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1 MEETING OP THE C.R.A. from the aspect of affairs yesterexperiment of combining the two " taof tie'encampment and the Easter °* tne Rifle Association cannot h 7 ' Sfiiseansbe regarded as a success/for in thajnatter of entries and the scores made thelatter 'suffers considerably by comparison, one of the events yetshot off having filled fj degree like those, while the scoring is exceedingly low. One point which we would v tn brin" , under the notice of the Bifle igggejation for thfcir.eerioua consideration, is of the date of the meeting. {C ixpenoice "has " proved—and we wonsS%^ ] " Association 3 has' * not" ; profited ! j- it_that EasteF Iβ abbot the very -w&st tto,e that conld be selected for rifle competijgjgc Uep&idißg. aa it: eLQes:jfer? success so ach upon the weather. *At this time of the -sr the weather isjiot to be depended npon, 0g& to which the days are now getting Aort matches' hare to b& competed almost » *h e dark wnen shooting is out of $c question *ricl it becomes mere guess work. jllis was the case last evening in firingfforr r as i* was ahuost impossible for W one t0 see tlie tar^et ' or even the the. markers, . We hope to a* a change made in this respect. The weather yesterday was most unpro«t«nofc fc&e*Onelndin# portion -:©£ the Com■■'■SSTfflßbsh, the Cadet prize, and ttf« bei P?" fired in a perfect of'rWn'and'wtti'd, which may in some degree account for the smallness of the 'wei<aißß& e **r* ame ' o £ our.-good marksmen. drawback,!*) the success of the meetl a* number of com'petirors bpjajuaagtq the varions Artillerycompanies the big gun practice in the afternoon,'arid were thus prevented from ♦jjcjljg part in.-the contests, another argument against the of the two events in conjunction. -Mf&vSßMa connected with the meeting '^ge as follows: —Officer Commanding, Lieufwke ) Mr K. P. managing * committ&e, Captain 2»rtes, Captain Monson, Lieutenant Craig, :-• |fiiiahfflsfDrd,{Gulliver; r aSiing and &>ke. The range selected was one exfcufii?g eastward of. the road, the * iMgetfr~ 4 Drang^placed'-against «the hill, and taken altogether was a very good one, al-"llKftj;lfi«>wi»g--:to two targets available, instead of f at former meetings, the. events on the programme were I>at slowly compefed; indeed, we doubt very much, if the programme will be able to be got • r ; tb|ongh-,,tQ-day-. ... _; ,- r . r --. !<J , £ } -~:;6 . » '.• '" "One cbmmendablepoint apputthe present $M 'proit&time fis* excieiotf—of the Jndging D,ißtajaeeCPfizei which was simplyj a farce, and was of no practical use in the way it was carried out. The first match shot off yesterday was company competition, and in this there was a larger mmtoer of entries thwi;ort any previous occasion,, the Wellington apd fTimaru Artillery being i= tHe 4!/ ebmpet l !tor#; i " veaa carried off bjr.thejQhristchurch Battery of Artillery with V score"of 92 as compared with 219 lasfc year, when it was won by No. 2 Engineers, but the nnmber of-ranges has been reduced this year from three to two, the 400 yards' range having, been omitted. The second and third prizes fell to W6 2 and No I Engineers, '-' -witlfcfleoree; of ffl ax»d:Bs respectively.: Last * year No 1 Engineers and Christchurch Artillery took gecdofi atffl third prizes. The cadet prizes brought out a fair field of youngsters, bat it was fired under such aiflßcnlties, in the midst of a strong S.W. breeze and heavy Kin that it would not be fair to performances. The ißtafeftttryeßrjze- WP% only filled' 88 to entries, and the same remark applies to the two-Other Werits shot off, viz., the Civilians' Cup and Mr Conn's prize. To-day, the first event willjae the Association Cup. she camp during the day was & large number of people, and during the ■he&Tjxaiix the hospitality of the volunteers - the «tmo*t,;peai:lj every tent being filled withnrefugeeS from the rain. The cavalry tent more particularly was filled to overflowing, and the members of the corps were noticeable for the hospitality they, extended to the unfortunate civilians. During the af iGavalry Band took up their position in the tent, and , dancing was • a p merrily few, somf time.?.■ ; - i :. At 2 p.m. the Artillery in camp paraded oa the beach, close to the" cave, for big-gun practice. The guns, four in number—three Armstrongs and one Howitzer—were uqder ton Artillery, Commandant or the Artillery, jmd were placed as follows, commencing 1 from the right:—No 1 gun, Christchurch howitzer, manned by a detachment; of* the Timartr Artillery, under Sergeant Blake; No 2 gun, Armstrong, manned by the Wellington Artillery under Sergeant Brogan; No. 3 gun, Armstrong, Lyttelton Artillery,..under, Sergeapt-Major Cummins and Sergeant i gun, Armstrong, <: G}irisjchurcji, wndery Ma]6r' Warner and Sergeant KoDertk. Captains Giratidi'fLyttelton Artillery), Bird (Christchnrch _ Ajtiilery), and Lieutenant Stansell were" also on the ground. The firfef s&sooffdaotedlJit fcMr; forgets on the edinaryr, big gun - range,; the distance being 1200 "yards/'aml' gun hay-, iag a separate target. Several rounds were r tfc& an* ; iiheii, *M& tWellirigton Artillery jnaking excellent practice." and also evincing* highly creditable smartxteßinthe manner-they worked their gun ; Tt&eeaaiS Jiavei r&retrseeti%dßtachtrftent do better, and the public evinced their cistion by cheering them. ; <?^^ result ; of J 4s r aficer6£''Wte iargets will lot take plac«.gnfel-this morning. No other events took place in camp during the day teyond the oerrai private parade of the vuious. .corps. .. Ip. .the evening | the caap , ' fire , ' was ! lit, -*fent there seemed ®« abmoe «.p£ f r*Mt:; ; ; jgility which has been {he marked cliaracterietic of the prevons encampments. The band of the lytte'.ton Artittery (the Orphanage bbys), apd tte Cavalry band, tinder Herr BUhz, pajedfnomberof. gelections-admirably both' during tie day and and tßeir efforts fe ,this direction were highly appreciated. "" 3™*iK%»miae I foi?"t<>diigi[ wiK<be/the- continuation of the Rifle Association meeting,.*tyL.ihe volunteer sports, : the .latter 'comcava% races, running, jumping. &c, *ott a very good scratch programme will .be, Stepared; -■•-v:v>-J sSiis evening the camp will fee broken op, -ZiW4be men will maich back to .town. .«4r following are the scares of th& vanoas fwe Association events shot off yester?OLI7NTEEB COMPANY COMPETITIOIf, Open' to all companies, troops, or batteries .ot Canterbury Volunteers: nnder rule XIX,.' fC.E.A. Each company to send five representatives. Distances, 200 and 300 yards, kifle—Government. Minimum pall, 61bs. Number of shots, five at each ■*g£ge, Position, stapding Cadets allowed any position at 300 yards. Entrance fee, £3 3s each company, troop, or battery."? Wimbledon targets. Prizes - „ —That the Association shall add i>2 2a to the money, subscribed, if five companies subscribe, let company. £9 9s; .., and do, £5 oa ; 3rd dp. £3 35.. If under *ye companies./Ist-compaßy,two thirds: 2nd do nn«.+Uwi X

•»• viv», uue Luiru. Christchttrch Ab^illeby. Name. 02 5*2 I' >* ICQ <*]«P» Sergeant Fox ." ~7.!' '■ eant Roberts Jttmmer Kissel... , /" Johnston / WittlVjflDj. ; "" Total " "...' ioj 12 ■ i H _ __ 9 23 6 -I 16 6 UU 6 sl9r 2* %«i * ft? ~

— ATerage-^18-4. Ek gineees (Valley c< >MPANY). Sergeant Dfxon Private WaTe Sergeant Chapman ... Corpl. McDonall • ... Corpl. Perkins SO o6 S^i > ; £ !"12 \~TTT 12 7 19 12 2 14 13 i 4 17 14 j 6 _ 20 ... i ... < 87 Total • Average—174. EUGINEEBS' (No 1.) Name. «£ g o Sergeant Tnnes Corporal Beattie Sapper Inwood Sapper. Allison... Sapper McNeieh 14 13 11 14 11 7 2 5 4 4 21 15 16 18 15, Total...' ... I 85 Average^—17. No. 5 Kaiapoi'Rifles. Sergeant Wearing Sergeant Clarke '■ Private A. Pearce Corporal Baker Private W. Perrin Names. • or o5 I ; S~£- S"2i 3 S3 5 cc cj I. "o 16 5 i 21 9 8 j 17 12 3 i 15 10" 6 ! 16 j 10 4 i 14 i 83 Total .J Average—16-6. City GtrABDS. Names. en . B'H' .c 5 -2 P • Sergeant Strange • Private Cohn ... Pergeaut Gulliver Private Jackson Private Raven... 13 11 10 13 12 I 6 ■ 1 6 1 2 i J 8 ' 19 17 . 12 21 14 Total... ...I [ 83 Average—1 6.6. No. 4 (Rangiora) Rifle: Names. O I I "~~~ ~~ Private Stuart Private H. Smith Private Jbsling CapteiCgeniberton Sergeant Humphreys 12 15 11 7 14 2 7 2 4 8 14 22 13 11 22 Total - ... ...: !... 1 82 Average—16.4 >: No. 2 BiptES.. , " Namest e2 - ■■** """ Captain Thomson Sergeant Burnett Davis • Gorporal Robertson CorppraL" Goodwin, m u 8 6 , 8. 9 ! 7 ! 47., . .7 20 18 12 13 15 Total , ... ....! • i ... I : 78 Average—-15.8 No. 9 (Woodend) Rifles j^ 00 Name. 0*2 IM Cβ 1 17 i2 J9 17 9 Private_.Caineron .... SergeanilEateV. i_. ... ...v .,. Sergeant Smith i Private • ... •••: Private W. Judson ... ...! 11 6. 12 11 6 6 7 6 2 Total..." 74 Average^—14*8. TimIku Artillery. ■ ., Name. " . . I 8-1 CM Cβ si *3 _______ Sergeant Blake Corpbral Come Gunner Loader ... ... Gunner Come... ... ... Gunner Mair ... ... 15 9 12 9 8 3 2 2 2 7 18 11 14 11 15 Total... I ... ... I 73 Average^—14.6. AETiLLEEY. Name.I Sergeant Brogan ... Gunner Stevens ... Gunner Lud wig ... Gunner Diamond ... ©under Bort I.. 9 11 10 9 7 2 5 4 ■' 72 11 16 14 16 ' 9 Total 66 Average—132. , ' First''prize, £9 9s, Christchnrch' Artillery, with 92. points.. . , ,..-.. Second prize, £5 5s, No* 2 Engineers, 87 points. Third prize, £3 3s, No. 1 Engineers, 85 porrits. The Cadet'Pbize—Open* to all enrolled Cadets. Distances, 100 and '200 yards. Number of shots, five at each range., .position, 100, shpulder; 200, any. GoYernment; pull, 61bs. Prize*-*- '' 1st or other article or money, £2; 2nd dp r cup or other article or money, £1; 3r$ do, cup or other article or tridney, 15s; 4th do', cup or other or money, 10s ; oth do, cup or other article or money, 7s 6d ; 6th do, cup or other article or money. 6s. Names. 8"H 09 O T5 O >3 "o H j I Sapper Prebble*. E ■■ Sergeant Richardson.... ... Corporal Wood, Artillery ... Sapper Dawson, E Sapper Davies, E Sapper White, E ... Sapper Hornbrook, E... Sapper Lean, E j"Sapper Reader, E Sapper Johnston, E Gunner Newton, Artillery ... Sapper Ash win. E ... Sapper Davie, E ..; Sapper HankmvE • Sapper Smith, E ... ... 11 14 .12 10 10 8 11 11 3 6 ! 6 4 2 0 12 9 8 10 9 10 6 6 3 2 2i 0 2 2 * 23 23 20 20 19 18 17 17 11 8 8 7 ; 6 4 0 ..-..'" • ? Eetired. . The prizes, therefore, fall as follows • — First prise, i62, Sapper Prebble, Engineers, 23 points. . Second prine, £l t Sergeant Richardson, Engineers; 23 points. • Third prize, 15s, Corporal "Wood, Timaru .Artillery, 20 points. Fourth .prize, 10s, Sapper Dawson, Engineers, 2Q poigts. Fifth prize, 7s 6d, Cadet Davies, Engineer Cadets, 19 pointsSixth prize, 5s, Cadet White, Engineers, 18 points. THE CAJTTBKBUBT PRIZE, open to all comers of the province- Distances, 200 and 300 yards. Rifle, Government. Minimum pull, 6Jbs. Number of shots, five at each raoge. ] f(m$Gp,, 200 from shoulder ; 300 "any. .Entrance fee — Jαembers of the Assoeiatfon, Is 6d ; ■non-members, 5si .Wimbledon targets. prize, cnp or other article or ." mjoneyv £3 ; 2nd do, cug or otfeer article . " ojrxnongr, £1 l6s; 3rd Oq, jjqtp or other article "or money, 15a ; 4th do, cup or other article or money, 10s. , • • *

Names. gl m If "3 "d Private ('imeron, No 9 R. ... Sergeant Tieveila, So 2 E. ... Sapper Allison, No 1 E. Private Smith, No 4 R. Private Dixon, No 2 E. Private J. Jndson, No 9 R, ...; Sapper Perkins, No 2 E. ...j Mr T. C. Woodford Private Colin, C.G Private Stuart, No 4 R. Captain Thomson, No 2 R. ... Sergeant Innes. No 1 E. Mr A. Clark .'. Mr McFarlane ... Sergeant Gulliver, C.G. Private Ware, No 2 E. Sergeant Burnett. No. 2 R. ... Private Davis, No 2 R. Private HoweH, No 9 R. ... Mr A. CuflE Mr Barnes Private Pate, No 9 R. Haskett, No 9 R Private GosUDg, No 4 R. Corporal Goodwin, No 2 R. ... Private T. Garlick, No'7 R. ... Corporal Beattie, No IE. ... Mr Manning' Privale GundersoU; C.G. Mr Stokes ... Sapper McSeish. No 1 E. ... Sergeant Riehavdsoo, E.U. ... Sergeant Wearing, No 5 R. ... Lieutenant Thornton, E.C. ... Mr Patori ... Sergeant- Humphreys, No 4 R. Corporal Truckle, CJG. Private Raven, C.G. ... Private Hunter, No 9 R. Trooper Judge, C.Y.C. Sapper McDowell, No 2 E. ... 15 13 14 12 12 13 13 13 10 10 16 9 10 9 10 10 11 7 7 9 9 7 6 10 10 9 10 8 8 4 5 8 7 8 7 10 9 4 7 2 6 i:; 13 12 13 12 11 11 11 12 12 G 12 I 11 11 » j 9 8 11 10 8 8 10 10 6 5 6 5 6 6 9 6 3 4 4 5 0 0 5 * 28 2rt 2G 25 24 24 24 24 22 22 22 21 22 20 19 19 19 18 17 17 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 13 11 11 11 12 12 10 9 9 7 2 6 0 ♦Retired. The. following are tbe prizefca ikers ;— First prize, £3, Sergeant Cai Rifles, Eangiora, 28 points. Lineron, No 9 Second prize, £1 10s, Serg< No 2 Engineers, 26 points. ;ean't Trevella, Third prize, 15s, Sapper A Engineers, 26 points. Lllison, No 1 Fourih prize, 10s, Private Rarigiora Rifies, 25 pointe. Smith No 4, The Civilians' Oup, to of the (not volun tances, 200 yards. Num five at each range. Positii trance fee, 23 6d. Wimb Rifle, aoy pull. Priz< cup or othei , article, or mo: do, cup or other article, or o all members iteers). Disaber of shots, ion, any. Enjledou targets." :es—let prize, mey, £3"; find r money, £1. Name. Mr Manning ... Mr Stokes M r Paton . ... Mr A. Clark ... Mr Barnes Mr Hesketh ... MxT. C. Woodford Mr A. Cuff !©■§ ... 15 ... 14 ... 14 ... 16 ... 13 ... 13 ... 12 ... 4 o *p ? a"o i 15 II j 9 j 10 2 4 30 25 23 23 22 21 14 8 The prizes were taken asfol'ows: — First £3, Mr Mtfnumg ; 30 points. Secooi! prize, £1, M'r Stokes ; '25 points. Mr Cohs Pbize, open to members of the C.R.A, only. Distance. 200 yards. Number of shots, seven. "Wimbledon, targets ; Rifle, any; any pull ; auy ; en ranee feej 2s 6d. Prizes—1st prize, Mr Cohu's cup and one-fourth of en» trj money; 2nd do, one-fourth entry money; 3rd do, one ; eighth entry money; 4th JIo, one-eighth-entry money. Names. Names. 200 Yards, Sapper Trevella, H... "... Sergeant Pate, E ... Mr Paton, E. Sergeant Chapman, E. Private Dixon, E.... . ... Saoper Beattie, L.... MrHeaketh, E. ... Mr Baines, E.' ... : ... Private Gunderson, H. Captain Thomson Henry ... Sapper Allison, E.... .,, Sergeant Innes, Is. ... Mr Stokes, E. Sergeant Cameron, E. ... Private Smith, E.... Private Stuart, E.... Mr Manning, H. ..: Private Humphries, E. * ... Private Clark, E. ... Private Perrin, E Gunner Corry, E. ..." Private Ware ... • ... Mri 1 . C. Woodford, E. Sergeant Richardson. Cadet, E. Sapper Thornton, Cadet, E. Sapper McNeish, E. , :.. 22 ' ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... 18 ... 18 ... 17 ... 16 ... 16 ... 15 # •* * * * Retired. Tne prizes were taken as follows :— First prize, Mr Cohn's cup and one-fourth entry money, ; Sapper TreveUa, No. 2 Engigineers, 22 points. ■Second prize, one-fourth entry money, Sergt. Pate, No. 9 R ; fles, 21 points. Third prize, one-eighth entry money, Mr Paton, 21 points. . . • .. Fourth prize, one-eighth entry money, Sergt. Chapman, No. 2 Engineers, 21 points..

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Press, Volume XXI, Issue 2400, 15 April 1873, Page 3

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THE VOLUNTEERS. Press, Volume XXI, Issue 2400, 15 April 1873, Page 3

THE VOLUNTEERS. Press, Volume XXI, Issue 2400, 15 April 1873, Page 3