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WANTED. LOASBrS " WAHOO." AGESTLK HUT CERTAIN LAXATIVE NKUVK TOXIC AND POSITfVF. Ci;iCR For All OKKANCJEMKNTS ol the uvi;k, stomach and uidnkvs Obtainable Kwrywiiorc, 2s M. Wholesale Agents, K. P. and Co. , * N.Z. Drug Oo.JfO. "the golden cross pick-ME-UP IS IU'.COMMF.NOKD for \U Slimulivtiiirr, Intisroratin/ , ani Digestive Properties ; aUo in tacciof i'iiin:i('i'i--iril VVcafcn-o. Digression, Labour, l,1 "' •*'''• ' ' ,efve I'owor. J. S. "COOKE, THE l> KOPI, X■ S CH X MIST street. W.\NT;)I' everyone to know time the Jirwry ami Clotliiii',' Stock of "The Hall," ilU'h elrci-t. value-! at £12,00), !>as been bought by Ueaf.h a n<l Co., rin.l is l)ein?i«vcrificed to the public for £4000. K ,leon iJV.I pjCiiiU-s. on<f to know thalTthe Pr.mery \'\ ami Stock of " Xhs Hall," High utreec. valued at £l'<s,oo3, has busu bought by Bi ath »nd Co., f" ,l > H being sacrificed to the public for £4000. guieon Jfa'.l ji«iiiW!S._ _ _ WANTKD every «lcnt;pnia7i'to _ be*p'"for the bad predicted. Gents' Umbrella*, with free repairs for 12 month*?, 7s 6il. Lothaby, Ceth«J' - AU<iuiJre. WANTiii> KNOWN—Kim-aid'* 0.1.". for the Itcsc Hjuis ami litcnn. ~A>rr\:f>~"n?ii>\v7i — Kincaid , *" - ioTcl For Oryjimlo Tea W~ANTiST~ \TSi ■> \VN~\VofnVn-rt Shoes 4s Hi), Leath'-r <{->.trap Shoes 4s 9d. K. Atkiii3'j'i,J?ootniakcr,_U9_ManchMler stritet. 'AXY'r'v r»)l "people to" call ' hi~ r 'Yne Tln'if," Iligii stri-et, and buy 2Cta worth cf I>rap ryor CU'tiiina for6d Btl. Ueat'u and Co, have bought'the *ntire stock, valued at £12,000, and arc jriving it »wry lor£'MO. c WAU.A':E and CO. for " Walioo." Best remedy for iixiiire.'tion made. Stimulates whole lystcin. Powerful nerve ;onin. W~""ANTEI) KSOW'N'H'Kor liroi.eries, lisat~and Chpujvpst, wojiuiat iro to Kincaid's G.I.CW" ANTKD all people tn f lTeTliiTV'~Hhrh Ktrtc.t, and buy SL\i worth of Uraperv or for 6i 81. Bealh and Co. have bought the entiru stock valued at £12,000, and are giving it nwar lor £4000. [ "_ ■'€%'[ AN'i'KD everyone to know tho llrapery W ft nil C'.othiiitr .Stook of " The Hall," Mijfh jtrett, vftluod tit £12,000, has been bought by Death and Co., ami Iμ being sacrificed to tiie public for £4000. tale on Hx'l preraises. everyone to know that the Drapery and Glothinß Stock of " ihe Hall," liii,'ii valued at £12,0(50, ha* Leon bought by lipath n'ICo., and h bein>f sacriflcetl to the public for £4000. »le on Hall premises. \JRyANTKT~KNOWN—K~Atkin7o)i, Uootmakcr", V V liM llcniovetl to 119 Manchester street. Give the new shop a trial. WANTED, for llecovd Ittigu, every viaitor to bring mi umbrella and get it covt-re'l with Italian, Ks 6d. t/' a j:jl et l ra jj i i!iiare ; AJS:XKI> K~N(sv VX—pjoiiiior'. Bic¥erton reporto that SaxonJ>aj«ij)ure_ •VS/AMTKb-KKOVVNTrGo-'cHrts ami Prarue for Yl Hire. A. Be.l, Victoria street. ANTK'l~K"NO>VN—lnvaiidnChaira for nire. A. Beed,_Victorm_stroet. for Hire. A. Heed, __ ictori?. street. W~ ANTKK, Buyers for Kurniture that uia-ie to use. lie3t workmanship and material. Moderate prices at D. Sykcs, Furniture Factory, cornsr Casiiel and Durham street. AjSTKI), Payers for Furriir.ure that made to use. You will save 20 per cent, by buying ut l>. S.vkest , Ftirniture Factory, corner Oashel and lUirli.'ini Htrcetfl. WANTKD, IJuvere for Furniture that made to use. l>on't be misled by biy ft'lvertisements. Jlttvc the beat ut l>. Sykes' Furniture Factory, corner Cnshel and Durham a reefcs. WaNXIOD, IJuyers for Furniture thnt made to use. I?is{ rprite, bijj advertisements, big , exjienee.*, wo save. Kc3ults, less prices. l>. Myites, corner Cr.»)iol mid Durham streets. 5680 WA NTiiD—Buyers for~oiir Wedding , , iveaper and Km;ageinent Rin«;s. The largest assort merit anil the best value for your money in town X .Grleßhaher,_236 High street, Ohrietchurch. TS«fANTEb~KNOWN Have~i-ou weakeißht? If T y so, apply at once to Kennctt, the People* Waichmaker. He will test your eight and supply you with Spectacles at a moderate cost. Knrrmous stock of lenses, concave, convex. Terioscopic Pbaudonoplic of every power. Latest shapes. Fold and other frames. 183 High street, under the verandah. ANTKD—Just toHaud from the Manufactories the latest in Silver Watches, and a large assortment of Spectacles, selected by Mr O. H. Jones, who Is now in London. G. and O. H. Jonea, Watch makers and OpUci:ui«, Cashel street. 659 with defe'ctivcTiiiT can be supplied with Spectacles at a really moderate coat. Do nofr injure your eyes. Apply at once to Kennett, Watchmaker, &c, 183 High street. An enormous stock to select from, all the latest styles untl shapes, frames, or in oteel, nickel silver and gold. WANTED KNOWN—That the I'erth Dye Works is still going ahead, turning out nothing but flrHfc-class wo-lc. Everybody pleased. Call ana see for yourself. Glouceater street We3t. Telephone 767 ANTBD - to .Sell Enameiware - at Wholesale Prunes. lie dishes from Old, kettles 2* 3d, uucepane 9d, mill: jugs candlesticks 6d aud 9cl, mugs 6d, fry pans 9jd ( tea pots Is 11(1, stew pans Is lid, spittoons Is 9.-1, soap dishes 9d, cullender Is lid, meat dishes Is 3d, wash basins Is Id, plates s|d, chambers Iβ 3d, toilet jugs 2s 6d, coffee pots, cups and cancers 9d, funnels 9d, and everything you want in Enamelwure. A single article at wholesale price a Fletcher Bros., High street, Christchurch. WANTKD to Sell seed potatoes, Early Rose Snowdrop, Ruby, White Elephant, Bath and Lapstouc Kidney, Aahleaf, Beauty of Hebron. &c. Derwent Is lid per sack, table Derwcnts 4s 6d per sack, sharps, bran, &c. Fletcher Bros., High itreet, Agents for Nimmo and Blair, standard seeds. Vegetable seed* 3d per packet, flower seeds 2d per picket. WANTED everyone to know I have a large assortment of Cloths and Silks. Umbrellas covered with silk from 4s 6d. Lethaby, 64 Cathedra] squiue. ANTED all people to call at ""The Hall," High street, and buy 20s worth of Drapery or Clothing for 6s Bd. Death and 00. have bought the entire stock, valued at £12,000, and are giving it away for £4000. WANTED KNOWN—"The Hall," High street, Christchurch, in the occupation of Kenneth Mutheaop and Co., To Let either as a going concern or building separately. Karly possession can be had. 80x270j Chriatchurch. WANTED KNOWN—Mrs (iuartermaine is a Cash Purchaser of Ladies', Gents', and Chil dr«n'e L«ft-oft Clothing. Letters by post or other wite attended to. Addreu Mrs G. Quartermaine, 15 High street. 9518 ~\\f ANTED everyone to understand I have made „?? arrangements so as you can get your Umbrella covered within the honr for 3s 6A Lethaby, M Cathedral square. WE all know that the hver is the imperial organ of the body. Noxol exerts a marvellous power over it when it is deranged A sluggish liver makes you feel sleenv all the time, causes oonstipa» won, headache and acid risings. Noxol soon remedies MUhJB._ Only Is 6d i> box at Chemists and Stores. A LL is not gold that glitters. The quality inside -CjL a Joko To* packet is well worth gold,* there i» y glitter ontsido Sold by leading Grocers. WAHOO," for Indigestion, la to be Obtalne from E. W. Hall, Madras and Armagh jreett. gg6d. 243 "CTOUNIi—For corns use "Bloomine," 6d; for in Jj. '.Hgegtion use " Sepoy's Prairie Cure," 2s 6d; or theumatlem use " SepoyS Prairie Oil," 2s 6d. Sold •wri"Where. Agenta—Kempthorne, Prosser and Co P_ 1 J 707 IVTOLACCA—The "New and Absolutely Bafe Anti-Fat, Curve 75 per cent, of all corpulent ewes. Entirely vegetable in composition; not a Patent medicine. Juice, 2s 6d and 4s 6d ; Tablets & «i__All Obemisto. TjUQHTEKN CARAT. Weddinz and Engagement ■K_ Rings be3t stock in the City. S. Clarke and gft. 143 Colombo street. ' VTTHKN your liver is sluggish and yonr stomach » t out of order get Marshall's Special Podo PBjrtum. This remedy is a perfect liver regulator_w._all Chemista, Is, Is od, and 2s 6d a bottle. CWUND— Chilblains, chapped hands, curs, burns A^ sore logs, eoro eyes, cured with "Spring "osjom Ointment," 6d and Is everywhere. Agents— !«_Morn6,JProsser and GBO. BONNliJoTblCCheinist, Agent for Loasby , "Wahoo." Positive ctrre for flatulence, heart Pnrn. acidity, pains after eating 'TXTAHOO," the most popular remedy for In ."t digestion, 2s 6d per bottle, at Fletcher «o*.i Cheapside; High street, Christchnreb; and at Street. Ashburtoji. W'AIIOO" remoTes aU tncces biliou«ne_«, tvewt burn, sick headaches, cleanses-and purifies !_jg_»y«tem. gg 6d chemiata. storekeepers. MpHR new remedy for Liver and Stomach troubles , -«-. 1* Noxol. It you arc troubled with biliousness msriness, heartache, constipation or »cid risings take » Jfoxnl Water night and morning; they act like all Chemists and Stores. COOK and ROSS, Chemists, have large stock Loasby's "W_h«*>." best liver invigenrtor H_gg___Oures constipation, piles, tec. jf3EOPLK -flfocted with Rheumatism, male or A female, should try Phytolacca, a remedy that "*» cured himdred3 of lonjr-standins cases. Juice, tLwLandJsW; Tablets, 2s 6d. All Chemists. WAHOO "* regulate* bowels without tmking pilU, CUIC3 headaches, he—ttrarn, pains _ *S^_o_; t «P»tion. 2»6d chemists, groce—. VSTAHOO, toe popular remedy for IndSg—aon, is '', obtainable at the New Zealand F-nnmr* , Go ggHyi Association, at 2s 6d. __ piOUND—itching, Bm»rtiiig and irritating ernp A tjone cured with " Spring Blossom Ointment,, Is everywhere. Agents — Kemp-horne*. from Mars, sounding the praises of A. "we Slarvellous Remedies, Spring Blossom OuJtment anJ Pills. Only 6d ami U Sold ewsiy jnere. oneartli. Agenta, Kempthorne. Prosstr and Co I you ,eel sleepy and languid on rising, take the »mi i new v e?etable medicine, Noxol; small dose «h« i? r>re eflc<:t - v J' ou have » P-in between the *«^ U i. rt il wiu ta it—Noxol Iβ 6d all Chemists ;22_btoreg. 2a 6d from all chemists «md stoe. J. SNELL, COLOMBO STRTSET SOUTH, CHP._TCHUBOH, AND ELIZABETH STBEKT, W SYDENHAM, ABTE PEODUOT AND BOTTLE MBROHJIHT CASH PURCHASER OF ' BONES. BOWES. HORSEHAIR, HORSEH7OR; la any qnumtr. Oa__ » U«f_T.

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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9835, 18 September 1897, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9835, 18 September 1897, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9835, 18 September 1897, Page 5