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ADDITIONAL SV* B S CRI I'TI O XS. SERBIAN" FUND. £ s. d. Amount previously acknowledged 316- 15 1 Lieut.-Col. and Mrs E. B. Mi'-lton .->0 0 J. J. Ford 0 4 0 L, Keen .. •• 0 4 0 P. Ford ham .. •• (l 1 0 H. Carter 0 4 0 Rose Wood 0 4 0 A. B. George .. 0 I 0 Total t u date .. - £31GS 19 1


ORDER OF ST. JOHN AND BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY. Additional subscriptions: —A.R. il, lira A l(>s, per Messrs Claridgc and Smith bv sale of one dog on account Mr "Wood (Lincoln) £1 is,-St-. Albans Branch (per Mrs Jones.) £3, Governor*!? Bay Branch. (proceeds oi concert) £1 6s, Governor's Bay Branch, (by donations) £7, Girls' Training College (per Miss -Stevens) £5. Akaroa Branch 3s 6d, Kekerangu Branch (per Mrs Paine) os. Tho Lad iea' Committee acknowledge with thanks receipt of gifts in kind from t-b© following:—Miss Moorhouse, Latimer aqu:uc Branch (per Barry), City Branch. Lyttelton Branch (per Mrs Radcliffe), Halowell Branch, Girls' Realm Guild. Okain's -bay Red Cross, Woolston Red Cross (per Mrs Thompson), Waikari Red Cross, A.R., Springston Red Cross, Redcliffe Branch, Mrs A. Newman, Ladies' Patriotic Guild, Rolleston, Lees ton Branch. Sydenham Red Cross (pel Mrs Anderson), Riccarton School, New Brighton Branch, West Christchurch School, Wharenui School, Rolleston School, Phillipstown Branch, Mise Gibson's School, Kangiruru, -South Malvern £Jranoh, Domett R<ed Cross (per Mrs Puscholl), Rakaia Branch (per Mr» BhiiLston), Mrs A. E. Kincaid. St. Luke's Bandage Party, Fendalton Red Cross (per Miss Gerard), Boys' High School, Mrs Walter Moore. Avonside Branch, Coronation Hall, Sprcvdon Bandage Team (per Mr Hancock), the Girls' Brigade, and Mr Gcorgo Phillips. BALCAIRN. The following residents o: Balcairn arc subscribing monthly to the local Red Cross Branch:—Meedames A. It. Turn bull, Garty, Wilson, Brown, Mies Dron, Messrs J. Robertson, A. R. Turnbull, J. Filzpatrick, A. Bailey, H. Hurley. C. Smith, J. Carroll, W. Oddie, W. Dermott, R. Hanna-, H. Tod, F. James, H. Dron, A. Sutherland. R. Giles, F. Hays, C. Blick, G. Hibbard, G. Cherry, J. Blackett, H. Jamieson, W. Henderson. D. Moore, T. Cooper, J. Noble J. Moore. J. Dron, D. Dron, W. Botherway, J. Fleming, AV. A. ICelcher, M. Higham, M. O'Connor. E. Hutchison, G. May. Mullan-e-y, G. Jones, G. Brown, L. Smith. G. Sutherland. HAWAR.DEN. During November the following articles were sent by the Horeley Down Branch to the head depot :—lO suits pyjamas, 23 shirts, 6 bed jackets, 7 singlet#;, i pairs drawers, 2 dressing gowns, -t surgical coats, 2 waistcoats, 8 pairs socks, 10 handkerchiefs, 2 Balaclavas, and +3 ma.nit.ail bandages. A contribution of £20 for "comforts" for men in Egypt, was also received. It has been decided that a- social be held in Hawardcn Hall on December 28th. when the report of the year's working will be read by the secretary. There will be a short musical programme. The proceeds will be in aid of the Red Cross Comforts Fund. -> LATTRISTON. On Tuesday evening a concert in aid of the Red Cross Fund was given at Lauriston, the programme being provided by Mr and Mrs'H. Chapman and party from The items given, were of the usual high standard set by these popular entertainers, and were all well received During the evening u flag- presented by Mrs Chapman and also two cushions were auctioned by Mr W. Smith, and realised upwards of £100. . LADBKOOK.S. On Wednesday eveuing the CLristcburch Tramway Troupe gave a most successful entertainment in the Ladbrooks Public Hall in . aid of the Ladbrooks Red Cross Branch of tlio Linooln centre. The hall was well nlled by an appreciative audience, which, was delighted by the troupe's songs, recitations, etc. The Branch should benest substantially 1/y the unique entertainment of the troupe, who are to -be congratulated on their patriotic endeavours. During the present year the ladies and others in the district -have contributed very largely, both materially and financially, to tho Red Cross Funds. The children of the Ladbrook-t School, boys os well as girls, have also been working regularly every week through the year, making useful articles for the soldiers at the front. By this means the school children have forwarded a very large quantity of work to the Lincoln centre, and they, too, are lo be congratulated for doing their "little bit" for their country's cause. SOUTH LINWOOD. At the annual meeting of the men's ■branch, Linwood South, Mr D. Richardson occupied the chair. The report and balancesheet were adopted, and the following officers elected: —Chairman, Mr Richardson; treasure*, Mr W. Keighly; secretary, Mr F. D. Stokes: auditor, Mr Bullock. During the year £'373 0s lid was collected, and all spent on materials with the exception of £G2 fie 7d. AMBERLEV. Thf, secretary acknowledges the following' contributions and subscriptions:—Mrs Holton (proceeds of flower stall) £7 3s Sd. Mise Mc-N-aught (proceeds 6wcct stall) £8 Jos Gd. executors of the late Henry Uav:s (sale of dog) 7e 6d. Mijn's Bandage Committee i£, Miniature Riflo Club social (per Mr A. Lukey) £7 Bs, Miss S. Wornal Its, Miss Morris £1, Northern Agricultural Association £20. Tho work sent in to the central depot for the past two months cnosisted •of 17 pyjamas, 20 shirts. 9 pairs pants, 13 vests, 12 nightshirts. 3 dressing f*owns_, made from material supplied by the Kowai County Council: also 6 pneumonia jackets, 21 handkerchiefs, 51 operation cloths, G3 pairs socks, 7 bed socks, 192 swabs, 43 trav cloths, IG2O medicine cloths, 77 knitted washers, 7 Balaclavas, 15 pairs mittens, 3 scarves. < The children of the Broomfield School sent in 6G knitted washers and 7 pairs eocke. The Amberlev children who liavo sent in knitting are:—Marjorio Feathery, Mavis Stace. Muriel Smith, Gladys Arthur, Edna. Trounce. Mary South, May Macket. Ida Milner. Ruth Adams, Mnv Rhodes, and Katie Franks. Old linen has been given by Mesdames Sloper. sen.. Hadler, Stanton, Bristow. Bailey, A. Watson. Eldcrton, Gee, Wicskill, F. J. Brown, and Misses Coleman, Paxson3, and Armstrong.


The Red Cross Sales Depot will be on December lfith (Anniversary Day), and from 5 o'clock on December 216t until 10 a.m. on Monday, January 6th.


COMMITTEE'S FINAL MEETING. % TJie fina'. meeting of t no Rase Fete General Committee was bold yesterday afternoon, Mr J. Jamieson presiding over a small attendance. 0 The interim statement of receipts and expenditure showed the total receipts to have been £126 i Ob lOd, ar.d the erpenditure £399 l(te, winch, with the cash in lia-nd, left a credit balance of £886 lis 3d. The cbainaian etated that the rasolt was very satisfactory, although it had been, hoped to roacii the £1000 mark. There was, it was stated, some £20 outstanding yet to come in, ajiH B.]«r» the receipts of certain sales of booklets. The booklets, the chairman, remarked, gone ofi surprisingly badly, and he intended to approach, the City Council and see if they would boy tho remaining booklets circulate them. Ti» of the booklets, it was Rtaiod. to £115, while only about 1100 of them M bees, disposed of. In support of his suggestion that the Council ebemki take over the booklets, which, took the form of a eynopßM of Christchnrcli and its suburbs, the chairman said that such. j. coarse had been adopted in various parts of the Dominion, and wae quite common in America. The Mayor, who was present, remarked that hJs attention had been drawn to the fact that thero was, in the booklet no photo o: the interior of the Provincial Council Chamber, which. Mr J amkeon expressed, '.ho

opinion, was the finest example o: Gothic architecture »n the Southern Hemisphere. It was stated that there were still bo-t-vcen 3000 and 4000 booklets ictt on hand, and it was moved by Mr Lorgtor that those remaining should be offered to the City Council lor £25, and, failing the Council, to tlie Tourist Department, and it was also decided that one of the programmes remaining over should be enclosed in each booklet. 1* was decided to hand the sum of i'SOO to the C.D.C. on account. Votes of thanks for what they had done m connexion with the fete were passed to Messrs A. J. White. the. Bristo 1 Piano Co.. Johnson and Cou.-ins. the N.Z. Express Co.. and the Pros®. The sum of £5 was voted to the funds of the Woo'istou Baud. The chairmsn remarked that amongst the improvement* contemplated, it wa> intended to approach the Tramway Board with a view to having a loop-lino placed at tho cricket rntranoc in liiccarton road, and to have an imposing bridge acrcs* the river in that vicinity, so that people could go from the Square to the middle of tl»e in two or throe minutes. Of course. that could hard'v he- effected before the next carnival. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Wonxm's National Reserve for their untiring efforts ill connexion with the fete.


LADY LIVERPOOL FUND. A meeting of tho Bottle .Campaign Subcommittee was held at the Lady Liverpool Depot, with Mrs Hastie in tho chair. Mrs S. Paterson, lion, secretary, reported th?. several schools were still sending in con gnments of bottles. It was decided that in future all bottles "oe sent to tlie Textile Sack, and Bag Co., Hereford piaco. It was agreed to still sort chcmists' bottles, tho matter being left in the hands of teams from the following firms:—J. Ballautyiio and Co., New Zealand Farmers, H. F. Stevens, and the Sydenham Unit oi "the C.D.C. These teams have volunteered for servioe on one night every week at Mr E. Brown's store, Lichfield street, until tho work is accomplished. Hearty votes o! thauks wero passed to Misses Wildey and Staple, Mr John Wood, the bottle dealers, the Women's Servico Corps, and carriers, especially J. Brightling and Co., who liavo done tho carting from the railway gratuitously. It is proposed to send even - school an illuminated card from tho Lady Liverpool Fund, in recognition of this most successful effort of tho childrcu. In the meantime the committee desires to thank the headmasters, teachers, and scholars, and all those who have been associated in any way withtho movement. The committee is indebted to the newspapers for their generous help. Very complimentary remarks were passed concerning the able and efficient work of Mrs S. Paterson, hon. secretary. It is expected that ctoso on seven hundred pounds wili bo handed to the fund for the) comforts of our boys, as the result of thd bottio campaign.


Cash donations—C.D.C. Band (proceeds ol collection at concert), i' 3 14s Id; Tramway employee. '2s Cd: Mr Ivlcl'arlane, i' 3; Mothers' L'nion, Chertsey, 13s; Miss Jessie Rosewarne (collection at xeciiation), £1 13s Cd; Green street Red Croes, as; Rangiont branch (donation to Christmas dinner in camps), £o; Friendly Societies' Dispensary (sale of bottles, per A. E. Brown), £1 8s 10:1; Templeton branch, 9s 6d; G.L'.M., 2s 6d; St. Margaret's College (prize money), i'2o; Mrs J. M. Hailes, 2s 6d; Mtb Mcllraith, lis 6d; Mr Skinner, ss; Mrs H. Tipping, 10s; Mrs Hopkins (cigarette evening), cash 3s 6d; Kaiapoi branch, £3 15s. Gifts in kind: —Richmond School (per Miss Spencc), pupils of the Carew School, "Weedons School, Tinwald branch, Bromley branch, Temuka branch, Linwood-Dallington Soldiers' Aid (per Mrs Patton), Avonside Scouts, Templeton School, Templeton Girls' Hockey Club, Templeton Liverpool branch, East belt Wesleyan Church Methodist Guild, Linwood Park brajich, Elmwood School, proceeds of Cigarette Evening (given by Mrs Hopkins), Sprcydon School, Springston brancli, Tai Tapu branch. West Christchurch School, N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. (per Mrs Funnoll), Chertsey branch (per Mrs Wilkinson), Good Templars (per Mrs Gunnell), Training College (per Miss C. Lalley), Home and Empire- League (Geraldine), Greenstreet Red Cross (per E. Shearer), Akaroa, branch, Miss Sorensen, Anonymous, Mi&s Bennett, Mts F. E. Hyman, Mr ClUveri-, Mrs Fulford, Mrs Winter, Miss Higgirs". Mra Charles, "Wood, Mrs Adkins, Mrs Stead, Mrs A. Brown, Miss H. L. Mcßeth. Anonymous. Miss lsa Maile, Mra Carmiehael. Mra Newton, Mrs McAlpine, Mrs D. Rutherford. A.E.'Vv r „ Mrs Pearson, seiir., Miss Moorliouse. Mrs Wild Mrs Waterslone, Mrs Torleese, Mise Wadworth, Mrs Wadworth, G.P.M., Mrs Mcllw-rnith. Miss Rutherford, Mrs C'leary, "Widow," Mrs Xicholls, Mrs M. xveave, Mrs Weston, R. D. O'Donnell, •"Friend." REDCLIFFS. The secretary of tbe Redcliffs Branch of the l<adv Liverpool Fund acknowledges the receip-f of subscriptions from the following: —Mesdames Duncan, J. NewbeTv, E. W. Pidgeon,.F. Smith, W. W. Smith, Twentyman, Messrs Woods, Dodds, and Hamilton. Also gifts in kind from: —Mesdames Brown, uetteley, Anderson, Wilshire, W. W. Smith, .Dodds, Nichols, Painton, Wells, A. A. Mitchell. W. S. Mitchell. Misses Ford, Knight, Pender,. Price, and Messrs F. J. Simpson, and §on. The committer has made complete arrangements for the holding of a Fancy Fair to-morrow afternoon. The Sumner Brass Band has kindly consented to supply, the music. There axe to be numerous sido».3hows, and various stalls, at which an opportunity will be provided to purchase oil Christmas presents. A programme of fancy |da.ncing has also been arranged. In the evening Mr F. C. Raphael's Concert J/arty will give a programme in tbe Sumner Town Hall. SUMNER. The secretary of the Sumner Branch of the Lady Liverpool Committee (Mrs G. F. Allen), a-cknowjedges subscriptions from the following:—Mrs O. Andrews. Mrs Early, Mrs Dav.-e. Mrs Lisle, Mrs J. S. Seville, Mrs H. Mansfield, Mrs E. A. Johnson, Mrs R. King. Mrs J. D. Watson, Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Salter. Mrs Sherrard, Anonymous, "8.." Mrs E. H. Garrick. Mrs Benjamin. Mrs H. J. Marriner, Mrs Fletcher, Mr s Liddiard, Mrs P. Hill, Anonymous. Mrs Maddison, Mrs C. Dash, Mrs Benson, senr., Mrs FountainBarber, Mrs H. W. Clark, Mrs Leithead, Mrs I. Wilson, Mrs Dr. Gosset, Mrs Parrit, Mrs Mills, Mrs Shand. Mrs Evans. Mrs Beatlie, Mrs Cane, Mrs H. Buttle. Mrs G. W. C. Smithson, Mrs Inwood, Mra Halligan, Mrs Ogier, Mrs A. W. McArthur, Mrs J. M. B. Crawford. Mrs D. Bates, Mrs SVeet, Mrs R. Benson, Mr 3 Best, Mrs Schlaepfer, Mrs T. Whitfield. Mrs Bailey, Mr« Mulcock. Mrs Blazey. Mrs Hanham, Miss M. Richards. Miss Adams, Miss Joyce. Mis 9 Woodham! Mi S6 Gardiner, Mi6 S Campbell, and Messrs P. Hill, T. Teapo. McDowell, L. Chapman, P. Dick, L. G. Carter The following gifts received, for the month of November:—Mrs E. H. Garrick, 2 pair 3 socks, 2 tins condensed milk, 2 tins flam, 2 ta.b!ets eoup; Miss Riordan, 3 pamj| 60cks, 1 pair mittens; Miss Robinson, 1 pair ; Eocks, 1 tin herrings; Mrs R. Parnham, 1' pair soews, 2 cotton singlets, 1 flannel singilet; Master H. Robinson, 1 pair of socks; Mrs D. Bates, 2 pairs of socks; Mrs Horniblow. 1 Balaclava; and Mis Tliornley, 2 handkerchiefs. During the month tlie following made-up material has been received and forwarded to the Central Depot:—23 sanitary shirts, 21 piurs of socks, 18 handkerchiefs, and 18 holdalls. jlj e total receipts wcro £9 le, of ■which £o "wag paid to the Central Depot as the -■December vote of the Society for Soldiers' Comforts. RAXGIOIU. At tbo monthly meeting of thn Rangiora Branch of the Lady Liverpool Fund, the secretary reported that during the month the following articles were forwarded to the Central Depot:—GO pairs cocks. 7 Balaclavas, 1 pair mittens, 50 holdalls, 50 housewives, 100 handkerchiefs. 3 books, and a -number of magazines. The committee acknowledges receipt of the following gifts:—Mrs C. Rands, 4 Balaclavas; Mrs W. Bramley, 1 Balaclava, book of Academy Picture©; MrH Ambrose, 1 pair eocks; "Mts van. Asch, 2 pairs socks; Miss P. Allison, 1 pair socks; Mr Jackson (Femeide), books; Rangiora Institute Committee, parcel of magrazrnee: Mr Pa ton. (Dometti, 30s; per Mr* W. A. Rowse, 5s 6d from ea-le of flowers. The committee aW> acknowledges the assistance giwsa by "We. TTs and C 0.," St. John's Guild, and the Borough School.


Subscriptions may be forwarded, to tht> hon_ treasurer. Mr C. W. Reid, care of Messrs Pyne and Co.. Casbel street; to tifi secretary,"Mr G. L. Donaldson. Art Gallery; and to the office of the Ctristckurch. Pleas Co., Ltd. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Amount previously acknowledged, £121,762 5s Id; employees Aulsebrook'g (weekly). £1 14s &d; Timaru quota for December, £I£2; C. \Y. Hcid (monthly). £5; M.N.. £1; Miss. Howard. 2s Gd; Christchurcb Gao Co. (.monthly), £11 l's lOd; employees Rink

Taxis (monthly), £3 11b Btl; Miss Rose Tabart (monthly), £1; Mis« Maud T.ibari (monthly), £2; G.B. (monthly), Se; employees Gould, Beaumont (monthly), £1 ; manager and staff Kenipthoire, Prossev and • Co. (monthly), £3 14s Gd;.M.X.. £1; J: MwcDougall' (two months), £2: C. R. Clarlt (two mouths), £10; Mrs E. M. Toeawill (monthly), £1; Misa R. E. I*ach (monthly). £1; Miss M. I. Yonng (monthly), £1; Miss M. A. (monthly), £1 ; Telephone Start (monthly), £3 9s; - employees ,1. Hall, 23; employees Srott Bros. _ (monthly), £1; employees . Skelton, Frostiefc and Co. (monthly). £10 3s 8d; Miss Howard, 2s Gd; tota-1 'to date, £122,010 8s Id. Mr Cyril ,T. "Ward.: Acting-Consul for Belgium at ChristchuTch, has received the following additional donations to the Belgium Fund: —A. W. Rutherford- (monthly), £10; St. Thomas'® Sunday School, Kunanga (proceeds o£ prize monev donated by the school children, per Miss Wvldo), £1; sal© of Santa Claus coupons to school children: —Annat School (dct E. A. King"). £1 6s 8d; Rußsell's Plat School (per school children), 9s 2d; Fernside School (per Joan Pavitt), £1 6s 8d: Governor's Bay School (per Mi'rs Calvert). £3 6s Sd; lieithfield (per-C. Wild). £2; T*adl>rooks (nor F. T. . Rundle), 13.s 8d; total, £11 0s lCd. Government subsidies for November: Canterbury 13e sd, Iseleon £3.


The general secretary acknowledges tho follcwin" additional donations. Chss. L. MHtvi j*s G° D £1, A Friend (Waikari) 10s T.H.k. £5, Mrs H. M. Barker .£5, Mrs M. Gray £10, liipcoln rojid Methodist Sunday School £3, S. Field £2.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 15775, 16 December 1916, Page 11

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THE WAR FUNDS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15775, 16 December 1916, Page 11

THE WAR FUNDS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15775, 16 December 1916, Page 11