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At tbe Cathedral yesterday afternoon Miss Ella Caroline Julius, third daughter of the Bishop of Chratcbnrca, wee married to Mr Arthur Stanley Elworthy, of Paieora* Shortly after 2 o'clock the square began to assume a spirited and gay appearance. Round the north and soutih doors of <&c Cathedral were crowded large numbers of the general public, waiting for the doors to open, and through the tower door a steady stream of invited guests was pouring. The Cathedral grounds, the pavements outside, and the streets beyond, were being rapidly filled with expectant and excited crowds of well-wishers. Inside the Cathedral, the scene was no less animated. Through the tower door the guests were rapidly arriving. The middle portion of the Cathedral was reserved for the guests, and large as the space was, it was quite inadequate to seat the immense number present. The sides were open to the general public, and shortly after the doors were opened all the available seats were taken, and ail the available standing room occupied. People crowded everywhere, and were with difficulty only restrained by a detachment of police constables, stationed in different parts of the building. The «deemen of the Cathedral, each bearing a wand, set off with a white satin bow, were kept busily employed the "whole time, finding seats, preserving order, end keeping the aisles clear. Large numbers of people would insist upon standing on the chairs, and it was only by the most vigilant watching and attention on the part of the constables and sidesmen that this could be prevented.

The altar had been elaborately decorated with white flowers. Shortly before half past two the Cathedral choir left the vestry and walked slowly down the aisle to the front porch. Here they waited pending thearrival of tbe bride. At half-past two the front doors were opened and a. length, of carpet was hastily unrolled from the steps of the Cathedral to the kerbing of tbe pavement outside. The bride had arrived. The hymn "0 Perfect Love" was sung by the choir and congregation as the procession moved slowly along the oentre aisle towards the altar. Following the choir w-ere Bishop Wallis, of Wellington, and the Eevs. Canon, Harper and W. Dunkley, of Christchurch. Then oame the bride leaning on the arm of her father, and carrying a, brilliant bouquet of flowers. Misa Bertha Julius followed, holding up the bride's train. The remaining bridesmaids. Misses Julius, Elworfchy, Muriel Elworthy, and Ada Julius completed the bridal party. A few of tbe chief guests completed tbe procession. The bridegroom was already waiting near the altar. The ceremony was conducted by the Bishop of Wellington, assisted by the Rev. Canon Harper. The responses of the fcride were heard clearly and distinctly throughout the whole Cathedral. During the service the 127 th Psalm was sung by the choir, and the hymn "How Welcome was the Call." At the conclusion of the ceremony the Bishop of Wellington delivered a short paternal address on the duties and responsibilities of husband and wife to each other, end to their fellows at large, and then publicly blessed the recently wedded couple kneeling before him. Wagner's "Bridal Maich" was played by Mr Tendall while the register was being signed in the vestry. This was completed in a few minutes, and as Mendelsson's I "Wedding March" pealed out, the bride and I her husband, followed by tike bridesmaids, ! Bishop and Mrs Julius, and a number of guests, walked again down the aisle and through the doors. The bridal party and guests then drove to Bishopscourt, the residence of the bride's parents.

The bride's robe was of ivory mousseline satin duchesse, with an underskirt of real Brussels applique lace, and a. very handsome court train trimmed down the left side with beautiful sprays of orange blossom. It had a prettily draped bodice with the neck and sleeves of real Brussels lace. The bridesmaids, Misses Julius, Elworthy, Muriel Elworthy, Ada and Bertha Julius, : wore costumes of ivory white Liberty satin.,, over skirts, trimmed with fringe, with a pretty chiffon frill round th© foot of the skirt. They wore draped bodices with lace neck and sleeves, and finished round the waist with pink chifion sashes edged with fringe. They also wore black velvet picture hats trimmed with black chiffon, and ostrich feathers fastened with large steel buckle at side.

Mrs Julius wore a red cloth gown, the skirt being handsomely trimmed with, black passementerie, and the bodice finished , with cream lace over rich mousseline satin. She also wore a semi-Victorian black velvet bonnet, trimmed with ostrich tips and ospreys, relieved with brilliant bucJdes. The under brim was of white satin finely tucked.

During the afternoon, the Bishop and Mrs Julius entertained a very large number of guests at Bishopsoourt. Among those who accepted invitations were:—Mr and Mrs Douglas Andre-ws, Miss Asser, Dr. and Mrs C. M. Anderson, Mr and Mrs H. D. Andrewa, Mr and iMrs 0. Archer, the Misses Andrews, Mr and the Misses MurrayAynsley, Miss Amble, Mr and Misses Ainger, Mrs C. R. Anderson, Mr, Mrs and Miss Acton-Adams, the Hon. J. 8., Mrs and Misses Acland. Mr. Mrs and Miss J. Anderson, Dr. and Mrs It. W. Anderson, Mr and Mra Anderson, Mrs Boys, Mr and Mrs A. J\ N. Blakiston. Mr and Mrs Bethell, Mrs C. Bowen, Miss Bowen, 'Mr and Mrs 0. F. Bourne, Mr and Mrs Charles Bowen, Misses Bowen, Mr and Mrs Bristol, Mr and Mrs Boyle, Mr and Mrs Bloxam, Mr G. Brittan and Miss Brittan, Mr and Mre Blyth, Rev. and Mra Blackburae, Rev. C. Blakiston, Mr and Mrs C. HL Bridge, Mrs Hamilton Bond, Mra Bridge, Mr and Mrs H. W. Bishop, Mr and Mrs S. D. Barker, Mr and Mrs Stewart Blackburne. Mr J. W. Barnes, Miss Buckley, Mr and Mrs Bridges, Misses Bowron, Mr and Mrs A. Barker, Mr and Mrs Bainea, Mr and Mrs F. W. Barker, Rev. W. and Mrs Bean, Mr and Mrs Beswick, Rev. A. Beaven, Mr and Mrs Burns, Mr and Mrs Buchanan, Mr and Mrs J. H. Bond, Professor and Mrs Coot, Mrs Bromley Cocks, Misses Cocks, Mr and Mrs Cameron, Misses Cameron, Archdeaoon and Mrs Cholmondeley, Mr R. and the Misses Cholmond«ley, •Mγ aod Misses Cardale, Mr C. Cardale Mrs C. Chapman, Mrs Curnow, Canon and Mrs Cotterill, Misses CotteriU, Mr and Mra P. Campbell, Mr and Mrs E. Y. Cox, Miss Cox, Mr and Mts C. Clark and the Messrs Clark, Mr and Mrs Common, Miss Cotton, Rev. P. J. and .Mrs Cocks, Mr and Mrs Cane, Mr T. Cane and Miss Cane, Mr A. Cox, Misses Cox. Rev. C. and Miss Coates Mr and Mrs Chaffey, Mr and Mrs P. Cox. and the Misses Cox, Mr and Mrs Michell Clarke, Mr and Mrs H. Cottenll. the Rev. E. E. and Mrs Chambers, Mr and Mrs Cartwright. Mr and Mrs W. E. Cowlishaw Dr. and Mrs N. K. Cox, Mr, Mrs and Miss Cowlishaw, Mr T. Cowlishaw, Mr and Mr» Cobham, Mr and Mrs C. Cook, Miss Cabot. Rev. W. and Mrs Cniden, Miss Campbell. Mr and Mrs Croxton. Mr and Mrs Cunmngton, MrW. G. Cookson, Mr and Mrs C Dudley, Mrs H. Dixon and Miss Dixon, Mr and Mrs J. Dearns, Mr G. Dennistoun,

Dr. Drew, Mr and Mrs Dbcon, the Rev. W. and Mrs Dunkley, Mr M. C. Denniston, the Rev. F. Dunnage, Miss Dunnage, Mr E. Dyer, the and Mrs H. Knsor, the Rev. R. and Mrs East. Mrs Everest, Dr. and Mrs Evans, Mr and Mrs Embling, Dr. aa«l airs Elmslie, Sister Edith, Miss Mrs and Miss Fenwick, Mrs Ford, the Rev. C. A. and Mre Freer, Sir Ford, Rev. A. and Mrs Fox, Mr and Mrs H. Ford, Mr and Mrs R. Foster, Dr. and Mrs Fox Miss Ford, the Rev. L. Fitsgerald' Rev. F. and Mrs Fendall, Mr and Mrs Norton Francis, Mr and Mrs Hill Fisher, the Misses Gardner, Dr. Gane, Rev* C. H. and Mrs Gossett, Mr and Mrs Graham Greenwood, Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs Gordon, Rev. R. F. and Mrs Garbett, Mr and Mrs W. Grant, Mr, Mrs and Miss Graham, Mr Isaac Gibbs, Mr and Mrs T. Garrard, Mrs Gardner, Judge Gresson and Mrs Gresson, Captain Garcia, Miss Giffard Mrs Gould, Mr and Mrs C. J. Harper, Mr and Mrs Harkness, Captain and Mrs Hutton, Mr, Mrs and Miss Harley, Mrs and Miss Hardcastle, Mrs and Miss Holt, Mrs and Miss Hennah, Mr Higginbotham, Mr and Mrs J. D. Hall, Mr, Mrs and Miss Hewett, Mr and Mrs Harman, Mr and Mrs Hargreaves, Mr Archdeacon Harper, Miss Hastings, Miss Hicks, Mrs Hassell, Mr and Miss Heywood, Mrs G. W. Hull, Mrs P. Hanmer, the Rev. T. A. and Mrs Hamilton, Mr and Mrs G. Harris, Professor and Mrs Haslam, Mr, Mrs and Miss Heimore, Mr and Mrs Hamilton, Mr and Miss J. 08. Hoare, Mr D. and Misses Hoare, Sir John and Lady Hall, Mr M. Harper, Canon and the Misses Harper, Rev. J. and Mrs Holland, Rev. F. A. Hare. Mr and Mrs G. Harper, Miss Harper, the Messrs Harper, Rev. F. and Miss Hoggins, Mr and Mrs H. P. Hill, the Misses Hill, Mr and Mrs G. Hanmer, Mrs Inman, Dr., Mrs, and Miss Irving, Dr. W. Irving, the Rev. F. Inwood, Mr, Mrs and the Misses Izard, Mrs and Miss Jacobs, Dr. and Mrs Jennings, Mr W. Jones, Mr and Mrs W. Jameson, Mr and MrsG. Jameson, the Rev. and Mrs *.. Knowles, Canon and Mrs Knowles, (Mr and i>irs Knubley, Mr and Mrs Meredith Kaye, Mr, Mrs* and Miss Kinley, Sister Kate, Mrs Luxmore, Achdeacon and the Misses Lingard, the Misses Lean, Mr and 'Mrs H. Lake, EMr, Mrs and Miss C Louisson, Miss Lissaman, Mr and Mrs Little, Mr A. Lyon, Mr and Mrs Le Cren, Mr and Mrs W. S. Lindsay, Mrs Mathias, the Rev. H. H. and Mrs Mathias, Mr and Miss Macfarlane, Mrs Macdonald, Mr iB. Macdonald, Mr and Mrs h. D. Meares, Mr and Mrs G. Molntyre, Mr and Mrs D. McLaren, Mr J. Maling, Mr, Mrs and the Misses W. D. Meares, Mr, Mrs and Miss G. Merton, Mr. Mrs and Miss Maude, Mr and Mrs W. Moore, Mr and Mrs McDougall, Mr and Mrs C. G. llatfieson, Mr and Airs Morton, Mr and Mrs Marciel, Mr and ilrs R. M. Macdomild, Mr UaingMeeson, Mrs B. H. and Miss Moorehouse, Dr. Moorhouse, Dr. and Mrs Mickle, Mr, Mrs and the Misses Maling, the Hon. W. Montgomery, Messrs W. it. and J. Montgomery, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Malet, Mr and Airs R. J. Maxwell, Rev. T. and Mrs Jieyer, Mr Newman, Mr and Mrs H. N. Nalder, Rev. H. and 'Mrs Northcote, 'Mr and Airs Nisbet, Mr and Mrs Orbell, iir and Mrs Ogle, Mrs and Miss Otway, Mr Orm&by Rev. W. H. Orbell/ aits and Miss M. 01----livier, Mr and Mrs O'Rorke, Mrs and Miss Prins, Rev. and Mrs Pollock, Mr and Mrs Perry, Dr.andilMrs J. C. Palmer, Rev. H: , J- and Mr* -Purehas, Canon and Mrs" Pascoe, ■Mγ, Mts and Miss Palmer, (Mr S. S. Payton,. Mr H. H. Pitman, Mr P. Perry, Mr C. Perry, Rev. J. H. and Mrs Pritchell, Mrs and Miss Preston, Miss Povey, Mr and Mrs J. T. Peacock, Miss Partridge, Mr and Mrs Pyne, Mrs Pollard, Mr G. H. Palmer,' Miss Parkerson, Mrs and the Misses Ross, Mr and Mrs Heaton Rhodes, 'Mr and Mrs A. Rhodes, Mr and Mrs A. C. Rolleston, Mrs and the Misses Reeves and the Messrs Reeves, Mr and Mrs R. H. Rhodes, Mr and Mrs G. A. Rhodes, Major and Mrs Richards, Mr and Mrs W. Recce, Mr and Mra G. G. Russell, Mr and Mrs Gordon Rich, ■Mγ and Mrs G. Rhodes, Mr, Mrs and Miss Russell, Miss and Mr J. Rolleston, Mr F. I. Rolleston, Mr and -Mrs J. 8. Rutherford, Mr G. Ritchie, Mr, Mrs and Miss Ronalds, Sister Rose, Miss Stopford, - Dr. and Mrs Symes, Professor and Mrs Scott, air and Mrs Smithson, Rev. C. A. and Mrs Scott, Mr» M. and .Mrs Studholme,.Mr and Mrs Starkey, Mr and Mrs Stead, Mr W. Stead, Rev. F. J. and Mrs Smyth, Lieu-tenant-Colonel, Mrs and Miss Slater, Mr C. Studholme, Rev. J. and Mrs Sheldon, Mr C. j C. Studholme, Mr and Mrs Stradhey,-- Mr J W. G. Smith, &Ir and ftlrs J. Studholme, Rev. H. and Mrs Smyth, Mrs and Miss Sanders, Miss Tanner, Mr Thierens, Rev. and Mrs Turrell, Mr, Mrs and Miss Tendall, Mr C. Tendall, Mr and Mrs C. Turrell,Rev. R. J., Mrs and Miss Thorpe, Mr, Mrs and Miss Thomas, Mr G. Tapper, Mr, Mrs and 1 the Misses Tabarfc, Mrs and Miss Tripp, Miss Templerj«Rev. C and Mrs Tobin, Mr ! and Mrs T. Teschmaker, Mr and Mrs Scotrfc- ■ Thomson, Mr and Mrs F. W. Thompson, j Mrs and Miss Thomas, the Misses Tripp, Mr and Mrs Trent, Sir James and Mr Fraser-Tytler, Mr B. Tripp, Dr. and Mrs Thomas, Mr and Mrs Turabidl, Mr C. de i S. Teschmaker, Mr H. J. Tepchmaker, Mr and Mrs A. G. Turner, Mrs. Teschmaker, Miss Tfpping, Mrs Vetn'on, Misses ColborneVeel, Mr and Mrs W. F. Rev. W. > T. P. and Mrs Winter, Mrs Willock, Mr, Mrs and Miss Wilding, Mrs and' Miss J. Williams, Messrs Williams. Miss Mode' •house, Mr and Mrs A. 0. Wilson, Mr, Mrs and Miss Way. Mr and Mrs Wardrop. Mrs Woodhouse, Airs and the Misses Woollcombe, Mr and Mrs G. Way. Mrs C. Whitefoord, Mrs and the Misses Wilson, the Misses Webster, Mr, Mrs and Miss Wilson, Rev. H. and Mrs Williams, Rev. H. A. and Mrs Watson. Mr and Mrs Wigram, Mr, Mrs and Miss Wynn-Williams, Mr and.Mrs T. S. Watson, Rev. R. A. and Mrs Woodthurpe, Mr W. Wood, Mra R. Weed and Miss WebboMrs, Miss and Mr R. Wigley, Rev. H.-Ci'M., Mrs and Miss Watson, Mr and Mrs Wray, Mr, Mrs and Miss Westenra, Mr P. Westenra, Mr and Mrs W. D. Wood, Mr and Mrs Woodroffe, Mr Wilfred White, Rev. L. Carsley Brady. Mr and Mrs J. Wood, Mr and Mrs F.M. Wallace, the Hon. W. C. and Mrs Walker, Miss and Mrs D. Walker, Mr H. R., Mrs and Miss Webb, Mr and Mrs Walcot-Wood. THE PRESENTS. The following is a list of presents: — A diamond .necklace and diamond crescent brooch. Mr A. S. Elworthy; six silver table lamps, Bishop of Christchurch and Mrs Julius; silver-mounted tray, inla-d wi*h medals, and silver tea and coffee service, Mrs Elworthy; silver cigar-box and silver handled parasol. Mr and Mrs Melville Jameson : pearl and turquoise pendant, with gold chain. Bishop of Melanesia and Mrs Wilson: silver manicure set, Mr ana Mrs G. A. Julius: silver hand-glass and silvermounted cigar case, Mrs and W. NBond: pearl end diamond pendant, with gold chain, and Chippendale cabinet, Miss Klworthv: cheque - , Mr H. Elworthy: oak cabinet.*Mr P. Elworthy; silver card-case and sofa cushion, Mrs Julius; silver revolving dish and table centre, Miss Julius; ■ilver powder-box and silver hair-pin box, MiissM. Elworthy; silver jardiniere. Misses A and B. Julius; silver tarl and Countess of Ranfurly; D>alton bowl, Bishop of Wellington and Mrs Wallis; sil-ver-backed brush and comb, Mrs H. Bond; pair of silver vases, Mr and Mrs J. H. Bond; cheque. Mr and Mrs C. Y. O'Connor; pair of silver candlesticks, Mr and Mrs J. Km-

bling; Doulton vue. Bishopscourt household; cheque, Miss Ronaldson, England; three cut-class spirit decanters, in o:ik stands. Mr~C. Teschemaker; silver lemonequeezer and goblet. Mr H. Tescheinaker; silver-n»onnted sharing brush, Captain Teschemaker: cheque, the Misses Pratt, London: picture, the Messes Hey, London: four silver bon-bon dishes, Mr Hamlyn; riding crop. Captain and Mrs Hall; four silver entree dishes. Mr and Mrs T. Shorrock; silver egg stand, Mr and Mrs Cheetham; pair of silver vases, Mr and Mrs W. Hamlyn; silver ciparette-lighter, Mr Arra:tage; gold-mounted cigarette-holder, Mr Macpherson; pair of silver and cut-glass rases and silver and cut-glass scent-bottle, Dr. Ovenden; picture, Mrs and Messrs H. R. Williams: embroidered sofa cushion. Miss H. Williams; Chinese silk. Rev. and Mrs Flower; embroidered table-cloth, Mr and Mrs G. Western, England; fountain pen, Miss E. Western, England; embroidered photo frame, Miss Xewis ; silver cruet standf. Mr H. Tripp ; clock, Mr and Mrs F. M. Wallace; biscuit barrel, Major and Mrs Richards; china afternoon tea-set, Mrs Bromley Cox ; greenstone paper knife, Miss and Miss N. Bromley Cox : Crown Derby plate, Miss Monica Cox; embroidered sachets, Miss Tripp; silver butter dish, Canon Harper; gold and pearl pendant and gold chain, and china tea-set, Sir and Mrs Wilson, Cashmere; silver cream jug, Hon. J. B. and Mrs Aclan'd; silver toilet box, Miss iR. Acl&nd; Burmese ware tray, Professor, 'Mrs and Miss Cook; Maltese silk doylies, the jiiisses M. and G, Anderson; pair of Japanese jars, Rev. and Mrs U. O. Pollock; pair silver knife rests, Mr and Mrs Phillips; silk handkerchief, Miss Waller, England ; butter dish, Mr and Mrs Vernon Hall; silver vase, Mr Thierens; embroidered photo, frame, Miss F. Studnolme; 'Doulton bowl, Mr iand Mrs J. B. Way; Doulton cheese-holder, Mr and Mrs Hill Fisher ; silver tea service, Mr and Mrs R. H. Rhodes; Crown Derby vase, Mr W. Wood; bread-cutting machine, Mr and Mrs It. Macdonald ; Doulton, Mr and Mrs E. Y. Cox; Italian vellum, frame, the Misses Cox; silver bon-bon dishes, Mr and Mrs J. Anderson; silver photo, frame, Mr and Mrs Smithson; silver inkstand, pen and pencil, Mrs M. Studholme and Mr E. C. Studholme ; cut-glass spirit decanters, in oak stand, Mr and - -rs W. Cartwright; silver salver, presented by members of South Canterbury Hunt Ciub; silver and ,pearl bread fork, Mr, and Mrs Holt; silver tray, Mr and (Sirs Buchanan ; silver matchbox, Mr Mostyn Jones; silver butter dish, Mr and Mrs CI Perry; silver cigar rest, Mr and Mrs Goldingham; silver fruit knife, Miss Lissaman; silver butter dish, Mr and Mrs H. Le Cren ; ; silver-mounted Crown Derby jam dish, and silver-mounted glass matchbox, Mr and Mrs Bristol; Doulton vase, Mr and Mrs H. J. Ogle; picture, Mr Carlyle Studhoime; iia-ndsonie china vase, Mr and Mrs Knubley; silver maitchbos, Mrs Stewart; Worcester plate, the Misses E. and T. and Mr E. Cardale; silver photograph frame, Mr J. Maling;. Worcester jar, Miss M. Maling; silvermounted scent bottle, Miss E. Maiing; china tea service, Rev. and -Mrs H. M. iSmyth; tutarsio china candlesticks, Dr. and Mrs Irving; silver teaspoons, Air and Mrs H. Ford; pair Cloisonne vases, Archdeacon 1 Harper; silver card tray, Mrs Helton Rhodes; "At Home" book, Mr and Mrs 'Hastings Bridge; two volumes of 'Mr and Mrs U. F. Tendall and family; silverniounted : scent bottle, Mr and Mrs P. Campbell; nine volumes of Rudyard Kip-ling,-Dr. Drew; picture, Mr and Mrs and CowlLshaw , ; pair of silver vases, Mrs Macdonald; Oriental drapery, Mr E. Macdonald ; pearl-shell sugar scoop, Mrs Comius (Norfolk Island); four Worcester vases, Mr and Mrs Izard; pair silver vases, Dr. and Mrs W. P. Evans; pair silver salt cellars, Mr, Mrs and Miss Wynn-Williams; picture. Dr. Gane; three silver-mounted vases, Mrs and Miss Slater; silver-mounted scent bottle, Air Griffith Smithe; silver cake basket, Hon. W. Montgomery; silver manicure set, Cathedral ohoir boys; silver hot-water jug, Mrs P. Bouverie Luxinore; silver and glass cake basket, Mr and Mrs W. D. Wood; pair silver pepper note, Dr. and Mrs C. E. Thomas; embroidered photo- , graph frame, Miss Ainger; box of handkerchiefs, Miss Lambe (England); picture, Miss P. and Mr F. Rolleston; lace handkerchief, Miss Emery (England); pair silver pepper j pots, Mrs G. Rhodes; embroidered sachet, Miss F. Woollcombe; silver bonbon dish, Rev. and Mrs Winter; silver-mounted greenstone paper knife, Mr. and Mrs Xabart; clock, Sir John and Lady Hall; eilyermounted purse, Mr and Mrs H. Cotterill; sfilver bonbon dish, .Mr, and Miss Nisbet: ? silver-|^^J^ei| : sJl«3Jet Mrs and Miss Graha^|^pai|Sof ; "silver bonbon dishes, Messrs C. and E. Harper; pair'of silver salt • cellars, Mr aridi-Mrs. Maude: silver-mounted bag. Rev. and the Misses Hoare; carved table,' Canon and 'Mrs Knowles; Doulton ! vase, Mr J: M. Heywood; silver-mounted toilet-box, Mr M. Orriisby; silver purse, Mrs Ollivter; pair of -ivory knife-rests, Mr and. Mrs-Cv-Mat-son; antiaue silver goblet, Miss Ambler; pair of silver and cut-glass toiletboxes, 'Dr. and Mrs Palmer; pair silver candlesticks,'Mr ; asd Mrs Pitman; pair of silver-mounted' trays, Messrs G. and C. Weston; glass and Mrs- J. Hewett; cajTed, ; d^nbia : frame. Professor and Wedgewood hot-water-jug. Bowen; Irish china shell dishy Miss A. Bowen; embroidered tableeloib»v Hon. C. C. and Mrs Bowen: prayer and hymn book in case, Rev. T. and .Mrs Hamilton; lace handkerchief, Mr and Mrs Oroxton; pair of Stoke china vases, Mr and! Mrs T. Y. Wardrop; Hood's t)oems, Mr and Mrs Joshua Little; Russian"leather writing-case, Miss- Hicks; silver sugar basin, Mrs Qr. Rhodes; Doulton vase, Mr and; Sirs Meredith Ka^e; Doulton vase, Mr C. Perry; silver candlesticks, Colonel and! Mrs Gordon; pair of vases, Mr and Mrs SecM-Thomson; picture, M-s E. Hardcastle; .Tutarsio china vase, Mrs H. D. Meares; T>air silver salt cellars, Mr and Mrs Westenra r pair Tutarsio vases, Miss Marmaduke Dixon; pair silver-mounted vases, Mrs Inman; silver-monnted scent bottle, Mr and Mrs J. Dryden Hall; silvermounted jam dish,, Miss Fairhurst; silver butterdish, Mr and Mts Kineey; silver mustard, cayenne and ; pepper pots, Mr and Mrs F W. Thompson: pair silver butter knives, Mr and Mrs H. W/Hargreaves; case, silver button-book, glove-stretchers, shoe-horn and glove button-hook. Rev. L. Carsley Bradv; cheque, Mr M. Harper; Kaiaooi rug, Mr and Mrs R. A. Chaffey; silver nut-crackers, Mrs Wieky; Cloisonne vase, Mr. and Mrs H F Wigram: silver-mounted purse, Committee of S.P.C.A.; four-silver and cutglass vases, Mr and Mrs G. G. Stead: silver and cut-glass scent bottle, Mr W • «• Stead; embroidered traycloth, Mrs Melmore; picture, Mr and Mrs H J- Beswick; Barmware vase, Mrs W'lbck: pair silver and cut-dass scent Mr ancl MrsS S Blackbnrne; silver toilet-box, Mr and Mrs Henry Wood; Worcester bowl, Mrs D. M. Moorhouse: picture. Captain Garcia; Doulton jug, Rev. W. H. Orbell; picture. Mrs... F. W. Haslam; clock. Mr and Mra Trent; four silver-mountad vases, Mr and Mrs Cobham; Limoges jar, Dr and Mrs Cox: silver-mounted vase, Mr 3nd Mrs R E. M'Doutmll: silver bonbon dbh Mr and Mrs B. H- Bums; Doulton tray Canon and Mrs Cotterill; Doulton boyd. Dr. and Mrs R. W. Anderson; alvermounted ivory paper-knife, Mr and Mrs W. P. Andrews: silver egg-stand, Dr. and "Mrs IKckle; silver and cmna coffee service, Mr and Mrs W. Recce; cake stand, Rev. and Mrs Crudens; silver-mounted honey di*h. Mr »rwi Mrs A. R- Bloxam: silver ink-stand, Mr and Mrs H. P. Hill; embroidered table centre. Mis "Belli duchesse table-cloth and mate. Miss E. Hill: silver fish-knife and fork. Mr and Mrs Blakiston: Japanese feather fan. Mr and Mrs MacLeod Smdth; two Maori batrs, Rev. W. and Mrs Blathwayte: four Crown Derby plates. Mrs Fenwick; two silver fruit spoons, Canon and Mrs Dnnklev; case of silver spoons, Mr and Mrs T. Garrard: snlver fruit spoon and bread fork. Dr. and Mrs Svmes; embroidered tray-cloth. Miss B. Buller; case of silver spoons and pair silver salt-cellars. Dr. and Mrs A. Stuart Reid: silk drapery. Mr, Mra and Mies Acton-Adams; pair old silver bonbon dishes. Miss B. Russell; picture. Dr. and Mrs C. Morton Anderson: ulver bread fork, Mr and Mrs H. W. Bi*feoi»? Ruwran leather writing-case. Mr and Mrs G. M'lntvre: picture, Rev. W. and Mrs Knowles; pair brass candlesticks, Mr and Mrs Bourne: worked tray cloth, Miss Harley; two pictures, Dr. and Mrs Jenlinps; case of silver spoons, Mr and Mrs H. Ford; silver-mounted dressing-case, with fitting*, jreeeated by the Cathedral tidee%

men; oak chair, Mr and Mrs C. S. Fraser; oak "Monk's seat," Mr and Mrs T. Teschemaker; Doulton bowl, Dr. and Mrs Elmslie ; Doulton bowl, Mr and Mxs H". H. Lougbtvan; silver-mounted glass matchbox, Miss H. Cbtterill; pair silver napkin rings, Mr W. H. Montgomery; Doulton bowl, Archdeacon and Mrs Cholmondeley; Doulton hot-water jug, Mr and Mrs Bridges; Herbert's poems, Canon and Mrs Pa.scoe; rose bowl, (Mrs and Miss A. Chevallier Preston ; pair silver-mounted vases, Mr J. Montgomery; double silver cornucopia vase, Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron; silver photograph frame, Miss E. Cameron; silver photograph frame, Mtiss M. Cameron; silver butter dish, Mr and (Mrs W, Morton; silver-mounted cream jug and sugar basin, Mr and Mrs J. Palmer ; pair silver-mounted trays, Mr M. Denniston; silver butter knife, Mr and Mrs W. F. Watson; Doulton vase, Mr and {Mrs. O'Rorke; picture, the 'Misses G-ard'ner; silver-asparagus tongs, Mr and Mrs Common; Doulton jug. Misses W. and M. Cotterill; china tea service, Mrs J. Studholme; silver cigarette case, Mrs Laing Meeson; silver bowl, Mr G. Dennis- j toun ; silver sugar basin, Mr and Mrs G. Russell; carved photograph frame, Mrs Everest; carved tray, Sirs and the Misses Russell Webb; silver-mounted purse, Mr and 'Mrs W. ,F. Lindsay; worked handkerchief sachet, Misses N. and C. Gresson; New Zealand wood photograph frame, Miss Povey; 6 silver-mounted vases, Mr and Mrs T. S. Weston; silver-mounted vase, Mr Heaseman; Wordsworth's and Longfellow's poems, Rev. R. A. and Mrs Woodthorpe; pair silver-mounted vases, Mr and Mrs H. R. Webb; carved tray,. Airs F. G. Thomas; hand-painted screen, Miss Partridge ; 2 silver toulet boxes, Mr and Mrs W. B. Dixon ; picture. Misses V. and S. Devenish Meares; lavender bags, Mrs A. Haines ; picture, Mr Bernard Tripp; Doulton vase, Mr and 'Mrs Dudley; .picture, iMisg K. Nedwill; Doulton jug, Mr and Mn Dudley Jameson; tortoiseshell cardcate, Mr and Mrs Homersfoam; New Zealand wood 4-p'hotograpi frame, Sister Edith; embroidered tablecloth, Mr- and Mrs Neave; photograph frame, r Mrs Reeves; .pair midget 'frames, Miss M. Reeves; Doulton bowl, Mrs Gould ; silver ladies' companion, Mrs Chapman ; Doulton jug, Miss L. Harper; picture, Mr T. W. Cane ; pair silver 'fruit spoons, Mr and Mrs D. McLaren; eilver-mounted pocket-book, Mrs T. B. Beckett; silver bon-ibon dish, Mrs.Norton Francis; silver toast rack, Mr J. M. Tripp; 4 silver pepper pots and silver napkin rings, Mr E. and Mr J. Ford; case of silver-mounted pipes and silver matchbox, Mr and Mrs H. Ford; pinj cushion, and pair gloss salt cellars, Mr and I Mrs C. M. Strachey; china coffee set (Eng- ! land); Doulton Ibowl, JVIr and Mrs J. J Deans; silver butter dish, Rev. and Mrs I Airey Watson; 2 Limoges and 1 Doulton plate, Mr. and Mrs R. D. Thomas; worked table centre, Miss V. Weight; scent bottle in case, Mr and Mrs Eicbbaum; Japanese table centres and doyleys, and photograph, wall frame, Mr and Mrs Wfiding; carved table, the Misses and "Master P.. Oosgrovesj silver-mounted ivory paper knife, Mr and Mrs A. Rhodes; silver photograph frame, Mr and Mra J. H. Turnbull; 4 Limoges plates, Mrs C. Fenwick; Doulton hot-water jug, Mr and Mrs Nalder; Kaffe Fanne, Mr I. Gibbs; silver toilet box, Mr and Mrs Boyle; silver-mounted inkstand, Mr and the Misses Murray-Ayns-ley; Tennysos's poems, Mra Matliias; embroidered tray ctoth, Mrs Wbitefoord; Barum ware bowl, Mr and Mrs Greenwood; silver gong, Mrs G. Morton; silver card tray, Mrs A. Cracroft Wilson; grold orooch, Mrs Curnow; Worcester jug, Sirs H. Ford; 'A silver. dessert spoons, Sir and Mrs J. S. Rutherford; jam dish, Miss M. Studholme; embroidered photograph frames, Misses L. and B. Saunders; embroidered tray cloth, Miss Cbafiey; gold brooch, Christchurch Musical Union Orchestra; silver frame, Mr and Mrs C. N. Orbell.

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Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10634, 19 April 1900, Page 3

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WEDDING AT THE CATHEDRAL. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10634, 19 April 1900, Page 3

WEDDING AT THE CATHEDRAL. Press, Volume LVII, Issue 10634, 19 April 1900, Page 3