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Messbs Matson and Co. report on the live stock markets, &c, for the week ending Thursday, November Ist, 18SS, as follows :— Owing to the fact of there being no sale at Aduington during the forthcoming show week, there was some semblance of a doable market yesterday, though the increase was chiefly noticeable in beef and fat lambs. The total number of cheep yarded was certainly in excess of the average sales of the past month, but this difference was almost wholly due to the larger entry of stores to band, the supply of fat sheep not being a great deal larger than of late. During the festive week above referred to mutton gives place to a great extent to beef and lamb, the latter more especially. For this cause, and the fact that the export works at Belfast are closed for the time being (and consequently no purchases were made for shipping), the sheep sale was decidedly weaker in tone than it has been for many weeks, second rate lines suffering to an average extent of pretty well Is per head at the opening of the sale, and for sheep in the wool this was more particularly marked, but towards the close of the day the best lots of shorn wethers rallied a little in price, and sold up to about 2d per lb, the average rate for ewes out of the wool being about ljd. With the increased growth of the fleece we still quote the best unshorn wethers at 3d per lb, other descriptions 24d to 2£<d, with a sluggish market. In shorn sheep our sales were as follows :—Account Mr S. Harris, .a magnificent line of mixed two-tooths at 11s 3d to 13e; account Mr Chas. Hurst, a couple of pens ot prime wethers from Oakleigh at lls to 12s, maiden ewes for the same owner to 10s lid; acccount the New Zealand and Australian Land Company, from Pareora, well grazed maiden ewes at lls Id, one pen smaller sheep at 10s, from the Levels crossbred ewes of mixed ages at 10s 6d; account Mr M. Hogen, crossbred ewes at 10s; account Mr M. Ryan, crossbred wethers at 10b to lls 3d, one pen smaller sheep at 9s 8d; account a client, merino wethers to 6s; account Mr W. J. Guv, crossbred ewes at lls; account Mr W. H. White, mixed crossbreds at 10s 3d to lls 7d; account Mr J. W. Overton, croesbred ewes at 8s 9d- Of sheep in the wool, Mr J. Doyle's consignment from Valetta was among the first, if not the best in the market, and commanded a lot of attention from the leading tradesmen. Crossbreds of this line we placed at 18s, halfbreds at 15s 9d to 17s. We also sold for Mr T. Tubman light weight crossbreds to 12s; account Mr F. H. Brittan, mixed crossbreds at 12s 9d; account Mr Eaglesome, crossbred wethers at 14s, ewes at 13s 6d; account Messrs Edmonds and Gebbie, crossbred wethers at 14s 3d; account Mr Anderson, crossbred wethers at 13s 9d to 14s 3d, &c

Fat Lambs—The entry was the largest of the season, quality for the most part good, and prices, considering the heavy supply, fairly satisfactory. In all there must have been something like 800 or 900 lambs yarded, our own consignments representing about 560, all of which were sold. Of course, under these circumstances there were nothing like fancy prices ruling, 9s 3d being about the top rate; still so general was the demand that competition became keener towards the close of the sale, and values firmer than at the opening. The following lines we disposed of at prices as under:—Account Mr T. Dawson, at 7s 6d to 9s 3d; account Mr Cooney, at 7s 6d to 7s 9d; account Mr Durey, at 7s 6d; account Mr P. Manion, at 9s; account Mr Stanley, at 7s; account Mr Hight, at 7s 3d; account, Mr Hocking, at 7s 9d: account Messrs Maddison Bros., at 8s and 9s; account Mr Hogen. at 8s to 9s; account Mr J. Harding, at 7s 7d to Ss; account Mr Garland, at 8s 6d; account Mrs Davis, at Ss 6d; account Messrs Bailey Bros., 7s 6d to 9s; account Mr Sandford, at 6s 3d; account Mr Grey, at 6s 3d; account Mr Johnson, at 7s bd and 7s 9d; account Mr Moody, at 6s 3d and 7s; account Mr T. D. Boag. at 8s 3d; account Mr Long, at 6s9d; account Mrs Searl, at 7s 3d; account Mr F. H. Britton, tods6d; account Mrs Hicks, at 6s; account Mr P. Ryan, at 6s 9d ; account Mr T. Guy, at 6s 9d; account Mr J. Heyward, at 6d; account Messrs Edmonds and Gebbie, at 7s and 7s 3d; and for Mr J. T. Nicholas, at 7s 6d and 7s 7d.

Store Sheep—A large entry, consisting chiefly of young sheep, hoggets representing the major portion. Owing to the protracted nature of the fat cattle and lamb sales it was late when the store st.eep were put under offer, and no doubt a good many buyers had left the yards. The dry scorching winds of the last few- days had also probably caused fanners to put a few questions to themselves as to the future prospects of feed. At all events there was less animation in the store sheep sale than we have seen for months, and the greater number of the lots submitted, irrespective of class, were sent out unsold. Of the few sales effected prices were decidedly lower, in fact, those present would not operate unless tempted by materially reduced prices. On account of Mr Stanley we sold a small line of crossbred couples at 10s 3d, noticing also, by other agents, the disposal of other couples at 14s, two and four-tooth mixed crossbreds at 13s to 14e.

Pigs—Less than 400 yarded, the remarks of laat week applying to yesterday's transactions—Le., the most of the trade consisting in the exchange of porkers and stores, both of which met with a good sale, owing to the small entries. For Mr G. G. Stead we sold 4 at 28s. 4 at 265, 4 at 21s; for Mr Broadfoot, 4 at 295; for Mr Thompson, 10 at 235, 3 at 265; for Mr Dolan, 5 at 19s, 2 at 15s, 1 at 355. Fat Cattle—Full market, nearly every pen being filled; buyers recognising the fact that there was a large number of cattle for sale, held off in the hope that they would be able to get them cheaper at the close of the sale. The market opened dull, and continued so until about half the entry had been sold, when buyers began to recognise the fact that owing to there being no market next week they had to purchase a fortnight's supply. This caused some lively competition, and prices advanced from 10s to 15s per head on those paid at the first portion of the sale. Prime beef was worth 20s per 1001b. Our entry for the day's sale comprised 255 head of cattle. Our principal sales are as follows :— Account Mrs W. Birdling, 11 head—3 at £7, 4 at £615 a, 4 at £612s 6d each; account Mr A. McGrath, 27 heifers at from £4 10s to £5 7s 6d each; account Mr Malley, heifers from £4128 6d to £5 each ; account Mr Green, 12 head at from £4 15a to £5 10s each: for Mr Rankin, heifers at £5 ss; account Mr H. Harris, heifers at from £4 2s to £6 10s each; account Mr Fahey, steers at £6, heifers at £610s; account Mr P. J. Henley, 22 steers at from £4 5s to £3 2s 6d; account a client. 7 head mixed cattle at £512s 6d to £7 15s ; account Mr Keeley, 18 head at £5 5s to £6 17s 6d; account Mr McGuire, cows at £512s 6d; and for Mr Grantham, mixed cattle at £4 12a 6d. Store Cattle—Small entry only, chiefly comprised of odd cows and heifers, a few pens of three-year-old steers being the only noticeable feature of the sale. These we sold at £4 per head, as also the major portion of the odd lots ac current rates. Dairy Stock—Not many to hand; the enquiry very limited and exchanges few and far between. The best sold at from £5 to £6, inferior sorts 40s upwards. Veal—About 40 yarded. Prime calves sold up to 25a, medium 12s to 18s, inferior 5s upwards. The totals yarded for the day comprised 8460 sheep, 456 head of cattle, and 90 pigs, of which our entry included ISS7 sheep, 255 head of cattle, and 41 pigs, for the New Zealand and Australian Land Company (per Messrs Orbell and McPherson), Messrs T. Tubman, M. Hogen, M. Ryan, F. H. Brittan, F. Mason, J. Doyle, J. Eaglesome, W. J. Grey, W. H. White, Edmonds and Gebbie, J. Denton, Chas. Hunt, Henderson and Mcßeath, J. Harding. S. Harris, J. Stanley, W. Birdling, A, Grant, M. Malley, J. Green, J. Rankin, H. Harris, D. Fahey, W. J. Henley, W. Clark. T. Pattrick. S. Burrows, T. S. Gibbs, G. Klnley, T. McGuire, A. McConneD, A. Reese, J. F. Nelson, J. Wolff, C. Hensley, T. Gabites, W. Whiting, F. Gray, Palk and Sons, S. Bingham, J. Giles, J. Toon, P. Manion, G. F. Durey, T. Cooney, T. Dawson, R. Hight, W. Halking, Maddison Bros., J. Harding, A. Garland, H. Davis, Bailey Bros., J. Sandford, W. Moody, T. D. Boag, W. A. Long, M. J. Searl, Wm. Hicks, P. Ryan, Jas! Heyward, J. F. Nicholas, J. Doling, G. G. Stead, A. Broadfoot. F. Thompson, A Grant, Jno. Wright, S. Goodwin, F. Patterson, B. Jefferies, M. Murphy, R. Faloon a Sparks, M. Foley, H. T. Scott, S. Galla! gher, J. Stark, and others. Wool, Skins, Hides, Rough Fat and Tallow—On Thursday, at our Canterbury Wool Store, we held our usual weekly sale of the above, our catalogue for the week

comprising 2371 skins, 45 bags fat, 49 hides 1 and calfskins. Buyers mustered in full force, and brisk competition was the order of the day, resulting in the clearance of every line at satisfactory prices. Best butchers' crossbreds 6e, 5s 9a, 5s 6d to ss, beet merinos 5s 6d, 5s 4d, ss, other lines at proportionate rates, pelts 6d, lambskins Is to Is 2d each. Country skins—A large entry, which realised prices about equal to s£d per lb. Bough fat lgd, ljd. Hides at late rates. Canterbury Horse Market.—Our transactions at TattersalTs last Saturday, although perhaps scarcely as satisfactory with regard to the amount of business done as the auctions of the previous week, yet resulted in a fairly good sale at the finish. In all 72 horses were catalogued, but the most useful class of draught stock were again conspicuous by their absence, anything in the shape of plough horses being of a medium stamp, and few in number. These, however, almost without exception changed owners during the day, as apart from question of the stock wanted for immediate work, outsiders are beginning to recognise the fact that an investment in young horses to hold over promises to be a profitable one, and rightly so too. In the light horses submitted there were some very weedy and inferior sorts, but outside of these, and any on which an excessive reserve has had been placed, there were scarcely any passed. A line of young statiou horses, either light or heavy, the latter more especially, if any there be, would no doubt meet with a good reception in our market at the present time; meantime purchasers have but little choice in what comes under oJTer week by week. Mkssrs Mtlks asd Co. (per J. T. Ford) report on the live stock market for the week ending Thursday, October 31st, as follows :—The total numbers of stock yarded at the Canterbury Saleyards, Addiogton, on Wednesday, October 31st, comprised 456 head of cattle, 8460 sheep, and 90 pigs. The sale opened .with the fat cattle to a very meagre attendance. The opening therefore was void of spirit, as the entry was a large one, and early buyers were content to wait, which proved to their disadvantage, as prices improved materially as the sale advanced. With so many cattle forward the quality was of course varied, but there were many entries of good quality, and especially noticeable among these were nine bullocks sent to us by Mr William Gerard, which had been fattened on his Snowden estate, the only fault that could possibly be found with them being that they were too heavy for this season o? the year. Unfortunately for the vendor they came on early in the sales, and did not realise as much by 20a each as they would have done later on. Taken all over beef brought from 15s to 20s per 100 lb, according to quality, handy weights when prime bringing the higher value. Of store cattle there was a moderate entry, but little business transacted, owing mainly to the backwardness of the season and scarcity of grass. A moderately good line of forward steers was sold privately, at we believe about £4 10s each. Young cattle and dairy stock are not much in request at present. There was a fair entry of fat lambs and fat sheep, but not heavier than we expected, seeing that there will be no sale on Wednesday next. For the former there was good demand, but no material advance in values over the previous market. Our entries were of good quality, and the bulk of them sold at from Ss to 9s 3d each. The fat sheep, very mixed in quality, sold at rates about equal to previous quotations. Nearly half the entry were shorn, and these sold at comparatively higher values than sheep in wool. While freezing operations are suspended prices will probably remain on their present level, but we expect to see higher rates ruling through December and January. The entry of store sheep was larger than usual, but as the sale of this class of stock came on late several lines, principally hoggets, were passed unsold. Our entry, comprising 2100 sheep, 116 lambs, and 9 head of cattle, were sold at the following prices. Our sales for the day comprised, for Mr Chas. Wilson, 68 crossbred wethers, shorn, 10s 3d to lls 3d, do ewes at lls ; for Mr J. O. Amyes, 22 crossbred ewes in their wool, 13s Id, 57 lambs, 6s 9d to 8s; for Messrs J. and J. Innes, 144 shorn crossbred wethers, from 9s 6d to lls, 36 do ewes 10s 3d, 120 merino wethers in wool, 12s 9d; for Mr J. C. Smith, 10 fat lambs 7s 9d,9fat ewes, shorn, 10s 9d ; for a client, 150 fat mixed crossbreds, shorn, 9s 4d to 10s 4d; for Mr Wm. Gerard, 254 merino wethers in their wool, 13s 3d to 13s 9d; for Mr R. W. Chapman, 20 crossbred wethers, 16s 6d, 100 shorn merino wethers, 5s 9d to 7s ; for Sir Jno. Hall, 120 merino wethers, 12s 7d to 133 3d; for a client, 70 mixed crossbreds, shorn, 7s 9d to 9s 9d: for Mr T. H. Anson, 40 fat lambs, 8s to 9s 3d; for Mr Thos. Needham, 9 fat lambs at 9s. Store Sheep—For Mr R. W. Chapman, 193 crossbred wethers in their wooL lls lid and 12s; for Messrs Upton and Russell, 397 shorn four-tooth wethers 7s 9d, 199 two-tooth do 7s 6d; for Mr Jas. Watson, 62 crossbred ewes and lambs, 14910 d. Fat Cattle—For Mr Wm. Gerard, 8 prime fat bullocks—3 at £9 10s, 2 at £9 ss, 4 at £8 ; for Mr C. H. Walters, cows up to £3 9s. Fat, Skins, &c —We held our weekly sale on Thursday, when there was a large attendance, who bid freely for all lots, dry skins selling especially well, in some cases reaching equal to per lb. Our sales for the week comprise 882 skins, 10 pkgs of fat, and 21 hides and calfskins, at the following rates:—Butchers' crossbreds up to 6s Id, ditto merinos to 5s 6d, lambskins to Is 7d, country merinos to 5s 6d, ditto croasbreds to 5s Id; fat l£d, lgd, and lfdperlb. Hides at late rates. Thb New Zβat.and Loan and Mkbcaitctls agency coicpany, limited, tβport on the live stock markets for weekly period ending Ist November, 1888:—Totals yarded at Canterbury Saleyards, Addington, 21st ult.—Sheep 8480, cattle 486, pigs 90. Fat Sheep —There was more than an average quantity to hand, but considering this was to be a " double market," owing to the holidays next week, the supply was by no means excessive. The demand was entirely local, and business, though somewhat irregular, was dull throughout. All sorts were represented, both woolly and shorn, and as before the latter appeared to have a decided advantage in values. We quote shorn wethers 2d per lb, and in the wool to 3d per lb, prices being easier than those of last week. We sold for Messrs Westenra Bros, prime quality shorn merino wethers 8s od to 9s, being top value in their class. For Mr Macfarlane, shorn crossbred wethers 10s 9d, do ewes 8s 9d to 9s 2d, and light merino wethers 5s 6d. For Mr M. Jones, shorn crossbred ewes 9s 3d; and for various clients, mixed shorn crossoreds 9s 3d to 9s 6d,heavy woolly ewes 15s, and mixed woolly crossbreds 123 3d, 14s, 14s 9d, and 15s. Wβ yarded 795 fat sheep and a fair entry of cattle and fat lambs. Transactions ruled as under:—Prime woolly crossbred wethers 15s 6d to 18s, mixed sexes and heavy ewes 14s to 16s 3d, inferior and light-weights 12a to 13s 9d, prime merino wethers lls 6d to 13s 9d, prime shorn crossbred wethers lls to 13s, mixed sexes and heavy ewes 10s to 12s 6d, inferior and light-weights 7s 9d to 9s 6d, shorn merino wethers 5s to 9s. Fat Lambs —There was a large entry, and values had a downward tendency. We sold good lambs for Mr M. Jones 6s 3d to 7s 6d, superior sorts made 8s to 9s 3d, and inferior 5s upwards. Store Sheep—A considerable number penned, but the demand was slack, and the major portion of them were returned unsold. Medium hoggets brought 9s and 10s 3d, crossbred ewes with lamb 14s, forward crossbred wethers lls 6d to 12s. All these quotations having reference to sheep in wooL Pigs—There was again only a moderate entry, and sales were readily effected at rates recently ruling. Cattle—ln the fat pens there was a very large supply. The market opened quietly, and continued to have a downward "tendency until towards the close, when values' recovered. We sold for Mr W. Chamberlain fat bullocks to £7, and cows to £7 10s, the latter being top value for the day in that class, and for other owners heifers to £3 15s. Prime heavy bullocks realised £7 to £9 10s ; ordinary, £5 15s to £6 10s ; cows and heifers, £3 15s to £7 10s; beef making 16s to 19s per 1001 bs. In the store pens there was out a moderate entry, and business was limited at values that were rather weaker than recent quotations. Fat Calves — About 40 penned, which met good competition from the trade. Inferior brought 5s to Ss, ordinary to good 12s to 16s, and Srirae vealers 20s to 2&. We sold for Mr . Taylor at 13s to 235. District Sales—At Leeston yards, 26th ult., there were moderate entries of sheep and pigs, with a large supply of cattle. Sheep were dulL Mixed forward crossbreds in wool, 12s lid; merino ewes and lamos, 9s; crossbred ewes and lambs, 15s 3d and 15s lOd. We sold shorn crossbreds for Mr M. Jones, Ss lid. Pigs brought good prices. Cattle sold fairly well—springers £4 10s to £5, dry cows £1 10s to £3 7s 6d, two-year-old steers £3, eighteen months' cattle 32s and 355. At Duns&ndel monthly sale, 29th ult., there were moderate "entries and business was quiet. Wesold for Air Kemp a line of crossbred ewes with lambs at 10s 6d. At Ashburton County Saleyards, 30th ult., about 3500 sheep were penned, and an average entry of cattle. The prevailing; dry weather is making graziers exercise

extreme caution in their dealings, and business was slack, though where exchanges took place there was no material departure from late rates. Fat woolly merino wethers made lls 8d and 12s, twotooth mixed halfbreds 13s 7d, good crossbred hoggets 12s and 13s Id, ordinary do. 10s, merino ewes with good percentage of lambs 10s sd-

Mr F. C. Tababt reports on the live stock market for the week ending Ist November, as follows: —The total number of stock yarded at the Addington Yards comprised 8-160 sheep and lambs, 486 head of cattle, and 90 pigs. Fat Cattle—There was a good entry in thie department to meet the demands to provide two weeks' supply in consequence of the November holidays, and the quality generally was above the usual average. The sales opened to a poor attendance of the trade, aud without any signs of improved values, but as the sales progressed prices hardened most perceptibly, and towards the middle of the auction 2tis per iOJlb was readily given. Best bullocks made from £S to £9 10s, lighter weights and medium quality ranging from £5 us upwards. My sales comprised 10 bullocks and 11 heifers on account of H.J.Hall, bullocks making from £9 to £5 10s ; heifers from £6 7s Gd to £5 12e tid, and for other clients 8 bullocks from £6 15s to £5 17s 6d; 10 heifers from £4 15s to £3 17s 6d. Store Cattle—A fair entry, the bulk of which changed owners at fair ralues, equal to last week's quotations. Fat Sheep—The number brought forward was about equal to last week's supply. The non-demand for freezers in consequence of the closing of the works for a time, was about balanced by the trade having to take double supply. The quality generally was barely so good as has been brought forward lately, cousidering which prices ruled about equal to last week's values, except towards the close of the sales, when a drop had to be submitted to to effect a clearance. Best crossbred wethers made from las to 18s, medium quality and lighter weights 12s upwards ; fat crossbred ewes, beet quality and heavy weights, 14s to 16s 6d; light weights, 10s 6d upwards; merino wethers in wool, 12s to 13a 3d for best quality, 10s 6d for medium. Shorn sheep maintained last week's quotations. My sales were—On account of the School of Agriculture, 60 crossbred wethers at 16s 3d to 17s, and 40 crossbred ewes at 16s 3d to 16s 6d; and for other clients 135 crossbred wethers, lls 3d to 11s 9d; lii 6 merino wethers at 10s 6d to 12s. and 23 light crossbreds, shorn, at 8s 9d. Fat lambs—A very large entry, the whole of which were absorbed by the trade, best pens making 8s 6d to 9s 6d, others ranging from 6s upwards. I sold on account of various clients 46 at 9s to 9s 3d, 14 ac 7s 9d, and 14 at 7s 6d. Store sheep—A full entry, principally hoggets and ewes with lambs. In consequence o£ the late hour at which the sales\ commenced there was a poor attendance, and some lines were passed out unsold. My sales comprised 495 hoggets at 9s 4d, 145 do at 9s, and lUOat 8s 4d. The demand tor ewes with lambs was limited, and none but choice lots found purchasers, and those sold made 10s 3d, 14s, and 14s l_od per couple. Pigs— A small entry, which sold freely at full values. Sheepskins, Rough Fat, Hides, and Calfskins—My sales for the week comprise 2848 sheepskins, 113 bags and packages of rough fat, and about 125 hides and calfskins. There was a falling off in the attendance of fellmongers, consequently there was not the usual animated competition. Butchers' best crossbreds made from 5s 6d to 6s Id, medium 4s and upwards, merinos 4s, 4s 6d, 4s 9d and ss, and for one small Jot 6s 8d ; pelts, dry 4d to 6d, salted 8d to lOd ; lambskins 10d to Is 3d. Hough fat —There was a full attendance of buyers, and I cleared all parcels at If d to l|d, rendered tallow Hides and calfskins at the usual rates.

Messrs Bennetts Bros, report on the lire stock market for the week ending Thursday, Ist November, as follows:— At the Addington Yards on Wednesday 8460 sheep, 486 head of cattle, and 90 pigs were yarded, a more than an average entry, in consequence of there being no market next week. The attendance of buyers and others was about the usual one. Fat Cattle — A heavy entry of mainly good quality, more ihau two-thirds being bullocks. The demand was not able to cope with the supply on the basis of recent sales, and anything but the finest quality was cheaper. A line of magnificent bullocks sold at from £8 5s to £9 10s ; other lines of good steers £6 2s 6d to £8; heifers and cows at from £3 15s to £7 10s, and from Ids to 19s is about ruling values. Our entries included a line of 6 steers for Mr G. Bentbam at £6 per head; for Mr T. Knight, 7 do at from £6 10s to £7 15s ; for Mr F. Spence, 7 heifers at £4 17s 6d ; for Mr T. Fergus, 2 steers at £6 10s; for Mr W. Felton, 5 steers at from £5 10s to £6; for Mr Geo. Ferguson, 2 heifers at £4 12s 6& : for clients 6 heifers at from £3 17s Cd to £4 ss, 4at from £4 12s 6d to £5, &c. The entry of store cattle was not a very large one, neither was the enquiry very keen. Late rates show no alteration. We placed two-year-old steers at £3 7s 6d; eighteen months old ditto at £3 Is and £2 2s ; ditto heifers at £114s, and store cows up to £3 163. In the dairy market a few eood cows in profit sold fairly well. Fat sheep—For the fortnight's supply a full market of sheep were on offer, fahorn sheep are now coming to hand freely. The demand was confined to local requirements, and wa3 not very keen, values, except for the very choice descriptions, showing a downward tendency. Quotations at per lb, however, are not appreciably altered; 2Jd to 3d for sheep in their wool and 2d for shorn may be quoted as ruling values. Our sales included a line of very prime shorn crossbred wethers, which topped the market at 14s 3d ; for Mr J. W. Prebble we placed a line of crossbreds in the wool at 15s 9d: for Mr H. Willis, 109 shorn crossbreds at 10s 9d, 13 at 10s Id; for Mr J. M. Furze, crossbreds at from 14s to 18s ; for Mr J. W. Barrett, 36 shorn crossbreds at 9s. 3d; for Mr T. Den ton, 47 crossbred wethers at 13s 9d ; for Mr H. Somers, 57 mixed crossbreds at 10s 9d, 85 at from 10e Id to 10s 8d; for Mr Hunter we placed 40 mixed crossbreds at 12s 10d, 58 at from 13s 9d to 14s, 25 do at 12s 10d, and 87 at from 14s to 14s 3d. The store sheep market was well supplied, but there was a slack enquiry, and business was limited. We placed for clients a line of 10-5 crossbred ewes and lambs at 14s, and a line of four-tooth ewes and wethers at 13s. Fat lambs were in large supply, bat the demand was good, and last week's drop in values was nearly or quite recovered. Our sales included 14 lambs, on account Mr H.Trickett, at from 5s 9d to 6s; for Mr Templeton, 20 lambs at from 6s to 6s 3d; on account Mr F. Moore, 9 ditto at 8s 3d ; for Mr R. H. Jackson, 10 at 7s 3d to 7s 9d; for Mr P. Willcox, 10 at from 6s 3d to 8s 9d; for Mr J. M. Furze, 32 at from 7s to 8s 3d; for Mr Gardner, 10 at 6e 6d; for Mr W. Pannett, 13 at 9s 3d ; for Mr J. Knight, 8 at 8s 6d, &c. Pigs were in limited supply, the usual keen demand being well maintained. Our entries comprised 1576 .sheep, 107 head of cattle, and 43 pigs, on account of Messrs T. Fergus, F. Spence, W. Tilton, W. Bentharn, A. Benton, H. Somers, H. Hunter, J. Winston J. Henley, J. M. Furze, M. Dunphy, A. Ellmers, J. Gahagan, W. Neill, J. Wenlock, T. Clarkson, A. Lemon, T. Allan, A. Muir, F. Woodward, A. Kerrick, X Taylor, A. Bennett, R. Hunter, Jas. Ferguson, A. Moorhouse, Geo. Ferguson, James Kinley, C. Stewart, H. J. Jenkins, H. B. Clarkson, H. Trickett, Wm. Stapleton, F. Moore, R. Jackson, P. Willcox, Wm. Gardiner, H. F. Pannett, J. Knight, A. Schmidt, J. Crewes, H. McCausland, R. Biuke, S. Garforth, G. Pickering, M. Donohue, T. Stafford, H. Collins, H. Stockbridge, J. Kimber, H. Bennetts, A. F. Bennetts, and others. Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, &c—At the New Zealand Wool Stores, this held our usual weekly sale of above. The entries for the day's auctions were large, and the attendance of fellmongcrs quite an average one, while biddings were keen, late values being quite maintained. Our sales were as follows :—Best crossbreds at 5s 2d, 5s 4d, 5s 7d, 5s 9d, 5s lid, 6s, 6s 3d, and for a prime line on account Mr A. S. Bull, as high as 6s 6d ; medium crossbreds from 5s 2d to 4s Bd. The demand for merino skins was good. On account of Mr J. M. Fnrze we sold a grand line at 6s Id, other lines at from 5s 8d to 4s 7d ; conntry skins sold well at from 2e 9d to 4s lls each ; lambskins, at from Is to Is 3d ; pelts, 6d, 7d and 10d each. The fat market stili maintains an upward tendency. We cleared our entry as follows :—Rough fat, lgd, and IJd per lb ; rendered ditto, at 2d and 2sd per lb. Hides at late rates. Leeston Live Stock Market —On Friday last, the day following the annual show, there were moderate entries of both sheep and cattle, with about the usual attendance. Business was fairly active at recent values, showing little or no alteration. We sold fat crossbreds at up to 16s per head; crossbred ewes and lambs to 15s 3d; two and a half year old steers at from £3 17s 6d to £4 2s 6d, and fat -cattle to £7 per head. Our sales were on account of Messrs F. Blay, C. F. Candy, EL Muckle, J. Barnett, H. istace, J. Hampton J Mawson, W. Miles, J. Mclntosh, F Greenan, A. F. Bennetts, W. H. Eddy t A. Davison, F. Weavers, Mrs Graham, Messrs Henderson, J. H. McPherson, W. Anderson. W. Heyborn, T. R. Jeffree, L. Graham, jAS*-iiell, Mrs Bolls aad others.

Messrs James Wilkin and Co. report as follows:—We held our usaal weekly sale of sheepskins, hides, and fat at our New Zealand Wool Stores yesterday. Our catalogue for the week comprised 586 sheepskins, 27 bags and packages rouch fat, and 41 hides. There was the usual attendance of the trade, and biddings showed no change in last week's quotations. We have to remind our clients that there will be no sales of stock or sheepskins next week in consequence of the Agricultural Show. The following is a summary of our sale :—Butchers' crossbreds, large and well woolled, ss_sd to 6s ; do djo medium, 5s Id, 03 2d, 5s 4d; do do. small, up to 5s ; butchers' merinos. 5s 6d, 5s 7d, 5s 9d, 6s; country merinos, up to 5s 6d; country crossbreds, up to 6s Id; butchers' pelts, 4d and 5d ; lambskins, lid to Is 4d. Fat—Sound, l|d and l|d per lb ; do inferior, and shop trimmings, l£d. Hides—6olb and over, 3|d per lb; 501b to 591b. 2|d per lb; 501b and under, 2+d per lb ; cut and damaged hides and calfskins, Hd ; calfskins, sound, 4d ; bullskins, 12s Oα each.

J. R. Kins and Co. report for the week ending October 27th, on the live stock and produce market:—The entries of live' stock for our Saturday's market were fairly good. Buyers were in full force, and prices realised throughout the sale were exceedingly good; especially does this remark apply to the pigs. It was claimed by several dealers that no higher prices had been reached for many a long day as those we obtained for them on Saturday. Many would-be trade purchasers, in consequence of the high prices ruling could not fill their requirements. The number yarded was 116. Suckers sold from 10s upwards; slips from 17s 6d to 22s 6d ; porkers, 26s ; small sows sold up to 52s ; small stores up to 255. The remarks we made in our last report fully apply "every character of pig just now commands a ready sale; probably email stores are most sought after. Porkers and sows in pig and with yonng lind a good market." The poultry penned was about 700, and sold well, roosters 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 3s 9d, 4s 6d; hens, 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 3d; mixed fowls, 2s, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 3s, 3s 3d, 4s 3d, 4s 6d ; spring chickens, 2s to 3s; ducks, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 3s 9d, 3s lid, 4s, 4s 3d, 5s ; geese, 6s 6d, 7s, 8s; hen turkeys, 7s, 9s; a few inferior lots sold at slightly lower prices. Pigeons. Is 3d to Is 6d, and upwards. We anticipate a good market for pigs and poultry next Saturday. Only a few horsas yarded, little or no business done, owners' reserves not reached. A fair enquiry exists for good sound hacks and light harness horses. A large entry of calves was made, and sold well. Potatoes are not so saleable. For good Derwents for table purposes we are still getting 5s 6d per sack. Butter, 6d to 7d. Cheese, 4d tosd.

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Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7194, 2 November 1888, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7194, 2 November 1888, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume XLV, Issue 7194, 2 November 1888, Page 4