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The University 6tudont_ have indeed been fortunate 'this year in the matter of weather for their Infer-Collegi-ate Tournament, and Lancaster Park was looking its best yesterday when the annual pports meeting ivas held. The attendance at such gatherings is never very large, but a number of enthusiasts and frienos of the students made a point of b?ing prcfont. and the gate money amounted to £27 12*. the tsports were unusually successful, and great interest was shown in the conte-t tor the Championship Shic'd. At one timo Canterbury had established a lead of four point-, being 12. to Otago'."* 8; but the Southern University added two first's and two seconds in tho hurdle r_ce>. and thereafter the possesion of j the coveted trophy for 1906 was nettled. In one a now University record was put up. namely in the High Jump, when C. F. D. Cook, of Canterbury College, cleared oft OJin. beating W."Olinhant's record of oft made last year. In the 120 yds Hurdle Race O'Kane equalled the time put up by himficlf in 1004, and E. D. Rice in 1903, viz., 17 2-ssec. The other performances were not remarkable, although the weather and the condition of tho track wero all in favour of the runners. The meeting was well handled by the officials, and nothing occurred to mar the pleasantness of the day's sport, if we except the protest which arose out of the 220 yds Championship. This event was run over again as the result of alleged interference by one of the competitors. The following are the detailed results: — lOOvds Fat Championship—Present ch_mipion "W. H. Moves iC.C.I *n_ T. E. Y. Seddon (V.C.) Record 10 2-sth sec. R. Hay (A.U.C.). WO3. First Heat: S. F. B_s» (CC.) 1. H. W. Kin? I V.C.) 2. Also ran: A. W. P. BrcckSeld (A.U.C.) and T. Miiroy (0.U.). Bass led from tbs start, and was never caught. Time. 10 4-sth sec. Second heat: A. R. Ryder (CC.) 1. T. E. Y. Seddon (V.C.) 2. Abo ran : Webster IA.U.C). Time, 10 3-Sth sec. Final: S. F. Bass (Canterbury College) .. .. 1 T. E. Y. Sodden (Victoria College) .. 2 All qualified started, and' from, a good start Bass assumed the lead, and although S-cddon was gradually overhauling him, Bass was ab!o to had his advantage to the tape, and won by half a yard. Time, 10 3-sth sec. Putting- 161b Weight— Present champion J. Davie (0.U.). Record 35ft "Jin. H. Stowe {CC). 1903. Six competed, the'.t

be:n?: D. Mackay (Ota.© University), 34ft 7_in .. 1 L. Hook-ins (Canterbury Col]«.g-e), 31ft 2in 2 Also" threw: G. Haskins (C.C.), A. Tudhope tV.C). B. 11. Wyman (A.U.C). B«>vds Flat Championship—Present champion "J. Davie (0.U.). Record 2min 31 l-sth sec, A. S. Henderson (V.C.J. J. _>nvin (Otago University) ..' .. 1 F. G. Dunlop (Auckland University) .. 2 Also started: A. B. Anderson (CC), D. E. Hansen (A.U.C.), P. McOallum (C.C.), M. H. Oram (V.C). W. H. C. Patrick (0.U.), H. T. Thompson (V.C). Coining paat tho post the first time Dunlop led. closely followed by Davie, and Oram, It was *oon evident that tha rare was ono between Davie and Dunlop, hut tho Otapro representative had his nam beaten 50yds from the tape, _nd won easily. Timo. 2min sfrc. 220 yds Flat Championship—Present, champion W. H. Moyes (CO. Record 23 3-sth eec, W. H. Moyes (C.C), 1901. S. F. Bas9 (Canterbury Colk_o) .. .. 1 A: R. Ryder (Canterbury Collage) .. .. 2 Also competed: A. W. P. Rrookfield (A.U.C). H. W. King (V.C), T. MiLroy (0.U.), "W. .T. O'Kane (O.TJ.). T. E. Y. Seddon (V.C). A Wftbstt-r (A.U.C). This event was run twice. In the first instance it was won 'by iSeddon. who ran a great finish with Bass. Tho latter protested on the ground of alleged interference, and the race was run over again. This time Seddon dropped out after covering h-lMhe distance, and there was a. fjocd stnipglo ior first place between Bass and Ryder, the former winning by less than a yard. Time. 2t 3-sth sec. Long .Tump Championship—(Present champion C. Gilrav (O.TJ.). Record 20ft llin. P. H. Buck. i9M. t, C Gilrav (Oiaso University), 20ft loin .. 1 G. V. Big!* (Victoria College). 19ft 3in .. 2 Also coxp-otrd: D. Ferguson (C.C), J. F. Thompson (A.UjC), A. Thomson (0.U.). Gilray was luridly applauded for his pcrformanos. which cam? within an inch of the University record. Had ho brert more successful in petting tho board, ho would probably have, beaten the reerrd.

120 yds Hurd'os C_amp.oTi.phip — Present 'champion W. J. O'Ka&e (0.U.). Record 17 2-sth sv.. E. D. Bice (C.C), 1903, and "'■VV. J. O'Kane (O.TJ.). 1904. First Heat: X. Holmdcm (V.C) 1. "W. .T. OKa-no (0.U.) 2. Al.o ran: C. F. D. Cook (CO. Time. 18-c?. Second Heat: C. Gilrny i'O.U.) 1. G. V. Eosrle (V.C.) 2. Also ran: G. C-.sM.ns (C.C). Final: W. J. O'Kano (Ota;n University) .. ..1 C Gilray University) .. ..2 All qualified start-rd. but the race was rever in doubt, Gilra.y runnin.? into second place from tho last hurdle. The time was 17 2-sth so-3. which was equal to the best performance hitherto put up at University athletic sports. Hftm.t-sr Throwing Comnetition—Present oh_i_pion J. Davie (0.U.). Record 103 ft Sin, J. Davie. 1905. J. Davie (Otago University), 102 ft Sin .. 1 G. P. Andersen (Canterbury OolJeg*.). 92ft .in .. .. .. ■■ ■■ 2 Ass competed: T. Harrison (0.U.) and L. Hopkins (C.C). 103vd* Handicap—Open fc> amateurs. First "Hra.t: M. Fitzgrra'd (4yds) 1. C. M. Bevan-Brown (2yds) 2. Also ran: E. S. Grur.dv. Time, "llscc. Second Heat: C. F. Binns" tarda) I. G. B. Shaw (Iyd) 2. Also starred: J. Mason (syds). Time, 10 -JJjth sec. Final: M. F.tzsrcraid .. .. •• •• 1 C M. B?van-Brown .. ..2 All qualified started. Time. 10 4-Sth sec. Mile AValk Cfcampio'rhip—Present champion D. Ho'derness (C.C). Best perform-in re 7nxn 30 *2-sth sec. A. P. Stubbcrfield (C.C). 1903. Ftnr.dard. "mm 15&ec. D. Ho'demess (Canterbury' College) .. 1

A. E. Cu.rrio (Car/erbury Col'ege) .. 2 Als-i started: J. M. Hogben (V.C). J. Stanton (A.U.C). A. Thomson (0.U.). A. Tudhepe (V.C). Thomson cud Stanton fell out early in tho rat-?. With a >p to go. Ho'derr.e."s had established a long lead, while Currie and Tudhope kept c-nrp.iny. leaving Hogb.n some distance in the rear. Holdern-ess held on and won as he liked, while Currie was able to cain another point for Canterbury by wearin 7 down tho Wellington man. who dropp:'out with about 100yd3 to go. Time, 7min 13 2-Sth sec. CCOvds Flat Handicap—open to all amateurs. C M. Bevan-Brown, 7yds ... ... 1 C F. Binns, 2yds ... 2 Also started: J. W. Ellis scr, G. B. Shaw scr. J. Mason 12yds, and A. J. Wiglcy 13yds. Time, 25sec. High Jump Championship—present champion. W. Oliphant (A.U.C). Record sft 4_in, W. Oliphant. 1904. C F. D. Cooke (Canterbury College), sft Oin ' A. W. P. Brookfield (A.U.C), sft Sin ... 2 Also competed: G. V. Bogle (V.C), F. A. Do la Mare (V.C). C Giir.y (0.U.). S. J. Simpson (0.U.), Cooke and Brookfield soon had tho competition to themselves, and the Canterbury Co.lege representative demonstrated his superiority, enabling the rnegaphonist (o announce proudly that another University record had been established. Tho result was loudly applauded. 110 yds Championship—present champion. \V. H. Moyes (CO. Record 51 2-sth •cc. W. H. Moves, 1903. H. W. King (Victoria College) ... 1 T. Milroy (Otago University* ... ... 2 Also started: A. W. P. Brookfield (A.U.C), S. F. Bass (C.C), C F. D. Cook (CO, M. H. Oram (V.C). V». H. C Patrick (0.U.), A. Webster (A.U.C). This was ono of the best races of the day. Milroy had a good lead, and Icoked a winner, when King challenged him and passed him after a splendid finish ri«?ht on the tape. Time. 54 l-sth sec. One Mile Flat Championship— present champion. F. A. Do la Mare (V.C). Record 4min 40sec, E. G. Foster (C.C), 1904. F. A. De la Mare (Victoria College) ... 1 T. Harrison (Otago University) ... 2 Also started: A. B. Anderson (CO, 3. Davio (0.U.). F. G. Dunlop (A.U.O, D. E. Han.son (A.U.O, J. W. A. Heenan (V.C), P. M'Callum (CC). With a lap and a half to go Dunlop spurted, thinking . that he was in the final lap, and passed M'Cailum. De la Mare was lying third at tho tim?. Dunlop fell out aiter passing tho stand, ar.d De la Mare took the lead from M'Callum, winning as he liked. Meanwhile, Harrison, was on the heels of M'Callum and passed him when entering tbe straight, giving Otago another point. Time, 4min 47sec. ' ... 440 yds Hurdles Championship present " champion W. 3. O'Kane (0.U.). Record 62 2-sth sec. A. T. Henderson (V.C), 1903. W. J. O'Kane (Otago University) ... 1 C. Gilray (Otago University) ... ... 2 Also ran: G. P. Anderson (CO, C F. D Cook (CO. N. Holmdcn (V.O. _nd G. V. Bogle (V.C). O'Kane led almost from the start, followed by Gilray and Holmden. The Otago men maintained their advantage, O'Kane eventually" winning by half-a-dozen yards, and a similar distance separated Gilrav from Holmden. Time. 6£sec. threading the Needle Race—X. Holmsden

(V.C.) 1. C. M. Bevan-Brown 2. About a dozen competed, »nd the winner was fortunate in having' tho eo-opcration of a lady who showed great celerity in threading the needle. Relay Race, one mile. Present holder of relay cup, Canterbury College. Otago university—P. Withers. A. Thomson. W. H. Patrick and J. Davie ... 1 Canterbury College—S. L. Bass. A. R. Ryder. "VV. H. Thomas and C. F. D. Cook 2 Also competed: "Wellington College—H. W. King, X. Holmden, M. H. Oram and H. T. Thompson. Time", 3min 50 2-sth sec. 440 Yards Handicap; open to all amateurs. J. W. Ellis 1 C. F. Binns ... ... 2 Aso started: S. W. Binns. W. C. Harley, G. B. Shaw. C. M. Bevan-Brown. M. J. Thomas, J. Mafon and A. J. Wigley. Timo. doscc. Tug of War—First round: Otago beat Wellington after an exciting struggle. Canterbury beat Auckland easily. Second and final round: Otago beat Canterbury after a pul'.. twice in succession, winning the cojtest. Pick-a-back Race; open to all student?— This event, which proved very amusing, was won by Bean and M'Callum, of Canterbury Col.cgc, out of a large field. INTERCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIP SHIELD. Otago (six firsts and four seconds'!, 1G point? ... ... ... ... 1 Canterbury {four firsts and four seconds!. 12 point? ... ... ... ... 2 Wellington itwo firsts and t-.vo 6 points ... ... ... ... .1 Auckland (two seconds!, 2 points ... 4

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12480, 17 April 1906, Page 5

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UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12480, 17 April 1906, Page 5

UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12480, 17 April 1906, Page 5