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(SrECI.U, TO " THK PKESS. 'j AUCKLAND, April 20. The Auckland Raciug Ciub'ri Autumn Meeting was continued in showejy weather. The attendanc-o was good. TJie going wus heavier than on the opening day. The Governor and euite were iv attendance. After the St. George's Handicap the stewards hid T. Jonts, the rider of Haupiuiaha, before them for a'leged interference and after hearing his explanation they administered a caution. After the Huie. Handicap the. stewards had the owner and rider of SouU-lin-e before them, and expressed their dissatisfaction with, the way in which the Loreo wub ridden, and administered a caution to the rider R. K. Brown. The sum 11 ■■.«. niinf»rl tKomgK-tVw_U>ti>.li»ator^

year. Eighteen ho«krnakers were licensed It £20 caciT for the (Uy. Kc-ult.-: —

-TEWAKDS" oC 150 soys; second 20 fovs. tnd third 10 soy* from stake. One mile. 5. D. Stewart's b g Scottv. by St. Lcger

—Janet, a-red. ~tl lolb .. >M. Ryan) 1 ■i. A. Lennard s eh h Cari I!o=a. oyrs. "ft 121b .. •• .. R. Hatch) ?. I. 11. McManaway's blk c M-ihuta. lyr^. 'jst .. ■■ •■ (O'Brien) "» 1 Sft W.b (AcUroyd), Uranium .■jst nib' (Brady), 7.'ock 7?t 4lb (A. Whltaker). 6 First Gu:i C?t Bib \\V. Daveyi, uiid C F-reemouni «st Sib [l\. K. Brown), j.l?(> started.

After a long delay Ihe barrier was released to a good sta"rt. Uranium bein? tne first to break the Hne. J'a?--.!iir the seven furlong post La.ndlock took charge. c!o?ely<i by Uranium, with >Yo:ty, Carl Rosa and Delegate re>:t. in creier. At the fivo furlongs post Car' Mom ctrepped back last. Entering the straight Scrtty lxudecl l.andloc.k and Uranium and. r»infr on. won by a length ar.d a halt from Carl Rosa, who ttm« fast, H.nd beat Mahtila by three lenfrths; Uranium fourth. Time, Imin 4o

ELLERS'LIE- HANTUCAP. of 150 soys; .second 20 «ov?, and third 10 soys from ftuke. For two-year-old-. Six furlongs. If on. J. D. Ormond's b c Diamond Star, by Birkenhead—Solitaire, S*st 1-ib (L. Wilson) 1 F. W. Arnold's b g Karat a. 7st 11 lb iHyan) 'J Mrs A. M. Cooinbe's )>r c Master fc'r.ult, Ost 2lb .. .. ■• ;J«iliaii) 3 Diabalo Sst 9!!> (1?. Hatch\ Chanteu.-o Sst lib (O'Brien), Osgabv T.-t lOili (A. Whitaker), "lalepilcLcr 7s»t 7ib ";Kiliu-k.>. nnd W'siMungu 7ft s;b (B. '-Greenwood), started. Master Soult showed the way from a good ftart, (oliowcd by Cliant«i?e and Rarata. .\fter fjoin-r a furlong Cliitiit took char f . attended by Talepileh.-r, Mazier Soult and Ilurata. Thi* was tiv» order to the chstarce, where Diamond Star n.nved up, and, fwiishiiiK Ftrondy. won :i ;,"~.o<l r.".<<; by a jieck from RarKta. with Master Soult a ■=ii-.'.:lar distance away third; Diabolo fourth. Time. Imin l'J?<?c.

CHEAT NORTHERN OAKS, of 250 joys; second 3,> soys, and third 13 foys from stake. For throe-year-old fillies, Bst

lOlh each. One ntil'o ar<l a half. 2. W. Davics's br £ Make-no, by Soult— Lottio .. •■ •• (Ryan) 1 1. Hon. J. D. Ormond's eh f Woodhcy

(L. Wilson) 2 1. F. W. Arnold's eh f Cadence

(F. Davis) 3 5. W. Walter's eh f Clochette (A. Julian) 0 3. J. G. Ralph's eh f Guid Wife

(Gallagher) 0 I. C. Weal's br f Tortlight (S. Lindsay) 0 6. W. C. Morrison's eh f Waictalu

(Young) 0 Tho field ran on clojo terms for tho first furlong, when Waiotahi showed in front, only to be displaced by Woodhey passing the stand. Msheno was hero clear of Cadence, Portliglrt, and Guid Wife. Running out of tho straight Woodhey was two lengths out from Maheno, then came Waiotahi and Cadence. At the five furlong post Waiotahi dropped buck. Xo change took place to tho straight, whore Maheno challenged and getting- the better of Woouaty inside the distance, won by two lengths, Cader.ce being six length? away third, and C Whet to fourth. Time. 2min 43sec. ST. GEORGE'S HANDICAP, of t>so soys; f-e-cend 100 eovs, and third 50 fovs from stake. One mile and a quarter. C. J. Muir's eh g Rauparaha, by Seaton Delaval—Folly, syrs, 7st.. (T. Jone?) 1 •1. W. Davies's eh m To Aroha, aged, 7st 3!b .. •• •• (Buchanan) 2 3. Mrs A. M. Coombo'a b g Master De-

lava!, Syrs, Bst Gib .. (Julian) 3 2 Marguerite 9st Oib (R. Patch), 1 Veronica Bft 3lb (Ackroyd), 7 King Billy Bst 31b (D. Price), 7 Leouator 7st slb (Whi taker), .1 Arc Light 7st olb (L. Wilson), 8 Lucrece 6st 13lb (B. Greenwood), and 6 Advocate Gst 13lb (Webster) also started.

Leonator and Advocate wero the first to show out, and raced together passing tho stand just out from To Aroha, Lucrece, and Veronica. Running out of the straight Leonator and Advocate woro still in tho van, To Arohn, Marguerite, and King Billy being most prominent of the others. No material charge was made to tho throo furlong- post, where Raur>aia.ha improved his position, and entering tie straight was just behind LeonatoT, Advocate, and Marguerite. Leonatcr led to tho distance, where Rauparaha cut him down, and was never afterwards troubled, winning by two lengths from To Aroha, who bent Master Delava.l by a similar distance. Veronica finished fourth, ar.d Marguerite last. Time, 2inin 14sec. HUIA HANDICAP, ot 200 soys; Eecond 35

soys, and third 15 eovs from stake. Six

ftirlongs. 5. A. Kesido's b m Golden Eagle, by St.

Clements—Raurau, 4yTS, 7at 101b (McMillan) 1 4. P. Dodge's l> m Lady Rohina, syrs, 78t (C. Brown} 3 1. J. Twohill's b s Soultline, 4yrs, Brt 111b .. .. (R. E. Brown) 3 3 Loongana 7st 111b (Ryan), 2 Taitoko 7st 81b (Heteh) aleo started. Lady llohina was the first to move, Taitoko and .Soultline being next. Lady Rohina led to the distance, where Golden Eagle shot out, and, going on, won ensiJy by two iengths from Lady Hohina, with I Soultline a ler.srth away third. Time, lmin 19sec. AUTUMN "STEEPLECHASE, of 300 soys; second 50 eovs,- and third 35 soys from stake. About three miles and » half. 5. D. Morughan's oh g Silica, by Flintlock—Dreamland, aged, 9st 13lb A. Julian) 1 4. J. B. Williamson's b g Irish, aged, lOst 71b .. .. .. (Bums) 2 3. C. Thede's b g Loch Fyne, aged. lOst 31b (W. Young) 3

1 Kiatore- 13st 31b (W. Wilfon), 2 Inniskillen lOst 121b (Deoley). G Pierre 3st 131b (Deeble) 3 Kapakapa »st 9ib (Phillips), and 7 Good Faith 9st 7lb (Selby), also started. Climbing tho bi'l tho first time Kakakapa was just ahead of TnniskiHen, with Irish and Good Faith next. Silica bringing up the rear. There was no material change m tho leaders over the hill and down to tho v/ater in front of tho stand, where the order

v.-as Kakakapa, Inniskillen. Irish, Good Faith, Loch Fyne, Pierre, Kiatcro and Silica. Going up the hill tho second time Kapakapa wa» leading frou Irish, Inniskillen, Loch Fyne, Silica, and Good Faith. At the double Kapakapa was still in front, followed by LrisJi, .Silica, and Loch Fyne. Running down the back Irish, Silica, and Loch Fyne headed Kapakapa. Breastingtho hill the lost time Silica, took charge from Irish and Loch Fyne, tho trio being half a furlong in fronl of everything else. Silica maintained his lead from this out, and won by two lengths from Irish, who beat Loch Fyne by four lengths. Inniskillen was fourth a furlong away. Time, Smin ISsec. M.AXGEHE HANDICAP, of 100 soys; second 10 soys from stake. Six fur1. Z Wyllie'e br g- by Mens~hikoff—Mysterious, 4vr3, Bft 2lb (Ryan) 1 3. M. G. Naismith's b g Auldearn, - 4yrs, Bst 81b .. .. .. (Porter) 2 G. W. Scott's b £ Explosive. 4yrs, Bst lib

(Hatch) 3 5 Axistocrat Sst 2lb (Greenwood), 7 Stylish Bst lib (Brown), 9 Tui Tsl l&b (Brady). 2 Ixidy Fronicis 7st lOib (Hicktoi:\ n-ntl 7 Lady Dot 7«t !lb (Whitakcr) also stnrt«d.

Explosive and Doggjcrbank were first awoy, followed by Auldoaxn, Stylish, acd Epsom Lass, and they ran in this ordar to well the straight. Here challcr<;--c<l Dogjerburk, nnd a g-ood race ensued, ending in favour of by a head from Auldoarn. Exploeivo was two k-Djths away third. Time, lrnin V>oc. KLECTRIC HANDICAP, cf 150 wvs; second '20 EO'.'a. and tihird 10 ecvs from stnki». Five furlongs. 1. Hon. .T. D. Ormor.d's br g Xcrth Head. I>y Bk-bemhcad—Xorseinaid -Jyrs. 7si 10!b .. •- (L. Wilson) 1 9. C. WeaFs bile r 3yrs, C=t 10lb

(C. Brown} 2 5. \V. J. Irwin's br g Loch Bui'f. 4yrs, lllb .. .. (R. I'l Brown) 3 3 Mifs Winr-io 9?t Sib (Brady), Xct«orini 7rf lllb (Hntch), 6 Fimory 7.«t lllb (T. Jones), 10 "st 6lb (Griffiths), I W&ihuka 7ft 2lb (Whitaker), and 8 Kirsty Gst 13lb (Webster) r.lso gtart«d.

Waihtika showed out first from a jyjod. sleirt, but was soon beaded oy Xorth who made <>yen' post v winning po-=t, arivt won easily by thrto lengths irom llaldano, Atho caiiie fast, and b«at Loch Buie by .a similar disiawe. ilarangui was fourth. Time, lmin. ,Isec.

The following are the third day's acceptances:— MAIDE.N HURDLE HANDICAP, of, 110 soys; one mile anil three-quarters— list 121b. Cinque lOst, Tcrahui 9st 131b. Yolette 9st lllb, Tui Ost 10)b, Matakokiri 9st 10lb, Gipsy Queen 9=t 3lb, Philosopher 9st 31b, Putariiru 9st 3lb. ST. HBLIEifS HL'KDLE HANDICAP, of •?G0 nova; two miles—Haulapu lOst l.Tlb, Lady Hune lOst lllb. Dolores lOet 610, Swagsman 10?t 61b, Irmukillen lOst 3lb, Omaia 9st 13Tb.

GORE BROWNE HANDICAP, of 100 sots; six furlongs—Dog;;er Bank 9st. Royal Soult Bst 81b, Cadence Sst 51b, Explosive Sst ■lib, Castadrift 85t. Merit Time Sst, Waiotahi 7st ll'.b, Cvrona 7st 8!b. Lim 7et 71b. ONSLCHV STAKES HANDICAP, of 110 soys: fire furlongs— Osgodley 7st 71b, Jena "st 2lb. Waimangu 7st '21b. Rirn'.ock 7st, C-oromandel 7st, Expletive "st.

AUTUMN HANDICAP, of fSO ?ovs; one lr-ile and a half—Maxtor DcUval Bst 101b. Hauparaha 7ht 131b. M,-.-.l:ut.i 7st Olb. To Axoha 7st 71b, Delegate 7st G'b, Sootty 7st C;b. Arc Light 7st lib, Carl Rosa 7sU 'Montigo 6st 121b. Advocate Crt lQlb.

BUCKUs.N'D HANDICAP, of 000 soys; reven furlongs—Golden Eagle &st 71b, Leon*lor Bst. Tui Cakobau 7e\ 121b, Certainty 7et lOib. Maheno 7st Blb, Lady Rohina 7(>t C!b r Loch Buio 7st 6lb, \Vaihuka 7at, Foremost 6st 12lb. ■ '

TOUKIST HANDICAP, of 100 boys; five 'urlouge—Wauchopo 0«t 21b, Bst 12.1b,. Dogger J3»nk XgV^-^Cjiacio'. Bst ,6lb.

.lib. Stylish 7 pt 12.i>. Mrrk Time Tst 121 b, Wa'ikoihoi 7st 111b. Imprimus 7st 101b, Lady Fracc-e* 7st G!b, Engraver 7st dlh, Flint Uiand Ttt 3lb. Cyrettus 7st. AUCKLAND WELTF.U HANDICAP, oi COO s.>vs; one , mile — Rauparaha lOst. Uranium Ost 6lb, Celtic 9st 2ib, Leonator 9-1 l!b. Tui Cakobau b-t lllb, Noteorini c*-t ;i,'t), Montigo Bft alb, S.veet Alice Bst 71b, Lord Seaton Bst 3:b, Frederi-.-k Bst.

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Bibliographic details

Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13095, 21 April 1908, Page 8

Word Count

AUCKLAND RACING CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13095, 21 April 1908, Page 8

AUCKLAND RACING CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13095, 21 April 1908, Page 8