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EbbagcUM.—iil the quotation given fof corrieaoks in Saturday's commercial article, for "5a 6d" read " 15s 6d." ; ," '' ;* * Election.—The Lyttelfcon election tafces place at noon to-day. There are, so far as we heard-, only two eatodid&tea>for the vacant eeat —Mr T. ; Merson and Mr J. D. Macpheraon, , the latter gentleman having finally determined to offer himself for election. _ V » The WEATHBB.-~During' last week, up to Saturday, the everything that bould be desired for the -harvest; but on Saturday morning, a heavy cold rain set in, which continued lintil-.yesterday afternpon. \ Kaiapoi Institute.—The usual monthly meeting ofjthe Managing Cooiizfittgg wss heW on iThureday 4ae6; J $61 impolrtantjbtisiiaess vfcß ttfaneac ted. Tlie. bazaar, : we: -.- learn,; : promises to be a<success; and in addition,:tb;e subcommitteie "> proposes tO: ; add several-.novel atfcftietionSi > ' v> < : - :':'.*i:','K'7 ' I Wokthben Districts' Geain Sfibw".—By our. advertising columns it will be seen that.,a meeting of thecouncit of tfie Northern Agricultural Association is balled' for? Thursday next, to discuss the advisability of holding a grain show in a central jpart'. 6i''. the;'district after harvest. ,::,>;. • Boating-:—The boats lately added to ther fleets\of the 8.11.0. and . the._C,R.O...respec.. tvvely were to have been launched on Saturday last. Tbe cup» recently won were also to have been presented, and some scratch matches were to have, taken place* ."b'jiti. owing, te.the Very unfaVdurable state of the weather, th 6 tfrhble of tHe proceedings, were p69tponed until"" Saturday next. " ' ' i SisgdiiAß Accident. -— A singular and. j, accident occurred to Mrs Kelao, .of the Sneyd's. Arras Hotel, Kaiapcvi, oaJFriday evening. " It appears that a ; soda-water bottle exploded, sending a splinter of glass Against her arm, severing the mainl artery. Medical aid was at once called in, and the flow of blood from the wound with some difficulty staunched. Bbce?tion op the PfiiNCE.—On Thuraday, after the meeting of. the Agricultural Association at Kaiapoi, a meeting of influential gentlemen fiirmers, iind,, othe,^residents th© northern districts 13 to take place for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements for the reception and giving a loyal welcome to H:R.ffrthff Duke of Edictburgh. Suggeetionr will be gladly •-- arid the-meeting, wiir receive ? eVeiy information as to the arrival and stay of H.K.H. and the amount which the Government will vote; to assist. Wβ trust to see a large attendance,; .. y. !»-.'■;■.• SiiSiDBNT Magistrate's Coubt:^—Afc the Resident Magistrate's Court, Chrietchurch, on Saturdky, Flora Matiieeon was-■ brongat up? charged with stealing wearing npparel of the : value of 10s, tlie property of Annie Keetleyl Itaeems the clothes were left in a carpet bag at McKello w'a boarding .house, and vrere.after■«raras found - ia prisoner's poseeesion. The accused was sentenced to six months' imprisonm«nt with hard labour. i Theateb %<yihSx.— -The bad weather no doubt caused" the Blender attendance at this place of amusement on Saturday evening. The pieces represented . were ".Jessy," ejnd "The Marble Bride." The fdrnrer is a queer jumble of good And bad aceDea, as though it were the joint :work of a ipa'stjei isnd; a tyro in the art"of dramatic composition.--Mr-Mr Simmonds ahjJ MrxHoward were decidedly effdctive in the parts of Jack Nightingale and Christopher Chirrup. Miss Casey Matthews, who,personated tbe'heroine of the piece, acted very carelessly. To-night a performance wol

be given for the benefit of Mr Roberta, and the management intend venturing upon the somewhat hazardous exporimtMit of producine "The Colloeu Bawn." If, however, the piece be but moderately well got up, it can scarcely fail of euccosj. Puovincial Gazette—A Provincial "Gazette," issued on Saturday, contains a notification that a portion of rural section N0.,J6G,. in the Mandevillo district, has been dedicated to the public a 8 a public- highway ; a notice calling for proposal* for the construction ot a railway between Christchurch and the river Kowai : and the quarantine regulations printed in the "New Zealand Gazette" of June 25, 1868. Visit of thb Duke op Edinburgh.— j The following paragraph appears in the !'N.Z. Advertiser" :—H. R. H. th& Duke of hdm- j bureh may be expected to reach Wellington in the Galatea about the end of March. Although no definite arrangements are made, it ia intended, we believe, that after a few days stay he shall proceed to Nelson, calling at Picton, thence to Canterbury, where he will remain some ten days, proceeding probably by land to Dunedin. If tbe weather admits, a trip to the romantic scenery of ihe Wakatip Lake is contemplated. The Brisk will probably convey H. R. H. to the South, and on his return he will take his own ship to Auckland. Pbeseeved Mbat.—Meeere Miles and Co. s London correspondents, in shipping a quantity of Medlock and Bailey's bi-eulphate of lime, state: —" Our Mr Clerk has just returned from the inspection at the Government victualling stores at Deptford of meat preserved with Medlock and Bailey's fluid on the 10th December, 1867, and after having been kept 390 days, it is as juicy and free from taint and us nutritious as on the day of its being killed. Success is therefore proved." They further state that some mutton had arrived from Melbourne in perfect condition. Supreme Cgubt—The March sessions of the Supreme Court will be opened this day, before his Honor Mr Justice Greeson, at eleven a in, for the despatch of criminal business. The following is the list of cases to, be submitted to the grand jury :—Thomas YateS, administering drugs with attempt to procure abortion ; Charles alias'- Samuel Brand, forgery and uttering ; Emily Ann Needham, forgery and uttering, five indictments ; Henry William Andrews, forgery and uttering and previous conviction on two indictments; Peter Maodonald, - larceny from the person; Roger Valentine ChaJlice, obtaining goods on , false pretences ; Henry Thomas Lawrence, indecent assault. There was another charge against Henry William. Andrews, namely, that of obtaining goods on false pretences. Bishop Habpeb.—The Right Rev. Dr Harper, Primate of New Zealand, arrived in Hokitika by the Chrietchurch coach on Thursday evening, the coach having been delayed a day by the flooded state of the rivers. From the . •*. West Coast Times" we learn that his Lordship was received by his son, the Yen. Archdeacon Harper, and G. G. FitzGerald, Esq., R.M., and at once proceeded to the residence of the Archdeacon, whose guest he will be during his visit. His Lordehip is on his annual visit to Westland, and during his stay, which extends over a fortnight, will hold a confirmation. Sabbath School tTNioir.r-The annual meeting of the members of this union was held in the Congregational Church, Manchester street, on •Friday evening. Mr S. 0. Farr, the president of the union, occupied the chair. Mr William Fleeher, the hon. sea., gave an epitome of the work done during the year. Afe the commencement of the year, the number of schools in connection with the Union was eleven. During the year four additional schools*had joined it. The number of scholars attached to the Union was about 1540 ; average morning attendance, 299; evening,'oß94,!]The number of male teachers was 107, female do 71, total 178 ; average morning attendances of teachers, 89 jjeveningxdo', 114..' [T-hesSi figures are only an approximation, as many of the schools had not sent in their returns. Mr G. Booth, K&d; th^l# : ffanciaj /statement, by which it appeared that the Union had about £30 on the credit side of the account. Tb.<J Ses-lj business: before $hemeetipg was; the election of officers for the year. The following were elected : —President, Mr S. C. Farr; vice-presidents, Messrs Or, BpothvandvJi H. Twentyman, and the ministers of the various churches connected with the Union ; treasurer, Mr j> Caygill;, minute secretary, Mr B, Dewsbury "; corresponding secretary, Mr E. Conhell. The other office-bearers, were to ,be elected by the committees of the different v s'chbols. It had been arranged that conferences on the Bubject; of school tuition, should be jield from time to time. "In puraUatide'bfthis arrangement, two conferences had been held, and two valuable papers had been contributed by Messrs Twentyman'and Cohn'elt respectively. Mr G. Booth suggested that the Union should take the necessary steps for the foundation of a dep6fc of its own. Mr E. Connell recommended that a teachers' library should be established, and, furnJehed,; with maps, books of reference, &e\, and that a subBcription list should be at once opened for this purpose: The suggestion} were refer red to the new committee. The doxology was sung, and the meeting separated. Westland County-Council.—This Council wai to be prorogued on Friday laet. AgbicultuiiaXi and Pastobaii Association. • —A meting of the committee of the Cantei- ,- bury Agricultural and Pastoral Association will be held in Messrs Wilson and Alport's office to-morrow afternoon, at a quarter past two o'clock. ■ The Pboposbd Customs Union.—At an adjourned meeting of merchants, traders, and others interested l in the subject of a union tariff and Customs Union for the Australian colonies, held at Auckland on the 18th ult., a resolution was "passed that a uniform tariff is impracticable. DE.LiYiNS?Sjro»3E.-p-Late9t;new» from Africa confirms tnVsafety of Di , Livingstone. It is said he is somewhere in the vicinity of Lake . Nyaasa, near the confines of Zanzibar.; Owing, it is thought, to the wars between the native tribes, his progress has been impeded, and coneegtieatly.heihan.been udabl#<tq reach • the" >sei£ COast. Important to . Parents.—A little boy, two and a half-yeare of tigej the youngest son of Mr H. R. Aubrey, R.M., afe Whangarei Heads, has, die& r frcun. gnawing- the ( ends of several wa* vestasV' Several o*W Children in the district have been poisoned in a similar manner. ~ t , ; . r . j The Dis : ster : lt following is a correct return of the names of the men whojare;,supposed to all iilled, by the rebels m tHe ambush" at' Papatapu" oh Thursday week :-Killed-Sergt. GeorgeMeuzies, Constable Connell Boyle. Missing—LanceCprparal Horapool, Constables Abel Barris, Mathew Clowen, James Banks; Joan Bl6ir&i '

Mauink StrnvKY.-It i 9 understood th, Government havo submitted ail tho f * i surveys of tho East Coast of tho MiddM,] , nnd the progress survey of tho West q q * f l ) » examination and approval to Coming Lambert, 08. »™m ota Duowninq.— A butcher, named Pi Mullins, well known in tho Waimea a Hokitika, has been.drowned while attemnf to cross tho Teromakau on horseback. Tub Greenstone.—The Uteat reports f tho Greenstone are that trade ia vory dull Th* groat cry being—water. Paddocks are mlt and until tho water comes, there is n o tj ■ ' for it but credit. Still building* aro goin U "J on all aides, and all hope for a good future Salmon Ova roa New Zkalanj>.— aL English paper says :—There has boon a week'! netting in tho Severn with a view to obUinb» ova suitable for transmission to New Zealand These operations were completed on afonda Dec. 21, whim tho eggs, about 17 OQO b number, and in first-rate condition, w e S packed for tho abort journey to London, wheL they were repacked in ice, for the vovafrn m New Zealand. Mr J. R. Davy was I**2 on behalf of the board, and Mr Frederick Allies, pisciculturist, of Worcester, by roquet of Mr Run shot torn, also attended, both of whom bear witness that Mr Rainebottoru per. formed tho operations in a most scientific manner, and that the fish went off alt ri K u upon being restored to liberty. A telegram carao from MY Youl to say that all operations i must cease, as the ship Minclora,, which."'was | lying in the East India Docks, would Bail oh | Wednesday, Dec. 23, for New Zealand. New Caledonia.—Further intoUigouco has been received regarding tho lato massacres It appears that tho atrocities are not confined to the natives of that island but have been practised by native labourers imported from the neighbouring island. It appears Demine, owner and master of assail coasting schooner sailing out of Noumea, and well known amongst tho merchants of Noumea, thought fit to administer wholesome chastisement to one of bis hands for insubordination. His crew, consisting of three nation of Vate, or Sandwich Island, mutinied, threw the mate (a Frenchman) overboard, and flung Captain Demine overboard—having first killed him. The natives of the east and west coasts of the island are in open rebellion. • AfcPuebo a place where they have always been trouble' some, tbey have killed and eaten; six ebldiera. The Colonial Secretary has taken prompt steps, and the tribe that committed the last named atrocities was surrounded by a military force; it was intended to kill all the old wen and imprison the young men for life. Oa tha 5 West Coast five men have been murdered, and no part of the country is considered safe. To add:to the terrors of the times, several • J convicts have made their escape from the penal settlement, and are supposed to be prowling ground, the town. , ~ ~ , > /Disoovbet 03? a Taniwha.—lt will be romembered that a short time ago we printed a letter addressed to the editor of the■■"**Wbt-* :: lington Independent," relative to a taniwha having been seen in a lake near Otaki. We, now reprint another letter on the subject:~" " To , th© Editor of tho :* Two or three letters appeared in the'ladependent' - last • month concerning a ; taniwlia ■that had been Been in a lako near Otaki 5 and although I am one of the party meaiionM% Mr Stock as having seen the monster, I have not written before,' knowing how incredulous most people are of anything relating to tantwhas, and thinking that by waitiflg.Bome out «Ise might catch a Bight of him, and asaistiffiff; to .convince the. unbelieving that wa had iseen something.. I havo not had to .wait long. My brother (who was with |mc when-st saw iho- tariiwlia) and a 1 Maori 1 jhavo just como in from mustering sheep from the liillß the dake ; they declare that at about eleven o'clock,they snw tho taniwh4-' thrust' his'-Head (as our oppwtunitiss jof seeing hia proportions have been utißßtk« factory, I will nofcraayilhat'ifc was not his tail) three or_ four f feet out of-..,thp ,j_f« from* where ne was'Tasib seen,' ana' about thraa hundred yarda Tdiataht after laying on the water, about, half a f minut« ( Ji9 ! Buddeiiiy'sank;" ; l will now;'give,'wtfej^t. ( pf the taniwha as he appeared to '"myself'-Aft brother, on the ooeaeion to which ,Mr Stosk referred. It was oh the Bthof l l3'MAwa t 1868, about four o'clock? p.rni that we wera returning .hoiae (our house ia hear the laSs), ; Whenti:.:sfc«mge:-obje_t: caught about five a log oa jthe water. We watched'it' for several minutes* ff_then turned and w,M..|idißj|; kway, wnen " I was stopped "by mf {brother calling out that he had seen jthe water splash; on looking, round., to t:! amazement; I" ! beheld- l the* - ; &wj#«i bad ibefore token, for a log, about a (dot higher, out,of, the, .which; was : for "a considerable around object'now appeared tb : be* about liVlength*, and after settling ; down fri tlitf post-' Hon first saw him*moved jjlowly towards «• bay. : There was not a ripple j.on except what was occasioned by the erpcOf t dile (?).. The lake is about three-q|§mW M& mile anfiliri some : parts is very deep. A jjense'b'ush'spreads from the water's edge up $he side of the Tararda range.—l am, &*. John Hadfiku>, Waitawa, near 13th, 1869."; letter(.dfttedFeiJ. 23, it appears that F. Sffainfsoflj oi Otaki, is fishing for tho taniwha. /

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Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1835, 1 March 1869, Page 2

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Untitled Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1835, 1 March 1869, Page 2

Untitled Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1835, 1 March 1869, Page 2