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Masses H. Matsok ahd Co. report on the live stock market, Ac, for the week ending Thursday, February 18th, 1886, as follow* i—The supply of etock sent forward for yesterday's Addington sale, th< ugh not large, proved more than sufficient to uieet the various requirements of the day. Notwithstanding the fact that prices of late have receded to such aa extent — i.c , in sheep—that we might reasonably hope the lowest stage of the present re-action and depression had baen reached, yet the result of yesterday's auction, however, exhibited a Btate of trade worse, p rh»ps, than anything ithaa been oar painful duty to chronicle of late, and this in face of just a moderate entry o( stock only. It is of course an Unpleasant hut forcible reminder of the "law of supply and demand, "or, , more correctly stated " over «upply and inadequate demand/* intensified in the present ease by the peculiarly dry Beason through, 1 which we hav<s just " passed, whereby "owners "are compelled not only to quit their ordinary surplus stock at this season Of the year, but also a very large proportion of what may be termed their standing fiooke and herds. To cope with this supply we have the at the lowest possible ebb, inasmuch as in fat stock there are none but the " local trade " operating. The want of shipping accommodation preventing advantage being taken of this outlet by producers generally, for the relit-f of our overstocked market?. By this Wβ do not mean to aay that the frozen meat trade; is not vigorously Carried on, bat most of the available space having been secured by large shareholders, for the time being, who contribute direct fr .m their estates, there are few, if any, purchases made for this trade in the open market. The "boiling-down vat," which OQ previous ocoasioni h*s stood us in good stead, is ttow practically unavailable as a means of relief, owing to the exceptionally low rates current for tallow in the Home market. Left there, as local buyers are to absorb what come 3 to hand, and with this supply considerably, in excess of the very moderate requirements, the result may be as easily conceived as described. Without wishing to pourtray the darkest side of the question, we must in justice say that yesterday's sale was painfully dull and inanimate in all its branches, a considerable proportion of but a moderate entry of fat sheep going out unsold, the various lota sold changing hands at still farther reduced values. Aβ last week, merino wethers represented a good share of the day's numbers, and whilst a few of the best sold fairly well in companion with crossbreds, viz., up to 7a for. the Balmoral wethers, light and medium weights changed hands at from Sβ upwards. In crosabreds, a draft of firstrcl&sa wethers were placed at as high as 103 6d and 10s 9d per head, bat this was an exceptional ease, 7a 6d to 8s 8d beiag current rates; ewes, 4s to 7d. A few of the choicest lines of oroasbred wether mutton sold up to lid per lb, but the average quotation, i.o.> including merinos, most be taken at below this figure. In store cheep the comparatively email entry was chiefly made up of lines of cull lambs, aged ewes, &c, for which it is needless to ■ay that a dull trade was experienced. For the class of sheep offering this remark scarcely represents the portion, since for some o£ the lots it was almost impossible to get an offer of any kind. To see crossbred lambs, inferior though they may have been, sold at 2s to 2s Id per head, and aged crossbred ewes at Is 6d is a very sudden and alarming transition from two years since; and yet it is oar painful duty to dispose of stock at these rates yesterday, and is one or two instances in the case of the worst calls it wae less. We may say that we also noticed the sale of a very sice line of young crossbred c *ea, in fresh condition, at 6s, these being the principal sales in store sheep during the day. In fat lamoa there was a large entry, for which prices ruled about on a par with, other lines during the day, viz., 6a to 6s for the bests inferior to medium, 3s to 4s 6d. In beet , there was very little alteration to note fiom last week, the entry being just a moderate one which moved off slowly at from 17s to 183 6d per 1001b according to quality. On account of Mr Wm. Birdling we sold 12 head of steero at JSI 10a to £1 15 a; account Messrs Henderson and Mcßeatn, 6 head at .£6 10s to J67 10s; account Mr Parr, 6 head at -84 12* 6d to J85155; account Mr John O'Keil, 6 heifers at £1 7s 6d to .£5 sa; and for Messrs I Wright, Lunn, Goodwin, and Blake, mixed cattle at from £4 2s 6d to JB6 13s 6d. i Is store cattle there was very little doing, a medium entry only being penned, of which but few were sold. Pics were penned in. large numbers, close on 500 of all sorts i and sizes being yarded. There were, howI ever, but few buyers present, and a very 1 considerable drop in values took place from the two preceding Bales, weanera being very much neglected. The same may really be said of all descriptions, but the smaller sizes suffered moat. Korta suitable for etubbling sold at from 53 to 18s; weaners, Is to 4e;.pcrke», 12s to 21s. Our entry we cleared as under:—42 at lSs, 5 at 10s, 4 at 19a, 24 at 7s, 13 at 6s, 12 at 43 3d, 10 at Ba, 6 at 4a 3d, 10 at 5a 3d, 6 at 3s, 37 at 15 f, 8 at 7s, 8 at 4s 3d. 13 at Is Id, 14 at 5s 9d, 18 at 4i 3d, 18 at 3j 9d, 5 at 20a, S at 12s, 3 at 21s, about 100 others being withdrawn. The totals yarded for the day comprised 5691 sheep, 868 head of cattle and 451 pigs, of which our entry included 2324 sheep, 103 head of cattle, and *5' 3 P^ji* oP Messrs G. Q. Stead, P. Manion, W. Thompson (Balmoral Bstata), Jas. Hampton, Jno. Kinley, S. Bailey, £. Elate, W. BicdjJßfc H, Luna, H. Parr,

Hendenoa and Mcßeatti, 8. Qoodwa, Jno. CNeill. Jno. Wright, &. Beyward, B. Vincent, Joe. McQninness, B. Bobineon, J. Bterick, W. Burke, B. Burke, G. Thome. F. Smithßon,J. Candy, J. Taylor, P. Byao, deaklaa, J. Garland, W. Wark, J. A. Pannett, F. Campion, — Legg, Berry Bros., pTo'Malfey, P. Flannery, J. AJlen, D. ifcaoKhowiJ. Quickc, F. Bidland, Jno. oSertonTW. BJuntree, Mrs Kane, and Ot C«3etbary Hone Matket-The horse trade stall continues somewhat quiet, alike in the matter of supply and formerarisimriromthe tactt^ sf «J2 owners are too busily f?**** 1 »* aont time to forward their stock, while on the other hand the Btateof the Australian markets is Euch that shippers cannot do business here at the same rates fiat they were enabled to pay some months since. Admitting that prices of late been sufficiently high to warrant much reduction being made, ie., from an owners point of view, the fact cannot, be overlooked that exporters will not ship unless there ia a prospect of some ■light margin Of profiS, and it is tbi* difference in values which is so prohibitory to business at the present time. We notice, however, that the opening rates for prime wheat are about Bs, with a slight variation above and below, according to quality, and scarcely remunerative though this may be, we have no doubt, considering the state or the sheep and cattle market, Lut that a much greater area of land will go under crop this year than last. If this is so, then a local demand for farm horses must eprmg up, and as a matter of course give a healtmer tone to trade than exists just now. For our last Saturday's sale rather orer 70 horses were catalogued, of which a fair proportion were sold, unbroken cart colts to XI7, useful hack and light harness horses to i 514, medium weight plough horses i>l2 to £17101, ordinary hackn at 47t0 JBIO. _ Wool, Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, and Tallow—On Thursday, at our usual weekly market of the above, our catalogue for the day's auction comprised 2234 sheepskins, 94 oxttidea and calfskins, 101 packages rough fat and tallow. In sheepskins prices ruled a-shade better: than last week;, and we think that owners ought to be more than satisfied; considering the low prices now ruling in the English markets. Butchers' pelts according to quality, from Is, Is B J, ls-sd, to Is lOd each; lambskins from Is 3d, Iβ Bd. Is 10d. 2s, to 2s 2d each. Country ekins-Very few to hand this week, but those that were submitted to auction drew forth briak competition, realising from 2e to 4s Id ench,aa pereuality. Kou& fat, from id t> id pei-lt>. Hides, at per lb, for 601b and over. 43; 501b to 591b, Bid; 4Slb to 491b, 3±d; 451b and nndervM ; cnt and damaged, 2td per lb* calfskins, 4dperlb.

Thb Njtw Zbaland Loam akd MbboahTU.B AaiNCT Compant, Lhotbd, report as follows on the live stock market for the week ending 18th February, 1886 :— Totals yarded at Metropolitan Saleyards, Addiugton, 17bh inst. 5691; cattle, 362; pigs, 451.

} Sheep—Though there was a comparatively small entry of fat sheep, and the usual trade attendance, yet matters showed no improvement, and late rates were barely maintained. Throughout the sale was quiet, with an absence of competition, and several lots were withdrawn, owners prefer ting to face* scarcity of feed, in the belief that matters cannot remain at their present stagnant condition, rather wan sell at the runious values offering. The demand was pure]/ local, and even for the choicest pens biddinge euiirely lacked animation. We quote mutton at Id to lid per lb, with a weak trade at those figures. There was considerable variety of quality displayed, and the day's entry comprised a l«ge proportion of merino wethere, which were scoured by the trade at prices that should Hot prove unremunerauve. We yarded 1215 sheep, and our Pnncipal sales were— i Prime heavy crossbred wethere. account Mr James Macfarlane, at 10* 34 to tOa ed, being top value for. the day; nice quality for air Johns, Be, and ewMss6dj ewes,forMr WalkerjßAleweU, 6i 6d to 7s 6d.j mixed ewee, for Mr T. H. V. JL>icken,,7stoßs'B% aged merino «wes Is, Ac; while on tehalf of other clients we returned several lots unsold, to await a more favorable opportunity. Fat lambs, as usual this season, came forward in large numbers, -though throughout the pens there was a comparative absence of nrstrate quality, and indifferent lots were justly difficult to place. "Values ranged from 8s t> 6i 6d. For various clients we cold at 3s 6d to 5a 9d. There was but a moderate entry of store sheep, mostly of inferior description, and buyers displayed little deeire to operate, To'some extent this maybe accounted for by the exigencies of harvest interfering with the attendance of farmers, and the purchasing power is thus confined to buyers who are only to be tempted at prices that can leave no possible doubt of a sure and speedy profit. Sales were made as foliowsj—indifferent crossbred lambs, Is 6d to 2a, good forward 2-tooth croßsbreds 63; lambs of fair quality were placed at 3s 9d. Pi?«—We had another very full entry, the yards apportioned for this class of stock not being sufficient to accommodate it. The market was just the reverse of last week's, sales being effected with difficulty, and values experiencing a sharp decline. Porkera sold at 16s and 20s; slips and Stores, which composed the major portion of the entry, 3s to ss, and 6s to 12s respectively. Cattle—A moderate supply of store cattle to hand, and but little business done, the market being doubtless adversely affected by causes similar to those which were experienced in the store sheep trade.. We sold medium to good springers at £o 7a ~6d ito £6 10s. Iα the fat pens, though less than an average entry of beef came forward, there was quite sufficient to meet the trade demand. The sale was quiet, bat a Blight improvement upon last week's' market was visible, and we quote beef firm at 15a to"l7a per 1001b. Fat bollocks realised £5 12s 6d, JB6los, £6 155, JE7, and JB7 10a; cows and heifers, £A ss, £5, £517s 6d, and £6 12s 6d. District Sales—At Leeaton Yards on 12th -inst. there were moderate entries ot sheep and cattle and a large supply of pigs. The attendance was hardly up to the average, harvest operations beingbusily carried on at the time. Forward merino wethers made 3s 6d, Pigs were somewhat dull. Weaners, 3s toss; slips, 6e 6d to 9s; stores, 13a to 17s 6<J. Cattle were in fair requestSpringing heifere, £\ 5s to .£5 15s; fat heifers, £i 10s; two-year-eld steers, 54sj yearlinge, 335. At Tinwald Yards on 16th mat. there were fair supplies of sheep and cattle, but the attendance here also was small, and business quite nominal. Fat merino ewes brought 2s 6d, and fat crossbred ewes 6s 6d, 6s 9d and 7s. , Store sheep were quite neglected, and the cattle that changed hands did co at values showing no variation from our recently quoted rates. Private Sales—We have passed through during the week 1000 two, four and sixtooth merino ewes off the celebrated Burnt Hill Estate at 5s 6d; also several lines for export, chiefly lambs, and have pending some large exchanges in young sheep, both merino and crossbred.

Msssbb Mms and Co. report upon the local markets for the week ending Thursday, 18th February, as follows, viz. :— Addington—Moderate entries of all descriptions of stock were penned at Addington on Wednesday. The fat sheep pens had rather more in than laat week, but in point of quality the mutton was decidedly bslow the average. No alteration took place in values, prices ranging at about last quotations, viz, lk& per Ib. for best quality croaebred wether?, and Id to li I for merino, Fat cattle—ln this class competition was very weak and spiritless., only best lota changing hands at last quotations. On the whole, prices were about on a level with last week's rates, but with a downward tendency. Store cattle — Limitedentry, but demand almost nil, and as a consequence most lots were turned out untold. Store sheep—Entries consisted almost entirely of old ewes and lambs, both of which were of very inferior description, and, consequently, were difficult to place except at very low figures. Cull lambs sold up to 2s Id. Fat lambs—A large supply of fat lambs, with fair inquiry on the part of the trade. Prices were, if anything, a shade better than last week, but this was owing to a somewhat smaller entry, figs came forward in consideralbe numbers, in fact, in excess of requirements. Business was dull in the extreme, sales only effected at ruinously low figures. Our entries for the day were on accoutn of Messrs Pelham Jones, E. Latter, George Giddings, S. H. Amyes, Colin Stewart, Charles Brake, W. B. Clarkeon, J. O. Amyes, James Cogan, J. A. Fannett, B. Guiney, Jno. Matb.eson,E. Shirley, Jas. Holmes, and others, our principal sales beiag Cheviot Hill wethers at from 33 to 4s, crossbred wethers 6* 6d to 8a 3d, do ewes to 6s, fat lambs from 4a Id to 5a 9d; etore cattle up to .£3 15s, eteera to £5 12s 6t?, springers at JS3,4c Skins, Fat, &c—At our wool stores, on Thursday, we held our weekly eale of the above, when we submitted a fair catalogue to the usual attendance of the trade. Biddings were animated and prices satisfactory. We sold butchers* peltt up to la Cd,lambskinß to 2s 3d, country skins at late fwtatiou j M, W to W pee lb.

Mbhbb Bosnrr Wnm jjtd Co. report •—The total number of stock yarded at the Addington yards for the week ending February 17th was as follows:—s69l sheep and lambs, 362 head of cattle, and 451 pigs. Fat Cattle—l2o head were yarded, the bulk of which were first-claw quality, although » small number. Owisg to the trade being well supplied there was sa absence of spirit in the bidding, and no improvement in the prices obtained. Best quality made as average of 17a per 1001b, medium and inferior 15s upwards. Store cattle are without any improvement, and but little business dom?t Fat Sheep—Thoa*h there were fewer yarded than there has been for some weeks past, owing to the large proportion of marines brought forward, which were sold at a low price, there was no improvement in values of crossbred mutton. Beet crossbred wethers made from 83 6d to 10s. A few extra quality and outside weights made up to 103 Bd. Medium, from 7a upwards; merino wethers, top price 7d; medium, from 3s 6d to 4s. Fat Jamba were brought forward in large numbers, and Eold at from 3s 6d to 5s 9d, according to quality. Store Sheep—The entry consisted of a good line of good 2 and 4-tooth crossbreds in forward condition, nearly fat, some aged crossbred ewes and draft lambs. The 2 and 4-tooth crossbreds made 6s, crotabred ewes la 6d, lamb 32s Id. 2s, and Is4d.

Sheepskins, Bides, Fat, Tallow, &c.—A large catalogue, consisting of 2102 sheepskins, 57 packages fat and tallow, and 50 oxhides and calfskins, came to hand for our sale on the 18th met., the whole being submitted to a large gathering of local buyers. Competition for several good lines of country tkins was very keen, prices ruling above those recently quoted. Owing to depressing reports from Home, we have to submit to a further drop on fat and tallow, and from id to Id is the top price for well saved lots. Our entry of hides and calfskins was cleared at current rates. Butchers'pelts, 9d, Iβ, Iβ 2d, Is 3d, Is sd, Is tid, Iβ 7d| lambekins, Iβ, Is 3d, Is 4d, Iβ 6d, Is 9d; country merinos. Is Bd. Is 9d, 2a, 2s 6d, 2a lid, 3«, 3a 6d, 4s 2d, 4a 6dj ditto, crosebreds, Is 5d to 4s 4d, acsording to weight and quality. Boagh fat and tallow, 41, id, i d, id, Id per lb.

; Mbssxs W. A. BBOWrfk and Co.'s weekly report of sale of live and dead stock:—Our Yards, Idchfield street, were hardly so well attended, though considerable business was done throughout the day. Pigs were not Belling qnite so well aa last week, owing to a rather meagre attendance, of buyers, the majority of the farmers taking advantage of the dry, warm weather to get on with their harvesting, but we are still of opinion, that as stubble feed bacome plentiful, good quality young stores will be in great demand, as buyers for this sort are, we consider, bound to be numerous. Poultry—A large quantity yarded, which, taken throughout, sold fairly well. A class of really good young laying pullets are in good demand, and alwaya realise good prices. Young ducks anaohicks are also going off freely. Cows—Good ncilch cowb are still in fair demand i and although we had not many entered for sale, several inquiries have been lately made for same. Calves keep up the piicee of last week. Horses—A fair entry, which were mostly disposed of at satisfactory prices. Produce—New potatoes are Belling well. Chick wheat is in fair demand, and inquiries are made for gx>d onions. The following weie a few of the prices realized, viz :—Horsee, from jei to SA ss. Pigs— Suckers, from 3s to 5s 9d; weaners, 4s 9d to 7s 3d; stores, 7a 3d to I3a6dj porkers, 133 61 to 16s j BOWB, from 14a to 253. Gows, 353 to £2. Poultry—Good table fowle, from 2a to 3a 9d a pair; good young pullets, quoted above, Is 9d to 3s 6d a pair; ducks, Iβ6d to 2s 9d a pair; chicks, from Is to Is 6d a pair ; geese, 4s 6d a pair; ba&tams, Iβ to Is 6d a pair; turkeya, 4s 6i a pair. Produce—Wheat, 2s 9d a bushel; potatoes, 4s to 4e 8d per owt ; onions, from Id to 1-fd per lb, on strings and gocd sample.

Mmbbs Bbnkbtts Bbos. report on the live stock market for the week ending Thursday,the lStb. instant,as follows:— Although we ere not aUe to say anything brighter respecting the stock markets of the past week, yet, with the very genial weather we have been favored with, the low values we have reached, and the- enhanced spending power after another harvest, together with the increased area of pasture thus opened, there is every reason to hope and believe that we have at length touched bottom; and that if matters pastoral do not immediately improve, they will, at all events, get no worse. This, indeed, appears to be tise feeling now prevalent, and. we think it has reason on its side. AtAddington yeaterday, a fairly good entry of stock was yarded, the numbers being 5691 sheep, 362 head of cattle, and 451 pigs. The sale of fat cattle began to a meagre attendance of the trads—indeed, it is a question if the ■ale does not now begin a shade tco early— and throughout matters were not very brisk. Steers sold at from £5 10s to £715?, and heifers from £\ 12s 6d to £& ss, being from 17s to 18s per 1001b. In the fat cheep market the sheep on offer were principally of good quality. The demand was purely local, and not very good, and prices remain as lately quoted. Crossbred wethers sold at from 7s 9d to 10g 6d per head; crossbred ewes, from 4s 9d to 8s; merino wethers, from 3s 6d to 7s; an average price of less than lid per lb. The supply of f«t lambs was again a large one, larger by far than the demand warrants, and- values were consequently at a low ebb, prices ranging at from 3s 9d to §3 per head. In the' store sheep market only one really good line of sheep was yarded, viz., a small line of young mixed crossbreds, which sold at 6s per head. The store cattle market was fairly well stocked, and a fair amount of business was done without any alteration taking place in values, in the dairy stock department also a fair amount of business was done. Our entries were on aeconnt of Messrs A. Merrin, F. Cockburn, G. Taafe, J. Magan, E. Fair, J. Jackson, J. Pratt. J. Parish, S. Hall, G. Hepburn, F. Slatterly, T. Gabbetifl, A. Ward, G. Smith, A. Gott, F. James, W. Kitchens, A. Truscott, A. Fay, W. Bolt, M. Barnett, P. Day, Tabor, C. Byng, A. Lucas, F. Thomson, A. Grant, H. Beaaetts, A. F. Bennetts, and others.. We omitted to make previously any mention of the pig market. We regret to say that the improved demand noticeable last sale day was entirely wanting on Wednesday, and a great fall in values took place. Leeston Stock Market—Friday, the 12th inst. At this sale a moderate number of sheep and cattle, and a large number of pigs were yarded, the attendance being hardly an average one. Prices throughout were about ton a par with kindred markets. We submitted a largo proportion of the entry on account of the following gentlemen:—Mr Peter Stephens, Mr* Lemon, Messrs J. Bryan, H. J. Merrin, J. Tyler, A. Moorhead, J. Stapleton, Jno. Christie, •J. McMillan, /. Christie, F. Bishop, Gee. McClute, Jno. Barnett, W. D. Lawrence, D. Doyle, John Lamont, J. Kuasell, D. Scott, Wm. Moorhead, A. Cooper, J. McPhereon, F. Overton, Jno. Jones, Jno. Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, Tallow, Ac.—At our yards this day, we held our usual weekly sale, and submitted a large entry, which met with a pretty good demand at a slight improvement on late rates. Pelts fofl at 9d, Is, Is 2J, Is 3d, la sd, Is 6d, Iβ 74, and Is 8d- Lambskins at Is 3d, Is sd, Is 6d, Iβ Bd, Is 9d, 2e to 2b 2d. Country skins at from Is 6d to 3s 9d, and we aleo quitted a few bales of wool at market rates, together with some bags. The fat market shows no improvement, the contrary being indeed the case. Our entry we cleared at from fd to Id per lb. Hides still hold their own at late quoted values. -

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Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6371, 19 February 1886, Page 2

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LIVE STOCK MARKETS REPORT. Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6371, 19 February 1886, Page 2

LIVE STOCK MARKETS REPORT. Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6371, 19 February 1886, Page 2