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l—jus-h dull and threatening the weather wm otherwise ."fine for the opening day ot the N.Z. Metropolitan T.C. Autumn Meetm-ff, which commenced oh Saturday. The attendance was well up .to the average of former .years,' but lhere\. was a marked absence of northern visitors. The track, was in splendid order,'tho fields-large, and the racing excellent., Tho sum of £10,003 was ■passed through, the totali.ator, os against |99t4 on the corresponding day last year, and thirteen bookmak-rs paid' a, license fee of -815 1-Sa.each. 'Results:—

INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP Ga haroesa). of 100 eovs; eecond 15 ton, asd third «'■ 10 sots " from stake. One mile and a half. . 3. .A. Robertson's b _ Tuxedo" Chief, by Tuxedo—Qolddust, 6yrs, ISteec ---•>■■ * (J. Milne) 1 J- Wilson and —JB—Lilian's Prinoe Alert,' ' 19seo. ... .. > (R. McMilh—,) 3 _ M. Edwards's Baron Lucgon, Kisec • "• * (Owner) 3

11 Jlariet* Huon Usee, 8 Dick G. Usee, S Bonification 1-sco. 9 Welfare Usee, 4 Lady Clare Usee, 10 Kotholia I—ec, 6 Kelso Usee, _..Trixy V..* 17sec, 10 Clarewood 19aec, and 7 Bosoberry l&eo also -staxtrecL Tnxedo Chief started very smartly, aad at *_* stand *w__ tea 'lengths to the good ot Princo Alert, Clarewood, and Barom Luegen. From this out Tnxedo Chief hod matters «U his own way, and won six ■leaagtha from Prinoe Alert, who was a hundred yards in ftont of Baron __ejfen. Time, 3 48 l-sth sec

PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP (in harness), of 105 soys; second 15 soy and. third 10 soys from stake. - Two miles. 2. J*. G. McConochie'- br g. Aberfoldy, by Prince Imperial,, syrs, 12soc (R. McConachie) 1 4. F. M. Mora's Mambrino Girl, lOsee ' (F. Holmes) 2 1. W. __err'a Wildwood Jan., 1-soc

(Owner) 3 14 The'Middie scr, 7 Exchequer 2sec, — Havelock 4s*c. 8 Marie Narelie 4sec, 10.Al Frana "sec, Myall Bsec, 5 Nellie H. lOsec, 13, 0 Woodlander 12sec, 3 Seaweed Hsec, and 13 Edward R. 15sec also started.

Seaweed was first to show in front, while the favourite, Wildwood Junr., lost several noo—ls by breaking. With half tbe distance gone Aberfeldy- hod got to Seaweed, ana took_charge, while of the others "Woodlander, M*«nb*_ino Girl, and Al Franz were most progiu—nt.. In tha concluding circuit Wildwood J—». tan into second -place, but he could —«ke so impression on Aberfoldy. who won eo—fortably by eight lengths. By _ late Girl got up and beat Wild- *«« Junr. on the post for second place. .ai.-_t—it was fourth, a dozen'lengths back, t J^ 151 -53 iMth ■ aec .ADNANCE HANDICAP (in saddle), of 100 »ovs. second 15 eovs, and third 10 sow from stake. One mile and a half. - if. B. AdamsSi gr.g Tutu, by Dictator n 10. D. F. Knight's Bellwind, l&ec -is w t■ m . , i. (S. C. Pilbrow) 2 :»•«. J. Taylor'a Rotholia, IBsec

-___fSK°„' a **_' 1 -**** I ' *r_u?f at r_- 11& c - 5 Girl 13secT -a ■ ___**■_**?* - e , G «««. 8 Wb„ rfr,- 7 Wen All_n . 23»ec 12 Laoy ' a»ec, U Electee -ass Ztaec, 9 Childhood aSsec, 15 G.ILS. 23sec, and lJack «. 2Seeo also started. * Special Boy led for nearly a mile, when Tutu ran past him.. Bellwind put in a •strong run in the ia-rt half mile, but w-t unable to reach Tutu, who won by lalf a a«»en lengths. Rotholia was twelve lengths *w*y third, and-Bessi© B. fourth. Time, Sl—_ 53scc ■■

NEW ZEALAND HANDICAP (in harness), of 151 eov«; second 22 soys, and third 15 cots from si-ike. One aii'.c ar.d a half. 4. M. Fricdlander's erg Master Poole, b_

.V..a**fOGU—.U.rS £*!.«..<., i..i:, ■- . (C. Kerr) 1 I. H. F. Nicoll's Lady Liiian, lCscc (A Pringle) 2 3. J. Cooper > Ratawood. 13sec (J. Mijno) 3 11 Vanish 2sec, 16 Myototis 2sec, 5 Miss Florrio C. l€sec. 12 Elector 4s*c 9 The Needle 6scc, 10 Coccantit 6sec, 6 Withiagton Csec, 14 Factory Bey Tsec, 7 O.Y.M. 7soc, 18 Alice Wood Ssec, 5 Fusee Bse_, 15 Alliance, 17 Grey Echo lOsec, 2 King: Cole llsec and 13 Prince '•'Varback Usee also started.

King Cole lost his place at the start, and Batawood went on past tho stund we'l clear of Master Poolo and Lady Lilian. This was tho order till a' mile li__ been compassed, then Lady Lilian took second place from Master Poolo. while O.Y.M. was at tho head of the others, i'our furlongs from home Lady Lilian and Master Poolo closed on tho leader, and a little further on they werre almost on terms. A great race to the post ensued. Master Pool© just petting up in time to -.tin by half a length from Lady Lilian. Ratawood was third six lengths back, followed by Misa Floxrie C. and O.Y.M. Time-, 3min 31 l-sth sec.

ACTU.M.V HANDICAP (in saddle), of 110 revs; second 16 gov*, and third 11 sovi froci stake. Two miles. 5. M. Clarice's b t Ladi, by Rothschild— ', 4yrs,' 7_ec .. 'R. Allen) 1 2. J. Brake's Mali Honey, J oscc

(F. Holmes) 2 1. (i. Fairbaim's Houhere, Usee

(A. Wilson) 3 10 Vi-w_rcxrt. scr, 9 Master Dud'ey oscc. S Woodbury 6ecc, — Kentucky Yet 7-r.c, 4 Dick Stevens lOsec, 7 Brown Ribbon Usee, 8 Slew.* Usee, and 6 Previous loeoc also slatted

Mah Honey soon established a oammanjnrjj load, and with a mile gone was we'l clear of Previous, Slewce, Irodi and Houhere, trio were running in that order. In the concluding- circuit Lcdi ar.d Houher-o cosed en Mah Hcney, and tho latter -compounding in the b»ck straight, Lodi went on and won comfortably by two lengths from Mah Honey. Houhere was a length further back, third, fo'lowed by Keat-ucky Yet. Time, smin lsoc

LADIES' BRACELET HANDICAP (in harness/, of SO soys; second 6 soys, a_d third 4 soys from s*akc. One "mile. 2. Mrs W. Fox's b g The- Boss, by Rothschild—Meg, a-gtd, lOsec

(Mr W. Fox) 1 4. Mrs O. G-ebbi.'s Dady General, s&cc (Mr E. Monro) 2 15. Mrs T. G. Fox's Gossip, scr

(Mr T. Fox) 3 22 Clevewood scr, Bazil ls-ec, — Wocdbell 2sec, 9 Gold Reef .sec, ■ 5 Master Pat 4sec, 17 Princo Woodburn teec, 3 Arc Light 4scc, 3 Grey Nell 4nx_ 19 Lincoln Itnee isec, 19 T.F.C. 4rec, 20 Franzio isec. 4 Prudish Sset. 12 Hcreward Ssec, 8 Special I/ad Sseo. 8 Dictation Ssec, 13 Arapjunthus €s_c 13 Block Doug-las Gseo, 11 Adventureea fcec, 11 Amy C. fcse-*-*. 1 Boss Irvin-g-ton Ts-ec, 1 lattlo Eothie 7-soc, 10 Merry May 7eec, 10 Chanticleer Ssec, 14 Rosy I). Bsec, 2 Master Edwin ,8-ec also started.

The Bogs was in front all tho w-a.y, and won by k a dozen lengths from Lady General, ■who was o, nock in front of Gossip. Time _hnin 4Sacc.

FLYING HANDICAP (in harness), of 110 soys;. second 16 soys, and third 11 soya from stake. One mile. i. J. D. Lynch's blk g Joe Davis, by Viking, aged. Bsec .. (J: Raxworthy) 1 2. T. Yarr-s Dumb Bell, 9sec (J. Milne) 2 1. K. Gnnn's Tohn, 7«ec (M. Edwards) 3 3 Wild Duck scr, 9 Federation 2sec, 8 Wild Wave Bsee, 5 Mavouroee_ 4sec, 6 Cleopatra Ssec, and 7 Al Franz 7seo also started. j Dumb . 801 l started quickly, and at tbo stand was showing well clear of Joo Davis and. Tohu. In the back -straight Joo Davis closed on Dumb 8011, and the pair fought out a great finish, Joo Davis juet getting up in the, last few strides and winning by a head. .Tohu was third two lengths back. Tim*, 2min 31 2-sth sec. EXPRESB HANDICAP (in saddle) of 00 soys;. second 13 soys, and third 9 soys from stake. Ono mile. 8. K. Gtmn's br h Tohu, by Specification, 4yre, Beeo .. .. (_£ Edwards) 1 4. T. Yarr's Dumb Bell, lOsec (F. Bolmee) 3 2. D. F. Knight's Prince Handle, Bsec ~ - - ' (Pillbrow) 3 IS Ben Hur jrer, 13 Eulogy Ssec, 11 Scmbrino Gseo, 12 Ashwood 7sec. i 4 Victor Huon 7sec, 9 Joy 7aoc 1_ The Moores* 6sec, 6 Monica Beec, 5 Veleda Bsoc, 6 Star Child Osec, 7 Romany Lad:9sec, 1 Sadie Mao 9seo, 10 Underwood lOsec, 3 Miss Vera Usee, and 3 Roseoeath 11 sec also etarted. .' I _ t "'.]. Bell BOon S°t .* -substantial break on his field, and with half the distance gone was well out from Romany Lad, Miss Vera, and Tohu. In the -back rtr*irirt Tohu closed on Dumb Bell, "and wearing him down in the last furlong,, won by a head. Four lengths back caipa Prinoe Handle. Time, _m_n 26 4-sth aad... ■■_*.. The have been declared for the second day:— APRIL HANDICAP (in harness), of 100 soys; two miles—Wildwood Junr. scr, Mami brino Girl scr, Mavourneen 4sec, First Pet 12sec, Casey, Imperial. Girl lSeec, To l'orangi ISrec, Lady Disdain 17soo, Thistle* 20sec, Dick G. 20scc, Bonification 21_ec, Welfare Slsec, Lady Clare 22sec.' Variation 22sec, Kelso 22sec Electric Bell 22see. I HARVEST. HANDICAP (in saddle), of 100 soys; two miles—_ber.eldy scr. Wildwood Junr. Ssec, Carl 2sec, Joe Davis Bscc, Scotia lOsec, Dick Stevens 14sec, Bomany Lad 14 I eec.lma. D. Msec, Mah Honey 1-lsec, Almont Junr. l€sec, Lucky Child 16sec, Tutu 16sec, Imperial Girl.l7se_. Bellwind 18sec. Rotholia 23seo, Lettiodale 23sec, (Major Irvington 23 sec, Variation 2Ssec, Premier Dick 25se. G ' C ™U<* 26'>« C Kimber 35sec. METROPOLITAN HANDICAP (in barness), of 200 eovs; two miles—Durbar scr, Advance scr, Lord Elmo lseo, Albertorious 2s«c, Verax 3sec, Sir Hector 3aec. Master Poole ssec, Florin Ssec, DisocveTer 6sec, Lady -Lilian Seeo, O.Y.M. 7sec, Withington 7s«c, Elector 7sec, Factory Boy 7sec, Cocoa-nut 7sec." Derrin-rcotte 7sec, Fusee 7_ec. Darwin Bsee, Dick Fly Ssec, Robert Emmet Ssec, Miss Florrie C. 9ecc, Elmwood 9sec, Prince Warbeck 9sec.

UTILITY HANDICAP (in harness), of 75 govs; two miles—lmpatient scr, Tho Mooress 2sec Kentucky Yet Ssec, Havelock 4sec,. Victor Huon Ssec, Kohino ssec, Slewce Csec. Mah Honey Ssec, Quincy Bseo. Woodland Whispers Bseo., Myall 9sec Roseneath lOsec, Mi.s Vivian Usee, Marietta Huon 13 sec, Woodlander 13see, Rotholia laeec, Edward R. 15sec, Weliaro losec, Vanguard IS sec."

EASTER HANDICAP (in saddle), of 120 soys; two miles—Dertingcotte agr. Tea Tree hot, Vitella 2sec, Submarine 4«o'c, Aborfoldy s**c, Viewmont Gr-ec, Wild Victor 6soc, Te Whiti 6sec, Redchild Gseo, Pansy Usee. Lodi 6sec,*Belrov 7scc, Sonbrino Bscc, Storm Bsec, Torpedo Bill Ssec, Marter Dudley lOsec, Woodbury lOsec; Miss Banks lOsec, Royal Colours lOsec, Kentucky Yet lOseo, Houhere Usee, Dr. Chutney, Princo Randlo 13 sec, • Brown Ribbon 12scc. INTERNATIONAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 150 soys; about one mile and a quarter—Lord Elmo scr, Florin scr, Specialist 2seo,~Woodtborp Maid 2sec, Vanish 2s«c, Elector 2sec, Boldrewood Advance 2sec, Myosotis 3sec, Marian 4sec, Withington 4scc, Tho Heir 4sec. Alice Wood ssec.

FLYERS* HANDICAP (in harness), of 100 soys; one* mile—The Need!e scr. Master Poole scr, Wild thick lt-ec, Grey Echo 3sec, xtatawood 3ses, Elsie .sec Utah 4sec, Prince Warbeck .sec, The Middie 6sec, Too Soon 6?ec, Wild Wave 6soc, Jay Beldon Gsccj Queen Mab 6sec, Star Child 7sec, Dumb Bell 7sec. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (in saddle), of 90 'soys; one mile—Miss Burlington scr, Lopp lsec, Hamlin 2se_, Ben Hur Spec, Ferns 3sec. Lady Lilian 3sec, Bessie B. 4soc, Tohu 6sec, Federation Crec, Elsie 6sec, Eulogy 6sec, Laudervale 7sec. Sonbrino Bsec, Queen Mab, B_*c, Ashwood 9sec, Joy 9sec, Dumb Bell 9sec:

Acceptances close at 8 o'clock to-night.

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13094, 20 April 1908, Page 8

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N.Z. METROPOLITAN T.C. AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13094, 20 April 1908, Page 8

N.Z. METROPOLITAN T.C. AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13094, 20 April 1908, Page 8