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Tho ram and ewe fair was concluded yesterday, when there was again a large attendance. There was a good demand for English Leicesters, bub prices were generally low, an exception being the case of a ram from Mr P. C. Threlkeld's. flock, which brought 37 guineas, the highest figure reached ab the fair. Shropahires sold fairly well, bub low figures had to be accepted before sales could be effected. There was little or no demand for Southdownß. The following Avere the results:— FLOCK RAMS. LINCOLNS. The New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association sold for Mr F. Stitton, Thornbury, 10 one shear at 2gs, W. H. Burton. ROMNBYS. i Mr F. C.Tabarbsold for Mr Geo. Gould 2 one-shear' at ig, to G. J. Black. Messrs j Pyne and Co/sold for Mr S. E. Peryman, I Tai Tapu, 8 two-shear at £g, 0. Harris. ! 1 BORDER LEICESTER. j Messrs Pyne and Co. sold for Mr J. Reid, Elderalie, 5 one-shear ab E. M. Clia-. sold; 6 ab lsgs, J. Buxton; 4 ab, A. Brown ; for the New Zealand and A. Laud Company (Clvvedale estate), 5 one-&hear ab; j 3gs, C. J. and L. Wilson; 6 ab 2^s, : -G. H. | Moore; 5 bwo-shear ab 2gs, Cashmere estate ; 5 at 2gs, E. Jones; for Mr E. Menlove, Oimaru, 20 one-shear at 3ga, Hon. | L. Walker. The Now Zealand Loan,aud I Mercantile Agency Company sold for Mr W. Henderson, Spreydon, 10 at ligs, J. Holmes; for the New Zealand and Australian Land Compauy, 5 one-shear at 2gs, H. Eoglebrecht; 20 at 2gs, G. H. Moore j 5 at 2gs,E. Jones; 10 at 2gs. G. Cheekley ; 20 at lfgs, J. H. Davidson; 5 at 2gs, Bailey Bros. ; 5 two-shear at l£gs, W. Macfarlane; 5 at ligs, G. J. Black; for Mr M. Macfarlane, Coldstream, 40 one-shear ab G. Mackay; for Mr A. Gunn, Racecourse Hill, 1 four-shear ab l£gs, A, Beattie; 2 at Ag, G. J. Black; 2 at |g, J. S. Kemp ; 3 ram lambs at _g, J. H. Davidson. Misers Mataon and Co. sold for Mr W, Boag, Fendalton, 1 one-shear at I_gß, Bailey Brothers; for Mr W. Henderson, Spreydon, 1 one-shear ab l|g3, G. Checkley ; 4 ab ligs, M. Wheeler ; for Mr J. Boag, Middle Rigg, 5 one-shear ab ligs, G. J. Black ; 35 at lg, G. McMillan; for Mr W. B. Andrew, Greenpark, 15 one-ahear ac ligs and 10 at lg, R. Mackay. Messrs G. King and Co. sold for Mr W. Boag, Fendalton, 30 one-shear at lg, J. Murchisoa ; for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 5 two-shear at gg, J. Whibelaw; 5 at gg, G. Cowan ; 5 at 2g, G. Wearing. Messrs Dalgety and Co. sold for Messrs Bruee Bros., St. Andrews, 12 oae-» shear at lig, G. Mackay; for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 3 one-ahe<*r at 4g, Msnson's Trustees; 17 at £g, G. McMillan. Mr F. C. Tabarb sold for Mr J. Boag, Middle Rigg, 20 one-shear at ligs, G. Mackay ; for the School of Agriculture, 3 one shear at 4gs, Wearing Bros.; 1 EL Eoglebrecht, 5 at lg, G. McMillan. Messrs J. T. Ford and Co. sold for Mr G. Seaton, Courtenay, 3 ab lg, A. Beattie ; 3 at lg, J. S. Kemp ; for the Hon. M. Holmes/O-maru, 5 ab liga, J. Holmes. The New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association sold for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 1 one shear at lOga, D. Grant. -ENGLISH __tO_ST_RS. The "New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company sold for Mr W. B. Andrew, Greenpark, 7 one-shear at 2£ga, W. Reid ; 5 at 2£gs, W. Price; 8 at 2_ga, C. Smith; for Mr C. Murray, Lincoln, 1 one-shear at B£g», H. Smith; 1 at 6gs, D. McLaren ; 20 at 3£gs, Kaibuna Estate; for Mr J. M. Furze. Dubsandel, 6 one-shear at 4igs, W. Bowea ; 20 at 4zs, W. C. Hyde ; 45 at 3£gs, W. Thomson; 45 at 3iga, A. Elliott; 6 at 3is*s, A. Boyle; for Mr J. Taylor, Papanui, 5 two-shear at ligs, J. S. Kemp, and 7 ab ligs, W. Beck; for Mr C. Withell, Brookside, 5 one-ahear at l£gs, and oat lfgs, T. York; for G. Lill, Dunsandel, 5 oneshear and 5 two-shear at lga, A. L. Joseph. Messrs J. T. Ford aud Co. sold for Mr J. Haydoo, 5 one-ahear at 4 en, C. Hurat; 30 »&3£ga, R- M. Morten *s 15 at 4ga, W. O. Rutherford; for Mr J. Bonifanb, Aihbuc-

ton, 1 three-shear at 7|gs, and 1 at sgs, D. Grant; lat 7gs, F. Wright; for Mr H. F. Gray, Woodend, 5 at 3ags, and 5 at 3gs, D. Morrow; 5 at 34s?s, L. Matson ; for Mr Jonathan Brown, 5 one-shear at 3gs, H. A. Knight; for Messrs Digby and Jeff, Ashburton, 15 one-shear at 3gs, Millton Bros.; 10 at 2igs, T. York; 10 at 3gs, A. F. i Somorville ; for Mr J. Hay don, IS one-shear iat 3_gs, W. O. Rutherford ; 5 at 3_gs, — MoDougall; for Mr D. Pihl, Ohoka, Bat ligs, Pyne and Co. ; for Mr F. Young, Winchester, 8 at 2g.', Pyno and Co. ; for executors late Hon. E. Gray, 18atlg, T. York. Messrs Pyno and Co. sold for Mr R. Kelland, Timaru, 15 one-shear at 3£gs, D. | Rutherford ; 15 at 3Jgs, C. J. and L. ' Wilson ; 12 at 3gs, '* L. Mowatt; for Mr W. B. Andrew, Graenpark, 30 one-shear at I 2ga, D. D. Macfarlane -, for Mr E. Kelland, Timaru, 20 one shear at 3gs, G. Harrison ; ' for Mr J. Reid, Elderslie, 5 one-shear at 3gs. A. Orr ; 10 at 24gs, J. R. Gorton : 10 at, 2is3, J. C. Wasou ; 25 at 2igs, Happy Valley Estate; for Mr J. Grigg, Long--beach, 5 one-shear at 2_-gs, — Chapman ; 15 at 2ig», Happy Valley Estate; for Mr G. G. Russell, 'Otioua, 2 two-shear at 4ga and lat 4igs, F. G. Murray,- 2at 3gs and 15 one-shear at 4gs, W. Studholme ; for Mr G. Lill, Duusandel, 5 one-shear at lsgs, W. T. Robinson ,-6 at lg, C. SteAvart; for Mr D. Grant, Temuka, 15 at 3gs, N. Campbell. Messrs Dalgety and Co. soli for Mount Thomas Estate 13 one-shear at lsgs, Mouson's Trustees ; 9 at l|irs, J. S. Monok ; 2at l-Jga, C. Smith ; 6at ligs, C. Wood ; for .Messrs P. C. and P. C Tnrelkeld, 1 oneshear at 15gs, W. Nixon ; 5 at 34gs, Mawson Brothers ;5 at 3", W. Strange; lat s?s, T. N. Digby ; 1 at b«a, A. C. Pringle ; 18 at 3|irg, E. G. Wrigho ;'5 at 3igs and 5 at 3it-3, J. Studholme ; 4 at 3£gs, H. T. Rosendale -, 5 at 3gs, 11. Todhuuter ; and 6 at 3gs, T. Palmer ; for Messrs R. and J. Reid, Darfiald, 6 one and tAVO-shear at ljgs, J. Gunu; 5 one-shear at lg, Baxter Brothers; for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 5 one-shear at W. Walker; 6at 2isrs, G. Lewtbwalte ; 10 at 2gs, T. York ; for Mr P. C Threlkeld, 1 one-shear at 37gs, F. Wright; 3 at A. J. Murray; 5 at B. Todhuntsr ; 5 at 3gs, D. Morrow ; 5 at sgs, J. Holmes ; 1 at sgs, T. N. Digby ; 4at 3gs, P*Avaey Bros ; 5 at 3«s, J. O. Waaon ; 10 at 3gs, Hall Bros.; for Springbank Estate, 5 one-shear at 4ga, E. Kelland; for Mr W. B. AndreAV,Greenpark, 15 one-shear at 2|g3, W. Rutherford ; sat 2£gs, W. Macfarlane; 5 at 2gs, D. D. Macfarlane ; 5 two-shear at Price Bros. ;5 at ligs, E. Derrett; for Mr G. Lill, Duusaudel, 5 one-shear ah |g, A. E. Tutton ; 5 at |g, C. Collinson ;_ for Ml Threlkeld, 4 two-shear at sigs. J. Kennedy; 1 at sigs, E. Kelland ; 6 at 2Jgs, T. York ; 1 three-shear at 4gs, X. H. Overton ; lat 4ga, J. Taylor. Mr F. C. Tabart sold for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 10 one-shear at 2£ga, H. J. Wadsworth; 10 at 2gs, T. York. Messrs H. Mataon and Co., for Mr H. E. Peryman, Tai Tapu, 19 one-shear at 2igs, R. M. Morten; 2 at lg, A. Wagnor ; for Mr F. Wright, Dunsandel, 2 one-shear at 3gs, L. Toswill; 24 at _igs, A. Todd ;7 at 2*s, W. Adams; 3 at 2£gs, J. C. Tipping; 7 ab 2igs, R. H. Wood ; 17 at 2gs, P. Dunnett; for Mr W. B. Andrew, Greenpark, 20 one-shear at 2|£-s, A. McQueen; for Mr J. Brown, Rangiora, 5 one-shear at 3gs, A. Peebles; for Mr W. Nixon, Kitlinehy, 2 one-3hear ab 3gs, W. Paton; for Mr. J. Grigg, Longbeach, 21 one>hear ab 2gs; D. D. Macfarlane; for Mr F. C. Murray, Lin* coin, 1 two-shear at 15gs, R. Kelland; 2 at lggs, J. Swaine; lat sgs, J. Reid; 10 oneshear ab 3igs, A. Birdling; 5 ab 2|(?a and 5 ab2gs, Kaituna Estate; for Mr C. Murray, Greenpark, 1 one-ahear at lAga; Harris' estate, 14 at l£gs, G. McMillan; for Mr J. Sharp, Newlands, 5 one-shear at 2ga ; Price Bros., 10 at ligs and 11 jat lg; Gr McMillan ; for Meters A. and J. W. Irvine, Dunsandel, 5 one-shear at lg, M. Birdling, jun., 11 at Jcr, R. Dixon ; for Mr G-. till, Dunsandel, 10 one-shear at lg, J. B. Wareing, sat lg, R. Dixon The New Zea« land Far mora' Co-operative Association sold, for Mr Little, Allandale, 1 one-shear ab Bga, T. Murdock ; lat sgs, J. Sharp; Bat 3£gs, Milton Bros. ; 5 at 4gs, C. J. and L. Wilaon; for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 10 one-shear ab 2",gv T. York; 5 ab 2gSj P. Elder ; 5 at 2|gs, A. McQueen; for Mr G. Jameson, Springston, 5 one-shear, at 2£ga, D. D. Macfarlane ; 4 ab l|g9, J. O. Wason { for Mr J. Boag, Middlerigg, 3 one-shear at l-i-ge-, and sat 2|gs, F. Bcaham ; 2 at ligs, F. Benham; 2abliga; G. Wallace. Messrs Geo. King and Co. sold for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 4 one-shear at 2£gß, D. Blair; 16 ab 2£gs, J. and J. lunea; for Mr A. Murdooh, Ngapara, 2 one-Bhear at 2gs, W. Walker; 5 ab ligs, W. Hoban; 4at liga J.T.Kemp. HALFBRED OORRI-DALE.' *• The New Zealand Farmers' Co-opsratiya Association sold for Mr J. Stringfellow, Cherteey, 20 one-Bhear ab ligs. New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agancy Company and Messrs Dalgety and Company sold for Messrs R. and J. Reid, Darfiald, 2 one-shear at liga, and 2 three-shear ab lg, W. H. Turner ; 10 two-shear ab lg, and 5 at |g. D. G. Matheson. SHROPSHIRE. Messrs Geo. King and Co. sold for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 1 one-shear at l£gs, T, Dawson ; 2ab l£gs, Jas. Allan ; lab ligs, F. Holland } 10 at ligs, B. and W. Shipley; 4ab ligs, J. Winskill. Messrs H. Mataon and Co. sold for .Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 10 one-shear ab ligs, J. Cresawell; for Mr T. E. Upton, Ashburton," 5 one-ehear ( ab Sanderson and Co. ; 1 ab, J. G! Wilson, Rangitikei; lac ligs, S. Gibbs; for Mr P. Cunningham, Dromore, 5 oue-ohear at 2ga, B. Todhunter; sat 2gs, J. and W. Parkinson ; 5 at 2gs, P. Dillon ; 1 ab 2gs, Harris' estate ; 10 at 2gs, R. M. Morten ; lat 2gs, P. C. Threlkeld; 4 at 2ga, A.W. Haylock. The New Zealand Farmers'* Co-nperative Assooiation sold. for Mr J. Grigg, Loagbeach, 5 one-shear at J. Cretawell;. 5 ab ligs, A. G, Holmea. Mr F. 0. Tabarb sold for Mr E.. Menlove, Oamaru, 20 one-shear at 2gs, Sir John Hall; for Mr J. Grigg, Longbeach, 10 one-shear at ligs, A. G. Holmes ; for School of Agriculture, Lincoln, 5 one-shear ab 3ga, H. Wright; £ ab 2£gs, A. W. Aldriiige. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company sold for Mr C. Lewis, Hals we 11, 5 one-shear at |s-, Wilkinson; 2 ab |g, A. L. Joseph-; for Mr A. Macfarlane, Achray, 7 one-sheat at lg, J. S. White; 3ab lg, G. Coleman-; 2 at |g and 20 ab £g, A. L. Joseph : 2 at lg, W. li. Turner; for Mr M, Macfarlane, Ringiora, 5 otto and two-shear at'l;k», A. L." Joseph. MeAHt-s Pyne and Co. sold for Mr C. L?wis, 1 one-shear at 2iga, A- E. Tut'tpn; lac l_?a, B. Todhunter; for Mr J. Grigs;, 5 one-shear at I.J-s, W. J. Parbury ; for Mr R. Parry, Timaru, 1 one-shear ab 3ga," W. Coop ; 2ab Bgs, P. C. Cunningham; lat 6ga, T. E. Upton; for Mr W. Grant, Temuka, 20 at 2gs, N.Z. and A. Land Company; for Mr J. Reid, Elderalie, 11 oneshear ab ljjrgs, Chatmoss Estate ; 12 at Greycliffe "Estate; sab l|gi, LowolifFe Estate; 12 at 2e;a, W. T. Robinson; for Mr J. S. Monck, 6 three-shear ab ligs, J. Holmes; for Mr Robert Hall, Auokland. 20 one-ahear ab 2_-ja, B-Imoral Eitate ; for Mr W. J. Birch, Hawkt'a Bay, 5 at lg, A. L. Joseph ; 5 ram Jamba at l£ge, A. L. Joseph; for Mr J. A. Pj.nnetc, Spriugaton, 3 one-shear ab lg, F. H. Overton; satfg, W. Gill; Bat jta, C. Stewart. Messrs Dalgety and Co. sold for Mr Chas. Nichols, Ngapara, sat 13gs, Sir John Hall ; 3 at liga, A. E. Tutton ; 2 at li?s, W. J. Wadsworth ; 5 at lg, J. Cresawell; sat Jg, G. J. Black; 20 ac }g, J. Johnston; for Mr C. T. Newton, Steke Grange, 5 one-shear at lsg,- Mount Parnassua ; 13 two-shear at _g, C. Collinaon. Messrs J. T. Ford and Co. sold for Mr J. Haydon, 1 one-shear at 2j|gß, H. D. Gardiner; 2 at 2|gs, H. Jackson ; sat 3ga, L. Wilnon ; 2at 3gs, H. E. Muagrove ; 2 at 3igs, C. D. Teschmaker; sat 24g«, D. PatchelL 2 * ' SOTJTHDOWNS. Mr F. C. Tabart sold for Mr 8. Garfortb, Spreydon, 10 one-ahear at 2i«s, Bealey Bros. Messrs J. T. Ford and Co. sold foi Mr 8. Garforth, 2 four-shear at lg, A. L. Joseph; and 1 at lg, E. D. Giles. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company sold for Mr 8. Garforth, 10 one, two and three-shear at 2|gs, Bealey Bros. ; and 10 one-Bhear at 2fgo, W. Thomson. Messrs Geo. King and Co. sold for Mr J. Johns, Belfast. 4 one-shear at ligs, F. Hill; and 1 at 3gs, S. Harris. Irving W. Larimore, Physical Director of V.M.C.A, Das Moines, lowa, says he can conscientiously recommend ChamberlainPain Balm to athletes, gymnasts, bicyclists, football players and tbe profession in general for bruises, sprains aud dislocations } alsofor soreness and stiffness of the muscles. When' applied" before tbe parts become swollen it will effect a onre in one-half the time usually required. For sale by W__< laob and Co., O-emiita, OhrutohacoJ^

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9365, 14 March 1896, Page 5

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RAM AND EWE FAIR. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9365, 14 March 1896, Page 5

RAM AND EWE FAIR. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9365, 14 March 1896, Page 5