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SUvr*rd»— Sir Ceo. Clifford, Bart., Hen. E. W.Parser, Hon. U Walker, lleasr* A. Boyle. O. F. Martin, F. H. Pyue, J. B. Rett, R. Heaton Rhodes, T>. Ratiierford, J. Studncdme, T. Teachemaier, O. n. Winter. Hon. Jnd-je—Mr F. C. Tabart. Hon. Treasurer—Mr G. G. Steed. Starter-Mr II Viper. Clerk of Course—Mr Montague LewinClerk ol Scales- Mr Alfred Evans. Handicappe.—Mr J. & Henry- Secretary—Mr W. H. S. Waokiyo.

The Metropolitan gathering of the Canterbury Jockey Club was advanced another stage yesterday, and il the meteorological conditions were none too promising in the early forenoon, the stroDg sou-west wind I subsided before the afternoon was far ad- ! vanced, and the large company present were enabled to enjoy the sport to the fullest, under much more favourable circumstances than obtained on Cup day. Aβ regards the attendance it was above the average for De by Day. The grand stand was indeed taxed to the very utmost to provide seating accommodation for the ladiee, who were almost in as strong force as on Tuesday. His Excellency the Governor, Lady Banfurly and suite were again present, the gubernatorial oarty reaching the course shortly before the hrst race started. The classic prize had long since been voted to Yaldhurst, but thousrh the race was not in consequence looked forward to with as much interest as would have been felt under other circumstances, the full card had on it several items of an attractive nature; notably a second meeting of the quartette that made such a great fight of it in the Cup, in the Metropolitan handioap, was anticipated with pleasure. Speculation was brisk, still the investments, which reached £13,033, fell short by £304 of the sum handled last Derby Day. For the Hurdle Race, witli which the proceedings began, seven weighed out, two fresh aspirants from those that ran on the fii st day in Lobo and Powder Monkey being of the number. The last-named ran very creditably, but the final i sue was left to the two top weights, and Missfire, who was not so heavily supported as on Tuesday, won cleverly from Mr Rutherford's horse at the end. Boreas, notwithstanding that he was raised in weight 141b from the impost he bore to victory in the Stewards' Handicap was elected favourite for the Criterion Handi cap, Sedgebrook and Uniform beine next in demand. Backers were not far out, for while Sedgebrook was never prominent the other two had the iinish to themselves, and the extra furlong to that run over in the Stewards' Handicap enabled Uniform to wear down Boreas, over whom he scored comfortably. It was pretty well understood that Mr Stead would only send one of his representatives for the Derby, and the defection of Gold Medallist was fully expected. The hoisting of three numbers besides that of Multiform, however, showed a healthy spirit of rivalry, and although there were no two opinions as to the result of the race, bar accident, the opposing force, consisting of St. Conon, Defiant, and Mountebank were not by any means deficient in good looks, the firstijamed, in particular, looking quite the cut of a classic horse. Multiform Ted the parade, and right well the crack looked, and he moved in the preliminary very freely. He went out the hottest favourite that has yet been for the race, and vhen Defiant unfortunately whipped round at the start and was not sent after the others, it wae felt that the last vestige of a chance of making the bearer of the " boy in yellow " go his best was gone, and the odds were in more safe keeping than ever. And such was the case, for Multiform, going to the front at the outset, did not permit Mountebank to get within a length of him at any part of the journey, and won with ridiculous ease. This is the eighth C. J.C. Derby Mr Stead has secured, and Derrett has been associated with the winneralike numberof times, though he has not worn the colours of the Yaldhurst sportsman in • all his , successes. The victory of the son of Hotchkisu was most cordially received. After the horse* bad been weighed in the winner was walked down the course and taken on to the lawn, where Lady Ranfurly decorated him with the Blue Ribbon, cheers being given for the owner and rider, and also for her Ladyship.

The successive wins of Uuiform and , Multiform for Yald hurst was supposed to be a prelude to a third in the Juvenile Stakes, in which the unbeaten GoWSMedallist was down to carry the banner of Mr Stead. If hardly aa hot a favourite as Multiform, substantial odds werelaid on Gold Medallist's ability to continue his unbroken career. Five antagonists—three of his own age and a couple of two-year olds—saddled up to test the mettle of the champion of last eeason. Ot these, Dundas, the runner-up in the Welcome Stakes, was reckoned to have the best chance, while the Wa'nganui Derby winner, Daunt, hampered with a,slb penalty, was considered to have a poor prospect. Slow at beginning Gold Medallist had to run on the outside o£ the field, but he was close up with the leaders rounding into the straight; and then when he gradually drew up little foar was felt as to his success. By the time the distance was reached, however, a change had come over the aspect of affairs, for Daunt had obtained a break and was going strongly, while Derrett was seen to be sitting down to urge his mount to the utmost. Gold Medallist responded gamely and got alongside his rival, but Mr Ormond's colt, finishing with great resolution, obtained the mastery and floored the odds by a narrow margin. The success of the Hawkc's Bay sportsman was made the occasion of a demonstration of popular approval, which was all the more hearty, in that an accident, as stated, prevented his Derby candidate measuring stridoe with Multiform. The whole of the ten coloured on the card for the Metropolitan Handicap went to the post, St. Paul carrying the confidence of by far the largest number. The little Aucklander was in great buckle, and neither Waiuku, Epaulet or Skirmisher seemod any the worse for their Tuesday's excrligns, and Day Star, it was expected, would run a better race than he did in the Cup. The lAtfcer and the top weight forced the running, but St. Paul was always close haudy, and when once in the running and asked for an effort he came right away, winning in the most handsome style. So effectually did he score that it would appear Waiuku was lucky to have beaten him in the big handicap. The outsider of the four runners in the Maiden two-year-old race in Mr Cntts'eg Falka got home after a good race, and aa there was no one inclined to go beyond the upset price for the filly she returned to her quarters at Chokebore. In following up her success on the first day by annexing the Ensom High Weight Handicap Starahot is recouping her owner for previous disappointments. After a good race in the Auction Handicap the event fell to The Spinner, who had track gallops to recommend him. Details:—

MIDDUSTOV HURDLE HANDICAP, of 150 sove: second 15 sovt out of Uμ stake. Once round and a distance. 311. Mr G. Hope's b h Miwfire, by Hxarn—Take Mw3,syrs, list 12b .. (H.Moore) 1 356. Mr l>. kutherlord's b g Soda! Pest. 6 yn, list9lb (W.Clarke) 2 86 Mr O. Bradley's b m Powder Monkey, 5 yis. 'get (McKinaon) 3 152. Mr O. E. Wise's b g Bex, aged, 10et lllb (Robertson) 0 103. Mr George's b g Dundee, 6 yn, lOst^3lb (O. Cochrane) 0 118 Mr J. R.lenglellofw'ibhLobo, tged. lOrtSb (G. By mc) 0 151. Mr H. Lunn'a eh s Haiti, aged, 9et9ib (Hands) 0 (Winner tnioed by Owner).

Dundee, being at once taken to the front, showed the way over the first fence with Powder Monkey, the field, however, being in clow order. At Cirtte'e fence Dundee had taken a clear lead from Powder Monkey, while Kaiti overjumped and lost his rider. The following hurdle was missed by Lobo, thus further reducing the field. Passing the mile poet Powder lionkey had got on terms with Dondee, the pair being clear of Hex, who in torn led Social Peat and Missfire, who were cloie together several lengths back. Before the exfurlongs post waa reached Dundee was being ridden to keep his place, while Ilex commenced to beat a retreat. Running to the home turn Social Pest anS Miasfire ckeed op, and the latter and Powder Monkey were first to land over the last feaoe just in front of Social Pest and Dundee. Before the distance was reached Powder Monkey gave way to the top wcigktf, b< wfcee Mlh&v foctfd tkmd

in the last hundred yards, and won by two lengths, three lengths dividing Social Pest from Powder Monkey, Dundee fourth. Time, 3miu s|seo. Dividend, £3 13s 6d. CRITERION HANDICAP, of 200 soys; second 20 sots out cf the stoke. Seven furlongs. 365. Mr G. O. Ste»d*3 b c Uniform, by Hotehlriss —Forrao, 4 yre, Bst 31b .. (Derrett) 1 509. Mr F. Webb'scUs Boreas, by Sou-Wester— Bstl2lb ... (White) 2 89. Mr J. Curran's blk m VaoUla, by Vanguard— Lady's Maid, aged, Bst .. . (Burns) 3 344. Mr 1. P. Belcher's d> b Sedjebrook, axed, Bet 41b (G. Price) 0 7L Mr S. J. Mercer's eh f Belie Clair, 4 yrs, Sst 31b (W. Brown) 0 144. Mr J. Fttajerald's blk g Vandyke, 6 yrs, 7st 153b * (G. Matthews) 0 67. Mr H. Vallance'a m m Culveriii, 6 yra, 7st 81b (Wilson) 0 116. Mr R. Taylor's b m Venus, 5 yrt, 7st lib (Raiubow) 0 46. MrT. H. Lowryu br f Dotieiel, syns 6st 101b (J. Hardwick) Q ! 25. Mr F. Holiacs'e eh g Crescent, 6 yrs. fct 91b (RadcliEfe) D ! 68. Mr J. T. Green's eh g Paladin, 3 yrs. 6st 71b : (A. McDonald) 0 91. Mr B. Curtb's eh t Zephyr, 3 yrs, bit, 71b (McCusky) 0 1935 ; (Winner trained by P.. 3. Mason.) '. Boreas was quickest to begin, and, with Vanilla and Belle Clair, led past the fivefurlongs post, where Uniform was lying third last. At the home turn Boreas next the rails was in command from Belle Clair, Vanilla and Sedgebrook, with Uniform on the outside commencing to make up his lee way. Before the distance was reached Uniform had taken second place, and White commenced to ride his mount. Gradually drawing on the top weight Uniform was on terms at the stand, and going on won by two lengths ; twice that distance separating Boreas from Vanilla third. Paladin was fonrth, Vandyke, Culverin, and Seugebrook finishing next in order. Time, Imin 30j|*ec. Dividend, £4 15s. PERBY BTAKE3, of 750 sors; second 100 soys. and third SO eovs out of the stake. For three- . year-olds. Colte Bifc 101 b, fillies &t 51b One mile and α-half. 1(362. Mr G. G. Stead'a br c Multiform, by Hotehkiss—Forrao, Bstlolb.. .. (Derrett) 1 69. Mr H. Goodman's br c Mountebank, by Medallion—Vaaltress, Bst 10ib (fine) 2 77. Mr T. H. Lowry's bo St. Conon, by St. Leger —Sapphire, Bsl 101b .. (Gallagher) 3 199. Hon. J. D. Oi-niond'a eh c Defiant, 3st nub (F. Davis) 0 1407 (Winner trained by B. J. Mason). Defiant whipped round when the barrier was raised, and his chance being thus com pletely extinguished he was walked back to the paddock. Multiform immediately took command, and led Mountebank by a length round the bend out of the straight, St. Conon taking up a position behind the favourite and next the rails. At the mile post Multiform was clear of the other pair, who were running side by side. In the next furlong St. Conon commenced to drop astern, and rounding the top turn there was a couple of lengths between each. Multiform had drawn further away from Mountebank as they landed in the straight. At the distance Mountebank commenced to leave St. Conon, but he quite failed to reduce the gap between himself and Multiform, who passed the poet the easiest of winners by three lengths ; St. Conon twelve lengths back. Time, 2min 41sec. Dividend, £• 3s 6d. The times for the separate stages of the race, as taken by Mr Stead, were :—Two furlongs, 29£ sec; four furlongs, 56fseo; six furlongs, Imin 21|sec; mile, Imin 48£ sec ; full distance, 2min 4l|sec. PEDIGREE OF THE WINNER. i ■ ._, u°*~ m£SlT~j 8 Legerdemain Pantaloon •2 _ Decoy « I West Melbourne 2 I Mowenna g Daughter of Ausralian Carael 8 I Brown Bess Mare by S I Brutandorf £' I. Birdcatcher Sir Hercules 2 Oxfort Gu ' c 2i?L__ "p Pl'nipot'ntiary jj •£. Honey Dear My Dear j rt "* ■ Touchstone X I Mountain Dear M'ntain Sylph ° ' _ . Gladiator h Hartenoro Area Twilight __ ** —' • ] I. Birdcatcher ** j2 Oxford Honey Dear J U _. Flutcatcher » g Sterling Whisper silence 3 sf , . Touchstone 5 Newtmaster Heeswinjy g I I*dy Gough [Sg* bs .a- ..^—_ —— : Weatherbit gg Beadsman Men.iieant ARosicruolM Mdme ' Ek Version -J. —rr— Wild DayrelT 2 Baccanwr Mare by Little ?■ _ Red Hover o Fonao» Chanticleer ~ 2, ™« Kllerdale's d. WIMNEBS OF THE DERBY. PPopPpoppap? ?w= ?'%? w.^l^wS 1 ■fts. i e iHß."' , g , |? I'll 1 X n> 3 S Q. go ™o o 2. aa a — ■3-far h Hi it r? I p. fe |. ■ mill |iiirl!iiiii||r. ptr' , - w e3 j »sS-S- cr , *! oS -5 £22*2232 —' Ia- a? ;? a " %%%%%% 3 ? IS, a v- , ($ -. fp -rp rD ™ i3i W ™™ c nJ9 a r j (9 C• ■ P j. y a.6.-a**a.cnci.»»-a»»o<«a.»»4ei>cn« 3

JUVENILE PLATE, of 300 soys; second 30 sove, | and third 10 boy* out ol the stake. For two and three-year-olds. Snecl'U weights with penalties and allowanoee. fire furlonM. 93. Hon. J. D. Ormond's oh c Daunt, by Dreadnought -Orientate, 3 yrs, Bst 121b (inc. sib penalty)... .. .. .. (Davis) 1 111*. Mr O." O. Stead* eh c Oolfl Medallist, by Medallion—Corolla, 3 yra, Bst 71b (Derrett) 2 198. Mr M. Hobble eh g Dunda», by PerWn Warbeck ll.—Keverie, 2 yrs, 6st 81b (31b allowance) .. .. .. (McDonald) 5 116. Mr S. J. Mercer's b g BUzer, 3 yrs, Bit 41b (Brown) 0 105. Mr J A. Caesidy'e eh I Bracelet, 3 yrs. Bst2tb (Whte) 0 20. Mr R. Hunsrerlord'e br g Pieuez 2yrs. 6rt 81b (31b allowance).. - (Johns)) 0 1646 (Winner trained by Stuart Waddell. Prenez Garde delayed the start for some little time, and when the barrier was raised he was left, arid Blazer and Bracelet were quickest to begin, Gold Medallist being slow on hie legs. As they ran for the home turn Blazer was showing in advance of Bracelet, Daunt next, Gold Medallist, on the outside, being a few lengths back. Below the distance Daunt took command, while Gold Medallist commenced to draw up. Passing the people's stand Gold Me-' dallist had drawn within a length of Daunt, Blazer, who was next, being three lengths back, Dundas wide on the outside, aleo on terms with the Dunedin yearling, and going up fast. The favourite got within a neck of Daunt at the rails, but failing to get on terms, Mr Ormond's colt forged ahead again in the last few strides, and the verdict was half a length in his .favour. Dundas third, was foar lengths back; Bracelet finished fourth, and Blazer fifth. Time, lmin 2fsec. Dividend, £15 18s 6d. METROPOLITAN HANDICAP, of 400 »ovs; tecond 30 hvi from the etake. One mile and a half. 708. Mr J. Chaafrt b c St. Paxil, by St. Leger— Satanella, lyre, Bst 131b (Chaaie, jun.) 1 376. Mr S. McGuinesrs br h Waiuktt, by St. Leger— Musket Maid, ajred, &t 71b .. (P. White) 2 129. Mr W. Davietfe b n> Led*, by Caetor— Welcome Katie, 6 yw,7st 31b ..(W. Holme*) 3 2BL Mr T. Korrin'e b c Day Star, 4 yrs, Bst 1 :!b (Gallagher) 0 300. Mr Q. O. Stead , * br c Epaulet, 4yrs, &t 3ib (Derrett) 0 329 l Mr H. Laoc'i b b Skirmiaher, aged, Bst 21b (W. Clarke) 0 ( B*. Hon. c. HeLeMrt b c Lord BossJyc, 4 yrs, 7si IMb (UKinjr) 0 147. MrS. J. MeroM'abrc Black acd Ked,4yrs, 7et3tt> .. •- -• (Kainbow) 0 187. Hon. J. D. Otmoadfe eh f Target, 4 yrs, 7st (O. Price) 0 53, MrM.a*WfbfJiCaiaoi,ae»d,6rt4ft __L (McilonaM) 0 3614 (Winner trained by Owner). St. Paul *v a little fractious at the poet, but eventually a spkodid et»rt was eftected, aod the field were in oioee order aa they ran out of tke straight, Lord Rowlyn bruging up tin iw, Putisg Cattrt, IMF B** <»

the inside wae beading Waiafen, and to these succeeded Skirmisher and St. P*ol, with Leda, Epaulet and Black and Red lying next. There was very little alteration as they ran dawn, the back ; but Before the six furlongs posJ; was reached Day Star had given place to the top weight, St. Paul 6n the outside lying next and just heading Skirmisher and Leda, close behind whom came Target and Black and Red, who were well clear of Epaulet, with Chaos last. Epaulet, however, ran np prominently a little further on, but Waiuku stall held command at the home turn with Day Star in attendance, and St. Paul was pressing the pair with Skirmisher and Leda coming next. Below the distan< ie St. Paul had run to the front, and at the people's stand was two longiba clear of everything, Waiuku hard ridden just heading Day Star, Leda, and Target. Without having to be called upon for an effbi t St. Paul won by a length and a half from Waiuku, who beat Lsda a neck for second place, Target close np fourth, Black and Red, Skirmisher and Day Star finishing next in older, with Chaos last. Time, 2mm 39|aeo. Dividend, £3 Cβ.

The times for the separate stages of the race as taken by a private watch were :— Two furlongs, 23sec ; four furlongs, 55|seo; six furlongs, Imin 21.Jsec; one mile, Imin 47sec ; full distance, 2uiin 39sec.

SKLUNG TWO-YKAR-OLD PLATE, of 100 save. Colts, Bst 71b; tHiiei, Bit 21b; wilh selling allowances. TToiir lurlanjjs. 119. Mr X Cutts's br F Falka, by St. George— Meluaina (£100), (at 111b (51b allowance) (JlcNeiU) 1 165. Mr T. Sbeenan'g eh g Ben Farley (£lS0), Set (K. Douov&n) Z 277. Mr J. Harris's b f Fatigue (£150), 7et 91b (K. Wilson) 3 150. Mr C. Dsweon"s br c Monogram (£SOX 7et (»V. liolmes) 0

(Winner traine , ! by Owner). Falka led at the rails, and, hard ridden, resisted the challenges left aud right of Ben Farleyaud Fatigue; and won by a length from the former, Fatigue twice that length away third. The saddle on Monogram slipped round, and he was being pulled up passing the post. Time, 51|sec. Dividend, £5 7e 6d.

There was no bid for the winner, and she returned to her o»»ner.

EPSOM HIGH WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 150 soys; second 15 soys out of the stake. Minimum weiirht 7st 71b One mile. 218. Mr H. Thomson's b f Starehot, by Chainahot —Veno, 4 yra, Bst 71b .. (Owner) ,1 64. Mr J. li. Longfellow's br g Remorse 11., by Jacinth, 6 yrs, 3st.. .. (J. Lindsay) 2 381. Mr J. A. McGiness's br o Fulmen, by Castor —Hilda, 3 JM, 3st 31b .. 3 406. Mr O. Williama'a b g I'mslopogaos, aged, 9atslb.. .. .. {.C. Stratford) 0 97. Mr V. Harris's br h Man&wanui, aged, 9st

(W. Brown) 0 496. Mr J. Manor's brm Primula, 5 yw, 8»t 91b

(0. Reid) 0 104. Mr H. Lunn'e b g Wedlook, 5 yn, Bst 81b (D. Hands) 0 163. Mr h. Mai-key's b m Remoree, 6 yn, Bst Sib (Donovan) 0 60. llrE. J. Roder.'a b g Ruigeiinder, 6 yrs, Set .. .. ..(.Matthews) 0 59. Mr J. Harris's eh t Weary, 3 \ rs. Bet (R. Wilson) 0

(Winner trained by Owner), The field ran in close order to the home turn, Remorse, Umslopogaas and Weary at the head of affairs. By the time the distance was reached Weary and Remorse had retired, and Remorse 11. came on in advance of Fulmen and Umslopogaas, Starshot on the outside at the same time coming out with a strong run. Opposite the grand stand Staruliot had drawn level with Remorse 11., and ridden on finished a length to the good, Fulmen a length and a half further back third, Weary and Umslopogaas close up. Time, lir,in 46sec. Dividend £8 9s.

AUCTION HANDICAP, of 50 sove. Five furlongs. 158. Mr T. Stewart's b g The Spinney, by Turantalus—Prima Donna, 4 yrs, 7et (W. Kadoliffe) 1 398. Mr A. V. Richards's b g iiindermere, 5 yrs, Bsfc7lh .. .. (R. Derrett) 2 357. Mr V. Harrie'e b g Bisley, 5 yrs, Bst 41b (W. Brown) 3 230. Mr 0. G. Daljrety's eh f Cherrystone, 3 yrs, 7»t 71b (U. Wilson) 0 52. llr J. Fletcher's eh I Spectrum. 4 yrs,- 7st 71b (G. Price) 0 34. Mr George's b g Stanley, aged, 7st 21b (J. Lindsay) 0 88. Sir George Clifford's oh g Colebeck, 6 yrs, 7st (H. McNeU) 0 73. Mr H. Thomson's br f Lady George, 3 yrs (A. McDonald) 0 1395 (Winner trained by Owner). The Spinner drew out at the distance and, holding YVindermere, won by a length and ft quarter, Bisley third four leusjtha away. Time, lmin s|sec. Dividend, £7 18a 6d. The * in"er waa sold to Mr F. Mulholland for £29. The following are the weights declared by Mr J. E. Hemy, the Club's Haudicapper, for the events set down for decision on Saturday :— , SPKI.nU NURSERY HANDICAP. Four furlongs, st. lb. et. lb. Dundfts «. 812 Conspirer •• 7 7 Altair „ 8 9 Proposal ... 7 7 Nihilist — 8 3 Cornea .. 7 7 I.enanto „ 8 3 Kaiigue «. 7 7 Motto M 7 12 Uirdet ~ 7 7 La Reine ». 712 Stonograa .. 7 7 « 712 Moreze ..7 7 Vtenez Garde ..,79 AVON 'WKLT.Ert HANDICAP. Seven furlongs. D&uut • .. 10 9 Kemorae UL ..8 3 Boieas ' _10 7 Paladin - 8 2 Jewel .. 9 9 Fulmen ..8 2 DoubSs Ereat .. 9 9 Primula ». 7J5 Marino llemorse ». 7 12 Hsria ..9 7 Rangeiinder .• 7 9 ..9 5 Goldun legend „ 7 9 Umelopogaoe M 9 1 l)ott«r-l .. 7 9 Culrenu „ 8 13 The Spinner -79 Starshot .. 813 Bimeiallist „ - 7 8 Be!li«re«nfc ..8 12 Zephyr "11 Ariine „ 811 Alcesti* .. 7 7 Manawanui i. 8 10 Vulcan ...».■ 7- 7 Bizarre Colebeclc .. 7 7 Mountebank ..8 5 Caniel ..7 7 JOCKEY OLUB HA.-IWOAP One mile. Waiuku .. .9 11 Lord ilosslin - 7 5 Euroclydoa -99 Vanilla ~ 7 4 St. Paul . S 8 Vandyke M 7 3 UnSforni ..8 11 Quilt\ri *. 7 2 Dau:it .. 8 10 Leda ~,7 1 Boreas «. 8 7 Target v 7 0 Vedette - a 0 Black and Bed - 7 0 Slrinnvsher *. 8 0 Oulvenn ~ 7 0 Acone - 8 0 Britomarte .. 611 Epaulet; .80 Ariine *. 611 Canuon Shot 712 Belligerent .. 610 Strath Braan „ 711 Manawanui »* <t 7 Sir Lwictlofc - 7 10 Mountebank .. 6-7 Mnremma _ 7 9 Kuloien ..6 7 Sedtrebrook — 7 8 St. Con on ~ 6 7 Jewel ... 7 8 Primula .. .6 7 Double Event ... 7 8 Miniature ..6 7 Marino — 7 7 Uraud Shot v 6 7 Haria ..7 6 Acceptances for the above handicaps close at noon to-day.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9882, 12 November 1897, Page 5

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CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9882, 12 November 1897, Page 5

CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9882, 12 November 1897, Page 5