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I *.—- A Magnificent Christmas Number - We have received from the publishers tin special Christmas number of the Weekh Press, which is issued this morning through out New Zealand. It offers several distirie attractions, the piece de resistance of whicl is Mr Chas. M. Phillips's account of hii trip through "The Wonderland of No« Zealand," the Thermal Springs district oj the North Islind, of which no less thai; seventy illustrations are given. These arc from photographs specially taken by Mr Phillips to suit the engraving process of the Weekly Press, and the results are most artistic, the various characteristic features of the district—geysers, pinnacloa, mud volcanoes, hot springs and Maoris bathing in them—being reproduced in a style which does justice to tho admirable quality of th< photographic work, while the liberal seal* of the illustrating enables the whole rout< from Auckland to Napior to be adcquatelj and attractively presented. Of Mr Phillip. as a guide it is impossible to speak tor highly; he tells you in p bi n language exactly what you want to know about everything, without wasting your attention on irrelevant matter; his brief and graphic descriptions enable you to realise the various wouders, while his pictures cause you to fancy you have really seeu them; and his whole narrative of the trip is tinctured with an agreeable humour which makes it uncommonly pleasant reading. Having himself experienced the difficulty of knowing where you are on the journey and the exact situation of the various sights, he has added two excellent maps, one of the Thermal Springs District and the other of the route, which will certainly prove a boon to every future visitor to the New Zealand Wonderland. Next in importance comes, in our opinion, the beautiful Christmas card which accompanies the number as a supplement. It is entitled " A Maori Christinas Greoting," and is printed on a separate enamelled sheet by the Press Company's patent collotype process. Th« result is a most attractive card, perfectly appropriate to the season and the colony, »nd one which of its own merits would be quite sufficient to find thousands of buyeri for this number had it no further claim* upon the public attention, for nothing ha: sver been issued in the colony so suitable for sending to friends in token ot remembrance at the festive season. But there art many mure good things in the number ; two unequalled engravings of the direot liners Gothic and Ruahine, an original novelette (complete) by the well-known novelist Robert Buchanan, and Christmas stories by G. R. Sims and D. M. Wright, besides two beautiful poems, the whole of the literary Blatter being well up to the highest standard of the day. Taking it altogether this special Christmas number of the Weekly Press is undoubtedly a credit to the colony and to the art-work resources of tho house that Issues it, and wo must admit that we have not yet received from the Old Country anything tbst can compare with it for Mterprise and liberality. Masonic—The installation of the W.M.slectof the Canterbury Lodge, 1048, 8.C., and tho investiture of bis officers, will take place this evening at the St. Augustine Masonic Hall, at 7 o'clock. Political—Mr Saunders, M.H.R, for -elwyn, will address his conatituents at the Orange Hall, Greendale, to-night, at 8 o'clock. Dramatic Club.—The Sumner Amatenr Dramatic Club will give the play of " Iv Honour Bound " aud the farce of " Playing at Marbles" to-morrow evening, and there will also be vocal and instrumental mueir recitations, _c. Special Matinee.—As will be seen by notification elsewhere, Rev. Haekett Smifc will give a special matinee at the Ode fellows' Hall at 3 p.m. to-morrow. Th leoture will be " The Land of Long Ago and will be illustrated by views. Tahuna Fete.—A children's concerl under the direction of Miss Freda Marsde aud Mr Maitland Gardner, will be given a lahuua tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Hibernian Drimatio Club—A ver successful entertainment was given in th Hibernian Hall last night to a larg audience. The first part of the programm consisted of songs by Misses Hay don (wit flute obligate by Mr Amos), Hilda Meadows N. Marr, M. MoNamara, and B, Scrim geour, and Messrs A. Hobbs, J. Hynes Goggin, and C. Rend, and a humorou recitatiou by Mr D. Ryau ; most of th items were encored. The second part o tbe programme consisted ot the corned' " Withered Leaves,", the parts being take! by Misses C. Maher and Mrs Scrimgeour and Messrs C. Goggin and W. Maher, wlu acquitted themselves very successfully The scenery was exceeding neat and pretty and refleots great credit upon the artist Mr J. Bradford, who had specially paintec It for the production of the piece. RaoNiON.—A most eojoyable and success Jul reunion took place last night a; Hawker's Hall, New Brighton, when th< residents tendered to tho officers aud members of the E Battery a smoke concert, About forty mombers of the Battery, under Captain Donald and Lieutenaut Dougall accepted the invitation, and there was also a goodly gathering of New Brighton reaiasms. The ciiair was occupied by Mr R. C. Bishop, and Mr Wells waa iv the vicechair. A number of toasts were given, showing the excellent fooling existing between the Battery and the reaideuts. A Very lengthy programme of songs was gone through excellently, and the gathering was one of the most successful yet given in New Brighton. Baptist Church.—The tea and public meeting which was to commemorate the "opening of the Oxford terrace Baptist Lhuroh, were well attended last night. The church was to have been reopened publicly on the 3rd inst., but owing to the death of the late Mr Olney the proceedings were postponed. Some 400 paopb sat down to Joe tea, the largo number ot tables having w> be relaid before all could be provided for. Those ladies who bo kindly provided the various tables were Mesflamea Olney, Chidgey, Mould, Hastie, widdowson, Clark, Toneycliffe, Doke, *razer. Cooper, Josling, Dolamore. Tables were also provided by the Suuday school teachers and scholars, and the members of we cnurch choir and Bible class. At 6.30 ia the church Mr H. Corrick gave an orgau recital. The attendanoe at the public «a««tiug in the church was laiger than that «'he tea. Mr G. J. Smitb, M.H.R., wan w the chair. The Rev. J. J. Doke read the *_P art » and detailed the circumstances which *** to the holding of the meeting. The *«vi. Gordon Webster, J.J. North, and 8- J. Baker also addressed the meetiug. A special collection was made in aid of the Mwroh funds. Selections were sung by the cuoir.

Women's Christian Tkmpkbanc_ Ukion.— The ordinary general meeting was ■•w on Wednesday, Mrs BaUantyne pre- | '"hog. After devotional exercises business «umg out of the minutes waß dealt with. A Kraut was made for relief work. In connection with the Christehurch bye-election *"• Were urged to see that tha names of w# >men entitled to vote were placed on the J°ll. A resolution was passed condemning we action of the Wellington Licensing J'Onimittee in granting a removal of license l«m Lambton Quay to Newtown in de°»nce of the expressed wishes of a large number of residents and the Newtown school Committee. The Superintendent of "lion Gate Mission work reported several £**«» which had come under her care. With we confirmed criminals it is impossible to ae »l satisfactorily. The most humaoe plan jKKier present conditions would be to give •nem a l 0 _g sentence. Some were wishful w reform, but were not able to withstand >.«oholicJ temptation. It wss deemed *»vnable to adjourn till the first week in tffbruary, and to defer the election of °mcers mj that date. The Secretary was *ttthor„e{J to transact in the meantime any a *c«_ary business. _»_r_s requiring Christmas presents for mtiamen friends should not miss seeing J* v ««and Lamb's splendid stock of pipes, jwking ,„<,_;_, match boxes, oigar cases.

St. Albans Borough Council—Mr W -_.Sd_r. a ** ViDK i W,thJr *- Wu "«» "*me a, n camhdate for the vacant seat in the Si Albans Borough Council, Mr VV. T. Char!.wood has been declared duly elected. In_E?„ ?WI ? D0 ?' l^ T — Th ' B M *- tron ofU '° a__„_-i j " tne Deaf at SumDer deßir «* "■ acknowledge, with many thanks, the prese-1 church™ " mMf J ° hn Sale of Work.—A sale of work under the ausp.ce, of the Ladies' Work Society of s b i n f r > J - Morivale, was held in the m y eate / d »y- Thore was a goodly collection of useful and fancy articles, __~ ana the attendance was good during the -tternoon and evening. R.T ,lE _. TR " RoYA L.-"Th c Importance of f«i f"i ►". t " Wfcß very success.•2 _"_,_" _-' at Lhe Tneatre Royal. To"'gut lhe Second Mrs Tanqueray '* will T_n P uerav Mr * Br ° Ugh ap P ea " D « *» P * ula Ciiambek of Commerce.—As so many member, of the Committee of the Chamber are absent, the Committee meeting to have oeen held to-day has been postponed. Anmvkrsary Excursion.—As will beseei oy a notification elsewhere, the Akaroa will leave on an excursion to Pigeon Bay on Alonday next on arrival of the 9.5 a.m. trait from Christehurch, returning in time for the oprn. train from Lyttelton. VVatkr Polo.—a polo match between Sydenham and Railway Clubs was played last night in th-. Sydenham bath, and resulted in a win for the former by 4 goals to nil. Messrs G. Smart and A. Francis were Referee and Timekeeper respectively. School Excursion.—The Committee and staff of the St. Albans district Softools are arranging an excursion to Otarama on lhnr.aay, December 19th, for the school children and their parents and friends. The children will be given this pleasant outing instead of the usual prizes, and no doubt the excursion will be largely patronised, tickets may be obtained at the main and side schools, and from any of the teachers. Okangj-ism.—At the meeting of No. 2 I urple Heroes Lodge, held in the Orange Hall, the, W.M., Bro. H. Skinner, presided. The G.M., Bro. Carey, presented P.M. Bro. C. Cooper with a haudsome P.M. certificate. TheG.L. business was considered, and the W.M. Bro. Skinner, D.M. Bro. Bultitude, Secretary Bro. XV. Bailey and Treasurer Bro. White were elected delegates to attend the Grand Lodge sessions, to be held in Dunedin on December 27th. Canterbury Rosr Society.—The firs exhibition of the Canterbury Rose Sooiet will be held in the Art Gallery to-day. Th last two days' fine weather have expande the blooms much better than was antic; pated, and there should be an excellerj shosv. Good programmes of music hay been arrunged for both afternoon and even ing, and the show should be a great success Table decorations must be ready for th the judges by 12.30. Pioneer Bicycle Club.—A Committe meeting of the Pioneer Bicycle Club wo held last evening, when a great amount o business connected with the forthcomin; race meeting was transacted. Entries t the number of 209 were received and other; are expected by post to-morrow, rider coming from Auckland, Napier, Wellington Timaru, Dunedin and Taieri, and a mos successful race meeting is antieipatcd. Richmond Swimming Club—At a meet ing of the Committee of this Club held oi Wednesday evening, final arrangement! were made for the annual aquatio sports t< be held in the bath to-morrow afternoon The Secretaries reported that a largi number of tickets bad been sold, and thai several of tho lady members had promisee to swim in the Ladies' Race. It was de jided to engage the Stanmore Band. Arrangement* were made for a special trau _ leave Edwards, Bennett's corner for the lath at 2.5 p.m., to enable visitors from ;own to see the first event, which will star! it 2.30 p.m. sharp. Great interest is being ;aken iv tho 100 Yards Championship oi Canterbury, the Ladies' Race, and the pole natch Sydenham v Richmond. The follow ng will represent the Richmond Club .-— 3oa!keeper f A. S. Andrews; backs, L. D. -rmitage, F. Ward; forwards, W, 3i_sett, H. L. Armitage, G. D. Pascoe, and rV. Simpson. Oriental Entertainmrnts.—Tho even, ng series of the Rev. Haakett Smith's ectures came to a termination last night, ot which occasion the " Myths and Marvels ol ) Modern Egypt" afforded that gentleman i.-sn o ,the.r, opportunity of giving an-interest* mg and instructive discourse. In doing sc he conducted his audience through the Suez Canal to Cairo, Ismalia, Tel-el Kebir, and Alexandria, describing in concise language their beauties, peculiarities, and prominent features, interspersed with anecdotes and illustrated by means of excellent views. The Suez Canal he described as one of the greatest marvels of engineering skill of modern times, and tbe taking of the Citadel of Cairo by thirty of Lord Wolseley's army as a marvel of British consummate cheek and pluck. A very amusing accouut was given of the system of bargaining in the East and of a lady's explanation for the erection of the lighthouse at Alexandria. Respecting the occupation of Egypt, he remarked that the British so far had done a deal of good in the way of laying the foundation of a valuable edifice. While the upper aud lower classes hated the British occupation the middle classes, which there as elsewhere were the backbone of the place, were shrewd enough to see that the cessation of British administration meant Egypt retrograding. The British, he was sure, would certainly leave when their work was done, but not before, having always in view the consideration of two things—the welfare of Egypt and the welfare of the British nation. He announced that he was leaving for Wellington on Saturday evening, but by special request had agreed to give a "final farewell matinee" to-morrow afternoon, when his subjest would be " The Land of tbe Pharaohs." Woolston Borough Council. — The Council held tbe monthly meeting on Thursday last. Present—The Mayor (Mr Richardson), and Crs. Douglass, Hobson, Tanner, Milne, Anderson, Rennie, and Hawkins. Cr. Douglass apologised for the non-attend-ance of Cr. Wood. On the motion of Crs. Ronnie and Hobson it was decided—" That a letter be written to the Heathcote Road Board, inlorming them of the return of the Mayor and that the Council would now be glad if they would appoint an early date to receive a deputation to confer with them relative to a settlement of tbe Canal Reserve question, and that Cr. Tanner be appointed to act in conjuuetiou with the Mayor as the deputation iv the matter." The Mayor stated he had visited the glue works, and so far as he could see the matter complained of had been remedied. Ou the motion of Crs. Milne and Tauner it was resolved—'• That the Works Committee visit the place, and if they find it absolutely necessary, they be empowered to tak- immediate action in the matter." Cr. Rennie reported that he had failed to meet Or. Gimblett, through some inadvertence, for the purpose of reporting on the Canal Reserve. It was arranged that Cr. Hobson should accompany Cr. Rennie aud report next meeting. Cr. Douglass reported that Dr. Hunt had been elected a reSresentative on the Hospital and Mr oard on the Charitable Aid Boards. Correspondence was received—From the Mutual Municipal Fire Insurance League, Invercargill. On the motion of Crs. Douglass and Hawkins, it was resolved that a reply be sent stating that this Council sympathise with, and will be happy to give any assistance in their power to further the object aimed at, and that the Mayor and Cr. Tanner act as delegates on behalf of the Council to attend at any local meetings that may be held in connection with the matter. From the Tax Department, intimating that a voucher had been passed for the subsidy. From the Returning Officer, reporting the election of Cr. Douglass as mayor, and Mr J. C. Hobson as councillor. From the Audit Office, covering balance-sheet duly certified. Crs. Tanner and Hawkins were granted permission to lift certain drain pipes near their respective residences. The Financial Committee's report was accepted, and accounts were ordered to be paid. It was resolved that a statutory Bpecial meeting of the Council be held at 7 p.m, on Wednesday, the 18th inst., for the induction of the Mayor. Horse Salb. —As will be seen from our advertising columns, Messrs George King and Co. are holding a special horse sale tomorrow at their yards, Cashel street, formerly known as Mark Lane. The entry includes about twenty head of unbroken colts and fillies from the Kaiwara and Acton estates, horses suitable for haok and light harness work, as also others of a heavier stamp. 9929

Arrest.—Con j table Walton, of Lincoln, -.1 :t viung man ye<Jer<lay on a ci;ug« >»f assaulting a woman at, Prelibletoa. Wool :>a_e.—The spootid wool sale of tli« season wiil be held in tho t'-.'fellows' Hall, Lichfield street, in-day, commencing at. 9.50 a.m. Ahout. 8500 b*los are catalogue'!, ami will all be pnt through during the day. K.vriuxn- Somes -CHoLAitsiifr-. — Tise : names of those elected in -l_ss A, under j thirteen years were incorrectly printed j yesterday. should have boon givea as ;E. R. Biotb, Normal School, and H. W. ; Bundle. Lyttelton Borough School. i Akaroa Regatta.— The first class yacht r race in this regatta has practically fallen I through, owing to a sufficient number of | yachts not being able to get away. Mas- | cotte, On awe and Pastime were going down j from Lyttelton. but the owner ot Pastime has been prevented at the last moment by 1 business matters. The Regatta Committee's rule provides that three must start or no race. Ram Fair—The question of fixing the date of the Ram Fair was before the Committee of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association yesterday. It was decided to hold it on 19th and 20th March, but Mr Geo. Gould has given notice of motion for the rescinding of thi_, as he thinks the dates fixed are too late. bPRIKGFJKLD.—The Springfi.-jld Debating Society held their weekly meeting on December 7th, Mr T. Atkinson in the chair. The subject for debate was "Old age pensions," Mrs Alley taking the affirmative, and Mrs T. Kain the negative. There was a fair attendance, and a lively debate ensued. Bowling.—The following will represent the Canterbury Bowling Club in the matcli to-morrow with the Christehurch Club :— Hale (skip), Hyndmau, Barlow, Wright : Ashby (skip), Skelton, Captain McClatchie, Allen ; Karsteu (skip), Simpson, Irvine, J. Thompson; Thomson (skip). Kirk, Prudhoe. Buxton; Oakley (skip), Meikleham, Christie, Gee ; .'emergencies, Ssy and Girl, Players are requested to be ou the ground at 2.30 p.m. sharp. Christmas Reunion.—A large gathering is expected at the Christmas reunion in St. John's schoolroom, to-night. The reunion has been promoted for the purpose of bringing together many of the old members of the parish. Refreshments will be provided, _nd there will be songs and music. His Lordship, Bishop Julius, will give an address, and opportunity will be afforded for social chat. Land Sale.—Messrs Pyneand Co. report baying disposed of the following lots of land )n the Waimate estate since the sale, which _ok place at Studholme Junction on 3ctober 24th:—200 acres at Studholme Junction, to Mr Foley, of Oamaru; 1200 icres at South Waihao, to Mr W. Grant, of Fimaru ; 266 acres at Limestoue Bocks, to Vlr F. W. Jcnes, of Waimate ; 300 acres at SVillow Bridge, to Mr Charles Fawlkner, of Damaru ; all at satisfactory prices to vendors md purchasers. The remaining blocks are low being negotiated for. Darfield Union Sunday School,—The tnniversary sermons in connection with this ichool were preached on Sunday, December Ith, by Mr Herbert Craddock," of Shirley. )n Monday the usual tea meeting was held n the Hall, and waß well patronised. The ifter meeting, presided over by the Rev. fames Maxwell, was of a very satisfactory lature. Sterling addresses were delivered >y Messrs Craddock and Ings, and the Rev. _yon. The report of the Secretary (Mr iVithell) showed a roll number of 88. *rizes were distributed to each child .ttending the school. Nice selections of nusic were given by the Sunday school hoir, under the leadership of Mr Withell, liss K. _illandera presiding at the harnonium. Masonic—The installation of W. M. and avestiture of his officers of the Lodge of progress, No. 22, N.Z.C., took place at Eouthbridge on Wednesday evening. There ?as a good attendance of the brethren, inhiding visiting brethren from Crown No. 75, Unanimity No. 5, Christehurch No. 1, Rakaia No. 31, Lincoln No. 35, Cancetury and lonic (late), No. 1917. The cerelony was performed by R.W. J. J. M. lamilton, G.J.W., assisted by his Grand _dge officers. The following officers were istalled — W.M., Bro. T. J. Withers; .W., Bro. D. Gilmour; J.W., Bro. F. •addy ; Treasurer, Bro. R. Webster (P.M.); Secretary, Bro. S. Moore (P.M.); S.D., Bro. H. J. Pick ; J.D., Bro. J. Cowan ; I 1.G., Bro. E. Cowan; Tyler, Bro. B. | Hampton. 'At the close of the Lodge tile brethren adjourned for refreshment, the usual Masonic toasts being proposed and responded to. Fire Brigade Demonstration. — The Entertainment Committee of tbe Fire Brigade Demonstration held the firßt meeting last night in the Library of the Chester street station. Present—Superintendent Smith, Messrs Woods, H. B. Kirk, J. C. Cusaok, O. W. Exall, McMillan and Geo. R. Hart. Mr Geo. R. Hart was elected Chairman of the Committee. Mr Geo. Capper and Mr Chas. Edgar were eiected as members of the Committee. The arrangements for the concert to be held at the Opera House on Monday next were made, and it was resolved that the tickets should be 2s j for the dress circle aud ls for the body of the hall. The programme for the week whilst the visitors are here was considered and a draft submitted, which was approved. After some details had been arranged the meeting adjourned for a fortnight. Sumner Borough Council.—The fortnightly meeting was held on Monday. Preseut—The Mayor (Mr J. Tait), and Crs. Lake, Pratt, Graham and Hughes. Cr. Collins sent an apology for absence, and Cr. Hanmer applied for extension of leave to January Ist, which waa granted. The Finance Committee reported receipts £44 19s sd, debit balance at Bank £157 12s lOd, outstanding rate 3 accouut £456 15s 3d. Accounts amounting to £14 9s 8d were passed for payment. The Mayor moved— " That the Clerk be instructed to write to the Returning Officer for Selwyn regarding the recent election of a member on the Hospital Board, stating that the Council protested against the election on the ground that the Mayor of Sumner had not voted owing to the election having taken place before the time fixed by Gazette notice." The motion waß unanimously carried. A letter was received from Mr A. Black, Inspector of Hawkers' Licenses, stating that he had laid an information against a man for hawking without a license. The action was approved. Cr. Lake reported that up to the present about £30 had been collected or promised towards the erection of a library, and that it was the wish of the Committee that the subscription Hats should remain open for a further period. The report was received. The Engineer reported on the proposed footpath from the baths to Whitewash Head, that if constructed near high water mark it would entail a considerable amount of tunnelling at au estimated cost of about £240, bub that a pathway constructed higher up aud desceuding to high water mark would cost about £50. The report was referred to the Works Committee. The Engineer was authorised to call for tenders tor coal for the pumping station. A letter was received from Messrs A. and T. Burt, Dunedin, quoting prices of water meters. The Engineer was instructed to order the number required at once. The Clerk reported the receipt of six forms from Mr H. Buttle, made by the inmates of the Deaf and Dumb Institute. The Clerk was instructed to write and thank Mr Buttle. The tender of the Christehurch Cash Tailoring Company for uniforms for the Sumner Fire Brigade was accepted. Normal School.—The presentation of prizes at the Normal School will take place -t 11.30 a.m. to-day. Police Court.—At this Court yesterday, before Messrs T. Gapes and J. Hamilton, J.P.s, Kate Moore, for drunkenness at Sydenham, was sentenced to fourteen days' mprisonmeut. Rangiora Morris Tube Club. — The inal shooting of the season was held by this Jlub on Saturday, for trophies given by Sir N. Scott and Mr R. Walker, which were yon by Messrs W. Efford and R. Efford, vho were closely followed by Messrs H. juthrie and D. McKay. Lawn Tennis.—The attention of lawn «cnis players is called to the fact that the lext championsbipmeeting of New Zealand vill be held ia Wellington on December !6th. 27th and 28th. Entry forms for the lifierent events, which are as follows, may >c obtained from Mr W. OUivier, and, with in trance fees, must reach the honorary Secretary, Mr Arthur Young, Box 29, Post )ffice, Wellington, on or before Friday, December 20th:—Championship Singles! championship Doubles, Ladies' Championhip BingU_, Ladies' Championship Doubles den's Handicap Doubles, Ladies' Handicap Sublet, Combined Handicap Doubles.

St. Andrew's Choir. — St. Andrew's ohoia intend jjiviut; m ti»e ciiurch on the 19th inst.,T. Mcc Pattison _ poputar*cantata, "The New .Jerusalem." aud from the " The choir hold their auuual piuuic at Mr R. H. Rhodes., Tai T*pu, ou Monday uexi. Fire at Woodend Road.—A disastrous hrrf occurred on the Woodend road this morning at 10.30. when a house of six rooms, owned and occupied by Mr W. Uru, a .Maori, was completely destroyed. The fire spread so rapidly that nothing was saved. the house was not insured. Mr Urn's furniture, deeds aud documents were destroyed. Supreme Court. —His Honour Mr Justice Denniaton will sit in Chambers at 11 a in. to-day. Telephonic Communication.—At the meeting of the Committee of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association it was resolved to conuect the offices of the Asaociaciation with the Telephone Exchange. A-BICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. —A meeting of the Committee of the C-nterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held yesterday, when a good deal of routine business was disposed of. Magistrate's Court, Kaiapoi.—Yesterday, before E. Fcldwick, Esq., Mayor, au offender who had not been up for over six months for drunkenness, was cautioned and discharged. Chris-Church Presbytery. —A pro re bynattt meeting of the Christehurch Prestery was held at 2.30 p.m. yesterday, when there were present tiie Revs. W. Grant (Moderator). W. Scorgie, G. Webster, R. Erwin, R. S. Allan, A. M. Wright, J- B. Finlay and A. H. Treadwell (Clerk), and Messrs Bonice and Ritchie (elders). The Rev. J. B. Finlay tendered his resignation of the charge of Akaroa, his medical adviser having recommended him to take a sea voyage, as his health prevented him from properly undertaking the duties of his charge. The representatives of the Akaroa congregation who were present concurred in the resignation, and expressed regret at the cause. The resignation was accepted with regret. The Rev. A. M. Wright was appointed Moderator of the vacant charge.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9288, 13 December 1895, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9288, 13 December 1895, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9288, 13 December 1895, Page 5