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LONDON, March 6. Major Eric N. Webb, Australian Engineers, who is a liative of Papanui, lias been enjoying a short period of leave in England. Major Webb was to the Mawson Antarctic

Expedition, and in 1913 was engaged on the Lake Coleridge power scheme under the New Zealand Government. Ho enlisted in the Australian forces in the same year, and camo to the front with the (tli Field Company, with whom lie has served continuously in iuiu la i' r.incy. .A nor nic tattle Oi x'ozierea lie nau cowmaiHi oi uie I unit. -Uajor Wuuu wu& ;»w ;uucu \ne I -.uniaiy aoout a year a-o, ana auout uie same time suuoica cu»eieiy j HOlll Sllfcll-SliOcK.

.uujur jjuau-y H. Alexander, C.M.G., who nucs oeeii an esquu-e oi mo- Uruer ot ot-. Joiui ot' Jorubuiuia, tuu> been pioluoteu to bo a ivmgut oi Uiacc. no Wiiti lornieriy i>nv;uo .sovieiaiy io Lord Jttanruiiy ao uoveinor or i\u\> iOcaiand.

liieuwnanc A. n. a.. Jiaupson, oi• uie inaian Cavalry, son or Air \valior uormux.y headmaster or \v augaaui Coiiego;, is enjoying a tow clays'

| leave I jo ill tue ftont, uiul is unuer orI (tiers tor tue .Lieutenant ii.u.p.'yoii I was mentioned m Dcspuicuos last- your. J jir C. »■>. \Viigat, jb.A., wno was physicist- to Captain ocott's last i J oiar peditiou, oil ins r«tum to England i.iuao a study or tzio scicnuiic stuo of wnoless anci on tno outbreak of war was employed in a technical capacity, lio is now a captain in the itoyai .Engineers, anil has control of tho wnoie ivireicss iServico at U.H.y. in France. -Mr Cecil Jl. Mcares. -who had charge of the dogs, no>v holds a commission as conimauacr in Hie it.X. V .K., and is oil the Headquarters of the Air cervice; iUr John Jl. :u<ither is Lieuten-ant-Commander m tiie Royal .\avy Division at Headquarters Depot; Air Francis R. H. JJrake. wiio ;u> secretary and meteorologist, has rejoined the ISavy, and is an assistant iiuymnster; Dr. E. L. Atkinson is also back in the Navy as a. start-surgeon, and Mr G. (J. Simpson, JL».».C., wno was n.eteorologist with the shore party, is employed in the same capucity in the Army with the rank of captam. A number of Now Zealanders, now commissioned to the R.F.C., who have completed their course at Reading, in-clude:—Und-Lieutenants T. D. in. Alderton (Auckland), W. G.. Mitchell (Wangauui), (J. P. Todd (Luinedin), E. :\'. Strain (Fort Chalmers), l'\ de M. Hydo (Hamilton), G. O. Hyde | and It. H. Gray (.Wellington). Major Frank Royal Marines, a son of Mr James Holmes ('iimaru) nas relinquished his commission and retires w'lth the lion, rank of Major in order to take up work of national importance! in a neutral State. Ho leaves England at an early date in connexion with tho appointment. Major Holmes lias seen a deal of active service, all of which was with tho lt.N. Division. He landed in France in September, 1914, and took part in tho Antwerp operations. Ho was on Gallipoli during tho whole of that campaigu, and since the Division returned to France in May, 1916, lie has been with it, making a total of ■ three years and two months on active service. Mr It. G. Applegarth (Land and Survey Department, Auckland) is now in Paris in charge of the medical and surgical Supplies Department of tho American Red Cross. Ho was obliged, last year, to give up his X-ray work at on© of tho French hospitals, his fingers having been affected. Fortimately, it is now hoped the trouble will not be permanent. Corporal A. V. Anderson, It.F.C. (Lyttelton) is with tho Italian E.F. Mr Edward W. Nelson, who was on the scientific staff of Captain Scott's last expedition, got a commission in the R.N.V.R. early in tho war and served with the Royal Naval Division in Gallipoli, Salonica, and France. He is now Lieutenant-Commairder, and is at sea in one of his Majesty's ships. In a speech at Liverpool the other day, Jvord Jellicoe, referring to the awards of tho V.C., said ho looked upon the Into Lieutenant-Commander E. W. Sanders (Auckland) as one of the great heroes of the war from the naval point of view. "Ho came to see me after ho had earned his V.C., and I had the pleasure of shaking; hands with him. Tho story of his deed has yot to be •written, but the man who realised what his deed was was his opponent, and I am not giving away any secrets when I say that his opponent was a German. (Applauso.) It was with the greatest possible grief, that I heard later of Lieutenant-Commander Sanders having been killed in the exercise of his duty. He was a New Zealand officer, and I have had painted certain incidents of his exploit which I propose to send to Now Zealand after the war as a tribute to a very heroic deed." (Applause.) Lieutenant-Colonel D. C. Spencer Smith, R.F.A., who was Staff Officer and A.M.S. to General Godley in New Zealand, is now commandant of the No. 2 R.F.A. Officer Cadet School at I'opsham barracks, Exeter.. Colonel Spencer-Smith still takes a keen interest in New Zealanders and has arranged that most of the cadete for artillery commissions go to his school instead of to London. Thero are now thirty-six cadets there, nominated from the N.Z.E.F., of whom four nro preparing for Imperial commissions. The N'ew Zealand cadets have already established a name, as usual, bath for their work and sport. Five of them — W. L. do Lautour, T. G. Jackson, A. J. Priestley, A. Browne, and R. C. lamieson —are playing for the first £V., and four (A. F. Hercus, F. D. Bos well, R. H. Duncan, and A. N. Saggitt) for tho second XV., while ;wo others (T. K. Woodrow and C. T. Dawson) are likely to have places in ;ho senior team. Tho cadets at Exeter who are preparng for Imperial commissions arc:—P. A. Wilson, \V. B. Barker, G. li. GibKins, and H. 21. Thomas. The other , □embers of the present class are: —H. I. Osmers, R. h. Smith, J. M. Strin- , ;er, E. R. Class, H. E. Winter, D. , Y. Hartles, E. I. Prime, W. C. Mc- j Jlintock, E. L. Thompson^. C. M. j Sarker, J. J. Crotty, R. Fletcher, A. < L' Currey, N. S. Hickson, T. H. Mc- < Llister, It. H. Page, A. F. Watson, K. ; /averton, C. E. Mains, H. H. Rush, j J. Smith. i • March 19- J Major J. Mcintosh Bell, of the ( Canadian Black Watch, formerly Direc- r or of the Biological Survey in New ] lealand, has returned to England from j tussia, where he had been engaged r ;nder the Foreign Office. He is ft 1 resent in hospital. ( Mr G. C. Hall, chief electrician in c [.M.S. Reliance, was formerly Gun- I er 1-653, N.Z.F.A. Major H. C. Barclay, R.A.M.C. ? Waimate), who has been on service li -ith the Russian and British armies i t inco the beginning of the war, has] ]■ ow been transferred from the J ;,A.M.C., and has taken over the ex- t ensive practice at Maidstone, Kent, j I [ Dr. S. It. Johnson, in order to a!- - A iw him to go on sen-ice. This is in 2 ursuance of national service require- / 1 icnts. A Sub-Lieutenant T. J. Wood (Palmers- i C m North), formerly of the U.S.S. Co., j a at present in London having a new j t mb fitted to compensate for tho loss j E his left arm on active service in tho h 'orth Sea. Lieutenant Wood, who I as in the General Steam Navigation ti ompany before joining the Navy, was .1 ngaged in submarine defence duty for I >me time on the Scottish coast, and p as afterwards in H.M.S. Cyclops. He > ist his arm while serving in a patrol ]N lip off the northern islands. > T. Captain C; W. Free, M.C. (formerly T C.1.R.), now of the Indian Army, is. g

Last September there were some other members of the N.Z.E.F. candifor the ludiau Army, and these have now all got into lighting vegiments. Lieutenant It. C. Abernethy, M.C. (well-known tennis player in Canterbury), is with the 120 th Infantry. Lieutenant A. W. Duncan (late 2-C.1.R.,, and a former student or Lincoln College), is with the 2-6 Gurkhas; while Lieutenant A. J. Wigley, M.C. (Tunnelling Company), R. McC. Newman (3rd Otago Infantry, eldest son of the lute Mr W. A. Newman, Dunediu), A. D. Weir (2-C.1.R.), and Pearce have all got into various Gurkha regiments. Captain 33. B. li.A.M.C. (formerly of Otago University), is up in the N.W. Provinces of India.

Mr James R. Murray (late of Christchurch) is very nearly, through his course at the Royal Military College, Camberley, and hopes to get his commission shortly. He is training for the Regular Army. Mr Murray is an old boy of Wanganui Collegiate School. From a brigade-major, Captain H. Ji. D. WilJcox, D.5.0., M.C., Notts, and Derby Regiment, lias been made a I General Staff officer, 2nd grade.

Acting-Lieutenant G. C. Harper, R.N., now serving in H.M.S. Indomi- | table, has, been promoted lieutenant. The death/is announced, while on service at sea, of Lieut. Sir John Henry Algernon Anson, Bt., R.N., at the age of twenty-one. Sir John Anson was the elder son of the Jate Rear-Admiral A. H. Anson, and the Hon. Mrs Anson, who was a daughter of the sixth Lord Vernon. It will be remembered that he succeeded his cousin, Sir Denis Anson (sofl of the lato Mr F. A. Anson, of Akaroa), who was drowned in the Thames while returning from a midnight excursion up-river at the beginning of July, 1914. Sir Denis had only just succeeded his uncle, Sir William Anson, M.P. for Oxford University, as fourth baronet. Sir John, who waa a cousin of Sir Denis Anson, entered the Royal Naval College at Osborne in September, 1909, becoming midshipman in May, 1914. Subsequently sub-lieutenant, and lieutenant quite lately. The title now goes to his brother, Edward Reynell Anson, who was born'in 1902. j Lieutenant C. W. Saunders, D.C.M., N.Z. Engineers (Dunedin). has been discharged from the N.Z.E.F. to take up work of national importance with tne Ministry of Munitions. , April 2. Lieut.-Colonel 'H. J. McLean, M.D., F.R.C.S., who has been commanding the N.Z. Entrenching Group, Fiellt Ambulance, is to command No. 3 N.Z. General Hospital, vice Lieut.-Colonel P. C. Fenwick, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.C.S., who goes to the command of No. 1 N.Z. G.H.

While as eye, oar, and throat specialist at No. 2 N.Z. General Hospitaf. Captain G. Fenwick, F.R.C.S. (Dunedin), is granted the rank of major.

The following postings of New Zealand medical officers have been approved: Major A. S. Brewis goes from No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital to the N.Z. R.B. Keserve Depot, and Major A. Hosting from tho N.Z.R.B. Re--1 serve Depot goes to Walton; Captain P. G. Horsburgij, who has been on duty at the N.Z. Convalescent Hospital, goes to Brockenhurst; Captain [ F. F. Ulrich. is in England for training in orthopaidics. He has been at tho N.Z. Stationnrv Hospital in France: Captain 0. J. J.Viil. J1..M.0., A.M.R., is now to bo R.M.0., N.Z. Training Units and Depots in Egypt : and the position of R.M.O. to the is filled by Captain N. S. WhittMi. M.C.; Captain J. S. Daniell, who was commanding the N.Z. Medical Reserve Depot until he became ill, has been j posted to the No. 2 N.Z. General Hospital; Captain R. D. Barron, who has been R.M.O. to the -3rd Battalion Canterbury Regiment, now takes charge of the N.Z. Entrenching Group Field Ambulance, and Lieutebant A. N. MacMillan takes charge of No. 1 N.Z. Field Ambulance after having been reinforcement officer at the Base, thus succeeding Captain T. G. Harper. who goes, from the No. 1 Field Ambulance to bo R.M.0., 2nd Battalion Auckland Regiment: Captain 0. F. Aldred, also of No. 1 N.Z. Field Ambulance, is now in charge of the No. 2 Machine-gun Battalion; Captain A. T. McCaw goes from the No." 4 Field Ambulance to No. 2; Lieutenant R. L. Christie goes from the N.Z. Base Depot at Moascar to the 4th (Anzac) Battalion Imperial Camel Corps. The following postings of chaplains have been approved: The Rev. F. S. Bartlev,.from N.Z.F.A. Reserve Depot, to N.Z. Command Depot: the Rov. P. J. O'Neill, from jst N.Z. Infantry Brigade, to No. 1 N.Z. General Hospital: the Rev. P. J. Minogue, from No. ] N.Z; General Hospital, io Ist N.Z. Infantry Brigade; tho Rev. .T. E. Lopdell, from N.Z. Wing XXII. Corps Reinforcement Camp to N.Z. Rifle Brigade, Reserve Depot; Adjutant J. S-

Bladin, from N.Z. Wing, XXII. Corps Reinforcement Camp to N.Z. Basa Depot; tho Her. W. A. Watson, newlyappointcd, to 4th N.Z. Infantry (Res.> Brigade.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16212, 15 May 1918, Page 9

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ON SERVICE Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16212, 15 May 1918, Page 9

ON SERVICE Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16212, 15 May 1918, Page 9