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January 28

Mr N. Alfred Nathan has received word that tbe stallion Seaton Delaval has been shipped from London to Sydney by thss.». Thurmopylse, The horse will then be brought to Auckland by the s.s. Tasmeniu. Major George , was very wrath over the manner in which liis horses were treated by Mr Knight for the second day's races at the Takapuna Summer Meeting. Hβ informs mo he will not allow hi* horses to be handicapped by Mr Kulghfc agaiu. There will be a general exodua of local trainers from Auckland shortly. The majority hare horaen engaged at the fixtures to be held at the Eaimont, Wanganul, Ilawke's Biy and N*w Plymouth meetiugs. which come off during the next six weeks.

Adam Uyers tnlkv about .going to Sydney with So; KUda" *«d a couple of ponies bnfe nothing definite i<s *o fur enttlcd. However, livers tells mc" that St. Kilda will bo a non-starter .for the Newnr«rkt»t Handicap. : " "-' First Nelson, Salute and Uearfc of O\k. have joined H. Harrison's fctring, and the trio are now located at WapfCK - ' "Wβ are likely to be "inundated with starting machines in th* near future. Mr George Ellis, aaent for Gray , *, tells mc he Intends patenting one himself. Mr Gearpe Cntts hat* toiffered a great loss in the death of his sou Sidney, which took place cm Friday. The leading outeMe fixtnre of the year in the Auckland diatrico is the two aays* Summer Meetkig of the Takapuna J.C. held on the course situated at our favourite marine suburb, the Nerth Shore, or more properly speaking Devonnort Borough. The meeting opened on Saturday, when a large crowd assembled. -Tib weather wjw fine but very warm. Uo«ev«r, the sun** my» were tempered with a beautiful breeze which blew from the a«s. across the picturesqae coarse. Gr*y'* starting machine, with Mr IS. D. Halstead at the lever, was used with success. A telfgeaph office was opened on the-course for the first time and was well patronised. This convenience, it i< hardly neeMsxry to say, ■was greatly appreciated. Th* Hon. E. Mitchelson occupied the judge's box and discharged his duties well. The totalisators were worked by Mr W. Bloomfiel* «nd staff who handled the euro of £4077. The reputation of the course for providing surprises was well sustained, for the only time the actual favourite got home was Iα the Maiden Steeplechase, consequently good dividends were the order of the afternoon. ' '■ The opening event, the Handicap Maiden Plate, attracted eleven runners. Anita wa* made a decided favourite, but she had to be content, with second honours. Kalo'e son. The Sharper, went to the front a couple nf furlong from home and there he etopped to the finiah .despite the challenge ot Anita In' the run horn*. The Sharper is trained by the veteran Chaafe. Six disputed possession ntthe Handicap Hurdles the ex-Christcburcb owned Magpie having, the call in speculation. He lost considerable ground when the barrier -flew op, which handicapped him from the start, and the winner turned op in the outeider Molly Hawk, wbjvwa* ridden by r Jas. LaiDE, lately of Wnnpnai,, while another outsider in- Ifea Vufca, who had started in the opening event, finished second. Warrior, who seems to have lost all form, finished last, I had hopes a short time back oi Warrior turning out ! ear best bardic horse. Tfee fine dividend

of £1213s was paid on Molly Hawk, who is by Natacor out of a Deadsho* mare, and was bred on the west coast ot the North Island.. In the Zealandia Handicap, which followed, Doris, who n*d the services of J. Gallagher, was a strong favourite. However, she failed to Ret into a place. This was caused by Gallagher Retting jambed on to the rails near the home turn, with the result that he got a. good-sized piece taken oat ot one of his boots and his shin bone cat. The Sharper proved his win in the opening event was no flake, tor he easily won by two length* from Frank M'MinaminV St. Leger gelding:, 3c Patrick, Dorothy being third. Stamford fell at the home tarn. Linstock, a three-year-old half-brother to Sc. Clemente, ,was a deal fancied for the race. The Sharper again returned hU supporters a good dividend—£B 12«. The next item to eugage attention was the Takapuna Cup, of 200JOVS, one mils and a-hal«. The event was voted very open on all bands. Despite the fact that The Workman had done no work to fit him for a mile and a-half, and had been eased on account of showing signs of lameness, he was sent to the post first favourite. The owner of Prioress was very confident and equally so the respective owners ot Ida and Annabelle ; in fact the connections of the eight starters thought they had the race won. F. Davis got back from Wellington and arrived; ou*the course just in time to weigh out to tide Reynards The history of the race is j soon told. Lady Mariou was conspicuous until the two last furlongs came to be entered upon, when Folly rushed to the front and was never afterwards headed, winning by two lengths. Ida made a great run down the straight and, although she passed Reynard, she could not catch Folly, who, in her preliminary, threw her rider. Prioress was evidently not used to the barrier. She got away in the rear and there • «he remained. The last to finish was The Workman, who pulled up lame. Maj«r George's horse was one of the first away, bat after a quarter of a mlie had been negotiated, he fell back beaten. Folly is Waikato owned, and she cime as a strong tip, the most of the flue dividend of £13 12* which she paid, going to our country friends. Folly distinguished herself by winning three race* "at- the South Auckland Meeting on December 29th last, hence her being fancied. It will be remembered that H. Priest was riding Folly last season wheu he got killed. The Cup winner was bred at Wellington Park, and is out of The Jilt (dam of Ev«). Five juveniles started for the Calliope Handicap, and the unexpected again happened, for Lady Agnes, who started as an out* sider, won from the favourites, Fabulist and Deadshot. The last named 14 the juvenile who paid the sensational dividend or £135 at EUeralie on the opening day of the year. Lady Agnes raced in the name ot W. Croll. She was bred by Major G-sorge and purchased by Mr E. W. Alison aaayearliug for 67*8. Lady Aenea i» by Nel«on out of Sister. Agnes. She claims relationship to the great Ladaa, for Sister Agnos (who ie in Major George's stud) is by Rosicrucian and Illuminata (dam of Lidas) is also by Roaicrucian. . Lidy Agnes had a very light weight, but she is a mare with plenty of size, and, when thoroughly well, should be capable of accomplishing better things. She has only been in w.ork a few month*. Molly Hawk wa<* made a slightly better favourite than J. Rie's gelding Kildare for the Handicap Maiden Steeplechase. Molly Hawk won with a bit in hand from J. B. Williamson's Ballyhooley and Lord Onslow, the dividend, £2 153, being the smallest of the day. Jimmy fell soon after the start. It shows how popular pony racing is in Auckland when I state that twelve started tor the First Pony Handicap of 35sovs, six furlongs and a half. The locally owned Sweet Lavender, and Fidget, who had been brought up from Giaborne, disputed favouritism. Brown Mantle showed a bold front throughout the race, but she did not prove good enough for Fidget, who won by a lenath. Fidget was ridden by young Barren, who lo3thU whip during the race. Fidget is by Brigadier out of Mayflower. Prioress was one of the eight liorses scratched for the Stewards' Handicap. 1.6 was the general opinion that Si. Hilda, would be found copablo of winning, despite his impost of 9st 121b. but he failed to get in the first three. ' Lady Marion looked all over a winner in the straight, where Doris swooped down on the leader and beat the daughter of Malua by half a length. The Sharper, who had been started for the third rime during the afternoon, carried Bst lib (luclu<Uog 71b penalty) and finished third. So ended the first day's racing, which was of an interesting character throughout aia&- vSld^Drtfttfiffeasaumveas,;.«.,,.. -i January 20. The Hon. J. D. Ormond Is.the largest nominator for the Great Northern Derby, having nominated seven, five belojc by Dreadnought, one by Sr; Andrew and one by Cnirasaler. Mr Geo. G. Stead comes nexb with six entries. Mr. J. JF. Rei«r has entered, four, Capt. Russell three, Mr S. Hordern two, anil Mr S. H.Gollan two. In the Foal Stakes, Mr Morrin in the largest nominator. Mr Geo. G. Stemd h»s entered three, Mr S. H. Gollan five, Mr W. Douglas six, Mr J. F. Reid and the Hon. Geo. M'Lean three each, the Hon. J.D.Ottuond fifteen and Mr L. D. Nathan four. A paragraph which appeared in a Chrlstchurch weekly paper last week relating to the Blue Fire—Bloodshot auuir makes reference to one or two Auckland papers continuing to publish the greatest nonsense concerning the affair.. It would have been more eattrfactory had the writer mentioned the names of the papers which have published the nonsense aud, in fairness to Mr Stead, such should have been done. Both our leading writers in the daily newspapers have never wavered in their opinion (and nave put the.same in black and white) that Mr Stead has been created most unfairly by Aucklanders, and the more the matter comes to be threshed out the more does the view taken by the narrow-minded ones suffer. Mr Stead sent ont his horses to be raced out, and this Is the thanks he gets from what some people delight to call an impartial public. Verb '"foe. Kean returned from Wellington this , morning with Lottie. Taylor was also a passenger. Mahaki - was landed, f rom the stearaer at Gieboroe. xslr A. Lenns.rd is co disgusted with the running of his mare Dorothy on the flat that she is to be. tried at the jumping was expected that the BfcalUencJuly, nurclii»«e<lbv the Hon. G. M'Lean on behalf of Mr J. B. "tfagnin, would have been on the outward nmil steamer to 'Frisco on Saturday, but such proved not-to be the case. I made eoqulrles and found July had not been shipped from Sydney. ' Glorious weather favoured the Takapuna Jockey Club for the concluding day s racing of the Summer Meeting, held today. The fact of it* being a public holiday and the celebration of the anniversary of the colony induced, a large crowd to patronise the meeting, despite the .attraction of the annual regatta. Proceedings opened With the Maiden Hurdle Handicap, for which five went tp the post. Villiers was rtie fancy of tb4>,**VJiiarp" .people", but Klidare, - who had.'J/Rae in the naddle.-'-iWenfc . feo the .post. favourite. Lord Onslow was most conspicuous In the early p?rt, ot the journey, e but when half the , distance had been completed Bonanza put in. hi* ; claim, and taking command was never Afterwards headed, winning by three or four lengths; Villiera fell at the last bardic in the Mtraight. He we* beaten ,* quarter of a milo from home. " Tue rider of Villiere got badly shaken. In the next event, the Suburban Handicap, St.Pa'-.rick.waamade I a scorching hot favourite, but public form once more triumphed. ' The Sharper, who won so well on the opening day. went to the front after the barrier was lifted and was never headed, winning by three or four lengths. Lady Moth had her head turned the wrong way when the tapes were lifted, and Jo«. Sedley also got away badly. A fine n>ld of fourteen started for the Second Pony Handicap. The Gisbbrneowned pony'Eidget bad Bst 41b to carry, bat his connections were confident he would repeat bis win of Saturday. The ex-CbrWtchurch mare Lady Thornton was also supported with & will, despite her big impost of 9*t 61b. Rodney made the running and was in front Mil half way down the str&ighr. Then r big set tocommenoed between itodney. Sweet Lavender. and Lady Thornton, the last named squeezing home in the last few strides br half a length in the splendid time of lmin Msec. The performance, with each an Impost of 9ec 61b. in the saddle, was really a gooA one, and only goes to Rbow what a good ponj Lady Thornton Iβ. for the fourteen starters were all backed by their connections. Thejoext race to encage attention waa toe T.J.C. Handicap, of lOOsovs. Ben Godfrey, about whom there is some dUpate pending jost now, was scratched. Thto left half a dozen starters. Although the weight of the Takapuna Cup. winner, -Folly/ was ralsed'ta fet 12lb, ehe was made favourite and the other etartera were also sapported with spirit. Annabelle and Darin wire prominent for the first mile, when Reynard went to the fron* and won by a length and a-haU. It waa quit* evident the uallop Reynard had in the Takapana Cuboid him good. Mr J. A. Goodson, the owner of Rrynard, was present and vraj congratulated oa his win. Pnoreeeflolsbed fourth and Ida lap*. Beynard Is trained b> Jos. Scan. So open old epeculatoss

think the Hobson Handicap that there was little to choose in point of favouritism between the five starters. The start was a magnificent one and elicited cheering. Miss Nelson was prominent from the start and won by two lengths from her stable companion, Lady Agnes, who won the two-year-old race on Saturday. Miss Nelson ia br Nelson out of Torment, by MusketHannah, and was bred by MrE. W. Alison. She made her first appearance in the Great Northern Foal Stake* at the A.R.C. Summer Meeting. Although only five went to the nose for the Steeplechase no less than £1123 wan invested ou the totalisator. The finish between the ex-Christ-church horse and the local horse Bombardier produced one of the most exciting of the many witnessed on the Takapuaa course. Magpie stayed the longest and beat Bombardier in the run home on the flat by a length and a half. Not a little i credit of the win ia attached to J. Rae, the [ rider and trainer of Magpie, who was quite in his best form, and rode with excellent judgment all through. Fishmonger fell on the hill before the watercourse to be negotiated for the lase time. He was one of the leaders at the time. Mollyhawk, the favourite, tired greatly in the last mile. She made the running along with Sallyhooley for the greater part of the race. Mr B. D. ORorke, the owner of Magpie, is popular in local racing circles, and b« was heartily congratulated atl round. Nine started for the Hack Handicap. The result was a win for Mr J. B. Williamson's Aughadowey. This horse is by Howitzer out of Pastime (Meniere's dam) and was sent down from here to compete in the Taranaki Hack Derby, but ran unsuccessfully. Aughadowey just got home by a length after a great finish with Glenora and Crescent. The meeting was brought to a conclunion with the Anniversary Handicap. This race fell to AnnaboUe, who simply romped home from Lady Marion, First Nelson and five others, amonc whom were the wellbacked Don and The Sharper. The sum of £5914 was pansed through the totalieator aud altogether the meeting was one of the most successful yet held by the Takapuna Jockey Club. 11 r Morrln has a very fine lot of foals at Wellington* Park. They number thirtyeight, and included ia the lobjoxe.eleven sired by St. Leger. ' * s ** ■ ' Wednesday. The entries received for the Royal Stakes total 134.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9020, 5 February 1895, Page 3

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AUCKLAND. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9020, 5 February 1895, Page 3

AUCKLAND. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9020, 5 February 1895, Page 3