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The eecmd round of matcbcs in the Canterbury Jlugby Union's grade competitions •was playei on Saturday laat in fine weather, 'lie tumpraiy withdrawal of the school tennis on.acco'unt of holidays had a marked •' effect on to junior grades. Old Boys' senior team creiied a big surprise by defeating last year's - cßampions at the Show Grounds, especially' as tho winners had to stand up against tk» formidable Linwood pack two forwards short. Marists Jjroa. boat Christchurch it a keenly-contested gamo, and Merivale easily disposed of iilbion-Adding-ton. Results:— OLD BOYS (8) v. LINWOOD (C).

Old Boja played Linwood on the oval at the Show Grounds before a moderate attendance «f spectators, a fast, exciting game resulting.' In tbe first spell play was fairly even,' the first score being a try by Donaldeon for Ltnwood- from a lino-out near Old Boys' line. Yatea failed to convert.' Linwood for a time had the better of th© gamo, their forwards controlling tho play.. wards tbe end of the first spell Condjiffe m&rked a handy position, and Tench kicked • good go»l, equalising the Bcores. In the second sptll play livened up considerably, Old Boys getting in eoma good passing rushes, from one of which a brilliant try resulted, the ball going smartly from Condliffo to tauinoy, to Boag to Mehrtens, and in again to Boag, who scored, Tcnch conconvertine. Play became fast and furious, tho Linwood forwards striving hard to score. Eventually they were awarded a free kick right in front of th,e posts, W. Cumminga kicking a goal and making the scores—Old Boys 8 Linwood 6. There was no further score. 'Mr W. Britten was referee.


5- Marist Bros, and Christchurch mot on tho i Tfortli'*lfyrß,' fcfteti after "a filling gamer Marista Vourod the verdict by B points to t nil.. Chriatchurch kicked off, and attacking ' itiongly, forced their opponents. "Woods >. taging on instead of kicking let Marist ' BflW; up to his line, and from a mark An- ■ dttun failed at goal* From a ire© kick ■ Jlullms then fruitlessly shot at goal. Mavist B»*. kept up the pressure, and Fitzsernld durging Bowc's kick scored, but kicked a : potter. • Lawn broke away well supported, but Walter dropped his pass, and a certain Kor©' was lost. Free kicks gave Fitzgerald * codnle of shots, and from tho second ho kicked/' an easy goal. Marist Bros, opened 4 the second' spell by attacking, and from a 'mirk in an easv nosition Anderson forced . Chrotchurch. Hot work next ensued on . Marist' Bros.' line, but the latter •returned tothe: attack, and from a free kick Mullins forced Christchurch. For the remainder of tb* nmo Marist Bros, wert njostly on th* itincl; but could not ficort. Mr A. E. Doell •*»s referee. > MERIVALE (17) ▼. ALBIONI ADDINGTON (0). , i The llerivalo and Albion-Addington teams jaston the Show Grounds, tho latter again ha v * •'.ing to place a scratch aide in the field. Albion were immediately called' upon to defend their line,,but poor passing by tho-Merivale backs was chiefly responsible for no score being , registered. Merivale were getting tho ball :in the scrams, and eventually a good passing ruih ended in Pembertby getting across near .the corner. Ho converted his try with a remarkably fiA kick. Pembertby also had •hots at goal from penalties and marks, but 'they did not-add to the score, which stood at s—o in Merivale'e favour at half-time. sEulj; in the second apel! Glasson took a ■ aark'.in a good position," and "Williams sent .the ball over tho bar. As the result of smart

foliating up Grant gathered the bail weil ./and- crossed the lino near the "corner, Pem'berthy failing to improve tho try.' A nice "jpieoe>of passing let Glaason over, but Williima'a kick failed. Morivalo's laat try waa - Noted by Drake, who followed up fast. Tho - try was not converted, and the final score ,**» —Merivale 17 points, Albion-Addington 0. Mi H. 0. Wilson was referee.

SECOND GRADE. Linwood met and defeated Merivale at Linwood Park by 8 points to 6. Kerr and McCormack ecored for th© winners, Jerman converting on© try. Partridge and Cartwright scored for Morivale. Mr J. F. Peake was referee. Old Boys easily accounted fur Marist Bros, at the Polo Ground, the final score being 38 to nil. Zimmerman (4), Corbett (3), Parker (2), Blackmore, Burns, and Tait scored tries, only ono o[ which was improved upon, the goal being kickcd by Parker. Mr H. C. "VVutson was referee. Lincoln College proved much too good for 'Varsity, who suffered defeat by 3-1 points to nil. Smith (2), Wild (2), Haines (2), Austin (2), Roger®, and Craig scored tries, two of which woro converted by Coates. Mr R. W. Britton was referee. THIRD GRADE. Linwood and Christchurch played a hard and fast game on Merivale ground, the result being a draw with no score on either side. Mr A. R. Blank was referee. Technical College romped over Old Boys at Ensor'a load ground, the score boing 60 points to 3 in the former's favour. Mr F. C. Schmidt was referee. Albion-Addington defeated Sydenham at Sydenham Pork by 19 pointa to nil. Brown (2), Evans, Johnston, and Sinclair scored tries, tho lust-named also potting a goal. Mr J. H. McGuffog was referee. FOURTH GRADE. Boys' High School easily defeated AlbionAddington on High School ground by 41 points to 3. Petri© (3), Mortlock (3), Alley (2), Walker, Crosbie and Austin scored tries, lour of which were converted by Walker. McCormick scored a try for Albion-Addington. Mr L„ Hardio wna referee. Marist Bros, jorurneyed to Rangiora and suffered defeat at the handp of the local High. School team by 6 points to nil. Marshall and Fleming scored trios for tho winners. Mr A. Cobcroft was referee. . FIFTH GRADE. Marist • Bros.' easily defeated West Christchurch District High Schol on the former's ground by 35 points to nil. Goodman (2), Sutherland (2), Granger (2). Smith <2), Brittenden (2), and Dobb3 scored on© of which waa converted by Smith. Mi E. G. Keats was referee. ' ... -Albion-Addington beat Sydenham in a closoly-conteeted game at' South Park 6 points to 3. Collins and Motz ecored tries for the winners, and Harrison kicked ft penalty goal for Sydenham. Mr £. E. Luttrell was referee.


Merivale's victory over Albion-Addington at the Show Grounds was not a very haTdcarned ono. The fact that at half-time the ecoro was only 5-0 was due more to the M:.ivalc backs' poor combination than to Albion's good defence. Morivale showed better form in tho second spell. Albion-Addington had a hard task to collect a team. It is to bo hoped that tho club will keep..going in the senior ranks throughout the season, as next year thoy will bo able to draw from the junior teams, which contain a number of players full of promise.

Pemberthy'e plaoc-kicking in tho Merivale-A'bion-Addington gam© was much bclpw his previous week's performance. On© or two of his shots wero good, others missing the uprights by narrow margins. In their match.-against Linwood Old Boys played tho first epell two short, and the second spell one short. Linwood played for a tirao in the first spell one man ehort. Tho - Linwood forwards, strengthened by tho inclusion of the Cummings brothers, played a strenuous gama, and largely kept play confincd to the forwards. Considering the opportunities they had, the Linwood rearguard did not show to advantage, Donaldson, Yates, and Hirst being tho pick. The Old Boys' forwards doeervo great praiso for the manner in which they stood up to thoir bigger opponents. 'Millikcn and Sparrow, in particular, played very well, but every man did hi 3 share.

Considering the few opportunities the Old Boys' backs had, their paeeing was firstolass, their try being ono to be remembered. On several other occasions they threatened danger to tho opposing line. Once Boag crossed tho line, but lost tho ball. Their defensive play against the Linwood pack was fairly sound. Tha game between Marist Bros, and Christchurch was more willing than scientific, though it was exciting enough on occasions. Tho Marist Bros.', backs combined better than their opponents, and it was due mainly -to this that they won the match. A featuro of the game was the number of returned soldiers playing, there being seven on the Marist Bros.' side and six on tho Christchurch. Among the Christchurch players was Captain Gordon Deaniston, the Otago and Canterbury representative player, who returned to camp on Saturday night on his way back to the front." RUGBY LEAGUE. SATURDAY'S MATCHES. Tho Rugby League competitions were advanced a mrthar a cage ou butuiaay in- favourable weather, with sho grounds in first-cl£93 order. Tiia principal attraction was the fixture at St. Albans Park, where Sydenham in the first division against Federal, had no difficulty in winni.ig, tho Sydenham backs displaying tho better combination and 6pecd. A gocd display of football enabled Auaington to beat Avon. At Linwood Park Hornby beat tho eastern suburbs, the former team's' backs playing all over their opponents. SYDENHAM 22 v. FEDERAL 0. Federal kicked oil and Sydenham immediately set up a strong attack. J. Young broke through, and after a good run pasaetl to Smythe, who sent on to Coomber, the last named being brought down within inches of tho line. Maintaining the pressure, Saiythc picked up in the looso and. running strongly scored tho posts. He converged tho try. A few minutes after tho same player kicked a penalty from the touch line. After a rally Smythe intercepted near his own line, and after a good run kicked high and followed up. Regaining poss?soiou he scored between tho posts, his kick again being successful. Federal again attacked, but their backs failed to make use of their opportunities. From a scrum in the early part of the second spell. Porter started a passing rush. Peripi, however, miskicked, an£ J. Young accurcd,- and, eluding tho opposition cleverly, ran tho whole length of the field and scored a great try, Smythe converting. From a loose rush in' their own. twenty-five tho Sydenham backs got going and good work by "W. King and J Young enabled T. King_ to score near the corner,, Smythe kicking his fifth goal. Federal rallied again, but their work lacked finish, and the gamo ended shortly afterwards. Mr A. Hooper was •referee. HORNBY 25 v. LINWOOD 3. Commencing briskly, Morgan, S. Smith, and Saunders invaded the Linwood territory, and from a serum on the twenty-five line, Sales- sent • the ball fast to Bench, who

drew tho opposition and transferred smartly to S. Smith, who cleverly side-stepped three would-bo tacklers and scorcd for Saunders to goal. Mishandling by tho Linwood fullback let Saunders over, Sales failing to improve. Hornby were throwing the ball about freely, and a fine passing run by Sales, Pitt, Bench, and Dobson ended in Dobson scoring, Sanders's kick failing. Just before half time B. Smith scored, no goal resulting. On changing over a fine of fast passing between Sales, S. Smith, Pitt, Sanders, and Bench gave Bcnch a try, which Coles converted. After a long period of forward play misfielding by the Linwood backs gavo L. Moffatt a try from a 10030 rush. Coles failing to improve. B. Smith scored shortly after by .backing up a loose rush, but the try war not converted. Linwood, with a passing rush, reached the Blacks line, and August scored from a 100 3© rush. Underwood failing to convert. For the rest of the game the Green and Blacks had Hornby defending, but tho visitors checked the rushes until tho whistle sounded. Mr H. Garrard was referee.

SECOND DIVISION. Addington defeated Avon at St. Albans Park' by 5 pointa to nil. Mr T. Madden * Woolstoif won from Sydenham by default.

THIRD DIVISION. Linwood A beat Sydenham at Sydenham Park by 27 points to n:l. Mr E. Tilleyshort W Wnwood°B defeated Avon at Linwood Park by 15 points to nil. Mr Ormandy was ref°Hornby beat Addington at by " points to 11 points. Mr H. Donn was rcferoe.

FOURTH DIVISION. Svdonham beat Linwood at Sydenham Park by to nil. Mr T. McClelland was IC Wool'ston A won by default from Federal.

NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Sydenham-Federal game was ft match between the former's backs and the latter s forwards, both giving really good exhibitions. Smytho was in great form on Saturday, for, besides doing good work on the defensive, ho was responsible for 16 points oiit of tho 22. Ho scored two tries, and of tbe eix attempts at goal he was successful with five—a very good performance. J. Young, five-eighth, gavo a greatly improved display cs compared with last week, and his try was a very fine enort. ais initiative was also largely responsible for the try scorcd by T. King. , . _ • Sydenham tried fivo juniors, thjee bemg in tho forwards, and, though much lighter than their opponents, gave a very fair display, and quite justified tho club in continuing their policy of encouraging the younger players. , j-i Tho- Federal forwards gavo a fine display, and it was not their fault that such a score waa registered against them. Their work from start to finish was characterised by great dash and plenty of vim. Had they boen properly supported by their backs the final result would have been very hard to conjecture. . T • Hornby fielded a strong side against .binwood, ond their back division are euro to display first-class abilities when opposed to Sydenham on Saturday next. The Blaoks rear division were too speedy for th© Linwood backs, the latter making many mistakes in fielding and collaring, and though the team showed considerable improvement during the second spell, th© winners displayed the best football. A stubborn struggle was witnessed between tho competing forwards. S. Smith, Sales, Pitt, Sanders, L. Moffatt, and Morgan displayed good form, and for Linwood, Murray, Leitch, Bateman, Harris, Ball, and Underwood played best. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. A general meeting of tho Management Committee of the Canterbury Rugby League was hold on Saturday evening, Mr A. E. Hooper presiding over a full attendance. Correspondence was received from the secretary of the Auckland League, suggesting tho visit of an Auckland representative team to Clu'iatchurch this season. sub-commit-tee, comprising Mossts Hooper, Brunsden, Gasson, Garrard, and tho secretary, were elected to report on th© question of arranging the fixture. Correspondence wna also received from Mr R. J. Stilling, delegate to tho New Zealand Council, giving particulars of meetings, etc. The Classification Committee notified that it was decided not to sanction any transfers after May 11th, whcli '.s-as endorsed. The secretary of the Woolston Club wrote affiliating an extra team in the third division competition, which was accepted. By the mutual agreement of the Hornby and Sydenham Club delegates it was resolved that tho Sydenham-Hornby fixture bo played at Sydenham Park on Saturday next. Lists of new players wero referred to the Classification Committee. NEXT SATURDAY'S MATCHES. The fixtures, grounds, and referees for next Saturday ere as follows: First Division —Sydenham v. Hornby, Sydenham Park, Mr A. E. Hooper: Linwood v. Federal, St. Albans Park, Mr E. McLachlan. Second Division —Addington v. Sydenham, South Park, Mr A. Metis; Hornby v. "Woolston, Hornby, Mr E. Tilleyshort; Avon, a bye. Third Division—Linwood A v. Linwood B, Linwood Park, Mr Ormandy; Sydenham v. Avon, St. Albans Park, Mr Madden; Hornby v. Woolston, Woolston Park Mr W. Campboll; Addington, a bye. Fourth Division. (1.40 p.m.)—Woolston B v. Federal, St. Aibans Park, Mr H. Dann; Linwood v. Woolston A, Woolston Park, Mr T. McClelland; Sydenham v. Addington, Sydenham Park, Mr Garrard. ASSOCIATION.


The opening matches of the first round of I the. Canterbury Football Association's com-' petitions took place on Saturday in excellent weather. The .grounds wero in good order, > and some bright football was seen. Results: ST. ALBANS (2) v. OLD BOYS (0). There was a (food attendance at English Park to wutcli the gamo between St. Albans and Old Boys. St, Albans kicked off, Jewell making play on the right, and Old Boya reJ taliatcd, Hilgrovo being forced to concede a I corner. The kick proved abortive, and St. Albans placod Old Boys on tho defensive, ■ but they eventually broke away, and what ' looked a likely chance was spoiled by "Woods being off-side. St. Albany again attacked, 1 and Beid scored with a good shot. In the second spell Old Boys proceed, Bissett narrowly missing with a hard drive. _ St. Al- . bans, however, were not to"~bo denied, and from a penalty Flood placed his'side further 1 ' ahead. Even play marked the remainder j of the game, but there was no further score. Mr P. L. Davies was referee. BANGERS (4) v. NOMADS (2). Bangera and Nomads met at Linwood Park. Nomads attacked and Frickleton, snapping up a well-timed pass, sent in a torrific shot, which beat Harker. A moment later Watson kicked across the goal mouth to Coomber, i L who had no difficulty in equalising the scorea,

I Rangers had Nomads on tlio defensive, and | Lillburn eventually worked his way through I and placed his side ahead with a. fast rising 1 shot, which gave Pilling no chancc. A corner to Rangers was niccly taken by Gray, .ind Lee headed a good goal. Wretchcd shooting bv tlio Nomads' forwards prevented them from reducing the difference. In tho second spell play bccome more even, each goal being visited in turn. A misunderstanding between Bruorton and Harker let Powell in, and he scored from close range. Nomads niado desperate efforts to get on term 3, and were awarded a penalty for hands against Bruorton. Frickleton took tho kick, but shot wide. Rangers now took a hand, and just on the call of time Coomber scored a fourth goal. The closing stages eaw Rangers attacking. Mr Wardell was referee. JUNIOR GRADE. Western defeated Excelsior by 4 goals to 3. McCree, Sproston, and Hay scored for tho winners, and Shaw (3) for tho losers. Mr Munt was referee. THIRD GRADE. St. Albans defeated Telegraph by 11 goals to i. For the winners, Tennent (3), Taylor (3), O'Grady (2), Blackman, Luke, and Stobart scored, and for tho losers Burleigh. Mr Munt was referee. Th© Western nnd Celtio match, played at Xorth Park, resulted in a win for the latter by 5 goals to nil. The winners' scorers were Getson (2), Mahoney (2), and Holford. Mr Sturrock was refcreo. Sumner beat Excelsior, at Sumner, bv 6 goals, scored by O'Ncil (2), Lawrence (2), and Mullen. (2), to nil. Mr H. J. Williams was referee. NOTES AND COMMENTS. After a week's postponement the opening matches in the first round of tho competitions were played on Saturday. Owing to tlio frequent calls on tho playing strength by the military ballots the personnel of the various teams has somewhat changed since ®tho gam© was last played. The quality of the football, howover, is quite on a par with the last few years, and eomo jcally good football was witnessed in Saturday's matchcs.

Both Nomads and Hangers have entirely new forward lines, but the defences are much tho same. St. Albans, however, have strengthened their defence with Hilsrrove at back and Flood at centre half. Their inclusion was of material benefit to their aide on Saturday, Flood in particular playing bright football. As tho, season progresses Old Boys will undoubtedly do tetter than in their initial cSort.

A capital gamo at Linwood Park between Rangers und Nomads was spoiled by an unprovoked. assault on Bruorton, Bangers' right back, by a Nomad player. The incident was probably one of the most deliberate ever seen on a football field, and cast quite a cloud over tho concluding stages of the match.

HOCKEY. The 6econd round of the Canterbury Hockey Association's matches was played on Saturday in fine weather. Results: — CRANFORD 5 v. CHRISTCHURCH 2. From the commencement Chiistchurch sot up an attack, and off-side play by Cranford gave Grimmer a goal. Beaton was injured and went off, leaving the forward lino weak. The Cranford forwards broke away, and beating Sinclair, Quartermain put in an easy goal. . Soper mado another fine run, and, centreing to Faulkner, allowed tho latter to net a pretty goal. Cranford had tho better of the play in the second half, but the Ckristchurcii players worked hard. Good following up by Faulkner enabled him to sco r P a second goal, and shortly aftorwards, fiom a forward rush, ho netted another, and after another good piece of work tho same player shot still anothor. Christchurch rallied a little, and from a corner Williamson put in a lovely one. Cranford again attacked, but were nnable to score. Tim© sounded shortly afterwards, with play in Cranford's favour, the final 6core being: Cranford 5, Christchurch 2. Mr N. Goldsbuiy refereed. 3ELWYN 3 v. SYDENHAM 1 Selwyn- began the attack, and a good forward run enabled H. Bell to open Selwyn'a account. Sydenham attacked persistently, and the gamo hovered in tho Selwyn circle, but poor shooting lost more than one certain goal. A good Selwyn run was stopped by Dufiield, and even play followed for a spell, until W. Bell initiate! a forward run, and a good centre bv Hill enabled W. Bell to notch Selwyn's second goal. Half-time Bounded shortly afterwards. Up and down play followed on resuming, and a good run by Holland ended in E. Smith conceding' a corner, Robb stopping a hot shot by Throp. Sydenham tools charge, and from a throw-in. Throp had a 6hot, which Robb stopped, and Holland, following in opened Sydenham's score. Selwyn attacked, and Sydenham were forccd to give a corner, which enabled H. Bell to score from a scramble. Tho whistle sounded with the score: Selwyn 3, Sydenham 1. Mr H. Hatch was referee. TECHNICAL 3 v. OXFORD TERRACE 0. Following the opening bully the play was fairly even, and after several unsuccessful rushes Ford netted a nice goal for Technical. Up and down play was followed by a rush by Terrace, but by too hard, hitting several easy shots were missed, and many chances were lost by both sides during the remainder of the spell. Very even play followed the commencement of tho second spell, and both teams wore kept busy. A eood rush by Terrace left P. Wcxren an easy ehot, but tho ball went wide. Technical took play from the twenty-five, and a good rush ended in Ford finding the goal. A fino rush by Technical resulted in Ford netting another shot. Technical pressed again, but no further score was registered, Technical winning by 3 goals to 0. Air P. Ryde was referee. SECOND GRADE. Bible Class defeated Cranford by 4 goals to nil. Mr C. Bellamy was referee. Sydenham defeated Technical by 3 goals to 2. Hanna, Gay, and Fildes scored for Sydenham, and Chudley and Forsyth for Technical. Air E. Ballinger was referee. THIRD GRADE. Sydenham defeated Osford Terraoo by 3 goals (scored by W. Pope) to nil. Mr M. C. Bishop was referee. Selwyn defeated Cranford A by 21 goals (scored by J. Squire 7, Joseph 5, S. Sell 4, Clements 4, and Grose) to nil. Mr C. Whyt© was reieree. Technical College defeated Bible Class by default. Chrietchurch defeated Cranford B by 1» goals (scored by Hill 7, Farrell 4, and Cradwick 4) to 2 (shot by Carey). Mr W. E. Rogers was referee.. . LADIES' MATCHES. SENIOR GRADE. Wharenui defeated Oxford Terrace by 6 1 goals (scored by Misses M. Pappa Hilson, G. Croes, and R. Burgees) to Mr V. Toller was referee. , „ Waimairi defeated Ngaicr by 8 goala to The ecor.ra were:—Miases G. Barr 3. m. Martin 2, E. Ritchie 1, M. Chapman 2. Mr R. Rankin was referee.

Digby's defeated Technical by 5 goals (shot by Misses Wilson 2, Brown 2, and Walker) to 1 (sliot by Mies MiLner). Mr J. Bugg was referee. Sydenham defeated Rangiora by 1 goals (shot by Misses M. Fulton 2, and J. Johnston 2) to 2 (scored by Miss M. Grcig). Mfr J. H. Jones was referee. JUNIOR GRADE. The match between Sydenham and Digby's ended in a draw, each team scoring 2 goals. Misses Beattie and Leslie scored for Digby's and Missc3 McGrath and Hunt for Sydenham. Mr H. Lomae was referee, NOTES AND COMMENTS. Saturday saw a new step towards the im--provemont of hockey in Christchurch through tho opening of the now grounds at South Hagley Park, where the Association have been successful in securing seven now grounds, which, although not in firsrt-class order, will be appreciated in future seasons. A good game was witnessed at Sydenham Park, where Selwyn met Sydenham, the former winning after an oven, fast game. Sydenham had slightly tho better of the play, but erratic shooting spoiled their chances of victory. Holland was weak in this respect, and no fewer than four chances were mjssed in lesq_.than ten minutes.

Christchurch wero unfortunately two men short, and Cranford had an easy win. At Ensor's road Oxford Terrace and Technical had an even game, tho latter winning by p to nil.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16210, 13 May 1918, Page 5

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SATURDAY'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16210, 13 May 1918, Page 5

SATURDAY'S SPORTS. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16210, 13 May 1918, Page 5