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REPRESENTATIVE SESSION. Wednesday, March 7. Ministerial Session. The Conference resumed at 11.25 a.m., being nnable to commence sooner in consequence of a sitting of the Stationing Committee. The President, Rev. l>. McNicoll, occupied the chair. On the motion of the Roy. \V. Morley, the Revs. Dewabury and Williams were associated with the Rev. W". L. Salter to consider the suggested amendments to the Pastoral address. The Secretary moved, on the recommendation of the Statiouing Committee to call into active work siudeut William Dawsou. The motion, after discussion, was lost by a large majority. The second draft of stations was submitted by the Stationing Committee, and after some amendment was recommitted. The Committee was recommended to approve of the fourth year appointment of the Rev. J. Dukes to the Masterton circuit. The Stationing Committee retired to reconsider the station sheet. Upon returning to Conference, the Secretary reported that all the suggestions had been lost, but on its own motion the Committee recommended some slight amendment. The second reading of the station-eheet was passed as under:—Auckland, Revs. S. F. Prior, C. H. Laws, T. W. Vealie and E. Best; Three Kings' College, Rev. W. Williams ; Devonport, Rev. A. C. JLawry ; Grafton road, Rev. D. McNicoll, L. Hudson, J. Wallis, H. H. Lawry; Maori Mission, Rev. W. Gittos, Wi Warena; Warkworth, Rev. J. Law; Thames, Rev. W. H. Beck; Te Aroha, Rev. T. Joughin; M*nukau, Rev. H. Bull; Franklin, Rev. S. Griffith; Cambridge, Rev. J. Simmonds; Hamilton, Rev. J. Mather ; Kaipara, Rev. H. Paul; Paparoa, Rev. B. F. Rothwell; Northern Wairoa, Rev. J. Blight ; Hokianga, Home Missionary, P. Rakena and S. King; Whangarei. Rev. G. W. J. Spence; Taurunga, Rev. W. Sinclair ; Bay of Islands, Whangaroa, Coromandel, Helensville, aud Wade, no changes ; New Plymouth, Rev. J. Gray ; Waitara, Rev. T. Jones ; Stratford, Rev. H. ! Bellhouse; Hawera, Rev. W. Cannell ; Opunake, Rev. G. Marshall; Wauganui, Rev. C. H. Garland; Rangitikei, Roy. J. Thomas ; Sandou. Rev. W. Keall and W. H. Judkins : Palmerston North, Rev. W. Lee ; Patea, Rev. T. G. Hammond; Kiwitea. no change; Wellington, Rev. W. Baumber, J. Ward and R. Murray ; Hutt, Rev. T. Carr aud W. Kirk; Greytown, Rev. S. Gibson and W. Rowse; Masterton, Rev. J. Dukes; Napier, Rev. S. Lawry; Hastings, Rev. W. Elliott; Gisborne, Rev. T. N. Griffin ; Otaki,EketahunaandNorsewood,nochanges; Nelson, Rev. G. Bond aui J. Crump ; Richmond, Rev. J. Richworth; Blenheim, Rev. IT. Brooke and H. Wariki; Hokitika, Rev. J. T. Burrows; Greymoubh, Rev. W. Martin; West Coast Coalfields, Rev. G. Frost ; Motueka, Home missionary ; Kumara, Rev. J. Smith ; Christchurcb, Rev. H. R. Dewabury, F. W. Isitt, and J. Nott: Connexional Secretary, Rev. J W. Morley ; Sydenham, Rev. W. Parsoueon; St.Albails, Rev. J. Luxford and C.C.Harrison; Lytteltop, Rev. P. Fairclough; iSpringstoc, Rev. C Griffin; Leestou, Rev. S. J, Serpell;' Kaiapoi, Rev. J. Smslley; Woodend, Rev. J. Dellow; Rangiora, Rev. S. Garlick; Timaru, Bey. C. E. Beecroft; Wai mate, Rev. D. J. Murray ; Temuka, Rev. C. H. Standage; Ashburton, Rev. T. Fee and C. Aberaethy; Malvern, Rev. S. Perryman ; Dunedin, Rev. J. Lewis; Cargill road, Rev. R. Taylor ; Moruingtou, Rev. J. Buttle; Port Chalmers, Rev. W. Salter ; Balclutha, Rev. D. Jory; Milton, Rev. J. Chapman; Lawrence, Rev. W. Thomas; Invercargi|l, Eev.W.C. Oliver; Oamaru, Rev. J, Pinfold; Gore, Rev. W. Tinsley; Wakatipu, Rev. J. W. Smith'; Riverton, Rev. T. Newbold ; Roxburgh, Tapanui, and Palmerston, no changes. Rev. W. Watkin is recommended to become a supernumerary, and Rev. L. M. Isitt to pursue his special work in connection with temperance reform during the 'year. The third reading was fixed for Tuesday morning.; . The Conference resumed at 2.15 p.m. in open session. . The Secretary introduced, and the Conference cordially welcomed several deputations. The Rev. Dr. Elmalie representing the Presbyterians, Revs. Birch aud Dawsou the Ministers , Association, Rev. S. MoFarlane and Mr Flesher the United Free Methodists, and Rev. E. Walker NewZealand Alliance. The Rev. Dr. Elmslib congratulated the Wesleyan Church on its success and extension, and congratulated it that it had resolved not to close its eyes to the higher culture and the light it might shed upon Holy Scripture, but had at the same time exercised a wise and timely caution wjth regard to the wild extravagances and foundationless theories which came to them from men. who knew much more about letteis than the spirit. The Rev. Mr Birch addressed himself shortly to the question of Socialism as understood by the world. He held that the Church had the true Socialism., and he advocated that ministers of the Wesleyan Church should have the courage of its founder and stick to the principles of Christianity, for be believed that the Wesleyan body was composed of men who would show to the world the power of God. The Rev. J. Dawson conveyed to the Conference the goodwill and hearty greetings of Chriatchuich branch of the Ministers , Association. The Rev. S. McFarlane conveyed the fraternal greetings of the United Methodist Free. Church, and, alluding to' social questions, remarked that all had to act respecting them in the manner they might have expected their lx>rd to act. Upon the .temperance question he expressed pleasure that younger men were coming forward to take up the work the older ones were compelled to relinquish, aud be congratulated the Wetleyaus on the attitude they occupied in the matter. Mr Flesher supplemented the previous speakers' remarks, and referred with emphasis to the fact that Sunday services needed to be made more attractive to the men, who, generally speaking, were lax in their attendance. Rev. E. Walker spoke upon the temperance question. He pointed out that to be of any good the Temperance party must have 100,000 votes recorded for them, and he was convinced that this would not be achieved unless immediate action wero taken, and he suggested the course which might be punned with eoine reasonable prospect of success. He alluded to the general ignorance on the powers conferred on the people uuder the Licensing Act, and urged that unless information were made by circular to people who did not read the papers and did not attend public meetings, the Temperance people were likely to lose the day. There was so little time to accomplish anything, that unless prompt action were Uken the Temperance party would not be successful. The Rev. J. J. Lewis, in reply, said that the Conference heartily reciprocated the catholic feeling which had been expressed by the deputation. He observed also that the majority of the Conference intended to vote for "no license," and in respect of Methodist Union, expressed the hope that it would not be long before it took place. There wad one thing that they would do together and that was to work for a practical religion, a public spirited religion which wonid sweep away drunkenness, gambling, I and every form of vice from their midst, for in all that was essential to Christianity and ! all that was good and pure they recognised 1 their oneness. <lr J. L. Wilson (Auckland) also replied iia a -short speech appropriate to the occasion. The President, in wishing the deputations good bye, said he would be glad when I there were no more deputations, by which :be meant that when the Churches were united there would be no need of them. He hoped that union wue not far distant, thanked the members of the deputation f3r their addressee, and wished them ft happy future. .The deputations then withdrew. The Conference then proceeded to the further consideration of the Home Minion Fuud report. Recommendations from the Conference for further grants were made and.the report re-committed. . The Committee retired and the Rev. W. J. Williams took the ohair iv the absence of the President oa Committee.

Conference received a petition from the Hamilton oirouit praying for a division, and signatories wrote refusing to bear thoic share of any costs or debts which might be incurred in the event of the circuit bciog retained in its present size. The question was discussed, after which it was resolved on the motion of the Rev. S. Lawry aud J. Dckks—"That having received and considered the petition from the Hamilton circuit, the Conferenco sympathises with the difficulties' involved iv working the circuit in its proaont form, and regrete it cannot accede to the request contained in the memorial. 1. The Home Mission Committee having returned, the President took the chair. The Committee's estimates wero adopted for 1894, as under :—lncome, £2403; expenditure, £2635 2s. On the motion of the Bey. W. Lee, the recommendation of the Home Mission Committee was adopted—" That the Committee deprecates the practice of some circuits ia keeping back Homo Mission funds, and requests that all moneys in hand be sent at least once a quarter to the General Secretary." Votes of thanks were accorded to the Rev. W. Leo and F. li. Prime for their services as Clerical an;i General Secretary respectively, and the Rev. W. J. Williann aud Mr F. L. Prime were unanimously appointed for next year. The Otngo District recommended that to incieaso an iutelligeut interest in the Home Mission Fuud, and to save the money now expended by circuits iv prizes, the Conference be asked to recommend the publication of a booklet suitable for presentation to the collectors and containing information on Home Mission work. Referred to the Executivo Committee. Tho Home Mission Committee recommended that for the more effective working of the Hutt circuit the Minister reside at Petone. The subject was under discussion at tho 5 p.m. adjournment. The Conferenco resumed iv open session at 7.30 p.m. The question of the removal of the ministers , residenco from the Hutt to Fotone was taken up. Tho proposal was carried as a recommen* dation to the Hutt quarterly ireetiug. Rule 13, Home Mission rules and rogulalutious, was oxpunged. The authorised representatives' report mated that three new tru&ta had been registered, and additions made to twentyone old trusts, and 105 new names had been added. Registration fees were owing amounting to £4 ss, St. Albans circuit 10a, Wellington 12s 6d, Newtown ss, Rangiort 20s, which had been'long outstanding. The rest were for 1890. The income of the trust had been £29 19s, and tho expenditure £14 19s, leaving a balaucb in hand of £15 19s. On the motion of tho Secretary the toport was adopted, aud the cordial thanks of the were tendered to tne Rev. W. Lee, who was re-appointed as tho authorised representative of the Conference. The report of the Committee on Higher Education was received aud adopted, and the thanks of the Conference accorded to the Committee. On the motion of the Rev. W. Morley it was resolved that the Conferenco recommends the Committees uud trustees of Wesley College, aud presses upon them, the advieableness of taking tho necessary prudent steps to open tho College at as early a da to as possible. * . The Conference then appointed the following as members of the Special Committee for the ensuing year—The ministers of the Auckland and Manukau circuits, Principal of Wesley College, Three Kings, trustees of Wesley College, and Measrs W. S. Wilson, D. Lawry, G. Winstone, <rad H. Turner, M.A., J. W. Shackelford, T. Allen, S. J. Ambury, W. S. Allen, M.A., F. A. White, T. MoMartin, R. Arthur, W. H. Smith, A. C. Caughey, J. C. Dickinson, A. S. Russell, with power to take ail necessary stops for re-opeuing the College as soon aa they shall deem such reopening to be prudent. The Rev. W. Morley was " re-appointed Secretary, and. the Rev. H. Bull assistant. The Rev. W. Baumber eubmittod the report of the Committee on Connexional Fire Insurance. After careful consideration and communication with the Colonial Fire Insurance Company, it was. recommended that for the present tho formation of a Connexional Fire Insurance Company was impracticable, and that offers by the colonial offices wero not sufficient :to. induce tae Committee to recommend the acceptance of any offer. The Committee were,. however,. of opinion that a Fire Insurance department was desirable, but in view of the probable Methodlot Union it would be advisable to defer the matter until the necessary Aot of Parliament could be framed, and that a clause could be intruded dealing with the subject. It was suggested that tho Committee be re-appointed to watch the progress of events. The report was adopted. Mr J. Manchester moved and tho Rev. Wr G. Parsonson seconded the following motion —" That the Committee appointed consist of the Superintendent, ministers, aud lay representatives to this Conference of the Christchuroh (Durham street), St. Albane, Sydenham, aud Kaiapoi circuits, , with the Rev. W. Morley, Mr W. Harris, and the mover; and that the said Committee be specially directed to consider during the year the propriety of forming a Connexional Fire Insurance Department, as nearly aa practicable on the linea of the Wesleyato Methodist Trust Insurance .Company, Limited, of Euglan'd, and should they deem it desirable they be empowered to issue a provisional prospectus, and it the responee be adequate to lake the neceuaury preliminary steps to obtain an Act of Parliament in 1895 providing for the same." The motion, after discussion, was carried on the voices. The Rev. '/V. Baumbkr presented the report of the Committee oil tlio affaire of The Methodist. The Committee regretted that the Directors' efforts to sustain the publicatiou of I'M'Methodist had not had more encouraging results. They recommended that the paper be published weekly in the interests of the Church ; reported having decided to a*k oil'erd from substantial printers to priut the paper taking all nek, and recommended that the offer of Messrs Wilkie and Co., Duuedin, to print, publish, and undertake all business risk for five years bs accepted. The Committee also recommended that a Committee, consisting of the Revs. W. Morley, P. W. Fuirclough, W. Biiumber, Messrs J. L. Wilson, T. Allen, and W. Harris, be appointed to draft a basis of agreement; that the name of the journal be changed to that of Tltc Advocate.} that the editor be re-appointed, with an assistant editor at Duuedin ; and that there be a Publishing , Committee, to consist; of the Revs. W. Morley, H. B. Dewsbary, Meesre W. Harris, R. Dawboq, and the editor. ; . The Rev. Mr Baumber announced that the paper was to be a sixteen page one, two--1 thirds to be devoted to reading matter, price to be Id. The editor wo.uld be apCointed by the Conference nnd s> veto would c placed on advertisements that might be of an objectionable character or out of place in a church paper. He and other members expressed regret at tho very poor sipport the* Wesleyans as a body had accorded to their organ. The whole of the Committee's recommendations were adopted, and the hearty thanks of the Conference were accorded to the Committee and tLe editor. v The Conference Adjourned itt 10 p.m. until 10 a.m. to-day.

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8737, 8 March 1894, Page 3

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WESLEYAN CONFERENCE. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8737, 8 March 1894, Page 3

WESLEYAN CONFERENCE. Press, Volume LI, Issue 8737, 8 March 1894, Page 3