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School Treat.—The children of the Roman Catholic School, Lyttelton, were taken yester* day to Corsair Bay for their annual treat. Resignation.—Mr D.Davis has resigned his seat in the Provincial Council for Lyttelton. :..'.'" Meetings of Cbeditoes.—Meetings of the creditors of the following persons are to be held in the Registrar's Chambers this morning for the proof of claims and appointment of trustee and supervisors:—Francis Harvey, at eleven o'clock (in person) ; William Hislop, at twelve o'clock (Mr Joynt), t . Theatbe Ro¥ai.~M'under the Gaslight" seems likely to be a profitable piece to the managers of the Theatre Royal. The houee was again crowded last night The mechanical arrangements of the piece went off very well and did much credit to those who had th¥ management of them. New Smb.—Messrs Flett and Lbuttit, shipwrights, of Lyttelton, have completed their, hew slip upon the beach, near th[e breakwater.; It is capable of carrying vessels of 100 tonsj. and appears to be strongly built. They intend putting the schooner Streamlet upon it to-morrow for repairs. The Dune's " visit.—We are given to un- | derstand that,the friendly, eocieties of Lyttel-, ton intend 00-operating with the authorities in' assisting at any demonstration that may be organised for the reception of the Duke of I Edinburgh. have been permiited to \ make the following copy of the appointment of j;the Wesleyan Ministry in this province for ! the next year, the annual conference at Sydney having just terminated. Christchurch-The ißevs T Buddie, A Reid, W Olliver, one from England ; the Rev J-Aldred, supernumerary ; Te Koti, assistant native missionary. Kaiapoi —The Revs J'-B Richardson and J A McDiarmid. Rangiora . Timaru— The Rev R Bavin. Hokitika—The Rev J A Taylor. Greymouth—The Rev W Cannel. j The Rev W Keall, lately admitted as a travelling preacher' in this province, is to be Bta- j tioned at Lawrence in Otago. ChBISTCHTJBCH AbTELLEBY VoijUNTEEBS.— | The annual meeting ! of the -members of this Battery was held in tha.orjderly room last evening, Lieutenant Allison in the chair. About twenty-five members were present. The, balance-sheets for the past seventeen months were read,*" showing .; an ; -- expenditure :;i bf ; £411 15s 8d during the periods pd that the accruing assets are about £40, against liabilities amounting to £37 8s lOd. The auditors reported that several liabilities had been incurred by the commanding officer without the sanction of-the committee and censured the committee for not reporting this to the battery. The following were then elected to act as the committeeVfer the ensuing year.;—S MHawley, GMT. Berry, Corporal Smith, Gunners Woodforde and Raven. Sergeant Banks and Gunner, Hart "wrere, re-elected as auditors and LieutStansell as Secretary. Lieut Allison, the treasurer, having -resigned in consequence of his being the commanding officer, Sergeant Warnerwa*/eleqted treasurerforlSe'ensuing twelve months. The Battery then passed a vote of thanks to the committee for their far/ yicea aud A requested the commanding opcef to* and uniforms from those members who have been absent from, four consecutive parades without leave, and they also requested him to sue for all outstanding debts and subscriptions due to the battery. The meeting then adjourned.

Avon Boad Boaed.—The Board met at their office on Monday last. The members present were Messrs Norman, Joyce, and the Chairman. The Clerk's report was read It stated that the labourers had been employed during the last fortnight clearing side drains on the North road; that Mr Bowmaker had commenced working at the Styx bridge and the work was progressing satisfactorily. The Clerk also stated that he should be prepared to commence collecting the new rate in the course of the present week. A petition, presented to his Honor the Superintendent, from the residents of Papanui, praying for the establishment of a public pound at the Sawyers' Arms Inn, and transmitted by him to the Board for their opinion, was read. Thf Boij*rd; expressed their entire concurrence With the views*of the petitioners, and recommend that his Honor should proclaim the stockyards of the said inn as a publio pound under the usual regulations. A letter from; the Biccartpn Boad Board was read, asking if this Board intended to metal the road leading from the North road to the Fendaltown road; The clerk was instructed to reply that the Board have already considered that question and have determined to carry out the work when their funds admit. Permission was granted to Mr John Mann to lay down a culvert in an accommodation road at his own cost. Accounts amounting to £32 10s 8d were passed and ordered to be paid. The board then adjourned until Monday, 29th inßtant. ..l . : .' Ikqtjbst.—Yesterday afternoon, an inquest was held by Dr Coward, coroner, in the house of the deceased, upon the body of John Alley, a farmer at Papanui, the circumstances attending whose death were detailed in our last issue. Mr John Beese was ohosen foreman of the jury. The evidence given was merely a corroboration of what we have already related, Henry Boninghos said he saw deceased alive about six o'clock on Saturday evening. Walter Goodland, deceased's partner, said he parted with Alley near Wilson and Alport's offices, High-"street, at half-past three o'clock on Saturday afternoon/ Deceased was then quite sober. Witness never heard him quarrel with any one. Dr Prins detailed the results of a post mortem examination of the body which he had made, and expressed his opinion that a fall from a horse might have caused the injuries whioh he observed. The jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased was found on the 14th February lying insensible in a field'near his house, and that he lingered until the ■evening of the same day, when he died from congestion and compression of the brainy but how or in what manner the said congestion and compression of the brain was!produced there was not sufficient evidence to show. Fbseeolb Laot). Society.—The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Canterbury Freehold Land Society was held in the side room of the Town Hall yesterday evening at half-past seven o'clock, Mr J, Cutlerj fhairman of the council presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The*ecretary; (Mr J/C, St Quentin)' then read the report and balance-sheet of the council for the twelve months ending February 7, 1869. The report is as follows:—We have great pleasure in presenting bur third annual report and beg to congratulate the shareholders upon the continued: prosperity of the society notwithstanding the depression that has so long existed in this province. Since the formation of the society in February, 1866, the sum of £5543 19s lid has been subscribed by its members, viz—Capital, £4846 Is; working expenses, £535 Os 8d ; and fides, £16218s 3d. There has been expended the sum of £3972 for the purchase of land and estates; £5316s 7d for the working expenses of the society since its formation; and £628 2s 6d has been paid on account of withdrawn shares, being at the rate of 25 per cent upon icapital paid since the passing of the resolution at the general meeting of members held in. February, 1867, leaving a balance of £41210s lOd to the credit of the society. Your Council beg to submit an 'audited balance-sheet and hope it will meet iyour approval. In consequence of several shareholders (who have been successful in the ballot) being in arrears your Council would suggest the propriety of enforcing rule 16. The balance-sheet showed & credit'balance of £412 10s, lOd on . the expenditure side of the acoount;' Jn the # working expenses . aocount. for tEe T year an excess |of expenditure 'oyer revenue, of, £13 19s ;ldd; arid in the' working expenses account from the commencement of society to date a credit balance of £166 ,17s lOd, On "the motion df Mr Parry, seconded by Mr Coffin, the report was unanimously adopted. It was also resolved; that thereportand balance sheet be printed and a copy given to each member oii application. The; meeting then proceeded to appoint officers for the ensuing year. The following gentlemen were eleoted :—J. Cutler, president; E. Caygill, vice-president j secretary, J. C. St. Quentin; J. Mills, Parry, Nelson, Irons, council. A vote of thanks'to the Treasurer (Mr Wilson) for- his services during the past year was carried by acclamation. In reply to Mr Wi, Wilson, Mr St. Quentin said he thought the right given to persons to select their own land had worked exceedingly well. The shareholders themselves were better satisfied and it was a boon to the society. The alteration made in the laws two [years ago permitting shareholders; after a certain period, to withdraw their monies, ! had for a considerable time crippled the society, but not many- withdrawals had taken place lately jjend It was probable; that very few more would be made. - Had some other ! arrangement 'been made instead ;pf r this, the society would now have been in a stronger "jkttition." The ' difficulty sought to be met was, that the laws gave the Council no power to aUow shareholders about leaving the province, orwho were in pecuniary difficulties, tp withdraw their moseyi. Owing, however, to & report getting" abroad that the Society was hot likely to accomplish all that its' promoters expected, many persons had, from this cause, taken advantage of the alteration to withdraw their moneyj but confidence seemed now to be restored. He wished to call attention to the fact that a great number of persons who had realized in ballot had not paid up their shares, and as the great body of original shareholders, who commenced on the 7th February, 1866, would have paid up the whole of their subscriptions in nine months, he would suggest that rule 16, containing a provision > that shares three months in arrears shall be forfeited, which the Council had hitherto considered it better not to enforce, owing to, the depressed state of business, should now be brought into operation. It was resolved, ** That rule 16 be brought Into;, operation on the. Ist September next, and that written natice be giyen at once to :a^fdefett^^lgrf^arJßholdeiE^.' , , A -vote of thanks was given to the Chairman before the meeting separated.

Wilful Desisucoton of Sea Bibds.— Wβ take the following from an exchange:— On a etrip of the coast 18 miles long, near FJamborough Head, 107,250 sea birds were were destroyed by pleasure parties m four months, 10,000 by men who ehoot them for their feathers to adorn women c hate, and 79,500 young birds who died of etarvation in the emptied nests. Commander Knocker, there stationed, who reports these facts, saw two boats loaded above the gunwales with dead birds, and one party of eight guns killed 1100 birds in a week.

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Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1825, 17 February 1869, Page 2

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Untitled Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1825, 17 February 1869, Page 2

Untitled Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1825, 17 February 1869, Page 2