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_\SH BURTON TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Thn annual break-up ;uid distribution of •prizes in connexion with the Aehburton Technical School took place last night in the preocnco of a large attendance. Tho chairman of the Board of Directors (Mr H. Davis) presided, and in his opening remarks referral in feeling lerms to tho loss to tho 6chool and the town as a whole in the death of the late Mr W. 11. Collins. He epoko of the excellent results which had been attained by tbe students during the past year, a-nA the highly satisfactory progress which liad been made generally. The director (Mr A. L. Moore) then read his report, summarising the year's operations. Mr G. W. Armitage. a member of tho "Board of Education, addressed the gathering, and iu the course of his remarks said that technical education must play an important part in thoroughly equipping our nation to cope with tho new economical and industrial • problems. The v.eie then presented by Mr H. Davis as follow*— TRIZE LIST. DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASSES. . Certificates for two years' course in domestic clwssee —Ivy»tiutterick let class and with credit, Bessie Haslett Ist class and with credit, Lily Ferguson Ist class, Olive McKenzie l?t clacs, Ada Bayliss 2nd class, Kathiccn Bennett 2nd class, Ruby Cookson • 2nd class, Mary Dawson 2nd class, Lucy Fountaine 2nd class, Hester Johnson 2nd. class, Vcvinia McPhail 2nd clas3, Dora McKay '2nd class, Rufine McKcndry 2nd class, Mary Patersou 2nd class, Evelyn Scott 2nd class. Home Management—Bessie Haslett 1, Jeaßic' Clarke 2, Ivy Butterick 3. Cookery—lst year girls: Venie Prebble 1, :Edna Garner 2. Margaret Beattio 3. Advanced: Lucy Holland 1, Bessie Haslett and Violet Goodwin (equal) 2. Evening class: Maisio Alexander 1, Lillias Ferguson 2, Merle Templcton 3. Special prize for Progress in Cookery— Elsie Cunningham. , Invalid Cookery—Margaret Gra-wshaw Ist class pass with credit, Evelyn Muirhead Ist class pass with credit, Norah Ryan Ist class pass with credit. Homo Scienco—Bessie Haslett and Nellie Brophy (equal) 1, Violet Goodwin and Margaret Smith (equal) 2. ' Hygiene—Dorothy Brown 1. Ella Langley 3,' Ellen Brophy 3. Home Nursing—let -year: Bella Dell 1, Dorothy Thompson 2, Helen Soal 3, Elsie Cunningham special for progress, Flossie Ed© special for progress. 2nd year: Ivy Butterick 1, Lily Ferguson 2, Jessie Clarke #_cd Mary Dawson (equal) 3 and special for progress, Vevinia McPhuil special for pro,grew. " r ' Dresemaifng—lst year girls: Lizzie Ter*ia and' Jean Service (equal) 1, Lucy Holland and Venie Prebble (equal) % Eileen Hale and Lilian. Leggett (equal) 3, Christina Lucas special for progress. 2nd year girls: Mary Dawson, and Daisy Brunton (equal) 1, Lily Ferguson (special for progress) and: Kitty Stevenson (equal) 2, Bessie Haslett ind Lucy Fountains (equal) 3, Myrtle "Knudsen special for progress. 3rd year and over; Lily Bennett and Fanny Mclnnes (equal) 1, Florrie Hardy and Bertha Clarke (equaJ) 2, Lily Turnbnll and May Drtimmond (equal) 3. Adults: Annie Shanks, Mary Shanks, and Mrs Grieve (equal) 1, Emily Beattie and Mrs Fussell (equal) 2, Florence Bond 3. • Dressmaking—Mayfield: Mrs W. K. Dellow epecial for progress, Mr 3 Elmslie special for progress. Myrtle Witholl special for progress, Gladys Dellow special for progress Francis Grecnslade special for progress. Methven: Sarah Chambers and Ethel Gilham (equal) 1, Miriam Watson 2. Millinery—lst year girls: Christina Lucas and Lucy Holland (equal) 1, Lizzie Terris 2, Janet Lowery 3. 2nd year girls: Olive 'McKenzie 1, Evolyn Scott 2, Mary Dawson 3. 3rd year: Marjorie Holland and Kathleen McCormick (equal) 1, Lily Bennett 2. "Adiilta: Annie Shanks and Mary Shanks (e<Jaal) 1, Mrs Grieve 2. Mayfield: Mary ,Csi»on and Myrtle Withell (equal) 1, Mrs IT. Scwell and Daisy Braunan (equal) 2. Knitting l —lst year: Flossie Ede 1, Eleie Cunningham 2, Helen Soal 3, Bella Dell, Mrs Meares's special. 2nd year: Lily. Ferguson 1, Ruby Cookeon 2, Evelyn Scott 3, Mary Dawson Mrs Moore's special. ' • I?en painting—Blanche Garner 1, Florrie Harvey 2, Bertha Cla-rko 3. AGRICULTURAL CLASSES. '« Certificate for two years' agricultural course—Robert Ferguson Ist class and with credit. Agriculture—Frank Cass 1, Job Boyee 2.

Woolclaesing—lst and 2nd year: Reg. Wilson 1, Job Boyce and Robert Ferguson (equal) 2. 3rd year: Leslie Mclllroy 1 ; Hamish Rutherford 2. Motalwork—Job Boyce 3, James Johnstone and Frank Cae« (equal) 2 Charlie Dawson 3. Farm Carpentry—lst and 2nd year: Robert Ferguson 1, Robert Gallagher 2. John McKay 3. 3rd year: Hamish Rutherford 1, Leslie Mcllroy 2, Eric Evans 3. Practical Met-hematico —Ist year: Vernon Collins 1, Basil Ccok 2, Charlie Dawson 3. 3rd year; Eric Norrish. ' COMMERCIAL CLASSES. Certificates for two-year course. in commercial classes —Prisciila Blair Ist class and with credit, Reta Jeffs Ist class and with, credit, Lynda Phaup Ist class and with credit. Ivy Sumner Ist class and with credit, Fanny let class and with credit, Eileen Phelps Ist class, Eilcon Burgess l6t class, Ray Brown Ist class, Annie Lennon Ist class, Nellie Good let class. May Lenr.on 2nd class. May Wakeham 2nd claoe. Jaek Simpson 2nd claes, William Smith 2nd class. Special prize for progress and general proficiency in commercial classes Fanny Mclnnes, Thelma. Savill. Special for progress in shorthand and typewriting—Deannie Hunter. Commercial English—James Jonnstone. Ray Brown Bessie Haslett, Janet Lowery, and Murtlo' Tuttv (equal) 1. Reg. Wilson. Priscilla. Blair, £ilv Ferguson, Venie Prebble, and Betsy Donaldson (equnl) 2, Job Boyce. May Lennon, Ivy Butterick, Edith Crawford, and Eileen Phelps (equal) 3. Commercial Arithmetic—Albert Willis. Bessio Haalett, Lucy Holland, and Eileen Phelps (equal) 1. Priscillu Blair, Ivy Butterick, Marjorie Clarke, and Bessie Vincent (equal) 2. Ray Brown, Lynda Phaup. Edna. Garner, Frank McCormick. and George Leadlev (equal) 3. (jeoTraphy—William Harper 1, PriscillaBlair 2, Albert Willis 3. History—Priscilla Blair 1, William Harper 2, Patrick Twiss 3. Bookkeeping—Elementary: Lucy Holland, Edna Garner, and Bessie Vincent (equal) 1, Janet Lowery, Reg. Wilson, and Betsy Donaldson (equal) 2, Job Boyce, Winnie Watson, and James McCormick (equal) 3. Advanced: Ivy Butterick and Herbert L-en-non (equal) 1, "Eileen Burgess and Ray Brown (equal) 2. Typewriting—lflt year: Venie Prebble 1 and special for diligence, and Bessie Vincent (equal) 1, Ellen Brophy and Jean Service (equal) 2, Violet Smith, and Gwen. Samuels (equal) 3. 2nd year: Ivy Butterick, Reta Jeffs, and Nellie Good (equal) 1, Bessie Haslett, M!ay Lennon, and Ray Brown (equal) 2. Shorthand—Pitman's: Betsy Donaldson and Lynda Phaup (equal) 1, Olivo Trevurza and Ivy Butterick (equal) 2, Nellie Good and Edna Garner (equal) 3. Gregg's: Edith Crawford and Olive Phanp (equal) 1, Priscilla Blair 2 Blanche Garner 3. CIVIL SERVICE COURSE. Certificates for two-years' course—Ellen Brophy let class with credit, Dorothy Brown let class with credit, Ella Langley Ist class with ciedit, James McCormick 2nd clasimfith credit, Mary Langley let class. TRADE CLASSES. . Certificates for two-years' course in trade Leadlcy Ist clas6, Gideon McKenzie 2nd class. Carpentry—Job Boyce and George Leadlcy (equal) 1, Frank Evans and Leslie Taylor (equal) 2, James Williams and Walter Strango (equal) 3. Trade Drawing—Clarence Day 1, Gideon McKenzie 2, Harry Beckett 3. Electricity and Magnetism—Harry Beckett 1, Ralph Hunter 2, Eric Norrish 3. Special prizes for progress in trade classes —Job Boyce, Eric Norrish. GENERAL • CLASSES. ■ Painting—Lizzie Torria 1, Olivo McKenzie Geometry—Amelia- MtChire 1, Eric Norrish special. The proceedings were brought to a close with a vote of thanks to Mr Armitage for his attendance, to the staff, and by presentations to Miss Thompson,' who had been four years commercial instructress at the school, and to Mr Watson, for the valuable assistance he had given a a a part-time instructor. ST. MICHAEL'S DAY SCHOOL." The annual prize-giving and entertainment attracted a great number of people, which completely filled the largo hall at St. Michael's. Miss Kiver, tho head teachcr, had arranged an interesting programme, which was well given by the pupils, including eomo dances and a. clever skit by the -boys. The year has been successful, and the examination by the Government Inspector and the Dioce3an -examiner, produced satisfying results. 'I he following is the prize list: — , ' Scripturc.—Senior Division —Standard VI.: Alice. Reynolds 1, Constance Bcthune and Dorothy Wicks 2. Standard V.; Harry Blako 1, Muriel George 2. Class I— Standard IV.: Nancy Young 1, Isabel Searby 2. Standard III.: Trevor Guntrip 1, Charlie Searby 2, Rhoda Stothers 3. Llass ll.—Elsie Smith and Daphne Chapman Ist equal, Norton Diilimore and Aaa 'i.»P3er 2nd equal. in;ant Division A. —Graham Fioessell 1> Frank Steel 2, James Wicks 3, Noeline Chalu 4, Joan Taylor 5, Molly Overton 6. ' Infant Division B.—Alice Chapman 1, Doris Barnham 2, Jamts Kennedy 3. Standard VI. —Dorothy Wicks, Ist marks and arithmetic; Alan Hendy, 2nd marks; Rita Thomson, arithmetic and neatness; Cecil Austin, spelling; Constance Betnune, composition; Arnold Basher, woodwork; Constance BetHur.c, cooking; Alan Hendy, botany; Arnold Basher,' Eric Hughes, Eric Robertson, Constance ±>ethune, Lily Last, Ruth Spragge, attendance; Jack Foster, "all-round sport." Standard V.—Fred. Wicks, Ist; • Harry Blake, 2nd; Philip Young, 3rd; Clove Shcppard, botany; Florrie Pleasance; good conduct; Grace Hullett, cooking; Norman Robertson, woodwork; Rita. Pctrie, good conduct and neatness; Fred. Wicks, spelling and arithmetic; Fred. Wicks, composition; Philip Young, Muriel George, Laurie Moody, Percy Bradford, Harry Blake, Oscar lvcssel, Norman Robertson, Stanley Thomson, Len. Turnbull, Fred. Wicks, Lulu Gudsell, attendance. Standard IV. —Nancy Marshall, Ist; Edward Speire, 2nd; Grace Beauchamp, eewing and neatness; Agnes Powell, good conduct end neatness; Nancy Marshall, English and ■ composition: Jessie Smith, spelling and . neatness; Nancy Marshall, geography al ~ • arithmetic; Grace Hazard, neatness and at- ! tendance; Max. ICisacll, Isabel Scaroj, Nancy Young attendance. Standard lll.—Margery Cotterell, ls>; Doris Poole, 2nd equal; Trevor Guntrip, 2nd equal; Mavis Costello, eewing; Major Lummis. good conduct and neatness; Margery Cotterell. composition and English; Trevor Guntrip, geography; Roy Chapman, arithmetic and attendance; _Ena Shave, spelling; Daphne Chapman, special progress: Howard Machon, attendance and neatness; Doris Poole, attendance and neatness; Edit" | Heaton, attendance and neatness; Lylia. ■ Woodham, attendance and neatness: Eva - Cooke, attendance and neatness; .Walter j Cheeseman. John Grenfell, Trevor Guntrip, Eric Oakes, Charlie Searby, Ruby Nea-ve, . Daphne Chapman, attendance; Trevor Gun-1 trip, beat boy reader in Standard 111. (given j by well-wisher of school). Standard ll.—Elsie Smith, Ist: Janet Wat- | son, 2nd: Ada Tid per, special progress: George Rae, Roland Bulivant, Florence Brown, Klsie Smith, Amuri Sherriff=< Janet Watson, Betty Taylor, Ada Tapper, attendance; Elsie Smith, best girl reader in Standard 11. (given bv well-wisher of school). Standard I. (Upper).—Eileen Robertson, Ist; Harry Horner, 2nd; Greta. Beuinelberg, sewing: Harry Horner, Gladys Churchley, Gwen Jones, Eileen Robertson, attendance. ( Standard I. , (Lower). —Maisic Chapma.ii, Ist; Maisie Chapman Edith Ford, Artnur Hazard, Doj-oth y Woodham, attendance.

Primer ,s.—Olive Ist; Ivy Helton, 2nd; Roy Reynolds, attendance. Primer I.—Mercia Cotton, let; Charlie Spratrge, 2nd; Mcrcia. Cotton, attendance. Primer 3— Noeline Chalu, Ist; James Wicks, 2nd; Thelrna Neave, 3rd; Kenmir Patten, 4th; llvs Duggan, good conduct. Primer 2.—Phyllis Edwards, 1; Fred. Wilder. 2nd; Sidney White, 3rd; Mona Duggan, epeciai progress. __ ~, Primer I—Brenda Edwards, lat; Kathleen Bidd'ie, 2nd; Alice Chapman, 3rd; George Stanton, good conduct. XEW BRIGHTON SCHOOL. The Xcv,' Brighton School broke up yesterday for tlio summer holidays. The prizes were presented in the afternoon by the chairman of tho committee, Mr Cliristian, ae lolk'sumdard YI.-Hilda King; (dux medal presented by the chairman Mr Christian) 1, Kathleen Armstrong (Mrs ibecbye prize) Hector Beaumont IJ, Muriol iiawrence i, Howard Paul 5, Barbara Gralia-m 6, Nancy Patrick 7. General improvement; Guy Jarvis (ill- Sincock'3 prize). Attendance: Kathleen Armstrong, Biirbiiii Graluuu, ilyrtl© Langlev. Rhoda Mitchell, Bertha Palmer, Nancy 'Pattrick, Minnie Seales, Emily Tilleyeliort, Ronald Smith, Muriel Lawrence, Hsu-old Bellamv, Howard Paul, Lawrence Israelcon, Elsie Ward, Harold Kibblewhitc, Lionel Thomas, .Stuuda-rd V.—March 1, Ada Peinple 2, Phyllis Gordon 3, Nellie Ivce 1. Violet Sto veils 5, Eileen Hooker 6, Chafl. *\\ il«on 7. Attendance: Donald Mcintosh Ruth Clark, Rita Edmonds. Doris Knight, Maieie March, JCyria Pearce, Reginald Goodland, Fred Hanliarn, Cyril Barrett, Eileen Hooker, Alistair Sutlierjand, Phyllis Gordon. Standard IV.—Fred Price 1, Edgar Chivers 2, Doris Palmer 3, Eileen Paul. 4, Enc Robinson 5 LyJc Stubley 6. Ina Davidson 7, Eris Burmeister 3, Archie Sutherland 9. Special: Myrtle Simpson. Attendance : Marjo rie Clark, Marjorie. Gibson, Mileon Jonee, Given Bellamy, Doris Palmer, James Hoyward, Erie Burmeisier, Josephine Goodland, Lilian Brown. Cyril Buliivant, Fred Price. Standard lll.—Rona Jackson 1, Ngaire Hawley 2, Marjorio Proctor 3 Buby Potter 4, Thomas Gault !>, Bernard Ward 6, Hugh Hopkins 7, Madeline Buchanan 8, Arthur Hyde 9, Charles Sturrock 10, Cyril Dixon 11, Conroy March 12, Harry Stokes 13. Attendance. Robert Brown, Eric Garder. Lance Thomas, May Ellis, Annie Palmer. Echo Stevenson, Anita Thompson, Marjorie Proctor, Leslie Mcintosh, • Leonard Read, Aubrey Thomas, Bernard Ward, , George Dewebury. Te-acher's special: Thomas Gault, Rona Jackeon. Standard ll.—Doris James 1, Teesa. Pattrick 2, Claud Ha-.vorth 3, A. Emily Graham 4, Eileen Ives 5. Nellie Usherwood li, Alan Esson 7, Norman Lawry 8, Enid Langley 9, Elsie Bouidot 10, Robert AVallburton 11, Maurice Hockley 12, Lorentz Sutherland 13, Oscar Anderson 14. Attendance: Ele:© Bourdot. Gladys Ellis, Esme Herrick, Enid Langley, Claud Haworth. Hugh Seales, Albert Seales, Poppy Nicholas, Ivy Walker, Claud Betts. Bnioe Bissett, Alan Eesdn, Len Nicholas, G-j-rry Pratt, Harold Patau, Willie Roberts. Lorentz Sutherland Dick Wylie, Wilfred Hopkins. Douglas Jan-is, Celia Langley. and Hazel Buxton. Standard I.—Eileen Messenger 1, Monica Crew 2, Mabel Eastwood 3, Betty Esaon 4, Indus Fanthami 5. Bertie Goodland 6, Martha Hulme 7, Edna Hunt 8, Murray Graham 9, Nelma Edmonds 10. Attendance: Hora-ce Haworth Bertio Goodland, Jack McDougali, Elsie Sturrock. Hope Betfs. Monica Crew, Harry Andersen, Maurice Cliff. Specia] Prizes.—Recitation, Gwen Chapman (Mr Sincock's prize); most chivalrous boy, Harold Bellamy; most popular girl, KathJeen Armstrong; Bed Cross work, Emily Tillyshort (Mr Buxton's prize), Dorothy Price and Elsie Ward (Mrs Clark's prize), Dorothy Harding and Louie Sleve-as (Miss Pattrick's prize): fife and drum band prizes (prizes presented by Mrs Theo, Cox and Mrs McCree); attendance. Wilfred Hopkins, Harold Bellamy. Alfrod Innes, . Leslie McCroe. Norman Smith. Ronald Smith, Lionel Thomas Reginald Goodland: improvement, Hugh Hopkins. James Heyward, Trevor Prist, Albert Seales. Mr George Anderson has presented a watch and two medals to be competed for at an early date. RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL. f ljhe annual break-up and distribution of prizes of the Rungiora. High School was held yesterday. Mr K. Ball (chairman of the Board of Governors) occupied the chair, and iu his opening remarks said that it was again his privilege to announce that the past year had been a very successful "one. The roll number and the attendance had been well maintained, and the general health of '.he pupils had been good. Mr Ball said • that the Board hoped, in the near future, to place much greater facilities for the study of agriculture at the disposal oi the pupils, which ho hoped would prcv« a. great benefit to the farming community. Tiie Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association had given valuable assistance to the BoJrd in the direction of obtaining these facilities. Mr Ball made feeling reference to the ex scholars of the school who had fallen in the war, and said that they all had reason to be proud of the number of "old boya" who had volunteered for service. An extcn- [ sion of the summer holidays had been made in order to enible the bovs to assist with the gathering of the harvest. Mr T. R. Cresswell then gave an outline of the year's work, both in and out of the school, and briefly contrasted the British and German systems of education. He referred to the fact that 120 old boys were at. the front or in training, and that in addition to those he had mentioned :it the previous year's break-up, J. Little. St- Fendall, and T. Derrett had laid down their lives. He_ moved a- vote of evmcathy with the relatives of these three "soldiers, which was carried in silence, those present standing The Hon. D. Buddo, J LP.. Messrs W. H. Banks, H. Boyd, and F. Horrell, members of the Board, also spoke. The prizes were then distributed by Mrs T. R. Cresswell, as follows: — Form V. (Upper).—Elizabeth Youngraan 1, Charles Hawker 2 Edw.n Barker 3, Julia Chapman 4. Form V. (Lower). —Leslie Fisher 1. James Brown 2, Dorothy Leech 3, Donald C'richton Form IV. —Adelaide Roberts 1, Winifred Tallott 2. Jean Cresswell 3. Isabel Leonard 4, Ivv Bevington 5. Form 111.. A.—Daisy Whitley 1. Myrtle Blake and Mira Scott 2. Eileen Hegan 4. Madge Hyland 5. Irene Laskey 6. Form ill.. B. Stanley D a-lley 1, Gladys Cowe.ns 2, Ashley Cresswell 3. Cha llenqe Shields and Cups.—Tennis, Myrtle Bennett; physical drill, Julia Chapman: shooting, J;iek Scott: physical drill. Erie Bell: agricultural cup (Mr Ball's prize), Edwin Barker; Lady Godley shooting cup, Jack Scott.

Special Prizes.—Boys' physical drill (juniors). Ewarfc Wright; girls' physical -"drill (juniorsl (Mr; Cres-swell's priz?), Mavis Fleming; conduct. Viva Nicholls: (Mi«? P-tt's pr:ze>. J«ssie Scott: cookery (Miss Wright's prir.e). Eileen Crysell: Mrs Cresswell's hostel prize. Adelaide Roberts: flower garden prizes, Alice Thompson," Gertrue Kennedy, and Jean Cresswell: coHociion of botanical specimens (Miffi Vickery'e prizes), Alicc Thompson and Eileen Heg-an; Red Cross -workers (Miss Stewart's prizes). Alice Thompson and Gertrude Taylor; sinking (Mr Gibhs-Jordan's prizee). Hilda Fendall and Dorothy Leech; special in mathematics (Mr Callaehan'a prize). Aileen Blackett: special for ueatnese of work (Mr Cresswell's prized, Dorothy Tutton: agricultural garden work (Mr GaJlaghan's prize). George Joyce; senior cadet squad, winner of first prize at concentration camp. Rangiora (each presented with lflr*-e photograph o: equad), Serjeant C. E. Hawker. Cadets J. G. Brown, J. Evans, A. Doak. D. Crichton. L. V. Fisher, W., •V Mardon, G. Smith. M. Marshall C. Widdowson. I/.' Smith, M. Dewc. A. Larsen. W. Edge, H- Murray, I!. Jones: monitors' silver badges completion of term of efficient eervioe" Aileen Blackett, Charles HaSvker.

SYDENHAM SCHOOL. The Sydenham School broke '•!• - v T'^ ru^"' l ' when tiie prizes were i>resentcd_ m the p.e sence ci a" large att-ecd.ince tho pupiss. their parents, and friends. Following is the prize-list:— . Dux medal —Boy: Thomas Ho.mes. gtr-. Lexie Allardvoc. 17 Sportinc—Batley Cup, C. Dav;cs: belt, J. Nelson. . , Shooting lempetiiio:: —v\. 0 Call»s* :an • D. Mitchell 2. . , , Na.vy League essays —star.aard w.: ' ln ' Lexie Ailardyo; boys. H. Anderson. card V.: Girls. Dors ha'oian; hoys. - • Fisher (2nd class;. Standard . : V' 1 /. Sadie Jones: boys. .J. Gasson. b'.anaarxi Girls, Ethel Ives; boys. L'. Savers. Seven-aside Tournament '. una0 ■~ (Findiav, G. Kett. R. Gee. S. 1' aulkncr. i. Wan-. N. Epri-chard, and D. McMaaoji. Attendance certificates —Class L : A . bald Still. Class II.: Mitchfil, III.: Rae Dudney, Evelyn Parsons. fxed Cluss .: .luct Darics. Albert Roberts. Muriel Claiss VI.: Theresa C. McDonald. Ldward Maddren. Annie Hulmo. Roy Baird. Edward. Coull Mary Cameron, Charles Parish. Standard 1.-John Bradshaw, Wv/ard Brfird. Arthur Cooper, No r man James Mitchell. Stuart Hhina Arluur Tornlinson. Harold, Marv Wilson, Nita. Kitchener. Silvia Tolcbard, Eva Humphreys. Irene Woolcock. Standard ll—Ezra Brown, Cameron, George Cotton, Herbert . • Cyril Fuss, James Joyce. Leonard Lord : Arthur Richardson, William Bailey, a Eradshaw. William Hampton, Jack Huchings, Samuel Hughes, nck Nelson Loney, Jack Bott illiam O Connell, Gordon McGeoTge, Claude Matthews. Stanley Massey, Frank Ledsham Vera Bnghtmpie, Florence Gregory, Alma Mather, Ella A> Phyllis Jennings, Cissie Woolcock, Lily Ha.ll, Mar.iorie Mountfort.. v u , Standard 111-Arthur Woolcock, Tonkin. Charles Sherwood, James SmiUi. Wilfred Stackhouso. Berviamm beTt Robert... Arthur Drangnell, Williwn Onne, William Martin, Aubrey Hansen, Sydney Faulkner. John Chittenden, Percj Cot ton. Cyril Anderson, "Wmitred Watson, Mad^> U'Pritchard. Connie Thornton Maysie Still, Clava Paull Llla, Alice Hickinbottom, Dorothy Hall, Gladjs Hansen. Gertie. Gallagher, Madge Dymond, Gladys Deyell, Doris Bugg. Standard IV.—Roy Smart. N - ' Thomas Mitchell. Clarence Erodes, Jam« 'Clarke Albert Cooke, V»Ullnm Wil liam Hansen, Cecil ilaine. Charles L Norman U'Pritchard. Stuart Allen Sleeman, Reginald Maine, Altert Kawhn son, Owen-Marietta, „ H VM.Mvs leeli Gregory, Phyllis O'Callahan, «^ 3 Matthews, Olive Watson, Dons Wa-Uwn, Vera Bedford, Olivo Aylmg. r il,n. nd l^io V 'FmS Herbert John King. Robert Valentmo .TohnPop"e, cK, Fabian, Ethel Ivos. Vera Johnston, Nellie Vl.—Alan McKoon. George Ross, Woolcock, Alexis Allardyce. AMBERLEY SCHOOL. Kreakinc-up function <u connexion wiTh thc 'Vmberley school w*s attended with moro tLn orfiniry interest this inasmuch that the headmaster and teaching atafE have compiled, and placed on tho walla -f tlie . school a. Roll Honour and 1«h1 of Our Hero T)ead," containing the namee oi LTX have assisted tiio Empire and were Sriy pupils of tho Amberley_ school. The Brat Roll of Honour contains 60 names, and the second nine. Another item of interest was the last day of school work of tie headmaster Mr J. An demon, who retire© on after a lengthy and ful career of forty year* o-s a schoolmaster. The gathering, which _ consisted of parents of the scholars, was presided over by Mr cliairman of the School Committee. Several tele grains and apologies for absence were rechairman referred to t-he friendly relations existing between the committee and Mr Anderson, -and congratulated the teaching staff on the excellence of the year s reports. To the headmaster lie conveyed the deep appreciation of the committee and householders for his years of service, for the moral and intellectual knowledge conveyed to the -pupils, and wished him and Mrs Anderson long life and prosperity in their new sphere. The school children presented -M-r Anderson with a Kaiapoi rug as a memento of his sojourn in Amberlev. The presentation of prizes was them made as follows r— - ... Headmaster's prize, proficiency oi driJl— Serjeant J. Wins kill. Agriculture—Henij Franks. Industry and Neatness—Ma nope Pamons. Vccal music—Nina Chamberlain. Each child engaged in. "garden plot" work received' a prize from tlie committee. Fiiat-class attendance oertificates 'were presented to Jum&s AVinskill ft-nd Gladys Arthur, and second-cl a&» certificates to Audrey Arthur, Amuri Oberv, Edith Arthur, and Ella Obery. The Rev. W. F. Know'es addressed tlie children a.t length, ajid then unveiled the Honour Rolls. • Miss Mason playing the "Dead March in Sou*" as the "Roll of Our Hero Dead" was unveiled. At the caR <-f Mr Bliodes. cheers were given for Mis Smith, who has five eons on the Roll of Honour, and also for Sergeant F. Watson, winner of the D.C.M. _ During tho afternoon several patriotic sougs l .were contributed by the scholars, _wTio also, gave rousing oheers for the headmaster, staff, and committee. ST. BEDE'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. St. Body's Collegiate -School broke up for slimmer holidays yesterday morning. Following the custom established since the outbreak of' the war, certificates were presented to the successful students in li«u of prizes. The following is the priao list: — Form IV.—General excellence: Richard Barrett. Next in merit: Malcolm Handisides, PercivaJ Marshall. Christian doctrine and Holv - Scripture: Malcolm Handis-ides. Next in merit: Richard Barrett, Joseph . O'Reilly. English essay: Richard Barrett Next in merit: Malcolm Handisidcs. Joseph O'Reilly. English : Percival Marshall. Next irr merit: Richard Barrett, Malcolm Ilandisides (ex tequo). Latin: Percival Marshall Next in merit: Richaid Barrett, Malcolm Handisides. French: Richard Barrett. Next in merit: PeTcival Marshall, Malcolm Handisides. History: Malcolm Handiside». Next in merit. Percival Marshall, Richard Barrett. Geography : Malcolm Handisides Next in merit: Percival MarshaJl, Richard Barrett. Arithmetic: Robert Hig"ina. Next in merit: Malcolm Handisides, Percival Marshall. Honourable mentx*i: Frederick Khouri. Algebra a.nd geometry: Honourable mention, Frederick Ivhoun. Spelling and dictation : Percival Marsnall. Next in merit: R.cliard Barrett. Malcolm Handisides. Bookkeeping: Robert Higgina. Hon mention: FVederick Khouri. Form lll.—General . excellence: Henry Smith. Next in merit: Cecil Aslitou, Bernard Rundle. Christian doctrine and Holy Scripture: Henry Smith. Next in. merit: Patrick Barrett, George Blogg. English essay: Patrick Barrett. Next in merit: Henry Smith, David Christie. English: Henry Smith. Next -n merit: Leo McMullan, Cecil Ashton. Latin: Cecil Next in merit: Henr>- Smith, Bernard R-tmdJe. French: Cecil Ashton. Next ■in merit: Henry Smith, Edv. aid Barrett. History: Henry Smith. Next in merit: Nicholas Kelly. Cecil Ashton. Geography: Henry Smith: Next in merit: Bernard Rundle. Patrick Barrett. Arithmetic: Henry Smrt.h. Next in merit: Cecil Ashton. Leo McMuDan. Al l pebra: Cecil Ashton. Next in merit: Patrick Barrett. Bernard Rundle. Geometry: Henry Smith. Next in merit: Rundle. Cecil Ashton. Spelling and dictation: Edward Barrett. Next in merit: James Jac-oues, Henry Smith. Bookkeeping: David Christie. Next in merit : Jiiaies Jacques. Junior Form—General excellence: Martin Darby. NOTRE DAME DES MISSIONS. The following are amendments to the prize list.: — Dux of school—Marion Williams (gold medal presented by Mr G. T. White). Good conduct—Upper Division : Kathy "Havdon (gold medal presented by E. R-eece and Sons. Ltd.). Good Conduct—Lower Division : Monica Her>ne«fty (silver medal presented by Petersen's, Ltd.). Accuracy' and speed in typewriting—May O'Donoghue (gold medal presented by D". ■N. Adams. Ltd.). Painting—Lily O'Malley (gold medal presented bv Mr Andrew Lees).

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 15775, 16 December 1916, Page 11

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15775, 16 December 1916, Page 11

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LII, Issue 15775, 16 December 1916, Page 11