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METHVEN RACING CLU3. The following handicaps lave bwa 5eM.OUNT HARDING "VTELTEK, o£ 15 eovb; ono Hamilton list -lib, Eaglestone lOst 121b, Master Hamilton Kto, Evcnware 10et, Sapience Prt 01b. Ophidia »« 6lb, Awha Sst ssb," Martial Os*., 2!b, Curcaa ftet, Parcinient Sat, Curilla 9st. DAYTON TROT, of 12 eo-ra; one mile— lairorial Traoey sex, Rsral SOyde. Silver 100 yds, "Robert Lyons llOyds, Trw*y Diiloa 120 yds, Maggie >". 130 yds, Gaelic 320jii», AVocxlburn Chief Slly 120 yd*>, Velocua 12Ov<ie. Tin-?y 120 yds, lielena. 120 yds, Fancywork 120 yds, Blaokford 139 yds, Dardy Coon ICyydo, Th«? Sovereign lSOrd*, Stella Tracey 130yc3, Bo!l King 130 yds, Migncn 15Cyd». Little Hector 150 yds. HACK RACE, of S eovs; four fcTlonge— Silver Pin 9rt, Arab Qorca Out, M&niform Sst, Recoil 9s!, Three Springs 9st, Bnwza Itet, fxnto aat. Olyrni Ost, Lyatt !>st, Cold Guard &st, Prcoea "Garde 9st, Lyrees 9st. METHVE-N CL'P. o; CO «r.-e; one mi:c and a quarter—Sir Hamilton, list 41b. E*fiiestone lOst 12ib, Owbefcoro Idsi 12lb, Federal lOst 61b, KTenwave Cfct 1311), Ob/api Stet __13lb, Sapience Vet 91b, Awha S>st 51b, Grey Echo Det, Cuxilla 9st. FARMKR3' TROT, of 14 sore: one mile and a half—Silver Prince ecr, Robert Lyons 20yds. Jack Tartar 30yds, Maggie X. 80yds. Veto en* oOyde, Belena 30y<ls, Fancywork SOyda. Dandy Coon 30yds," Offside 30yd*, Trace?- Dillon SOyds. Bell Ki&g AOrde, TTw Sovereign 40vds. Imperial Ann SOydd, First Adri-nce 6rty<]s, Mignon β-zydr,. YiKWIiOXT HANDICAP, of !3 soys; pix furlonsja—Owlseioro JOst 13lb, Federal lCst 131b, Master Hamilton lOst 21b, Ophidia 9st Tib. Na-us*n J?."t 51b. Recoil Set. Curcas 9st, Parchment 9st, Billy Tixid art I Grey Echo Srt. Bar.dv 9«t. HANDICAP OPEN TROT, of 18 sove; two mile.-;— Lady Lyons For, King V. scr. Rura-i SCK-α*. Genera) Grant SWy&s, Frontier UOyds, \V.o?na 130 yds. Offside 150 yds, Stella Traoey 150 yds. Imperial Ann lOOr.'de. Peraiont lSOyd«, Little Hector 2l»yds, First. Advance 2tOvds. MOUNT HUTT HANDICAP, of 11 povs; five iurlonUH—Fcd<?rHl lft>« !3lb, Evenwavo lOst ±h, Blj-thcix.y I(H{ aib. Maefer Hamilton lOst 21b, Ohapi KUt, 'Cn.iJ.rees Oat Tib, Orchidia iVU <ib. 9st slJ>, ilartkl g«t 21b hliver Pir !)n, Arab Qaecu Ret. Pa-rcliment C-arcas 9st, Ereoza Ont, Biiiy Todd tet, i-?nto 9st, Glyr.Ti flst, Petrogml Oet, Lvatt -at, Gold GuiircJ 9st. MOr.VT SOMERS~AND SPRI.VGBUBX owin = hu-ncJicaps have been deAKAMA TROT, of a S oys; one mi.V Lily scr, Robert Lyons leec, Stella rrjciiy iscc. Jennie L. 3»»c, Billy Lyons 3sec, gnoen Qiuncey 4sec, Little Hector 4sec, Miffr.on J sec. ° KLVIXG HANDICAP, of 10 soys; five • unongp—Fcd<Tiil lOst Tib, Blytheboy itet lOlh. EvenwttV* 9et 10!b, Ophedia 9el IHirbmo Set 10lh, Parting Glance Sst 101b. Lilamain &>t IOJb. Parchment fist Tl!),' Arab Queen Sat Tlb,< Billy Tcdd Set 71b, Lento Set Tib, Lvatt Hat MOUNT SOMERS CUP, of 19 soy«; one mile and a quarfcr—EagUsalone lOat Tib, Federul lOst. Probaljle Out 10lb, Evenwavc 9st Gib, .Sapience Set !21b, Moncyinaker Set 121b, Awha Bst 121b, C'urilla ■ Set Tib, Mif» Jviaiv/nan Set Tib, Tipperary Bst 71b. JfAr FIELD TROI' of 10 cove; one milo and a half—Princes© Lily ecr, Robert Lyons 2?oc, Offside 3ecc, Traccy General luaro isec, Permont Seec, ilignon Csoc, Littlo Hector 6eec, First Advance frjec. HACK RACE, of 10 eovs: four furlongs— Turbine Bst Tib, Lento Bst Tib, Arab Queen Set Tib, Preacz Garde 6st Tib, Parting Glsnco Sst 71b, Billy Todd Bat Tib, Lvatt Bet Tib. SPRINGBURN HANDICAI', of 8 sove; sevon furlongs—Probable lOet, Even-wave 9et 101b, Sapience 9st 4lb, Oplcdia 9st, Awha st, Parchment 9et, Mise Ma reman 9st, Tipperary 3s t. STAVELEY TROT, of 14 sove; Vwo miles —Princeae Lily ecr, Stella Traoy Heec, Offfiido 4eec, Valeria 4sec, Billy Lyons 6sec, Vermont 69ec, Queen Quincey Bscc, Firet Advanco Beec. AMT7RI TURF CLUB'S ANKT7AL MEETING. The following nominations hare been received: — PAHAU HACK RACE—Art, Advance Guard, Master Fluffy Face, Firebeam, Ngafu, Lady Aline, Mishap. FLiTING HANDICAP—Sartoeta, St. Eire, Mica Roslyn, Darracq, Northern Light, Fluffy Face, Equivocal, Derby Day, Strop, Mishap. DISTRICT HANDICAP TROT-Foliage, Bow-wow, Royal, Dreamy Dick, Richchild, Billie, Franz Junior, Foil, i'lyover, L.R., Ever, Lady Lou. AMURI HANDICAP—Sartosta, Ribaton Pippin, NoTthem Light, Pronun," Advanco Guard, Miss Roelyn, Darracq, Strop. OPEN HANDICAP Royal, Richchild, Dolly S., Clcvewood, Savanna, Mandel, Foil, Dreamy Dick, L.R., EVer, Tracey Park,' Flyover. LADIES' BRACEJ-iET—Art, Lady Aline. Fluffy Face, Ngafu, Advanco Gnard, Miehap. OPEN HANDICAP TROT-Cleve»ood-Flyover, Royal, , Savana, Bille, Dolly S., Richchild, Mandol, Foil, Lady Lou, Dreamy Dick, L.R., Ever, Admiral Drake. ELLERSLIE TRAINING 2COTES. (TOESS ASSOCIATION TELBGRAM.) AUCKLAND, December 22. The TTeathcr savoured more of winter than rammer this-morning, as a eironjr wind wae blowing, accompanied by rain. All work of importance wae registered on tho outeidoof the course proper, which wag in good order. Banksia ran, five furlongs in lmin 6 3-sth eec, and Tact beat Prince Soult over six in lmin 18 1-ath. sec, the- latter taking lmin 20 2-sth sec. Don Francieco was going stronger than Camulue at the end of a round run in 2min 5 2-fith ccc. Jack Delaval, with tho aesiatance Et intervale of Devastation and another, covered a. mile and a quarter in 2min 19eec. ArTan and Delenda v/ero together at tho end of four furlongs in 53 3-sth ccc. Merry Roo easily beat Caetalia over six furlongs, run in lmin 21sec. Beldam© and Tete-a-tete covered cix furlongs in lmin 19 2-sth ccc. Austin galloped a furlong further in luiin 34 2-stn ccc. Reputation was too good for ilullingar over a mile and a quarter run in 2min 18ecc, tho laiter taking 2m in 20sec. Bimeter beat Court Martial and. Snapdragon over eeven furlongs in lmin 31 l-stli sec. Toreador finished, better than Goldfire at tho end of sis furlongs in Iniin 20 3-Sth sec. Waretep was going nicely alongside Sinapis over a mile and a quarter run in 2min 18 2-sth sec. Allegation- finished two lengths in front of Soldier with St. Elmn several lengtlis away at the end of a mile and a quarter, in 2niin 17eec, the last-named taking 2min 20eec. Football, Ringform, and Sea Pink' were together after covering the earn© distance in 2min 20sec. McDonald had tho afsvstarice at intervals of Balboa and Campeador, and galloped a mile and a half in 2min 45 3-sth sec, finishing well. Soultikoff, Royal Irish, and Jolie Fillc finished in that order .at the end of a similar journey, in 2min 46 3-sth sec. Royal Irish taking 2min 43 4-sth eec, and Jolie Fillo 2min 50 l-sth ccc. Bee was better than Iliad'e Hero at the end of five furloage from the new post in lmin 4 1-Sth sec. Po3til!ion took lmin 6sec to traverse tho game distance from tho old poet. Marco, Bello, and ilountsin Dream were together at the end of four furloiige run in 52ecc. Monojack covered seven furlongs comfortably in lmin 35sec. Snub and Adjutant were on terms at the er.d of iivo furlonge, which occupied lmin G 3-sth sec. Maniaroa covered a round in 2min Gsec. Downham beat Sweet Corn over live furlongs from the r.ew poet ill lmin Ssec. Chortle was going easier than Vocation at the end of seven furlongs run in lmin 32 2-sth soc. Prince Merriwee ran a mite and a half in Cmin 56 3-sth ccc. Wishful waa better than Desert Gold over five furlongs run in lmin 9sec. King Lupin ran half a mile in 52sec, and Sauci five furlongs in lmin 10 2-sth ccc. During tho breakfast interval Goldei.-ve covered a round in 2tnin asec, and after breakfast Patronalc bmehed over three fnrlongie :n 3Steec. Kitty Bcllaire beat Apellon over four furlongs in Slsec. Christmas Rose, Tripoli, and Chime were in that order at t-ho end of six furlongs in lmin lEteec. Kiliceny was schooled over cii hurdles, ioncing well. TVINGATUI TRAINING NOTES. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) DUNEDIN, December 22. Bnd ■x-jathaar kept trainoxe and horses , away from Wiugstu: this morning until aiter 8 o'clock, but between the ehowera an iispcction of tbe track showed the goin? to bo surprisingly firm, although fit> plough gaJlop has been temporarily put o\ft of uet>. St. Brigid was the first to appear, and, on the inside gT&ce, where all the work took place, he strodo out weil whea ii?>gotiatiiig seven furlongrs in lmin iSGecc. I'xotty Jane ran over five furlocgs in lmin 7 4-oth £«c, and Goiden R«pe« and Marvelit« were not fully extended when travelling the came ground in lmin Ssdc. United Service and John Barleycorn finished together at the end. of cix furlongs in lmin 20 2-sth c"c, and were n°t hunted along at any part of the journey. Both horsca are looking and travelling nicely. Ssiibiirg was beating Micky Free t the end of six furlongs in lmin 23oec, and \Vli«! r t>.=""r and had no diffi- ■ <ty in fnlfUling tb© same ttek in Irnic 22eec. \ oiepeii got the beet of the start >nth Floralise and Rodowa, in a cix furlong gallop, and finished, with the last-named in lmin 22 l-sth sec. Floraiino broke a blood-v«9eel, and was palled up. Golden King did a nice working: gallop over seven irlongß in lmin 3C 2-SUi goc, and pulled up -«und and well. Ogier, beginning slowly, picked up Taft after goinjj » furlong, ajid ran sever: furlongs in lmin 36_4-sth ccc. Kuaao wae . taken easily over cix furlongs,

covering the dietttnoe in lmin 26eoc Gapon roko away in a fitrlang gallop, and picking up Speedometer between the fourth and the fifth distances, ran the last five furlongs in lmin Bsec. Speedometer took 53seo for the half-mile, and ehaped well. Yaranian, Red Charm, and a couple of others were restricted to eaey pacing. GREYMOTJTH T.C.'S SUMMER MEETING. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) GREYMOUTH, December 22. The following acceptances have been received for the first day: — GUINEAS HANDICAP (har•ieee), of 70 eovs; one mil© and a half—Red Ruth 12sec, Triumph 13eec, Mangatini 13sec, 'I'rinko-t lGsec, Sergeant Havelock 18eec, Miss Clarice lfteec. Trixic Adair 22eec, Silver Star 27& ec, Timepiece 27ecc, Whispering Boy 27sec, Gonial '2&e<x, "Woodland Doll 2Sseo, Colintrnive SOscc. SUMMER HANDICAP (naddlo), of 60 JOV3-. two miles—Sidus scr, Inquisitive secc, Csec, The Searcher 6sec, Fairy Whispers llsec, Mairaot. 12eec, Investment, Telltale- 18sec, Franolly ISscc, Capewell IS^c. MAWHERA HANDICAP (harness), of 150 soya; one mile and a half—Roosevelt ecr, Galvanita 4sec, Galician 4eec, Miss Wallace «c, Beach Boy Gscc, Lucy Wallace Gsec, Miss Audrey Gsec, Rotorua 69ec, Sweet Affncs 7sec, Lada "Bella 7sec, Sceptic 7scc, Dick B. 7sec, Lady Poolo 7acc, Louis Drift Sacc, indies' bracelet handicap (saddle), of 60 eovs; one mile and a halfOverland ecr, The Scarclwr 6scc, Red Maid Gsec, Dunollie Smc, Rubin Sacc, Glen 14eec, Bay View Usec. Weetland Lacs llecc, Franoily 16ecc. Telltale l&sec, BrunneT Girl ISsec, L'o'mmy Atkins 18sec. Silver Ryo 18»ec, Hetiial 18.sec, Grey Ruin ISsfc, Miae Ruin 18soc, Misa Rye lSeec, Colintraive 20sec, C GREy" vAiSiEY HANDICAP feaddle). of '00 isovs; two miles—Voter ecr, Staud Allerton lOsec, Kopara Dick lleeo, Storm!c&s lleec. Sand Drift 12? Ec, Alatilda 1?/jcc, LandeThUl I3soc, Ellawood Bisa Uecc. CYCLONE HANDICAP Giarncss), .of 80 eov»: one mile—Diction «cr, Sidua Isec, Ethel Ball ."sec, Nora McKinny 3scc. Cb'-ld-lesis sseo, Thcseii , ? &see, Moreo ssec, Sergeant 'lovelock axx. Dreamland 9s«c, Whispering lov Oseo. AVIATION HANDICAP (harness), of 90 -->vs; one mile;—Galvanita "sec, Ga]ician 3boc, Mis« Wallace 3sec, Younj? Dillon 4sec. Kenny K. seec, Chief Spec ssec. Dick B. sf.~c, Sweet Agws ssr<". Sceptro Ssec, Liwly Bella. ssec, Mada Csec, Peony G»cc, Louis Drift C&?c. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (saddle), of GO eovs; 01:0 mile—Lady Marion scr. Nod Corbott l&ec. Rouble 4sc«, lanto oecc, Rite. H. Vrc. Forest Bell »3ec, Storraloss 3sec, Maa■!a feoc, Amy Dillon 7sec, Ella Wood 7eec, Signoretta 7a?c, Sungod 7scc. Biaa Ssec. Redruth 9eec, Triumph Osec, Maiomako 31 sec. NOTES. Acceptances for the Ashbnrfcon Trotting Club's Summer Electing close at--9 o'clock this evening. Nominations for the TYario JockfvClub's Annual Meeting close this evening. Acceptances for the "Wairarapa Racing Club's Summer Meeting .ire (hie this evening. F. E. Jones is to have the mount, on Sir Knox in the Auckland Cup. The Riecarton horseman scored in the same race last year on Sir te>lo. The secretary of the Canterbury Owners , arid Hreedcrs' has received notification from tho llailvray Department that a special train carrying horses for the Ashbiirton Trotting Club's Meeting will leave Christchnrch u,t ii.-i 5 a.m. on" Saturday, returning the same evenins. Tho cominittoe of the Wai mate Racing Club, -it a recent meeting, decided to call for tendera f,or additions to tho grnndstand, to be- in on January flth. A definite decision as to building is to como up after receiving the tenders. Tho present p<i?ition of th« club is that their bank !>a!anco stands at £718. v.-ith subscriptions (good) outstanding* £200. Tho liabilities are £470. A special train left yesterday morning for Wingatui with tho Ricearton-trained «>ntingent of forty odd horses, engaged at the Dtincdin Meeting on Boxing Day, and at the Invorcargiil and Oamarn Meetings a week later. The majority of the horses engaged have been responsible for a< lot of good -work dur-

ing the last few days, and amongst them they should win a number of races before returning home.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 5

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SPORTING. Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 5

SPORTING. Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 5