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(by our commercial editor.) There were good entries of all classes ot stock and a fairly large attendance. Beef was dull of sale at lower prices; store sheep were slightly easier, and there was a good export demand for lambs, but little or no improvement In prices. Fat wethers maintained their values, but fat ewes showed a further decline. Store cattlo were easier, dairy rows sold at Late rates, and pigs were very dull of sale. STORE SHEEP. The yarding of store sheep was rather larger than last week, but the quality was n<?t so good, a number "f lines being of small and travel stained descriptions. Young and sound-mouth ewes were in fair demand, and tho bulk of these changed hands at late rates. Forward four and six-tooth wethers also maintained their values fairly well, though not in quite such keen demand. Small and low conditioned wethers were dull of sale it much lower rates, and several lines were passed. A few pens of ewes and lambs sold at 5s lid to 6s lid all counted, forward four and six-tooth wethers lis 9d to 13s 7d, medium 10s 3d to lis 3d, and small and low conditioned 8s 5d to 9s 2d, two-tooth ewes lis 6d to 13s 3d, good four and sixtooth ewes 13s 7d to 13s lOd, small two and four-tooth ewes lis 6d to 12s 6d, sound-mouth ewes 10s 6d to lis 6d, and aged 7s 6d to 8s 9d, aged merino ewes with lambs 4s 4d all counted. Among the sales were :—IOO Four and six-tooth wethers 12s od, 70 at lis 6d. 100 at 12s, 100 at lis 'sd, 168 at lis 4d, 111 at 12s Id, 240 at lOp td. _i two-tooths at 9s, 42 at lis 8d 100 at 9s 2d, 202 at 10s 6d. 189 at :» lOd, 349 at 10s 4d, 59 at lis 3d, 134 six and eight-tooth ewes 10s 6d, 68 mised ages, small 7s lOd, 67 two-tooths 13s 3d, 130 four, six and eight-tooths lis 4d, 120 merino ewes with lambs An 4d. FAT LAMBS. The yarding of fat lambs totalle.. 3800. Tho quality was better on the average than last week, as there were not so many unfinished lots on offer There were several export buyers opor ating, and prices, though not so high for the better lambs as last week, were more even. Those tak«n for freezing made 10s to 12s 4d, a few lighter lambs sold down to 9s lOd, and the heavier weights to 13s lid. The principal sales were:—For Ounneen Bros. (Broadfields), 25 at 12s 6d to 13s lid: A. Rice (Kaiapoi), 30 at 12s 5d to 13s 6d: S. Gibson (Ellesmere), 48 at 12s 9d to 13s 4d; F. Campion (Prebbleton), 30 at 13s 2d; G. H. Stanley (Harewood road), 30 at lis lid to 12s lid; A. J. Birling (Halswell), 40 at 12s sd; T. Dawson (Springston), 21 at 12s 8d to I2s IOd; S. Harris (Styx), 11 at 12s IOd; E. McCarthy (Prebbleton), 223 at 12s to 12te IOd; H. Haskett (Yaldhurst), 22 at 12s 5d to 12s 9d; Geo. Cook (Springston), 75 at 12s 3d to 12s 9d; E. Galpin (Southbridge), 16 at 12s B*l :■ H. Matthews (Waikari), 85 at lis lCd to 12s 7d; W. Thompson (Motukarara), 52 at 12s 6d; W. Earl, jun. (Waikari), 141 at lis 4d to 12s 6d; W. Burke (Chaney's), 28 at 12s 6d; 'M. Murphy (Rolleston), 21 at 12s to 12s sd; C. Bailey (Templeton), 88 at 10s lOd to 12s 4d; Geo. Bailey (Templeton), 175 at lis 6d to 12s 4d; Anderson Bros. (Prebbleton), 69 at 12s 2d to 12s 4d; J. O'Connell (Rakaia), 69 at 12s to 12s 4d; G. F. Church (Greendale), 130 at lis 6d to 12s 4d; D. J. Hawke (Annat), 35 at 12s to 12s 3d; J. Chambers (Hororata), 33 at ISs 3d; J. and P. Ryan (Weedons), 62 at 12s 3d; J. N. Shaw (Doyleston). 59 at 12s 2d; O'Brien's Estate (Killinchy), 81 at lis 7d to 12s 2d; H. A. Bennett (East EjTeton), 27 at 12s 2d; R. C. Todhunter (The Peaks), 118 at lis lid to 12s id; J. H. Bennetjt (East Eyreton), 18 at 12s 2d; Avon Head" Estate. 75 at lis 5d to 1& Id; R. Allan (Omihi), 63 at lis 4d to 12b Id; Barrett's Estate (Tai Tapu), 86 at lis Id to 12s Id; 1.. H. Maddison (Dunsandel), 72 at 12s; M. O.Neill (Lincoln), 45 at 12s Id; H. Patterson (Prebbleton), 37 at 12s; J. T. Wright (Dunsandel), 160 at 12s; J. Burgess (Dunsandel), 70 at lis 5d to 12s; T. Burgon (Swannanoa), 131 at 12s: H. Ensor (Rakahuri), 34 at lis 5d to 12s; H. Horrell (Cost), 29 at lis lid; J. R. Cullen (Waddington), 38 at lis 7d to lis IOd; E. C. and S. Inwood (Southbridge), 20 at lis IOd; D. Hampton (Culverden), 74 at 10s to lis 8d; J. Cossar (Tai Tapu), 64 at 10s lOd to 10s tld: J. Ronaldson (Hororata), 20 at 10s 2d. FAT SHEEP. There was a fairly large entry of fat sheep, wethers and ewes being in almost equal proportions. There was a good demand for wethers, as some business was done for export, and this had the effect of keeping prices well up to last week's level. Ewes were very dull of sale, prices oeing lower by fully 6d to 9d per head, and towards the close of the sale they were with difficulty disposed of at even low rates. The range of prices was:—Prime wethers 13s to 15s Id, light and unfinished lis to 12s 6d; prime ewes 10s to 12s 4d, others 6s 6d to 9s 6d; merino wethers 7s 8d !to 8s lOd. The principal sales were: — Wethers—for Cashmere Estate, 138 at 13s 9d to 15s Id; Camobell Bros. (Happy Valley), 70 at 14s 3d to 15s; Geo. Gibb (Scargill), 66 at 13s 9d to 14s 9d; White Bros. (Kaituna), 164 at 13s 4d to 14s 6d; Southern clients, 67 at 14s sd, 66 at 13s 5d to 14s 3d; W. Fleming (Port Levy), 177 at 13s 4d to 14s 4d, 250 at lis lid to 14s 3d; W. McLean (Cairnbrae), 13 at 14s 3d; Seadown Estate (Amberlev), 70 at 13v lid to 14s 3d; W. Doubledav (Kaianoi), 44 at 14s 3d; W. Macfarlane (Kaiwara), 169 at 12s lid to 14s Id; P. Dunbar (Mount Highfield), 70 at 10s 7d to 14s; J. O. Redfern (Darfield), 68 at 13s Id to 14s; J. Chambers (Horrellrille), 37 at 13s lid; J. Gardiner (Rakaia), 210 at 12s to 13s lid; Cromie's Estate (Rakaia), 69 at 13s to 13s IOd; R. O. Dixon (East Eyreton), 19 at 13s 8d; F. J. Andrew (Rakaia), 94 at 13s 7d; J. H. Ensor (Cust), 60 at 12s 7d to 13s 6d; J. Stewart (Scargill), 67 at 13s; J. Johns (Belfast), 2S at 13s; P. J. Overton (Scargill), 13 at 12s 6d; J. Munro (Ethelton), 52 at lis to lis lid; T. Burgon (Swannanoa), 12 at 12s 3d. Ewes: R. Allen (Omihi), 11 at 12s 4d ; A. J. Birdling (Halswell), 32 at 12s 6d; t»- H. Ridgen (Greendale), 57 at lis 4d to 12s; S. Gibson (Ellesmere), 13 at lis IOd; R. F. Todhunter (The Peaks), 16 at lis IOd; J. Munro (Ethelton), 13 at lis 2d; A. Graham (Horrellville), 74 at 9s 5d to 10s 7d; J. Johns (Belfast), 28 at 9s to 10s 6d, H- Horrell (Horrell-

ville), 41 at 10s to IQs 6d; J. S. (Southbridge). 66 at 9s 7d to l&iS % V. \\ right (Kaiapoi), 51 at 9-. w*l* *i 10s; D. Brock .(Omih'i). 18 atVlOd*' 2 n~j „ B " r S«n (Swannanoa), 13 »t -'"5 9s lid; H, Ensor (Rakahnri). 29 at 9s ■-" - '«.• "* Ivirao (Springs ton), 53 ,» - <s 9d to 9s -Id; R. O. Dixon (EaS " Eyreton), 4S at 3s 9d to 9s 4d : D B i Carruthers (Doric), 70 at 8a 7d tofc- ' J. Ronaldson (Hororata), 34 at 7 S . * - : FAT CATTLE. There were 309 head of fat cattle ""- Panned, and the bulk was of siood *! * l . prime quality The sale was dX__l' % dragging as the demand for Christrnw -fi was weak. in consequence of the k«r ** price of lamb. Prices showed a decide * o fully Is per 1001b, and a cxmside. "■ able portion of tho yarding was passed f 4 ~: *! *« £ > *•«* 6d, and cows £4 15* to L, los, equal to 19s 6d to 21s 6d for prune. I.s 6d to 19s for medium, and ? cow and interior 16s to 17s ncr 1001b "> Among the sales were:—For" H J\ •• Buchanan (.Kinloeh), 6 steers at £S l(k ' ', to £3 17s 6d. and 1 cow £6 l" C S Andrew (Gre-enpark), 7 steers at ' ' te,£B 12. M; Hawbwood Ert2 , ; (Amuri), 11 .eers at £7 Lis to £8 '* : and 3 heifers at £7 7s Gd ; E. D. Gilei -.i (Parnassus), o steers at £8 to £8 l&i ' f' ul , 3. heifers at £6 10s; I. / (Bale, .m), 2 steers at £4 15s and £5 " los, and 3 heifers at £i 2s (kl to £6 10s. \eal calves, met with tho usual- ' demand, at 4s 6d to 40s. STORE CATTLE. There was a very full yarding of " store cattle, principally of a useful class, but the demand was weak, sales being difficult to make, and pric« :'- ---compared with tlie previous market ~- showed a droo of at least os wr head' Yearlings brought 29s to 345; fifteen to * eighteen-month sorts £2 to £3 Is- tw. ' ' year steers £4 to £4 2s fid; tw«. w»r heifers, £3 17s 6d : two and a half W "- heifers £3 15s; three-year steers .24 . los to £o 10s; three-year heifers £4 '•<■" l ?? 1° £ 4 12s M ' Mld * dr ? °° w s 3Qs to -y £-1 Ss 6d.

DAIRY COWS. There was a large yarding of dairy *- cows, hut the quality was indigent C and this caused the demand to be in! ■' different, prices ranging from £8 Tfh to £8 17s 6d.

PIGS. * , - The yarding of pigs was smalhr than of late, but the demand was not equal "•" to the supply, and a dull sale at lower' prices was the result. Heaw bacinen -• ■ made 38s to 455, lighter 32s (a 87« " equal to 3Jd to 3Jd per lb; porker&Sfe * to 365, equal to 4Jd to 4Jd ncr lb; ne-" < dmm stores 18s to 245. small 14b to . 17s, and weaners 10s 6d to 14s 6d • s

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13613, 23 December 1909, Page 8

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ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13613, 23 December 1909, Page 8

ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13613, 23 December 1909, Page 8