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A t a special meeting of the Borough Council held Uet night Thursday was Gxccl as (ha day on which Ibe statutory half-holiday will be held dutiug 1918. The Auckland Dairy Produce Comuii'tob has iixed the wholesale prices of butler aod eggs for the week eadiog January 31 aa follows:—Farmer*' butter, first grade, Is per lb. Fresh eggs, le od per dozen. A short meeting o.f the Mouut Mauugauui Domain Board was held last night. The Chairman, Mr J C Adams, stated that the fencing had becu completed, and several tracks i regarded and form3i. Accounts for | wages for the work totalling £17 8s 9d i w«re passed for payment. ■ We regret to record the death of Mr David Gardner, of Koroma, which occurred yesterday morning. Deceased ! was proprietor of the Rotorua Chronicle which, he had conducted for many years. He was well-known in Tailraaga, aud was a member of the Tailracga Licensing Committee. In his younger days he naiie '. in Queensland. The late Mr Gardner took a keen interest in the welfare of Rotorua, and will be much missed in that town. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends in the district will be extended to Mrs Gardner and family in their great bereavement. I The turnip fly is said to be very I bad in the Morrinsville district. Several farmers have had to re-drill their turaipa. The greater part of last season's ■ | moat has now been cleared from the ■storas^ of the Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company, and the Westfield | and Whaugarei Freezing Companies | (says the Herald). For the rr-oat | part that remaining is lamb. The substantial relief given has made room | for the first consignments of the new season's moat, which is now coming in | rapidly. Jt is anticipated that the ! uexl ship to load will clear out all that is loft of last season's stocks, and a fair proportion of the new season's. ! There is some anxiety that the present i relief of congestion in the stores may prove only temporary, in view of the Prime Minister's receut statement to the effect that the position aa regards ships after this month was uncertain. In the meaDtime there promises to be a growing accumulation of new season's meat. There is a fair accumulation of butter in the Auckland stores, but shipments ara baing maintained fairly well. The Eltbam Argue of Thursday last says : At the Loan and Mercantile Company's Elthaui sale yesterday there was evinced a very decided disinclination to purchase stock of any luod at the prices th*t have lately been ruling. In a good many cases the offers'of buyers did not harmonise with the vendor*' ideas uf selling j value, consequently the stock did not change hands. It is understood that the various meat works are not competing against each other with the same vigour that they evincsd Bomo montlid ago.

Dr H. D. Bedford (Professor of Biouoorcs aid History at tin Otago University) and tin Hey. X Dnvsoo (Secretary of thoNew Zealand Alliance) will lecture in the lowa Hall to-night on War, "L'quor, Labour and Revenue. The variouj subjects will bo treated in a lucid and convincing manner and no doubt thera will be a large assemblage to hear these two eloquent speakers. The lecture commences at b o'clock and a collection wiiL be made to defray expenses Mr J Orichton notifies that all accounts owing to him must be paid by to-morrow and forwarded to Box 44, Rotorua. The New Zealand Loau aud Mercantile Agency Co, Ltd, will hold a stock sale at'Te Tbko on iSiturday next, when 500 head of caule will bo off area. The Citizens' Committee which is arrauging matters iv connect! ,'v with the United l£ire Brigades Conference, will meet on Thursday, February 7, instead of to-morrow. """For" riding^a bicycle within the | Borough without a light betwe.u the j hours of sunset and sunrise, K. B. Stewart was fined ooßts 7s at tho Police Court on Monday last, Messrs T E Price aud M Walker being the presiding justices. Three natives, Sydney Ten, Dick Hura aud Tamati Kurunui were each fined los for a New Year frolic at Waitao, resulting iv the breaking of a gate of one of the farmers v that distric. Prior to the commencement of business at the Borough Council meeting last rjight thn M.-iror moved that a vote of sympathy oe passed ftod conveyed to Air and Mrs \V Li Turner in the loss of their daughter, who had for some time held the position of librarian at tho iublic Library. Be also moved that the Council express its sympathy with the family of the late Mr D Gardner, of Rotoiua, »bo us a member of the Licensing Committee, and President of the Rotorua Chamber of Commerce ha.i tdktu an active p trt iv public matters. The motion was pas^ei in the usual mauacr in silence / Mr J H Huberts, interviewed on r Monday afternoon afcerthe declaration of his election to the Council, stated to a representative of the Times, " Now we will be able to fight it out." Questioned as to what was to be fought out he stated, "My dismissal." la rho course of futther conversation ho stated that his purpose in gettiug on to the Council was primari y purely a personal one, aud secondly iv the interests of ratepayers with regard to roads. He asaeita that the road work done by him while foreman of work-j for the Borough speaks for itself. A general meeting of members of the Tauranga A. and P. Association is called for Saturday next, February 2nd, in tho Foresters' Hall at 2.20 p m. 1 The purpose of the ineetiag is to i consider a resolution of the Show Committee " That owing to the absence of members at the front the resolution taken by poli that a show be held, be rescinded." The public schools will re-open on Monday next. There was a large attendance of membais of the Presbyterian congregation and Sunday School at i " Matuwaiwi, " Mr Mather's picture i eque property, Otumoetai, on Monday. i During the day a large number of races were held, in which both children and adults took keen interest. Games also helped to pass the time pleusantly. Sea bathing was also indulged in by many. Dinner and afternoon tea were served. A most enjoyable outing closed at 5 o'clock, with cheers for Mr 1 and Mrs Mather and the tinging of " For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." The Ngapuhi arrived from Auckland this moruing and sails at the usual hour this evening. The annual picnic of the Church of ' England Sunday School will be held L in the Plantation at the Mcunt to-morrow. The steamer Ruru has been chartered for the occasion, la >viug the ' Town Wharf at 930 a m aud 1.30 p m, ' returning at 5 o'clock. | The following is a complete list of successes obtained by the Xauranga District High School at the recent I public examinations :—Junior Scholarship: Harold Clarke, William Sonthworth. Junior Free Places: ' Edwin Price, Latham Macmillan, i Catherine Torrance, Senior Scholari ship: Violet Macmillan, Senior Free » Places: Frank Bedggood, Arthur ' Iloche, Joyce Dudeoii, Edna Gifford, • Winifred Mather, Nita Nichols, Hector Clarke, Veronica Lemon. Public i Service Entrance: Gordon Turner, . Catherine Lemon, Mary Roberts, i Kellie Denni&ton. Matriculation: 1 Margaret Mayfield, Trevlyn Miller (partial pass). : The next meeting of the Tauraoga Fire Board will be held on February ' 26, Lord Derby, Secretary of State for ' War, says: "The splendid work which the Salvation Army has done '■ among the soldiers during the war is one for which 1, as Secretary of State i- for War, should like to.* thank them s most sincerely ; it is a work which is 1 deserving of all support, All , wishes for your success." Members i of the Comiaittte aud all interested iv ; the forthcoming effort to raise funds i for the Salvatiou Army .war work are , invited to uttend a meeting to be held iv the Borough Council Chambers at 7 30 to-morrow. Two borough properties will be ■ i ffered by auction by the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co, Ltd, at 2 p m to-moirow, at their pxemises, Hamilton Street. One of the areas comprises 10 acres 2 roods 32 perobe* 1 and the other consists of 2 rcoda 8 1 perches. There are dwellings on each 1 property. | A sitting of the Native Appellate ! Court will be held at Rotorua on February 18 In all - twenty«two appeals are set down for hearing. These include appeals by Toetoe Ruatahapari (Whaiti-Kuranui 1 by), Maihi te Poria (Poripori 2a No 2 and \ ' Ie No. 3), Katerina Haaka and others i > (Lots 21 and 108, Te Papa), Eruera j Wikiriwhi and others (Pukaingataru j b8 No. 1a), and Whareake te Rini and others (Matata, Lot 39a). lion, A. L Herdman, Minister for Justice, has advised the Te Puke Towu Board that, after making Inquiry, he did not think thsre was any need lor the appointment of a native con3tab!e in Te Puke. Motor Cars for hire day or night. Ring 'Phone No. 72. Geo. Davies' Cameron Road*

The scow Moa, which was reeontly'^ tke centre of iutereat because <,f h^ capturo by the German c^pted from Mo:uihi Island, and her Ptib«e(|uout recapture in tho vicinity of the iw* -■ niadeos, has been repaired nuCt is Qunr ready for duty a<r-»n (s.iys u;i Auckland exchange). Jhe severe weather experienced whila she was beii-» towed by a cable attachou to-thy foremast strained her timbers severely and nccessitattd extensive K.'pair^. At the last meeting of tin Rotorua County Council, it was agree-i to apeoci ' £7.3 iv mutalliug Cjateiio's Uili, u ytu . the 11-mile peg on iho JluloruviW rang-i Hoad (says tho Uo'.orut Jhronicle). The schema has bsea prepared and will be put. m iu U ;] j.;,^ ; week. The Council hm ;iskej th'» Public Woi-jis Department to expyu.j a similar amount iv coui.iuu.iUnn of tlio work, and hoyo* tha; i a r <^itsi will be acceded to. The Te Puke Town B ;.u.i, r.t u$ last mcc ing, uppoiuted i'\<- L-.'uhnmi and Aless:s Kiuy and l'.ii:.a-r i-, co-operate with tho Mayor..! iuurdii^a in collecting oaor.ey m aid oi tin \v* r fund that tho S.ilviiiou .-\raiy endeavouriug to rai^. Ihere wore iivo applicants i\>r tha position ot working tor.' i r u; 0 Borough, uud irom these ihu G.uuai lu3t night selected Air J Guile , Thy Wuihi Daily Toiogi'niii, i v referriug iv a rcjout iauic ;o tho couimencLQent of work ou liio A'.heureo. Kutikuti section ot tlio Ei\st Ooa.^t Kailwny, says : "It is to to hoped tht.t now that work has beou ro&umtd the construction operations will }-o continued withoutuuy i'urthir^'o^pag^, ond that good pi\> tt 'ivs.-} will iv macio with tho Atlienrf.t-K?itik.iii taction. The Mayor and tiio&o who usM^ied hiiii are to bo commenced for thuir .services in securing a resiuuption ot Ibij important work, wludi means f-o uimh for the.Bay of flenty districts aud iur the Auckland «>iuvjiho:' Tuo price oi grain \i- no-.v ,i s-.'riau* matter tar pouitry-kecpois ail ovor the Djmiiuoi). Tho io.lowiujLr rolVt^nuo u> tho subject recently appouri'-l in ;i letter in the New Zfalaod limes; " The anomalies iv conuectiou with ihy above—price o! wheat—arc wonderful in the extreme. A priru is lixod for tho salo of either seeti or miiiing wheat whilst what is known as chick wheat is sold at something from bO i-~> 90 pur cent higher. Why is this': Purely fowls cannot be clasMcd an luxuries. Eggs uro badly uoade.i in i very hjustiholci. In fact, these timos ii few fowls that could be kt^pt would cousiciGcab'iy reduce th»» weekly meal bill, besides allowing of a good wholoaomo food in the way of fresh egge, but when ouo has to pay from '■)$ to I's Ud per busbel for chick wheat tho koopicy of fo.vls is out of the question, one of the icsults being that the price oi" oggs i.s extreme. Now, unless eggs and fowls can bo classed" as luxuries, why do not the Government place a reasonably maximum price ou wheat for tueir sustenance and so allow tho average man to keep a Bufticient nunibei to provide him witu eggs instead of his haviug f> pay tho big pi ices demanded for this c.njinoditj r 1 do not blam*? those wh ; have che eggs to sell, as it must, be mighty costly to keep the biru-door liiese tiinoa. frußting that some abler pen thaii mine ctin tuke this matter up." Accounts totalling £;579 los 9d were passed for payment by tho BoroughCouncil last night. The ovordrafc ou the District Fund Account, after ' payment of these accouutt?, will fstancj at £6886 3s 2d. Advice has been received i'l'oin tho Minister of Defence that Private Jolm H Faulkner, who enlisted iv Tauranga, was admitted to the general hospital ut Brockeuhurst oa January It), suffering from pulmonary lubetculosis. Private Faulkner left with tho Twenty-sixth Heinforcementa aud has previously been in hospital since leiviug tor tho front. The Harbour Association of New Zealand has written <~o the Wellington Harbour Board inquiring wh other that body is iv favour of holding n conference this year. The Board has decided to support tho holding oi & conference this year. The yearly conference had been discontinued ou account of the war. There wore live applicants for the position of clerical assistant in the Borough office rendered vacaut by tho resignation of Miss Robbing. It was decided to leave the selection iv tlio hands of the Mayor and the Acting Town Clerk, the select ion to Oo submitted to the next meeting of tho Council for endovsmeut. / There was a large attendance iv t'ao fMouut Plantation on Monday, whon a sale of work organised by tho Church of Eugland congregation ut Maungauui was held for tho purpose of augmenting the fund for tho purchase of an organ for the church services. The weather, though threatening, remained iiuc, and a fair number of visitors from town patronised the gathering. The stalls were all neatly arranged and duriu/; tho day a brisk busineKs was done in tho s-ile of goods. TheQtal'-holders wore: Plain needlework, Mesdames Meilish aud ii'rie Johnson; produco, Mrs aud Mips McGrath; swuets, Misses 'liije(li), B Kent aud Bickers ; afternoon tea, * Mesdames Armstrong, B,dn, Cartuuu aud Miss Bam; boft drinks, Mr G f/ Baker (Auckland) Master Willio.' Turner added t-j the proceeds by tin medium of a representation of" Kaiser Bill." Nail driving c nnpjtiuoas vvcro'managed by Mr-j Eric Johnson, tho winners being Mr 3 T Carter an i Captain Wilson. Numorou^ -guesHsa were received for a tray cloth, pre - sented by Misa N lime. The number of peas iv tho bottle was 707, and Mrs O Oliver won the prize with a guees of 735. Mis 3 Moeller—a pupil of M's> Knight, of Aucklaud —gave an artistic exhibition of d-mcing-, which delighted thu onlookers The Municipal Band waa present and rendered a vrograinoie, which was much appreciated. Aa a quantity of goods remain uuaojil v stall will be arrange 1 pt the Sunday cohool picnic to bo held at the Mount Plantation to* morrow. The promoters desire to thank the Band for thoir kiudriGsa iv attending, and also all .the heipsrs, especially tho uierubera of Holy i'rinity Junior Guild. The proceeds amounted to ab^ut £lb, with a little moro still to conio iv. Sir Jauie» Allen sLatad at Ohrist' church a fosv days ago, that Vim men of thq Second Division who are classified a<j C2, that is, ■ meiically unfit, will not l)fl re-examined, as hr.s been tha ca.?j wi'.li i'lnt Divioiuii reaorvißty.

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6969, 30 January 1918, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6969, 30 January 1918, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6969, 30 January 1918, Page 2