. v. Woolston, at Woolston Park, Mr W. CampThird Gade —Linwood A. v. Avon, at St. Albans Park, Mr O. Tilleyshort; Sydenham v. Hornby, at Riocarton Donjftin. Mr C, McLachlan; Woolston A. v. Addington. South I Park Mr O- Eaton; Linwood B. v. Woolston , 8., Linwood Park, Mr H. Ormandi. Fourth Grade —Federal v. Sydenham, at St Albans Park, Mr T. Madden; Woolston A." v. Addington, South Park, Mr H. Read; Linwood v. Woolston 8., at "Woolston, Mr T. McLelland. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION, The first round of the Canterbury Football |j Association's competitions wae continued on x Saturday. The grounds were in good playing 8 order, and there was a gocd attendance nt 2 English Park. Following are the results:— j

SENIORS. OLD BOYS (7) v. NOMADS (0). Nomads won the toss, and Bowker set tho ball in motion for Old Boys. Play opened i in Nomads' territory, but Watson relieved, i and sent his forwards away. Pilling tried a i shot, which missed by inches, and Old Boys attacked. Fine play by Watson got Nomads away, and Taylor eteayed a shot, which went wide. Old Boys now began to get into their stride, and gradually pressed Nomads back. A neat from Harris 6aw Woods in possession, and from his centre a goal was' shot. 'From tho kick Nomads became aggressive, but Cornish sent them back, and after a scramble in front of Nomads' goal, Biesctt put Doivker in possession, and he mado no mistake. Jußt before half-time Norman scored the third goal. In the sccond | speil Old Boys continued to hold the upper hand, and from a woll-judged pass Norman aguin got through. Nomads rallied, but Old Boys' defence wag sound, and play was confined to Nomads' territory. Norman shot hard, Parlett clearing with difficulty. Smith secured from the rebound, and further In- ' creased tho score. Old Boys continued to press, and Biscctt beat Parlett with a lon^ 1 shot. Just before timo tho earn© player registered the seventh goal. Referee, Mr Davey. j ST. ALBANS (4) v. RANGERS (2). t St. Albans quickly got into their stride, and play opened very fast. A scramble in front of Rangers' goal resulted in A. Watson getting through with a soft shot. Rangers now took a hand, but could not beat tho Saints' defence. Jewell got clean away on the right wing, and transferred to Watson, who again beat Barker. Shortly afterwards Harker mado a weak clearance and Kirk headed a neat goal. A fast combined effort botweon Jewell and Watson terminated in tho latter completing tho hat trick. After the interval Rangers set up a determined attack. Gray found the ball at his too in front of tho goal, and gavo Audibert no chance. From tho rekick play bccame very cxciting. Harker cleared several shots in quick succession, and Kangera returned to tho attack. A shot from Lamont was well saved by Audibert, but shortly afterwards he was baaten with ono from Lee. At the call • of time Rangers wero attacking. Mr P. Gill was referee. JUNIORS. Western beat St. Albans by 2 goals to 1. THIRD GRADE. Excelsior beat Celtic by 2 goa'.G to nil. Western defeated Telegraph by 4 goals to nil. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The .-atstanding feature of Saturday's games w<«, tho remarkable improvement shown"by Old Buya. Their previous week's defeat no doubt had '.t3 effect, and it was a much stronger team that beat Nomads en Saturday. Norman and Bissett played delightful football, and gave the Nomad dc-' fenco an anxious time. Bowker who played in his old position at centre forward, whs at the top of his form and ecorcd three cf the goals. Smith and woods have developed a good understanding, and -will be seen to moro t.dvantage as tho season advances. The half-backs' wero rather slow to find their feet, but at half-time were quite masters of tho situation. Cornish at full-back, although a bit on tho slow side, played sound football and kicked -with accuracy. Nomdas are still experimenting with their team. Parlett was tried iu goal, and al- 1 though beaten 6even times, his display was' distinctly good. When he gains inoro confidencof'ho should bs a decided acquisition to tho team's defence. For the majority' of tho gamo Watson did the bulk of the work. He mado valiant cflorts to stem the tide of defeat, but was quite unsupported by his partner. 'Nomads' weakness lay in the half line. Wardcll was an absentee, and MucFarlane occupied the ccntre half position. Ho had a tough job trying to hold Bissett and Dowker. but played a fair gamo until ho had to retire through an injury. Grant mado his reappearance in tho forward lino, and, with Taylor, showed some nice combination. Tho wing men, however, were weak, and were of very littlo eupport to the insido trio. St. Albans added another 6calp to their belt by defeating Rangers by two clear goals. Tho way they kept the ball swinging from wing to wing was excellent, and completely nonplussed tho Rangers' defcnce. With a substantial lead of four goals at half-time, it looked as if they would increase their advantage in tho sccond spell. Rangers, however, altered the formation of their team, with a result that tho Saints' tactics wore at a discount, and quits ineffectivo during the remainder of the game. St. Albans have a very set of forwards, and they seldom got into the firing lino without being dangerous. Flood and Thompson were tho pick 'of a good h"lf lino, whilst Hilgrove and Mahan, behind them, were very safe. In goal Audibert saved some good shots, but appeared a trifle nervous when bustled. Rangers took St. Albans too cheaply in tho first spell, with a result that they had a big handicap to face at half-time. Harker was decidedly "off" between the 6ticks,, and should have saved at least two of the shots that bent-him. Coombcr is more effective at centre half than in the forward line, and j should stay in the former position. Lillburn and Lamont showed clever footwork, and wero tho most effective of tho forwards. The latter, however, still relies too much on individual play. HOCKEY. CANTERBURY ASSOCIATION. The Canterbury Hockey Association's competitions wero resumed on Saturday, the weather being ideal. Tho results are as under: — FIRST GRADE. SYDENHAM (5) v. OXFORD TERRACE (1). Sydenham attacked early and a good forward rush ended in Patrick scoring five minutes aftor tho opening bully. Even play followed for a spell, when Throp, gaining possession, put in a fine run and passed to ! - Patrick, the latter scoring with a nice shot, j ■ The blue forwards continues to attack, and ! 1 Throp put in an easy shot. Oxford Terrace ; woke up, but tho Sydenham defence was ' sound. Sydenham forwards took the ball, and Holland taking a pass from Patrick, scorcd. Even play followed the interval, Oxford Ter- 1 race doing their sharo of attacking and a i scramblo in the circle resulted in Drayton 1 scoring. Sydenham took charge of the bully ] and rushing down the field Throp scored with a good shot. The whistle sounded without any further score. Mr W. Simpson t was referee, ] TECHNICAL (2) v. CRANFORD (1). ] Play commenced by Technical carrying the ] ball into Cranford's circle, where Soper saved. The attack was repeated by the Tech- i nical forwards, and Beaton sent in a 1 smart shot, which Tcmpleton saved. McCrackea had tho misfortune to i get a knock on the nose, and retired. Tech-

(nical took the ball into tho circlo, and Ilciyton scored with a good shot. Cranford atj tocked strongly in the second spell, and Atyeo scored. Tho Cranford backs played a i good defensive game and stopped several i lively rushes by the opposing forwards. After ! a good deal of up and down play Technical • took charge and Ford netted a good Play ceased shortly afterwards with no further score. -Messrs 'I'. Baliinger and H. Mogridgo wero the referees. SELWYN (3) v. CHRISTQHUKCH (0). From tho opening l bully the game was full of interest. First blood was drawn by Kennard, who opened Selwyn s account with a nice shot. Tho reverse roused Christchurch, v.-l»o in ado strenuous but, unavailing efforis to equaliso matters. Christchurch attacked, but weak shooting lo3t an almost' certain score, and half time was eounded. On. resuming, Selwyn attacked and a good run by W. 801 l ended in him finding the net. A solid attack by Christchurch gave Beaton an easy chanco, but the shot went wide. Selwyn , took charge and N. Smith scored. The game enclod shortly afterwards with Selwyn attacking. Messrs AVincliccmbo and Bellamy wcro the referees. SECOND GRADE. i Sydenham defeated Cranford by 4 goals to • I nil. Guy, Pragnell, Slierrifs, and Davey I scored. Mr W. E. Rogers was referee. J Technical . drew with Biblo Class, each ( scoring two goals. V THIRD GRADE. Cranford B defeated Selwyn B by two goals (shot by Butcher and Chastou) -to nil. Ifr S. McDougall was referee. Christchurch defeated Bib!© Class by 15 goals, scored by F-arrell (10), Cbadwick (3), Smith, and Hill, to nil. Mr A. J. Towns was referee. Oxford Terrace defeated Technical B by 8 goals, scored by Berry (3), Holland, Hartigan (3), and Armitage, to two. Mr R. Langford was referee. Sydenham defeated Cranford A by default. Tho match between Technical A and Selwyn A was not played, as no referee turned up. FOURTH GRADE. Oxford Terrace defeated Christchurch by ' default. Selwyn defeated Sydenham by default. LADIES' HATCHES. SENIORS. Sydenham defeated Technical by ono goal (shot by Miss I. Johnston) to nil. Mr C. His was referee. Digby s defeated Rangiora by fivo goals, scored by Miss M, Pearce (I), imd Miss V. Worsdell, to nil. Mr P. Ryd<> was referee. Ngaio duieated Oxford Terrace by two goals (shot by Miss Dalzell) to nil. Mr W. C. Bishop was referee. Waimaiii defeated Wharenui by three goals (.scored by Misses E. Ritchie, G. Barr, and M. Martin) to two (shot by Misses H. Thompson and V. Rossiter). Mr H. Hatch was referee. JUNIORS. Sydenham defeated Technical by six goals, shot by Misses R. McGrath (3), and R. Donn (3) to nil. Mr A. J. Beattio was referee. Ngaio defeated Digby's by three (shot by Jtiss N. Corpland) to two (shot by Miss E. Bsattie). Mr 11. "Webb was referee. , NOTES AND COMMENTS. (By CLEFT |\SH.) Cranford and Addingto'n-Technical wero very evenly matched, and it wa3 only a piece of .Luck at the end of the game that- gave Technical tho winning goal. Waters was left in tho team, and played such a good game 1 that tho selectors will not bo abl© to leave him out in future. Woods stopped several hot ones. Moreton played fairly well at right three-quarter, but was not so safe as' his mate. In the back-iine McCracken was unfortunately put out of action, which left it , weak. Ford and Morris were the pick of the forwards. The former plays a good game for a youngster. Heaton has plenty of pace, but i paco is not all that is required. Cranford's , back division was strong. Sopor's play saved the situation many a time, while D. Templeton, in goal, stopped some good shots. Eric Harland played the best game in the half- i line, and Ward and Quartermain wero the , nick of tho forwards. Faulkner bustled all right, and kept up with the game, but ho spoiled his play by careless shooting. Atyeo gave ono or two glimpses of smart play. 1 The game between Christchurch and Sel- ' wyn was tho most interesting, and although tho latter team won by a margin of three to j nil, there was not a great deal to choose be- , tween the teams. Christchurch had th© bet- ' ter of the game in the open, their weakness appeared in the circle. The Selwyn backs J are a. good lot, and broka up th 2 Christ- I church attacks. Smith played a fine cool ( game throughout. B. Morris appeared again in the half-line in Crawford's place. Kennard and Bell brothers wero the best of a. good forward line, but X. Smith put in sonr© good runs on the left wing. Beaton, Townsend, and Williamson wero the pick of ' the Christchurch van, tho iirst-named ap- ' pcaring on the field with the marks of Cranford's match still visible. Blackwell and Glasson were good in the .halves, and with Sinclair in tho backs, broko tho Selwyn at- ' tack Up tho right wing. Cameron, the other 1 three-quarter, was good, but had not so much work as Sinclair. Christchurch played Palmer as five-eighth instead of playing a 1 goalkeeper. ' I Sydenham had tho batter of their game against Oxford Terrace, and tho match de- . monatrated the value of experience. Oxford i Terrace were hopeless I v outclassed in j the scicnco of the game. "W. Patrick was ] out for his old 'club, and played fine hockey . on the right wing in tho first spoil. He tired towards the end of the game. Tho Sydenham forward line was tho best they have t had this season, and with Jacobs in Hanna's j place will be hard to beat. Thron resumed his old position, and Holland was on the left wing. The half-lino was too tricky for the f opposing forwards, Pascoo and Dufield both playing well, while Berry nut up a good defence in the backs. Luxton, in goal, got very little work. n In the Oxford Terrace team Drayton and j, Werren were the pick of the forwards, who » are weak in attack. Horner, on the left wing, was Deaten time and again by Pascoe, ■simply because he hesitated to get into it. | u The Terrace half-line is weak. Dawson is the v b'-st and oldest hand, but tries to help the J whole line. P. Warren and Turner are good ], in th© three-quarters, but have practically work of the halves and three-quarters •= to attend to. The team is young, and de- s serve credit for entering as seniors. It is the best way to learn tho fine noints of tho , , game. " w

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16216, 20 May 1918, Page 5

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SATURDAY'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16216, 20 May 1918, Page 5

SATURDAY'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16216, 20 May 1918, Page 5