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I United Press Association—By Electric i Telegraph—Copyright. ' LONDON, July 12. Wheat is lixpence dearer at Mark Lane on the. week, and th?re is little doing. Tlie ! wheat and flour afloat for the United King--1 dom is 3,360,000 quarters, for the Continent 1,825.000 quarters, Atlantic tliipments 40,000 quarters. Wool is very animated, and reached the highest, point of tho rcries:—Titi 10|d, Gear 10|d, Balmoral lljd. Lead is at £11 153. Debentures in tho Australian and NewZealand Mortgage Company are at 84.; Dal.etys, 100.. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE. ' SYDNEY, July 13. Wheat is firmer at 3s Id; chick, prime, 2s 6d to 2s 8d; flour,, £7 10s to £7 15s; Manitoba, £10 15s to £12 10s. Oai&— Tasmanian. Algerian, ls 7d to ls fid; white, feeding,. 2s 2d; New Zealand, 2s 4d; Tarta.ri.-in, 2s 6d ; local Tartarian, Is 6d. Barley—Feeding, 2s 3d; Cape, 2s 4d to 2s sd, Maize, ls lid to 2s M. Bran and polhud, Id. Peas, Pru.rian Blue (scarce), 3s 9d to 4s. Potatoes, T;.smanian, £2 to £2 12* 6d. Onions, Victorian, medium, £2 to £2 sv; prime, £2 10s. Butter, Bd. Cheese, 4Jd. Bacon, oid to ~t,d. MELBOURNE. July 13. Wheat, irregular, 3s Id. Flour. £7 7s 6d. Oats, steady, ls 2_ to Is 3d. Barley, Cape, Is 6d to ls lOd; malting, 2s 4d to 3s Id. Maize, Ls lOd. Bran and pollard, Bd. Potatoes, £1 10s to £2 10.?. Onions, £1 to £2. ADELAIDE, July 13. "Wheat, firm, 3s Id. Flour, £7 5s to £7 10s. Oats, dull,. Algerian. Is 4d; whites. Is £d. Bran and pollard, Potatoes, £2 to £3. Onions, £3 ss. AGENT-GEN KB A L'S REPORT. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TKLEGRAM.) WELLINGTON, July 13. The Department of Industries and Commerce has received the following cablegram fro mthe Agent-General, dated London, July 11th:—The mutton market is slightly weaker, with less demand. Heavy carcases are particularly dull of sale. Average price to-day for Canterbury brands mutton 4|d lb, for Dunedin, Southland, and W.M.E. Co. 4£d. for otlrcr North Island brands 3£d. River Plate mutton 3|d. The lamb markets aro steady, with very good demand, although there Ls no change, in prices to report. There is an increasing demand for beef of the best grades. Average price to-day for hind quarters New Zealand beef 3_d. for foro quarters 2|d. Tho butter market is steady, and prices are firm, though there is not a great demand. Average price of choicest New Zealand butter to-day is 89s cwt. The cheese market, is weak and inactive. Averago price, finest, New Zetland chee«>e> today, is 39s cwt. The hemp market is steady. Price, of New Zealand hemp good'fair Wellington grade, on spot, today, is £30 ton; July to September shipments, £29 10s; Manila hemp, on spot., £35. The cocksfoot seed market is quiet. Average price to-day for bright, clean New Zealand cocksfoot seed, weighing 171b per bushel, on spot, is 53s cwt. Tlie wool market is strong in tone, owing to the extensive business which has been done. There is a general and active demand for all grades of coaroe crossbreds nt an advanco of Id lb. Current Bradford quotations for tops aro:—Thirty-sixes, low crossbreds, Is lid lb; foities, low crossbreds, ls 2d; forty-fours, medium crossbred.", ls 3d per lb; fifties, halfbreds, ls 5Jd; fiftysixes, quarterbreds, ls 8d; sixty-sixes, merinos, 2s. The quantity of River Plato mutton imported into the United Kingdom during last month (June) was 227,353 carcases,. of which 65,863' were landed at London, 138,423 at Liverpool, 6000 at Hull, 5000 at Newcastle, and 12,067 at Cardiff. The quantity of River Plato lamb imported into tho United Kingdom during June was 16,892 carcases, of which 6800 were landed at London, 6592 at Liverpool, 1500 at Hull, and 1000 at Newcastle, 1000 at Cardiff. The quantity of River Plato butter imported was 3650 cwts., which was landed at Liverpool, London, Hull, tmd Southampton. ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. (BT OPH COJfMEBCIAL IDITOB.) There was a comparatively small entrjl of almost nil classes of stock, on account of tho wet weather, and the attendance was correspondingly limited. Fat cattle showed a rise in prices, and fat lambs wero very firm. Fat wethers cold up to late rates, but ewes wero easier* after the opening of tho sale. STORE SHEEP. Only a few lots of store sheep wero penned, a line olf 416 halfbred wethers from Mr J. Douglas, Waikan, selling at 19s 6d, and two lots of hoggets at 243 3d and 14s lOd. FAT LAMBS. The entry of fat lambs numbered about 1500, and there was good competition from export, buyers, -prices throughout being very firm. Tegs made _0s to 21s, prima freezers 16s 9d to 19s 3d, and others 14s lOd to 16s 6d. The principal sales were: —For Mr Jas. Cow ie, Hawarden, 90 at 18s to 21s; Mr W. McMeekan, Rolleston, 24 at 16s 6d to 21s; iSpringbank Estate, 18 at 20s 4d; Mr J. S. Boag, Dunsandel. 119 at, 16s 6d to 20r<; Mr W. H. Jurey, Clarkville, 34 at 16s 2d to 19s 3d; Mr H. Kingsbury, Kyle, 28 at 18s 9d; Mr 0. Geddings. Tinwald, 70 at 15s 6d to 18» 8d: Mr John Irwin, Rakaia, 106 at 18s 6d; Mr C. I*ach, Scargill 72 at 18s 4d; Mr A. Storrv, Swulhbridge, 140 at 18s 4d; Mr E. Mcintosh, Glenroy, 29 at 18* 3d; Mr John Gcinmell. Dunsandel. 40 at 18s Mr J. Deans, Waimararna, 223 nt 17s sd; Mr C. Dilworth Fox. Scargill, 110 at 17s. 13 at 15s; Mr C. Wit hell, Brookride. 105 at 16s lOd; Mr F. J. Audrew, Springston, 47 at 16s lOd; a client, 160 at. 15s 2d to 16s 8d; Coop's Estate, Little River. 146 at 16s 2d; Mr E. Butcher, Waikari. 42 nt 15s lOd; .Mr Cooker, 56 at 15s 3d. FAT SHEEP. Ire re was ;i medium yardiii* of fat rlioe,-,, including sonic very prime lots of wethers and ewes, and tho market opened at last week's rat's. Wethers were firm throughout, but ewes fell away in price towards the close of the s.ile. The range, of prices M -.-.s:—Extra prime wethers 25s'7d to 30?, prime 21s .to others 18s to 20s 6d, ..extra prime ewes 22s 6*l to 27s fxl. prime 19s to 225. medium 17s to 18s 6d. aged ]5s 3d to 16s. merino wethers 11? to 13s lid. The follnwimr were ihe principal .-•iir*:—For Mr John Brmifant. Ashburton. 46 hilfbred wctlx-r;' 2"*' to 3C.»: Mr W. Read, Carleton. 22 wethers 22s lOd to 27s 9d. 39 ewes ia* 9d to 19s lOd: Mr R. MAdair. Chert *ey. 108 ewes 22? 6d to 27s 6d: Mr S. Cox. Lyndhurst. 58 wethers 25<s to. 26s 3d, 28 maiden ewes 20s to 21- 6d; Mr G- D. Greenwood, TeviotdaK 208 wethers 20s lOd to 26s 3d: Mr C. Withell, Brookside, 27 wctlwrs 21s Id to 25* 3d; Mr H. Kingsbury, Kyle. 81 wethers 22s Id to 25s 4d. ewes' 19s 3d; Mr G. Garrett, Rangiora, 102 w< t.hers22s6dto24s. 20ew<» 21s 3d; Mr F. (i. Horrell. West Eyretan, 53 ewes 23s 3d to 24s lid; executors late K. G. Wright. 47 wethers 22s 9d to 24s 7d. f4 ewes 21s; Messrs Blunden. Bros.. Ashburton, 20 wethers 23s 9d, 37 ew«-- 19s 3d; Ashburton client. 113 wethers 21s to 23s sd; Springbank Estate, 101 wethers 23< Id to 23s 2d: Mr John Baker, Methven, 56 ewes 21s 3d to 22s 9d; Mr G. Mcßean. Springston, 60 wethers 21s lid to 22s 8d; Mr E. Somerville, Soutlibridge, 64 wethers 21s 8d to 22s 4d; Mr G. Henderson. Halkett. 60 wethers 19s 6d to 22s 3d; Messrs Ensor Bros., Mount Grey, 56 wethers 21s to 22a Id; Mr J. S. Boag. Durmndel, wethers 21s; Mr'D. Dwjer,

[Hawarden, 30 wethers 21* lid, 32 ewes 117s 64; Mr J. Dear*. Waimararna, 347 I wethers 2ls; Mr G. 'Geddings. Tinwald, !64 ewe-s 19s 3d to 21s; Mr D. Mulholland, ! Darrkld, 123 Down ewes 13s 3d to 20s I 9d; Mr J. Gemmell, Dunsandel, 24 ewes i2os 3d; Mr J. A. Dampier-Crossley, Hawarden, 94 wethers 18s 3d to 19s 6d, 40 merino wethers lis; Mr F. Shadbolt, Dnvauehelles Bay. 67 wcUkts 18s 3d to 19s 6d; Mr C. Scargill. 62 wethers 17s 5d to 19s 4d; Mr E. Macintosh, Glenroy, 34 ewes 19s 3d: Mr James Lilley, Lyndhurst. 36 halfbred wethers 19s id. 84 merino wethers 13s lid; Mr T. J. Vincent, Bennetts, 65 wethers 19s; Mr J. Belcher, Kirwee. 52 ewes 16s lOd to 18s 9d; Mr J. Rowell, Springston,'s3 ewes 18s 6d to 19s; Mr Richd. Evans, Kaiapo?, 119 ewes 17s lOd to 19s 3d; Mr F. J. Andrews, Springston, ewes 17s: Mr John Irwin, Rakaia. 26 ew«i 17s; Mr E. Butcher, Wnikari, 30 ewes 16s 6d; Mr W. McMeekan, Rolleston, 33 ewes 15s 6d to 15s lOd. FAT CATTLE. " Tlve entry of fat cattle comprised 134 head, and at the opening of the sale there was a rise in prices, and they afterwards fell to last week's level. A prize bullock from Mr J. Tucker. Ashburton, was sold to Mr Jas. Knight at £20, and two prize cows from Mr W. ,T. Stoddart's, Willnughby, at £8 15s and £10. Fifteen polled Angus cows, from the North Island, sold at £7 10s to £10. Local steers brought £6 15s to £11 12s 6d, heifers £5 5s to £8 ss, ajid extra to £9 17s 6d, cows £6 7s 6d to £9 10s, equal to 21s to 27s per 1001b. A fair entry of veal calves sold at 7s 6d to £2 16s, "a liiw of seven from Southland averaging £2 12s 6d, STORE AND DAIRY CATTLE. A few mixed lines of store cattle wero all that wero offered, aod they sold as follows:—Fifteen to eighteen montlis 37s 6d to £2 14s, mixed fifteen months to two years £2 10s. two-year lie if era £3 17s, dry cows £3 15s. Dairy cows sold up to £9 10s. PIGS. There was a small entry of pigs, and they wild at about last week's rates. Baconers made 42s to 495, equal to 3Jd per lb; porkers, 28s to 38s, equal to 4sd to 4Jd per lb; stores, 20s to 255,' and weaners 10s to 15s.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 6

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 6

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11945, 14 July 1904, Page 6