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I AucKLAifD, January 17Mr Sbpehan left Mkhurangi this afternmin for Auckland, and will return and address his constituen's in February. '■'■'■■ The Maravill passengers all arrived in a 'healthy sta-e ; no deaths or sickness. i A boy named Gibbons, eleven years.ofage, pleaded guilty last Wednesday lo stealing > peaches, valued at 61. The: Jus-twrpne-id-ting remanded the case, one wishing to flojj the boy, and the 01 her objecting He wa« aoaio bionuht up to day./ Mr Tpleapneared "for the boy, ami [submitted that as the boy had pleaded guilty he should have been dealt with last Wednesday. Tue > BesiaVnt Magistrate, Mr Barstow, said it was clear he cpii id not deal with the case. The boy was discharged. A man named Warr ine'. with a serious accident while workirg in a cutting on the road in Waikato. Two tons of earth fell, nearly buryiog him. One of his thighs was broken and one of his knees dislocated ; one arm was dislocated and the spine seriously injured- ; At the Rodney races to-day Skylark was first for the Cup, with Tom Finn second. Mann, the rider of Tom Finn, entered a protest, and says Skylark crossed him, collided, and threw Tom Finn on his knees. ,'A. very important case was 'argued in" the Supreme Court ..tosday—JHr Hesketh had Th6mas Rennel brought up under a writ of • hatieas corpus, with the view of ascertaining whether the Courts in New Zealand have Jurisdiction to detain" in~%ustody a pers(»n who has committed an offence outside th« limit's' «»f the Queen's jurisdiction. Hei-kcth argpe'd that the shooting of. Captain M oiler w ( as cnnimitted on an island where the. Queen's authority does not-'ext^nd, and that Hi were shown that the ;flagfi»llowed suljecta. and Courts-had power tOjSendLß.^nneliio. F^ji to bjo, ahe H^h Court of Commissioners it niiist be proved that 6iich . Comniission^rs ftad been appointed: Mr Ty|er argued that t'tteCoMrt-Kad power 1 to issue J ft fresh warrant Ifor committing th&'.pr'fa'rfner^ to lievukiv but did not!produce:proofß!of theexisteince of a {( jB igh Cvmmissioner; iMr Justice Gillies , ; rejiid^mjeut; reKajdiug the gpint roisedj asfione «Jf J the ; \utmost,iiiip.aetancß, rc> ; , ;}/.; v> The 4 six in' annual GiJii'f^rence of, the ; Wesley an 1 nii'niSi eri "ot &%W Zealand opened its' sittingsr'to-inghH' j'A*. Jarjjtp iiumber of the - Thefcillowine miib'S'ers were in (President)t: Buddie, barren, Walli* Kirk, Reid,M6rlley, Cavinj Isjtt, JBijll, M^jcoj, ; M^Sladf, ; , Lee,, ; jtßichardson, "Buan. . La^. . Schwakenherg, vLSwVj, tVhereil, 'parlick. Gi^os, Watkinfl, 1 n Walt«r; r Reeves. K Wr Morley'was elected Pf (BMderi€ ir 'by- f a 1 mi- j <ri< y of eiorHt -votes iMr Bavin wW»>apprnii ted Cohf erehce'i Sece taryi;. Mr Richacdson, Assistant Secretary ; Mr Lee. Jour. nal Secretry \ Mr Bull, G'*rres. ?piinding Secretary. The retiring President delivered aY exhaustive addreßß. m^ ■■?- ; i; <■; ;.; !r ;/WBixii?OT»ii.,'.J[anuai7;'l7<Jj '.- \ Jjy conse4'«ence tof vthe- Hinernoa betnj^ ordei-ed Hbtithi Messrs .uMacandr^W- a'nd-Bal>> lance; will -go. in her inajeAd.,Mf t^e .R-VKa-r . roc ma, : as; riiiteti ded . ,vthe : H inempa. leaves ; 'to morrow" for Port Chalmers, and directly afterwards proceeds to the lighthorts^ in Foveaiix Straits, and then to Puseygur Point where the new light i« to-be tested^ ; SW rwijl then return to Wellington, calling at Port Chalmers, Lyttelton,; apd Akwoa^: o ; In a. private letter, received: by, lasfc^mail, ifc is 'stated thatiinrnediately the Agf-Bit-peijeraf heard tiMK~e* accident, to the ship Piako, with immiyrahts, nia went:, to the Foreign! Ohice- arid demanded 'that the Go^ vernment; should at oryce telegraph 'to'P«?r-nambucdi-and order that the ; wants and .'requir«in9otf o| ■■ tb» immipiraiits by the veM«l

*h.uld bo attended '%*'■ Oti the a O«>lwriiriteiiii expeiise, and'ih»t as the Government wWeu«»ii The point «>f telegraphing to that effect when the $** Zealand Shipping Co. luti mated i hat they were ygoiut ;io rsee thu all ; ilmt was rieed'ul f'r the comfort of <he p» a - Srtngers under the cituiniista ; ces w-'Uld bd<ti»e at. tli« *>xpen'f>e of the Company. In cc^Bfquence i««» further Bt p» were "fr-»keii by the Government, the Company beiug left t«i carry but what they proposed doinjj. whichit, appears they are bound : to do under their ch^rtetcparty.v; : h . ..■■:■ .&..'■,. \ .<:»:i:<v< In- reply to a deputation to-day, re^the. Railway Wharf, Mr Macandrew said Blackett had x already . prepared plans, and' tenders would be called for as s^on as specifications Were preparedjwhw^^^^ would be with-' in the next ten days or fortnight, f '■-. The valuation for the purpose of striking a- water rate is year, as a'g*fi&t : £183 469 yealr ; l the increase : being £25 181. The latter valuation was only coniiluded at a JatH.bourJast uisjhfc: . The . .Royal -vCu.mmission on Education apDointed, a C >ii»ini»tfe to; consider .the b*»t 'iriode of procedure to accothpl^h the object they had in view, and d cide as to what f>rm ihe enquiry should take. The result ,wa« fhat four CommiUees %ere appointed—one to arrange hs to University matiers, rt second .to ideall with the question of technical education ; :i one for seendary education, and an- ; , other to arrange for scholarships and finance. After the appointment of. these Cojnrtnttees the; Commissi >n adjourned till Monday, at which time they exjitfot ■■'to "be aHle'^o proceed with business without any further delay. ■ ■■■■■'■■' ;-■'■■''" ■ : ■••■ -- ; ' Januiry 18 i The -Hoiis J . Ballarvce and J.- vfacanifrew leave in the Hinemoafbr Diiuedin direct this evening. . : - „- .. .. : • •.■■.-.- •■ ■■;:;■ .■• ■'■'. t '\- 1 '■ The GovernmeMt .have receivied a petition id ! favour, of Wtfii<h, and blbo a .certificate from a docjtor thtt he is, and has bepn, suffer-. \\\g from mania A iomniission of three other "medical' men has heen appointed to ex-amirie'and-reportOn him J ' ' '- the Public Work^t Department experience great difficulty in obtaining nrcessary sleepers for the railway wot ka in h hand,;ahd'iri conseqnenc« have jiail f r some time to discontinue, t lie practice of, obtaining hard wood . s.leepe rs from Tasmania'" it is even now feared that,* 'owing to' fife difficulty of procuring 'sleepers, if any in this Colony, the Government will be obliged to BeniMarge^p.rd«r!*r*>ut of the Colony. Offers tor supplying 1,000 000 t-le*pers fr< m Tasmania have been received, and, ax a lempora^y measure, topre pent the abs lute soppa#e of one or .two works ap- . proaching com filet ion. 50,000 have meanwhile I 'been o r dered f-om Tasmania. The st-c>>iid New Guinea 7 expedition is beiug «ft under w»y rapidly: About, thirty applications havn beeivriceived. It is proposed to lake a c >uple of h'>rn--d cat'le, two horses, and a miiuber of goats ; and an en*deav«iur will "He" made to secure repHs-n'a -tives of the different handicrafts. Preliminary arrangements have been made for obtaihing^lHiid'for a European settlement The expedition is to start in Auens'6. r The JNaiive owners beiweeii. Otaki and F xtqn have given the Goverutn nr, a chain wide of land in or-ier to enable the Government to form the railway which runs through theW property. - „-;■■ It 'is understood that Mr Wherry, onief clerk 'at the Kaiiw*y Department here, will khoTiJy be appointed Undersecretary of the Batne department The iiinemoa, which leaves at 8 o'clock this evpi. ing, will takW the Oainarn, Uun^d>n, and Southland port{wiV : of the San Franc'aco mnil. The Taiaroa will take that for Christchurch and T<m»ru. A presentation on behalf of the P<»lice F -rce was road" to-day t<> Mrs Arches«»n.;-by the oldest n embers of the Police F> cc here The prefeut»ti<in consisted of a haudsome casket with 100 sovereigns euc'osed. Wanoanui, January 17. The Bomneh valuati-ui f>r the present year is £57,874. Last year the amount wan £38,882 Napieb, January 17. Tyson, the wrestling chaenpion. h'd a hearty reception on his arrival by the Taupo from Dunedin. On stepping from the train he was conveyed to the Sailway Hotel, where a public diun9r was given him, at whicK a number of settlers sat down. In responding to his health, he said be was norf yoihg to retire from public competitions ; buthe urged young men aroun<? himto learn the art and seek to win the same honours as he had. He spoke also in high terms of his late opponent iv the contest at Dunedin. Komaba, January 18 A destructive fire occurred 1 >st night in Main street, deatroyioa the following hous"S : —Reef ton Hotel Dnngan and O'Brien's Hotel, and the Beehive Owing entirely to the exertions of the local brigade the fire was stayed — the whole street being in danger ar- "ne time. Tue insurances are: — Reefton Hotel, LIOO in the South British ; Diingan and O'Briens. L4OO in the S-'Uth ■British ;. Beehive Btore, L>oo— but in what Uffice is not known. Hokitika, January 18. The rush to Lake Mahinapua ia likely to prove a nnccess. A hundred miners are on the groii'id, and several claims have bottomed on i .sriwt. to the load. The ground taken up covers one mile. '. ; CHBisTcauRCH Jvnuary 17. vi At of race horses to-day Laertea w^B brtiilrh^hy Mr Delamain for 4 : »oguineas, and iTaveliu by M r .Uuller-"f<ir r 300 guineas. JaVigler was-bqusjht iii at '475 guineas;. The other horses. a-overUse'd Terenot offered. - ' 'Eighty waggons have b en: mraed out of the railway workshops during the past week ! :'At a meeting ofthed r aina«e Board to-day^ the old Chairman, Mr H. C. J. Tancred, was re-elected. ' Mr By J. S.iHarmanJwas elected Chairman of the- Local; Board of Health. ' ' ' tn- the ann ua I report of the medical officer 'of 'health, Dr' Powell drew attention to the nWinber of.casssof typhoid, fever in immi* grant ships, anil '/aftribiired l "it to bad water used ion the'rvoyaaef H<j was to draw: up a special report on the; subject.' 1 ' ■. -.'■' ..-:• IKVBKCAR&ii.t, January 17. ! The new Theatre^ iii Deestrfiet, bjiilt tor the' order of Messrs ; SloaW and 5 Sonsj^ was prac- ] tieallyiopened for-the' first *time to-night 7 by' theoliev. ; Mr Byng, who ,de'ivered a most' interesting,, lectare upon the :.. " Archives ..of 'the^UniverVe." . There was a. large audience, and the lecturer was c inuch applauded. „The theatre is" a very handsome building inter-, nally, anil its aconsiic propertiea i are excelieht : ; ;><Ari! inqriescywa* held 3'e-.t«rday at •»reti Bush, near Riverton, on the body of a man

named John Hayes, who died on the Win fr<<m injuries received through a dray pacing river h;s body. A verdict oi accidental death was returned. ■;.-•■■' 7 Great preparations are being made for the demonstration, at the opening of the railway iii-xt Wednesday. The town will be spleuriiiily iljuminated There is to be a {(rand Vol u m te- r turn put, and a banquet at bight but no ball. The" ladies are indignant. -- i .;. : ■■ - ' ■ ■ : :• ■

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Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1080, 21 January 1879, Page 6

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INTERPROVINCIAL. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1080, 21 January 1879, Page 6

INTERPROVINCIAL. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1080, 21 January 1879, Page 6