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CHRISTMAS and NKW YEAR PUK3KKTB WE Are no«r showing a larffe rarMf of Fancy Ooods cuicnbie /or Chrlitrfift* and New Year Present a, comprising EUmboa Tables, Whatnots. Hrnckote. L«icqa«n*Me, Baeketware. Japanese Screen*. Vaaos, Ornaments. WritinK Cnaes. Work linxe*. Bagf. Purees. &c. Jtc., ami cordially invite ladl** to call and Inspect enmo; nl*o *he marvellous Bargains we aio n<>w prepared to ntFor In every description of Plain and Fancy Drapery, Mantles. Cnpea. Mil)Jm>ry, Strftwi.Fljwefe, Ac, WTSTKANQIC AND CO.

Wanted. WANTED, an Offloa Roy. Apply, In own handwiltiog, to ISox 107. P. 0., Ohriotchuroh. 8001 WANTED, handy Alan with arise, one with knowledge of pltuu-laying preferred. Z.. Pkkss Office. JW&S WANTED", ftfMeii to h«>o mangold 8 at. per row or acre, at Middle Hoad Farm. Middleton. 8053 WANTEDTfoi* (ho'coiintrjr. ft Houiekwper | a midrtle-Mf,d person preferred. D.8. J., Poat Offloe. Chrhu churuh. 80i0 WANI'KU, by steady, r'nlinblo man. Situation in any capacity tiniunget Lire Srook. Apply H. Panncil, Manchester •treov, Chilatchnrch. 8059 WANTED, twenty Machfno ShearereTMfn for enttinw «r&as eoo«l, strong, active Pnintor, Improver for nountry Maokamlth. Oonoral Hotel Hmrts, Fmnslo forvanta, Rood wages 'MoDonnld. Manchester streot, 8078 WANTKD7a7roxpeVienced~L ; [dpJ~Help, riuist bo a Prou-stont uud ablo to tfarh music References required, Apply Iftrat) Thoe. Hancock, Grocer, Montreal etrem* Sydenham. 8083 WANTBD-A Certifl"ci\tNff eachei and Rx-porionov.-d Needlewomen would give her Borvioos niortiinir. cr intoinoon in return (or cotnfortablj-furni-hed room and partial board. Ad^rosa—MUe Mi J. Moor t <, P< ab Omoe. Chriatcluirch. . ■■ EO'g WANTKD, Cocksfoot, growers to know w* have a Rood oolcotion of Experienced Gra?s Seeders; contract, per hour, or por lb. Nochanje to omployoia; telegrams and letter* promptly attended to. Aleo, li.\rve*t ll&nda, Keapor and Hinder Drivers waiting engagements. Simo'a Keglstry, 171 Armagh 7315 % WANTED two Uannaiil", Oenorai, Cooki prpftrt Lad, younß Girl. Hotel Kmp'.oyeea . Bureau, i!oi Hereford street. BWtl \ITANTKD-All Hotel Kmplayoos requinne TV Situations to r-ginler their names au the Bureau, lv future all llor.ul Bmptoyeea will be engaged through tho Beorot*ry. Licenced Vleta-jll^ra , Asioeliuio Oilloe—3(Jt j Hereford stract-. Telephone 077. 7780 W ANTED"to'Bay, DusineesorPanaershlp. _ -^• B - Pkkss Oflloe. 8088 \\7 l» at once, or -four horse ' v V.Tticnl Enßineand boiler. . Apply to Win. A. Alrl.T,rcn L 2lsjU Aeaph Btroot. 8070 a RootJ, quiet, yoiAiift Oow^ T » itiijur or full profit. Apply F. O. PArson-osi, Avousidc. . 8070 CTtTASTKD n. Partner, with £1000 to fiISOO," T? on ivi»!u'«<p ILun. SpooltUly favourwblo conditions. Ulghn<fr.ruforencea. Addroie Beta. luKlowood, Tiranaki. 80til WANTKD, l.y Itoome op • Hoard and Uenld«nce, within Boven mimiteft' walk from Poat OlUco. Apply Oom» 807* WANTED" to Soil or Lpane, Clo:hinii"Manuf»o urer'a-I'lant complete, in Dunodin, tosrethor wiih premises. Add res-, Manureturer. OlHco. . 8028 WANTED— Th ) Direct-ire of the Broofcley Oa-j)por.itlro Coalmining Comi>nny invite those interested in loc»l entFrprlsn to join a party to visit tho Con p»ny'a pioporty This l">ay. Karly uppUcaiion nccivmry. Pnrtloulars from the SocreUry, W. A. Moas, 200 Cashot Btroer. SOfll WANTED, People to Ret Marr(edTMnd~Bnif their Furniture ac Aiklusou'e Manchester street. DoubieTron Hed steads from 30<. If. Alkinson'a Fund* turo Warehouse, 117 Manchrmor etiout. __ VXTAN IED" KNOWN'-W~Wood9, Corn v v Doaler, Lower llbtli BCrour, t< OasK Purchaser of Oaru, Oawiioavoo, Wtie%r, Potatoes, Sec. iHghoat prion for bf«t quality. 6333 WANTKD. Uuyer for C.'noon. Flute, only 27d Cti. H. Atkinson's, ii 7 Ivianohoater Btreet. | WANTED, buyers for Accord*'on-<, from 9j 03. 11. Atkinsun'ri, 117 Mimrhimcr Btr*oet. WANTED, Liwn 'renu!~rucqilotir*ro~ro. pair or rc-strintf. Hrei wurkinnnehlp andfliaierlU?. Suttef.»c;lon-Ktjarant»(>i! by v. B. S-ipsford, Canal Kt-aurvo, Liv wood. ARbi'tfii, Davis and Lam)), Colombo stroor. 71M W" " olrcTTemeuC amongst theboyeto get nn All Wool Colonial Twt-el Suit uo«nn nnd llotn pany's. Prices atartiug at i% Dd. Looil manu fdcture. ' .

to Sell—Volvot. e>llk, and cloth Tv Zouaves, o*oa,Oβ firt anM »U*t)d usiirl prl jo, Ha 6d, 219. 2i9 od. W. McUloa and Oα,, alO Higti tstroot. ~■ ..,;•;;.;.,, ~: ,_.:_•" ■ rn » i WANTBD KNOWN-Tho rt?nth Itn-H 0 imported clothing in Chriatoliutuh U soundoi by our last Mtccoadin lni>m in-inuf toture. Three hundred Men's All Wool OuiituUl Tweed Bnit«, worth 3Te6,i, aro now HM hctoro the public at 28* Gd. -Lornvrgan and Cotnp.vuy, \\J ANTED KNOWN, H«ml F«lt H<t«, 39 f? lid. 4411 d. andGilltl; aijft Fuu lUhs, Is lid, 2s 06. and !i< 9d! iuod'h Aicrlno 8ouk«. G)d, Ud, nnd Is; Wool do, lQ}d, Iβ, imd In 31 { Derby Scarves, ed, od. le r U Uα, for the holiUay, W. fticCua and Co, 210 High WANTED to" Soil. Fi vp"ColtaSe* lion, £si's, leu good tonaute, fi7B. Two Cottatccs, largo Heoi lan, &11Q, loDftt £11. Bo<v tion, two Houaea, £315. Peckovor and Hwaln, 192 Hereford street. . ANTKD KNOWN—Whoro"you can*B«y a CJionp Portmanteau jnada on the premises. At H. K'chmodea- 81 stfee r . ' ' - WANTED to Soil, nvo-roomed villa, out buildings, with 12 aoros, neat Rlccar ton: flve-acro block, P«panui, superior land Peckover and Swain, Estate Agents. 192 Hero* ford street, fOT~ANTKD to Sell at Now PlymonthTlbe V v Acre*, half jjfrass, £400; all wall-watered. Sections at Ciiy, P&p<\nui, Addington, Lin wood, tit. Albans. pjekover ana Bwain ' Estate Agent', 11)2 Hereford Street, Christchurch. _ . ■ _ / 8008 WANTED, Fruiterers anifothorsTo know that I have for aalo to cc tro of city 6 acres llrst-cloea ImvA, laid out in choico orchard and g irdcn, one tico in rnep« berry canon, comforcable honnn of. 0 rottrae, scullery, vva-hhouß», dairy, Btabling, and out» buildintrs. Fir prlcis and terms apply Allan Hopkins, Cathedral square. 64 ■ _ WANTKD~KNOWN~LTcerMantIee and thu new Cro<eovor Hlousce in Qreao Variety. Ton«yclitte and Carey, tha Ready ' ' WANTED customers to «oo our men's Ali Wool Tweed Suits, New Zealau<l, !»• ' lid, 23s 9d. and 203 9d, worth 3£a fid. Alea mc .'c Kalapoi Twecl Trousers, 10« lid. worth 14s od. W. JMejJlea and Co, 210 High street. WANTED KNOWN-8. Cohen tvf highest ca«li prion for old eald-inG. silver, diamonds, in faat any kind of aoad* bought, sold, or exchanged. Noto addretj, next door to Of by Ho col. ANTKIJ to Sell, a eeoond mortgftga og £300 on first class "eourlty and good margin, payment guaranteed, interest 7 pox cent. Prioo fosr the mortgago £270 (or H3ii a bonus). Apply "Intorear." Pitcma Office. WANTED KNOWN-Fine Flaked SerSwT all wool, worth 2s Gd yard, to be cleared at Half-price, Is 3d per yard, double width. Toneyolitfc and Carey. ; W" ANTKD KNOWN. A Choice HttleProT perty on account mortgagees for £250. J, R. King andjCo. Lfchflcld WANTED to"]>t, convenient*to~towa, _ Family Residence of 12 roams, Dathroom, droesing-roorn. and usual kitohbn ofllcet, 13 acres land, laid out In, garden, orchard and paddock. Everything in perfect order. Oarde to views from Allan Hopkins, Katate Agent, Cathedral square. _J3" WANTED to Let. Mouses, 6, 0, 7, nod's rooms; also, for Sale, ou very . easy terms, some very desirable properties. Send for printed catalogues (free). B&gga and Duffy,estateas-nts, 131 Colombo strooc ;; ANTED KNOWN - All"woor~Cheok Sorge, double-width, Iβ 3d yard, worth 2a lid. See window.- Toneycllffe ai:d Carey. _ T V and Son, Watehmakore, Jo weiiere, &«,, have a largo stock of watches of every description at prices within the reach of all, from 109 Cd up u> £25, A largo stock of Clock*, from 4s Gd upward. Repair* a speciality. All work guaranteed. Note address—Next CUr Hotel, ' WANTED, those requiring Sooctaoloe 6o Read Kxteuded A(l?orr,(sotnonr, page 1, of Joha It.'Procter. 79JL4 *%XTANTED KNOWN-E. Duckworth and yfw Son, Undertakers, UphoUboreri. and Cabinet Makers, 42 Colombo road, Sydenham. Funerals Furnished. Liowo3ti rates. Town or country. Fnrniture repair* a spocUlt fey. 713* ANTED KNOWN - Oysters on Shdl,' stewed or curried, with onp of tea sr coffeo and brond and butter, Ninepence, ab Palace Ileataurant, 101 Colombo street two doors past Lichueld ntreet. in Town—Boups. fieh. cntx«" , a. joint*, cold meats, cheese, and ewoiuo, with cup at tea, Ninepnnce, at Falsce Restaurant, 101 Colombo street, two doors paic Ltotifleld street. Op n on Sundays to 0 p.m. WANTED te Soil on Uuskin street, oil Selwyn stV-iet, comfortablo fourroomed Home, waahhouno, connor, »nel largj section, long frontage, PAW. Teriif* £#)caat). bolnnce small wookly payments, and Dufly, 131 Colombo auect. WANTF.D KKOWN-Spiondid AccoinmoT dntion for tho33 requiring a st-aelde chaDgoat MraTnploy'?, Gov<<ranr% ltivr. KxteuKivo ground"i. flihinjf. i-lno VH*w of harbour. Tertus inudcru,tc.w nn premiaev OIU ■ \M> ANTKD KNOWN.— TuntK. «H~stiitbfer ?T has in nil o arcxuKcaitiii i wUU Howe Manufaenmu-81> importull difq.iU My so doing h" !<ni)w eoiiintf 2.i i> r emu. thavjic? thiiu any u..ior shop in I own. W* lutvou lutga and choico ctock of otrgasp-merit riiga In newesKiesiyrns. Prices fauit l'H ;wi, £J -j.', &j 10«, £2 15*. £3 lfla nail <iji-V'inl-<, twi with re a diamonds, ruiti"? , . <••>"•! .i-o«, pjiirls. K. Uri<w* habor,iowdij ~.,.i »ue:t, Ti'langle. lit

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Press, Volume L, Issue 8676, 28 December 1893, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8676, 28 December 1893, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 8676, 28 December 1893, Page 1