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First Day. (By Telkcraph ) (FROM Cl']'. nWS O iBRESrONPENT.) WKLLING'ION". January 22. The first day's racing of t-ho Wellington Racing Club's' Summer Meetinp was held iv unfavourable weather, a howling northerly gale prevailing the whole of the day, which made it most unpleasant for those attending. A few spots of ruin fell after the Clip was decided, but ie cleared up »'-"**"• A ne attendance numbered about 4000, including a large number of visitors from all parts of New Zealand, and the grand aland was packed by members of the fair fpx, the costume? being very attractive. Thtre was considerable delay previouD to thy Cup race owing to Rangipuhi twisting a plate and having to return to the padd'.ck to get it attended to, and through the fructicmsness displayed by several of the conij-etitore. This caused a delay right, as it was found impracticable to make up the time. Mr H. Piper wns succf-ssifiil us starter. Owing tot ho win-i it was impossible toueeihen lining midline in come of the event?, and the hnrma wero started behind the priitt. in tlie Cnp and o:her eveote, the candidates thus obtaining a flyiug Blajrt. The going was in splendid order. Punters had ft very bad tune of it, only one favourite getting homo during the day. The sum o F £ 10,133 pa33cd through the totalisalor, an increaso of £206 as compared with U«t year. The racing was very interesting. O ion's He! , , who has been running very unsuccessfully this season, looked leiilly well, and upset a great pot in Doiia for the Anniversary Handicap, finishing very ir.i"i<'ly. Solitaire ran very well for nix fuvlongs." Tlie Nursery lfaudicap resulted in an rxc llent iinish, tho whole of the competitors finishing in a cluster. St. Elmo made a'l tho running, and just failed to last out iho six furlonga. Loreiizo, the Armourer—Lenore colt, shaped well, and the gallop should do him good. The Cup race whh n irr.ind contest, und at tho bend half-.i. d> zeu appeared to have a chance. lirooklet liad to bo driven along up to within twenty yards of the poat to slfk.ll o(T Strucea's run. Baracen got blocked at the bend, aud cime very fast when he got clear; it appeared as though he would be able to get up to the leader, but he f-uli-d to sustain his run. Skirmisher ai»d Uessie McCarthy ran well up to the entrance to tho etraiglit, and the former especially disappointed his followers by failing to battlo tho finish out. The majority of mnt.illiciana who had books on the raco laid the full amount of their books about the winner at prices ranging from 100 to 3to 100 to 5. Revolt and Strath Braan, King's Own and King's Bowman had runaway victorioe in their lespeclive races, but Lady Zetlaud only just managed to squeeze homo in the Preeident'u Handicap through tho good horsemanship displayed by P. White. Had Ledtv b?en mado more use of in the earlier part of the race she would probably hay»» beaten the southern irmrc. The decisive defeat of Aoone by King's Bowman was a severe blow to the former's connection. Results:— ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP, of 100 soys'; second 10 dovs from the stake. One mile. 104. Mr T. 11. dowry's l> c Oriou'rf Helt, by Castor— MnngU , , 3yrs, 7st (inc. 21 bs over) (Whittaker) 1 263. Mr W. Robertson's eh f Doris, 4yrs, Bst (F. Davis) 2 110. Mr O. W. Mcßae's blk c Loveshot, 4 yrs, 7st 61b (\Villiams) 3 209, Torplna, Bst (Derrett): 163, Solitaire, 7st6lb(A. White); 197, King's Jtowinan, 7st slb (Jenkins); 141, The lliser, 6st l&b (Kingan); 19, Tuhiwai, 6st 131b (Inc. 21b over) (Watt); 12, Legislator, 6st 101b (Myers) also started. (Winner trained by R. Gooseman.) Torpiua was the first to show in front, and led into the back stretch a couplo of lengths from Tuhiwai, with Legislator last. At the six furlongs poet Solitaire rushed up to Torpina, and the pair raced together. Loveshot, improved her position running around the bend, where Doris and Orion'e Belt also came fast on the outside. When fairly in the straight the latter pair singled themselves out for a good tussle, resultiug in favour of Castor's eon by a neck, Loveshot three lengths away third. Time, lmin 46 l-sth sec. Dividend £10 10a. NUBSEUY HANDICAP, of 100 soys; second 15 soys from the stake. For two-year-olds. Six furlongs. 858. Hon. J. D. Ormond's eh c Defiance, by Dreadnought—Legacy, Bst .. (Delancy) 1 62. Mr J. Chaafe's br o St. Elmo, 7st 41b (C. Chaafe) 2 813. Mr J. Chaafe's br c An tares, 7st 61b (J. Chaafe) 3 74, Bavaria, 7st 71b (Jenkins); 94, Bimetallist, 7st 61b (Williams); 119, Lorenzo, 7st (Whlttaker), also started. (Winner trained by S. WaddelL) Bavaria momentarily held the lead, but Bb. Elmo almost at once rushed to the front in the interests of his etable mate, Bimetalisfc taking next position, Defiance being the whipper in. At the bend Defiance moved up into fourth position, and Lorenzo also weDt up. At the home turn everything appeared to have a chance, and a splendid net to up the straight took place, the Dreadnought colt just managing to get home by a nose from St. Elmo, Antares half a length away third, the others close up. Time, lmin 2Useo. Dividend, £3 5?. WELLINGTON CUP, ol bOO soys; recond 50 soys. and third 25 soys treat the stake. One mile and a half. 815. Mr W. Douglas" l> f Brooklet, by Torpedo— Rivulet, 4 yra, 7st 31b .. (D. Watt) 1 818. Mr R. Allen's b h Saracen, by St. George — —Fair Nell, 6 yre, Bst3lb .. (P. White) 2 £32. Hon. J. D. Ormond's bg Spindrift, by Nordenfeldt—Spinnaker, 4 vre, 7st 111b (J. Delaney) 3 215, Bessie M'Carthy 8?t 81b (O. Stratford); 351, Lorelei, Bet 71b (C. Jenkins) ; 309, Skirmisher, Bet 61b (W. Clarke); 456, The Shrew, Bst lib (Derrett); 90, lUnjripuhi, 73t121b(C. Reidy);s2, Pauoply, 7st 111b (F. Davis); 68. Dreamland, 7st 81b (Creamer); 270, Stepfeldt, 7st 41b (Satman); 100, Kent, 7st 31b (L. lf»thewß);B2;PoniPoiii, 7sc (Raynor); 139, Searchlight, 7et (Whlttaker) also staited. (Winner trained by O. Hope.) Muoh delay was caused at the post by the kicking tactics displayed by Kent, while Searchlight woukl not join her field. When the word was given lieesie McCarthy got ■lightly the best of a fair start, Kent being left a few lengths. Uessio McCarthy was immediately steadied, aud The Shrew weut to the front, followed by Spindrift and Tom Pom, but on turning into the straight this pair had disappeared from the van, aud Stepteldt led past the stand just clear ef The Shrew, Skirmisher and Bcssio McCarthy, With Pom Pom lying next, Kent still occupying the rearmost position. Stepfeldt continued lo Bhow the way into the back ■tretch, but Mr Gnllan's mare headed her at the six furlongs post, white a little farther oo The Shrew, Skirmisher and Stepfeldb joined Bessie McCarthy, tho second division comprising the others, with the exception nf Dreamland and Kent, who t?ere tailing oft". Kcssio McCarthy and Skirmisher wero in front at tho far bend, Where The Shrew and Stopfeldt retired beaten. Brooklet shot up to the leaders and at the homo turn w;>s on terms with Skirmisher, whilo Saracen, who had been in a bad position, pot clear, and once in tho ■traight set sail after those in front, Spindrift also drawing out prominently. Loud cries heralded Saracen's victory us he passed Skirmisher and was closing on Brooklet. l>ut tho latter was kept going, and beat him by a length end a half, Spindrift being third enme distance away, half a length in front of Skirmisher, ami Bessie McCarthy fifth. Time, 2miu 364 sec. Dividend. £12 2-.. FIRST liriHH.K lIAN-niCAP, cf 80 soys; second ,„ 10 - s ™ s from t !ip stake. Two miles. 161. Mr J. l'ro< tl\ ; , oi li Revolt, l>y Treason—MisOM ti Chil " f ; V l ''"' lOsl •■ •" (!"• McCJratli) 1 861. Hon. J. l<. urmond'a br g Hopeful. 6 yrs. list 60. Mr M. HoblV lr h Osman, nj;cd. lOsi .„, " (K. Coclirane) 3 145, Lilnrnto:-. V 3t 1013. (P. V.ntiM*) : 16. <.:i'«rencc, llSt 611t (T. .S«:.«!,:-l); -,;:;., AlUMil. 9st lisll. jli. Kinifan): 3S. Mi'iJuvr, <»<. 71i> <F. Sooconibi-); 32, Btevl KiiiK, :•>: ,">:. (A. llri:», »W> startwi. (\Vi!ii:i-r ir.twiLil l;y i:\.ncr.) Revolt wenr. >~ die in>ut when the M'ord Was given, ami le:l in company with Osman for a mile, wj.fn Ifoppfnl brctm to creep op. At the iar h->i>l moved into fourth position. U'lu-n heads wore turned for home nothing h»n v chance wi'h Kevolt, Who won romfoitably fr> in Hopeful by live lengths, thirtl «boub "lliree lengths HW.iy. Miitinoer ran olfnf. the first lence. Time", ■linin J!,'r<: Mi\ i.)cn<), £5 10.*. FIRST WKLTKIt HAN'hICA: , . of 100 so><-. seconil < 15 soys fruin {In- ,-.;.\i..-. t>ac nn!f niiil a imarter. 280. Mr W. ]>ii\i.s' i.r i, Snath r.rsan, l»y Aprcmont— 4ir-, Ost 61!> (»<• C. Hi-flp) 1 111. Mr E. Kahu's l> in Tuhiwai, 5 yrs, Cst 7U> "..

(C. lleuiv) 2 191. Mr IVi UiUnn.Vs b ir SUiiilen. 6 yre, Ssl 10il» "..

(liirrv) 3 301, Silver SjK-r, 10-*t 71» (». It-.y); <!D, Johnny Fan, lost3lb(U. Jiirktu): 174, faliv, i'CbC &b (K. Holmes), also started.

(Winner iruJr.*-! by ovner). Strath I>i aun j.ji:>j;fil away m front and bad about five lengths' of Slaic!>-n pnss. ing the stand, wliiuii lie kept right along the took stretch* aud going »v vvou riuieuouely

easily by six lengths; throe lengths separating second and third. Time, 2min 15sec. Dividend, £3 Hβ. PRESIDENTS HANDICAP, of 125 soys: second 15 sovß from the stoke. One mile and a furlong 489. Mr M. Uobbs" 1) m Lady Zetland, by Perkin lVarbeck ll.—Forget-me-not, ajred, Bst 121b (P. White) 1 85. Mr W. Davis' b t Leda, 4 yrs, 7st 21b (L. Matthews) 2 152. Mr T. H. Lowry*e b c Orion's Belt, 3 vrs, 7st _ 21bOne. 7lbpenalty) .. (Whlttaker) o 92, Revolution, Ist (D.'Watt) also started. (Winner trained by owner.) Lady Zetland showed out in front nutil turning into the back stretch, when Revolution ran up to the mare and the pair led to tho far bend. Orion's Belt here joined them, and Leda commenced her run on the outsido. Lady Zetland dropped back a little just before the entrance to the straight, leaving Revolution in front, but the mare slipped up on the inside when turning into the straight. A slashing finish betweau the quartette ensued, Lviy Zetland proving victorious by half a length, Leda being some distance ahead of Orion's Belt, Revolution close up, fourth. Dividend, £1 HfFIUST HACK HANDICAP, of 75 soys; second 15 soys from the stake. One mile and a furloujf. 87. Mr A. Hammond's b h Kimr's Own. by Kin* Cole-Contessa. 5 yrs. Vet 51b.. (VVhittaker) 1 474. Mr W. Uonian'i eh [,- Ebor ll.,ased,Bst 121b (Jenkins) 2 31. Mr C. Cre33' gr m Field Gun, 5 yra, 7st (J. Delaney) 3 89, Swordrhh, Sst 31b (L. Matthews); BJ, BonaKuJe, Bit 41b (Godfrey): 129, liillstoiie. 7sC 1210 (Stratford); 62, On Kit, 7st'loll> (J. Armstrong); 155, Lmener, 7st 91I< (Connop); 34, I>i<is?nter. 7-t olb (N*. Williams); 127, Kpsom, 7et 4ll» (Raynor); U5, sir A-nes, 7st 6 b (mc mU over) (S. Corbett) ; 76, First Kesult, 7st 41h (Kii)U'aii); 9/,, 7=>t 41b (R. Wilson), also started. (Winner trained by owner.). Field Gun *v»s very fractious at the poet, and when the barrier was raised lie got jilightly the worst of an otherwise excellent start. Bona Fide showed out till under the hill, where Hillatone and Epsom went up to him, and the threa taced totrothor along the back, King's Own, Ebor 11. and Field Gun close on the leaders. At tho home turn the former, landing into the straight firac, aud coming on, won comfortably by ft clear length. No time taken. Dividend, £15 2*. TELKGRAPH HANDICAP, of ICO soys: second 10 soys from the stike. Six furlongs. 252. Mr I*. V. Taticred's eh s; Kinur*=» Bowman, by Forester—Princess Koyal, 4 yrs, 7st lplb (C. Jenkins) 1 350. Mr A. Mavis's eh g Acone, 5 y«, Bst 3lb (P. Davis) 2 95. Mr Geo. Hunter's b f Searchlight, 4 yw, 7st 111b (Wfiittaker) 3 126, Solitarc, 7st 121b (J. Delaney); J 2O, loveshot, 7st 10.1. (C. Stratford) ; 27, Scal.reeze, 7st 21b (L. Matthews); 43, Sea Serpent, 7st 21b (T. Oounoy), also started.

(Winner trained by owner). King's jbowinaii jumped awixy in front, while {Searchlight hung tit the post and lost several lengths. Acone was lacing just behind King's Bowman, and endeavoured to got ou terms wich him in the straight, but without avail, aa King'a Bowman wus full of running, and won comfortably by two lengths. Searchlight made up her lost ground in fine style, and g>t within half a iength of Acone. Timo, lmin Dividend, £3 12s.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9321, 23 January 1896, Page 6

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WELLINGTON RACING CLUB'S SUMMER MEETING. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9321, 23 January 1896, Page 6

WELLINGTON RACING CLUB'S SUMMER MEETING. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9321, 23 January 1896, Page 6