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Messes H. Matson and Co. report en the live stock market, &c, for the week ending Thursday, June 10th, 1880, as follows :— At Addington yesterday, 358 cattle, 6725 BB3ep, and 138 pigs comprised the entry for the week's supply. There was an. average attendance, with brisk competition throughout the Bale, and in the sheep, every line was disposed of at a alight advance on last week's values. The cattle sale of yesterday was remarkably good as compared with late markets, nearly every line "being diaposed of. Beef, of which there was a fair supply on offer, found ready buyers at about late rates, andjin stores the bulk of our entry was disposed of at values which, though not high, were sufficient to establish the fact that the late severe depression existing in this particular clas3 of stock is about to be removed. Our entries for the day comprised 209 head of. cattle, 2899 sheep, and 95 pigs, for Messrs Jas. Bell, B. S. Bray, John Davie, John Beid, T. Wilson, M. Evan,'Jas. Kinley.lGeo. Kinley, Jno. Smith, J. O'Neill J. Jackman, E. Clarkson, J. Bligh, H. Maddison, T. Galitly, Henderson and McBeth, W. B. Clarkson, G. Knight, W. B. Andrews, P. Grant, E. Hill, G. Ferguson, Flesher, W.ID. Hears, and others. In cattle our Bales were 4 at £610s, 4 at £6 2s £d, 4 at £S, 2 at £6 ss, 2 at £6 2s 63, 3 at £6 2s 6d, 7 at .£8 2a 6d, 7 at £7 7s 6d, 6 at £6 7s 6d, 2 at £6 10s, 2 at .£5 10s, 2 at £5 15s, 2 at £8 2s 6d, 4 at £5, 3 at £4. In stores, 12 at £3155, 7 at £2 17s 6d, 5 at £217s 6d, 2 at £117s 6d, 6 at £4 7s 6d, 3 at .£3 lOe, 9 at £1 ss. 6 at £3 155, 3 at £3 17s 6d, 8 at £453,12 at £3, 2 at £4 7s 6d, 6 at £3 7s 6d, 8 at £2 2s 6d, 6. at .£5 ss, 8 at £4 17s 6d, and milch cows from .£6 to £8 and £10 to £12 10b, with a few scrubbers at 15s to 22s 6d per head. In sheep our sales were 140 croßsbrede at 12s, 59 at 12s, 71 at 9s 9d, 65 merinos at 7a 3d, 170 merino wethers, very prime, at Hβ, 11s 3d and llß6d;afewcrosßbredsatl4s9d,93atlos9d,ssat 13s 6d to 13s 9d, 88 at Uβ 6d, 30 at lls, 224 at 10s 9d, 76 at 9s 3d, 86 merino ewes at 4s 6d, 130 croasbreds at 11a lid, 279 merino ewesat4alod, 97 at 2b 7d, 365 merino ewes at 5a sd, 151 at 3s 6d, 30 crossbreds at 10s 6d, 100 at 83 9d to 10s, 142 at 12s 6d, 13 at 9s, 43 at 12s, 162 at lls 6d, 200 at 12b 9d. In pigs we placed—l at £1, 1 at .£ll2s 6d, 2 at £4 12s 6d. 11 at £2 Bs, 10 at £2 2b, 14 at JB2 Is, 6 at £2,4 at £1 9». 9 at £1 10s, 6 at 18s, 3 at 21s, 8 at 20s, 10 at 30s; 10 at 31a, 1 at £2, 1 at £1 16s, 2 at Is lid per head. '..,." Ptopertj Sales. — On Saturday last we held a Bale of town properties and farm lands at their sale rooms in Caahel street. There was a good attendance, but by no means any spirited competition, which one might expeot by the large audiences that are usually seen every week at these sale rooms. The first property on the catalogue was a farm with dwelling , house and improvements, and containing 99 acres, in the occupation of Mr W. Flamming, situate at Longbeach; after some languid bids, it was passed in at £13 per acre. The next, a freehold property, with butcher's shop and improvements thereon, in the occupation of Mr Culliford, having a frontage on "Victoria street and Durham street, was passed in at a bid of .£I6OO. Three sections of land, each i-acre, in the Linwood estate, and fronting on Cashel street, not obtaining the reserve price, were passed in at £50 each. Five building sites in the Berwick estate, with frontages on Hereford street, shared the came fate. The next property was part town sections 221 and 222, containing 1 rood 7 perches, situated at the junction of Peterborough street east and Cambridge terrace, with a two-story seven-roomed house and a five-roomed cottage thereon, with a very large, frontage to the river and Peterborough street, was sold for £1010. House and i-acre land in Kilmore Btreet east failed to obtain a bid. We have also disposed of privately this week section of 32 perches in the Springfield road, for £110, and section of land, St. Asaph street east, with two. cottages thereon, for £250. Wool, sheepskins, bides, fat and tallow report.—On Thursday at our Canterbury Wool Stores we held our usual weekly sale of the above. There was an average attendance of Fellmongers, and prices ruled very similar to those of last week. Our catalegue comprised 3291 eheep3kine, 161 bags rough fat, 128 bides, a few bales and bags of wool, and several casks and packages of tallow, every line submitted exciting keen competition and being cleared at firm and even values, as under, viz.:—Butchers' best crossbreds made 4s 10d, 6s, 5s 3d to 5s 6d each ; second quality, 3s 6d, 3s 9J, 4s, 4a 3d, Is 6d to 4s 9d ; medium, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 3d to Sβ sd. Butchers' best merinos, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 3s 9d to 4s; medium, 2a 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d to 3s Id; inferior, Iβ, Is 4d, Iβ Bd, 2a to 2b 2d each; country woolly skins, best, made ss, 5s 6d, 6s, Gβ 6d to 6s 9d; medium to inferior, 2d, 9d, Is 6d, 2s 3d, 3s. 3a 6d to 4s 4d; butchers' best rough fat, 2£d, 2fd to 2£d per lb; second quality, 2d to 2 jd per lb; inferior, none on offer; hides, 3£d per lb; calf skins, 3d; tallow, 16s 6d to 24s 6d per cwt; wool, crossbred, to 8d per lb ; merino, to B£d per lb; pieces, 3d to sfd per lb ; locks, Id to 3tf per lb. Country Sales—On Tuesday, at the Ashburton Yards, we held our usual fortnightly sale, when a large number of sheep, cattle and horses were submitted to pnblic competition. We disposed of 1100 cheep at from 5s 6d to 11s per head; also, several head of cattle and horses at fell market valne3. In fact, taken as a whole, the sale must be considered as the most satisfactory that has been held in the district for a considerable time past. On Tuesday, under inBtruotions received from Mr Isaac Allen, {we held a clearing sale on the farm of Messrs Moran and Lynch, Lyndhurst. There was a large attendance, and although prices were not high, still, under the circumstances, we think full market values were maintained, wheat .making 2a lid per bushel; chicken wheat, 2s; barley, Is 3£d per bushel; oats, poor sample, from 7d to lid per bushel; horses, £5 10s, £14, £16 10b and £2610s each, &c., &o. Canterbury Horse Market.—At TattersaH's on Saturday our catalogue exhibited an entry of 126 horses of various descriptions. The attendance of buyers was large, and throughout the sale competition was brisker than of late. We succeeded in placing the majority on offer at prices which show an increased value, aad a decidedly better demand. - Quotations— Heavy

draughts, £35 to £48: medium, £18 to £22; hacks-end light harness horsea, £11 to £18; ordinary, £410s, £7, to £12.' The absence of really good upstanding weight carrying hacks and carriage horse stock is much felt, and any coming to hand would meet with a good reception.

Mkssbs J. T. Foed & Co. report on the live stock market for the weekending Thursday, the 10th instant, as follows :—

The Addington Yards were fully supplied with sheep and cattle yesterday, and competition for all classes of sheep was vary brisk throughout the sale. Mutton was quitted at 2£d per lb, and beef sold at from 16a to 21s per 100 lbs. There were some splendid lines of fat sheep sent forward, and the quality generally was good. Stores are etill in capital demand, the supply by no means equal to the requirements of graziers, especially crossbred ewes to lamb early in September. The latter are bringing from 8s to 9s 6d each; merino ewes from 4s 6d to 5s 6d each, according to quality; store crossbredß from 7s 6d to 8s 6d and 9s each. Beef is alisthtly better in price, and towards the spring we look for much greater improvement. Young cattle are also Belling better. Our entries were on account of Messrs. J. MoLeod, James Hurse, J. Gordon, Samuel Garforth, T. Sutton, John Smith, T. Morland, E. Fleming, B. and G. Fleming, James Johns, Mclnnes, J. Wood, and others, comprising 1155 sheep, 31 head of cattle, and 5 pigs. Twenty-one head of Mr Fleming's steers brought from .£6lss, £710s, to £9 10s each. Mr S. Garforth's cattle brought from £515s to £6 each. Mr McLeod's crossbreds brought Hβ 6d each, and merino wethera on account of same owner, 9s 3d each. A line of store merino wethers, on account Mr James Hurse, sold at 63 each, and crossbred ewes at 8s 6d each. We succeeded in quitting all our entries at prices equal to our quotations for the day. On Tuesday last we held a special sale of horses on account of various owners, and y&rded upwards of 130 head. A line sent forward by W. S. Peter, Esq., caused considerable competition, the different animals bringing prices varying from £19 to £22, £25105, and np to £35 each. Mr J. Haydon sent forward some very well grown young draught stock by. ike Governor and Lord Glasgow, which were much admired, and sold at from £25 10s to £31 each. Mr Johns' horses also commanded mnch attention, and sold at very good prices, as die! also some young draught stock"cent forward by Mr Mclnnes, and got by Clyde and Sir Walter Scott. Wβ succeeded in quittingupwards of 70head, and considered the sale was most satisfactory.

At our wool and skin sale we had the usual attendance of buyers, and a large number of skins sent forward. Medium crossbreds sold at from 3s 9d to 4s each. - Best do sold at from 4s 6d to 4s 9d, ss, and some up to 5s 5d each. Merino skins from ,3s 3d to 4s 4d each. Bides, 3|d-per lb. Bough fat, from 2d to 2f d per lb. "Privately during the week we have placed several small lines of crossbred sheep, and in property we have disposed of 2191 acres of the Mount Grey estate, on account of C. Ensor, Esq., at £310s per acre, unimproved, the purchaser being S. Holds worth, Eeq. ■ Eobkrt WU.KIN and Co. report—At the Addington Yards on Wednesday about 5000 sheep and 350 head of cattle were penned. In sheep the quality of the fat etock was not equal to last week's supply, but the biddings were more spirited, and in conseqaence there was a rise in the prices of fully one shilling per head compared to last week's rates, while there is still the keen demand for stores. The cattle brought to hand comprised good and prime lots of fat stock together with a fair proportion of young stores, the bulk of which changed hands at prices equal to late rates. We sold on behalf of some of our clients, fat crossbreds at from 10s 9d to lls; fat steers to £7; pigs (small) at 25s each. On Thursday, we held our usual weekly sale of sheepskins, rough fat, hides, &o. 2194 skins were .catalogued, and, with the-exception of one lot. all sold. There was an average attendance of buyers, and the competition was languid. The opening of the sale was dull, owing to the de< pressing influence of the London telegrams, but improved as it advanced. The prices show a decline of about 4d per skin all round. Butchers' crossbred, large and full-woolled, 4s 2d, 4s 9d, 5s 2d; do do, three-fourth do, 3s 4d, 3s 9d, 4s 2d; do do, half to three-fourths do, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s 4d; do do, small and inferior, Is 4d, Is 9d, 2s ; do-merino, large, 3s 3d, 3s sd, 3s 8d; do do. medium, 2s Bd, 3s, 33 3d; do do, small, 2a 3d, 2s sd, 2s 8d; country crossbred, large and fullwoolled, 4a 9d, sb, 5s 6d, 6s; do do, threefourths to do, 3s 4d, 3s lid, 4a 2d, 43 9d; do do, half to three-fourths do, Is Bd, 2s Id, 2s Bd, 3b 4d; do do, small and inferior, 2d, 6d, Is, Is Bd. Fat and Tallow—lo6 pkga were catalogued. The attendance of the trade was good. Best quality, clean and well saved, to 2fd per lb; second quality, to 2dperlb; heated and inferior, atHdandlfdperlb; tallow, at 2£d and 2fd per lb. Wool—l 2 pkgs greasy wool were catalogued and sold at prices up to 6£d per lb. . Hides —Sound, '3£d ncr lb; ditto, damaged, 551bs and over, at!2£d per lb; ditto,, ditto, under 551bs, at 2d per lb; calfskins, sound, at 3£d per lb; ditto, cut and damaged, at Ifdperlb. - Messes H. Bennetts and Co. report on the live stock market, for the week ending Thursday, June 9th, as follows:—The -Addington yards on Wednesday were well supplied with all classes of etock, the day's yarding being 6725 sheep, 358 head of cattle, ,and 138 pigs ; and we have to report the tone of the market healthier than for some time past. Sheep— Fat sheep a good average entry; prices showing improvement, owing principally to the faot of outside buyers operating, and the late lethargy on the part of the trade being dispelled. In Stores, the entry was composed principally of merinos; quotations as of late. Cattle—Fat cattle a fair entry (about 135) including some prime lots for which there was a better demand, prices showing a slight improvement. StoresGreater activity, improved prices and nearly every line quitted. . Pigs continue brisk, notwithstanding the large number coming forward. Our entries were 610 sheep and 73 head of cattle on account of Messrs E. Day, G. Ford, H. Kimber, E. Aitken, W. Savage, G. Payling, Armstrong, J. Brown, E. Hall and others. The following were the principal sales—Fat sheep, 69 at 11s, 100 at 8s 9d, 36 at lie, 35 at 10a 9d, 84 at Bs, 48 at 6s 6d. 288 at 9s 3d. Fat cattle, 2 at £7, 5 at £6 103, 3 at £5 ss, 2at£s 2s 6d, 1 at £5. Stores, 9at £3 ss, 11 at £3, 12 at £2 ss, 3 at £3 6s Bd, 3 at £2, 4 at £3 10s; 17 springers and milch cows from £4 10a to £9 7s 6d. We have also placed daring the week several lines of fat sheep and cattle at full rates.

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Press, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4637, 11 June 1880, Page 2

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AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. Press, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4637, 11 June 1880, Page 2

AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS. Press, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4637, 11 June 1880, Page 2