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(PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGEAU.) WELLINGTON, May 10. The following casualty list was issued to-day:—



Auckland Mounted Rifles. (April 30th.) Fleming, S. (C. Fleming, Matitere, King Country, b.) Sergeant, C. R. (F. Sergeant, Marsden Point, Whangarei) Slightly wounded, remaining with unit

Canterbury Mounted Eifles. (April 30t1i.) Ccopor, A. E., fecrgt.-Major (H. Cooper, Oxford, 1.)



N.Z. Rifle Brigade. iMav 4th.) Hansen, O. (A. Ha'nsen. Mangapapa, Gisborne, f.) ' Swadling, J. C. (J. Godkin, Tuarakiwa, Stratford) Trotter, C. A. (C. Trotter, Opunake, f.) WOUNDED. Auckland Mounted Rifles. (April 30th.) Moore, H. A. (W. Moore, Wadestown, Wellington, f.) O'Bowd. C. T. (A. O'Dowd, Crissoge, Napier, f.) Canterbury Mounted Rifles. (April 30th.) Brownlie, F. J., dcrgt. (T. Brownlie, Stratford f.) Canterbury Mounted Rifles. (May 2nd.) Pitcher, A. G., Borgt. (J. Pitcher, Tekaraka, Gisborne, 1".) N.Z. Medical Corps. (April 30th.) Fife, Iv. (Mrs J. File, 87 Hill street, Wellington, in.)



Canterbury Regiment. (February Uutti.) Hamilton, h. i 1 '. (la. 'Hamilton, Teacher, Rotherham, f.)

WOUNDED. Canterbury Mounted Rifles. (April aOth.) Cox, H. (Mrs Jti. Vox, Jdalswell, Christ-

cliurch, m.) Murton, W. K, L.-Cpl. (Mrs S. Murton, 7 llosewarne street, Spreydon, Christchurch, m.) ReveLey, L. (B. Revelley, Kimberlev, f.) White, It. S. (Mrs V. White, 141 Webb road, Fendaiton, Christchurch)

(May 3rd.) Keeley, H. S. (J. Keeiey, H.arewooci road, Papanui, Christchurch, f.) Slightly wounded, remaining with unit:—

Canterbury Mounted Rifles. (April 30th.) Goss, J., L.-Cpl. (W. Goss, lendalton, Cliristchurch, f.) Jenkins, M. E., L.-Sergt. (W. Jenkins, Waddington, f.) OTAGO DISTRICT. / KILLED IN ACTION. Camel Corps. (May 7thj Bleach, P. F. (!'. Bleach Ranfurly, Otago, f.) Otago Regiment. (April loth.) Joyce, T. (Mrs J. Murray, Hampden, s.) WOUNDED. Canterbuiy Mounted Rifles. (April 30th.) Craig, G. L. (J. Craig, Caroline, Southland, f.) Nicholl, W. J. (D. Nicholl, Mataura, b.) Welfare, J., L.-Cpl. (Mrs F. Weltare, Roweua Parade, Richmond, Melbourne, m.) Wilson, W. G. (J. Wilson, Wallacotcrvvii Otago, f.) N./j. Medical .Coras. (May 3rd.) Delargey, F. T. (Mrs B. Delargey, 50 Oxford street, Dunedin, m.) Slightly wounded, remaining with. unit

Machine-gun Corps. (April 30th.) McLean. J. M. (W. McLean, 115 Forth street, I>unedin)

HOSPITAL REPORT. CANTERBURY MILITARY DISTRICT. (All Privates unless otherwise stated.) Dangerously 111—O'Brien, C. P. ((Jape Foul wind); Rosa, J. S., L.-Cpl. (Hokitika). Still Dangerously 111—Parry, S. M. (Christchurch). Stiil Dangerously 111. Improved—Jackman, O. V. (Christchurch). Still Dangerously 111, Satisfactory—Ross, J. (Canterbury). Removed from Dangorously 111 Liafc— Feely, P. (Timaru). Seriously 111—Harry, B. (Sydenham); Prattley. J. (Temuka). Removed from- Seriously HI List—Brown,' A. L., Cpl. (Papanui). Sever© Caaes—-Olds, E. T., Lierat. (Christchurch); Bishop, L. R., Sgt. (Timaru); Collins, W. F. (St. Albans); Diebret, R. P. (Domett); Roberts, R. B. (Westport); Seymour, H. P. (Sumnor). Not Reported as Severe Cases—Clarke, G. (Lyttelton); Jamea, J. (Lyttelton); Hogue, A. J. (Nelson); .McLarcn, D. S. (Nelson).




Private Hector E. Walker, 22nd New Zealand Cycle . Corps, who has been wounded for the second timo in France, belongs to Victoria, and left with the 7th New Zealand Reinforcements. Captain 35avies, of the pilot staff Wellington Harbour Board, is his brother-in-law. Private Walker, who married in June, 1917, an English nurso from the Bournemouth Hospital, is suffering from injuries to his. head and chest.

Lance-Corporal F. G. Eyres (reported woundod and missing, and now declared by Court of Enquiry killed on October 16tli) was, prior to enlisting, on the Wellington city engineer § stalt, on which he had served for nine years. He was prominently connected with the Trinity Methodist Church. He was the youngest son of Mr J. Eyres, Petone, and brother of Mr E.- A. Eyres, who is also in the Wellington city engineer's office.

Private William Muir (wounded) is the second son of Mr John Muir, of the linotype staff of the Wellington "Evening Post"), and a native of Wellington. He joined the Australian Forces in 1916, and has been three times wounded.

Quartermaster-Sergeant Joseph. Barnard (severely wounded in tho right leg), is a son of Mr H. J. Barnard, of Island Bay, Wellington, formerly- of Eltham. Two of his brothers" have beon killed, and another (Private James Barnard) has been wounded.

Mrs Inman, of Wanganui, has received cablo advice from tho Admiralty that her son, Sub-Lieutenant S. P. Irnniuv. a£ tha EovaJ Naval Air Sor-

vice, ha* been admitted to Ramsgate General Hospital, seriously injured, in an itero accident. Lieutenant lnman served his apprenticeship with Allen Bros., engineers, _aud on the outbreak of the war left "Wanganui for the Old Country, where he enlisted as secondengineer in the Navy. About two yoars ago, the war-vessel on which he was serving was wrecked off Falmovth, and later on he served on H.M.S. "YTaibash, which was torpedoed on the high seas, but with high fires and the assistance of spveral destroyers reached T3evonport, after two days' battlinc. A huge halo hod been torn in her side bv the tr?r~iedo. and a "limber of men were k'llrd. After this sensational exns"ionre Lieutenant Inman was at bis own reaue*t to the Nnypl Stt'";, trs»ii<v! at. Giwwich and has been flying for several months.

Mr and Mrs W. G. Chadwick, of Hastings, have b=on advised that thoir son, Sergeant Roland Chadwick. had died suddenly at Discharge Depot, England. No particulars as to tho cause of death are given. The late Sergeant Chadwick left Hastings with the Ambulance Corps under Captain Boxer, on August 9th, 1914. and sai'od with th° Main Body to Egypt. Ho was at laijtlin<r at Onllinoli, and remnined then* imt'l the final evacuation. TTo was one of the Medical Corps wlr>li wW "r> to the front tror.obez and left with the last man. When in E<rypt he "•ns pro"i«ted to t,he rn™k of rorcreant. sailed with +*>e Mn'n BorTy to afterwards l»<vne promoted to Si-nfr The Into Rovcnnt wns a mfl" , b"r of tho Ne" - Tic+itrit-<» of aid wnc •" f'har're of fTio ])»-"*" <4| pf Xatll9"h r,,-,/! qons. He ""s n "U"»r r>e >>;« ■n-"- 1 - of incidpnt'! ~+ +V>r» rrnnd.

T r /\ "''■r'l Or*< wnml)(ir +r>nl- n in

Ad vice has boon received by Mr E. Thompson, 45 Lawrence street, Linwobd that his brother, Private J. Thompson, was transferred to the Convalescent Hospital, Horncliurch, on April 30th. Private Thompson left with the 26th Reinforcements, and was wounded and gassed, after six months in the firing lino in Franco. Before enlisting he was in the employ of several well-known firms in the city.

Private Geo. A. Morris (reported wounded and missing) is the third son of Mr and Mrs Geo. A. Morris, Otama, Southland. Private Morris was born at Gtaio, South Canterbury, 39 years a.yo, and was educated at the "Uppor Otaio School. He subsequently followed farming pursuits in Canterbury, and about 14 years ago sold out and settled in the Otamita Gorge, near Mandevillo. After a few years' sojourn thero lie sold out and purchased a farm on the Black Hills, which, he still owns.- Private Morris, who is a single man, left with the ■SSth Reinforcements. and has 'been in France since last Novembor. A brother, Private Henry Morris, was killed in action in November. 1916.

Advice received by Mrs J. Caldwell states that her husband, Rifleman E. Caldwell, is being invalided home. Rifleman Caldwell was in France five months before he contracted troncli feet. Prior to leaving with the 27th Reinforcements he had been in the employ of Mr W. Poison, painter, Christchurch. for four years.

Mr U. Brake, Upper Riccarton, has received word that liis son, Bombardier Robert Isaac Brako (M.M.), who left with the 9th Reinforcements,, was wounded on jNovembcr sth, turning to tlic Dominion -with tho next draft. His young brother, Henry, enlisted on his 20th birthday, and sailed; with -tho 31st Reinforcements.

Mr A. E. Small, Elgin, Ashburtan, has been advised that his only son, Private Albert E. Small, was killed m actipn in France on April 14th. lie wns previously -wounded and , gassed at Messines. Prior to enlisting. Private Small, who left with the 2uth Reinforcements, Avas employed on his father s dairy farm-

Mis B. Reveley, Kimborley, lias r&coived advice ttKit her fourth roUj Lance-Corporal Lewis Reveley, has been admitted to hospital suffering from a gunshot wound in the right leg, received in Egypt. Lance-Corporal Reveley left with the 6th Reinforcements and was previously wounded. enlisting ho was employed on his father's farm. His eldest brother, Herbert, left with the 14th Reinforcements, and is still in France. Another brother, John, who left with the 27th Reinforcements, has been invalided home.

Lance-Corporal Hugh Elmar Sibbaid (died of wounds) was the third son of the late T. S. Sibbaid and Mrs Sibbaid, of Redcliffs, late of Dunedin. Ho was educated at tho East Christchurch and Walthain schools, and then went to Rawke's Bay, where lie joined tho Dannevirke volunteers. _ He was for several "years in Dunedin, with H. I. Stevons and Co. and J. B. McEwen. He was a keen athlete and a member of the Pirates Football Club and Ota go Rowing Club. He enlisted at the beginning of the war, being passed in Brisbane after having hecn rejected in Sydney on account of defective eyesight, and eventually loft with the 3rd Australian Brigade, Main Body. He went through the Gallipoli campaign without a scratch or an hour's illness. He had a severe illness in France, and later was wounded in the hand and faco, which affected his eyesight. Ho later rejoined his original brigade, now the 49th, and, being severely wounded in action, died on Anznc Day, at the age of 36. A brother, Gunner Leslie S. Sibbaid, went with the 9th Reinforcements.

Mrs I. Gibbs has received advice that her son. S. E. Deacon, is progressing favourably at "Walton, and that 2nd Lieutenant R. V. Deacon is wounded and in hospital in France.

Private advice lias been received that Gunner J. L. (Los) Biackmore, who was wounded on April 9th, is progressing favourably in "Brockenhurst Hospital, and will probably be invalided to New Zealand. Gunner Biackmore is an old Christchurch High School boy, and is well known in Rugby football and other athletic circles.

Mr TV. Hunter, 82 Antigua Etreet, Sydenham, has received advice that his second son, Private A. W. Hunter, has been killed in action in France. Privato Hunter was' born in Sydenham, and educated at "West Christchurch School. On leaving school he went to England and joined the Royal Navy, and after serving in the Navy for twelve years, five yeare being in submarines, he was discharged in 1910 and came back to New Zeafand, where he was in the employ of Mr W. Nicholls, of Belfast, until his enlistment. Private Hunter left with the Ist Cycle Corps, 12th Reinforcements, and had been in Franco for nearly tw6 years. Two brothers are still serving their country. Sapper A. J. Hunter, N.Z.E., 14th Reinforcements, is in France, and Trooper N. E. Hunter has been in Egypt over three years, having left with the 2nd Reinforcements. Trooper C. L. Hunter and Corporal H. J. Hunter have been discharged as unfit for service.

Mrs Ceorge Kearney, of Christchurch, and late of Gough's Bay, received cablo advice on Thursday that her youngest son, Private Leslie Kearney, had been killed in action in France on April 16th. Private Kearney left New Zealand with the 18th Reinforcements. He originally joined the 17tli Reinforcements, but had to stay back one draft on account; of measles. On the voyage Home he was very ill with pleurisy. He was wounded in the shoulder some montns ago, and when last writing he was just returning to the front. He was one of eleven non-coms, selected to sit for a commission, but he preferred not to stay back. Private Kearney is another of the late Mr Francois Lelievre's grandsons to make the supreme sacrifice

for the Empire. He. was born and educated/on the Peninsula, and was engaged in farming beiore enlisting xor active service.

Mr Fred. Arnold, of London street, Lyttelton, has received advice that his youngest son, Lance-Oorporal Claude James Arnold, who won the Military Medal in December last for valour on the battlefield, has been killed in action. Hn enlisted with the 18th. Reinforcements, leaving the Dominion about 18 months ago, and went through engagements at Messines and Passchendaele. L.aut-e-vjuipoiai Arnold was bom at Lyttelton, and received his education at the local High School. He was employed lor some time by Sinclair Bros., of Lyttelton, and 6erved for several years as a gunner in the N Battery, N.Z.F.A. Ho leaves a widow and three children.

Rilieman Herbert Sharp (killed) was the second son of Airs A. \V. t>jia 4 p. of Waverley street, Auckland. He was born in Queensland, and educated at tiio formal Scnooi, Auckiaud, and prior to ins enlistment wiui tne Tuirtytirst lieiniorcement lie was in tiie employ of the Auckland "Star" otnee in tne stereo, departinen b. llilleman Sharp, wuo was 25 years of age, leaves a wife and one child.

Privato T. N. Tattersall (killed) was the only son of Mr anu. Mrs L. Tattersall, fapatoetoe, late of Otahunu. .tie was bom in Brookby, and received his education the Brookby and Clevedon sciiools, and later at iiing a. College, Auciilaad. Privato Tatieisail was following his trade of a builuer prior to enlisting on January 10th, He was 2(j years of ago.

Private Alexander Ramsey (killed in action) was a son of Mr and Airs D. Ramsey, of llangiora, and was 23 years of ago. lie was born in Rangiora, and educated at tho local Uorougn School. After leaving school he entered the employ of Mr C. W. 8011, and learned the tailoring business. He enlisted anil loft as a driver with tho oth Reinforcements, going to Egypt. After serving nine months there ho went to France, and saw a considerable amount of fighting there.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16209, 11 May 1918, Page 10

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ROLL OF HONOUR. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16209, 11 May 1918, Page 10

ROLL OF HONOUR. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16209, 11 May 1918, Page 10